THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS. T.J. Lownr. Mount Alrj, . 0., Feb. 13, 1800. 8CB80KIPTION RATE9: One copy, one year, 1.W One copy, ill month, . . .60 One copy, thre months, - S PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. KntersdaUbs Prist offliwatllonntAtry.N.Ci. S, ounJ-olinall maMer. . hu. .. - -- - The war in Cu(a is ncaring the end, bat the scenes in that country aro horrible beyond description. It is too fearful to publish. God will deal justly and right will prevail. Thk Nkw is informed that four mon were drowned Saturday night while tryinc; to cross Dan River ; also, that two brothers were burned alive near the Stokes lino on tho sumo night in an old barn. Now comes the saddest part of the htory all Bix men were either drunk or greatly under the influeuce of liquor et the time they lost their lives. The boiler at tho steam saw mill of Mr. Henry Ilagwood, near Wakefield, Wake county, exploded Friday with terrible results. Mr. Hagwood, hie son Ivan, and Rnfus Tucker, a white employe, were in stantly killed. Three colored men employed at the mill were severely injured. The boiler was blown a distance of fifty yards. . su. Tho Mississippi Legislature has passed a bill, which has become a law, imposing a fine of not less than $10 or more thau $50 and impris onment for not less than 30 days npon conviction of carrying con cealed weapons of any kind, and has forbidden the judgo before whom the case is tried exercising any discretion in pronouncing sen tence, excepting as to tho amount ot the fine. Tho north was swept by a storm almost approaching a hurricane, on Thursday night. The principal sufferer was the village of Bound Brook, N. S. Houses were torn from their foundations and swept toward the ocean, and fire added to the horrors of the situation. The lews is fully $150,000. One man lost his life in trying to rescue some others. The drunken spree of Dr. Ilurst and a party of friends at Penning ton, Va., has claimed three victims already, and the list may be addod to later. The doctor, while drunk. injected morphine into hiraeelf and his companions, causing death very shortly of one of the party named Myers, of Mr. Tracy, another mem ber, ten hours later, and since then of Dr. Ilurst himself, while one or two other victims of the drunkan freak are so ill that recovery is doubtful. The drunken crowd seiz ed and held Mrs. Myers, wife of the first of the victims, while Dr. Ilurst gave her morphine. She was then thrown into convulsions and is not expected to live. All the men connected with the affair are well known in Southwestern Virginia. THE BOND ISSUE. We admire the views of the At lanta Journal on the subject of the bond issue. When the present bond issue was proposed that element among news papers and politicians which has only one principal, namely, to op pose whatever the administration undertakes, raised a chorus of pre dictions that the effort would be a miserable failure. What was the real result ? Offers were made for Dearly seven times the amount of the proposed issue and at rates that ran from 109 to 119. Thif shows how President Cleve land and Secretary Carlisle have damaged the credit of the country. This proves how strong the faith of the country in the administration stands, while the demagogues bark and snap and squirm because it is an administration that is far above Jhair policy as it is above their principles. The credit of the government has received splendid indorsement, though that credit has benn assailed by a aet of politicians who have openly proslaimed that if they had the pewor they would pay all th onUtanding obligations of the gov ernment in fifty cent dollars and that all future loans should be lie gotiatod on free silver basis. Had this element been, in control at Washington no prudent man wonld have made a bid for any part of the Umd issue which is now so largely sought. The bids for tbee londs prove that thiscoontry and the world holds . i . . I the strength of Remington's itate tht the United States J mm tU, be iBle,ldej r,in l(llck a conviction is both great and honest, and that It will never b contollod by Stew arta, Teller and other ailvpr ruine repreeentftiM, bot by their fol