1918 GOOD NEWS. Page Thrc' Club ."Rates, Things Come Whtn Needed. If you will take the trouble to jock it up, .you will find that ev- y r :i:zzz:::::::a , IN clubs op five or more, fifteen cents a year. tenaisuob u e prliie of sribscr,pUon8 to G0QD NEWS ls 25 cenU the deniauu iui iuiciHuo -m uut sei several oi your mends to go in with you and send in .follow will appear with-asao-r-- -f U1 aY or more at one tune, you can all get the Daner at 15 cents auiuv ; . ., year. , i .... ... i. .,rf oo frnnrl a.n mtP.n nPTTAV 1 A . , than the original. At thejTery lOW I)riCe WO makft.' it 1 ImnMa tn ctIttq nMmfnmo tn ClUD-raiSeri;but thousands OfDeODle eniov Erat.t.1ner wn rlnha fnr the fun of it and to hfil 1 j " i , , . . dvvu vuuov. y win cnjuy it, iuu, uuu )uu aio juci GJJjr This is not a mttuiuai auveru&ti- mvuea w oecome a regular club-raiser. If vmi pan distrlht Rnm satnnlea w hut the plain unvarnished to good hands, all they will cost yotf is to ask for therrr , ; i " - - 1 . . in oanninff nin , : a. - j. . i a . i ... mi r ii 1 iu uuus, uo buib w write eacu name ana aaareisry trut-u, aim 11 .ri - ioi.unjr. xvBiueiauer mat a name wnicn looks ma n to vou in vour own nreiudice and divest yourselves aanawriung might not look so plain to a person who is not acquainted with Book Department HEART-TO-HEART TALK. Now, dear readers and friends this is a personal letter to you. want you to regard it as just as personal and just as important as if I had written it direct on m typewriter and mailed it to you lb aseaua enveiepe unaer a tnre cent stamp. - . What (Jo you think of the IW of talk 1 am giving you this timet If you believe my New Messag( contains something that the people ought to read and think about " J 1 - -Llui 7i)ur nanttwriung. Therefore WRITE VERY CAREFULLY. If possible to of every parucie uhuuuua vq 1Ist typrltten( g0 much the better. . - creeds, you will be prepared to ViOOD NEWS is now going on . eight years old. It jias a large cir- li n culatlon in every state in the Union, and it also goes to"" several foreign take in auiuvxufe , countries. It has long ago passed the experimental stage and has become iroodso long as life lasts and you an established institution. ,Over 40,000 people! are eagerly waiting for its nccief4,r.a lpcc tkn Divine. M "ival each month. ; , bena remittance by registered letter, express or pestofflce money In the early Colonial days of our oraer, ana mane all orders payable to: n muntrv. business couldbe car- . G0D WS BOOHER, N, C, rifd on without railroads, tele- tTranh, telephone or electric lights, trying only to get ycu toee that ! j w, fV, evervthinsr comes aiotitr in at- when i Ulit a Uajlaiuc vyucu iuguiu lucur : o j . nrh were too slow to keep up with is necessary for it to come, If th business and so Ben Frankfin this is true in regard to - things. harnessed up the 'lightning and earthly, why should it not be true 3Iorse came in with a wire for it alo ot xmngs iivmec uercainiy to operate upon, and in this , way man is not more capable of mauag-. revolutionized business to such an ing his business than God ..Is of extent that other things bad tb be managing His, and therefore we invented to keep business evened muSt conclude that, inasmuch as up. Stephenson came along . with thev invention of material things his locomotive and made things coraes alon8 in a well-otflered hum in the freight and passenger alld natural way, just at a time departments, but finally so many when they are most needed, so people and so much business made st spiritual needs come along in it necessary to work at night, but jast as natural ; ways and . well it was too dark for that and so a- ordered times. " .... 1 lotg came Tom Edison with his The old creeds did yery well electric lights and this made it nee- for our forefathers, because the essary for other things to follow time had not arrived for them to and follow they did, and will un- understand things that we should till everything becomes io ballan- know now; but if we refuse to be ced and in such perfect working benefitted by the "True Light that order that nothing can begone to lighteth every man that 'comet h improve the conditions existing into the world?' we shall certainly when that day shall darwn. A have to answer for this negligence crooked stick was all that the In- at a throne of Justice, dians needed . to plow with, but It is necessary now, for us to see when the white men came over that .the present order ot things is here and failed to find gold enough rapidly passing away, with a great to make them independent, they noise, and sooner than most people made plows of iron and greatly think, will dawn that blessed day improved the farming business, when everything will be in perfect A Boy Dixie or Ward plow was peace and harmony; the equilibri good enough for our fathers to use um will be restored, JusticeT will in cultivating their cropsut now prevail and no man will have to ask it takes a gasoline tractor to do the his neighbor if he knows the Lord, thing properly. Folks used to be for every one shall know Him from satisfied to ride in buggies, carts, the least