THE MOUNT A!RY NEWS. T.J. tOWRY, T. Mount Airj, N. 0., Jan. 10, 1896. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: On copy, one year, - fl-00 On copy, iii monthi, - - M On copy, three month!, .25 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 1 ntorrdkllta Poat omct Mount Alry.H.C. aa aeoond-claaamall oiatier. Minister Ransom Mexico to dav. is to start for Tho wsr-clouda keep gathering in the old country. Lot ns pray for peace. The Tramvaal matter should ive the United States no trouble. It will be settled without Uncle Satu's interference. Twelve students of the State Uni versity hate been expelled lor gam bling and hazing. The parents of the boys have been notified not to send tbera back. To-day, January ICth, is General Robert E. Lee's birthday. The Daughters of the Confederacy in Charleston, S. C, have made very extensive preparations for a proper observance of the day. It is said on semi-ofllcial'authori tv that President Cleveland will issue an order placing deputy eollec tors of internal revenue ni.di-.r civil service rules. At present only causers, storekeepers, and clerks o r? r m are included in the civil service. Governor Carr has issued hie warrant for the execution of Thomas Covington, who murdered James Brown, superintendent ol the Long Island Cotton Mills, in Catawba county, on September 20th, 1S94 The da'e of execution is Febrnarv 13th. Mr. Alfred Williams, Raleigh's oldest citizen, died of bronchitis on Thursday. Mr. Williams was in bis 91st year and had been a resi dent at the State's capital for mere than seventy years. He was prom inent in business and religious cir cles. He was the head of the firm of Altred Williams A: Co., book sellers and publishers. The twentieth Annual State Con vention of the Young Men's Chris tian Association ol North Carolina, will be held March 19t.h to 22nd at Charlotte. An interesting pro gram is being prepared. Some strong speakers have aiready agreed to be present. Every Association in the State should be represented by as many delegates as possible. This organization has accomplished much good in the State and should be encouraged. An exchange gives the following good and sensible reasons for the hard times of which so many com plain : "We let our timber rot and "buy plow stocks, single trees, axe handles, hochandles and fences. We throw away onr ashes and buy soap and axle grease. We give away our beef hides and buy hame strings and shoe strings. We let onr manure go to waste and buy guano. We buy garden seed in the spring and bny cabbage in the win ter. We let our land grow np witjj weeds and buy our brooms." The city of Little Rock, Ark., has iU own ideas of Sunday and it proposes to maintain them. A dis patch from there on Wednesday says: "The municipal authorities of Little Rock refused Colonel Bob Ingersoll pcrniisfion to lecture on Sunday evening. Ingersoll desired to deliver a non-religious lecture on 'Shakesiieare.' Last fall Little Rock refused a joruiit for Gil more's Bnrid to give a concert on Sunday." Good for Little Rock. There are ome nice people iu that western city. Wo spent a short time in that city long years ajfo when "the boys" were pretty wild, and we were nt very favorably impressed. But things Lave chang ed since that time. England's troubles are increasing every day. Before lord Salisbury bad time to find out exactly the depth ot the hole into which lie has been put 'y Tresident Clevelaud iu the eon trove.