25 Cents a Year 15 Cents When yon get hold of somethings' Tgoodr pass It around ) la JJiye 3 $!ore. - -Send in a-' (FORMER THE FO&L-KllfEfc) r -if- is ; i tV4 Utr ' I v t fit ft 1 -i rs. r - : t; BOOMER NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER, 1917. VOLUMES NUMBER 5 o J Wi IN HEAVEN. Befoje the invention and, deve lopment of; the flying-machine,; people ,whoi read in i the i Bible abont ' ' war in heaven ' thought it meant away up millions of miles Mgh at a' place : where - they imagine God stays. Nobody ever dreamed about it being the atmos jpheric heaven that surrounds the earth! We had no reason for. be tievin' that men would ever fight in the air. But within the past three years a new meaning has been given to that expression about '"war in heaven." We see now that it could easily mean the fighting with airplanes that is now going on in Europe, And in fact, that ig. about tho only thing it -could mean.' lleoauso Ood's own pri vate Heaven, if there is such a place, mcst evidently be a place of absolute '.peace and harmony. We -aretold that nothing evil is ever allowed to enter there. And if we have to believe that war could get into God Heaven and -cause trou hie . there, we will .no, longer be able to see how it differs . very much from other places where war is, nd .Heaven will have Jost ts " greatest charm -the very thing that makes it Heaven, i We all know that the atmos sphere surrounding the earth is called "heaven," and we see that the first thing men did after learn ing how to fly waa to begin fight ing in the air. In a recent macra- srine article Theodore Roosevelt "bells how the first air battles were fought very low, but as the air fighting developed it got higher -and , higher, until now battles fought six miles high are very common. - ; ' You see the combatants soon discovered ; that there was an ad vantage in: being : ABOVE the enemy; in order to fight DOWN at it, just is I tb e mati who1 wishes to whip; another) in a fist-fight begins by knocking: him t down and get thig:on top of him. . r r t ."Sstajr on -top-' isMthe big idea in air-nghtingi But it is a game all sjde n- play at ; and while one is! mounting the clouds to get above the other, .the: other: is do ing a r little mounting oti his own hook.- f o r the, purpose of gettih g on top himself. So j the natural ; tendency of air fighting; is Upward higher and higher. , If possible : they Would carry, it right; on into God's own Heaven, , but ; He will not allow that, f lie will send on them an other v confusion like Babel and put a stop to it all. Yes, sir, the ; 12th chapter of Bevelation and all the other places that talk' about war in heaven, nittsf 'be talking about the very same " air-battle thaV ? you read about ; your 7 newspaper, zthis niornng. .,;.r : : iq ' JSIENAL , TORMENT. . t m brpuglit . up in th"e; Bap tist faith arid became a member of the Baptist church ' at an early age, I was probably ' 4 scared ' into the church by the booger- boo of Eternal Torment before I was old e?iough to reason things out for myself. Having been raised on such doc trine as that, and knowing that lots of good, honest, well-meaning people believed it, it was several years beforo I could muster up courage enough to doubt it. So the years passed, and I continued to believe in Eternal Torment for the wicked, but I was not satisfied with the belief. The more I thought about it the more unrea sonable Jt seemed. Finallv the day came whedI said in my roul : It God is good, then Eternal Tor meiit ia a lie ; " and if Eternal Torr ment is' true, then God is a cruel monster. ' ;: ; ' ;-' L ' - ":- Having once begun to doubt, it was then easier to gpion doubting ier to goson uouDxing, AV .T-imm; vrr;r aTTrTwnt uo-uneriy -nioiiea -our, h.H.vn nnncr f n A tr. ! Infidel. - All this time I was trying to be unmercifully honest with myself. I wanted to be absolutely sure that the Bible was a big .pack of lies belore I finally threw it over board. AH my denominational prejudice- was' gone. There I stood, empty-handed and ppen- minded, bravely facing the pro blem, and honestly seeking for the truth. - . .. -: And then just in the nick of time -this thought came "to me": Maybe the Bible IS true, and they have' merely taught me a wrong interpretation of it. Maybe,-"after all,' it does NOT, teach Eternal': Torment,- .iv m-v ' And that thought saved me. I went back to the old Book and began "to study it in a new liht. Aiid'eholdj it1 was' an: entirely hew Book.. ' I found 4hat - it did NQTj teach-Eternal Torment, :and then : my. respect for God came backlin a hurry, and ) with - it. a good deal' of humble reverence. Tli e true interpretation of what Gbji proposes to do with the "wick ed is a very beautiful blending of Justice andMercy. ; It is the least that a just God: CQTJLD do, and the most that a merciful God WOULD do. It is just plain DEATH. The