SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Subs, 40 cents a. year In Club3 of Four or More, 25c Cash in Advance When yoy get hold of a. Good Thing pass it aroundr Tote this paper in your pocket and show it to everybody you see. Volume IX. Boomer, North Carolina, August, 1919. Number 10. BACK TO THE OLD NAME And when I have to. tell them: that they are mistaken that; the trouble is not over yet they ! HE DIDil'T CARE U C CLASS-CONSCIOUSNESS They Keep On After Resting for Two Years, come back at me with "Looky j But He Would a Leetje Bit "The Fool-Killer" (iocs On Duty Again. This paper was published for nearly eisrht years under the point name of "The Fool-Killer." In August, 1917, the name was changed to "Good News." For several years previous had been gradually getting my eyes open to certain Religious Truths that I thought needed : emphasizing along with the Po litical Truths that I was trying; to hand out. And it seemed to here, that ain't good news you are giving us that's bad news." And I have to admit that it is bad news from their stand- Rather His Best Friend Would Stay Away. I reckon human beings can be the most inconsistent critters in What do you mean, then, when vou sneak of the man's ter- Slftndprincr finH rible PUNISHMENT? You refer oidiiuemig uuu ; to his bei cut off f life taken away from his family and The trouble with man is that i all God's creation. And of all he is too impatient. He wants i inconsistent people in the world, to run ahead oi God and do big dox chnrchanitv take the cake. I things in his own name, and he j A few weeks ago I heard a j v always makes a mess of it. And j Baptist preacher, in the course j this present mess is going to be'01 a sermon, make the astound- ! in iw th mhcc-aot g statement that he "almost i jesus Read any of the capitalist pa pers and you will be sure to find I them railinor ntrninot tho t o rT "class-consciousness" among the !TI,cyDoNot Know the Differ-; fnends , and deprived of all the workers. They say that to en courage class-consciousness is to encourage divisions and dissen- " " A Hon amo th -i wv, Republican, Ark., other-wise might all be ONE ence Between Punishment and Torm.nt. mess that he ever did make. And so it has come to pass, in ; view of all these ! wished sometimes I would come now.' that people and , live in harmony. Fiddlesticks! Also rats! x Likewise bull's foot! I wonder if you don't know ! things that we like to live for. ! Now here! In the name of all that is reasonable, can't you see that the man's PUNISHMENT ! is not the PAIN OF DYING, but I the FACT OF BEING DEAD? ? And can't you see that the PUN i ISHMENT will last as long as he : STAYS DEAD ? Aug. 4th, 1919. Mr. James Larkin Pearson, Boomer, N. C. Dear Sir : ' After Reading your paper for ; Don't you know how hard a some time And will have to say ; man will fight for his life ? Don't there is Nothing to your argue-; you know that a condemned Iment you read the Bible and try criminal will move heaven and I i- J " J 'i. T J J- '1 T- J ' -.l- A 1 - , . , . ; that the rich bosses and exploi-! to twist it Just to suit you But i earth, as the saying is, to get his Do you get that? There is ae1 are as0 class-conscious ? Am glad to say that you and All j death sentence changed to life of all these conditions, I man who has been pretending to j YoU can bet your bottom dollar 'tne peapie tnat Believe as you j imprisonment He would ra- i. u4- u thnt I believe the old nanip Ms i preach, the IIIM Ml I I I M I I II H I I I M I I I I 1 V I it-" I III- - - v.--. .-.