THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS. MOUNT AIIIY, N. C., THUIISDAY, FEBUUA1.Y 13, 180. NO, 80' T VU. AUa SIMMOirsX REGULAT0Rj7 GOOD FOR EVERYBODY tnd everyone neeJs It at all times of tl'C v;ar. Malaria Is always about, ami the .'nly preventive and relief Is to keep the w I ver active. You must help the Liver a bit, nd the best helper is the Old Friend, SlM- hons Livfb Peculator, the HtD z. Mr, C. Himrod, of Lancaster, Ohio, ays: "Simmons Liver rpgulator aroke a case of Malarial fever of three tars' standing fjr me, and less than irta bottle did the business. I shall use t when In need, and reroitn'icnJ it." Be sure that you Ret it. Always look for he RED Z on the package. AnJ don't 'orget the word REGULATOR. It is SIM EONS LIVER REGULATOR, .viJ there Is nly one, and every one who t.iU,s it i be benefited. Tl:H ni:ni'"i I ALL IN THE REMEDY. Take it a 9 llousnesj" and SLk M-.mJ.kIi? : l . jj'ised by a sluccish Liv-. J. II. Zeillit A Co.. I In!.. . :. E. F. HOLLINGSWORTH, Dental Surgeon. ' OrTKK ON Kll INKLIN 8TKKKT, KKAR MAIM. Oft'lUK IIOLMM M A. M. TO 5 I". Jl. S.P. GRAVES, A T TO It N El AT LAW, Mount Airy, Nt. V. twr lraullota In Blat and Federal four . Prompt attention ti umi Uuu 01 ol Una R. L. HAYMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mount Airy, IV, C. Tractive in llie Maw and Federal com ts and eolln-U claim. All uuainuai entrust' ad to liiui will receive i.nmi t attention. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law k Notary Public, .Mount Airy, N. C r NetfoUaUng Loans aud tue collection ol OlaUof a 8oialiy. lusurance placed In llaa rCouipuieupoullbniUerin. W. K. I'AKTKK, MU A'ry, N.O. i. It. l.KWKI.LYN, OoUsou, H. U. CARTER A LEWELLYN, Attorneys - at - Law. Practice in the tHate and Federal Court. . Prompt attention given to all bui ueaa entrusted to their care. W. S. NEEDHAM, mull iii ujiuj PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will .nn-tice in the Slate Coiu-ta. Col lection ol claim a upecialty. JatilM'Jni COAL! COAL! White Ash Antliracite Coal for Kovea ud Grates. Ruxsel Creek Coal for Stove and Urate Pocahontas Coal for Shop and Engine. gjTOnier tilled promptly. 1. B. McCAUGO. A tent Tor I'ocalionta Coal Co. DR. W. S. TAYLOR'S EDS Will u.erst a 1 tram ami carry pajtengere to or frot Uotvl Keyiiol.lnor elar- beiv about tow u lcave bua valla at Tajlor & Banner's Drag Store. Jau 9 lm JOS. NATIONS, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kind, Hewing Machine, Musical I nstrumei.U. Ac. W'atcbea, Clock and Jewelry repaired in best possible man ner and alifaitiofl guaranteed. If you want to save money ee me betoro making your purchase or having your work done. J. H. BLAKEHORE, PHOTOGRAPHER, gaat Main 8t., MT. AlKY, N.C. la prepared to m al! I be ew aed r tvl. la J wlIJi Me timet, aad 1.1 ti V. W. BURKE, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER, AND inn of form prodice. VOCR ORDERS SOLICITED. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY nenpectfully, W. W. BUliKE. h. B. ALBERTSON, BOOT AHD SHOE MEH first 0r Hi rtll f lank, Ml. Iirf, H. C. I an Mfr hiM iMn ea tn ,' Vtaa 't if I " )'W T-mH Z m . ww w ..' - i.n-o i" k r C mm aw dl t ' m ',,.,r Bf v a l ! Hl " ' s, mm.-.i w -a to-m hum mwlt LBrrt-f at a ui fcan4-aart ..- u nm MC Kn -r l.H-' t - - U b aiJtkalx'Ji. Shake Up in Railroads. Southern Railway circulars are out atiiiotjiiciiiK change of a tadi cut tmttire ii the inanHi-rial tie pur t inuiit ol the 8'jiitlnin railWHy. 'SiiH!rintcii.utit til Motive Power K. II Wadi, resigns itnd hie lace will be txkvti, in fact hag already been taken, by W. II. Thomas, who haa Ixuiti HAHi'Htaiit RiipcrintcDdeiit of motive power. The circulars &t the BHitio time antiouiice that (he chief engineer's duties and title will be iucieaKt'd. In addition to hav inir the name of chief engineer he will be called mechanical engineer and the scope of his duties will be enlarged. Mr. Wade is an old Richmond and Danville man and Las been with the Southern ai'd its prede cessor coin pan ics for many years. It seems that some id his duties w ill bo merged in a measure in the new functions attributed to Mr. Lluusoti, while pirhaps the authority of Mr. ThouiHB as Hicccfsor in the office uf Mipcrinteiident of motive power, ill n t be so great Vfst rday's