Ov 1:1 Ira. fcS5 Volume XII. THE APRIL FOOL ISSUE. Since this is to be an April , Fool issue, I hardly know where" to begin with my chin-music. There is danger that I will make it either too wise or too foolish, and you know just a little too much of either would plu spile it. It ain't as easy to get up all this wise foolishness and solemn fun as you might think it is. Just try it for about twelve years and you'll see. Every month for the past twelve years and more I've had to stand on my head and kick holes in the air to amuse frfty thousand readers. It looks like I would have been bald-headed by this time, but I ain't. The same auburn locks that decorat ed my dome of thought twelve years ago are there yet. Which shows that hair and brains can sometimes 1 live .together in pea,ce: The Fool-Killer is a good deal different from other papers. Anybody that reads it one time will agree to that. And mere dif ference in style isn't the only difference, either. For instance, other papers have at least two or three men (and sometimes a - dozen) that they can depend on for the mental juice to fill their pages.. But in this-here editori al joint there is nobody but old Pearson to keep the hopper full. If my personal supply of fool gab runs out the mill has to stop. Well, it has been running for more than twelve years, and it ain't stopped yet. There is not, never has been, and proba bly never will be any other man who .can just exactly fill the bill for Fool-Killer stuff. Several have tried it and failed. Two or three have even started "Fool Killers" of their own and tried to steal my thunder and" my fame, but they couldn't tote it even after they got it in- the sack. And I reckon that's why it happens that old Pearson is still the only and original "Fool Killer Man," with a perfectly clear right and title to the name and all the glory .that goes with it. Furthermore, I have learned a few things during these twelve years. It has not all been fun M 5 xr1 T r A fiWSSSft -m. Boomer, North Carolina, April, 1922. and foolishness by any means. There has been a lot of serious thinking mixed along with it. I consider that miy mind has been broadened and. my little bit of education rounded out m a way that it never would have been except for this experience. The Fool-Killer led me first into Socialism, . where I stopped for. awhile; and then it led me beyond Socialism into the great er field of Bible Truth which has been gradually opening up for all who are willing to see. In other words, when I started The Fool-Killer I was a blind man trying to lead the blind. But in a very short while I got my political eye open and dis covered Socialism. That was all I could see with just one eye, and it looked to me like the only thing that the world needed. But two or three years later I got my religious eye open and discovered something still more wonderful. I still agree with my Socialist friends that the world is in the middle of a bad fix and must have help or per ish ; but I now see that Socialism alone and unaided' cannot save the world. There is help com ing from another source which the Socialists are not yet aware of. These are times of pro phetic fulfillment. God is work ing out His Divine Plan, and there is no guess-work about it. And now, honey, if The Fool Killer has helped you as much as it "has helped me, I know you don't be'QTudsre the fewJittle dimes you have spent to pay for it. Now I must trot along. Be good. I sometimes sit down to my desk on Sunday and spend a large part of the day writing copy for this paper. And some of the goody-goods come around and tell me I ought not to work on Sunday. Weil, why not? Other preachers write and de liver their sermons on Sunday, and I'm just as good a preach er as any of them. So why can't I write MY sermons on Sunday, I'd like to know? Genoa nuther "conference" was just now getting tuned up ? TIME AND ETERNITY. I have just been reading an article by a man who talks about 'the end of -time" and says we are now "right" on the edge of eternity." People who make such states ments as that do not stop to consider how it sounds. The "edge of eternity." Where would that be? It would certainly be right at one end or the other of eternity. It would be just before eternity begun or just after it ended. But reason and common sense ought to teach us that eternity never had a beginning and will never have an end. Therefore it never did have and never can have an "edge". You can mentally locate your self at any point in eternity, and you are no nearer to the "end" or "edge" of it than you would be at any other point. Some people seem to have a fool notion that there are TWO eternities an eternity of the past and an eternity of the future, and they, think our little slice of TIME has just been splicecl in between these two eterni ;ies and does not belong to either of them. That's all nonsense. There is but ONE eternity, and it reaches all the way, wim out any break in it. The thing that we call time is not some thing separate and apart from eternity, but it is just the little section of eternity that we hap pen to be occupying. If we had been placed a million years earlier that section would have been "time" to us, and the sec tion we now occupy would have been the eternity of the future. So you see it is ALL time and ALL eternity. There is no difference, except - in a relative sense. Suppose you take an ordinory day and pick out a certain -hour in it. Would you claim that the hour was not a part of the day? For instance, from nine o'clock to ten o'clock this morn ing is an hour, but isn't it a part of the day as well ? Certain ly it is. And yet there would be just as much sense in cutting out that hour and saying it was not a part of the day as there is Number 1. in cutting out what we cal time and saying it is not a part of eternity. Now listen: If part of eternity is made out of time, don't you suppose it all is? Certainly. I am; tiying to show you that time bears the same relation to eternity that the hour bears to the day. The day is made out of hours, and any hour in the day is atr hour just the same. In. like? manner, eternity is made out cf infinitely multiplied sections of time strung out end to end. Time is the only thing eternity could be made out of, and so if time were to stop, eternity would have to stop too. Next time you hear anybody talking about the "end of time' you might call their attention to this. "THERE'S A REASON." You may think I am trying to be silly and light-minded, just because I manage to sift in a little fun and nonsense. But you are barking up the wrong tree again. This is a very serious paper, and it is trying to go to the very bottom of all the deep pro blems that now vex humanity. But in order to keep the folks cheered up and in a fit humor to receive the Truth, I some times indulge in a little harm less fun. I get letters nearly every day saying that my dope reaches and convinces people who would not receive the truth from any other source. Well, I am glad of that. And it proves that I am hot wasting' my energy. Even if I did no thing more than to make people laugh I would consider that I had -been of some service. But' I want to do more than that. I want to have some partin opening the blind eyes of the people and teaching them the great truths about the change of dispensations arid the New World that we are now entering. It is all so plain to me that I don't understand why anybody can fail to see it.