M BOOST AIRY HEWS. T.J. low Ay, iloont Airy, N. 0.,Jan. 9, 1S96. BUBflGRIPTIOX KATKd: Ona copy, one year, - - $1 00 On copy, all monthi, On copy, three months, - .25 PAYABLE IS ADVANCE. Knterxd attaa Pout Ofnna at Mount Alry.H. C. aa aoool-elaa mall matter. The Democrats are not responsi ble for the acU of the preseot Con greafl. Let the public take due no tice and govern thomselve accord- Oorernor Levi P. Morton, of New York, Las finally annonnced that he will bo a candidate for pres ident before the National Republi can convention at Ft. Lonis. Senator Marion Eatlor is "some pumpkins." Ain't he cutting a pretty caper? The papers every where are poking Inn at t!:u little fellow. The popnlisti otiftht to nominate him for president. The main building of the N. & W. Railroad, at Norfolk, V., in which was located the general busi ness offices of the company, was entirely destroy ed by fire Saturday. Many valuable papers were lost. A strange anomaly is reported from near Hot Spiings, this State. Miners in sinking a shaft struck the Ycin that supplied water for the hot spring and the spring dried up. Pipes will be put in and the water carried in that manner to the hotel and spring. The I'iblical Recorder, of Raleigh, has been sold to Kd wards & I'rotigli ton, the sum of $10,000 being the price paid for the paper. Mr. J W. Uaily, son of tho late Dr. C. T Baily, will continue as editor of the Recorder, and Mr. Caddell as tnv elling correspondent. Wm. W. Millur, of Mocks ville, N. C, became suddenly insane one day last week and fired his double barrel shot gun at his wito and chil dren r,e they attempted to escape from the crazy man. Fortunately they were not seriounly injured. Tho Times says Miller was prompt ly put in jail. Eighteen car loads of white peo ple havo gone from Wayne, Duplin and Pender counties to work in tho cotton mills at Pelzer, S. U. Mr. P. 13. Ilamer, of Mount Airy, who has just returned from South Caro lina, informs us that everything is flourishing in that State, and that money is mere plentiful there now than it has been for several yerrs. Tho Democratic National Com mitteo, which has been summoned to meet in Washington on January 16th to fix the time and placo of the National Convention ol 189G, will find New York city to be tho most formidable claimant for Con vention honors. In addition to the other arguments which have been advanced in support of New York, is its many great attractions for the Bight seer. Henry Morgan, who lives ten miles from the residence of a doc tor in Kontucky, thinking robbers were on his premises Sunday night, attempted to take down his gun and in doing so shot himself. Tho bullet cut a vein, and Morgan was in dangor of bleeding to death. His little ten year old girl rode ten miles alone and through the dark and rain, got a physician and saved her father's life. Utah was admitted to the sister hood of States on last Saturday, the 4th inst., when President Cleveland signed the proclamation to that ef fect. There was no ceremony about it, the President and Private Secretary Thurber being alone in Mr. Cleveland's office at the time, and the signing was done with a Bteel stub pen point affixed to a wooden penholder. Tne pen and penholder were given to Governor West, of Utah, who entered the White House about the time the proclamation was Bigned. Senator Blackburn has been very active in the interests of his candi dacy for the last half year. From the time that he delivered his first tree silver speech, in Kentucky, early last spring, to the present time, he has been pushing his can vass with all the assiduity possible. He was interested in