THE MOUNT KM HEWS. pin i mi... i wniwi. -.nw ' T.J. lo w nr. Mot AITn" 0., Feb. 6, 1890. JBgcRIpTI0N KATEH. Out copy, on year, - 1100 On Copy, nil month, One copy, three month, .io PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. RntAr aithe f ot Oftir at Moaat alrjr.H.C. Hiio(inl-tiliull uer. HL, . IM 'L .1 U!..-!'." 1- '"""'"! " - Kev. A. I'. Tyer secured $200 at Kewbern for the Trinity College endowment ftind. It begins to look like the Cubans will fail in their struggle with tho Spainank We hope the war will Boon come to an end. n ua Fifteen thousand men in the Western Anthracite coal fields, ghainokin, Pa., were thrown out of employment last Saturday. The negroes of New York are trying to raise $7,000 to erect a monument to Fred DongloM. This is a good time for our lost Legis lature to chip in. Greensboro gave old Liberty Bell a grand roception on its way to Philadelphia last Friday. It is said that at least 10,000 people gathered to see the bell at that point. Miss Harris, a young lady of Wilmington, has died of typhoid lover. 8ho was one of the many who had typhoid fever after drink ing water taken from tho river at a wharf by a careless negro. The long contest over the silver bond bill is at an end in the Sen ate, that bedy having passed the free silver coinage substitute to the House bond bill by the decisive vote of 42 to 35, a majority of 7 for free silver. Consternation has been created in tho ranks of the Cubans by the news of the disaster to the steamer J. W.llawkins which sank off Long Island, carrying down arms and ammunition intended for the insur gents. There are many good reasons why the proposition to build a United States prison in the South should be favorably considered by Congress, and we know of no strong objection that has been or can be urged against it The South Carolina legislature has repealed the law requiring that all emigrant agent3 who come into tho State shall fiist pay a license of $300. The law was passed several years ago to prevent railroad agents going about the State inducing ne groes to emigrate. A former superintendent of the New Haven, Conn., almshouse died an inmate of that institution a few days ago. He was removed from office twenty-two years ago, because of cruelty to the inmates. About a year ago he was obliged to seek shelter in the almshouse for him self. An interesting feature of the dinner recently given to President and Mrs. Cleveland, by Secretary Carlisle, was the entire absence of wines and liquors of any kind. This is commendable. Hope it will become the custom among our "big folks to leavt liquor out altogether in the future. Senator Piitchard has introduced Lis bill heretofore outlined, which gives a jury trial in the case of delinquent avwewments under the internal revenue law. He considers it a matter of the greatest import ance and hopes to get both a hear ing before the committee and a favorable report House Committee on Elections No. 2, Mr. Johnson of Indiana, chairman, decided the contested election case of Mr. Van Home against Tarsnej, from the Fifth .Missouri iietrict, in favor of Mr. Van Home, Republican, the con testant Mr. Tarnsey atked per mission to reopen the case for the purpose of taking additional testi mony. This proposition was re jected and by a strict party rote Mr. Van Home w as decided to bare been legally elected arid entitled to the seat The will of the late George H. Herri tt, for many years a promi sent merchant of Michigantown, IdiL, was robated last week. It contained tiie folloxing strange paragraph : Sooner or Uter I will be called upon 'o It-are this state of existence. W ben that time comes be rare thai lifc is extinct, then lace me in a plain box, without paint or rarokh, a a bed and pillow ii dean shavings. Wrap me in a fcbeej a clean piece f Eccalio ; lay tbe box on tie shavings, sail dowa the lid and consign me to the P"ar vUbmit aay farm f cere- j Jy. Lear opthir.g but the j