- over the Venezue lan difficulty, lews reached him that an expeditio. of English sol diers had invaded tL Trausvaal, an African State, in violation of trea ties, had been whipped in battle by the Boera and forced to surrender Tb3 li ves of the captured invaders are forfeited and the captureri have the right to put them to death. It the English Government allows the exeoation ol these men it will bring 5 w its head the indignation of the We British nation. And if it Kempt, to interfere hj force ,0 prevent execution, Germary and other Bit-. ' , . J ing that thel: 10 BPn will Uke a XnVld THE WEST COMING SOUTH, The natursl advantage of Urn South are at last being recognized and the great movement of opu lation in tins direction is growing and commanding attention every where. The Grand Army colony recently started at Asheville, Ga., by Gen. Fitzgerald and ex Governor Northern is constantly receiving accessions. The press dispatches announce that 123 new coloi.ists arrived from the Northwest Thurs day night to csst their lot with the people of the South. Gen. Fitzgerald writing to the Mauufaciurer'i Record iii regard to the success of this colony says:. ''Members are satitSed and every thing working harmoniously. Over 500 dwellings are now in course ot erection, with. 6,000 of the advance guard now upon the lands. With a membership ot over 54,000 people, we have passed the question ot suc cess, ana the only question now bothering us is to know where to get lauds enough to place them on. Within the next two or three years, South Georgia, within the domains of the colony, will be a perfect paradise, tor our people are going a' it with a will, and with the in tention of making future homes." The same must soon be true of North Carolina. She is second to no State in the Union in natural advantages and offers many superior inducements to the man who is willing to work for a living. We are ourselves just beginning to realize what a rich heritage we have in the grand old State. Other peo ple also are awaking to a realization of the sHme fact and soon thous ands of people a year will be crowd ing into the State in search of homes. News and Observer. To the Presj of North Carolina. South poet, N. C, Jan. 11, 196. G ks: For several month past it has been your pleasure to endorse and encourage through tVe columns of your paper what is known as the "Leader's Popular Fund," a fund to be collected with which to purchar some testimonial for the I nited States cruiser Ral eiirh. the warship named in honor of our capital city. Your hearty, sincere and unselfish endorsement of the raising ot this fund has given its promoter in spiration and courage to persevere iu the work : and no less confidence in the successful remit ot this fund has U'.en given by the untiring and patrioting efforts of those ladies w ho have acted as sponsors lor tho lurid in their respective towns and cities. To the unflagging zeal and endeavor of these sponsors is the present amount now collected and deposited to the credit of he fund largely due. Gentlemen of the press of North Carolina, as it was your press which conceived and pot into positive exe cution this plan of saving the State irorn the reproach which rested upon the good name and thereby aroused the pride and patriotism of our people, which has iound ma terial expression through the effort of 'hose sponsors, who have for warded the sums collected, it now renihiu6 tor you to happily complete the work so ably begun, and thus tar so sncccsstnliy carried out. The press has g ven public ap proval and it new remains for it to give material expression in way of contributions, and to this end the undersigned requests that every newspaper in the State make tip a contribution from its own office; every one in each newspaper office can give some amount, from editor to pressman, aud it so desired, con tributioiiB may be solicited trom the mends and constituents of each newspaper. Let every printer in the State add his or her mite to this fund, and tl sum thus raised for the testimonial which will be presented to the Cruiser Raleigh will do credit tu the patriotism, liberality and name ot the Old North State. .every contribution win receive recognition and credit. It is re quested that Contributions be stmt a soon as poesible to the