every election for representative held in the state and if a majority of his friends were not sent to the legislature it was not dus to lack of activity or the generous use of money on the part of hU friends. But Senator Black burn wilt sot be re-clectod to thi United State senate. Such is the opinion of coosemtfve politicians who have made a thorough study of the situation. CLEVELAND OH G0L0 PLATFORM. President Cleveland is very much worried over the financial situation, and has impressed his fears of a financial crash so strongly opon the mamht-n'-ot- hwiMbinot - and tit officials of his Administration that they are almost in a panic. They think of nothing but the financial rrimifl, and talk of nothing clue. The Venezuela matter is alinoHt entirely lost sight of, and is forgotten except a an incident of the discussion as to what will be the outcome of the financial tioublo. For two weeks the President and his Cabinet have watched tue financial Bitnatiun with the utmost anxiety, and he is con fidering tho advisability ot sending another message to Congress recit ing his fears and announcing his intention to issue bonds as the only means of preventing a financial crash. The president does not hope to avert it permanently, because lie firmly believes that with Congrees constituted as It is, nothing can now prevent gold from going to a ftiemiuin and the United States rom being placed on a silver basis. He will not permit this to occur as long as he is President, but he thinks that this Congress or the next will enact legislation that will bring it about. Tho President and the members of his Cabinet bciicve that the Re publicans in tho Houfe of Repre sentatives miwted a great opportu nity when they refused to retire the greenbacks and pronounce in favor of the gold standard, and they think moreover, that Grover Cleveland will bo nominated for the Presi deney in 1890 on a gold platform ; that the Republican platlorm will Ins a straddle on the money ques tion, and that tho Republican party will be practically armihiliated. They think, also, that Thomas B. Reed missed his chance of being PreBidentof the United States when he Tailed to lead his Republican Congress to make a declaration in favor of gold as the Btaudard of money in the United State, and they believe that he can neither be nominated nor elected. Cleveland, they say, is the only prominent man of either party who has dared to come out eiiuarely and boldly in support of the gold Btandard, and for that reason they expect, to bco him the nominee of the Democratic party next year. Below Zero. Watekiiiry, Conn., Jan. 0. The thermometer reached 11 de grees below zero early this morn ing. New York, Jan. C The weather to-day was tho coldest which New Yorkers havo experienced in many years. At 3 o'clock this morning the temperature for the first time in January fell below zero. At 0 o'clock the thermometer registered 3 degrees below and tho cold was intensified by a wind which fresh ened at buii rise until it blew at the rate ot seventeen miles an hour at 8 o'clock. At 10 o'clock tho weather begun to moderate, and the mer cury climbed up to 2 degrees be low zero. The intense cold caused the rivers and biy to bo practically deserted by small craft. Rome, N. Y., Jan. 0. At 0 o'clock a. m , to-day the mercury reached its lowest point for the winter thus far, standing at 18 to 20 degrees below zero in various parts of the city, according to ex posure. Boston, Jan. 0. This morning was the coldest of the season in this section of New England. The weather bureau reports the ther mometer at 8 below zero in Boston, while dispatches from points