25 Cents g Ycar 15 Cents in flubs of Fire cr More. : When yosl get hold of something good, pass it around. Send in a big club (formerly the fool-killer) (Mi mil v - t ,r . VOLUME 8 BOOMER., NORTH CAROLINA, JUNE, 1918. NUMBER 11 The Jewish Army. Elsewhere in this paper I am minting a very interesting edito rial from the Wilmington (N.C.) Dispatch on the subject of Jewish Soldiers. Don't fail to read it. After being without a national army for thousands of years, it is a very impressive fact to see the Jews gathering up an army again. What does it mean? It means that the Je ws are going to have their Promised Land re gtorsd to them and build up their natiDnallife again, just ss the prophecies declare. You see the different allied na tion 3, among whom the Jews are scattered, giving them permission to form a separate army of their own and that army will be sent to Palestine to help Gen. Allenby drive out the Turks; but you may bet your brogans that Germany is not making any such offer. Germany has taken Turkey for an ally, and Turkey is against the Jews; so Germany doesn,t want the Jews to have an army. If there was no other evidence as to which side is right, this is e nough. Germany wants to keep the Jews scattered and homeless. The allies want to give them their ancient home. It is just as plain as the nose on your face that Germa ny is on the wrong side. transfer 1o Jewish young men al ready in the service. ,The Canadian military authori THE TEN TOES. ties were moved to grant this u nique privilege by the fact that Great Britain has pledged itself to aid the Zionists in establishing a Jewish national homeland in Palestine, and that the Jewish ad ministrative commission is al1 ready established in Jerusalem. A There are two different schools of teaching in regard to the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar's Image. One line of teaching says that the present governments of Europe, While not exactlv ten in nnmbpr hzlo in fact fulfill the prophecy of tne ten toes. The old Roman Em- see these ten toes sticking out at the peace conference, you may safely say they have already pass ed and the 2,520 years of Gentile Times have ended. In that case you may look for the new Israel Goverment to come into great prominence right away. And I shall not be surprised if we of America turn out to be a part of Israel. In either case, the Stone that Jewish Soldiers. Editorial in, Wilmington Dispatch In Canada the Jewish young men who are being called to the amy under the conscription act are granted a privilege such as never before, so far as we have been able to learn, was tendered under similar circumstances. They are being permitted to choose the front on which they are to fight. The military authorities of the dominion have agreed that a Jew ish young man may, upon receiv ing his draft call, present himself at the recruiting office aud secure transfer to the separate Jewish units which are being organized for active service on the Palestine front. The already existing Jew ish units in training in Canada are composed, at present, mainly of men who were ineligible for en iistment in the American nation al army. The dominion authorities have extended the same right of pire was broken up, and the Jewish regiment recruited in Lon- present governments took its don, is reported as having partici- place, thus being in a sense just smote the Image on the feet is patedin the Turkish rout at El- a continuation of the Roman not faraway. It is only a ques- Salt recently. The enthusiasm power. This would connect the tion of whether we have already evoked by that declaratipn arid toes directly with the feet, which passed through the toes, or by the prospect that they will have seems reasonable. According to whether they are still to come. the opportunity of striking a di- w"s school the Times of the Gen- We shall soon see. rect J , blow for the liberation of tes are now out, and the next ! their ancestral home has already thing in order is the new Israel HOW DOES IT STRIKE YOU? caused more than 1,000 young A- government. J merican Jews to enlist an the But there is another school of J1TT - "Jewish Battalion.' ' The Zionist interpretation which looks for one h t ntW x1H of and organization of America is confi- frore distinct stage of Gentile rule thought it would do f or a sensa- dent that the act of the Canadi- oeiore tne nnai end. it says the tion, you are badly mistaken, an government will speedily raise present war will end in a Federa- It may be sensational to some thenumber of Jewish units from tion of Nations-just ten in num- folks, but it isn't new at alL It is a battalion to a division. l?er-and thatthese nations, when ?df ? fiJ af feSSk wilLhethe Jen jtgesqf Nebuchadnezzar's Image. But Millions of people have believed thfiv sav this last stnerp nf fipntilp oca h;nc. fm iftT, ityVp smrl am not preaching m this pa- d;ninn w:ii hp vprv ahnrt :n m;ii;OTla tho are hemnninff to be- per, but merely talking and reason- comparison to the rest of it. ueve them these days. It is no mg -aoout tnings rreacnmg is an I have to confess that the pre- ?ew revelation to me, but nas rignt lor tnose wno can ao it, out s t indicationg point m j t. uwsu guu I am not a preacher. My jobisnot ter fulfillment Vather than the y eyes for several years I have to work people up into a frenzy of " wT!" Zl SJ1S . , - vuv4i 1 1 v. x axwwx uv uiuvit LLlg LiUS Campaign tvvvj ui cxxj-v emotion, but to convince them by thege days about a League to En. times before but decided the time force fr-eace, a Federation of Na- as not quite ripe for it. tions, etc. Hispeciany since tne ureat war But there is one thing about it 1 aDe nf that I can t understand. If the this age and 1 have not feit satis Feet stopped away back yonder aed to go on being a mere clown PARAGRAPHS. cool-headed, soning comropn-sense rea- In Revelation 8:9 we read about a time when 'the third part of , . . , j j x x- -------- . I LXllX VJ JjV VXX wvxu. u iuvi vi the ships will be destroyed. when the Roman Emnire stonned. to make neonle laush. My -r . .1 1 1 I - . I . : . X x w . . . .' wnenjaas mere ever oeen sucn a and if the Toes have not begun 'mouth has :' watered" more than wholesale destroying of ships as ye it looks to me like a power- once to say the things that I am in these last years? It is said to be fuibig gap between the feet and aow saying, and at last they are a fact that about ope third of the the toes. We m accustomed to . That , is some . i m i . i li. hi. u i w. t wi wo iiir. ii. v 111111 ij . f nu v total numoer ot snips in tne woria see the toes fastened right direct- This is a mighty big subject, and have already been destroyed. Who ly to feet ag nurryin stream o events can aouDt inat tne oeer oiraimos j dcnt pretend to know just rushes on it will get bigger looked down the ages and saw tne uf hh nf th nWs foricriif brerman U-DOatS m actions Tf t wnn'r. ho Inner till wp an all know. The war Now, Mister, if you believe it or don Jt believe it, I want the priv ilege of talking to your head about a quarter's worth, anyhow. By that time you will either de- is going to It has been impossible to get the end some time and some way. Pyramid articles ready to begin If it ends in what they call a I eide that I am a fool or that you in this issue. It involves a, great United States of the Worlda are one, and maybe both of us deal of study, research and writing Federation of Nations, all pledged will learn something; that I have not had time to do. But to help enforce peace-and espe- " Now come ! Get up a bigclub I will get the articlesready as soon daily if nations thus United as, possible and give them to you. number just ten you can safely your friends that Pearson has Don't forget the Great Pyramid, put it down that there is the Ten suddenly gone crazy and they just I tell you it is of the very greatest Toe combination. Its duration ought to watch his capers. importance to Bible students in will be just about as long as your these days. , big toe, and then there will be Ain't it about time for you to more trouble. : : begin to commence to start to get Investigate ere you condemn, On the other band, if you don't I ready to send in another club?