Hurlington News says: ''Mr. Kwing bus lH"en made Master of Trains on this division of the Southern. He was here last week looking into the gencrtt! run of things. Mr. Ewing has the au pcai-aiice of a hustler, and is it wes tern man." The axe on the Siabourd Air Line has fallen sain, and this time Mi-Si'iB. II. M. Iveyand John Cov ingto'i, who held positions in the general storekeeper's oflice were the victims. Mr. ivey was elected a city alderman at the la-t city elec tion, and rosijfntd lo move to Ports mouth, the headquarters of the ollice it, which he was employed having been moved lo that place. The tHct of his eleva'ion t) an im iKii tant p sition by the citizens of lUleigh shows the es-teem in which tie is held in this community. Mr Ohas K. Johnson, a director of the Seaboard. t-astlmt Mr. Ivey 1ms been olTered another p-'fi(ion with tho Seaboard. Mr. Covington is a man whose fn'ends say he is honest, capable and eflicicnt. News and Observer. Stcy of Oppression and Bloodshed. Years have passed, generations have C'ime and gone; six Cuban rev olutions have cost Spain 400,000 men and two thousand millions of dollars, and patriots have died heri tor libei ty, under circumstances as tragic and beautiful as have ever adorned the pages of the country's history. Still Cuba is not free. Even while ttrngglinir to pay the very war debt incurred by her ruler to complete her subjugation, the little island has gathered itself again and to do battle and banish the eloquent emblem of Spain's sovereignty, her red and yellow fia, the insignia of blood and gold. Spain has believid that Cuba be longed to her. not as wife to her husband, as child to its parent, but n6 a slave to its master. Jur-t K'v enty 3 ears ago '-IIia Majesty the King our Lord Ferdinand VII." decreed that ''t. pitseive that pre clous inland'' as bis, an army should govern it, who! commander-in-chief was from that moiiieut 'in vested with all the powers which by the royal ordinances are granted O the governors of besieged cities," placing in bis bauds the property and the very lives of its inhabitants to dit-pooo oi them as he willed, without question, restraint or ap peal. So Cuba has lived. So Cuba lives to day. And the decorated despots, the governors general, armed w ith the ordination of perpetual tyranny, have effectually blotted out even the shadows of freedom that .niht fall across the narrow ninety miles of water, by S' enforcing the very k-tu-r of decree tht the lan guage of freedom spoken it. the streets causes a hu.hed whisper on every side: "I'Americano." The lody of a murdered man was found in a public road Wednesday nsar Cut Lau.e! ip, Ashe county. I'ajH-rs on his person showed his name to lie Jas. Moorefield, end tbat be represented a large Tennes see lumber company. He was on his way to Wilkes county to pur chase lumber. He w-as robbed of his money and watch. Four men have been arrested 011 suspicion of being guilty of the crime. Better Health Than Ever "An attack of La Grippe, thrm years ago. left me a puyxical wreck, and )eui? naturally frail and delicate, it seeuifsl as if 1 never sti.tuld rally agaiu. lu uuced at last to try mo Sarsaparilla I waa mirprid after taking it two wek, to find I wa seining stirnpth. and nw 1 am nleaaed to aay I am en io inp tiettf r heal' h than I ever had before in in; life."-Eva Bkaoo. U&c1d, 111. Highest Awards World's Fair Chicago. L-J JUDGE SCHENCK'S ADDRESS CF WELCOME UPON THE ARRIVAL OF LIBERTY BELL AT GUILFORD BATTLEGROUND. It is rather Lie, but we believe tho following beautiful address of welc.tmo to "Liberty Htli" by Judge Schcnek, at Rittlegronnd, will be read with interest : "Mv Countrymen, and the dear 'Old Bull' : Wo welcome you with joyous hearts and patriotic enthusiasm to this battlefield of "Ouilford Court House.'' With uncovered heads and rever ence profound we welcome the "Libeity Boll" to this consecrated spot. James G. Ulaine said that "the United States was the only nation 011 earth which had a birthday." Ho might have added that it was tho only nation whose birth was an nounced with a Liberty Bell whose mission was to 'proclaim lilterty throughout the land ind to all the inhabitants thereof." It is this his torical fact which causes us to as semble together to day, with happy hearts, around this same "old bell'' and gaze upon it with wonder and affictioii. To meditate upon the sacred memories which cluster around it, and to lecall that it an nounced the most important fact save one which ever occurred on eKrth. Never, since it was an- nounctd from Calvary, "it is finish ed," has a more glorious message been proclaimed to mankind than this "old bell" rang out at Inde pendence Hall. Tsorili Carolina Las been wedded to the old bell ever suice Septem ber, 1777, one hundred uud eigh teen years ago. It was necessary, then, to convey it way from Phil adelphia to escape the vandalism of the British army. In this, its (iisi jounuy, North Carolina and Vir ginia iroops, 1 rum v asmngtoti s army, formed its escort of safety and honor. As North Carolina was first to instruct her delegates in Congress to declare for iudepend ent-e, so she was tiret to surround this emblem of liberty with the gni s and bayonets of her soldiers. Yon, gentlemen, are the successors 01 tho.-e biave Carolinians in the present itineracy. May your mis sion of protection be as successful as theirs ! Another historical fact makes your visit to this battle field more impressive and appropriate: Three other silent beings of earth meet lieix, again alter a parting of one hundred and elevm years -they si'KAK Nor death has made the tongue of William Hooper and John Penn voiceless in the grave. Their remtius lie there acrose the way, and is it not tit that the old bell which proclaimed tho inde peiidence they declared, Ik? silent also. Lveiy ear winch heard the pit clamatiou of liberty made i now tiilent in the giave, and it seems it was a divine providence that the bell too, should be silent with them. We greet tho "oid bell" again be cause this is its first vitsit to a battle field of liberty. It comes o mingle with the scenes which took place here the 15th ol March, 1781, whet: the British army fled from before the face of the Americans with Gen eral Greene in hot pursiut. At Wilmington, North Carolina, Corn wallis scarcely took time to change his linen until he resumed his flight to Yorktown, where, on the lttth day of October, 1781, he and hit, whole army were captured. York town only completed what Guilford began. It was "Guilfora" which made "Yorktown" possible. Here the proclamation made by the old bell was sealed with the blood of Carolinians, Yirginiar.s and Dela wareans. They made good the prophetic promise ot liberty on this sacred ground. Blood is the seal of liberty as it 's the requirement of forgiveness. Then let us mingle together in pride, as patriots, gathering around the old bell on the old battleground let our hearts be joyous and free! "Bell ot the wilderness once wast thou, Bel! oi the State and of history, now Bell of the battle, when war muet be, Bell of the church, school and in dustry, And men shall say, its thou hangest alone, God's voice has breathed in thine awful tone Bell, in whose ringing, all is well Iliri2 to us ever vM bell ! God's bell!' The Genuine Merit Of Hood's Sarsaparilla wins friends whether it is fairl and honestly tried. To have jiorfect health you in ut-t Lave pure biood, and the best way to hve puie blood is to tako 11 nod 'a Sarrapaiilla, the best blood pnriHer and strength builder. It expel all .aint ot scroiula, salt 1 beiim and all other hnmoia, and at the same time builds up the who'e svstem. Hood'a 1'il's are prompt and ef ficient. 25e. The quarterly atatemeut of the SeaU.ard Air Line, as made to tho railriwd coinniiioii, shows its earning in North Crolina to be tI,Wlt,222, which is $J5,0ii0 more than lor the correspondit j quarter last year. Send this paper to a Iriet d one year it will coat T"0 Pn'y Murdered Hit Entire Family. A Chiciffo diapal'sh of Wednes day sava: An entire latnily of six father, mother, wifn and three children were murdered last night bv Richard Kluttke. a Lakeview carpenter, who then completed his woi k by killing uimsolf. 