THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS, Mount Airy, N. C, Feb3, 1890 JUDICIOUSADVERTISING UitXTN manjr im bualneae; ISM a.Mns many an old liumnna i PHK-KHVKHmaiuraiarirrbualni-aa! HKVIVK 11; pin y a dull uimnicNHi HKm'liKM many a lost- biisliieaa SAYKH niHiiy a falling liiwiuitia Kt'l'ltKi micorra In any bunlneasi &iiow on the iiiue iiuige Mount .tint Juntky. Tho new steel briduo across FiHhtr't river rov' to te (juito t convenience to people who travel that road. Tliero was washout on tt.o C. F. fc Y. V. Ut Thursday. It waa t aniall alF.-iir and i ho trains were not doiayed very long. Mr. (1. It. Hooker, of Round Vcak, killed a iifteet.-uu.nt lis old pur a few days ago thut weighed Sha pound, Tl.ttt Ht t fine heat. The writer agtun requeata the cit izens ot Mount Airy and vicinity to hand in itenia of local interest 1eronal, iiiRrria$rca,'ctc. Will von iiully do this f From appoarancea, one wtnld nat orally think that Mr. U. II. Hooker expected to fret married soon, lie Sa building a nice dwelling at Hound Teak. There is t food deal being said bunt the water works election a number of our citizens fi vot ing the acheino and a number opposing it. The 2nd of March decides it. The weather wag very disagree, able Thursday. Thunder, light ning, hail, rain, wind, Ac, but wo can't cmnplain wc have too much pretty weather for that. Mr. Ida Hanucr will build t nice littlo stote-room tnd open an excel lent stock of fashionable millinery in tho early spring. Hold some of your patronage for her. The mud and rain of last Satur day had t great deal to do with tho scarcity of country people in town on that day. II unities, was, there fore, rather dull in all circles. Tho crowd on our strecta last JVednesday was immense, hverj 'ody was out expecting to see the balloon go up, but the weather was t(x rough and tho crowd was dis appointed. The writer has had his s.y about voting water works bonds. You know where we stand on the snb j ct, and we now leave the matter with the voters to decide as they think best. The Mount Airy Granite Com pany is an enterprise that is worth t great deal to our town and com munity. Tho cash paid out here annually by this company for labor i enormous. The Mount Airy Garble Works, W. I). Ilaynee A Co., proprietors, are turning out as line work a any marble works in the State. Their ordtfs come trom all sictionsand every jb so far has given the l-est satisfaction. The building fur the Mount Ainy Furniture Company will be enclos ed in a tew days. The engine ano boiler have oeen placed in position and are readv for the tire and wal ter. We ehll expect to pull th throttle when the bnvs get ready start up. There is an opening here for a canning tactory, and we hope some of our citizens will organize a com pany and get ready for bn si neat by the time the corn, tomatoes, berries and peaches cau be grox'n. Let us have the factory. It can be made to pay handsomely. The road overseers of Stevrart's Creek township are requested by J. H. East and W. R. Golding to meet the board of load supervisors tt Fine Ridge on Satnrdy, Feb. i:9th, 1 S90, to consult about the con dition of the roads. The entire board is earnestly requested to ye present. We learn from the Elkin Times that Charles S. Roberts, of Elkin township, ha sold $517.00 worth of tobacco oft of four acres this season. Ilia best barn ot tobacco was bi'.ten down by the frost belore he could gather it. Besides this he made enough grain and bacon to do him. Those who say farming does not pay will please make a note ot these figures. The Renfro Council, Royal Ar canum, met on Thursday afternoon and received two applications for memlMirship. If tho members could I) induced to Uke an interest in the oiganization and attend its meetings, the lodpe would soon be iu t flourishing condition. Mem bers are entitled to $3,IR0 insurance at an average cost of about $10 per $1,0X) per annum. We are sorry to see such back wardness among our subscribers about paying np. It is discouraging to look over our lists and see so many ulcribera behind. We are hot iroifj? 