VOL. V. THE APEIL-FOOL. If a man was a fool but once a year On April the first alone And had good sense the rest of the time, Hard times would not be known. But I've -been studying all these things, And this is what I've found That the average biped called a man Is a fool the whole year round. I can't tell why the All-Fool's Day Is set for April first, When it's- November election time Men act the fool the worst. James Larkin Pearson. A SERMON ON MEXICO. And so this is going to be few scattering remarks on the situation down in Greaserdom. Yes, honey, the music is still in progress down south of the Rio Grande, with a pretty good pros pect of getting over on this side before it ends. And so I reckon a Fool-Killer sermon on the sub ject won't hurt anything. The eyes of the world are on Mexico, and every feller has his opinion about-it. If opinions could have settled the fuss, it would have been settled long ago. ""But that's the whole trou ble there's too many opinions and here's one more. If all the Mexicans had just one opin ion there wouldn't be anything for them to fight over. But a Greaser would die if he couldn't fight, and he's mighty apt to die if he - does fight, and so just let him fight and die till he gets his belly fufi of it. I'd much rather it was him than me. I have got plenty of things a galnst Woodpile Wilson, but try keep out of that Mexican mess is not one of them. The old school-teacher's head is level 'time. enough on that subject. Many a cussiir have I heard Woodpile Sfet because he wouldn't declare war against .Mexico and send our army down there to eat 'em up blood-raw. But I have never vol my got any of these blood-thirsty "patriots" to tell me what busi ness we've got meddling in Mex ico's affairs. . The only thing they can say' is that a-few rich Americans have got large prop MORAVIAN FALLS, NORTH erty interests down there, and it's our duty to protect these millionaires and their property. Protect the devil! Why is one man any better to be protected than another? They don't think nary time about protecting the poor fellows who have been wh edled into joining the army Blamed poor business I call it to have several thousand poor men murdered just to protect the property of a half-dozen mil lionaires who knew the condi tions in Mexico before they went there. If the . capitalists were not willing to take their chances and bear the consequences, why in dickens did they invest their precious dross in Mexican prop erty '? Nobody compelled them to do it. And now if they ex pect me to stick my carcass up between their property and the Mexican bullets, thev are bark ing up the wrong tree. Of course if some of these blood-thirsty il patriots" here in this country want to take it up on themselves to go dowTn there and have their guts hung out to dry on the cactus bushes of Mex ico just let 'em hit the grit. But, lawzy-massy me ! If it should actually come to war these same brave boys who have been wanting war so bad would be the first bucks to hunt for a cave in the mountains. Hesult of Ore Smile. One smile makes a flirtation. une nirtation maKes two ac quainted. Two acquainted make one kiss. One kiss makes several more. Several kisses make an en gagement. One engagement makes two fools. Two fools make one marriage. une marriage makes two mothers in-law. Two mothers-in law make a red-hot Now, boys, as a parting word, I ask you to show this paper to all your neighbors and friends and get them to subscribe. I wil strive to make The Fool-Killer better and better tach month. In next issue there will be some juice that will pucker the devil's mouth to beat sixty. CAROLINA, APRIL, 1914. BACON AND BOOZE Of all the far-fetched and in fernal arguments that were ev er hatched up by the bug-house brain of a blubbering booze artist, here is one that caps the stack. The editor of a local paper, in adding his mite to the discus sion of the high cost of living, drags in the startling statement that the prohibition law in North Carolina is responsible for the high cost of meat. Shades of dad's old sow ! What a cimcneri inow we nave it straight from the foundation head ot wisdom, and the ques tion is settled. It must be a thrilling sensation to be like that. smart Several years ago, when gov- it eminent distilleries were as thick throughout North Carolina as fleas on a valler doe, it was the custom to fatten hogs on 'still-slop." The stiller built a hog-lot adjoining his booze fac tory and all the neighbors brought their hogs there '. to be fattened on the "slop" which ran into the lot through great nasty troughs. The farmers sold their corn to the distiller and took their pay in likker for them selves and "slop" for'their hogs. And they thought they were getr ting a great bargain. But now the stills have been driven out and the rivers of 4 still-slop " have ceased to flow, and that is the reason the people can't raise hogs any more be cause there is no still-slop to fat-4 ten 'em on. Great argument ! Profound reasoning! Of course no one ever thought of feeding corn to hogs. But why couldn't it be (tone? Why wouldn't a bushel of corn do a pig more good than just the slop that a bushel of corn would make? Do the four-legged hogs fare better on just the dregs . of the corn after the "drunk" has been extracted for the two-legged hogs? "That seems to be the way our wise editor looks at it. But he is so infernal cross-eved that if he 'should cry the tears 'would run down the back of his neck. The prohibition law responsi ble for the high price of meat ! Why," you might as well argue that the mud between a little nigger's toes is responsible for the changes of the nioon. NO. 2. VIRGIN MARY OUT OF DATE. Now, then, what do you think? The infallible Pappy of Rome has got down on his gold- plated belly and lavished a lot of his holy slobber on the pretty pink toes of that dazzling darl ing, Dame Fashion. Who would athunk it? And that makes it look to a man up a tree that Dame Fash ion is more infallible than the Pappy is. How does it look to you? Ever since Heck was a pup, one of the iron clad rules of the Vatican has been that the wimman folks of the - Roman Catholic lay-out must wear a lit tle string around their necks, and said string must support a little doodad which must hang down in the neighborhood of where the baby gets its dinner, and on the said doodad must be a picture of the Virgin Mary. The arrangement worked all right until Dame Fashion came along with this new style of col lar which buttons around the waist, and then the little Catho lic string with the Virgin Mary doodad hanging to it, and .show ing against the snowy breast works of Cupid's War Depart ment well, that had a sort of tendency to mar the landscape, you know. .And so the good Catholic sis ters set up a mighty howl about it and prevailed upon the Pappy to decree a new decrecment on the subject. He straightway did so. He knocked the head out a brand-new barrel of infallibility which had just arriv on the noon treight, anjd he discovered in view of the whereforeness of the whatnot, that, the doodad was not absolutely essential to sal vation nohow. But that isn't the point, ex actly. Essential, or non-essential, when fashion said it must go it went. To be sure, the lit tle image of the Virgin Mary didn't hide a very big scope of the country, but the Pappy reas oned that if a little nakedness was good for the Catholic church, more nakedness would be better, and so he has, passed the word down the line that the little im age can be wrapped up in an old stocking leg and laid away. IF