NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS! CATAWBA. A Small Fire Prospect of a Lumber As Told by the Papers in , Yard for ffewton -Died -Carried. CLEVELAND. - ;enouirh eabbaire todast hi;. through, the winter. Ho 1 1 the Neighboring Counties. Xewtcn Enterprise. Dec. 14th. )ied, near Claremont, Satur- , day, December 8th. Air. John LINCOLN. Cloniner, aged 84 years, lie 1 was buried at Bethlehem Suh- A: Afflicted ICe'ghborhocd - Post Of- ,lav. fice to be Moved Ularriages Eaby Found Dead in Bed- j Alarrien, in Cline's township, Lincolnion Journal. Dec. 14th. 'Sunday, Deeelliber Mil, .Mr. Th- two-months old baby of ILV nunsucKer to .Miss! r r 1 T - AM 41. . Pi..1. the Shelby Cotton Kills Taken-1 Iows a(l,d tiirrow, pulb ..... Mining Monazite and Making Hon-cabbage, t;irns (h- 1. . ey Other News. - down and covers pio, v. '. Shelby Star. Dec. 12.h. ;dilt and the hea l will keep ;'. Our merchants tell us that ' and white, trade has been unusually good i " -this fall, and tlie holiday trade i A WOMAN'S AWFUL VKli 1 L promises to be altogether satis- j "Thoie is only one ehahr.-;., factory. - :savc 'om litv an,l that ' ' I through an opeatiou"' w.m .. Mr. John O. Waters, a thrif- startling words heard by Ab I Ji' I UU- U1U ,v I' ll U,!' "I ........ ... . . I , f l I " I ) 1 m m,., r.., ... !JH,i, I-Vkanl. ,lilll!rhtor of itywti&Miof Kuthertonleo .uty, ; '' 1 .';, , . n ? j -j i:Tv Fin'ii.Mol ' was hero last week, lie lives, 1 , ' ( aiU l , !' - near Grouse's was found dead Jn h'Hi -1 hckatd. .vainly tried to cure her 1 i c f i n 1 t . , near (.iambics Store and oper- tv.,it r,,i "v" m bed Saturday morning. liie Died, in Conover, S;mdav i .ltt.. 4ttfV1 , , r,lwl ,M u. ,,. l V ul (ia ,, ot cause of death is unknown. i.n.l.MW,,,,,!, h, 77. . i at'- a .rto11 ?m all ''V trouble and yellow jam,;: -.. : i - ia monazite mine aid is also a Mall stone had Formed and . Albert. Ih-own, son of! Lorenzo j Joiisun, daughter ot Air. hlk-! He will mnk. over constantly "row worse. T Jb-own, and Miss Mary Hoke, anah ICekard. 8he uas a youn-1 iqq 0oar Gf expenses -his slie 1,e"n!1 to " i':'et ri( daughter oi; Johnnie 1 loke, ! vonian and had been marrietlj.. . ' - . . ters which whojey cured !;.... were married at H-epsville : only 12 months. nl'iwi i i - .dKiW , . , p, , -. , . Ot all the people engaged m in1 Kidney remidy. ( r monazite minin- in Cleveland 'CysiP! 0"n ot J)'Uh-' f p f, , i iry Jt. Olilv oO (its. (Liarai.- eounty none ot them an; mrrk- ; 1(.(mL For bv flohll T P Wednesday. I lie -frooni is; t js whispered that one of1,, aoom 'i 3 ears oi ae, ano me the new lie 1 ustries lor .Newton! kride n'ilv 11 ! ,...,-f ,...,11 1., 4-1. .... K i ' " . , i'.Al ., "' ,. '"7 ' ' ""jismoiv.wu- money than Mr. Ulruist. i ;iris are oui annonnem-ine v ,un . x n, ..h ui iue ,n; , 0iKlVl i)owliS of Hpper Cleve- I . 1 , l . . , . . , 4 . , , . , . , . . . . . 1 . i 1 t ........ marriage at rlea-aiit urove nim i miduim i.h:iiii;oi reai ehureh on Wednesday evening, ; industrial activity in Newton. 1). land. lie j(?ts oit about 75 The best form of Hlar.k O'ilif.n f(ir -t rl,i;r V . - worth every week, and sji.) will ;0fpx 2(ith, of Miss May! Died, in Cline's township, ! al out cover his expenses, lea v - Delliim-er, dau-hter of Mr. and1 Sunday, December Hth, Air Mrs. N. M. Dellin-er, to Air. I Dani(d Cline. lie was 7G years Wiley A. Aderholdt, a pvom-1 0(i and a brother of Mr. AL M. inent youno; l)usiieiss man oLej11( or Cal-lwell township. Cherry ville. - j ij,. as buried at Dethel churcli TjSiricL Sale ie post oi'tiee inspectors; Monday. injj him ?r0 )or week profit.'