mount f earth, m .xh Wi I Hanging For Two Day. KoMe, N. Y., Jan. 3t-'Hhk-r George Unrnard, of the Fort Stan wix National bank, is a suMde, and the bank is closed, pending an ex amination of its affairs, ordered by the board of directors. Mr. Barnard had be hi missing from his home sincJ Wednesday forenoon. On that day tho teller of tha bank, Patrin, went into the private uk;e of the cashier and said to him : "Mr. Hirnard, I ft-o tho bank examiner, Mr. Van Vrmikon, is at tho Farmers' National bank, and I suppose ho will be" lit re in a day or so.' iff. 1'arnard immediately left his desk, walked out of the bunk, and up to the fourth story of the build ing. He went into a room used to storo old chock books, patwra, etc., snd tying a ropo to tho doorknob, fastened tho other end around his neck, and tho indications are that he then pressed his knes to the door and died by strangulation. Uefore committing tho act ho lucked the door. His corpse was not (und until to day. Quiet search had been g jing hi lor him since Wednesday n;ght. As he did not go homo to dinner, it was thought that he had gone to Utica. Tho key to the room where the body was found had been mis sintr for the past two days. The door was forced this morning, and the suicide disclosed. Mr. Barnard was ti fty-seven years of ago. lie enterod the bank as discount clerk. Ju 187.") he was appointed cashier, and had since held that position, enjoying tho con fidence and esteem of all. He was also truuteo of tho Borne Saving bank. Ho served tho city of Koine as Mayor, several times as eupcr visor, canal collector, and had held many other public ofliccs. lie was interested in many industries. Several notes tor largo amounts wort) found in his pockets today, and ako a letter, addressed to his wife, which was given to her. She will not make its contents public. When Mr. liarnard s body was found, his hat was on his head, show ing he had not struggled. The assets of the tort Stanwix National 15 mk are $150,000. Chicago Anxious far the Exposition. Many of Chicago's local capi talists, business men, public olhcials and prominent citizens generally have tHken an enthusiastic interest in the preliminary work for hold ing a general exposition of Southern products and resources in Chicago during next September and Oc tober. The preliminary committee on organization, which lias just been formed, is headed by W. A. Giles, and associated with him are eight prominent citizens, including Col. llenry L Turner, commander of the First regiment of the Illinois National Guard, who made a triumphal entry of the South dur ing the Atlanta exposition. This committee of the Chicago Southern States exposition company will ast-ist Miyor Switt in the work of bringing delegations from the South and getting similar delegations from Illinois to meet together in Chicago, February 19th ; also to obtain full information regarding the exposi tion building, its renial, the cost of conducting the exposition from now to its opening and from its opening to the close and other information for the benefit of the delegates ti the convention. Devastation in Cuba. liepresntative Money, of Miseis- sippi, the Senator-elect frm that State, has recently received advices from Cuba which are of considei alila interest According to state ments of Mr. Money's informant, the devastation of that isiand has been carried to such an extent that poverty, famine and widespread snf feting will surely prevail in the near future, unlets by some means the hostilities are brought toaclusc. The writer says that the crops of this season have been practically destroyed throughout most of the island, the cane mills stopped, bridges burned, roads torn up, and business almost killed for the time. Is tha province of Santa Clara, where 225,0m sacks of sugar were ground last year, no wheat has been grown. The inevitable result ot tha con tinuance of the war, says the wiite-, will be a famine throughout