10 qQarre' about it one bit, and we don't propose to do much dunning, but simply leave the matter with those concerned be lieving that every honest man on our mailing lists will pay np jiut tt toon ts they can do to. Mr. W. M. Wall has accepted the principlhipi'f Fremont Academic school, Carroll county, Ya. Thia is t summer school, located four miles e-t of Hillaville, Vt., in a healthy taction vt country, with nont of the rk-ea incident to city Hie. Mr. Wall hat haJ ttveral jer' experi ence in teaching tnd Lia patrons nest t,J hit work in the school room in flattering terms. Mr. W. hatfomt strong teiimoriia!a as to li proficiency tnd Lia work tt Si lotm Academy. The tc.hx4 at Fr mt opens Tuesday, March 2th, ISM. Rev. J. H Lam berth will preach at White Fi!.s next Patnrday and Diinaay at i o clock. The pulpit at the Nuptial church will bo occupied next Sunday nitrht at the usual hour by the pastor. 11 1 . -.1 a a. uisiuin tjticsluro will pruacu in the Presbyterian church to-day (Wednesday) at 11 o'clock and to night at 7:30. ri . . . ... . . vtiuitii iiiiroliMg HUU auii.iuiup; service will be held at the Hapttst church here in town next Thurs day evening at 7:30. Our local editor, Mr. W. H. Simpson, had a hustling time of it trying to (jet a balloon .item for us but the thing wouldn't "scoot." Tho blue Ridge Inn is receiving a good patronage. Messrs. Quincey A Gotl, tho proprietors, arc popular and know how to make their guest) feel at home. The town was alivo with people Monday from every section to see the balloon ascension, but owing to the high winds the balloon did not go up. So the people wero again disappointed. Manied, on tho 7th inst., at tho residence of David Forkner, Mr. James Irwin, a native of Scotland and a good and clever citizen, to Misa Alice Forkner, 'Squire Sam'l L. (iilmer, officiating. Mr. and Mr. Jos. W. Ashby gave their daughter, littlo Miss Hethania, a birthday party Tuesday evening, it being the occasion of her 12th birthday. It is said the children had a lino time. PERSONAL MENTION. Rev. II. M. Illair went over to Sparta Thursday. Mr. J. W. Chilton, of Forge, was in town yestetdny. Mr. Jno. D. Satterfield has our thanks for timely favors. Mr. A. II. Joce, of Danbnry, was in town this week. Mr. J. R, I'addison went down to Greensboro Wednesday. Mr. Frank Douglass, of Kapp's Mill, was in town yesterday. Mr. M. T. C. Mitchell, of Fancy Gap, Ya , was in town last Friday. Mr. J. C. Dudson, of Pilot Moun tain, was here on business last week. Mr. A. L. Snow, of Round Peak, who has been quite sick, is improv ing. Miss Carrie Ix?e Hooker, of Round Peak, was in town Monday shop ping. F. P. and W. E. Alspangh, of Winston, were in town on business Inst week. Mr. P. H. Powellof South Ports mouth, R. I., is stopping at Hotel Reynolds. J. C Kearney, one of the most popular drummers on the road, was in town th:s week. Mr. Tho. Fawcctt, president of First National Hank, went down to Winston Monday. Mr. T A. Ilarrelson, a popular "kniiflit of the grip," called on our merchants last Monday. B. M. Todd and Theo. Wendell, of Grayson county, Ya., wcro in town last week with a drove of mules and horses. Mr. C. E. Houston, of Monroe, X. C, brother ot our young drug gist, Mr. 1). A. Houston, is in town on a vibit to his relatives. Rev Rossa A. Brown, of Madi aon, X. C, filled his regular ap pointment at the Presbyterian church here last Sunday. Sub-Postal Clerk Roliert L. Snow has received the appointment of mail weigher on the Mount Airy