Leader's 1 opular l urid, feouthport, S. C. Fraternally, L. Stevens, 1 resident JV C. Press Associa tion. Weekly papers please copy. The Cherge Denounced as False. The Christian Advocate' brands as false the statement that Bishop Taylor.eupports 'he Methodist mis sionary operation in Africa In truding in tobacco with the natives. "When Bishop Taylor-first went to Liberia," it says, "the only small currency in use iu portions of the K roo coast was leaf tobacco. Two o! our Methodist missions used il iu the purchase t rice for absolute needs and lor the landing of sup pliet sent from New York. Then Binhop Taylor introduced laundry as as small currency, and his son, Rost Taylor, bus sent from a firm in this city three to live tons at a single shipment, fair quality and lull weicrht, eight aud sixteeu ounces to the bar, to serve the pur pose of currency. No tobacco has been used in trade since the time when the stations were opened, aud the missionaries said it was a case of necessity ; none of our m esionaries h.ive used it peisonally and the htatht-n are required to renounce its use betore thev are admitted in to the Methodist Episcopal cLurcb iu Africa. The Mouroe Enquirer say a a 1 " county eitizen ba for years u.,-d water lroui a spring on a i i-'ghbor' land A few days ago (!. man who owns the spring pre- red t bill for 25.00 "for wattr i I from epring." Sciid ns your back dues on ifi-r. We need it Dow. this HILL ROASTS SOCIETY. In an interview in the Brook) jn Eagle, Senator 11 ill gives evidence that he has fallen a victim to the "war fever" that is sweeping the earth. More daring than Senators Lodge or Chandlc, or President Cleveland, who have challenged England, the senior senator from New York lias declared open hos tilities against the women ol Wash ington. He will make social func tions relics of the past. lie sa) s : "I think it would be a mighty good idea if the women were packed away snd sent out of Washingti-n aiid the men left alone litre to at tend to the business that they are sent here for by the country. The trouble is there are too many din ners, with too much social dissipa tion in official circles at the capital. No man can go to these fashionable dinners night after night and sit up until morning attending to social Junctions and be in any condition to k ripple with the knotty problems of finance and affairs that are at this time forced upon the consideration of our public men. "I know that 1 am called a crusty old bachelor, but if any sane man will think over what 1 say, I Iwlicve he will agree with me and acknowl edge that I am right. This criticism applies to member ot the senate and of congress and to officials of the administration. I attribute a good many foolish blunders made by the public men of lute to just these things too much society and not enough attention to and study of public affairs." . . Mother and DugMe' Killed. At the town of Henrietta, Ruth erford county, ycsterdy alternoon, a freight train on the hio River A Charleston Railroad was shifting when a double-seated mi r rev, in which were a Mrs. Kanipe, her two daughters, aged l.J and 10, and a driver, apprjacbed the crossing. The train was cot in two or the crossing and the driver undertook to go through. When the team was on the tra.'k, however, the ergine backed, bringing the cars together, with fatal results t two of the oc cupants of the vehicle. The elder daughter was killed outright; the mother received injuries which earned her desth in two hours ; the younger daughter was dragged from undir the cars and her life saved; the driver jumped and es caped injury. Mrs. Kanipe leaves live little children. Shows from Old Fort and the family w,6 just moving from that place to Henrietta. Charlotte Observer. Two Terrible Earthquakes. A dispatch of last Tharsdiy from Teheran, Persia, eays: Two earth quakes have occurred in the dit-trict