in this and Northern New England States give a range from 10 to 35 degrees below. Thirteen Persons Killed. Yjoor, Col., Jan. 4. An accident occurred about noon to-day at the Anna Lee mine of the Portland Co., on the Battle mountain. Nine men were caught in a big cave-in, and four who were on the cage when tho ground gave way, all probably dead. The others who were in the mine are also supposed to be dead. The woik of rescue was started at once and great efforts are being made to reach the men. It is doubtful, however, if this can be done in time to save them on ac count of the general character of ttio disaster. The cave-in began 35 feet from tho top of the fchait. It is believed that it will take a week or ten days to rescue the entombed miners. As the shaft on the Anna Lee is about 900 feet deep it can bo readily 6een that a great amount of work will bo re quired not only to clear the shaft in order to make a passagewcy to the levels but also to make way in the stations and tho slopes which are included m the cave-in. The cause of the disaster cannot be definitely stated but it is known that the timbers were insufficient to sustain great weight, both lateral and Mrpend'M!?r to which they have been subjected. RAILWAY DECISIONS. Rai.kioii, N. C. Jan. 3 The railway commission to-day disposed of the following caea : Citizens of Uoodaoti against the Cape rear and l aclkin V alley railway, petition for better depot; the depot is beinir built. Fuller against the Southern and tho Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railway, complaint of lack ot connection at Rural Hall , schedule changed aud connection nude. Ray against the Southern railway, com plaint that freight was collected on some goods not deliveied ; the com mission notifies the road that charges can only be collected on freight deliveied. Clark against the Wilmington nd Weldon rail way, complaint of overcharge n freight; overcharge refunded. Citi i.'in on Robbinsviile, petition for depot i Utter is being built. THE VENEZUELAN COMMISSION. Wasik.voton, Jan. 4. Four mem hereof tho commission appointed by the President "To determine the true divisional line between the ter ritory of the Republic of Venezuela and that ot British Guiana" assem bled at the State Department at 11 o'clock this morning for a dicuwion of the great work before them. Tho aW-ntce was Mr. Andrew White, of iNew York, who will be in Washington to-day. Mr. Fred erick Coudert was tho first member of the commission to appear. He reached the State Department short )y after 10 30 and was shown into Secretary Olney's office. Fitteen minutes later Justice David J. Brewer and Prof. Daniel C. Gilman arrived together, and just at 11 o'clock Chief Justice Richard Alvev, the remaining commissioner, put in his appearance, having just arrived from llagerstown, Md, The four commissioners remained with Secretary Olney for half an hour discussing routine matters Sertaining to their organization. Ir. Olney will not participate in any wsy in tho work of the com mission, and when tho commission ers emerged from his office into tho diplomatic reception room he re mained behind. Each member of tho tribunal with the exception of Prof. White, received his formal certificate of appointment from the President to-day. - - Westfiehl Wirelets. Xmas passed very quietly at Westfield. The young folks enjoyed several social parties very much. Air. J. T. Smith returned to Davidson College last week, after spending the holidays with relatives and friends here. Mr. E. W. Pearce returned to Pinnacle yesterday. Misses Lula and Mary Simmons, Andrew Jackson, Earnest Tilley and Eddie