lower in other aerlions of the country. Thirteen Workmen Drowned. A dispatch of lout Thnrday from Uartlbrd, Oojin., says : Six work mon lost thoir lives and nine others were barely rescued from the icy waters of the Pecuobos river, near Bristol, early to day. A new bridge Imd been built over the river ct Try ing the trackg of the New England railroad and tho men were at work taking up the ties and rails from the old bridge which was in process of demolition. The fifteen men had gathered about the middle ot the bridge on their work when suddonly the structure began to shake end with scarcely a moment's notice gave wav. Tho men wero all precipitated into the ico water bolow in the midst of tho broken mass ot tim bers. Two or three managed to reach land in safety, practically unhurt, and immediately set to work to help their cinrades. At midnight it is believed that at least thirteen of tho workineu ier Hilled. Two bodies have been re covered includinir that of the fore man of the gang, J no. trillion. Most of the men lived in Hartford. Grayson Gleanings. This vicinity is keeping a pace with the new year in tho way of new population, at least. A fine son made its appcranco at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. Fielden Kector, near this iliiee, on tho Cth inst, also near lliggins, Va., on tho 5th inst. , a son each at tho residences of Eli Uoodson and Abner Bran noch and on tho 7th inst., a daugh ter each at the residences of Mr. Roe Moore and Mr. Amos Good son. See f We are glad to note that Mr. Lemuel Winesett has given out tho idea ot selling his nice tarm here, and will remain with us. Your correfpondont recently, from this place, shaking of the two new arrivals at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hod its, calls to mind that I might add there have only been 14 sets of twins within a radius of 4 or 5 miles of Meadow Creek. How does this speak for this part of old Grayson f Mr. Floyd Osborn's flock oi sheep have increased by some 20 odd lamlis already this season, and his son Etnmit has an addition to his of about 25. The dogs are very destructive to the sheep hdnstry here, and our representative in the legislature, which is in session now at Richmond, wtuld introduce a bill and secure ii.s passage for the extermination of worthless curs, he would prove a public oenetactor, besides he would have buildeJ for himself a monument more lasting than marble. 11. Meadow Creek, Va., Feb. 10, 'yC. Our Rockford Letter. En. News: Perhaps a few hnes from this part of the vineyard will not be amiss, theretore 1 send you a lew. We have mud, mud without end The rainfall has been very great for the last ten days, .farmers sowed a few plant beds before the rain Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Burrus have returned from an extended trip to Arkansas, visiting relatives. On last Wednesday, Feb. 5th Miss Minnie, the accomplished daughter of Capt. S. S. Bohannon and one of Yadkin's most charming belles, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Rev. W. I). Safser, of Hot Springs, N. C. Dr. W. S. Creasy, of Winston, officiating Our people are talking of build' ing an acaaemy nere. l Here are two sites under consideration. One, a nice eminent west of the railway, buck of Mr. E. S. Recce's store, The other, a ttiJ 1 more beautiful location, a little west of town, yet close enough to be convenient to the town and a great deal more on venient to the people out in the country. Mr. W. B. Hc-lvfield, Sr. steps forward and offers to donate the land tor the academy, and ball ground if need be, and further offers to give land on which to erect boarding houses and rooms, it w will build the academy on the mttor site mentioned. There is a well of good, pure water near ILIe situation. Why can we not build a good school here ? We can, b using the projer efforts. I thin! we would do well to investigate this oiler. Died, near here last Friday, Miss ivuzie ivonerts, agea bi years, ane was a sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Jervis and Mr. Woodson Roberts. Mr. Nathan Dobbins Lad a feart and passover at his honse last Sun day. He killed two wild tnrkeysand invited several of his friends to help him eat. Among the