penalty of Death has been pronounced against the utterly wicked; ever since Adam's trans gression, and that is , the only penalty -eVer mentioned. It is spDken of under various figures of ,speechtbut it always meansthe same, and it is a slander against God .to try to , make it mean any- ttimgeise.' ; ' , i v . The doctrine of ' Eternal Tor merit "forPtho" wicked, yas taught in the .manrtnade creeds, is a' brutal blasphemous and God-dishonoring doctrine jand I verily believe it is the cause of more infidelity . than all other causes combined. Men and women with common sense are not going to love a cruel and heartless; monster such as God would have to be if Eternal Torment-were true. They might FEAK such a God, but they would never LOVE him. That is the kind of a being we understand the devil to be, and it (jod is just like the devil, why not Just as well love the devil and be done With , 1 believe the aevu is every bit mean enough to torment people eternally and laugh at their misery if he was permitted to do it. But our merciful and Ail-Powerful God will not allow any suchibusiness. He is, going to destroy the devil at the same time he destroys the rest of the wick ed. And thus every' vestige oi i , zxziAAiitiZi antl oniy goouness, peace, joy ana THE TERRIBLE ATOM. 7 Here is something else for you to think about, and I don 't want you to go off and say it's just one of my big lies,' either. The men of science are working on a strange: new theory of mat ters .You know what ' ' matter 'Vis don't, you? Matter is just any thing any object that you can j see or feel, and even after it gets so little that you can't see it with your natural eye- it is still mat tier. These very small invisible particles of matter are called ; It was thought for a long time that the atom was 'th'" ultimate, unit 'of Matter and that it cPuId not be divided any more; But trow the wise men come along and tell us 'that jthe atom is imade up of. a great number, of still:- smaller, things called . ' ' electrons. " . And .the strangest thing about it is that these electrons are not lying close together in the atom,- making a solid 7 mass, i but they stand - wide apart and revolve around a 'Cen tral point at a most: terrific rate of speed. It is just a .micsoscopic copy of the solar system. , , , v , Just how the meri of science find but such things is more' than I can tell you. But they all affirm that these things are proven facts, and I am not in a position to dispute their word. Men have done so 'rhany-wonderf ulthings. lately Jkat donit dare. jto.saywhaAfe be donejo;i'i: -t r-v.tC'-:j. WelL-s-1- starledto.teUym.. these little F-electrpus which are - revolving in he atom at,. such anf awful speed are bound ip-generate, j a great deal of. force. . -And now;., science? is working to (Jiscoyr ;a way to - break up the atom and ", liberate" the'powerthat is impri- spned . in, it. One high- authority 4 say s that a commoFcopper penny has in it an amount of energy equal to ' 8,600,000 horsepower! Just imagine J Eight million and six , hundred thousand horsepower in one copper penny ! And the I Mme writer goes on to say : that whenever the secret of using this -a power is discovered it will be pos- sible to transform the whole earth into a Garden of Eden. But wait a minute! Judging by the way man ,uses tjie f orces that he does possess, would" he make the earth a Paradise or a HellV Bless your soul, man already as in his possession forces that would : ' soon make the earth - a great deal 1 better nlace to live in if he would use it fight: But look ! Instead ; of any progress toward a paradise condition, the earth is right this inhiute-h - next' thing3 to hellt :1 And man has to admit that this is what all his smartness comes to. ' ; i ; And so f if 'the scientists should discover a way to use this terrible ' hidden power that they say is in loiter ? n trr -rrrr l-i -m , '"' y creation wrecked before you could -; say ' ' scat. ' ' It never would do for man in his' present sinful5 arid depraved condition to' come" into ' " ' n m T . . - . . Iri - about - five "minutes there wouldn 't ! be -enough' of anything ? xcxt wju canu lu iioiu' an -mquest This is no joke. ! The men of I s9ifn claJm to have j proof that such a f)ower exists: They are dig gmg atter -it m all seriousness,' ahu" h ey are-tnighty apt ; tof get? hold-of it" some" of ! theserdaysi j ; tBut dont get -excited? --T his great discovery will riof be made' ' until after the' -New Age' se ts in and the'devil is chained Theriv 11 and only theh, will it be jpossible for imeri to handle such a tpoW&P13 without' wrecking the world with it; : ,.i ir .t ii--:r:;. You Dollar Folks. To all those who responded to my first1 proposition and sent a dollar for the weekly one ear, I want to say that I will now put you on or TWO years, because I have reduced the price of all ADVANCE subs to?50 cents.