A W ilmington R P. O. He will be gin work on the 26ih insr. Mr. W. W. Boylcs, of Pilot Mountain, was in to see us lat Sat urday. He has accepted a position with the Mt. Airy Furniture Co., and w 11 move his family to this place. Rev. J. P. Griffith, a Baptist min ister of Dobson, was in town Tues day and gave ns a pleasant call. Af ter spending a tew days in the Hol low Springs section, he will go on to Pilot Mountain. In the spring Mr. Griffith will return to Lis home at Shelbyville, Mo. Washington's Birthday. Washington's birthday (Feb. 22,) will be celebrated with appropriate exercises by the students of the Academy. Dr. Mclver, President of the Normal and Industrial College, will deliver an address at tha opera house at night, This progressive educator needs no intrxiiiction to t North Carolina audience. From the little log school-house to the best colleges of the Ut.d is his influence lelt." He will interest, instruct and airnse you. Some of the Wet talent of the town wiil furuii-b music for the oc casion. Let everybody go out. Look Out for Planters Warehouse ! J. A. Newsotn. the champion auc tioneer, is glad to Say that his old frienda in S nki-s county are giving hiifi a liberal sham of their patron age. He hs Sold aUttit loo tit-rce tioiu King's Cabin this scasoo, be sides trom other pointe on the rail road, from men that never sold any 'obacco in Mt. Airy U'fore. Measrs. E. A. and F. A. Moht, of Ileatt Shoals, told tt Planters Vareb ue t tew days tgo and were ell pleased with prices received. Remember Planters Warehoart when yon pt ready to sell your to bacco. Yonr friends, . Uhowk, HaYNM A XewsokL Runaway Couple from Virginia. Despite mud, rain, hail, falling snow and intetmo darkness on .Sat uiday night last, Mr. John E. Puck- ett and tride-clect. Miss Lottie Jiur well, left their cozy homes nestled among the hills ot Floyd county, Ya., And wended their way o'er towering peaks, along doep ravines, across swollen streams toward the Old North State, to have their nup iiSi VuaS COttSUiiiliialeti. After threo or four hours' travel, they rested tho remainder ot tho night, and, resuming their journey early Sunday morning, reached tho residence ot Mr, John D, battor Held, where their fears of a pnrsu ing party wero soon relieved hy 'Sqniro Sattertield's pronouncing them "man and wito. ' Honor Roll at the Academy. Tho following is a list of names of students who have made an av erage ot 90 per cent, or above dur ing the month of January, and are thereby entitled to this place upon the Hoi. or Roll : Clem Wrenn, 07-50; Geo. Patter son, 1)7 27 ; Mike Reeves. 05 57 ; E. W. Allred, Jr., 05-1(1 ; Willie Spargor, 04-57; Sain Irvin, 01-25; Graham Trotter, 03-75; Coi.a Ban ner, 0:1-1(1; Benton Edwatds, 03-10; Oscar Patterson, 03-00; Eddie Ban ner, 02-S0 ; Ixjoturd Irvin, 02-75; G. G. Gallawav. 01-83: Rose Pinkston, 01-25; Conrad SieelolT, 00-t.t! ; Willio Short, 00-Gll ; Geo. Ashby, 00-33 ; lomniio Mcvargn, 00-00 ; James Ashby, Od-OO. U. C. Lravkn, 1 rin. Academy Doti. The captains for the present week are : Company A, N illio Sparger ; Com piny B, Benton Edwards. Lieutenants, Company A, Ed. W. Allred ; Company B, Sam Irvin. From the way some of the boys stay with the Professor alter school, we judge that they divide time be tween Mexican Chick and theii les sons. Not quito ono sixth of us on the Honor Roll ! What is tho matter, boys f One of our "rays ot light" has ceased to beam in the afternoons. Tho Grady Society will discuss at its tiext meeting tho following question : Resolved, That Wash ington deserves more honor for de fending his country than Columbus tor dif-covcring it. Ai-k Professor Craven if he can tide a bicycle where there are no garden fences to jump in the way. Gt ll.l.IMl 8 KT J ACOIII'8 Death of sr Aged Woman, Wife