-.., . n. . ' Christ fnv rnnnv 1 -r . t s i i mril'O OTmVAlllMOTO orrm Oil tm name uooci JNews wouia nt me - .cx., . f p t. i Tpsik hptAv' T " , relifrfoiiR truths better than 3t the things that I ha class"-the ruiin o , ,, ... . to v.-v. ii4 v uuv "The Fool-Killer." Also it was -w. me ooi-iuner win give universe. He gospel of Jesus 1 that they never lose sight of the j Jo cant change gods pans so you ther live a very unhappy life ay years, and whoifact that thev themselves are K Better ?et Rld if ?uch be- than die an easy death. Why? hart mind soul and strenth to ; us to love life in spite of its hard god if you are going to fix your ' conditions, and it is natural f or wray or a plan by Which you Will us to look upon death as the or gets up and tells i and exploiting class. But they ion that Jesus is i don't want the poor workers to : .i i me bfttt.ei" plbow room to bit. inst i his cmiovoorfltinn that Jacho i i don of the wr conditions to be as anything that I think needs hit-1 best friend, and he just hops j find out that THEY (the work-1 e saved Christ Died in Vain But ? worst thing that can happen to ot the wai conditions, to be as , , tpllino- kw mni v ui x. . ,. , Christ Fixed a Way Where by; us. ' A i l , , . 1 We Miht be Saved and there is , And yet when the Bible plain- outspoken about things in gener ting, and it will help to eliminate JP ?nd d?vn, telling how much j al as T had m-eviouslv baen. Be- the mistaken notion among some j how linnnv llp ia fn ho j the ruled and exploited class. 1 " j?li, xl- T x . r i. i-i-y t to "'In J.U 1 Jvx 1 1 T7i lx.' 71 1 . uti .i.mrmi t ino- n Invnl Hti7pn of tlp United luIKy LIUU 1 am some son oi a j heaven with Jesus some time in:xwause khow mat wnen axzivenasung jrumsnraeni vvnax win, you super-oiomons or was me neea oi cnrist uommmg : ormoaoxy oegin to stutter and into this World and Dying on the j slobber and swear that the cross that we might be saved ; Bible told a lie that a little from our sins I am sending you a j thing like DEATH wouldn't be Booklet Entitled Hell and Ever-'any punishment hardly. You lasting punishment please Read ; think God ought to go back to ; carefully and notice scriptures the days of the Inquisition and caretully that is given tar ret-1 study their methods and learn ! ference Also the writer of the i how to torment people good and isame Book 'has Written A Book proper. no other way if there is no j ly says that the wages of sin is Qfntoc t r.nri nr. riodvo tr. 'rintf long-coated preacher doins. 1 1 the future. To hear him cavort- -"worker finds out that he is being uwiw, i hum 1W uvU.iv w ,v.vv- . :: i i.-i- l: il j ' , . n8 am continually navmg to repeat j An auout it in ins ortnoaox way, i puiposeiy neia aown and syste- the statement that I am just a i u" w""fa. imn nfl me Plos-!matically skinned by an "upper ihopt fT Inririrr with Ictoiio uroe orv ; the regulations which were cessary during the war. . So I changed the name and nion oia one-ganus worKing ; -auuring that he would want to ! Uiasii "xnen ne is going to t a very limited j begin it just the very first min-i'STari sometnmg on his own ac- toned down just a little, and be- man' with onl' gan to air my views along reli gious lines more than I had been doing. Having long ago discov ered that the old political parties had sold out to the devil, I was education, and no frills and fan-! ute possible. count. tuc pimteu pazv, Hiiu ive come j ajrly knocked me backwards. iUJ1,JUU P"iuuu us an upper s on unnst s Kingdom and reign to the conclusion that no other I couldn't hpln wondpvino- whptwl class," just so long will the slav-1 also Christ seccond comming and ' .