nnmber in vited were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reewj, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Holy field and Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bo hannon. Several of us have some tobacco packed ready for market, and we hope soon to come to Mount Airy and we shall drive straight to the old reliable Glol Warehouse. Success to the News and its rondure. Willi Winkler." Rockford, N. C, Feb. 10, 1816. Some of the citizens of Raleigh will remember a man by the name ot Pyur Remington, who lived in Raleigh some yeara ago. lie after wards rented land from Dr. G. X Kirby, of Goldsboro, and alwndou ed it Dr. Kirby took charge, loe ing considerably by Remington's leaving. At New Hanover court last week the jcry gave a verdict tor $1,000 agtirist Dr. Kirbv, on to the land, and Dr. Kirbv ' taking charge had brotip'it him !. From all accounts Dr. Kirby was the man realiy damaged, and in Gold1oro where all parties and the transac tion are well known, there is much indignation at the verdict. Et. j Towing a Mile-Long Raft. A raft of 000 yellow pine logs for use as piling in the construction of some of tho new Delaware River piers has just arrived here from the coast of North Carolina, and the I transportation of this huge, un- wioldy mass ot timber through waters exposed to storms was no small feat. This is said to be tho first raft evor brought from North Carolina to Philadelphia, and tho logs are tho largest sticks of timber ever seen in this market. Some of tho piles aro 05 feet long, and tho average length tor tho whole lot is 82 feet. Tho sticks measure from 12 to 22 inches in diameter at the butt and 8 inches and upward at the small end. It required four tugboats to tow this raft from the siarting point to this port. It was very tedious work towing a large raft through the rivers and canals in North Carolina, and required six weeks' time to get it to this city. Tho raft waa put up in chains, each pile having two iron ratting dogs to hold it in tho ehains. Fifteen piles were placed side by side and fastened together, making one section ot wliteii there were forty two in the raft. When theso forty-two sections ot timber wete fastened together they reached nearly a mile iu length. On the way up th Chesapeake Bay a storm came up and the logs and raft had to put into harbor until tho storm was over. Towing tho raft over the North Carolina sound was risk? work. Theso sounds aro very broad, "' allow I todies of water, und when any wind blows it kicks up a choppy eta which would tear a raft to pieces in a short time, lhe dangers in towing raits aro such that it is im possible to have a ratt insured in any reliable insurance company at the present time. This big raft was brought hero by Char'is Eraser, who has had considerable experience in handling piling, lie was present when the first tree was cut for this ratt and remained on the ground r.ntil the whole lot was rafted. Then he camo up with it on the tugs, and it proved a very pleasant trip. Several dealers in timber and piling were doubtful about the suc cess of the attempt to handle such a mass of lojjs, espec'ally at a time ot the year when high winds and storm ire of frequent occurrence, but the safe arrival of the great raft has demonstrated the complete practicability ot the scheme. Phil adelphia Record. - White Plains Items. Jesse Meridcth and his wife, En nice, have returned to their home at New Sharon, Iowa. John A. Nichols, who has been quite sick for some time, is much better. It is reported that quite a num ber of chickens have recently been stolen in this vicinity. It is ti) posed they were conveyed away in the night time, while honest men slept. People, who, like the Ghost ot Hamlet's father, are doomed to walk the nigh'., should be careful not to visit ponltry-vards, unless they are anxious to aid in repairing the public roads of the State. Should there be a wedding iu town tomorrow nig! t, who would be snrprit-ed f As in the days of Noah, people continue to marry and are given in marriage, even in the nineteenth centurv. E. White Plains, Feb." 11, 1890. A MATTER OF OPINION. A gentleman w as greatly surpris ed and pleased the oilier day at the reply a