ind Mother. I'ndt r tbc weight of many years, and the attending infirmities of old ago, Mrs. Jaioi P. Ilxymore, wife of Mr. German llaymore, of Mount Airy, N. C, has been declining lor quite a while, until Sunday night, February 0, lSOtl, at 0:35 o'clock, surrounded by her fcur daughters, two of her S"iis, her hut-band, and sympathizing friends, she passed away as quietly and sweetly as an infant going to sleep on its mother's boaoni. She was the daughter of John B. and Sallie Pittman ; born in Henry county, Ya., in the year 1S07. She wis reared in the very lap of plenty, her parents being wealthy, but in their declining years they were reduced to very moderate circumstances, throwing her in her young womanhood largely on her own resources. But in that fttte, as iu all others dining her long, eventful career, she proved equal t.j every emergency. She was mar ried on Jan. 3, lS3n, in her 23rd year to German Havmore, with whom she lived nearly 07 years, and the surviving, meek, model hus band, says, without one singie un duly harth or cross word between them. She was the mother of 9 children, all of whom lived to be grown, and S of them now living. Mr. John Hay more died in the Confederate army, on April 22, 1SC3. Her greatest earthly ambi tion was 6o to tear her children that they might be honorable, useful, pious, and prosperous. She lived long and saw all nine of them take the det-ired stand in the world. She was a strong Calvinist iu her religi ous views, and lieing much under the Oldside Baptist influence, she professed faith in Christ altout the year 1850, and joined their church at Stewart's Creek and was baptized by Elder Johnie Jones in the year 18GS. As the result of a severe attack of typhoid fever, she became totally blind, and remained patiently 60 for 28 years. Religions services were conducted Tuesday following her death at 11 o'clock at the home, in the presence of a large crowd of citizens, friends and relatives, by J II. Lainberth, pastor of the liaptUt church. Psalm 00, and Ecc. 12:1-7 were the jwrtions of scripture read, and t comforting talk made to con sole the bereaved, instruct the liv ing, and pay a last tribute of respect to the departed saint, wife, mother and friend. After which the re mains were laid to rest in the new cemeteiy, where the otbfr mem bers of the large fumily in due time will join her in blended dust, till ihe happy morning, when we all hoe to awake in tne likentsi and image of our risen Lor'. J. II. Lamukkth. SrTor Ohio. City of Iuleik), Li as Ci STT. Frank J. Cheney nakes oa:1. :tiat he i tha-ui'T paniwr of Ibe 6rm of V. J. Clu iwj A ( , (Meg hoaiBras in tLffityof TuNu, Csmitjr and State afiHmul and hat iil firm will ay tbt (um of ONE HLMiUKI) DOU.AKi few oa. eerj raac of t'fctarrb 'bat be cured by the nae of Uai.L'a CaTaKim ( t hk. i'KA.NK J. CIIESEV. hariara to before me and aularrikitid la bijt fiwim, tkia 6th tmj f leeBhrr, A. A. W. tl.AOX, Kolrj Public. Kall i OaOrra Com la Wkm InO-l-ally ad acta dirorilr mi ta? blood and mncoaa urtao o; the irau-m. tnd for tauiaoci a!a, (N. F. J. CHESET A to Tldo, O. It May or May Not be True. Tho report comes in the newspa pors that William Jones, colored, recently employed at the Dorches ter mine in Virginia, has been giv ing the residents of that neighbor hood a good deal of concern by his queer and mysterious actions. About a month ago, when the weather was cold and snowy, Jones cursed God for sending such weath er. iio iiio tiot Bpoauii SiiiCv, "iivi all efforts to induce him to talk have proven futile. When questioned, so the story goes, he will answer in writing, that he cannot speak, and this is all that can be elicited from him. A physician examined him, but found nothing wrong with him physically. His negro associates aro awe-stricken, and