1 lie ueau aro : Bichard. Kate, John, Mina, Mina. (his mother) Anna and hm ma Klattke, agea ranging from 7 to 73 years. Klattke used a revolver to do the bloody work. He was an anarchist and of unsound mind Ho had fos en out of work for some lime, and this fact, tho police be lieve. led to the terrible tragedy. The bodies were discovered in the house early this morning by neighbor who called to inform their. that he had found employment for him. Lach victim had been shot through the brain, and the murder er seems to have laid his plans with the utmost deliberation, and carried them out to the letter. Sharpened knives were found beside the corpse of Klattke. indicating that he was prepared to cotnplote Ins bloody work by other means, should tho bullets fail. This is the third time a husband has killed his entire family in Chi cago within a year. July 0 last, fritz rellman, a stono mason, turn ed on the gas and destroyed the lives of himself, his wife and four children, rellman had beet, sun struck, and this is believed to have unsettled hie mind. Iss than a month s;o, came tl.e crime of Jens Hansen, alias Peter Ilougard. Han sen, by turning on tho gas wivd a family of wife and five children, and added to the ctimo of murder that of suicide Pusinesa troubles were responsible for Hansen's des peration. Hicki for February, New moon on 13th will precipi tate quick changi) to warmer, and heavy storms will fall about 13th to 16th. Renewed cold will set in promptly behind storms, and follow to the. Atlantic by the 17th. The 20th to 21st will bring a return of storm conditions, resulting 111 rain and snow and ushering in another blast of cold. The 25th to 28th is a storm period in which a mercury disturbance will figure, hence sleet may be expected along with rain and snow. Of course the far south will not have these wintry phases of storm periods, but much cooler weather will follow, even in those extremes. We are not fully out of the Jupiter period at this time, and the cold .wiil still reach into tho south in modified degrees, as in 1894 and 1S95. Tne month ends as January, with gales and cold wave following full moon on the 548th and perigee on the 29th. The Proper Time When the mobt benefit is to be de rived from a good medicine, is early in the year. This is the season when the tired laaly, weakened or gans and nervous system yearn tor a builiiing-np medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla. Many wait for the open spring weather and, in fact, dc-Uy giving attention to their physical condition so long that a long tsiege of sickness i inevitable. To rid the system of the impurities accumulated during the winter season, to purify the blood and to invigorate the whole system, there is nothing qnal to Hood's Sarsapa riila. Don't put it off, but take lkod's Sarsaparilla now. It will do you good. Read the testimoni al published in behalf of Hood's SarsapHrilla,all from reliable, grate ful people. They tell the story, Swamped by a Cornttalk, Yesterday's High Point Enter prise says : "Byron White, who is jiow fann ing at the A. A. Helton place is a very clever young man small of statue but good as you generally see. When he started in he was warned on account of bis size, when he went to cut a cornstalk to watch the direction of the wind. Not withstanding this advice we hear that he got careless and last week one of hia neighbors had to come and pull hiin out from under a stalk. He could have gotten out all right but accidentally an ear of corn had been left on the stalk." Afflicted for Years. Mr. R B. Goodman, Marietta, Ga., says: "I was troubled with rheumatism, which the doctors called sciatica, for a number ot years, doctoring with everything 1 could heu-ot, w ithout benefit, until I comnenced wi h Dr. King's Royal Germetner, which cured me sound and well. 1 was at times, f-r several months, so 1 could not walk at all. I have now been thoroughly well of it for four years, and think tbte is no medicine tbat can iqual Germetner." Write to The Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta. Ga., for ii page book, free. New package, large bottle, 108 d $1. For sale by Taylor A Banner and I). A. Houston. In Washington, the past week, a ingle piece of iron was east weigh ing 1,(0 pounds. The Balti more Herald terms it the biggest ma of metal ever moulded at one time in t! e South, and cwt the fiim for which it was made f 500,000. That scrofulous taint which la been in roar blood fr year, will beexielled by taking HJ's Sar saparilla, tie great tlood purifier. DEATH ON THE RAILROAD. FATAL FALL OF MR. JOHN F. TWEED, OF BUNCOMBE, FROM A TRAIN ON THE A. & S. R. Mr. John F. Tweed, one of Bun