la Jy gave to the question: 'Do you piunl Yiek'a Seeds r" Her answer was : 'I lap plain Yiek's seed in the front yard, hut wo gei cheap seeds in the t-ek yard, which I know is a mistake " It pays to plant good seeds, and we adfiso our i'nends who are think ing of doing anything in thin line to send 10 etnia for Vick's floral Guide for lSI'G. This amount mty he deducted from tho first order. James Vitk's Sons, llM-hestcr, N. Y., are the pioneers in this line. :- iir. Wtn. M. H Uan Pullman, V?. Va. Better Tfcanjor Years Mood's Saroaparllia Demonstrate Its Merita, A scrofulous or catarrhal condition of the intestines li often the prima cause ot chronio diarrhata, and when the tiMuea are built up and healed by the pure blood made iy li nod's Sana parilla, a cure ii effected. Head thi! " I beUn-e it nr duty to tIl what bane lit I biv rrcelvwl from Hood'e Bapwip. rill. I U na attliotod with cUrotio diai ttuaa lor four ymra, aad Severe Perns In the Back ot my head and also in hit aid. I waa traautd by two touditiff physician, but loand so ralieL I was advised bjr txkwda Hood's lP Cures to try Hood's Rsrss partita. I aommenend taking lbs medietas test May and hsr taksa over Sfrm bottles, I (ootid fslii after taktrg ths first bottle and now feel better than 1 havs for rears." W iiaasm M. Wti, Pnllmsa, est Virginia. Meed's Pills are the best aftsrtlaiMr till. M digestion, rra eat -""iT'i"si. DR. W.H. WAKEFIELD Will be in Greensboro, Weditea ar, February 12. h, at McAdoo Hotel. At Winston, at the Jones Hotel. on Wednesday, i'ehrusrr i'tab Traction limlimited U ye, Ear, Nos and Throat. Yadkin County Letter. Longtown sbipa tobacco boxes all aver the State. Quito a number of young men are preparing to go West in the near future. We aro glad to note that Mica Anna Edgcrton's school at 1'ranoii's is improving. Sonic over -10 i-tu-dents. Mr. A. ii. Tonilin, one of Yad kin's best and most prominent citi zens, is iu very feeble health. Mr. Ton: hi) is perhaps the oldest niiin in tho comity. Dr. M. A. Koyji,of Yadkinville, will leave tor l'iiiladelphia next week, where be will take a pott graduate in medicine. Itev. W. ii. lirown will prctich at the Knobs church next Sunday. Mr. Brown has been preaching the Word of (iod for more than fifty years and bus baptised uv-re tlmu ten thousand souls. The public school at this place, taught by Mr. J. II. Mathi, will close next week. Mr. II. 1. Crater, ot tbi place, has been right sick tor the Itu-t few dnys. Houston Day, the noted hunter of this county, killed lUe wild turkeys lat Saturday in about 30 minutes. I-ttbt Monday we paid our annual visit to the Yadkinville Normnl School. We had tho pleasure of meeting our old friend and former instiuctor, l'rof. Z. II. Dixon, whom we had not seen for some time, l'rof. Dixon 1ms certainly the best preparatory school in West ern North Carolina. Over one hundred students. I will ey that anyone desiring a first clues educa tion could not do any better tlmn patronize the Yadkinviilo Normal School. P. M. Longtown, Feb. 10, 1 StMl. Whss Bsly wu nick, we gave her Cantoris. Wbra aha a Child, she c.-W fur Castors. When she brcamfc Miss, she clung to Cast oris. When ahe had Children, she gareUirm Caatorls if onsran M A A!CD ITS CT7RB To the Editor : 1 have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured So proof-positive tin I of its power that 1 consider it my duty to und tito bottlfi frti to those of your feadsrt who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me tlitlr express and postofTice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCfcM. ft. C, IU Purl St ew Tnrtr. f Th VAitnrVki and BnaineM MiMimHl of Ihtf Pafsr trsaranvrt Uu ssssruss frupuaiuva as m m A To call to t ae atti-n! ion of the pooplf t? MmiDt Alrj and sunouudltig routiry lliat we SOU have The Best Supply of Pare Drags. Me eit-lLfK. lK'tulciils, To'.let Articles, Pan-tit Medicines. c. a . to be foui.d In Hurry County, and that se vunt and Apciate Yrar Trade. We dn not sell "Cheap John" gcnids and do not saj seiK llynn at hehp Ji l.ji prices, but we do say we give you THE BEST That can be lontrht and sell them to j ou at ahalle prices. Ms especially wish to call atu-iiUoB to our supply of TRUSSES. ft yon