! VOL. IV. Hot and Cold. A day in June and it was hot About as hot as I have felt; And even when the sun had . sot It seemed to me that I would melt. There wasn't any breeze at all To lend a bracer to the air; And every bug that tried to crawl Was panting like a hunted hare. Aiid then when sleepy time arriv The proper time to go to bed You don't know how much I'd have give For some cool place to lay my head. I opened all the winders wide, And skinned off nearly all my clothes, And flung the sheets and things aside, And lay down there on top to doze. I guess I must have gone to sleep, Because I didn't wake no more , Till day was just about to peep, And the old clock was striking four. I made a pass at that-thar sheet And tore it open with my toes, And I wish I may never eat . , If I weren't doggon nearly froze. Pack it on Pearson. Come And See. RnnA tiip little erliW have only one or two thousand onhamnhflro QwintoUr rof,Catn believe mv statement that The xni tz : n i o aaa : j subscribers. They think it sounds too big to be true, and that I am simply lying. All right, Mister Doubting Thomases, the best way I know for von to cret nonvineH iq fnr - vou to come and see tor vonr- " . -f I Reives Mv honVs are alwavrc nnpn to inspection, and I cordially in- Trite von tn pome and fnnnt tha name? Tf that ain't enono-h t will show you the original letters containing orders for subscrip tions. Are you game? The papers are telling about an Indian woman whose name is Mary Full Stomach. Look here, Mary, you surely ain't fool enough to try to live up to that name during a Democratic ad- mmistration. ! MORAVIAN FALLS, NORTH A SERMON ON FLIES. Got any flies at your house, mister? If not, I might spare you just a few for seed. I have had fairly good success with my flies this summer. The season has been favorable, and no epidemic of disease has broken out among them. Of course there have been a few accidents in which some of my nies nave ueen prematurely n ' i i -l i. I cut off, but the percentage of fatalities has been small. Most of the deaths among my flies have resulted trom the care- lessness of my wife, who, oh several occasions, has unthought- edly left sheets of sticky paper iyjng around the house. To my certain knowledge I have lost 38 flies in this manner, and there may have been a few others. When a fly gets on that paper vnn inst as wpII knork it in the . " head, tor you can't get it oft all ' ' j. i. m une piece tu save your nee, Ahd if you should happen to get . . 1 1 I 1" wing, it wouia oe a crippie ior life and would never be able to man v aim iaisc a lcimiiv. 1 uicic marry ana raise a lamilv. it tnere 0 mm is one thing a fly enjoys more than anything else, it is raising a family. That seems to be a part oitneir religion, ana tneir pro- tracted meeting lasts all summer, 1 oougnt me some screen aoors to keen rnxr fliei? in the honse r J " J-T:l: 4-T 4- T 4-1 4- uV peruaps wie uui- a,r n oeneanny ior "ICA" iia,nj wuc yyiu slip out and ramble oft. However, ne usuany comes uacK aoout meal time and brings several of his friends to dinner. Everything considered. I sud- pose my flies are doing about as well as could be expected. I recentlv saw a rich dude with a big boil on his jaw, and his face was disfigured almost as bad as if la thought had struck him. CAROLINA, JUNE, 1913. WOBBLING ON THE SPINDLE I Prof. George A. Hill, of the Naval Observatory at Washing- ton, has just anounced a new dis- covery. After Ions: and careful observation he makes the posi- tive assertion that the earth is wobbling on its spindle. He says the North Pole don't stajr in the same place any length of time, but is constantly moving. Now, gentlemen, what are you j j i i ;l o t going 10 uo a oout ni jjo you sup- pose our Democratic Congress could be persuaded to pass a law covering this case? If not, we might get the Supreme Court to issue an ' 'in junction." Something must be done to stop the earth from wobbling, and it must be done at once. Just think of the suffering and disappointment that this wob bling is liable to cause some of our explorers! Why, if Dr. Cook should co hank to oet the r.icar ; r ; , v , that he laid down on top ot the I Tii t:i u l 4. j T: : I jruie wime ne uutumeu ma uvei- coat he would have to hunt all . w 1 ft -A I J J J M I Ana it mignt nnany turn out mat Peary used it to thaw his jaws loose so ne couia cuss wusc du iic tuuiu tuao vuuiv iui getting there first. Prof. Hill admits that his new discovery is very hard to under- stanu. in xact, ne aon t unaer- stand it at all. He will gladly weicume any suggesuuu uiatmay lead to a solution nf the oreat I 4-. uiyoii , ony.twnm, x am eri mu ixuo, "" I goodness am interested in your uisKivery. 11 any suggestion 01 mine will help out, you are more than welcome to it. Possibly the North Pole has some conscientious scruples a- gainst being discovered any more, and is simply trying to hide from the explorers. Or it may have contracted tne moving-about habit from Dr. Arthur T. Aber- nethy, the noted traveller and NO. 4. writer, author of ' Oh, Dam It, I'm Called To Preach, " "I Won- der Who'll Marry Me Next?" and other well known works. (For further particulars, apply to the divorce court of the American Brewers' Association.) Then, again, it may be possible that the Wilson panic has given this country such a jolt that the vibration has reached the North Pole and set it in motion. There may be other possible I i , i , reasons lor tne unsettled COn- ditions around the Pole, "but these I have ' named are sufficient to cause a good deal of disturbance. If anybody can give a better reason, the Perfesser will be glad to have it. Equal Rights?-Aw, Scat! Don't talk to me about this be- mo a land or hhertv and pnnal hts! Tt, blubhft h . -r ,i itt . . . nei usi recently m w est Virginia Wa Wn cW , TO d m, cratnmftli :nto nrison for L. nr nn a t ... , mi h her wages What a crime it must be for a poor laborer to ask aiittle higher price for the only thing he has to sell! But just let a little old stuck-up merchant rlp.r.idp. tn cm on n. st.rilrA sinrl caII Mg goodg -f a higher price a ofQT.TTn the poor, half-starved workers, and what is the result? Is there any law to step in and punish him for doing it? No sir! nary a fetch-taked one! Sure thing, if I couldn't find any better employment than try ing to defend the infernal whee- whawed , cussedness of a system that lets poodle-dogs wear gold collars while children go ragged and hungry, hang-taked if I wouldn't go to Kansas and get a job shovelling wind off of a three story barn with a pitchfork. Read that Personal Letter on second page, and then hustle.