THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS. T.J. Lownr. Mount Airy, N. 0., Jan. 30, 1890. SUIiHCttll'TION KATES: One copy, one year, On copy, U niuntiil, One copy, three motitbt, PAYABLE IS ADVANCE. 11.00 .IK) in tare at til a Cost unite t M ounl iry ,n . u. ea Smioul l--BiH mailer. Ths trip's have ben ordered to coin $1,500,000 more eilvcr dollar. The United States Minintor to Germany, Mr. Iltinyon, died sud denly last Monday. The Republicans and Populists are combining against the Dotuo crets again this year. No new developments in war cir cli'S. Well, wo don't want any war with the nations of the earth. 'llio fanner is appealed to from evry direction to plant leas tobacco and cotton and raise more meat and bread. Tho Washington correupondent of tho Daltimoro Sun says neither of the silver bills will receive con sideration at this session of Con gress. Returns from tho tweuty leading postollU'os of the country show an increaso of receipts of the last quar ter of 1805 over 1S04 of more than half a million dollars. Julian S. Carr, ot Durham, N. C, the President cf the Southern To bacco Manufacturers' Association has called a special meeting of the Association to be held in Greens boro, N. O , February 12th. If Spain finds herself unable to continno tho war she will probably try to sell Cuba to some European power. But what country would want to buy a land covered with ruins, revolutionists and rattle suakos t Last year was not a barren year in Christianity. There were many forces in the field and great activ ity in some important directions. It all tho Christian denomina tions did not do as much as they should and cjuki have done, there were some encouraging signs in others, and the gleaners gleaned with ucronted zeal and with good results. The Kcutucky Legislature is still a dead lock and it now appears that there will be no election this session. The leaders of Hon. Godfrey Hun ter say that uo other Republican can win and the friends ot lion. J. C. S. Blackburn swear that he is the only Democrat whose nam will be considered. The two Populists in the General Assembly are split, one voting with the Democrats while the other voted with the Republi cans. Otherwise the two houses are a tie on joint ballot. Gov. Bradley has set at rest the rumors as to his position in the sensational race. The Southern States, a magazine, publishes reports from over five hundred correspondents resident in all parts of the South, as to the financial condition of the formers. These reports show that Southern farmers as a class are less burdened with debt than they have teen at any previous time since the war ; that they are now more si,a more every year producing at home their own provisions, and ate less and lest dependent upon the West for corn, flour, pork, hay and like supplies ; that growing these things them selves, they are saving the enorm ous profits on them formerly paid to merchants, and that living thus on their own resources they can count largely as profit whatever they may receive for such cotton as they grow. While, as a rule, there is little money in circulation, the farmers are living better than ever before, in spite of hard times and because of a wide and wiser utiliza tion of natural resources and capa bilities. It is shown, moreover, that in some sections the proceeds from the sale of cotton ar.d the surplus of other crops Las been more thin enough to pay np back debts, and that farmers, besides buying such needed supplies as can not be raised, are improving their farms, buying new furniture, vehicles, farm imple ments, fcc, and in some cases are lecdicg and investing money. The reports as a whole, demonstrate that the Southern farmer is potentially much the better prepared to make a living than his Northern brother. Hundred and Sity Dead. Los nos, Jan. 27. Explosion oc curred at two