combe's most subBtautWl and high ly rc spected citizens, sayt tl.e Abbe ville Citizen, was the victim of a horrible accident that terminated fa tally Thursday evening. It is not known precisely how iho accident occurred, but the facts aro believed to be substantially as fol lows : Mr. Tweed was in Asheville Thursday en business. He spent the day here, and at clop. in. lelt on train 16, southbound, in charge of Conductor Overton, on the Asho- villu and Spartanburg ta'lnmd When the station signal for Bnsbee, eight miles from Asheville, was sounded, Mr. Tweed was seen to get up from his seat, go to tho car door and step out upon the platform That was the lust seen ot him by passcngeis or crew, for no one was sent back to investigate. It is thought that Mr. Tweed intended to git oft at Bnsbee and go to the residence of a relative to spend the night. W ben be reached tho plat form he probably lost his balance and fell off the moving train. Mr. 1 weed 8 body was found shortly after by George Brown. Light ribs were broken and hie col lar bono wa also broken. The in jured mail lived less than an hour, dying before a physician could reach him. Watch was kept over the remains until early this morn ing, when they were removed to the home of Mr. Tweed's brother in-law, Adolphus Gibson,, with whom he had purposed spending tho night. Coroner L. B. Mcl'rayer was no tified and went to the scene, and the inouest began at 10 o'clock. The coroner's jury was composed of N. A. Penland, J. W. Brown, . M. Nettles, W. R. West, A. B. Case and U. D. Murray. Afterex- amining a few witnesses tho inquest was continued till haturday at 2 p. m., in order to have members ot the train crew present as witnesses. Mr, Tweed was held in high es teem by the people all over the county. lie was an upright and good citizen, and his U-rrible death will be saddening to bis many friends. lie lived on Cane creek, 12 miles southeast of Asheville, and wss about H years old. About five years ago he married Miss Ash worth, daughter of Rufus Ash worth, of Fairview. His wife and three children, the youngest ojily a week old, survive. Mr. Iwead owned considerable property in Asheville. Ihe funeral services will be beld Sunday at 11 b. m. at Tweed's chapel, near the late residence of tho deceased, and will be5onducted by Rev. J. A. Sronce. He Cultivated the Love of Giving. At a dinner party in Baltimore, at which George Peabody was one of the guests, some ohe inquired : "Which did you enjoy most, Mr. Peabody, miking your money or giving it away ?" "Weli," answered Mr. Peabody. slowly, and Johns Hopkins was ob served to be deeply interested in the answer, "I enjoyed making money. I think it is a great pleasuie to make money. And when the idea was first suggested to me that 1 should give money away, it did not please me at all. In tact, it distressed me. But 1 thought the matter over, and con cluded I'd try it on a small scale. So 1 built the first of the model tenement houses in London. It was a hard pull, but after it was done, I went around among the poor people living in the rooms, so clean and comfortable, and bad quite a new teeling. 1 enjoyed it very much. So 1 gave some more money and the feeling increased. And now lean truly say that, tnirjli as I enjoyed making money, I en joyed giving it away a great deal better. ' San Francisco Argonaut, Toiti Covington, who is under sentence of death at Newton, has confessed. It will be rclnembered that Covington was convicted on the testimony of one Josev, who was implicafd with him. Josey was sent to the pouitentiary. Cov ington made vaiious statements about the murder but within the past day or two has confessed, cor robora'ing nsey's testimony. Gov ington savs H statements made heretofore were tor the purpose of influencing tba Govornor to coin mute his sentence, but having aban doned hope he has made a full con fession. StatesvUe landmark. j has never failed to cure! 1 J Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, j 1 Croup.Grippe, Bronchitis, f Asthma and other Throat 0 and Liirtiv Affrtinn f J Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at is worth its weight in gold, f but costs only 25 cts. T Tftll vnnr RmW mn want r Dr. faall'a Couch hvruo. a.M.aaafaraa,ac Urrm.t JaMSt Miraculout Escape of