-.-. i i j j i- !u: i t j ! u tt-vt rT-r i i What Will "Fnllnw it will Tin vnn men Deglllinng to bee Liuti biie . , . - ... ; rnod to rpt. tbpm nnH vparl.t.bpm tbodov rhnrrhP had donp ea S01T 01 aD as weli as Tne rt"u a"ete Pteuueu, eisei "iower Class." " 7"" okp t.o t ip. - ! t " v old or the same thing I awi ! limitations on his wish for Je fact that Church and State y lto r um-jviuei i sus to Come? He never did- ttny muti vvniiio io ue i Wj, fv, ooo unt or,ri wv again the same old Fool-Killer j ouite wish it at anv time. but. i on the bottom with all the; V Cl C 111 tliV OCli 1 1 MUtll CVl.XkA MU 111 . a - - ----- 7 . v headed for the rapids and total with a little more age, a little SOMETIMES he , . T n n n more sense, and the same old jol-1 wished it. Don t y destruction. I saw the folly or trying to be true to my honest convictions and at the same time "stand in" with the old gangs who were running things in society, Church and State. I first had to choose between honesty and popularity in poli ly grin that it used to wear. Swing on, boys here we go ! Yours for the truth, JAMES LARKIN PEARSON J D Willis REPLY. ALMOST: world's weight piled on top of deav Mr- willis you reckon Je- him. But when he IS there and i I said just now that it is na tural for us to regard DEATH as the worst thing that can hap pen to us. And in the natural course of events it is. But there is such a thing as deliberate brutal TORTURE being worse than death. You show me a man who delights in torturing any I am genuinely sorry for you living creature just for the fun. Ti or seeing it surter, and l will tell ! me worm tnat ne is a cruei and 'DEMOCRACY" SCAT! ;sus is pleased with such ardent has to stay there and suffer f or j and all people like you. : Sue heartless beast. All civilized ! hp snr&pw ouL B i fool if he don't find it out and i vou are terribly ignorant and governments seek for the most j dont know it. Look at your let- mercirul and painless way of ex 's tev. nvinted above, and notice i ecuting a criminal. Any me- i home to be gone several months, j begin to kick. At the end of three or four 1 'months his wife writes him that r she ALMOST . - wishes ; SOME Saf e for democracy" is a song TIMES that he would corned PREACHERS PLEASE ANSWER tics, and I chose honesty. Then tnat l have heard until 1 am home. How would that sound .' . . , . , sick and tired of it. WVipvp isi Whv. np would bp. terrvnten to!- came the day when i must maKe ; demoCracy, I would like ; take it as an insult, Snd he! tnt fimp cnnicp in tp ncrion. and 4- i ' wt j, j u j.ui a- n o , tu kiiuw ; vve sure w jiuouness would xeusun tiiut ii Liiat was goodness j again I chose honesty. Having ain't got any of it in this coun- j the bad she got my eyes open to the truth,- try. I positively could not go on winking at the blasphemous lies the church taught. This was not a sudden awak- We were solemnly assured by j at all. our silver-throated woodrow; JNow. looky here: l ain t J1 Jl A ' A 1 J J 1 i how beautifully it is spelled, cap- cn? oi execution mat causes me 1 j , . , , v ; victim to suffer unnecessarily italized and punctuated. You , has lone. aG been- abandonei ... ! spell the name of God with a lit-; Whenever this rule is violated, Once in awhile the plute pub-1 tie g and commence about half I don't you know how all civiliza- lications aMow a good thing to I f :your commor ' o res n orn u 1 5Iir 1" J uo ii.pjlcc w ktc W eir, reuuie wexc lunuieu just mm. ne i i pnmma nnv nnv ot.hov minptnn- ,i i , i i t i i f UrA ,w nl.if no rrA ! lookino hflp.k over mv Anril conv ! " 7. ior