coal pita at Point V. J'ridd, Walea, this morning, en tombing the miners, and setting the mine on -a. The thafts .ere de stroyed. The latent estimate f the rmnbor of ictitn ia double that which waa made t f rt It it now In hered tliet a hundred and sixty i wee killed, J THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Chairman Harrity hltiel the Official Call to the Party. Pnn.APKi.iMMA, Pa., Jan. 25. National Chairman Ilarrity this af ternoon issued the ollieial call for the Democratic convention. It reads as follows : "Puh.abklfiiia, IV, Jan. 21, 1800 Tho Democratio National CummiUctt having wtt i the city of Washington, January Kith, lS'.Mi, has appointed Tuesday, July 1st, 1890, at 12 o'clock, noon, and chose tho city of Chicago, III., as the K'rco tor holding tho Democratic ational convention. "Kach State is entitled to a rep resentation therein equal to double tho nurnler of its Senators and Roprcseritativcs in tho Congress of the United States, and each terri tory and the District of Columbia shall liuvo two delegates. "All Democratic conservative citizens of tho United States, irre spective of past political associa tions and diilerenees, who can unite with us in tho effort for pure, economical and constitutional gov ernment, aro cordially invited to join us in sending delegates to tho convention. (Signed) W. F. IIarrity, Chairman. S. P. Hkkin, Secretary. Meadow Creek (Va.) Minings. F.niToR Nkws: Your corres pondent visited tho homo of Undo Sam'l Calloway recently, who is 91 tears old, and his kind wife '.)", and oth apparently enjoying good heahh and bid fair to live several motoycKis. Wo found Mrs. Callo way knitting, as has bren her cus tom tor several years, to thus use her sparo moment?. Mr. Alex. Winesett, who lias been in Miseonri for tho past 4 or 5 years, has returned homo and will remain here at tho old homestead, having enongh of tho "Wild and wooly Wort." Mr. Winesett is a brother of Eli Winesett, who is one of the champion cyclers of tho north-west, who has been residing at Olympia, Washington, but will soon go into active training at Portland, Oregon, for tho coming sporting season and will then make a tour of the central States and will probably visit his Southern home about tho latter part of next sum mer. We are glad to note the suc cess ot our boys in the far West and wioh them all much success. Mr. Allen Jennings, a worthy and respectable citizen of this neighborhood, died recently of con sumption, aged about 05 years. He was a noted mill wright, as is at tested by the number of mills lie has built and repaired m this vicinity. Mr. Albert Hodges seems to be the, champion hog raiser in this section, as he killed a pig recently only eight months old which weigh ed 301 pounds he having previ ously killed two of the same litter only 7 months old that weighed 222 and 23v pounds respectively, which is remarkably good taking tho ages into coneideration. He also raised 76 bushels ot rye on less than four acres of land last season, which, txissibly aeeonnU for the many nice hogs he raises besides their being of a sujeiior breed. He tells me there are f ur generations living at his house his mother in law, Mrs. Flippin, who is 70 years old ; himself and family ; his son and his family. His son's wife having given birth to twins recently, making the fourth generation which is indeed very remarkable and all get along agreeably, too. A very sad allair occurred at the home of Mi. Sol Higgins recently, who lives rear here. His little three-year-old child was burned to death. It seems the little one, while its mother was absent from the room, got a paper and lighted it from the fireplace and iU clothing caught from the burning p? per. Two other cLildren were in the room, one of them threw a dipper of water on the child and then ran tor their mother. The water failed to put ontahe