of Khalkhal, the lm.t on th ii if ht of Jan. 2. Upon that occasion the large village of Janjuhad was destroyed, several ot tiers were partially destroyed and 3i0pcrs.ins were killed. The second earthquake occurred during the morning of Jan. o, and was very severe it was felt over an are of ,0'. tnilcs. The town ot Goi, was destroyed and a thousand houses were demolished. In ad dition, great damige was done to many villages. The loss of life was very great. There were 8u0 j -ergons killed in Goi alone. Wh Bl7 wax Ricfc, -r- gave ber Castor!. WTwo ahr to a Cbild, ike clod far Caaxo-U. Whon ahe btwanie Mm, she clung to CiuKoria. Wiwaj 1m Lad CUlldren, ike yavetUeni Cutorfe There is considerable opposition in Brooklyn to the "Greater New York" scheme, which has alrtady been vote'd on and accepted in general terms by Brooklyn as well as by other suburbs of the metro politan city. Steps are now lieing tuken to obtain special legirlation t carry the consolidation into effi ct ; it is not panned to make a charbr to cover all the municipalities, but to enact several bills which sIihII ac complish the purpose w ii h consid erable preservation of 1 h-h! self eoverrimciit, making the iini.n when completed one r r certain large and general interests. Credit to Hood's It Cured All Wly Affliction. .'iltv Mr. Joifih fori 1U&tt QranA, Va "For too ymrt I hr (offered Urrtbly from ceiwnU ilobllltT, and lot winter wag ttaccad so bad with kidney trcubk, nlarg-ammt of aplaen and heart oiaeaaa, uflarlnf great pain In mv back, blpa ano mg. I d about Hood's Eiaraajieriiia. I bought on bottle and began taking U. H ood's Sartam paruia After the Brsl bottle I laltao mncb better ures that I decided to ecu- eT Vife ttnoe and have taken over alz bottle. ?dev mj health Is better than h baa Son tat mote tuaa a denada. Iaarenokldner, heart or apieea dirhoulty, and am In duty bonnd a (e Hood ftareeparilla tae eredtt ' f enrinf n7 eftliatinoR." Juacral funo, S Coorcn, Virt-tnia. Moer ffie, est barooaloMlT wltb Ho jdl laraa rBla aa in aentia. ntUd and eSaeOeai Ml MILLIONS fOR TORPEDOES. In th; statements yesterday by the 1 officers of the bureau of engineers before the Senate Committee on Coast Defences, the fact whs brought out that 1, engineer department requires i :2,50(t,MK to bo spent im mediately lor torpedm s and torpedo mines for bind defences. This is independent of toredoea and tor pedo boats for the navy. Maps and drawings sl owing the plan of the torpedo sys'em fur the defence of tho city of Washington were laid before the committ-e tot the purpose i t preseutiig an x atnplo tor the plan,.-i:d by the engineer department for tU the principal seap.irt cit.iesof the I'l.Wcd States. The committee sat with closed d ora dm inir the discission of the torpedo system. In cas; ot a stnlJcii emergency it would take at least a ycr, if the appropriation was mam, topioeuie the material, manufacture ti e tor pedoes and put them in puce at the principal ports :f the United States. The chief of engineer, advocated the orpendituro of $12,0M!.0txi during tho fiscal 3 car ending June dOth, 1 Si 1 . 1 his sum would not provide the money necessary to Ire expended by the ordnance mreau for guns and gun carriages, but would cover the cost ol emplace ments for cuiis and of torpedoes. Attempt at Train Wrecking. Tuesday riitlit, near Scott's, the north-bound Taylorsville train ran into a cross tie which had la-en placed on the track. The tie was dragged lor some distance hut for tiiimtely the train was not deriied. Before the train arrivtd Mr. T m Browning, who wai on his waa to Scott's, removed a t:e from the triek some disiance abov the sta tion, snd after the tnin had started to Tavlorsville,! another tie was found" on the track. Statesil!e landmark. Death of a Minister. Rev.C. K. Harris,!). I)., of Sum mertield, Guilford county, died M-rnday and whs buried