need one dunt fall to come to soe us. We hare all styles anil sizes and 'M a kingea pertet ce can adjust one to til w here it a cure ix ponsiwe you ill cerutlnly t cured. Alw If you reed a ps'r of spectacles we have an atmudani-e of HawlEs' Cetatej Glasses And we cannot sufficiently urge the Importance of buying the bet when the d. llcate organ of .eight fs eoucerned. Last but not leugt. we wish to call attention to the fact that we are prepared to flli your family receipts and physicians' prescrlpllons With Skill and Accuracy. With ten years' practical experience in your m.UM. and a yara training in one of the best collegia of i'hanna y in the fniu-d states, we dare say no one will hesi tate to put the mom difficult or Intricate prescription In our handa. Very Truly, TAYLOR & BANNER. Mount .rYii-jr Male Academy, OPENS JANUARY 8th, 1396, And continues in sesei n for fire months. A first-class preparatory school for toys and yontif men. Thorough, practical work insisted npon. 8end us your boy, we w ill do Lim ckkI. Hates reasonable. I?1 Write for information E. C. CRAVEN. Prindpal. JaB-!--ia Ei.MII, -!r.t : is- Burial Robes, Slippers, 4c. A fi II stork of al sine snd qiislitiea kept OB bi d, aud ax maaeaahle prines. More rnnu, upwnairs over Ii. I.. Fstier s on Main fttrtet. Kesidears, first hi ue hank ut the mlnad. MIS, BtElS, Stand close to a high fence and try to leap "cer. You fail. Walk back a few steps, get a good start. The fence 13 easily cleared. Neglect your cough, never mind your loss In weight, and when con sumption faces you, your strength may not be sufficient to carry you over the danger line. If you could only go back a few veeks and make a good start, you might win. SojiBSmiiMcru of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo phosphites, Is for you even if you are on!v a Hi tie thin. SCOTT'S EflULSION has hern en dorsed by the tneilical profession for twenty year, (.fs four doctor.) This is because it ways ,tit(iii -always uniform always contains tht purrst A'or weian CoJ-hver Oil and Hyfioptmpbitn, l'ut up in 50 cent and f 1.00 sizes. The mall sue may be enough to cure your Coub or help your baby. . , KUUM! 1 R00MI u. .V jl will sell at coxt tiiilil April l"t.. my stock of . Iry (joodsj S NOTIONS, I ID jui), iiiiiu, uuyu.: j. "51 am R-iin North April 1st, buy n lsrxe !ok of ,V ...j p rj!c '.And want to cle-nr out my tock y My Mock is complete. J he Ilpst tioodg and Latest Style-. 5! Arbuckle's Coffee, 21 Cer.ts.; Granulated Sugar, 51 Cents.;: 5; ;c -(Thanking you for your liberal.- i i-oiiag", I urn, . .r Voiirs to drM. J Robert Helton.! nPRlTHR ?L0CK, Vm STREET.-V MOUNT AIRY, N, C. i.... ..JC Dl'T't'l'TYY'rYt''i7Tj':": r ftYi riO W. II. SI LI PS ON, BKOKEIi. Representing Fifteen Houses On All the Best Markets. Everything in Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries, Fruits and Confections. Lowest market prices given. OHiee in Joyce HJoek, at ht-ad of Meps on right hand side, troist ing on Main Street, "Out-of-tuw n Merchants wiil please call or rite for delivered prices on all kind of groceries. Yii-iting and Country Merchants cor dially invited to call at ollice. Weill tCCL n.i-rt-Hi.t.lo club, linlimeiil ty a ycurij; in in i i energy and rr rd iuiiieH (jiia! (: ut nni-. liood reference iriven. A Id reus, i;ox x,. 1:., - n ." .J. ll.-r.-oi,, N. C. LUMBER SHIPPED TO ANY roINT. W. A. BOLT, MAX J AlTTMKa AM) MAl.ER !M Fine Poplar iti Chestnut Lmnlisr. ill orders tllit'd promptij. (wrespotacne soilcllcl. Addrcsa. W. A. BOLT, MOUNT A1KY.N.C Land at Private Sale. I have fluO arp of Yaikiji rirer bottom and upland fr sals wbicii i will cut iota nu t" In Milt purcliapers and sell at low prices for part caob and long time, well secured uott-a. i he lands are rated as aiu:Djr tlie tery let for the pnh:ciiou of tiie liner (Trades of tobacco as well .to corn and suia!l tram. '1 lie tille it m-iied und initrli-sM-abie iu law and I will muke to purcliasers Jrt- Is in fee with full cove nant of w arrny. Tb:x of laud lief along the rant lank of lhe Yadkin river, 1.", ui.les alieve I m naha d.