fire and in the mean time while they were gone the child went iuto an adjoining room and sut down near the door in a draft When the pother came in, almost all its clothing wt.s burned off, ex cept a seam around one shoulder. The flesh was burned brown and when the niothcj raised it from the floor the flesh fell from the arms. The burning occurred in the fore noon but the little one was con scious and talked rationally till 4 o'clock that evening, when it died. The bereaved ones have our sym pathy. Mr. White Stainey is building a large sfore-honae which will soon be finirhed and when completed Le says he.u going to open up one of the largest stocks ot general merchandise ever aeeu in this section. He recently sold a part of the farm, formerly owned by C. H. Kapp, to his broiher-iu law, Mr. Dodson, of Pilot Mountain, who will use it mainly for a stock farm. Some sixteen hundred dollaii caused the transfer. Mr. 11. P. Higgins is suffering vi ry much with canwr of the face. He lias had it rejeated!y treated by scientific physicians, but aeems to cet no relief. We are glud to rain the ed itorial management of Tas Ntws under its founder and former editor, and feel that the moral tone as well as local matter tail! not be excelled by any of our border papers along the line of our sister State. H. Meadow Creek. Va., Jin. 27. Enplmh Ppavin Liniment rntoTe all Hard, Kift or t alloused Lumi aid Blemishes from boreea. Blood riarine, Curba, splint, hweeiiFj, Uine-lknio, ritillea, iMiraina, all Swollen Throata, Courba. to. tav 50 ty use tf on bottln. Warranted the moat wonder ful l:lemih Cure ever known, hold by Tatlob Bakkkb V.l. Airj.N. C Academy Doti. Tiio Mount Airy Academy is now in good condition, with the attend ance increasing daily, which, from an opening on Jan. 8tli of 52 pupils, has grown to a daily attendance of 100. Prof, ('raven, the principal, is rapidly gaining tho confidence of the patrons of tho school as well as tho highest regard ot his pnpili.and wo may justly say "is the right man in thnriirlit tilai'p." Mian illayt:)?!, his sextant, is fully competent for the position, and under their man agement, with the proper co-operation of tho patrons, thcro is no doubt but that tho school will rap idly develop itself until the need of a bcttt r building inc lines im perative. The system of dividing the sehrml into two companies (A and 15 re spectively) is finding gi'eat favor with tho pupils, while tho appoint ment of t lie two in each company winning the highest grade for the week as Captain and Lieutenant for the succeeding week, ia a great in centive for tho boys to put forward the'r best efforts. The otlicers for this week are, Co. A, (ieorgo Patterson, Captain ; E. W. Allred, Jr., Lieutenant ; Co. 1!, Sam Irvin, Captain ; Walter James, Lieutenant. Mr. Editor, you have noticed that our window panes have been frost ed, but rays of light and beauty shoot athwart our room every alter noon in tho persons of two special short hand students. We think that lamps arc heini; upcd by tho students more at night than they have for some time past. The organization ot a fool ball tc.iin has been suggested, and this is one sport in which Mr. Airy boys should excel, if tho size of their fed counts for anything. The Grady Literary Society wi;8 organized Fiiday night with an at tendance of .10 members. The so ciety wae called to ordir at 7:110 o'clock by President protein Willie Hrowir, after which the ehetion of officers took 1hco, and tho follow ing were elected to servo two and ono half months : For Presidt n, James Barnett ; For Vice-President, Gaston Gallaway ; For Secretary, Gcorgo Patterson; Censor Morum, Percy Ross; Corcetor, Marvin Sparger ; Marshals, Jefse Harrison and Willie Worth. Geo. I; William the Conqueror. Come out, boys A Requisition For Ten Criminals. Rai.kiom, N. C, Jan. 25 Gov ernor Carr