! The monazit(.' business is prov- j nip a bonanza to him. I he; )rtierofth3 Superior :,.rt Y.fiw. mines are bein?; worked (ixlen-r cuniy, North me dirv?.-.; : i ; ii .1 i in a special, proc- c line en? itk-jl 1 sively in all parts or this and : t;reas,;n, AinUxv-, Via 'r:. s urrouiKiniii- counties. . s-.n, vcr.-.i:s M;ry (larris'-n vl. a;.. I liave condemned the luildin-; There was a small lire atj All the stock in the Shelby 1 between t' h rs of IzT oeeui.ied by the Lincolnton ; ,yne, iouk - Qo.'s cotton ! Cotton Mills has been taken Tcvtn ?Vf"" " post oihee, and the cat tit ot -m Wednesday. It started in ! and there are others who want ; or-anton. n. c f.. cash, to ti, lK)xes,ete. The result isthat:tho condenser. lb it for the ! more stock- Mr. W. UyKvan-L1; th!,' tfie post otnee willhe mo . (mI to ()f tie Newton cotton miI!,lon, the Georgia friend of; i'i isT 'fxvr Known athej.r- re Carri- Silver the Cobb Store hnildinC Oil theoi,, ;mJ roller i.iill Km,,!',,.,,," T c T TI 'Tv Alain street, laext ooor to th?! i;lvo loon lostrov.Hl: The loss Hull, who took sr,,O0') worth of State abovo, ;uvnniu LmIs of A residence of Mr J. A. Aker-1 wa, abo;it m doubled his stock ar nethy. I he bmldii wall be rf t),(),poot of n lum now has 10,000 invested in this ! limits of Glen Ai,i:,.. n. c.-'mir, unproved l.y the addition ot a!, 1 lK1 a !V ' 1( xl La hLU ..-i, m , . ; south -.o de-rfcs cast 23 rodstoHMa improved i.v tne addition ot ai. ' 1 1 ... ; n rpi hHS front .ana will boarrauuT-l '"'r y:nd l";'ton. .otmnKj j r i 4. . r- i is nio re nee( led . Lverv niece 1 lH'iAl OIU tor an up-to-date post ohice.; - 'de irade A new outfit of.boxes anldrav-1 'lam'k'r 11,)NV nse11 111 tiirj ers will he put in bv Postnms-! tnvn'llm 11Jatl;r ;)r what 1,al'-j. , i tl i tiiv e.-vi-inv ;po:e, has to be bro-Jht h.ere ! aim l,n" ' i . t . . i 1 i 1 1 t i 1 1 1 . f i 1 1 r r ; i . j 1 r .-1 1 From time to t ime durin- the , oTallt4?a that aio i- with theiwi11 be made any stop ! 'siC(CND tkact- .-, last months we have noted the ; mnv ,-.,,, wii (aillim,j in the maehinery. , M J v.-ithin cor;., - 1 'J. 'i ia .v 1 v i. 1. nn ' iniii. J.iie new iuaeiiiuei nas .thence south (.hS le -rees west - n,(u , . dered and a change will ; ; Whence n.-Tth 2 decree,. .a' ' . 1 ri'ti.i tu n-stake; th.cncc n'rth !. c-. - as soon as it arrives. . f.rees ,vest 2:) ro-8 anii six 15nk; to .. nil Change to!;0s and 40-, : stake; ,th?nc-.' north 2 de-ree ea-l IV S Will pay heLer t hail Whence north 72 de-re-s we.t 21 v.- . I the coarser grades. The (diane : itnl i'in'c to the hetrinnin.t;. cont.r.;.- ti..- and other (inisliin machinery. ; Air. Pink E. lxandall. who i an oUi uhit(1 ";ik tu.nj and" runs: I hveS 111 AO. O tOWllshllU about, then s-.uth 14 do-rees 21 - DOKs IT l'Y TO Ul'V Cirr VP ' huK wav between here and ' an:! 11 f-ct to a tUT'-e; then north A ehea-uvnHMly Inr cca.Lrl.s a-,. c.I.M K S 3l ali UU11 ' !bint'd Olio ' c - ..ta m, i.Ur 2;, acres, more or 1. ; !- is all riiln. hut yon want soiucthin i acre in contam -ipes last spring ' J'';!MVr,;l.lw,'V,''i.1 c.!;'; "'t1-. .1 . ...:n i- i . . i i-i.i . i , . a. ui v jl j nvv. j c i,i in in:' tnai win ieie' an i cine tar more ! and SOKt tiiem at llie ' latter ! acres ;-j,a kro,n as th- (,is.. ' .vere a:,.! !an ,i n-Mib ot throat ! phUfC. He gathered a twohors. h :v:hl JVrrl u "V.' : ' illness of persons in the neigh borhood of i)isanerrs Store in ("atawlia Springs tre.vnship. Alaj. W. A'.Craliani informs us that'duriny: the last six months there have been twenty cases nf typhoid fever within a ouarter . , t- .i mi .i ii tr.