to the greatest. ; and wagons,, but now they must "Search the Scriptures, for in ride in Fords and automobiles, them ye think; ye have eternal The old-time sailing vessels life." ' : r ere good enough to brine- our Naturally then, without the forefathers to this country, but Scriptures, ye would not have eter- now the people ride on the sea, nal life over the sea and under the sea. How do 1 know these things? By Ycu will find some scripture, by reference to the Holy .Bible, and reference to the Bible, that will you may learn it the same way, for remind you of these things. Try it. God has hidden those things from I might go on in this way - until' I the wise and prudent and revealed have entirely covered the field of them unto babes. - ; Modern invfihtinns anrl fiVinw whir . ,. . " v it wnc nnnnc,on 1, Not auite readv to start the . ru J-lVVCianill V 1 Ml t-",ll".l I III IU 1,1 I M. I I -.- . For some time pas t I have been receiving so many inquiries about the various books on prophecy mentioned in Good News that I have decided to establish a reg ular Book Department and under take to supply my readers with a few of the best books along these lines. I will handle and supply the ' books, at jublishers' prices, or less,merely as an accomlnodation to the readers, of Good N ews. 1 ' The world, is full j of books on prophecy, but most of themjiave, been rendered obsolete and! out of date by -the mighty events of these last days. Only a very few prophecy books" are able fe stand the test bf-the actual fulfil ment that is now going on around us. . These are the books that I propose to handle, and I trust the readers of Good News will buy and read these books and give careful heed to the mighty message contained jn theni, Our Near Future By VVilliain A'. Redding. A nieSsage id ill tbe gvvernmeiiU! and peopieis of tjattH. The Tim6soiie den tlies lJitiy estii.blishel aixd measured, showing their beginning, dtiration v and end. First published 23 years ago, and. predictedthe Great Wartostart in 1914. Avom- " derful book. 216 pages?good book paper, bound in cloth. Price postpaid. ' X then I want vou" to appoint vour self as a raissionary to help spread The Millennial Kingdom vit among yctir friends, Tote thh By wmtam a. Redding, a book ofsurpris- . . w I AD ffllnlni I1.il1r.li.il n.i . . J . A t , 1 jl v.o,,vuuijojiuuk u u usual B titbemeuis BUPUOrWJtl ruv ,aiUUi;u pvvi- auu by positive testimony. First published 21 reaa It tO people yotl meet ano years ago. Predicted the great Time of TrotT- ask them What IheV think about ble to start nim, and to be follovv-ed by the it Ymi xvill find rnnrP. nAnnlf I. Kingdom of God on the earth. 3oO pages, , . i . ,i good book paper, bound ia eloth. PriQefl.W nimKiiig aiuiig mese lines . mau i postpaid. happen to strike a few who have Mysteries Unveiled w rn 'fVioo 1 William A. Redding. This isliedding's , 'Z!f o"" vlliil vu Great Pyramid book, and it is about as com- tilings, tnis paper Will wake tnen: piete and reliable as any book I know of os UP and PUt them to thmkinp:. the subject. And it is written in a style- s The whole human race today is aware of the fact - that this old Pear upon the scene of action, ius't Weeir yet,, but it's ..comm7. tue mne nam appear, but l am;VJa v slvc. 11 -. 1 - : Price BoonierV N. C. plain and simple that even a child can under stand it. This book proves beyond any doubt that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in EffVDt ia earth IS, passing through a great really a'Bible .In stone, containing a complete crisis, flnfl that SOMETHING of record cf the-Ages, past, present arid future. ii- i-iw Agreat book on a great subiect. About 209 . . . r a , 0 t r , people must oe tne result, -mc uioo postpaid. uiuiuuu, wunuerniff ii tnis ream i , . , , . is the end. and the old cut-and al1 orders Payable to: dried conceptions of what is going JApim LAKIilM rAKUN to happen in the wind-up are be Hence the time is ripe for thil ' New Message, and I want you tc We are at present engaged in help me spread it into every nook the flagging business, flagging and corner of this broad land, it down those who are running over is goingto take great dealoi eacQ other in a mad effort to learn money to run this thing under v , . . 11 -au;s t what is happening to. this old costs about twice what it former- worli. We were fortunate enough ly did, and some kind of war tai td find out and are anxious to tell (in the form of postage or other-1 those who 1 will lend a listening wise) is going to fall heavily on I all publishers. And besides that It am constantly needing to add This paper has no cut-and-dried ment to handle the business. You creed - 10 go dv, anu it uum u folks hustle up the clubs and 1 11 the least particl 3 of prejudice in furnish the chin-music till every its make-up. but it does know a thing goes easy. , w thin am that are of V vital i. 4-s 4-Vi r -mrwAs ' rid Vlf". YfXXT: Tf von finrl nnvthino- in this 111 tu v"c . i I t corw think it would payyouto- paper that am t so, just, cracic away and prove it. you are hired for.' That's what keen fii 'touch with this Bhebahg, anyhow.