the fanning district of Cuba. The Poked States being the bearest powerful neighbor of the isln J, and Laving always responded to call of suffering countries, will naturally be looked to to furnish atsistanc snd relief. $?,000,CK0 Ferged Nate. The latest advice from China tell of the ottering by Chinese forgers, on the Island ot Java, of f 3t,(XofX0 of Java bank note. In order to get cotes accepted forged notary acceptance were pUced on them. Already six hundred thousand pounds of forged and dieoounted notes bare been discovered and many prominent Chinese merchants have been placed nnder arrest, in eluding Captain Chin, one of the wealthiest Chinamen in Java. It is believed by the police that the forgeries were cotnp'eted in Sicgapore. Xwee Che Sue, an agent of China, m a rtsideut ol Sourattaya, and a band of cadre EiLirs bare beea arrested. Sew has confessed Ut Lavir g eoBioiitted the forgeries and ire plicate many other, all ti b iri mj thy ar innocent The forgerk-s were dir. covered ibroogii a lawyer cttaed Grricke, who is highly prisd by the bankers and popaUee. Oe Loose, that of Tan Kirn Tjiang, duounied 3 .', 0ii pound of 1 ofred Botes. Natii it Ox die:nsed 1S5,(0 periods of forged notes. Oil Lot. that J.cosit.Ud the K -rr res are prac tically batkrBpted. I Bayard Wilt ba Censured. Washington, Fob. 1. -Tho House Committee on Foreign Affairs this altornooii adopted by a a vote a resolution censuring fissador liayatd tor his two speeches at Kdinbnrg and I'oiion, England. Tho resolution quotes the passage of thei-0 two speeches, which ate condemned in its preamble, and then exprtssts the sense of the Hons.! that tho utterances were improper, and that Mr, Bayard is deserving of censure therelor. It Continued that it was improper lor Oiir representatives abroad lo con demn any political party or party policy in America, and that such action tends io destroy their in tiiienco and impair the confidence which they should always command a? home and abroad. Those who voted for tho resolu tion were: 11 itt (111.), Adams (l'a.), Qi'gK (N'- V.), Cousins (Inn), Taft (Ohio.). Smith (Mich.), lleat wole (Minn.), Bearson (N 0.), Be publicans. jSewlands(Nt!V.), silvtr Bepublicin, McCre.iry (Ky.), l'rico (La.), Tucker (V'a.), Dinsniore (Ark ), M"tiey (Mi s.), Democrats, voted against it. Drapor, of Massachusetts, was the only absentee. Hon. Julian S. Carr. Col. Julian S. Carr was ashed by Co'. Fred Olds, of Raleigh, for his views as to the methods the Demo crats should follow in North Caro lina this year. Ho replied with ni.iir.ed, and said : "I fnvor a late campaign, We ought not to make any compromises or ConceBsbns, but fight it out on strictly Democratic lines and principles. We have mndo tomo concessions which injured our party." When asked if he wuld permit the use of his name for the gubernatorial nomination, he re plied : "Only a party exigency would force me to do so. No good citizen can run away from such a thing ns that. I propose to s'and by any man my party nominates, with my best effort and my means. I m very hopeful tint my fri nda will not consider ne as in (he. race at all I am for tho 'other fellow' w hoever ho may be." Scales Gets Ten Years. Solicitor Mott pissed through Winston this inorningon his return from Rockingham court. The State docket whs disposed of late yester day afternoon. The most important c.Hse tried was that of Robert Scales, the negro who attempted to assault Miss Malissa J. Belton, near Madi son, several weeks ago. The jury returned a verdict of guilty and Scales was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. --Winston Sentinel. Nervous Ptoplc thocld retliza that ih only tru and permanent cura (or theft condition 1 to b found in having Pure Blood BscaaM tha health ol arery organ and tissna ol the bod; dependa upon tha purl t j ot tha blood. Tha whole world knowa tha atandard blood purifier U ooci s Sarsaparilla And therefore it ia tha only true