Hill have gone to Pilot Mountain to attend Prof. Sparger's school. Misses Lelia Joyce, Bet lie ( irorgo and Mattio Simmons visited West field during the holidays. Messrs. B. E. Jcssup hik! John Christian, of Mount Airy, puni Xmas with their parents at this placo. Rev. C. C. Ilaymore, of Mount Airy, has been elected pastor of tho Baptist church nt this place and has accepted tho call. He was tho founder of this church and is very popular here as a preacher. Mr. Ambrose Jet's up and wife, who haye been living above Mount. Airy for the past ye-tr, have return ed to Westfield to make it their future home. Mr. John II. JesBiip is having a neat residunco erected. Mr6. E. Y. Payne who has been very sick for some time is now im proving. Mr. Jess Harrison, of Mount Airy, is visiting his brother. Mr. J. L. Harrison. Prof. J. B. Sparger and J. M. Napier, ot Pilot Mountain, visited Westfield last week. Mr. Ausley Hatcher, of Mount Airy, is visiting friends and rela tives here. Miss Bell Joyce has gono to Friend's Mission, Ya., to enter school there. II. White Plains Paragraphs. I he holidays aro over and busi ness is starting oil nicely. The White Plains (traded School opens January 0th. Prospects for the school arc encouraging. II. T. Jenkins has a tew speci mens of the English and German hare, all colors. Tho wagon works of J. S. it S. E. Marshall have started up better prepared to please their thousands of customers than ever before. Mr. H. T. Jenkins, who has had 20 years experience in the NiesenCo's shops, will remain with Messrs. J. S. it S. E. Marshall. They build the best wagon that runs on wheels. Yours. 1). Naii. iff. Win. it. WUaim Pullman, W. Va. Better Tiianjor Years Hood's tarprl!l Dsmonatrate Ita Merita. , A scrofulous or catarrhal condition of the Intestine Is often the- prims cause of chronic diarrhoea, and when the tissuea are built up and healed by tiie pure blood made by Hood's Saraa pnrilla, ft cure It effected. Read thi: "I bellevs it mj duly to tell what bane fit I have received from Hood'a fiampa rllla. I wu afflicted with chronlo diar thorn tot (oar year, and over Parna In tho Back of my head and alao in tor aide I waa treated by two loading physicians, bat found no relief. I waa advlaad by trienda Hood's 8i Cures to try Hood's flarmaparflla. I eommatiord taking tha madictna laat May and have taken over seven bottle. I found relief after t. king tha first bottle and now feel better than 1 have for veer." William K. Wilson, PuUman, VVeet Virginia. Hood's PHIa ara tha beat after-dinner ruia. aat'tt dig, itlon. prat ant aoaatljalloo. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Hoft or :alloued l.nmps and Bleminhea from horaca. Mood Hpavina, Curl, Splinta. Hwwney King-Bone, Sli:iea, ppraina, all Hwollen Throata, Cougtta, etc Sava $-50 by iim of one bottle. Warranted tho mnet wonder ful lilemiah t'ure ever known, rkild oy TiTioa di FUnia Ml. Airy.X. C rr m. firs JVWi HIGHWAY ROBBERY. One of the bolclot highway rob beries etcr committed in the State oecnrred rear Garner, this comity, Fridiy. Mr. W. J. V. Thurhton, a well known iiizen, was goiriifo his home in Clayton early in the after noon. He is well known in eigh, to which market ho regul-uly brings chickens, eggs, butter and all manner of farm products. It is we J known that he carries home a well filled bag of the coin of the renliii every time he comes to market. Just after he passed (farner, i.ear the iJardv I'agweil residence, negro stepped up from the roadside and asked Mr. Thurston it ho had any beef to sell. Mr. Thursion aid there was a quarter of beef in tt.e wagon. ' Von can have it for $ 1 .05," said