on the 1 1 th int. made a requisition on Governor O'Fcrrall, of Virginia, for James B. Neal, lien Purvear, Thomas Tuck, Mack Tuck, LipLeat. Seott Tuck,Janic-s Adkins, W. II. Paimehaker, Walter Tuck and Thomas Elliott, who are indict ed for arsn in Granville county, N. C. They are sll now in Halifax county, Va October they set lire to the dwelling of Isharn Tuck and dchtroved it. They were alto alleged to nave attempted to crim inally assault a girl who waa in company with her parents on the highway. Their crime of arson was committed at night, and Solicitor Bynum informs Governor Carr it waa barbarous in the extreme. Eight of the men were arretted in Virgiuia, but have been released on habeas corpus proceeding. The Governor received notice of this t i-day. Don't forget that The Nkws job oflice U turning out lin-l-clat work at reasonable prices. Send in yout orders; they will receive prompt and cireful attention. Who Bahy was met, ire gvt btr Cutorfck When 4be ni a dill, the crted for CuUria. Wbea At beoune Htm, A clung to CMtori Wkea die bad CJuUren, A gantbem Outccia The Only Great and thoroughly ri liable building-up medicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and Blood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story: Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar ations and prescriptions fail. "I bad running aorea oa one of my limbs far a long time. I befaa taking Hood 'a BaraaparlUa and bow they ara Marly weO. I have -a!od In etrengtk and flees and feel thankful that there fa ancb a wooderf nl medicine aa Hood'a BaraaparUla." Johm Wkluias, Erie, Wast Virginia. Get HOOD'S Hood's PiIL XSlHI? NOTICE. Win. Cook Hart Csnolme. . f tiurrr t uunty. A. M Mi. Um t la Sttpmlnr nun. fcpriuf urn. lie To . . VetMe. i will fonM rl" tht liif ehnvF ruOOa erttttb hea bwl Mwo tuue u- tH-ri ttir pun-heM- iwiht fee tr1 1 1mnd le ttnte ooui'iy. aiwrtiwd i rlw -pfoiui ie uitt rauw. tnc tu( k eutftmmik I-w hf.y return!.! Ut itT. irrta uhM ciu. wiurb wlij hr lit-id et !hf wn hotto te 1hg a Br eKitidy enr MoMta 1. f. twunry. t-a ei4 til-Wn 8 kprAr ej! ! uiervl. TUnJaui toil. ! i"urt at txt'-r CtHinty Cerfer t Lrwcu.a. Ainiwjt h I'iiUutiC. Smith Smilet, Thk Nb8 is received and read with a gencrout di'greo of apprrcia tion by all ita palrntia and friend in thia ut i tion. The following timrri'cg have occurred during the I Ht wick r two in thU pictinn : At tho rt-si-di'iice of the bridi-, a Mr. Davin, i f M Mint Ait)-, tii Mii-a May Ktst. At tjie reaidence of the bride" pr eiitf, l-'rank (Tollina, Iwj , to M m EttyJM,utin. Hev. Hijtli Ilnnelt nliiciatiiiK, Mr, J no. KurcHt, a eiiizni i.l'ihe Brown Mounta'ii hCeti'ti, d'td about ten daye ao ol pm uinoiiia. aeil alioiit thirty Hve y a a. lie lett a ,t fitiniiv. (Jus Marti", Knj , who ha- been in echnol at I'innaelc, litis reiii'iitd home and will apt nd thia yirn hia fathei'a fnrm. The public school in Col in' die trie.;, wiih tho writi r hh ti acher, clonud last Tueeday with a p iierotih inanift btntioti of appruh iiiMi I r on ull the patrons f.r the tuNciieie feeble elTort for which he foel pro foundly jtrattful. I'rot, Ward, who ia up to hi pro fi anion, will commence w! prom ices to be a f.oui inhiii ainiiiit echool at old State I.ino church next Monday. Jle will be hMbted by Llder Man-liall, a l'rimitive I'aptiht divine. Succei-8 to Thk Nkws and all ita friciida. 