aod reliable tuedlcln lor nervosa people. It make tha blood para and healthy, and thui curea nervouennnx, makef tha nerves firm and strong, g-lveiiReet Bleep, mental vigor, a good appetite, perfect digestion. It does all this, and cores Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Rheora and all other blood diseases, because it Makes Pure Blood prove very word we have aid. Thousands of voluntary tmii noniais icily establish tha fsct that Hood's Sor$a- , pariua Be Sure (XYS to Get Hoods VsVvv "I have taken Hood's 8arpril!a for scrofula ana the mult ia that I ana perajeoeolly cored." Ct-arni: K. IJuraox, Kichle C H., Wast Virginia. Hood's Pills cure ail liver Ills, eenst!; aBllisiiawti. skk heaCfc-lie. Iinlirnlliei tia Dissolution Notice. f1 of Xurts. In ib ma'MT ef jtariiH-r-Cr,ilisa, hur- ( Lip of W. 8. Fori i;h y County. i Spsjgfr Brotiwrn, Hi utit ji Airy, X. C. Nolicvis brrty given thai tlie sjweia! parttM-vsliip nttting tle W, 8. Jurbrs. f BictiH;tii. V, asd J. li. parser a uJ H. F. h iftgrr. IrsdiPg as j.rjrr 11 o.. ef Mount Airy. X. C. i wiiich fiarJuytliip tlje liatJiiii , IV. S. Itvbns ui liuiitrd. fiaid fjwcjal tiartstbip emliag ky eon tract Jan. lOia. S13, im by aaa'ukl iiBsolred, V. S. Fori ntirmg fi,a mij fir. Tbe buin- will bp Cuiidurte! t.y Spaj ger Brf. aiwreseiii, v hit will rw-i its aet; aud pev its dbu. Ttiis 2 h dmy of Januar, 1pS8. W. P. FonBit. NOTICE. North Caroiina. In Superior Purry eoonly. Court. W. A. C Jones . Ttioms J, Adatna. It aparing form tl? affidavit of W. A. C J?Tet in tb t xn That Tbomas J. Adams, te df-ndai)t therein is Dot to be f.tund in hurry caunt and catiwrt, after du diligenoe, be fcand in the Stat, and it further appearing, that a Aid act ton rriatra to real estate, or in eiriudig any iotret or lien that the defendant way bave io rel etnte w hich is the subvert f U ii artKie, arid that aajd drfenfiant it a oon-rrfid-r.t tif this rtat and that the cuurt has juris diction of tliC subject BiStter of the ac tion; It is, tbereore, wrderd that Bo Uee of tins actio be piiWibe4 one a wot k t.s:i u.-ca-tM'.c watris in t h.e ilt. Airy ewa, a newspaper publi;ed in the tosu ot lit. Airy, ia said coirity, artling forth tte tJiierf tin art tod be purptwe tf t'j same aud requiring t be defendant to appear at the next terai (4 the Kurierior C"-un o t-urry entity t iv beiJ cm ard Moaday in March, 1KW., at the Court House ia iMibeo. in MMdctmiiiy and aner or demur t t!e coaiplaii t of piaisit iff. cr ta rvlif lliNVia Ormaoded wi.i be granted. W. W. HAWrTcX.C c. Feb l !. Newt from Westfield, News whs received here to (iy of tlio diHth of Miss MsnSfie Sarles, daiiKfiler ol Csp'. T. L. 8m Us, .f ClirisiiHtie'inrft, Vh , wiiieli ocenrred on the morning of ,.oi. 3 lot. Mii-s Majgii) ws ris(l here and In r irmny friends nl rehttivee will grieve to henr of lur snd deHth. tihe.WHS hIrkiI IS yurs of Hge. In the niorniiiir of lite (lod chIhJ her pure spirit home. Hho wits no. eh beloved by nil who knew In r. Tneru is greiit.deHl of ieknisn in tliis vicinity, chiefly e.ldi nod grippe Mi. tmd Mrs. J. D. Kieh Hrdson have been quite rick, lur sre now improving. Mits Li.:t AshbtK n and M s- V n Needhmn are u,.i!ins( Mr. tunl Sir. W. li. Needham Mr. ranniel O. Admns 1'vina near Ti'in's Creek, one ot thivuld irtmunin this vicinity, hal the inisfurtii'ie one niht lst wet k id lose his wifn and baby His i:e eloped with Mat Til'ey. When last. heard from they were jioing in the diree imi of 1 lie Ulue Ride m(untaniH. Any int' nii.itiun in regard to tho whereabouts of the btiby will be ihankfu'ly received by Mr. Adams. Married, on lat Sund.iy, near Westfield, Mr. Kih-y Inman to Miss Li I hi Jcssup, daughter of Mr. Ths. Jess n p. Owing to the fine teason for handling tobacco, inucliof the crop has been marketed tit very low pric' s. A good deal of plant land lias already been burned fm ik M crop. Mr. W. K. Hundiey ha. peihai s the largest baby to its age in tl 0 count v. It