Mr, H, B. Ireland, Unfortunately, it seems, accidents will happen, and at. times, heart rending are the results. w as the case Tuesday, when tho South wall of the II. Ii. Ireland & Co, 'a factory, which became a prey to the flames Monday, suddenly fell to the earth, entombing Mr. II. B. Ireland beneath the mass of brick and tim bers. Tho wall tumbled about 3 p. m., ana It was fully 3d minutes be tore ready hands, and diligent work could rescue Inm, and to all appear ance, more dead than alive. Dm Bahnson, Farrington, Dalton, and possibly other physicians, were pres ent when he waa released, and after a hasty examination puced the pa tient upon a cot and thus conveyed Inm home. 1 lie injuries sustained sppear not to be of a fatal nature so far as outward appearances in li cato. ith tho exception of uv erai ribs tract urea, the skull and back are not seriously injured, or broken as was as first reported. 1 be patient is doing as well as could be expected, ano nnlcss some internal trouble develops, is thought, may recover. Mr. Ireland was in the basement of tho factory with a force ot hands removing his tobacco, when the crash catuo. Those with him mirac ulously escaped, while many others in and about tiie building also made a cloee call with their lives, several patties being slightly injured. During the tire and all dayTues day, men were busy in und about the smouldering ruins, removing tobacco and things generally. is itors, of lioth sexes, prompted by a curiosity to see tho sight, also ven tured into this veritable death trap, and that their lives were spared, is occasion tor sincere gratitude, as well as a timely warning. Winston Iwcpublican. a Useless Forebodings. "What a vast proportion of our lives is Sent in anxious and useless forcliudiiiks coi.cti iii:.g lie future liber our own or that f onr dear o:ics; l rcscut loVf, p;isonl bless ing 6lip by, and we rr is s half their svvci-t flavor, nm! a!l h r want of fniih in Him who provides for the tiaii-st insect in the sunbeam. Oh ! wlii-n will we barn the sweet trust in God that onr li'tle children teach Un i very day by tlieircontiding faith in us- v e, who arc so mntaVe, so faulty, so irritable, so nnj'is a-id He, who is so watchful, so pitiltil, to io it'g, go torgivmg? vv liv can not wr, slipping onr h'.ir:d into His ea-naiy, walk trustingly over that day's nppoiuted path, thorny or flowci v, crooked or Ltiaiht, kn w- irij: that evening w ill bring n sleep, eric?, end home? -I hillij-s Brooks. If there is anv one tbii g that metis to be purified, it is politics, so t nc retormcr snxs. ai.u mi.tiy tg'-ee thereto. Put WimkJ tclis, and a a blood purifier and liver correc tor Simmons Liv r Regulator is the best medicine. ''I use it iu prefer ence to any other." So wrote Mr. S. M. Ilvsell, of Middlcport, Ohio. And Dr. D. S. Russell, of Farm villo, Va., writes, "It fulfills al! yon promise for it." - - Officials are Pleased. The report of the success of the bi nd call was received with gener al satisfaction in the Senate in which those who were doubtful about the expediency of a popular loan joined, as indicating confi dence in the country's ability acd willingness to meet its obligations. Some disposition ws, however, manifested ou the part of the doublets to await details Isetore ex pressing an opinion as to the com plete success tt the call, and es penally as to the rinmlser of bids at high rates. Any tendency to premature bald ness may lie promptly checked by the useot Aver'j Hair Vigor. Don t delay till the scalp is bare and the hair-roots destroyed. If you wonld realize the best results, begin at once with this invaluable prepara tion. John and William McCann were arrested at Amherst, Wis., yester day, for an attempt to wreck a Wisconsin Central passenger train Friday night. They confessed, and said their intention was to wreck the train and rob Tne passengers. A young man in Lowell, Mass., troubled for years with a constant succession of boils on his neck, was completely cured by taking only three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Another result of the treatment was greatly improved digestion with increased avoirdupois. There were 62 deaths in Char lotte dining the mouth of January just cloatsd. Forty-one of these were white and !U colored. Measles caused the death of