uie Diuiai deiignt oi seeing fUxu o Uk !tlon marJC m tne whole tnmg. . them suffer And don't wanted you j of The American Magazine, and ) That certainly does look like you 1 know how bitter we have all felt " , rEZ? MrZ i ""Sirl'S, TJ JS?U the following which Iknow something, Ain't you a i against Germany and Turkey for - r r"? uVl v"t - 6 ihad marked in an article bv:Prettv tmnS to be "Ting to m-, their cruelty in torturing and that the war had to be fought to ; up and make a public show of ! naa maiea m an anicie d ; ? editor? If I were in tZCni,wthi iVtim thnt fpll "make the world safe for demo-: myself telling how much I love Bruce Barton: iSfZiw H hp 1La ! LaHISI ening that came to me. It had ?racy. And now that the thing ! Jesus, jind all that sort of gush, j "Whenever I see a faction of : There is no sense in supposing , you know what a stink has been .is ovpv with what nnvp wa cent Rnt T Hnn'f hnuo f r ctrr at sav.l i- a. . j ! , , , , " . lltvo uv-v" been coming over me very grad- 11 ?I';hateilVI! S?! i gi S?? S gk?-! f olte who. seem to me most in ; that a man as ignorant as you ? raised because some of our own nallv for several vears. In fact, Kwi Ivonti oil t w ; fQ 4 , "a J1.1? i cxiucimi Wxuk i are is capauie or luxmmg anm-army oiticers turned brutes and ' 1 Livviuin vivtvixvn xo tVIX VXXCV V ; 1 11UUU Vll-CV U CIOUO VUUiU the light is so bright that I pro- j "democracy" that we were go- now, bably could not have stood it all at once. I think nearly all peo ple who get the TRUE LIGHT on the Bible get it like I did crradually a little at a time. COme t.ViPi'r idpaa and influence. I can-! tpllio-pnt nnininn nhont nnvthino- 4. 1 cap say nom an honest .not f01.get what a sorry appear- You ask: if there is no Ever- : see that the whole sentiment of ing to have ? Seen any of it go- j heart ing around loose in your neigh- j wish 1 V 1 tf TT 1 .1 no moon r nun r . . is no r Iu IiT -i j t j iaexeui aioxig me snwca vj. . io mis vvona aim Jjynig on me And vet you dare to stand up On the other hand, I am cer-1 eager and anxious for and the j Galilee. when Y find all the Cross ? i and tell me that the Good God of tain you can see, if you are not sooner He comes the better it good men on one side of any You poor, ignorant, fuddle- ali e universe is more cruel and nlnm st.onp blmn. that, wp avp tpn will cmt mp Thisi old worm isi t nh i.j Iii. t j . . , , II : .7. ..1 . ! r ; . TTi - iquesuoxi, x am xemmueu uiai tui neaaea simpieum, x uouuie-uaxe : brutal than even a tlun or a uictx x ahi wvxiiixi.jxv ; otipp thnt. rvnwri must, havp nrp-: lQctino nutiishmpTit Vhnt Was :,,;i:4-; 1, it al.1 liiiii liMHi. meie sented who -Mowed - Jesus of j: the need of Christ Comming in-; torture and torment? nthpv pvpnT. r.riflT I nm so xt n. i ii 1 -P i a n ttt..u i t-v: ii.. . , ... And when 1 saw that there moie in tne grip ur aiao-1 not going 10 oe nx-io live in any i the ieading citizens were on the you to point out any place where j Turk ? Dare vou tell me that was something so much better i cratic power than we were- be-; more until He does come, and I;side that sent Socrates to death 1 1 ever claimed that there is to!God will cany" on a business than what the orthodox I ?re the Y?' PTr 6 waS ' dn fee 'T8?? why 1 1 and that stoned Stephen in the j be no Everlasting Punishment j FOREVER that our earthly gov IhZchel had to offer it looked jf 9T dele Wilson a s should want it put off for a sin-; market-place." ! for the wicked. Why, man, 1 j emments will not permit for a chinches had to off ei, it looked kmds of unlimited "powers" , gle day. ; A, .s iIIipvp