is one year old and weighs 40 pounds. Who can bent that i II. Westfield, N. C, F-d 3, lS'Jfi oosipiii AND ITS "CTJB TO TBI Editor : I have n absolute remedy for Consuinption. By its timely us thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive im I of its power that I consider it my duty to md two bottln frti to those of your readers who have Consumption, Threat, Bronchial or Lungr Trouble, if they will write me their express and postofiice address. Sincerely, I. A. SLOCCat. at. C It) Pearl St Ifew fork, as- Th. Edltorl and UtMlnM M.nMmnt ot Uua !'yr Ouarmat. Ulla foMruua fropuatUtfU. BIG STOCK OF AT i Robert Beltoii's. Mow is the liinulo nniko your pur t luihcn be f ure my slock is picked over. Prices gU:iralitee-l ROCK BOTTOM. A full line of Diy (ioo.U, (i rocerii", ILils, Sliees, etc., always kept on liulul. lenity i be best gnnlot if fl"iir i the lowest pi ices. -:Country-:-Merchants:- Will il i well to oe mo bvlorc nii.kiiig lliir piuehases us 1 cm pave i hem money. YOl'RSTO PLEASE.' ROBERT BELTON. LUfilBER: SHIPPED TO ANY POINT. W. A. BOLT, 1SI 1T1 l SND DatLXS IK Fiis Poplar sd4 Cfcestant Mbi All orders tlllrd promptly, cjm-sfaaeo; aolkiKrd. Address, W. A. BOLT, MOUNT AIRY, N.C Trustee's Notice. By irtoe (it a deere male by the Ju!g of tl t-u)Tir Court at tl fail term of tbe tur. j Court, ia t!w cae wlifrvia VH1..11 h1iti(ia and it!n-r er (laiutitts, and B. K. i'afia aad 4iVri ware defeadaut. ap pbiutiug mr trainee, 1 milt aril al pjljhe atHiioo. o tl jtiemiara, 00 rt. l.iib. l-iC, at li) a'clock. a ef land It inf in Sorry uuty, a-tjoiaiag .ke landa of ii. r'. Uai. llw tuli.iur ffiiaaa trat a;nl I"ft U.ii t-iium.-i.. ouiilaiaiiig at-iea. Alao, a tb uiL-e at 11 o'i a. m.t oa tiif (tieuiuira. 1 wilt aell a M ol lax iu tjrry r"oty. nijjiuiag ikold Jeh Wuria trwt and Jaa. Nttrdliato tract, ki oaa at U.-e .-km Wt!ltr lot, cooiaiaiag oie and se- Lalf Alw, ea 1 in siuiMf aay, at 1 r li.xn, p. at tl 14 tHotrh we of U f. 1) ia, I a ill rll t! fullaaiBj perial property : Sofu uld I luv a, itam.a a, faru iag UkA' and other perwbaJ prcerty, T erm 4 sale naa4e kooars an day 1 1 aale. Tkia 3tB day of January. I. aUtaix TaiLua, Traatee. NOTICE. Tb"a4 HU t Sarry (JeiiutT, S. C., . ) in baprrior Court. iAa iloeli. iSjirixf Tr, S Aelum lot Vir-'tiT. la 'iia ease it jprarlng to the omri that tbe d frti'laiit i a uecoiaa y party ia tba aleot ild a-tu and tkal tb prnaal exeraHsa at anRiBMra eanat be tiad ae oordiaK to la, asd tbat (be detesdam m sat a retaitest f Xrh Varwiiaa, it ia ibrr-I t erdered Hurt aaid Mniuoaa -r 'TrIe4 y ut.!it-JK.a ia Ta ilt'T Aibt !, ;avr fm,Utl4 ia otry Oaniuy. X. fur at aa-ncuva nerLa. emaauamliBC IW arid Srf-a1attt ta tnak birr si'pssrusse si iht ssil ats ('! 1, befna la lt lo u ef tet-&, Sarry Cmin. . C. a the third Mtmia aler 1 be futirth alewday ia t rV.rr, l-Wi. a aaer r aVsiur U tb pi .ta'if a peti m tor 4iroree,a4 let tka a-eiaOaiit take ol w (Ua) if she fajl ta aprar aa j ptrad u U tbef ta aiif ill mk fur )lpaa aawl.iif ralirf ta kat4 fru tx. 1 k J;a. y I'va. W. W. UiliiTW.C- s. C- Shoes at Bargains Wood won't burn unless air oxygen Is present. The food taken into the body must be united with oxygen before It can be consumed and give heat to keep the body warm. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Ifver biC with' Kypophos phites, is one of the best fuel foods. The cod-liver oil ob tains its oxygen from the air and heat Is produced, It warms, nourishes, invigorates, gives good blood, and fortifies against the piercing winds of fall and winter. The hypo phosphites tone up the ner vous system and Improve digestion. Scott's Emulsion prevents colds, coughs, con sumption and general debility. SCOTT'S EMULSION hM bn riuiorttd by iht mp(llcalproion for twtnty year. ronr ttolor.) Thi, U tweus it ft alwiy pjltutleBlv, tvt uxtvrm alwayf fOHljtm tbr pnrttt htrwrguit CoJ-lhlr OH Put up In yi crnt and .m a'tca. Tht amall flu may be a rough to cura