Mr. Thurston. ''I haven't got but a dollar," eaid the nearo, at iho same time putting his hand in his pocket. When his hand came out it ll irhed a pistol in Mr. Thurston's face. "Your money or your life," de manded the hurley negro. Mr. Thurston jumped out on the other side of the wagon, but tho ne gro ran around to him, and they grappled. The negro had a pis:ol and a club. Mr Thurston fought with his bare hands. For nearly an hour they struggled in the road un til Mr. Thurston was overcome. The negro then reached into the money hair, and took out $0.75 in silver. He left in the bag $208 in gold nnd greenbacks. Charles Urahuin was arretted on suspicion, and positively identified by Mr. Thurston. lie is from Clnr lotte, and h is betu working on the gravel train on tho "Southern." Magistrate Johnson tried him and bound him over to court. He is now in Wake county jail. News and Observer. Shall We Have It? Wo are not through talkingahont an Exposition for Winston this year and wo do r.ot propose to abandon tho idea unless we find that there is no probability of securing tho co operation necessary to make the enterprise a succchs. At the same time, there will be but pmal! returns for wasted breath along this line and it thould be determined as early as possible whether or not we will hold the Exposition. If we are not to have it, say bo and we'll drop the subject. If wo are to have it, say so, and begin to hustle and get ready to make if such a enccess is it can be made through tho united and determined efforts of our people. Winston Sentinel. Whf a Bnby wa sick, we gave her Caatorla. When she wm a Child, she cried fur Caitorta. When n'lie lxvame Mlm, nlie clung to CutorU, When the had Children, she gave them Cutorla Brim Budget. Moee Ilrim killed a hi.ge snake during Christmas week near llrim postoHico. John fchiilar had several fine fowls stolen Xmas night. Some rascais went to the dwell ing house of William Reynolds in Christmas and rocked it. They knocked a big hole in the roof. Mrs. S. G. flrim, who has been very low with fever, is said to be improving. W. S Mount Airy Tobacco Market. OORHIXTKI) WKKKI.V BY PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE CO. Lii, Common, Medium, (iood, ClTTBK.i, Medium, -Fine, Lkak, Common, Medium, -tiood, Wraii'krh, Medium, -(.food to Fine, 3.10. 4.50 6 iXIfd 8.00 10.00 -H).0O 12 00r.U6.00 18.000 25.00 8.007 4.00 6.1 ) 8.00 10.00( 15.00 16 00(.T-5 00 30.C01 50.00 Owing to unfavorfible weather for handling tobacco, brakes have been light, but prices well up to quotations W. s. needhamT" ATTORXEV-AT-LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will jiraorice In the State Court, Col lactiou of claims a upei-ialty. JanO-lim E W. S. TAYLOR'S BBS Will me.t all trains and carry j assengera to or fros; Until ReynoMao' eta Ik here about to n Leave l.us call? at Taylor & Banner's Dreg Store. Jan-9 liu Jlount A.ir- Male Academy, OPENS JANUARY 8th, 1896, A.! d coiitinuea ia Mi-i.m for Are nii.nl In. A Cr el5t preparatory achool Lt lxys an! yonng mn. Thorough, practical work ia inclwtt-d upm. Eead oi your boy, we mill do him good. Rati reasonable. l"y Write for information. R. C. CRAVEN, Principal. rENNYROYAL PILLS - 1 V ... ..