3 Smith, N. C, Jan. 27ih, ISOrt. Frtrf. w. Be Peeke, who nmkea r pci!tr ot Kptlcpitr, hat without doubt trfted nt cur ed tin f rfi than anr living Phvwlcmn; h noi-eu it BtonUhlntt;. We hve hmnrl of rar OC eo c n r e u n r hfm. He publlhift YHlee ble work on this die. eeiae, whir h hi leaui wl tb a tie of hit ebn1ttte care, free to any urTerere who may tend their P. O. end Ex pre eiMreaa. We dvie nnv fine wiahing ectire to eddrae fnrf.W. K. TZZXZ, I. P., 4 CUr St., Hew Tort BIG STOCK OF. S W (11 lHU&i AT Robert Belton's. Now in I ho I i mo to muko your pin -( Iiuacb tit-fore my aleek is picked ovi-r. Prires gu ii ia nifcd ROCK BOTTOM. A full line cf Diy Good, Groceries 5IiU, Slmes, etc., ulttiiya kept on hand. I cany the test grades ol flour nt the lowest price. -:Country-:-Merchants:- Will do we!l lo m p me bi-foic making llieir pincbases us 1 can ave lliem money. YOl'RS TO I'LEASi:, E0BERT BELT0N. LUMBERED1- SHIPPED TO ANY rOI.NT. W. A. BOLT, .rti'-Tt i: tsB Dinim m Fine Poplar ant Ciisstniit Lcsr. All orders fiUid riBtl. -orTpoi dfiic W. A. BOUT, MOUNT AIRY, X.C DR. W.H. WAKEFIELD Will ti; in (in-en:boro, Wflro-s day, Fi-bruurv 12 ti, at Me.di Hotel. At Winslon, r the Jouer Hot el. on Wednesday, February 26lh Prstciiee lim.limiled to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. ! North Owoliba"., hutiuir i ourt.. 11 anp'rliip U U Omrt tmm eftijait t4 that 4AiU HffcQjtr. aiu fr mru-r aird t alt uu frw-aniT atr- bob-rtiat-iiui a lUr ti ot Vfiii ( aruitiia, 1 iiavl Uir? art- nNwKir fta.ntH to tnr niKnf iiiiU"d e'Uiti That av'U aritoii it a pr-iiiiofa UiT flowc r II ia tlfrr(ri orot-rl a!d Rtl)uU 4 tba' pUtk HlM I- Uiadf lb 1 a Mm t Alar Nicwa. a if tiKr jutt!thHtf it tiM- ttl Mount Airy, ir m autft-rtHfv H-k' niuint' -md aft-nfianth aopttr tf. lor tb? H-'k ol I4if uirtr iun tf itrrj rtMiDt,at blfc fltr is lKtoa. & I fTili fli U! tlm,r , fcitd ict t'. ax TriiJatitfc Ukf biMfT Uiai It Ui'- taUI Vi apjiar abl aiiarw-tr or diuiir tu t mi plaint piMtmill 111 apply U rv!t'-I OriuaU'ix) lb lb- tU4.ialtiL. nuta lui liaitd tbih Jau. 16i u. ihm. H. HAMKTOS.i.ft. C. V.L. KK'aL kxumrj U rial HUB. NOTICE. B. K o and K. H. Hadn't I North Carolina, Admrr(H N. h. x. afl.f hurry i oumy and K K. 'ock. a idow. uifrt( r urt. brlurr Umi irrk. Frank t'ook and other. It appttaritig 'o tfee cmrt trotn atltdarti f i that Fr.ti ktotik is a tte midt-ul of tut mi ot North woliiia t hat bftii ivrwrs paty ll. atwtvt ftitiLtfd fctflion. thai Hid aci.ic 1 a twii to m-il lane lor anuMM nd fur oo m R. k. i-ook. widow, ti is tlifrvlore at id ati.tuifcrd that puMlratloa tie uiadr lit tur Mot'irrAifcT Nifwa. a iHwpHr puiu.b'a in llf Wd otfMmuit Airy, lor an auoivf awkn rwquiriii- aatd OM'-iMlant M appear to toTf ibt- Hrk m in t.i!rior t'ourt, rr fcurr;; rountv. at hi ofor ta iKiiaiHtD. ot. lie trrtii day if Ketiniarr. iM And H Uf Maid dMftmtUit take txMk t Urn' tt 1h- fall vc apfa'" aiM au-r itt otiiu M) ItH eotiiplat!H. piatui lit a('t J lor uf rt wtf Uftuaiid' d it Ui- cMKupiaiui. u lieaa u baud UXb iT'b Oar et .la'iuarv l4. W . . . H A V t TS ( . C. fc. C, W. L. Eearm. Atum for I'lainufla. Mortgage Sale. By Ttnw of t? p rr cyfotftMatl ta a avrrt ratft A4-d fv;! a br Charia na-4V-fa Hh- lM4i OtaV ot Jufr r?rro1 Hi I Ik- rvifJ of m ' t4a"-a ih llw H.'!tt-T" Ptft- O Mtrr? rfmof t. ib Ito a. pu- ia 1 W(H a-li to rati u tn ti-L-iw-fW ti(ia-r at nw otirr fiouv aior tt oa Moitdav U 4'ta dai ' ffurutxy, im at Is i.x ti.. Up? furoaiug r ai a-l, 4- II a trn.t OJ lai ; tuff lb -urr rim t. ! . ti Ii- hiOVl i'. U. I aOllillt ti iatio- ot Kll t m,taK c 4,Htit. . a. Kr!t4 ann ptm, r mitunmir aj iw a'-f kt h yiaj Mtiiitor) n iuJ'Wt ai w fito haimr. M t m Tf U- tmUT tnuaiw dH t mm ol $ i; - jv-(.u Uu4 aiw uuMsreaH aad ctm 4. at. riXTiN, . . MS Cur ot Konniainci unui 6wwfefon is Cod-liver Oil without the fish fat taste. You get all the virtue of the oil. You skip nothing but the taste. NOTICE 0JFELECTI0N IN THE TOWN OF MOUNT AIRY, On tlia Question of Issuing Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars of Bonds for Water Supply. Not ici licr'lf ((ivtMl that tln llouril of ('nmiiiUaioni'i of the tounof Mount Airy, by an orilinatii'i' pasm-d et a regu lar iii"'l ii'R in a inlanee with the Aet inne. liy the lieiu-rn' Afxi-rnlily of Norih Ci.roliMM, Iiim diro-led tlmt an elert inn lie helil in the town of