VOL. III. MORAVIAN, FALLS, NORTH CARQUNA, SEPTEMBER, 1912. NO. 7. He Wouldn't Last Long. If a pure tallow man to the hot place went - ' " : For something that, he'd done wrong, v V " C' Ho might get a moment of punish ment, But he wouldn't last long. k If a big camp-meeting was in full swing And the feeling was running strong, The devil might happen to shout and sing, ; , - , But he wouldn't last iong. If a man who's afraid to climb a tree Should join the angel throng And start to heaven, it seems to me That he wouldn't last long. ' If a man with a miluonor iLtwpa change r ' V Feels that his chance is strong, He misht get in on the stock exchange, But he wouldn't last long. If a man had to wear all the kinds, of dress That deck the female throng, He might not die in a week, I guess, But he wouldn't last long. J. L. P. What the Wage Slave Works For. HOW MUCH WILL YOUR BELLY HOLD? The poor wage slave works a day for a dollar to buy grub to give him strength to work another day for another dollar to buy more grub to give him more strength to work another day for another dollar to buy more grub to give him more strength to work another day for: another dollar to buy more grub to give him more strength to. work an other day f or , another dollar to buy mere grub to give.him more strength to work another day for another dollar to buy more grub to give him more strength to work another ;Jday, for, another dollar to buy a pine coffin to bury him in. Man's inhumanity to children i , i , mases countless . lactones suc cessful. Jevver notice ho w: much more eloquent, a big: ritery,rmakes va jreacnerv Qra.iajwyercQr-anybQdy eise who is selling eloquence? Oh, golly, golly! And, then some more golly! And golly agin! , The question before the house is,' now. mucn win your neiiy hold?',' t : Ain't you seen the day, mister; when you would have been glad to ; i get , fifteen cents' worth of corn cake and .cowl corpse r to put under your, belt? How many times in your ljfe have you poked your feet under the table and put away r a round thpaEpJlajs ables at, one fitting , , , Naryitime,-by ; Ain't jthft right? J Well, anyhow, it nmst be some. s,atfef action r , you to know, that they do make bellies with a thousand dollar capacity even if i yours is a. fifteen-center. Listen: My old friend and companion the Ass-ociated Press, has just handed me a story that will make a jimdandy stack-pole for some of. my literary fodder. It seems that one of our mil lionaire madams had a hundred thousand more of these-here old troublesome dollars than she had any use for, and she wanted to get rid of them right quick. And so the old gal concluded to give a big dinner to some of her foolish friends The story goes on to relate how several months were spent in preparation for that big chaw f est and" how they ransacked all creation to find expensive whini ididdles to hang onto the tail-end of that dinner. It must .have taken the perverted imagination of forty-leven crazy caterers to think up enough newfangled so ciety .nonsense to amount to a hundred(tiusandi dollars. &mon other things," they jcag tured hundreds ot beautiful hUtterfJjes .and feirdsvpf , rare plumage;, jmd turned them loos e in the great dining hall to the surprise and Jdelight of the gold- plated guests. There' were . a hundred eaters present, and each vittle-box was figured to hold; $1,000 worth of grub.- . .-Kv'v - ": . : Now don't tha beat the very 01d)Scratch? Think of , spending a hundred thousand dollars on one big eat, and giving it to a gang of gilded-gazooks who are plenty able to buy tneir -own grub! If that money had been spent for good solid rashions and- di- -vided among: 100)000 poor-hungry familiesit 3 would have- been- real Meingy.:i'''": ' . But no-sir-ee-bob! These high flying hellians who have money to burn would fairit at the sugges: tion of doing anything useful. A FOOT-RACE WITH TIME, The August issue of The Fool Killer was mailed on the 31st of August. Just did hit the old month on the tip end of its afterwards as it went galloping by, swinging to the flying coat-tails of old Daddy Time. Now I don't like that kind of a come-off one bit better than you fellers do, and if the Lord lets, me live and the sheriff don't sell me out for tax es, I am going to make the : dog- gondest effort ever 4you saw to slip up and grab Mr. Time where the wool ain?t quite so short. ; In other wordsi I want to get to send: ing out the paper at the f i?rsttQf each month. -But after getting sq far. behind, it will take some time to catch up. If nothing digger than a shoestring breaks; thisjs- sue. will be a little earlier than the last one, and Flhkeep inching along by degrees like-the cat eat the maddick till finally Ifllmnke a home run and wipe my brogans on your door-step the first of each month. ; Just hold your? impance in;6ne hand and; ypur. FopJrKiHei; intheoaier.;andtjeil all the.felka howdy for me. -v. Have You Been lnyeiite4?! Oh, dear me! What a wicked and unreliable set. we all arer-anyhow!- - 'Tai n't never safe no more for iiobody to trust nobody about nothin Everybody , and I everything must be "investigated." Hurrah! v Come on, boys, and let's, all be investigated, and have it done and over with. You investigate me. And I'll investigate you. 9 And then we'll join hands, .and investigate the, . other. ieMpw. -- After which the other.fellow will join hands with some other fellow and investigate us. ,3, will all ' find each otiber guilty of something. But hush! v , r Don't say a word about it. - We are all in trouble together. And we all want to get out. I'll lie for you if you'll lie for me. We'll all join hands around. and prove by each other that we are all as pure and innocent as unborn babes. And the fool people will never know any better. ' They will be satisfied to know that we have been investi gated, and they won't think to inquire who did $he job. And then we can proceed with our, devilment without being under suspicion. ; Do you catch on? Ha, ha, ha! Verily, : this investigating business is the immortel truck, anyhow. j j ml Now, boys, as a parting word I asjk you to, show this, paper to all your neighbors and friends and get them to subscribe. The Fool-Killer will get better and better eack month. In next issue there il ,spne juice tljl pucker the devil's mogth to,, sixty.' - . -'