think the man has been stricken dumb for his blasphemy. Wa do not believe this story, but notwithstanding all that it may be true. Tobacco Manufacturers Organise. This paper is glad to see tho to bacco inanufuctureis organizing. A copy of the call of tho President, J. S. Carr, Esq., is herewith published : "I hereby request you to assemble in Greensboro. N. C.. Feb. 22, ISOfl, at 10 o'clock a. m. Wo havo assu rances from tho railroads that they will i-no special rates for that date, and tho tobacconists of Greensboro will see that the hotel rates aro rea sonable and accommodations satis factory. In tins connection I have the pleasure of announcing tho follow ing committees- on place of next annual meeting: J. J. Ilickok, chairman, A. II. Motley, Jr., R. J. Reynolds, S. V. enable, W. S. Carroll. On permanent headquarters I). Preston Parr, chairman, J. 1 1. Cos by. F. R. Penn, J. I King.C. Ford. On bureau of information Y . I). Judkins, chairman, C. L. Poston, Jas. II. Sparger. J. N. Wyllie, E. S. Reid, E. II. Miller, W. H.Whit- akcr. Eveiy Southern manufacturer of tobacco is requested to attend." A Religious Revival Needed. A revival of relipion is needed in Mount Airy such an awaken ing as comes from earnest and con tinued prayer and supplication. It ttio Christians ot our town would ask God for a baptism of the Holy Ghost they would receive that bless ing. (tod's promises bear us out in making this assertion. It you feel specially impelled to pray for t revival, or for any other object in which you have no separate per sonal interest, yon have a right to assiimo that the impulse to pray comes from the Holy Spirit, who is our appointed Guide in prayer. In such a case, it is your duty and priv ilege to pray for that object as if there was no ono elr-e rray'ng fr it ; feeling that God has laid upon you a special responsibility in the matter. 1 oil have a right in such a case to plead God's promises, and boldly claim their accomplishment. And when the blessing c mes, you have a right to thank Gjd for it as a personal answer to you, no mat ter who else may have been pray ing for the fame object. Your business in the matter is with God direct, arid no ono else can come between, or in sny measnre take away from the closeness of the con nection between yonr prayer and (Jod's answer. Arrested Charged With Stealing Tobacco. June I-ewis, who lives in the vi cinity of Turner's Mountain, was arrested Thursday morning charged with stealing leaf tobacco from Mr. Hugh Hill, of the same neighbor hood. Mr. Hill missed his tobacco and instituted search at once, dis covering wagon tracks that soon convinced him that Iewis had his tobacco and was on his way to sell it in this place. The tobacco waa found at Graves' warehouse and had been sold by I'wie to C. T. Brower and Andy Beasley for $15. Lewis waa promptly arrested, tried and jjlaeed in jail. by do men commit crime, knowing its results? That is a qcettion which wili perhaps never be answered ; there have always been criminals and doubtless always will be, what motives can actuate some to their crimes are a mystery. Go into a court room and "listen, look npon the dejected counten ances of the prisoners, contemplate their possible sentence, and if you are not moved, then nothing will move you. We have never hmked njMn a prisoner without buing sor ry tor him ; not sorry that he must lie punished, because tlmt is neces sary, but sorry that he has. brought it upon himself, sorry that the law has been broken and must be vin dicated, sorry that the prisoner has so degraded himself, put himselt beyond the pale of mercy. There is another thought which also inva riably comes on such an occasion the thought of that man's mother. What he must have once beeu to her, what he is now I The Best IwoRLD's i