twenty -seven persona. North Carolina lias one eouutv that is small and very peculiar. It is Dare, a cuuuty without farmers. Its people fish only. They are re ported as not growing a bale of cot ton nor a bushel of wheat. Thu Grand Lodge of Masoua ot Tfimeee iau- a call to all Masoi.s to use all means to prevent war among the nations of the world. Mia Clara Barton and party are at a hotel in lwdou, waiting 1 r tie question of fbeir entry into Armenia to be settled. Highest of all in Leavening 3Sk. - AU&M)TEE PURE "She Stretched Out Hor Hand to the Poor." Iu the death of Mrs. Julius A. Gray, this community has lost ouo of its most worthy and estimable ladies ; her children an affectionate and devoted mother ; her church an active and consistent member j the numerous benevolent societies to which she belonged a most invalu able co worker, and the poor a generous friend and sympathizer. The charities ot Mrs. Gray were like heavenly dew, falling silently and without observation, and many a hearth; tone has been made happy, without the know ledge of its benefactress. "She reached forth her hands to tho needy,' and "her own works praise her in the gates." Tho funeral ceremonies were con ducted by the Iiev. Dig. Smith, at the family mansion this morning at eleven o'clock. A large circle of relatives and friends wero in at tendance, and the floral offerings were most eloboratc and exquisite, consisting of harps, anchors, Arc, of beautiful design; lilies, orchids, roses, and many other choice cut flowers were in great profusion. The services were most impress ive, and the addresses of the pastors of her church were exceedingly ap propriate and eloquent. It is a sad bereavement to any community to lose as good a wo man as Airs. Gray, and the sympa thies and condolence of our com munity are extended to her stricken family. Oue by one the tics of earth are broken : link by link the golden chain increases, which binds two worlds together. ibeie is no crown that will not tarnish worn by human greatness; there is no throne that will not fall filled by human loyalty ; there is no temple that will not crumble built by human genius, but the tree which is "plan ed by the river of waters" shall bring forth its fruit in its sea son, and its leaf "shall not wither." Greensboro Record. Judge Clark's Return, J udge Walter Clark has returned to Raleigh from a month's trip to Mexieo.drtririg which time be visited twenty of the twenty-seven States which compose that liepubbc. From an interview with the Judge we extract the following from the Kaleigh INews and Observer: "The country is undoubtedly ex tremely prosperous and developing more rapidly at this time than any other on the planet, Japan not ex cepted. A very instructive and in terestmg article by liomero, the Mexican Minister in Washington, appeared in the North American Review of June last, in which he arrives virtually at the same con clusions which 1 have from my ow n observations as to the effects upon Mexican development and pros perity caused by the Mexican dollar remaining at par, while our dollar i as nearly doubled in value. Ibcse also are the views of the Americans which I met in Mexico, and I met nnndreds of them. I went there to see the country and learn all I could about it, and I was as inquisitive as any Vankee could be. I met Presi dent Diaz, members of the National Supreme Court, ot the State courts, Governors of States, Generals and men of all ranks, including the man that followed the plow. I talked with all of them, and with our countrymen wherever I met them. Who I was and my own views were known to very few, except to the higher officials, to whom, of course, personal introduction was neces sary, lheconntry is unquesiion- bly very prosperous, with wonder ful resources, which are just begin ning to be fairly developed. A New Blockading Trick. There is no end to the cute re sources of those who are bent on cheating the internal revenue, says the Charlotte News, and a new wrinkle came to light yesterday Iievenne agent Gresham found a suspicious looking sugar barrel at the Southern freight depot, con signed to Salisbury. He broke open the barrel anil inside of it was an empty 24 pollon cask, with the stamp intact. The outfit was smash ed up. The plan, of course, wss to have the cask refilled, without paying for new stamps to put or. it. GOOD SPIRITS whiff tw afrit, trntatsW tmtT, ?