in pverlastibo- mmish-! u- fUv ,L h it? uead mat again, unu uuim; . " 1 .ugiv uaj " . like "good news to me. And it : with the expectation that he! But for a preacher of the gos- really IS good news the best would turn them loose when the ! pel to "almost wish sometimes news that was ever announced in emergency was past ; that Jesus would come" that iul nas ne mi neu uiem loose : ; was wnat got me. Alter anaiyz Not enough so that you can j ing it carefully,- the meaning I tell it. ; wet is that he would iust a leetle ' O v this old world. But I have had an awful time trying to get some people to see it. I have had to deal with so Lemme see. Oh, yes, he has loosened up j away some in matters where the mon- bit rather Jesus would stay about it There is a irreat les- ment 3,ust, as st5?? as you 'lpn't you realize that you about it. Ihere is a gieaties ; anybody else and j have repeat. ; makinff God a worse bmte are th mi son m it. We are too much m- tedly expressed that belief m i 0id KTero eYer was ? It is a won- clined to think that the popular j every article I have written on ' der to me that God permits men to live and slander His holy name like that. Li- j ; -i. J U5J many onna, ignoxaiiu mm muc- ; ey power is concerned. He has bound fools that I have some-, permitted the capitalists to re times thought I ought to have sume trade relations with Ger- kent the old name. If a Fool- many, mat means more money But has INVESTIGATE thine- is the risrht thine, and that j the subject. the unpopular thing is always j. Yes, indeed, I believe in ever . . j j 7u lasting punishment, but the bad and dangerous. Why, sakes i ,h V NQT in is ! alive, man, when you come right overlastincr TORMENT. Now I'll THINKING ABOUT IT ; down to the facts it is more of- j just bet a purty that you are T wiU at least ive t ,ir,riov i ten just tne otner way. iou wu s uuip wa,c wuui- dit f b m honest r t under-i ;-,-;ence. But there is a difference, i -n r. xi T imay stuuy uie xustuxy ui cvcij , -y- , .- - , : ' nope you win not say tnat x am Another thing I can i stand is this : If Bolshevism is world it certainly is needed to the Wilsoll autocracy thin out the religious tools. Up any m its war on "Good News" has been mighty free press and the the. ;n4piiio-pnt average citizen? I should K -.u. ,1 ; f n TviolrcTiia Kolio7-: it" it is nnlv : free sneech. : a. o-nno of put-throats and mur-! . . . ... i y : o o : -l, 1-, nni nfota -117 Tirrhta rkf the ' i , , j j? : ClCtV, -I1U1-1I rtiiu awic " riSrntS OT Hie Hovovs ixrifh nn iciH oom lllir ffl- ' ' - 11.11 IMI 1. 7 say arm a Dig one. xvigut ma ; printing this paper just to make where all you blabber-mouthed sensa8tion an thJat x do not The " 7aa on,, ii, the for the plutes, you know, and itirTV?' .r-r 1" reform movement that has ever ftmu 10 uulu ; ,-llst orl tn Hp Rut hs i sucii a texxiuie tnnig cis tne tij . . n WA.U -Trtl, w;n ! v, sr" "T.;"i i I 7 ucc" 141 v" ortnoaox ioiks get tangieu up , , 1; , thino- T writ l.-l J 1 1 -J ! -ii w.iw " - i your wniKi a nu xaii uunn. . fact ig j DQ beheve them else l ere xou nave never leameu tne un-. H t them And .e 1 T3TTTTOXT,T7'XT'T, OUIQ IlOt AlltC tlieill. AIIU " : o-oiot thorn . lereilC. ueiwccn 1 unii.uii mnvo rV.nri Tnf T hnvP trood lr i rtc.oiKlQ: t6""- , nrTT7,MT Von th nlr . 1 .. have their eyes open. And I netTs ting tf put'a blind 1 - many jew ollows every ox pre have had many assurances that ; bridle on us and hitch us up to where? If it were utterly bad j ing to say that he would have : smner would be j to . keep mm yQU investigate It 1S not treat hoo ua t tho -pvps the old o-rePdv monarrbies of ; and dangerous, the masses ofijomed with Jesus and his littles alive and ic conscious me fair to denounce or con- iu nctc nwiFvi w .. , fho on o wftii H liovo nnth no- tn i j? i v I MH.IS 1 tnroutm enaiess eternity. , j .u.