Tuesday afternoon at Flat Rin k. II is age was about So ; for 50 years he has been a faithful minister of the gosjH-1 and is well known throughout this part of the Stae. lie belonged to the M"thodist Protestant Church and was president ot that body ft-r many years. Several years ago he lost his eyesight, hut under such trying circumstances he remained cheerful and to a great extent eon timed his work as a minister. The Fayetttville Observer sug gests that a penny subscription be started to raise funds for a statue to the late Senator Vance, each county to be called upon to sec that the equivalent of a cent f r each person in that county is contribu ted. "That would be $17,5U0 for our million and three quarters of population." The only objection to this plan we can see at first glance is that many who are able to tfive a great deal more would con tent themselves by giving a penny. However, the plan might prove a very popular one and might sue cced. We hope that some way will be fi.K-n devised by which the nec essary funds for this laudable ob ject may 1-e speedily raised. Land mark. Judge l'ryor, 'of the Supreme Co;nt of New York, has drawn a line on seekers ot naturalization pajts After refusing a unni-tr of applicant, he said : '"I shall le fuse to naturalize any more persons or admit them to citizenship unless they have read the constitution ot the I'nited States and can s-eak the English language, which is 'he lan guage of this eouutry. l'e-rsons who cannot fill these retirements need no', come before the court. They will tnly waste their t'uie by so doing." This appears to be a prop er pition. To the EDrro 1 i have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to und two 'joitln frt to those of your readers who have Consumption, Throat Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerelv, T. A. ILOCITM. K. Cm 13 rear! 8t ew Tort V Th Editorial ud BmiBV amrnm ot 4r bunalM uiw at, .MM j'ru;! mh BIG STOCK 0F sl Shoes at Bargains f AT Robert Belton's. Now is ibo time' to rntike j-our pur eluisen be-fore my rsloek is pit ked over. Priees tUiiiantce-d ROCK BOTTOM. A full lir.e of Dry Goods, Groceries, Huts, Slioea, ete., always kept on tiKiid. I carry the best gmdea of flour at tbe lowint price. -:Country-:-Merchantst- Will do well to st'e me before muling their pnrebaac an 1 tun rare tlicrn money. YOURS TO n.EASK, EGBERT BELT0N. fOifllill mm m mw your doctor. The doctors ap- piove ct scon s umuision. For whornT For men arid" women who are weak, when they should be strong; for babies and children who are thin, when they should be fat ; for a!! who get no nourishment from their food. Poor blood is starved blood. Consump tion and Scrofula never come without this starvation. And nothing Is better for starved blood than cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion 13 cod Tiver oil with "the fish-fat taste taken out. SCOTT'? eWI'l-SION h ht tn4ne4 a tk mJlcl pro(wi lor twntr ear. i Aw your doctor. I 1 hlo ! fcccauM It I ! MlidMa ! anllorfn alwar cnUIM !h parrot Norwrflaa CJ-llvr Oil and Hypo ahoorhlu, la coat ana lro. Tba antoll alio Mar So owMifh to uira rr cwfk or help oar aaby. SCOTI BOW SE. CbcaiUt. Mw York NOTICE OLECTION IN THE TOWN OF MOUNT AIRY, On ttie Quettion of Issuing Twenty-five Thousand Dollars of Bonds for Water Supply. Notice i luTi-lif civeii that tlif Hoard of ('(n!niii(in-ii of the tov, n of Mount Airy, by an ordinance paused at a regu lar me-t i ie in ficc,.rdanc with! In Act pHKocil !y tin ei-ncral Awwrnbly of orlh t aroliria, lia Jirect"i inat an Wt ion lx h'-ld in tin town of Mount Airy, on Monday, tin K-cond day of March, 1W, al which election will be ill nutted to the diciMon of the c,nali- tied voternof tli: miid town ti. q'lrs tion whether thp Hoard of t'ornniia kioiicr of the tow n shall V full hori7ed to i'mi Siomlf. in the rum ot .'r.,iio, the proceed" of thes!eif thenaid