-.. ..!' . .,.. . belt hi T ..L 1,M T,.u .... - r o mm sion looks like cream ; flows like cream; tastes almost like cream. It feeds your strength as cream would feed it if you could as similate it. You can assimilate Scott's Emulsion I AM JUST BACK FKOM THE And liiie liouniit tin" l:irgcl Nlink nf Dry Goods, Boots, Siioes, Sample Shoes, Sample Hats and Caps. My goods are all in. 1 will snve you money if you will see me before you buy. Try my White Pearl and Carnation Floor BLST IN THK CITY. I hiive control of one of the largest flour mills in 'itinl:i, an I Can Sot Ton Bis Money II YOU NYIU. IU'Y ! Mlv R0BT. BELT0N. FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES Books of all kinds, Stationery And Fancy Goods, CAU. ON II Cor. Man and Cedar Streets, OPPOSITE BANK. Wo it it. v 0 a complete lino of School Books, Pen and Pencil TaMi Is and Puds, Slates, Sirups, Pons, Peiicile, Sjionos, ('ompoHiiirm li'ioks, Hluck board Erases., School liitga, .tc, All at Prices That Can't Be Beat. We are hcnliinartcnk for vei c 1. i aiac in the Stationery line and carry a complete ae&ortciPtit of Faacy GooiU tat attractive prices. Voe v ill receive prompt ami cour teous attention, and we guarantee our g wla to he strictly first-class and fi represented. Trices as low as the lowest. Mount Airy Book Store ALWAYS ON" HAND AT THU CITY RESTAURANT. Leave your orders and have them delivered promptly at yo'ir residence. OPEN FROM 6 A. M. UNTIL 12 P, M, ir"I?estairoiit ru xt dor to Mount Atry IU(ik Mure, IT. '.-TA.-n V.-'- Otrnn utuuu r rd t- f'l HF H rite iiarkcs IS 1 ftrsrf - i Hi 111 TIIE GRANITE CiTV Ul niel MOUNT AIRY, N. C, Owns Somo 900 Acres of Land i One-lttirJ of which is in Town Ft.!, hnlance lyii t' ii-ljaeent to thej town. If jou want to rent a residence or More r -ofii, r, ij'y.-u desire to j purchase properly in or near Mount Airy, we will he jriad'to e any1 informaiion hy letter. " " j iWW't offer Special 1 relitct-metitc to the propi !-ir, - t e;,l I. man- j iilftctarinif enterprises, CoPRKsposi.k vt Soi.ien n. T. h Hi ST jJ'..i f r , T. In Iff-! VALUABLE u 1 i i n I 0 II ill lit); dill J lol jufltS, 1 1 m L -t 200 TOWN ,0T3, HVE iiRICK STORES, 75 ACRES FINE RIVER BOTTOM, ONE PLANING HILL RUN BY WATER-POWER. Hi m HI. ILL IK ri J I will sell the above Property at Public auction, to the highest bidder, on Thursday, Jan. 30th, 1896. Also 1,353 acres of land 21 miles from Mount Airy, 400 acres of which is in a fine state of cultivation. It is fine Tobacco, Wheat and Corn land. There never will be another such opportunity offered to buy prop erty in Mount Airy and vicinity. Come and buy a lot and some good bottom land while you have the op portunity. Sale to begin at 1 o'clock p. m., at Brower's Ware house, and continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms, one-third cash, balance in Six and Twelve months. For further particulars, call at Brower's Warehouse. J. M. BR0WER. January 6tl, 1896. Ft? Irii! til Hi AVI I 11 ' r-1 a 2 Mil t" I II" Atl.-t Ail ari'l surr' .!! . II,. Ti e Best Supply of Fare Dro -1 oh Ml (. Ii.'lul. ! ! ! -. V.. .M.-i'tr'Ii.'S. A'.'.. ..' . !.) ' r. 't i 1 . 1 III "li.r tX.MI.IV. aiul Hi,.! V. t will hl.ll mm Wr ,li r,- I wll ' 'i I f .p J....i ; s ty v. i1 s. H .-it lit i ; -l.ill W' ili -,c. Vi' k 1 . . 1 1 !.!, THE BEST I Tli il I'niitic li..n,lii 11ml .o-ll Hi. in j. i at ; i.'.iv.i.tl.i. irl.rt. wo ,M-c ally t,.!i I "1 "ill a't. i.nmi 1.1 ."ir ..f TRUSSES. lri'T all s;ylt"4 ainl 1 'i uti i it h ; I i-r -pfi l'i of t'iiM Miijti.-f on- w !"'n- il .i curt' fs post '!)' u't ul r.iihl !. CMnMi, M s N l f y"u i fi ,1 a (u r ! j ;h!ii!'l.t;.' t' i-r ! Hawks' Gem Glasses Ai,.l wecnrnii .-.,itU'i.',ui, ::r,: il,- i,aj.,,r a.io i.r bii.i lnif ih1 l ; win-ii l, il, -:it-' ..t :,in Cf Slk'llt l"S I'llli,'. TLI -1. !.:! -! lr.'l 11..! l.' S.I, WO Hisll til .'.!'! ...tlfllll -I. I,, lii. LI, t llml nii' I'.r.'i'iirw; t,i hi! j mir tamllyre-vipts nr.i ,ln el idh' ,IVS,'lil.l,.l With Skill and Accuracy. V n tM aiV pi ii i! tl (. if.! ! ti in vn-ir midst fth-l a )'urs tr.'U.lnif In oii' ft Ihe IH'M iilV i.f Phtllii.i J ill f hi! I irli-'.i S'Hti s, we ''arc n no iii,.' w!M 1 i -tat to put he nti'Wt -'li-'Ul! f Intrl.Mtc pn'.