your cvith or Help your baby. NOTICE CIFELECTI0N IN THE TOWN OF MOUNT AIRY, On the QIJKtion of Issuing Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars of BoniJi for Water Supply. Notice is hereby given Unit the Honrd of C'oinmiasionera of tho town of Mount Airy, by mi tirdinnnce paused nt rt'KH lar meeting in accordance with the Act implied liy the (iunernl Aiwinlily of North t'arolina, hao directed thnt an election be held in tho town of Mount Airy, on Monday, the second diiy of March, 1HSW, at which election will be submitted to the decision of the quali' lied voter of thegHid town the (locu tion whether the llonrd of Burners of the town Mini I be nuthoried to i sue bonds in the sum of $-'5,000, Ihe proceeds of ihe siile of the said bonds to be applied in nopplying the town with wnter. That the bonds so author ized to btr issued will run for 30 yen rs and l nr interest at Ihe rale of not more six per cent., per annum, to be puid st iiii-anuti.iliy, and shnH not be sold for less than pur. Thnt the bonds go authorized tope issued shall be is sued in the following d"io:nitmtions, to-wit : Twenty bonds for One Thousand Dol lar each. Ten bonds for One Hundred Dollars each. Eight bonds for Five Hundred Dol lars each. T! (i said election w ill be conducted by registrar1) and judges appointed ac cording to law, as follows: FlIfST WAIOl. Heguitrars- J. V. Allred, James 1". Helton and D. A. Kawley, Judges U. It. (.iallawny, F. V. Fioyd and J. K. Spaugii. 8KOOMI wtitn. Registrars W. M. W)t, It. T.Joyce und V. A. Bolt. Judges James II. Sparger, M. D. Armtield und A. (i. Trotter. Til IK i war i. Registrars T. B. MoCargo, K. K. Marshall and Jeff iilizzard. Judges James G. Banner, Y.. C. Knpp and K. ti. tiilmer. FOVKTH h-akii. Registrars Jos. V Ashby, A. L. Sparger and W. D. l'oore. Judges W. I', (iilmer, r. C. Jones and J. F. Kdwards. The places for opening the registra tion books, and registering Voters hi d polling the votes have been designated by the Clerk of the Court as follows: Fikst Ward (iallaway A Helton' saw mill. Wako The Town Hall. Tiuki) W'aho Graves' Warehouse. Foiktii Warii The Globe Ware house. That there will bo an entirely new registration of voters and the registra tion books will be open in each ward, at the places above named, on Miturday, the 25th day of January, from 9 o'clock, a. m., until 4 o'clock, p. m , and on each (-aturday thereafter up to and including the 2il!i of rebruary, 1K, at the same hours. No registration al lowed except on Saturdays. At the said election, those who are in favor of giving the authority t the Bimrd to issue said bonds, will vote on a written or printed bull. it "Appr .ved,"' and those who are 01 poj-ed to ;ig the said r.u thority will vote osi a like ballot "Nut Approved " Notice is further given t'ii:t rst the said meeting it was fun her ordined by ths Board that the water mair.g or pipes should be laid on the following streets to- it: On Main Street from the Railror.d bridge to a point iu frot.t of W elch' residence; connection t from Main down Kawley Avenue to foot of Siceloff Hill; from Main o South Mret-t through Needmore ; from Main through Frankiiii to South Stre. t, then down South Mreet to a point opposite Hurt's factory; from Main Street, through Pine to brow of hill at K. K. Man-hall reeidence; from Main through Rockford to bro of bill near P. H. I'riee'g; from Main down Wilson to Spring Street; from Main down Worth Street 100 yards; from Main down Hamburg Street to brow of hill near fr ulton's to bacco factory. liy order of the Hoard. W. F CARTER. M tvott. January 7th, 1HW. THE GRANITE CITY Lao I.! MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Owns Seme 900 Acres of Land One-third .f which ia in Town Lot, balance 13 ifg aJjae-l to the lown. If you want to rent a residents! --r ire rom, or, if you desire to pen hae -r-rty in or near Mount Ai'r, we will te g'ad to g;-e ny if(firmation by letter. y W h offi-r Spoi-ial Iniiuti menta tu tl.o propji-ing to eatabl. 