Mount Airy, "ii Momlar, the aeeoml dny of Mareh, Isiat, niwhii-h election will lie puluuittril to the ilwision of the qtluli tied voli-rx of theaniil town theiniea lion whethiT the Itonrd of ('oniinU- ionera of the town itlinll tie authoried tui-aue IioiiiIk in ihe kiiiii of f '.'"i.Oon. the proceed of theaaleof tlieniiid laimla to he niplieil in 'ipl)ini( the town with wnler. I imt I lie bniiiln mi aut linr ized to tie ismii'd will run for !W year and liear inlerent at the rnte of not more than nix per eent. per auiiuin, to Ih pafii nenii-nimually, and shall not lie sold for lex than par. That the hondit to authorized to lie i-mied ahull lie ia aueil in the follow ing denoiiiiuationi', to-it : Twenty IioiuU for One ThmiKiid Ilol Inra enrh. Ten Itondii for (Hi" Hundred I'ollarit each. Kiglit lionds for Five Hundred hol lars earh. The ai J election will !m conducted by registrar and judge appointed ac cording to law, as follow: FiaT WAR II. l!egitrar-J. 1'. Allred, James I. Helton ami I). A. Haw ley. Judges li. li. liallaway, K. V. Kloyd and J. K. Spaugh. ski-on n n no. Uegistrarn W. M. Wayt, R. T.Joyce and V. A. Holt. .Judges James II. Sparger, M. I. Armtield and A. tt. Trotter. T11IKII W.Mtl). Registrars T. H. Mel'argo. K. K. Marshall and Ji ff lUi.zard. J tide's .liine U. llanner, K. C. Kapp and K. i. (iilmer. Forum wakii. UcgUtrars .!". V. Ashby, A. L. Sparger and W. 1. I'oore. Judges W. I'. tiilimr, S. C. Jonea and J. K. Edw ards. The place for opening the registra tion book and regiHtering voter ai d polling the vote have been designated by the Clerk of the Court asfollow-. First Warh (iallaway k lielton'a aw mill. Ski-os w Whii The Tow n Hall. Tumi) Waro (iraves' Warehouse. Foirtii Wakii The (ilobe Vv'are hiui. That there will lie an entirely new registration of voter and the registra tion book w ill be open in each ward, at ihe ,ilnce above named, on Saturday, the itth Uay of January, lhW, from 9 o'clock, a. m., until 4 o'clock, p. in., and on each Saturday thereafter up to and including the Aith of February, 1M5, at the fame hour. No aegist ration al lowed except an Saturdays. At the said election, those who are in favor of giving the authority to the Board to issue said bond, will vote on a written or printed bnllot "Approved," and those w ho are opposed to giving the aaid au thority will vote on a like ballot "Not Approved " Notice is further given that at the said meeting it was further ordained by the Uoard that the water main or pipef thotild !e laid on the following streets to-it : tin Main Street from the Railroad bridge to a jniiit in front of Welch' residence; connection pie from Main down Rawley Avenue to loot of Sice loft" Hill; from Vair to South Street through N eed more ; from Main through Franklin to South Street, then down South Street to a oiiit op;oite Huff's factory; from Main Sireet. through 1'ine tu tmiw of hill at It. K. Marshii!r residence ; fi im Main through Rockford to bro of tiill near 1'. 11. I'rice' ; from Main down Wilson to Spring Street; from Main down Worth Mreet loo yards; from Main down Hamburg Street to brow of hill near Fulton's to bacco factory. Ry order of the I'-oard. W. F CARTER, MAVi.a. January 7th, 1nIS. Land at Private Sale. I have r' arret of Vaulkii ri-r ami opUn4 f4 mW ilin h t will cut into nrll lo suit pur haeere auj aell at !; prit-ft lor uot CJla an4 long tow., well rrured 'Hie Un la a-e r.tej a amoDf ft very 1ck for ilit rJui li'i et tle liner graile. f tohaoiu at well as o cora and small grain. 