-sril.Ii.'(i in our Uaiifls. Very Truly, TAYLOR & BANNER. COWS WANTED. Sev. ral fie li i-o.s are n .ii tnl m !':i,c -'ireet Pair . Apply !e li. Jl. llixi -. AIRY MARBLE WORKS. Mount Airy, N. C. W. 0. HAYNES S. CO , P;c?-,e:o's i.ifii jumiiDifiUiiuJiioy a III Tombstones, Iron Fencing, nit VirMo frr- rnd.'irir Dnrn.m Co iii koi bib mi iiaii-iLa l ua-uw. &b. for lv.-sti.-nH ami i I'f') 1.11.1 OVi, IT, Kill (.!.-.!.- i-'Oi'k. our oik u',.l rr: B. KcCAECO, Sec'j end Trt I Ceiaij i I T1101. I"kHVKrr, l;. r (i vN. Jas. II. Sparger. M. L. Fawcutt l'r -uli'iit. lt Vice rri-cidcrit, 2nd ViVe rrfsid'nt. C'aahier ftnST NATIONAL BANK of Ht. Airy. m oltl'lllUTDi). ( apiliil, $.10,000, Inid I . DIRECTORS. nw y h.- i.:mk M-. tt ,J. II Spnr'r, M. h. us iUf lu-coiinis nf ii;.ti;i.inlv T! iii-c uiui; .11 uie .11. mi fav 1 ,nii.!" I. this. The funds .r.K'i rt eel chests and I he Vaie The Latest Styles ? f. M. VAN.STOilY is jiit Liu k iVnn the No ,eni Markets. Iho viiy latest r;! an I Winttr Styles of jiEj'S AND BOY'S SUITS, HATS, ' 111 c 11 1 . 1 .M-i'iigoo . n . r i a, uvu coins, unu doi'w our, Col I ara nnd ( t Any Icipean.l .-lor.) W e can sltow the Lartesl, Finest ami Cheapest Mock evar i tl' 1 Wi ' ciisl.oro. 'i he ro.mI.1 ai-e b.mjriit from lare lanut'deriiivra a';.l I ii i .ot t rs, tor t'a.-li. We intend to oiler eome of the G-REATEST BAR&IAIS Kail ever hoM in Nordi Carolina. We have ninny new things that are just out shew y.iu J)i. n't fail to look through our lurjre and well-selected slm-k before )ii Inij. It he money to yon. C. M. Vanstory & Co., The Leading New Style Clothiers and Hatters. South Kim Si reel, Greensboro, X. C. TO THE ) ) !M)i Ul III! I 1 1 I k 1 1 I 1 1 1 uiiiiuunui BROWN, IIAYNES & NEWSOM WII.I. TAKE CHAUOK OK THE Planters' ImMi.um Vr;.ivt.iTiS,i-, Tlifv will alavs h 01. hiH to ln-,1; Uio tniereMaaf fll-l, li,i is. ; Ills li.Mise Is lvut.-rt tn I he oei,!.TOt town, n).,-..!.., .V. J" 'er''1 wtii iii .l ii -'.(! O 'liv. nl. -it, -e. r ;ir vrs?, a.;r".;?r v j,!,.-ui t ,,,.-,-o r-Mi on our il-nir 1 t .is ii,u,-i. i..r w.iir tit..ii'-ii s an n ajh-ii-e t! - n i it. tli- m;hi. ,.;;:i;;nl" 1"'ln Mr.K F.WaU. BROWN, Mr. .1. A. N; our Ull.l ionier. In & uielnlKT llillll ( 1 n n . . .-v a a. II t'C I is here: ! M Alti: TUG lOHEaiURS OF FALL, AMI WINTER FASHIONS IN MEN'S WEAR ! A LiKht Tor. Coat feel comforullo the enming e,. mornings. Wo don't fay much. Our Famous Smts, Hats, Neekaear tm! Fornthin rpeak in their ow n hcl alf Pi icoa not c.ini:.dered. 23. r. . FISHBIATH, TIIF FALL WT.IB PHOIIDCIJ. II. ltlKI, Mnnnger GBEE.HSBORO, H C Doors, Sash If yon arc g to build a homo be cheapest WE MANUFACTURE .s...l: in,r.K 1W,. Ivw.r aad Wi,.,,w fnf i . '"'"''.""'..'''r, abtr-iilea iMeHi.. latha. liaw, ent, caVeiWHa r!a!of !'lateii h.'c,TH ,n . W. hava aorka.. tH.Wr. t,d4 promptlr. O--- I a"! or rtte im , m ;.VlTEEl:H BROS, AVinstoii,r,a. Hi laamr-aa. til I.. Faucet t, K. I.. (4wjrn, C. I.. Hanks. Merchants, ManifarturtrH Farmers ana -reliant looati'U in towns adiaffnt rncivH is ui our ctisiomi-rs are secured ly two burglar Time Luck. Interest aL'owed on Savines Demwita ni.;li( all Walkinj; Cuiiea, Un- lies, eetlully, FARMERS OP ES. Warehouse . OOllVf-fiifMlt IA haul kKi... m ' " " "v "' to oe one or whleJi laarsartw'taithe, sill ben- HAYNES & NEWSOM. ol liiefirrn .nh.i..... . ( II I II M 1 and Blinds. Kuro yoo 5..d where you ran nr material. AT SHORT NOTICE. ' T.nl S-J-W-. mm JUil i 1 i Fall feii

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