1 tnm ufsclarinj? rritcrprie. ConBtspoSDR.cE SjUcitcu. iipiiI. B. HcCARGO, Sec'j and Treas. Doors, Sasli and Blinds. If you are going h ii I house be fure yoa find where joti can l-uy i hea; ts-l malerjil. WE MANUFACTURE AT SHORT NOTICE. Sh. U'iixi., i'oera, Ihmt sad Wiil .w PrBtea, WaoO-tn, Tariwd ari, Su, i-Wai. Ail kl alt , f kfsellirg.ta-.liuc. rkwiaf, bi l.nj aai all Itnits BntakAd jaatber. Kesigli luasW shinfte. Ut (. laitas. lia, eBW. ekte4 pi''. Hlrittt kair ran ial ta m rtfiwiMst 'rrka-. I ti lrrs fcird prompt! 1. C's ami W car m -m i-s. MILLER BROS. Winston. N". C. WE To 10 tne attenunn of tlie eople ot Mount Airy anrt sunuoiKllnK rouiitr) ttiat we still liitve Tbe Best Supply of Pare Drags, Me 1 Idi 1 . li'iiilctilH. TVet Artli.Ui. I'alcnt KeCfir, , He.., io , to !xs fuund In :irrr l ijiuily. anil tunl vr want and Araraiats Your M. W e do nut i II "li e p John" K"Oils anil do art say wit wll yoii al Inn .'ill prtca tint it. 1 any e Rlvt jtm THE BEST I'lint cui lie txiuvlil and tll tlu m to you at M uwmalile prices. W a especially wish o iitll a tentlun to our supply of TRUSSES. If yo't 110 fl one ooft't tall to coin to tm ua. W liar all styles acd flzcn snd mth a lentm-m-i lot cr ran adjust, one to III. whoro II a run- tit sillile jou will certaluly be cir d. Also li ynu 1 ecd a pa rot spectacles we hsve an aO'imlance of Hawkes' CeleDraM Glasses And spc tuniitsiinictPiilly urue the lmiiortance of Miylng- Dm lw:t when the delicate organ ot sljflit fa concerned. Last but not leaat, we wish to call attention to the tact that re aie prepared to (111 your In fully 1 (Help1 a and physician' prescriptions With Skiil and Accuracy. With ten years' practical experience tn jour midst and a yum training In one of the b. st collegia of I'll irnia y In the United suites, we lore y no one will hesl t.iie to pm the meat illflk'iiit cr Inirlciite preacrltlnn In our hands. Very Truly, TAYLOR & BANNER. Mount A-ir- Male Academy, OPENS JANUARY 8th, 1896, And continues in neeion for fie inunlln A first elate pnparatory ne'iool for lioys and yixitijt men. Thorough, practical woik ia inrlnteii upon. Peud ua ymir hoj-, we will do him tfood. Iliites reasonable. irV:i:e for 'nfiriiiation It. C. CRAVEN, Principal. J an-in FOR 0 Books of all kinds, Stationery And Fancy Goods, -CALL ON- Cor, Man and Cedar Streets, OPPOSITE BANK. We have ;i complete, lino i f Scle'ol Hook, lVn unci Pencil 'J'uMcta and I'iuI-i, Slate, Strajw, IViia, IJ. i.c-iin, SpoiifreH, CompoHition Books, Black board Erases School Bas, ic, AH at Prices That Can't Be Beat. We are headquarters fur evei J'tliing iu tba Stationery line and cairy a complete umiortmeiit of Vaocv Gih)h al attractive prices. Vou will rtceie prompt and cour leoua attention, and we guaraiilee our f"U to be siricily firsi-class and a rcprfj)eiitel. Prices aa low aa the lowest. Mount Airy Book Store Notice of Foreclosure. By tirtue of the authority contained in ! a m'ed of Tru.-t. executed to the uiidertii.'n 1 d Triiatee.on the lsth day of O taber, lit, by Win. tirifB'h and t'barity Gritliib, hi wife; said Ieed of Tru! Iieing duly re j corded in ollic of Krtit'T of ieede, of j Surry (.'i.unty, X. C, i" ilortgap! Book M, ! i'age 4j, lo aeciire the iym nt ofacer j tain bond for ft 15.00, and the monirager, ! kaviug defaulletl iu tbe payment of ihe j lud, aeenred by the eatd Heed of Tiuet, ; I will sell lo the Inglx-at bidder, for cah, ' at public culcrv, u) n the pr, no-es. in Mt. I Airy, . C.. at a oVlork, p. m., Keb. 17th, lsS't, tlie following deacii ed property, to-it: First A lot of land in Mount Airv, X. C, adj .iiiinj; tbe land of the M. A. Katea tniatc and tba old Methodist church lot. rco'0t A hit of Utd in Mount Airy, X. t udjoiiiittf tha UaiU of Jaa. I. Helton and others ; both of the ab niie-d lots lieiiiff tuliv descril-ed in dtvij of truat here-iuU-f re meutiontsl, reftrem- to w hich is tiercbj tu ile. This. Jan. lOih. I.3. II. Knntl.H, Trustee. Gao. W. rAIO.lIR, Attorney. sen 0 hlMMl Cipif, 1 CARTLAND, ' Tie -Hcrclut Tall', GREENSBORO, N. C, HAS X RECEIVED X SPRING X STYLES. au.Tiu Tmiorted Cheviots, E Vicunas, KB Tricots, E ffl M Worstends, m im 'a WRITE FOR Has Cluett, Coon & Co's Dress Ntgligee Chevoit Umbrellas. IT 7T ri A 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, PAST CLOTH l. ALL STYLES. Tuoa. Fawcktt, It. L. (?wvi. Jar. II. Nparoiii. M, L. Fawctt 1'renident. 