STOMACH. Liver, and Bowel Complaints AYER,SPILLS Highest Awards ; ATTMI World's Fair. i ktrDALA 1 Euy T. W. Wood fe Sons Gar duo Stida of J. F. Allred tnd save nofctar. a" froirrh EVERY FAMILY SHOULD KNOW Tit At1 IbZ1tt:""' PXTH0NAl?an, and worn. VfW Im Iti qukk tct lorn frclieriiinrtf, Pain-Killer "" eTr. Irk..., 81,1. Il..rf.rh., t-.a k IlKefc ot Hid, U Seamailaaa and Kaaralala. Paln-Killcr nr.";hJ CA It K. It bring pnfv And (vnMnmi rwfaf all nn at Itralaea, lata, tpralaa. S.v.ra Uarna, 4a. fcIII-IWItr tru.ll friend of Iba Marfcaatr, Fnrmrr, Plaalrr, Pallcr, aai In tact all w.nllnf a mrdlrina Sand. and te ue IntrrnaUr ar aataraalUr lla e.rtalnlr af r.llrf. 13 REOOM MENDED I tof AfrfrMiu. lip JftiftiKMirtM, t-7 Jfln'tfara, ka MteKanttl. bf AHrw$ In MmpUaU, . BY SVKHYBODY. I Paln-Killcr te?rxfi2& fcTa port without upcijr vt it. m" ho fit mil run fionJ Ut b withntrt thft tnv!r!flh! rni--1y In th bout. Ita urk-m laWtthin th t-ch of ll, fttifi It wfil MttUAil mnr tint-! it rwi Ib 1otor' btlla, Iwwtn of linttAiiniit, Tk nou Imt Pleasantly Entertained. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). McCollnm entertained a few of their friends quite royally last Wednesday. Those who attended report a good time and an excellent dinner. The following named persons wero pres ent: Mr. Will Wayt and Miss Maggie Hanner, Mr. II. T. Nntt and ilisa Marv Hitting, Mr. W. G. Sydnor and Miss Ixttio Banner, Dr. J. 13. HollinKSwotth and Miss Maggio Moore, Ir. C. W. Hanncr and Mips Alice Tat um, Miss Mattie Manner, Mr. C. L. Hanner, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Gentry, Dr. W. S. Taylor. --- Advertised Letters. The following is a list of unclaim ed letters remaining in tho Monnt Airy, N. C, Post Ollice, Feb. 10, 18'.t!, viz; 1. Mrs. D. P. Allison, 2. Miss Mary L Adams, 3. Claud iseard, 4. Miss Anniu (iwyn, 5. Mrs. Lizzie Philips. In calling tor above please ssy "adverted'' and give date of list. If not called for within two weeks they will be ser.t to Dead Letter Ollice. T. J. Lowrv, P. M. Go to J. R. Paddison's : for : Persian Corn, finest on tho nnrket. Dr. Ijiflcrty's Complete Flour, Pure Maple ymp, Sliced Pine Apple tine quality, Douglass c Stewart's Rolled Oi.ts 10c package, Pettyjohn's lircakfai Food, Sweet Mixed Pickles, Royal Blue Brand of California Peaches, Pears and Apricots in heavy syrup, Fine Homemade Kraut, California Primes and Peaches, Ea-stern Sweet Potatoes, Apple Butter, 5c lb. 6 lbs. 25c, Levering's and Arbnckle's Roast ed Coffee at 23c lb. 2 lbs. 45c. liidigpoiivin i ifn n tnlrrn fur consump tion. Tt"" tord conmiiilion means vul inc a , anil dynirpt jet otten waste awny u tiadly aa i-cn-iiniitiv(.4. The rfumn pf-i, ie wame away i bratite elllwr tliey don't ct enoujh to eat, or tliry don't difK-it w hat tiii-y do - at. If tlie latter if your trouble, take Shaker Dipxive lotilial. 1 hie will help yon to (lineal your food and slop your loss of AphIi. Shaker Di(,itive C'o'dial ia made from herlw, liarki and the juii-ra of fruit, try tha well knoa Shaken at Mount Lbuon. 1 , ponaesKea prt tonic rod dij'-Ktivc jKiwera. gliaker Kip'alive Corditl haa cured tr.any upposwd eoRKuniptiTea (who were really dyHM'ptlei), by simply helpicg their atotu aciia todi);Bat llieir fiaid. thua Kiving thetn nouriatininnt and now mrciiunh. Sold by drtig;l;a. Trial hioolea 10 centa. Terra Cotta stove pipe at Joyce's. Remember that Joyce has plenty of i ime and Cement." It begins to look like old times at Jovce's Hardware store. When you want clean gra?s and clover seed, see II. T. Joyce ' . ... Don't forjjet that Joyce lias just rece; -ed a full stock of Doors and Suct. Try a can of Hopkins' Steamed Hominy (Hulled Corn). It is de licious Get ready to paint yonr house early and see R. T. Joyce by all means. J. F. Allred's is the place to