Isinds to li. applied in Kuppiymir wn town with water. That the tiomi no author ized to ta ined will run for 3o year and ln-ar intere-st at the rate of not mi re than ait er cent, per annum, to tje paid semi-annual1)', and shail not In gold for leu than par. T'-at the bond ao authorised to W imued fhall l ia- aued in the following denomination, to-w it : Twenty bonds forOe Thousand Iol lar ea"li. Ten tmndii for One Hundred dollar ach. fcij;!it l-onds for five Hundred Dol lar each. The said elect ion will be conducted by registrars and jii-lgua appointed ac cording to law, as loiiowa: i lasT w uin. lle'istrars J. V. AUrcd, James 1 Belton nd P. A. Kawley. Judfreh K. K. Ta)lgy, F. W, Floyd and J. Jb. Hjiaujih. FKff'NO WAKD. KegistrarW. M. Wayt, K. T. Joyce and VV. A. Holt. Judire James H. f-narcer, M. I). Annlield and A. i. Trotter. TiiiKD nn. Hi-gist rar- -T. B. Mcl'argo. Marshall and V. li. r-anders. Judges Jamea ii. Banner, E. Kanp and E. O. ii!iner. FofKTH KI. Registrars Jos. Ashby, A. L Pparger and W. 1). l'oore. Judges W. 1, liilmer, K. C. Jonea and J. V. Edwards. The rdaces for owning the regixtra tion book and registering votera ar d Killing the votes have been designated by tbe Clerk of the (;ourt as follow First W'akh t.aliaway & lieiton'a saw null. r-EtHiNU W4ho The Town Hall. Tiiied Ward iraves' W arehouse. Foi'kth Wmi The iilube Ware bouse. That there will be an entirely new registration of voters and the regmtra tion books ill be open iu each w ard, at the olacea above named, on Saturday Uie2iith day of Jaiiuary, lKjtrj. from 8 o i-Joca, a. m., until 4 o clock, p. ti., and on each Saturday thereafter up to and including the Mh of jrehruury, lhij at the tame hours. No regint-awon al lowed eicept on Saturdays. At the said election, thos who are in favor of giving the authority to the Hoard to issue said bonds, w ill vote on a written or printed ballot "For Uorids," arid those who are oppoed to giving the said au thorny will vote em a like ballot "Airiinst Bonds." .Notice is further given that at tbe said metting it wan further ordained by the Board that the water inaina or pipes (.liouid te laid on the following streets to- it tin Main Street from the Kailroad bridge to a iioint in front of Welch residence: eonnwlion piei from Main dow n Kawie" Avenue to loot of Siceloff Hill; .rom Main to South Street through Needmore ; from Main through Franklin to South Street, then down South Street to a point opposite Huff'a factory; from Mam Street, through Fine to brow of bill at H. K. Marshall's residence ; from Main through Kockford to bro of hill near 1'. H. I'rK-e's ; from Mam down Wilson to Spring Street; from Main down Worth Street 100 yards; from Main down Hamburg Siceet to brow of bill near Fulton 'a to bacco factory. By order of the Board W. F C'Ab'TFU, Mayok. January 7th, J 898. Land at Private Sale. 1 Iimv.- 0 41 acre ' Yadkia river bottom and upland for s: Lnli i will cut into rracta to all it purehaaeri aud aell t low prit.-en for iart cu and long t itue.. well secured oik's, 'llie Uurtii ae rated a auioif the ery Ih-"! for the pioducliuu of tlie liner grajes ol lulmc'o aa well a o corn and amall groin. 1 he title i rleet and uBilt-lea ral.le iu l aud 1 w ill make to purchasers dee la iu lee Willi lull cove naiita of warrau'y. TVs 1'ody of land li' alttif tl, aaat haak of the Yadkin river, 2 tu les aiK.vr lioo naha depot bd ' arv-il by the W. aV W. Uailroad, aud liaa ou il a tla station for paaaengera and a aide I rack tor the hijjtuenl ol timber, skI and !uuil-r. Ak i.lrnn at Wanly, of W iust-in, and Jonea K. Leweilvu, of IKihaon, a out the I it le, they know all attou! K and will tell you llie ira'li. Lawjer J. C. Ih'Uou, of Wi-ialon Ji.C, kuowing the till to 1 Mrteetly gid, Biade a vab bid of near 17 mm tor this land itj tb 12tb dy of Ieeemlr, lej. Tliia w eioutiotied aolely for tbe puipuae of cole riociiiAr jMUpla thitt tbe fa! atateniecla put iu cirt iila'ioB througb malice or Uiuor ance are 1 ol arurtb nrxicoi);. 