1st Viee rreaident. 2nd. Vice 1'residerit. Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ht. Amy. I( OttlMIKATi:!). C'RpilHl, $30,000, Pttld I p. DIREGTOR8. fhos Kawct'tt J. li HjrKcr, M. I,. Fawcott, R. I.. Owyn, C. L. Harika. This bank anlioitt tliw aoeoiims uf Merchants, M a tin fact u rent Farmeri ana Individuals. Tlie accounts of the Merchants located in towns adjacent received on favorable terms. The funds of our customers ar secured hy two burglar prKf steel ihestsand the YaleTime Iock, Interest allowed on Havings DeiKisits. Waiilet r A A AAA n I . Ill ij'jyuj J U U 10 Planters' Warehouse, MOUNT AIRY, 7ST. C, FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Th Wareh'uie I, loonterl la tnrbulnpi pirt ot to n cmvpnitit tnth rUnk ami ih fudinj Joliiiera. II I uuild wlihln a t; stwot Lm t ia niln ljnt limine Praihcr Wbltlock'a To tweco Kacturv and the nia.mnioiti Toiiwco A orks or Hprr Broa , and In tin t, uofeuleul Ui all our tabao-o dico, bealdea lilcli we have the Best Accommodations for Man and Stock of any House in the State. Our salt- atnee tht' ttrst or Oi-Wbor hu'e been almost douiile any two warrhenaea lo Mo int Aln , wb.i'ti Is hi run eviilvui-p thai THE PLVXTEIiS' IS THE PLACE TO SELL! Mr. J. A. Newsim our Auctioneer. Is acl'-knowu -is on of th Ivtt In the St. it. Mr. R. F sit I our Book keriH-r. h 18 ru ,r inter Mill our Hooks l,l lvumu-l kPoi, Vr. W.T. Iluvur-a, of Patii. k wiuhiy. V . Kloor Xati.KT; K A. Kewa am ot KioWt-s ruuuiy, M.'ht Watchman' aiit N. W. Hrowi MiDfilniendii lu saleof evry pile ot TuIuuxm put on our D w and w-rs ttint II brmim Kull Mmkt-i Va'ue. rar-W ha.r one ot the Bent ArraiiSPd BaHements forslortnif und orderlnir Tooacco to be found aiivwliere. lou iirel n a tf,r wIiph o I aaritoMouul Alrv win, our Tobago, tut drlv I , tlie H,XTIirfV arm-rey m lil we've fie vory tfxi aceoni'Dodailnna. Ir-All Toliuco sthlptd to or Iff In our care will receive our ery Iw.t tteiUon t ome and set us wiille In town, wncthrr you bave or not. Than' Ins; one and nil for the very IUi t.iI ae ylven in l-i the p.i' and p'.ejlirlnir our selves U) alwrt.v1 be (in hand lo I'tok a;ter ihe InteresH of ou. cuHt.iae-8. aa we very well know thnt lour lnl-reais are our lnt rei"U. Your friends, W. .Fine ' 'lpfrfef sl0BB L TT"l4.l " l V "Vrtte 21jWere Replace It Without z&zzr Inconvenience? IF NOT, THEN IT IS WISE TO INSURE IT U you arc a business mau and keep your property fully insured your credit will be better. If vour business doesn't requite y..u to keep insured, tbt n k.ep insured foi your on profit and pleasure ; you will eat better, sleep better and certainly feel bitter. Don't wait for a fire to come and re y" nearly to death, but insure at once and be on the safe ride. Don't deiay, but come at once to GRAVES & HAMER, Insurance Agents, Mount Airy. N. C. Sash, Doors We Iluuufacturo All Kinds of rolUSa Hiair Work, UUlHg lWl Fl." tii We Carry la Stock M.umL LumUf' fiLinU-- ru" in 1' -d .11 ki4. BuH j; M.y tm nn. QnUr0r Lmabr Mr Corapanr. ' trTt,.riar . CI! t . am am' ,m SAMPLES. popular brand of Shirm, Ui.derwcar Canes and PTT. A KJTi GREENSBORO, N. C. nuns -AT- BROWN. HAYNES & NEWSQM. AIRY MABBLE WORKS. W ,0. HAYNES & CO , Proprietor!. Marine & Graiute Monnments To:nbstor.e.s, Iron Fencing. or Me Enilil!i! Ferposes. &c for Designs and prices or call snd emmlDe our suxlc. Our work and prices (III pleaao. .ear Tobacco If Your Property to Burn and Blinds. vnd board; U mrk tW spot-1 .