-xt and is t averted by the V. A. W. Hailroad, and hat in, it a Mug station fur paK-nier and a side track for tl sliifiineut of timber, md and lnuiler. Ack (ilrnn A Uanly, of Winston, and Jaiiin U. LeweMn, of IMiaou, a -out li i itlc, tltey know all al-'iit it and will tell you (lie truih. Law jer J. C. llunton, of Wiitiu N.C-, Vwwiu! tl title to t-e rt.-ct'.v gaud, made a raab bid of near 7 im fir this land os Uir 12th day of iH-oroilier, IM. This is niontioued solely 1"T the puipnae ot cote viuciiif ) !e I lint the fklse SLatemeata put in circiilalicB throueli malice nr ipaor miix are not worth Doticiug. J shall lie ca the plane tor aoitietune and wben not there Hul'J Martin w lil show the prortT JOHN A LuVlitN. rereb, N. C Jaa. !t h, 1 ML MORTGAGE SALE. Ity virtue of the. po r eouiained in a Bortptf' "rJ. e-eeied to nm ly H L. tieorpe and M. L. (.eorfe bis wife, on tlie Iltb day of Jautiarv. li, and refolded in tin- rtw. rd uf itortc.aKca, iu tne heiMer's ofle-e, ut hurrj eotikls. IB lk 14 pag-e 107. lwillsell forraak, at the C'irt Hhm donr lb Dub, B Tuea'lay, Hatch ITtb. 1M. all f k. L CeoiReV one-siitb io termt is the trwt ot la mi Ufly tielunciug to And Oere, deera-wd Kor lunbt " ion r-'i-eenmit t bis land see t be Imundaries g'ven in ! er!fge eed dsentird ab"e. id natisiy a debt of (..', ia nd iiit'ttna and eo-4 ts add. tea. eih, li. C. W. Ilr Kfc, ilrt'fe. NO'HCE 0FJLECTI0N IN THE TOWN OF MOUNT AIRY, On the Question of Issuing Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars of Bomlt for Water Supply. Notice in hereby given that tlie Hoard of Commissioners of the town of Mount Airy, by nn ordinance passed st a reu lar meeting in accordance with the Act passed by the (ietieral Assembly of North Carolinn, hits directed that an election be held ill the town of Mount Airv. on Monday, the second dsy of March, 1K(H), at which election will tie submitted to the dcciHion of (he quali fied voters of the snid town the ques tion whether the Hoard of Commis sioners of the town shall be sulhori.ed to I sue bonds in the sum of f'.'S.iXsi, the proceeds of thesa'.eof the said bonds to b applied in supplying the town with water. That the bonds so author ized to be issued will run for 30 years and bear interCHt at the rate of not more thun six per cent, per auuuiii, to be ptid semi-annually, and shall riot be sold for less than pur. That the bonds so authorised to be issued shall be is sued in the following denominations, to-wit: Tw eifty bonds for One Thousand Dol lars each. Ten bonds for One Hundred Dollars each. Kitfht bonds for Five Hundred Dol lars each. The said elect ion will bo conducted by registrars and judges appointed ac cording to law, as follows: KIKKT WARI. lieRistrars J. 1'. Allred, James '. Helton and D. A. Ilawley. Judges K. K. Callaway, F. W.Floyd and .1. K Spaugh. SKCOM1 WAKD Ifegistrsrs W. M. Wayt, li. T.Joyce and W. A. Holt. Judges James II. Pparger, M. D. Armlield and A. (i. Trotter. TIIIHII WARD. Registrars T. M. McCargo. K. K. Marshall snd Jeff llli.rard. Judges James O. llHIiner, K. C. Knjip and K. It. (iilnier. rofRTII WARD. Kegintrars Jos. W. Ashby. A. L. Sparger ami V. I). I'iore. Judges V. 1. (iilnier, 8. C. Jones ami J. K. Kd wards. The places for opening the registra tion bonks and registering voters ard polling the votes have been designated by the Clerk of the Court as follows: First Ward iallaway A Helton's saw mil!. Skcoxi. Ward The Town II all. Tiiikd Ward ttraves' Warehouse. Focrtii Ward The tilobe Ware house. That there will be an entirely new registration of voters and the registra tion hooks will be open iu each ward, at the places above named, on Saturday, the 25th day of January, 1MJ, from 9 o'clock, a. m., un'.il 4 o'chwk, p. ni., and on each Saturday thereafter up to and including the .Hth of February, lh'.tl. at the same hours. No registration al lowed except on Saturdays. At the said election, those who are in favor of giving the authority to the Hoard to issue said bonds, w ill vot on a written or printed ballot "Approved," and those who are opposed to giving the said au thority will vote on a like ballot "Not Approved " Notice is further given that at the said nio-ting it was further ordained by the Hoard that the water mains or pipes thould be laid on the following streets to-w it : (In Main Street from the Kailroad bridge to a point in front of