1 h title is perfect and iartt-fraw-at'ie iu law aed 1 will nuke to purrhaeers 4e ia ia fe with full e ua.n.i.f warrati'T. 1 h ldv at land lie alo:' tbt east bask lite Yadkin liver, Jf't noie alovt 1 ob ttaha Arf aid ti I aered lit the W. aV W. Railroad, and has oo it a flag atatiou ft iaaw-agrk and a aidr Srack Is tot sljif.HK-iil J timls-r, woud and lu ruber. Ask lilren A Manly, of Win-Won. and June ii. Ltwellyn, of thioii, a out the ulle, llwy kuuw ail aUmt it and will tell the tri b. La jer J - C liuxiuu, of A'itta X. kneeing lis title te t erfe,-tlr od, eaaite a r.ak tid of near C noo fur l lus land oa lUe 12Ui day of Im-mw, 1-Hj. Hit i Bimitiuued aule'j ( tbt psipoer of seu-I'lDcit-.g pe' 1 that t be fa let etatemeau pat iu cirrulaUoa thruiicti malicf ttt uruef maof art e-a wurtli ' nt- 1 sl.aJl Iw oa I Br plaor Utr eoiuetoiHi and w lien mat atirrt B ogtt ii artiu will ilmt I be yrit-n r J.tHV A ImVliEV. Perrli, X. Jaa. lhk. It. EVERYEODY LOOKS NICE It ciArtUKa I'tr atv Tbe Harris Slcam Djc Icrb, HaLCIiill! K- C. AH erd'te 1 tnwil reeeira nreaijl t- tewtiuw, AU rl ftianitlmi. Wilt for perti etilaiv. Csrau.iB( aid 3'Bdirg a a'.aJ'y VALUABLE n ill A i in a i i if n lltJ U U II 200 TOWN LOTS, FIVE BRICK STORES, 75 ACRES FINE RIVER BOTTOM, ONE PLANING MILL RUN BY WATER-POWER. I will sell the above Property at Public auctionto the highest bidder, on Thursday, Jan. 30th, 1896. Also 1,356 acres of land 2'. miles from Mount Airy, 400 acres of which is in a fine state of cultivation. It is fine Tobacco, Wheat and Corn land. There never will be another such opportunity offered to buy prop erty in Mount Airy and vicinity. Come and buy a lot and some good bottom land while you have the op portunity. Sale to begin at 1 o'clock p. m., at Broker's Ware house, and continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms, one-third cash, balance in Six and Twelve months. For further particulars, call at Brower's Warehouse. J. M. BR0WER. January 6th, 1896. WE in To call to ttie attention of Hie people ot Mount Air)' ad suriouiiillng country fiat e still have The Best Supply of Pore Drugs, Me 1 Idtts. henih-ala. Toilet Artlrlts. Patent Medicines, !.. Ac . to he tuuud la Hurry county, and that we want ni Aspreclate Yonr TrafiB. do not sell "Cbeap John" gixals and do not say weerllyim at heap J 1 n price, but we do say we give jou THE BEST That can be bought and sell Hi- m to you at rewonalile prK-es. We especially w Isli 'o call a'teittion lo our supply of TRUSSES. If you ne-l ont doa l fall to come to see us. We have all styles and Mies and e-ttha lrn? e periei c can adjust one to tit where If a cure Is posslMe jott will certainly be cured. Alt 11 you reed s pa r of spectacles we have an abundance of W CttM Glasses And ir CAimot pufti. If-Dtly urveth Import acce of buying the ttfl wba tbe diilcale oraVD of sijk'tit fa coiwerTjM. I am tmi ot If!, n UU to ctkll ltuUof, to tbe tm t tbt we ir- prp;rMi to nit your fiHj receipt KDd pLywrUiw prrjiCTlpKoftai With Skill and Accuracy. With tea yf ars' prm lk-al expetvoee la your Dildst and a yan tralLing- la , ot Uie l-nt oUeKso H.imi in the rolled buttfls, we Hare say no one "ill best ial to put tbe Shirt mnk'ul'. or tutrfc-ale prescript lo la our bands. Very Truly. TAYLOR & BANNER. Notice of Foreclosure. fly iMi:e of tbe authority contain, i in a iMed ot Ti Uftt. eiected to tbe undernam ed TroKtee, the 1NL day ttOrtuHif, If, ty Wm. I.r.ft'h and l lianty (jriffiili, bis if ;eaid Iel of Trust lo-u.g daiy re eoided in oflice nl heiMer f I'eeda. of lurry Cuoaty, X. C iu iliTttie Hook 1?, Pa;e 47i. to at-cure tbe ayajeat i-faeer-tain V'oad lur 4 1 (Hi, aud the ai'irtganr. Laving detaaUed in Ihe pasuent of iIk boii.l, aernred by tlie said leed f Tiuet, i will aril to tbe liiglieiat bidder, fur cash, at iutlic outcry, iir tba priBUBes. in ak. Airv, V, C.. at i e'elwk. i. m., feb 17: ttie tollomiiij d-c l ed riBri', t-wit : First lot flsadin Voiiat Airy, X. C, nJj ji.irc tbr Isnd ef lUe 3J A. e-'M-- sad ll.f ld Melb'1t: cl ur.h N-csJ A lot f land ii .ouht A try, X. C. , Mljuiiiiiif the Ual '4 Jw. 1. ll-iten i..i otliers; both et tle kb ive amiiej I ta I H2 tiill) lecri)ied I" de.