-.nt.ii-'? t.i.. -..! im-.r . i . .. . i ..ii .. . i ' - - ' . j ;c . .... several death. Th-UV is eviJ(;'" banner and n-vl"011 i0lX' U'ln lIu- l--'ii de ..ill more inliy aTear f.,- 1tl t. 4. - i r Ye--, if iHsii.le ; ir , every niorninir ami wJien tlx- deutly a source ot mb-cUon m . , . . . "'i'-, that 'neiirhborhoo.l, and the' Tk' ymu 1,0,1 ,'Vi a laku i SeaS11 was ovcr lie ha(1 n'a dutvof the county and state ' !N hu '"'z' ,ii:rV il sllOfrom the sale of his i -j. ,i 4 i - ' in all civilize. 1 coui'tnos wil !' . i ir healtli auUiorities to make a !!(,, ,, vor,. Hiri . , , , , ; cantaloupes, ills com. cotton, ....... , .- . . ;.. .i..:.. -' iiimi ,ll,1,,"r" o's h-u, s I'l mi,!,!,., ..jllstiu,l'!i0,rill and snotiid ar once re dis- charged. ; ti Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that l,u: a!!a - e.ihainuntion i T i J ' a'o !'; n :4s . f Glen A!- Ccnai:i Mercury ::n-:s n.u ,. near the c-.irr X. C. i" U rj'H 'lUv'AC r -Cntainin: .' or le.-s. and kn-.ivii a, j. art of tr; ct c.-iue hv T. (.v... Wa !...! - ..... - 1 4 t ,-i fi 1 t-, : :ii .. . ei vruii. ii ; nv.ui, j v.tii. n .r ct in i i ui ii iii , . ' , , . ' , i ..... u ' ii ri"--'' 1 r ir.exes anu trn. . : icai ;i:i'i Minia .ti"- t i eions w r u ' m i ei evr . ' - -v. u-iodeMry the L'orm ,!i.Mase. s yrOP 5 n d el it f or sni n .1 i A i r. .i !'i-v i a! . in t o f w .., .,.,, . .... injr the summer. Every few "ren Ke-is-ter's e:f.ce. I.urkc e eriu-e- eav v. as red Microti in Ik.k K N;. 2. v. 'o- v,r. N. TIlOMI'So:;. 1 in ov. 3a. .nui.' ;is mercurv e;v uetr'v :e all sene of s;ne!l and e-. u'pletely derange t!;e h 'e -ye,o:n uho i entering it thmli tli'-..s surface. S-ach .Jo!i:i Tuil articles should ic er be ue.l exc : t ' oil j -5 ev. i iu. us ii.-t:i ie uiat.c je.v s:eiar... a- the damage thy u-ill-l.. is ten ' '.. I" tnc y d ucun -.o,ssihv derie Srotu tin .n. Ilah's Catarrli Cure. ir.a;uit'actured by i J. Clr. ncv ec Co.. T--UU'. ).. contair.s nr-rcurv. ami is taken in eriialiy. actir. d.j recti v u;, n the I'l'ni ana muc-'Us surface f exneetoratn-n. eives a "nod P'M, and cures the patient. T ry oNK 1 years no o uys more land. hen ; " : , . hn;i!r. lleeomnu tried lr.anv c:!i s hv : he married and herrfiii life lie .? ... , ,, - - - " - , au.iii.MM lUliS AU J K 1, nii-: in t,;c winnl. I-or -ale hv w.m q living r.n i.nit.l l-nl J via i r u iv4 J 1 1 t i 4 1 J All'. V. N. Mailton. Jr., of No. i ".v.m qualiScil as admini.tret , , - , u-r J. , . errv. deceased, all j.-r- s J tOWnsllip, IS another SHCCeSS - I ha-, in;- claim's a.'aiu-t tlie .f,,'r "n -v t i r -n . xw. .far farmer--rfdie who raises ' n Pitied We have on hand two Wheel-'- i . l i jn-cs-nt t..-niv, .-fK. rnlers:-r.4 ! -n .r & Wil-o .sowing h': ? a ,llo;il,V ' ? ! f ;! f . still up if not ahead on tho-e 1 a one-horse farm and made .1 e; to .aid estate v.-iii r.iease tr.ake : the svsu-.n. in bevhi- HaU's Caturrj. . Eatrle Shoes for women and bales of cotton, 173 bushels f :! 'Py !it. Cuivbe -are v.,, -t the genuine It h ! id ivnaiid the Dod-hl for com, 100 bushels of potatoes 1 r2,l ,sta,.en mS an.lmul. ,n 1 oledo. j men. I) U t forget that We to ii t 4- .M . i . ' i-i vy t'h'.o. by i . j. v. honey ,v c.. Toti-' .... ...... Mmi ,jv. 7-. , iii 4U gallons oUnoiassos, .U li.ish- ' ;1' ;t;::;:.A n -niaN free- 1UL Alim tell s tor children , - , , i i zu.k.w ' s id by inputs, price TSc. 1cr and uiis-es. , els of wheat, and other farm i. j:. v rctie. 4 KesiuHdf ul- : products, lie always has a. J-xv- .: Hall's Familv l'iils are the best. Kespeetf ully, juoducts, lie alwavs has a- Ilrrr.MAN & Coxm.lly. irood garden and puts up Atkr.'r .f J. W. n-rrv. i

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