Welch's residence; connec!ion"pipes from Main down Knwley Avenue to toot of Sice Ion Hill; from Main to South Street through Needmore ; from Main through Franklin to South Street, then down South Street to a point opposite Huff's factory; from M?tin Street, through Fine to brow of hill at H. K. Marshall's residence ; from Main through Kockford to bro of hill near V. II. I'rice's; from Main down Wi'son to t-pring Mreet ; from Main down Worth Street JOO yards; from Main down Hamburg Street to brow of hill near Fulton's to bacco factory. F.y order of the Board. V. F, Mayor, January 7th, lSf6. NOTICE! Executor's Sale. !y virtue of sundiy executions in favor of V. Mi -Kinney snd oile rs, against Jno. M. Hriiwer, in my hm.Js, I will sell at pub lic out-cry. for cash, at the eourt house dixir iu, on Monday, the lfnh day of March, la', (same being the first day of ilie Superior ( tin rt. ) at II o'clock, M the follow lag reil fft-iie of lhe said J. it. Ilrower, Ueait: One pieee or parcel ot land lyin in the tow n of Mount Airy, ad joining the lands of J. M. Durham, li. V. Urates and others, containing alwut CO actes, same being know a Si the mid bottom ni tlie upland coiit ipiirrnn tbe-vto. One tract ofland tying in Surry county, con taining ahont I",'"' acres, known as the Marshal! farm. One piece or paiwl of land, in Mount Airy, jd. the Ara at rtver, just below t!e mill bottom tract and con lignoiiii thereto, .-oiitaiuing alut V) acre. One pie- or parcel of land lyins in Suit, county, nn the Ararat river, adjoining the lands of Mrs. L. F Hos and -others, con taining alu ut (i a r-s, known as tlie plan it: null projierty and the water power con nected w ith it. a one lot is tlie tow n of Mount Airy, on Maio stieet, adjoining the lands of J. il. Fulton an J oihers, Couiaiu in alx ut one-hall acre, and known as the Hrower Warehouse propenj ; also one lot on Main street, l)oiniug the lands of U. C Welch and otlM-rs, contaimnft ahout one half acre on which is sitcstei 5 brick stores ; also one lot on Ma'u i'reet, ad.ioiinue lanus ot J. M. Durham aijrl olhers, containing about IS O acres, cul'jeet to the w idow, Mrs. M. M. Ilrower's d'-wcr; also one piece. parcel of land, lying on the Ararat river betww-n Maui and Haintiurg stree's, coa-t-iining about 49 acres, exceot tlie laud heretofore allotted to J. M. Hrower as a liomcstca.l ; also all of J. M. Hrtiw er's iu lerest in iie property kuowa as the Hack Shoal proper!, toaalisfylhs said execu tions amounting to atout lssl and the ior. This Feb. iltb, J. A. ADAMS, Sutairr. Notice of Land Sale. Hy virtue of decrees made at th spring term of the Superior Court of hurry county, lhi5, in the following cases: Jno, L. Worth against K. Frank Johnson, Jno L. Worth against S. Mart Johnson, Jno. L. Worth against Achilles Johnson. Jno. L. Worth against W. Yancey Venable, Jno. L. Worth against Nathan W. Dit.kins, appointing me commissioner, I will sell at public auc tion at the eourt bouse door in Ikibson, on Monday, the Hit h day of March. (same le-iug the tirst day of the spring term of the Superior i'onrt.) at 12 o'idock, 51 the following real estate: First tract adjoining the lands of J.t'. Cooper, louis Johnson and other, on the waters of Hull Kun, containing 30 acre, isecond track, adjoining the lands of k I). Key, luis Johnsoo and olhers on the watera of Hull kun creek, CviitainiticSn acres, more or lesa Third track, lying on the w sters of Hull Han creek, adjoining the lands of J. I. looer. Irank Johnson and others, eontaiuing 2o acres, more or lews. Fourth tract, lying on the waters of Hull liuu cre-k, adjoining the lands ot A. 1.. tades, Louis Johnson and others, containing 65 acres Fifth tract lying on the north side of lMw. n road, near Snatcbvilia, adjoining tbj lands of Jno. M. Hrjaut, Hural Ioa and others, contauniig 45 screw, "norej or less, to alis.' Judgment for balanc td purchase money for said lands, aggre gating th sunn of a.'HJUt ll,tS!,eost and interest to te added. Terms of sale made know a on day of sale, Feb JHh, I tut. W. F. CAK'I FU, fowmisssmrr. CARTLAND, m AIXTII I..VRST e lerchaoi fiiilur, Imported Olieviots, Mm ffl Vicunas, EUSBri PAST CLOTH IS ALL STILES. WRITE FOB SAMPLES. Has Cluett, Coon & Co's popular brand of Shirts. Dress Negligee (Jhevoit Underwear. Canes and Umbrellas. H.H. CARTLAND, 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, GREENSBORO, N. C. Titos. FswctTT, R.L. Gwyh. Jab. II. Hparoib, M. L. Fawcitt President. 