PEARSON'S (Formerly The Fool-Killer) Volume Xlh Boomer, North Carolina, U. S. A., June, 1923. Number 12 "HOW LONG TO THE END?"mong the Adventists. Now thefectly natural and gradual man- ! mistake was not in the time-'ner. The world is full of auto- I have just read a very inter- j setting. The date was right, j mobiles today, and we can say PARAGRAPHS. But they were looking for thej wrong thing and got disappoint ed. Other dates have been set for the "end of time" to come, and the dates were light for something to happen, but not the thing they were looking for. And our friend Mr. Young is going to repeat the experience. esting little book called "How Long to the End? written by W. R. Young, formerly editor of Messiah's Advocate. Mr. Young belongs to the Adventist group, and in this little book he claims to have found the key to the mysterious 12th chapter of Daniel. Although claiming He has set a definite date for rive in large numbers that we Via p.n Advpmtist. thp author lwfain A pfmitp vpnt t.n take noticed it much. And that's in a general way that they have been here for fifteen or twenty years, but we can't name any particular year when they came. To be sure, there was some year when the first automobile was actually madebut the world oaid no attention to that. It was only after they began to ar-1 Smile even if it cracks your face. The only way to get value is to give value. Be square. Doubt and Fear are the devil's match hosses. Faith and Hope are God's match hosses. has brought out some calcula tions in connection with chron ology and the "time features" of prophecy that have hereto fore been taught only by the Bible Students. He uses a chronology which is slightly dif ferent from Russell's, and he makes a different application of it in some places, but the final result as to time is almost the same that the Bible Students get. He -correctly understands the "seven times" punishment of the Jews, to be 2,520 years, but he begins his count a few years later than the Bible Students, and ends it in 1924, when he ex pects the "end of time" to come and everything to be wound up in one literal day. He knows nothing about the Jubilee Peri ods, and has no place in his scheme for the thousand years Millenial reign. He is just look ing for a sudden visible coming of Christ, a sudden resurrection of the dead, a sudden burning up of all evil in the world, and a sudden establishment of !an absolutely perfect paradise on earth. The trouble with Mr.- Young and many of his Adventist fol lowers is that they are looking for the wrong thing at the right time. Their- dates are in pretty close agreement with Bible Stu dent dates, and therefore they must be very near right. Some thing of far-reching importance is going to happen to this old world pretty soon. Any per son can easily see that, even without any help from the Bible. But the old theology has led peo ple astray until even those who get the "time features" figured out right are in danger of look ing for the wrong sort of an event to take place at the time appointed. William Miller did some figuring and some time setting a good many years ago, and he was going to have the "end of time" . come in 1844. Well, the "end of time" didn't place the end of time, the com ing of Christ, the resurrection, the judgment, the destruction of the wicked, the .establishment of a perfect paradise on earth and he will not see them. Hence he will have to conclude that his time-se.tting was wrong. Now if Mr. Young and the rest of the Adventists could only be taught to look for the right thing in 1924 or somewhere near that date they, could save them selves from a big disappoint ment. In the first place, there will not be any "end "of time", either in 1924 or in any other year. There will not Je any literal trumpet blown in the skies, and there will not be any visible coming of Jesus with great lights shining and a big demonstration that all the world will see. The resurrection of the dead will not occur all in one literal day, but will continue through a period of one thou sand years. Sin and evil will not be done away with suddenly, and paradise will be established by a slow and gradual process. Hundreds of years after Christ has been reigning over the eayrth there will still be some sin and some bad people living in the world. It will take a whole thousand years to get the sin all removed and to bring the earth to a state of Edenic perfection'. There must necessarily be some year when all this will legally begin, but that particular year will not bring change enough to be distinctly noticeable. In fact, we can see that great changes jita ylrPiiH v o-m'n or rvn art A f Viav :11 a.' . i Pearson s Poems is not quite ready Will continue to go on much ml for delivery yet. We plan to have the same manner tor some years-fit ready by the 13th of September. to come. There will not be any definite year that you can put your finger on and say, "Para dise started right here". It will come gradually, and after awhile you can see that it has certain ly come; but you will not be. abl to say exactly when it came. Paradise and all that comes with just the way our earthly para dise will come. So far as out ward and visible indications are concerned, men will do most of it themselves, just as they have made the automobile, the elec tric light, he radio, and so many modern wonders. Some of the things that will make paradise are already here, and others are coming every year. It is all working according to God's divine plan, and His hand is in it all, but He uses men to do the work. The Adventists are mighty good people, and they have been very helpful in getting the pro phetic time periods figured out. And now, the main thing they laek is- ah understanding of what to look for on the dates which they have set. ( Advertisement PEARSON'S POEMS The Complete Poetical Works of James Larkin Pearson, a well-known Southern poet. This book contains every poem that Mr. Pearson has etver written which he considers worthy of preservation in book form. It is a large book of about 350 pages, and the poems are arranged in the order in which they were written, beginning at the age of 12 arid com ing on down to the present, show ig the progress and improvement which the author has made during the years since 1891. Many of the early poems are simple and immature, as might be expected, and they are included mainly for senti mental reasons. But further along in the book the power begins to be felt and it rises into real, poetry the kind that thrills and inspires. Some of .America's ablest critics have praised Pearson's work, and the chances are that in future years he will take his place somewhere near the top of the list of Southern poets. If the word "fair is in your dictionary cut it out. Hurry and Worry are another team from the devil's livery stable. A live wire has to be charged therefore I charge you to be a live wire. come $n !1844, and there was j it will come a good deal as the wide-spread disappointment a- automobile has come in a per- It will be printed on the finest of heavy book paper and beautifully bound m cloth, with title page stamp ed in gold. It will contain about 350 pages, will weigh nearly two pounds, and the price will be $2.00. But we are now making a special pre-publication offer of $1.50. If you will send your order now, with cash re mittance, you may have "Pearson's Poems" for $1.50, and the book will be sent to you postpaid as soon as ready. Send your order now and save 50 cents. THE JOYCRAFTERS, Boomer, N. C. The "smile that never comes off" is in great demand. You got one? Don't even think a crooked thought, much less act one. Be straight. Be honest. Falling down isn't any crime, but lying there and crying is Get up. When you are fishing for sue cess you mustai'tl baiit with a long face, Failure always keeps company; with the main who will recog nize her as an equal. The head that can't be used, for thinking purpose isn't of much value for anything else. How is your head ? The man who is a saint on Sunday and a rascal the rest of theweek is worse than the man who is a rascal all the time. If you ever climb high you've got to use something for stepping-stones. Your failures will answer the purpose all right Try them. It might be a mistake to have Henry Ford for president, but it would certainly be a smaller mistake than to have anybody else that I know of. If he would be a mistake, then anybody else would be a fatal calamity. t It is all (right to (have fun sometimes, but this ig a time in the world's history when mere fun cannot satisfy. The, condi tions today are such as demand serious thinking. But don't get blue and despondent over it. Be a Joycrafter. s