1 aLall he on rb"p:a-e for aomerinkr and wbeu aot there Huj;b JJarliu will allow a the proertv Jetl'.N A uoxuts. ratch, K. Jaa. Hth, IM'ti. Engliah Hpavin Liniment remove all Hard. Soft or t. allouaed Lun.i-a and Bieroialiea from luir-. Blood Spavins, Curb, Splinta. Sweeney, King-Boue, Stittea, Sprains, all Swollen 'ihroata, Cought, us. Save ") by use of one bottle. Warranted tbe oioet wonder ful Bleiniali Vane ever known. sold by TaTixia k Baskxb le'kiiry, S. C VALUABLE IflnflilliliP oullhul rjMfJo i j p dm 1 1 200 TOWN LOTS, FIVE BRICK STORES, 75 ACRES FINE RIVER BOTTOM, ONE PLANING MILL RUN BY WATER-POWER. I will sell the above Property at Public auction, to the highest bidder, on Thursday, Jan. 30th, 1896. Also 1,356 acres of land 2. miles from Mount Airy, 400 acres of which is in a fine state of cultivation. It is fine Tobacco, Wheat and Corn land. There never will be another such opportunity offered to buy prop erty in Mount Airy and vicinity. Come and buy a lot and some good bottom land while you have the op portunity. Sale to beg in at 1 o'clock p. m., at Broweis Ware house, and continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms, one-third cash, balance in Six and Twelve months. For further particulars, call at Brewer's Warehouse. J. M. BR0WER. January 6tli, 1896. WISH To ca!) o tli'1 attcntl'iii A tire people "I M"unt Airy aD'l aurrouiidliiff cutiurj Hint we si'll bie Tbe Best Sfipply of Pnre Drngs, Me -tii.s. benitcata. Toilet ArU' ln, Patent Medicine, tc iV", to I round in Surry etmnty. aud ttmt we want aud e Your irA We Ho Dot sell -K'lieup Jctin" k'kkIs and do nut nay we aell yun at bear . Mi prices, but we do sty we (five j"U THE BEST Tliat can be bought and S--11 ib.-m to joo at reajfjuatile price. Wa ewpwlallj tsh '0 call atteLtl'm to our supply ot TRUSSES. If ytj'i d1 od dti't full tj rouie to he u. We Imw nil m.v. iktid Jiud wim a ohg oe cat. ndjuni out to St bert tl a vurr tfe fKKiHlMe you will ('Ptaluly run L Alwj 1! ru ! nd a t of BlvwtcJ- we Uave an abuLdatiC? "f Haw )sS CiiraM Glasses Abl wf caunot Kum -lLtiy ur the Import aUiot Ol r;1rtr the brst wbcti Th dfttfat- oran ol lyut fit ww.vnie. Last lt aot ls8i, wt nihil to CfcJl attu-iiUoii to tbf tint XhfU we prr,arvI to D" jour family rweipte nufl ptysu-iaiis' prpwrtpltouB Skill and Accuracy. Willi ten yearn' practical eiperl nee In your uiidnt aiid a j-un traiulug lu one or Uie tiBt collegi a or I'buruia Ui the Tutted Mates, wc dare m uo oue w!H Ueal lat to put the ui-at nlBicul! or lutrlcate preacrlptlou In our liatKK Very Truly, TAYLOR & BAJJNER. Notice of Foreclosure. liy virtue of tie antlcrity contained is a I ed of Truat, eieculed to tbe underitn id 'I'ruatee, uu llie l"tl: day of Octnlier, l-4, I'y W 111. (ir fli'b and t'Larity Griff', b, bit rift ; -usid l-ed of Tru-l in iiif duly re coided tn oflice o( Kcgi r of lleeda, of hurr. Ci.unty, X. ('., in .Mi-rU'are B,mk 13, far 47". to ae-iire the avaeut of a cer taiu bund fur (4 15.00, and tbe ui'iriji.w, having defaulted jii tbe ptueiit ot itie bond, aecured by tlie ai-l leil of TniM, I w ill aell to tbe liiirlieat bidder, fur canto. at pnblie oulcry, iimiu tbe pri uiieg, iu Mt. airy, V Cat 'i oVliaa, p. m., reb l.tb, If-M'i, tlie liillowmg deocri-ed prn;erty to-w it : Kirat A lot of land in Mount Airv, X. C. a lj itiinj! tbe land ol tbe M. A. l.atea eUte and tbe old Metb-nliat --buix-li lot. 8-o-ad-i Ut of laud in Mount Airv. X. (J., adjoiiiina tbe lauila of Jaa. 1. Deitoii and otberr ; bolb of tbe abjre nui.i-d iota beniK lull) iloacrilied iu deed of truat bere- i u bef re lueulioiied, reb relic to bicb la bereby 'l bia. Jat.. Kub, 113. li. Miurtl, Trui-tee. tie.o. W. Spakiikk, Attoruey. Trustee's Notice. Ky Tirtue of a dere made b tbe Jude of tl' Superior Court al tlie fall lenn of tbe Kurrj C ourt, in tlw rae wberem ili!tn Klippin and oilier ven plaintill., aud B. l'i and oilier, waie deletidiuita, ap pointing uie traatee. 