-r or ItrifcarjKj- tvau rrraa mu hibh' -i aatnu To rar. maufo a ra " nfnrm- il 1 m twit mini twrtxnw. k aa an uf aa igmmtMu of w.!!ci rn wan fct't iniiiai. 1 a trtw. a Ua ar a-l ir-itu o Ramtv. a.r a4 amwaimy, Yf km umwil, A'rvr'mf its talk mm aawtM f t4 fesum. w' a- aa ta a"wa nr'., a B?J.t atwi a rw fctajfn al. A a. 14 a . t.. lfluu. Si. . Va J" f" at Y a. fr X I" oaiamit r and j 'I Xoaa 4ranr"- V ,'. ' amiWi. S. 7 : g" ..lltarr f.ra.- t, j fir.. t!wa ori bMfuw 4 i 1 I f lraw .4 V j 1 -m N,rnn. a.i..u J Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report a ' 7n 9 4 it Mood; and his Mother. There ia tarely a great man with out a great and good mother. Peo ple often wonder where a man who ris-s from an humble homo got his greatness. Generally it is from Lis unselfish mother who spent herself to give him opportunity. At the funeral of 1) wight L. Moody'a. mother last week the great evangel ist told ot the trying days after the lather died leaving the family bank rupt ; how the creditors took all the property, even to the wood from the shed, how the children, himself included, had to stay in led one morning until school time because there wa no wood for a fire but a neighbor brought a load of wood before night and the family waa kept together. Mr. Moody read from the Rible and from a book of verses given his mother by the late Dr. Evereit. Turning to the face of his mother and in the gentle voice which has turned thousands, he said as he shook his head : "(rod blcf s you mother, w e iove you still." "She made or homc.poor though it was" said ho, "the last place on earth to us. She taught us that provcrty was no disgrace. During the lirst years of her widowhood she wept herself to sleep night after night and we r;cvcr knew of it until laU-r years." If yon want to know what made Dwight L. Moody one of the great est men, full ot broad sympathy, yon have it here. News and Ob server. Canada is to strengthen its de fences and increase its army. This shows that it is time the United States were putting in order their own defences', especially on tho Canadian line. NO La ! OTHERS There is a difference between medi cines and medicines. Those of to-day. as a rule, differ from those of the past in many respects. Fuliy as great is the difference be tween Dr. Kinp's ROYAL GEfUIETUER and the ordinary medicines of to-day. It ia unlike them in THESE FIVE THINGS: 1 . It does not taste like a medi cine. It is as pleasant to take as lemonade and makes a most refreshing drink. 2. It never nauseates the most delicate stomach. 3. It does not swap off one dis ease tor another. It does not set np one form of disease in order to relieve another as is so often the case. 4. It eontains no atcobol or opium in any form and is always) harmless even when given to a bbe one day old. 5. It does not patch him ply. It cures. It reaches as nothing- else do-s to the hidden sources oi disease in the blood and removes the cause. It does this with an ease and power that have never been equaled. Foy all tmotilwi of the Blood. Stomach, Bo-(., Klrtne v. and Nervpa, and for all forma of SULAKMI. Poimi It atauUa pieotoeat without a rival ur a peer. rar sld by flmni.T, new vafeiwa, larva bo. Ua. loa Doaaa. Onloilar. Manufaoutradanly by THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL C0N ATLAJfTA, EJL warn roi ts-raox book, slulid nu i TavW I htm mi P. A. BoskB, - CALL AT- EYE RETT'S TEST SHOP. HEADQUARTERS FOR Tin and KtPel Roofing, Guttering Spouting, Valley Tin U widths fchingle ttrip. Ae..Ac, ia. Watr ami Muam r ittinsra of all kind kept .n hand. 1 ha Old Reliable Jeukina (iiobe A Chuck Vavltt, Klierman lujeptora, f troil Lubricator are a tew of the many r-!iubl ui),li.a in lock. Gu'ia, I'latola, Sewnm Machine, an 1 HtcycUa r.aijvl bj the bt killed workmen at abort notion. We kwp Utmd Old r aohion CofflNI I'ota, 1'i.h I'ana, and in fact everjuniig in the Tin war luia. Everett & Co. ru a)ul a muf wairla "r fcri.-tit. 1.Jt!'; ' n a Win trmta H'-tda MM W !. Law ati. Strrn. ia .t4 fi tatw aaa wfk tM 0 taaiiwt aad ta -W,-CoaawaMO. t'tCiAL tf tKt la au, cwatu P aa tit aannoca MCTtaaaar 1 t mm 11 -,.. . 6J

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