--.-i v. Rut what ; Europe, inat lOOKS llKe We are ' V " v uuuen ui xaggeu nsuexmen ii. , . . i ueinn uy ijwiuwu unui j uu ua jjiak , i i -i ii rin with it hPMiisp von can r. sir- ; . - , ... . it i? i. v' iuv n&tcu tu JLlOl CI 111111 Anm4-nA f c mllfln hvnC;t QTTMt t ' ' . . . i hart neen ivino" at tnat time, nut; , ucwwu o mun uui.wi .nwi. v ture alwut it of a good many. e to in your ' rTrxm t v.oxt community commits a murdei plovmg myself RIGHT. a man years in Ui " ; j-vpii,,-. toward "dpmocracv" Q0 wim oecause you can t ar- j, j v livino- at thit time but- v" J r.nnri Maws ha done in that 1 ne ' .-laveiing towaid demociacy ' , OT7.;vh.jv hv had been living at mat time,, dui , . gunriose a man u tti Triii,. iii m-nhnWv;1111, , , xi, , i, ,i I snddenlv cronp wild and revert-i I haven t found him yet. ine:community commits have done just as well-or bet- theSves en7l f Jo tiie jungle stage. The veiy i preachers can primp up their , tnedm If ofteS happens that tev they are both monarchial gov-lfact that-this movement can , long faces and talk mighty su-; sentenced to dectiic chaii. wiU spend long y T" m ft, i t. lonVernments ruled by heriditary ow ano spraa over If I could get people to look k j ' absolute a ! so rapidly as it is doing c i. l 1 J 4-V & . 1 7 ivi thnt Ino pommnn i iar enougu aneau aim acc luc i monairhv as (iennanv ever was. '" "1"v ... . t i i,i. j,mV!?r . i i.u ; ne announces ins sta t;mo, that. a, e coming they I E E ? anv nS I masses see in it some hmg that niton m the wodd but how j hls crime. And yet in us ng the ; Ue upstavt who has . - -: .- , nttflvo thorn cnniP vP iPt 'i hev ; manv ot tnem won n nave Deen worn nunisnment you wuum;. - . j.., . 4. uii- would all admit that it was tense 01 being a ciemocracy., vr-j W1LI1 I .... , . 1 1 1. 0 . f . : ..-3C 4 -ninvt Txrrwnl tne woito j--, .about Jesus now, since lie i i study and investigation about P!i and His cause have gained recog- Mfetoerfor l.J&.ff never given . mi -.1 u: .;4-u ; at least ueneve uiat il --umvi. : wiiiintr ro Tace rne aistfiace. ux ut inccn vnv, v.n mB1 hnh nn nnri sav man is good news. ' But so many ot the a'mT ! Possibly be any worse than what j hpi-n nf .ffia Pfirlv rtTcinles? ! suffering the man would exper-. " " aiffhtv fool 7, - 1 . .. J ii. Li U ! " e " v- : wirkTVtonl- At PYPfll- . . . - r euvc a ulc " :ish thing tor anybody to do, tion; for, as a matter off act, he ; , , . , M d it g blind ones are now insisting that , . ,, t.,, Wtt ; they now have, and it might be i , , T . , man in his own power, through re expected to smile upon that j better- th wou1 S?1 U lnomm r,f notinnc vc o-ftinff . WOoo n nll it "lomn-omr T . as SOOh try It as not. UnieSS 1; 1.1 ic v&u vi- iinnu'".) -j bvi"tj ; iiicoo aujL vcui 11 uuuuviavj'i to bring in the good time and just wTant you to hush, as' Tom! hand it to us on a silver platter. ' Watts says. - try it as not. Unless 1; Tu0 tht Gprmanv i would perhaps not De conscious vou think the thimrs I say in am badly mistaken, that is how " bi submarines I ? any suffering at all. Ana even ; thg are all w a l!ttle the American masses are think-; sPen m . bnildinfir. submannes if he d d f ee? am lt would , 1 fnvestigation might be an ing on the subject. was her staking fund. last only an instant. t eye-opener for you.

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