-d of tru4 b-ie-i .'l le aueiitioiied, lefereie lo Uitli is l e . t.rmsde. I bis, Jan Hub, l9. U-sirtk, Trortee. j. V. Si-AU' EK, Auwtiey. Trustee's Notice. I'y irtu nf s lieere made t' tbe Jmlpe (ii ue nor t tmrt al tlie (all knu ..f 1 1 earrj I ourt, is the ca beri-i JJtit.m I i 1 f .a sbd oiltrre ere i.ia'oii.i.. aud H. y. I . via sad Mlirs srcee ap- iiniii(f ane truft, I m Hi et-l' ' f:;!,'tc na. ua Omr pieiiie.a, a res 1h, at IX e'elw-L, a He- a! ifd l iug ) CaiTy moatj, a'joiaiaf tbe la-ids M ti. V. llav ta, lw hulpber Kjnaa frt and S:himmsm, eoiHaittitig ax-lea. A tea, m tbe s-w d.t, at 1 1 e'rUa-k. a. aa., en tbe preniiaea, 1 eel) lUe1 Uad m furrr elity, acjutmat Ike- M Job Wwia tract td Jaa. .-e:tuua tnu t, tiwva as U Saw U elear lot, cotiiateic. ue and ene- lan A !. e tle aue 4r, al I r'. '.orfc. 1 a. at tt old etaa .e f b f. l.via. I m ill ',! tl fuUeviuc frmil pnf-rt Km, old la. barroaa, taraaa ai 4 alber persona pmaTtr. leraua at aale a4e VrHHsa m day 44 este. 1 tie iJib day f January. J-v Mkti Tal uea,' Tmetoe. li 1 11 if I Tuoa. Fawvitt, I'resident. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ht. Airy. ICOIIPOKATCD. CapilKl, $.10,000, Pal) p. DIRBGTORS. Th Faweett J. H Hparger, M. L. Faacett, R. I., (iwyn, C. I.. Hanks Tins bank so . tits the a.-cmnn of Merchants, Manufai-turers Farmers' arm Individua s. 1 he aeemmts , of the Merchants located in towns adjacent received on favors . le terms The funds of our customera are secured L two burglar .ro.-rteel chests and the Yale Time Lock. Interest allowed on Having Depi " Wantci SOU hm Planters' Warehouse, MOCTXT VIR-, "NT. C, FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! . T!L 'ar"n'"1' I1ot,if1 is tnebulne prt of to m rmrentent tntna Rank and is. i..... It is snuaietl .mil-, a te ste,ot l.u.-iu, TIIK . H" e., i ""f1.1 Best Accommodations for Man and Stock ofanj Boose in tbeStatc. our sales si nee tbe nr., o, u ?Z?oTX Airy. THE RANTERS' IS Mr. i. A Newawn our Auctl.wcer. Is a-ef-icn'iwti-isooe or ihe Ini i. ti,.tt. . t, . , r e bave one of Uie Bern Arranged Baneroents for storlne aad onlerlnr Tn.. . . anv wtK-re an oa nee4 14 tear ben a art to oUI1t Air. w,,tT7.l 1? i 10 ,m,n tbe PUM BR.H amen- y i .ill recie tu re", tJ t .mmi l j Tb-J. dri. 1 , ir-AUT;m sb.po-aioor left la our cre will rvoel.e our .orTbeet uutm. r, see ns abilr in l.n niberoo kave loliaoro or im ' " atutuoa rone and Tbaliig one ana all f;r Ihe very libera. selves to at. be on ban l ,., 10. alter tbe Um! wittr (ni reiia ara. rviir tni Your friends, 11 , Ulflfl THE GRAI1ITE CITY Lai il Iiffflii Cm, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Owns Sumo 809 Acres of Land One-lhirJ.J-m l icl, i io Tin Ix.!., Ul.nn l3 Irg .Jjar.l to ll.e lwn. If jou want to rent a rW.Jes.ce or afc fH.m, or, if T,. d, 10 punimea , ror.y ,fl or bw Mount Aier, we arili U E'4 t ff-r anv n.f.rmti.n by t.-tu-r. " IM V offer Si iI I,.duc me-iiu lo lb .roew.eir.g ti eataH - man. ufaiiann 'oatpo!iDiac Siucited. pp T. B. KcCARGO, Sec'j v& Ml Doors, Sash IfyoM art g:g to lu-H a l:u U u, tnd i.ere j o, tm by t!u a;-t rnau-n l. WE MANUFACTURE AT SH0ET NOTICE. fck;iVa"' r" fraa-a. Hableka. Tarta at ?-,,. Wert All ki t J ata.,,rc,ct3iiBiu Iwwi.j. h,., t,u Mbff. Kr a.irie, f Uatenoj. Ut,fc W. e, . rMl rawe r . p((t Qmy Htf flUaV iMILLlCR BROS, Wiiloo.C. 'A t L.n.i nl Villi) 1 fiflw. K. L. Own, J.ta. H. SpABata. M. L. Fa wcitt 1st Vice President. 2nd Viee Treaident. Cashier Is- Leaf Tobacco -AT- THE PLACE TO SELL! w an llaynea. ana Ibal It atrinare e-lws n. ,.. . . . , ii J'Z","1'!L ?ML0'1 Want '- mm Wfl fT Wrli kMW BROWN. HAYKES k KEWSOM. AIRY MARBLE WOEKS. Mount Airy, N.C. W. D. HATNES 1 CO , IfftTlMft 0, flnnsiifi. Tr.-.i, imu laoi m a uidiUiD lOiliilllCilli Touibtor.e;i, Iroo Fencing, Stciis sr Matte fir mtu Purpia H nt for riesiinM aud prke or rail t.d etatw ur atock. Mr w rfc aaa prks win ftoaae. and Blinds.