1st Vice President. 2nd Vice President. Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ui. Airy. ! OliroltATCD. Cnpitnl, $.10,000, PnM l. DTRE-GTOFiS. Thos Fawcett J. II Pparger, M. L. Fr.wcett, U. l. (4wyn, C. I-. Hanks. This bank solicits the accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers Farmers ana Individuals. The accounts of the Merchants located in towns adjacent received on favorable terms. The funds of our customers are secured by two burglar prts-f steel chests and the Yale Time Lock. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits. Mi 00.000 Pound Planters' Warehouse, MOUINT AIRY, 7ST. CM FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Th Wureli iiiw l 'oc(ei1 In tHebimncsa p.rt o( to n o.invenlent. to th tianli n1 the lending .lni.tiers. II Is slliiaiHil wiiiiln a ten Mepsot l.nciis Tille s Lent House. ITaihiT w lilihvk a To-tni'.-o Kactotv mill the niaimnoih Toincco H iwkH Jt Hprgi-r llrua , and !n fact oateiiieM to all our toLaeco uicu. Ix "ildes iil. h we ba.e the Best Accommodations for Man and Stock of any Honse in tne State. our sales sluce the Hrt of (X-loN-r hr been almost rt.mtiie snjr two w on-honses in Mo'int Alrr Is stromr ethlecce thai THK PLANTKUS" IS TIIE PLACE TO SELL! Mr. J. A. wim.nur Auctioneer. Is sell-known ssftae of thn b!s the state. Mr. R. f. w all Ik mir Bo eier, which ins s-inmiiie.- iht our Hooks will iesivurat-lv kepi. Mr. . T. Haynes. of Kalrli k county. Va . Flir Nan orer; K A. News u.i. of Wokes comiiy, Nnctit W atchman ant N. W. Brewi M.pnriiiienii the saleut er.-r juie ut Tobacco put on o'w floor ana seta thai it brines full Market iue. ire have one ot the Best Arranged Bavments forntono? snd orderlnc Tonscco to be found snvwhere. so vuu neei uf fear when you a art to Mouut Alrv wuh vour Totiaccj, but drlvs m the PUNTKKV wnere jr m sill re- eue ihf ry r-i a-comin'alanohs. sa11 Tooic-o niipreii to or 1-ri In our care win receive our er) tiett attention. Come and sec u wnsle In limn, wiieiiier you have tob.uvo or ntil. 1'haiilinr one snd all f'-r I lie very ltjerl patr.e a'e given is In the past and plcdirtn; our- Ives to alw.nn le on hand lo lofc all.'r the interests ol our cuKiotneiH. as we very well know lilsl )Our luii'n w i r uttr mi' irnui. Your friends, VMR;'!1 ' AT"" JLrT tl -tlJt V T ru "' "a-1 " ' Sash, Doors and Blinds. NO TlJOl'BLE NOW TO I51ILI) A HOUSE IF VOU KNOW WUERE TO 1JUV THE CHKAPEST MATERIAL. We Manufacture All Kinds of IWrns, Sai-li, BlinJs, ManteN, D.vir an.l Wimiow Frames, Turned Work Scroll-Saw ing, Siair Work, Moulding of all FLwir-a, Vil,ng ' Siditift, Cusirij- and all k;uda oi Finished LumlM-r. We Carry In Stock K .Uv'Ii LumlK-r, Sliiiijjiea, Plasteririj; Lalhea, and all kinds P,uiiJin" Guilford Lumber M Tgr Company. May 9 tl., 18H5, TIIE GRANITE CITY I f i iiiiKi Mm, MODNT AIET, N. C. Owns Soma SOQ Acres of Land One-third i.f which is in Town Ixita, balance lying aHjaccut to the town. If too war t lo rent a residence or aiora Mom, or, if r dcaire lo pun hase j.iMirtj- in ornear Mount Airy, we will be gad to mr information by letter. . ' tWWt otTer Sf ial Indut-emsnU to th.rso r.ropring to wtabl. i man ufaciunng enterprises, tV.HBEspoMti.wri Solicited. ' ' 1. B. McCAEGO, Scc'j ni Trea. Doors, Sash If jou r going to build t boose be WE MANUFACTURE AT SHORT NOTICE. u Lind: yrz- Vr "', u Twr m-.. All kiwis' Wot.H.rlrilit. rN-tia. bia.of aa aii lind. BniK.I l0r. Kirt) !u-r'sf, ,.laMrit.t. Jwllw. )w.ern,t, r.1. iwrf fi--. !"...- t aairwrMi.wi-rk, U br. r.perw workw r ler f,Hr4 fttmipt'w. C -ar m r rH as- MILLER BROS, Winston, K". C, .OF GREENSBORO, N. C, orl.TlS IS . Tricots, ffl Worsteads, Ca ssi i ners. -AT- BROWN. HAYNES I NEWS0M. Lear Tobacco IT. AlfiY IAEBLE WORKS. Mount Airy, N.C. W. D. HAYNES L CO , Proprietors. YiMaiMsMrMfiMiirats, Iron Fencing, r fw E-ilfiim Purposes. Stt '"rreslcns and prices or call and eiamloe our stock, our work and prr w in pleaae. GreefUiro, N. C. and Blinds. sur j-r fini men rm (.an , tlJ