1 will aell at public auetioa, on tlw nieiuiaca. oti reb. li b. lNli at IU o'clock, piew of lan4 I? inr In Surry fouaty, a'tjuinioK llie land, of 11. t Iai, tla tAilpbui Kpnui-a tract and I'n-e- loli Simruoa, eontaiuiuj; 0 aK-rna. Ala,., on lua aaue a, at 1 1 ci,k. a m.. so tlie priaiiaea, 1 will aell a M af land '!, Surry e-muty, atljuiicax' Ibe ild Job Wnrtk (rart and Jaa. Nodlimu Irw L. ki.uoa a t! Sam M alkar lo, eoutaiuisg out- and one- j bait aerea. j A Ibo. eu tba tame da, at I tVlock. f. ai.. : at tbe old atoreb mae ot li K . l.ia. 1 a ill e'.l tlie lollowiuc aruiia! ppty : Soror j old ) Iowa, barrowa, lanuii-f; tuoN and ufaer i perwaual property. 1 lernw of oaU) au.u1 knows aa y ol aolr. Tbia li.k dav of .ln u.ti. . Masina T.t I ok, '1 toalrt. Tho. Faw( itt, R.L. Gwyn. Ja. M. SpA.ra. M. L. Faw t President. let Vice Pre-MuVnt. 2nd Vice President Caabier FIRST NATIONAL DANK of Mt, Airy. IM Oitl'OIUTCD. CMpiml, -10.00, Pal) I p. DIRBCTOHS. Tho f awcett J. H Fparger, M. U lawcett, R. I.. S vn, C. L. lianka Thi bank aolii ita tlie u-mumi of .Merebanta, Matiufax-turera Karmera ana IndividuaU. 1 be aecoiinta of tbe .Merchant located in town adjacent received on favorable terms Tbe fund of our cuatomera are aecured by twoburs-lar pro-f t-l cheat arid the Yale Time v.. Inter-tit allowed on r'vinja Depoaita. i TO THE crnnv ivn on otltlil m MM BROWN, IIAYNES & NEWSOSI V1U. TAKE CHAKOE OK THE Planters' Warehouse, In Woiiiii ry Oct rat 15. They will alaayabe Of hand to lor a'ter til tnterrof eKtou,era. Tula j(iue ta I aifj In llie center ot n. on.e-ent u bank, which cuntouiera III flua a rrel c mn nleiice. we ( r.ionx onr undnKVe ait t0 Mir ciaiueni ai4 e.rr pile or ii.t.. put on our II .or will receive our perwnaj attention. Wr are cnfi.loi,i we tm gr uiu- h rjr your titiwfn a. an warebouse ta Micmt Airy. Ir. J A. Nr. ao'n. our aiwtioueer, n a meij o-r or tbe firui. ad he ta we 'I known to l ra-tlj- next In t lie Mate rV"r t '" vh"T' Ur- K WaU- a guarajotea tbat they will be tsra AU XAjlim nlripet to ua or left In oar care wtu be bioae i after anfi w,MI ne adTntav w lien o -et jour UjIuvmv m1 con and ee a, ae wiu treat tin rik-lit-toiu- UiU-reMi. our lnt-rtit. htmpec'lully, - BROWN. HAYNES & NEWS0M. IT. ?'nrp $ kiuiiu W rite THE GIWIITE CITY HODNT AIRY, N. C. Owns Some SQO Acres of Land One-ll.iiJ of wlii. l, ia in Town Ix-ta, l,!.,r,,-e yu lja(vtit to !h tow n. If yru wunt to rent a iceidcin e ir ai .ro rtim,or, il J,..;re to j.CPtl.aae i-r.iifriy in or near Mount Airv. e i!l t p!ad to p -,- nr iiifiitrnatiari ly Utter. "VVe oficr Spwiul Inlu-. rr.e. la to tlio propping to etUbl. . mao-ufat-inrinjt enUTjirme. (iKKEio!. bicsri Soliciteij. w I B. HcCARGO, Sec'j end ta Doors, Sasli and Blinds. If you going to bui!J a Loua te aure yoo fin j .btro you can lur t ri-a;-l material. WE MANUFACTURE AT SHORT NOTICE. SU. Blind., lior, J,,r aad Wimb.w Framow. liatitela. t.j k. t, u ... All ki d. rf Would, eg, CiHtax. M,, ing. S,d,g . klrTTfinUW W.-T RoiiKb laaiber. abi.K!. Uatering, UU., tiaae, cei,t, eaU-iJ , U-te, laaa-rar MILLER BROS, Winston. X. O. 1 f . i TAYLOB'S BOS Will aoant a'i trwiea and csry c.aaM-afen tear fcn Uvl 1 ynoi.l, ,v f Uf w here about u u Lca bua eaiia at Jan iw i-i-4 Em FARMERS OP M MARBLE WUI Mount Airy, N.O. W. 0. HJYIiES I CO , Prop-ieto'i. Toit bstor.e-s. Iron Fencing, ftf orrlo fr.n TniUirr Ttn-o,.,.. t. ui moiiou Jill LlLliiiLg rtilTyjU, km fur Ueniirba and r-rtnea or ai aM) eiuuii .ne our at a. our ar rk and pm a ill piea. KVEKYBODY LOOKS NICE 1 doTim ar rr The ElutIs Si:ia Dje Wcrls, KtLCIGIl, n. C At ar-na by wtaii reeeira ftmpt at. 'ea'.ioa. AU w a rwaraa-eed. VCntr ft ealarw. I temo.aa; ar4 tia4 aj a iaif nnn ivnivn COITUS UliU LU