buy your Clover, Timothy and Orchard Grass Seed. He sells only first class seed. Goose Grease will cure von of all aches and pains, or your money re funded. For man or beast. For sale by S. G. Pace, liveryman, Mt. Airy, ?s.L,. Alads hy Kiverside Medicine Co., Ore Hid, C. To the Public. Being the IochI representative of Strauss Bros., America's leading Tailors, Chicago and ew lork, we have jur-t rereived the new samples for the Spring and Summer season, comprising tui the iarest novelties; will you please give us a call and examine the same. We will have no trouble to suit you as the line of goods Strauss Bros, are how ing thie season it the inoet com- Idete and varied ever gotten op. 'rices lower than ever. Quality tnd workmanship of the higbert grade. A jerfect tit and stiefc tica guaranteed with etch order. Awaiting an early call, we beg to reiuaiu yours liulv, J. F. Allemi, Agent 1 1 hlblrennl are a aource f cnmft rt. They are a source of rare, lo. if yon cure for your child henltlt, BPml for illuotratefl tKxik oo llie disorders to which cluldrcn are ittWeot, and which Prey's Ycrmlfugm uai 1. Ill 1 vsj; tios unci tor 50 veiirs. dm atii if a. a M.i& K. aV a. mr.r, lialtlmura, Md. W. II. & It. s. Winter Weather Side-Tracked So long, this season, makes us likely to carry over more Winter Weight Press (ioods than it our wont to do. We are seeking customers and offer special values at "5 cents Bnd fl.OO per Jnrd. WRITE FOR SAMPLES, We have several hundred pieces to sell. You can make a nice purchase. Yonr kind attention, W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. RALEIGH, N. C. Wood's Packets of Vegetable and Flower Seeds Contain more HIgh-GraJe Seeds than any other jpacketfl sold. Don't buy half-size, poorly filled packets and commission seeds, which are not to be com- I quantity to Wood's Packet Seeds. Tf your merchant does not handle Wood's Hlg-h-Grade Seeds send vour orders dirwt, Wc pay the posts f C, delivering packets, ounces and quarter poiimls of seeds free to your port -ollice at catalogue rates. H-Dcscrlpttve Catalogue tnd Guide to the Farm and Garden mailed free. Write for tt, T.W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, VA. able Bold Lands -AX l)- TOWN" LOTS -tor m s at Public Auction, FEBRUARY 18th, 1896. The Granite City Land and Improve ment Company will offer for Hale, on date above mentioned, forty aer of the finest bottom lanua in Surry county. Thia land lies on West aid? of Lovell's Creek, opposite the town of Mount Airy; will be sold in lots of about live acre. Klnrjant for prasa or trucking. Will also ceil a lare numlrer of su burban Town Lots situated in differwit parts of the town and in the settlement now known at Catusville, west of tha town. The Company realize that thia prop erty will have to go for less than its value, but have decided to make the sacrifice. Terms, one-tlord cash, deferred pay ments to run six, twelve and eighteen months. Title made at anca and de ferred payments secured by Trust deeds. This is an opportunity that may uot ero-s your pathway again soon. hale will commence at .10 o'clock, a. m., at Lovell's Creek bridge, on Feb ruary lKth. TW fina'k Citj Lais' ni bpmrisfit (. By T, B. McCaboo, Sec'y and Treat Stockholders' Annua! Meeting. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the First National Hank, of Mount Airy, N. C, for the election of director and transaction of any other but-ineaa that may come before that met-tn.g, will be held at the office of the said bank on Thursday, February l!7lh, lot, at 10 o'clock, a m. M. L. K A WCETT, Cismta. Mount Airy, Ji. C'., Jan. 27th, 1K96. WANTED. A lire House or Tarty to represent ns, and take orders for Fisa t'ftroai 'U'THtMiu. For pariiculart addreaa MAKks AUNHE1M, Broadway and Ninih btreet. New York. Nothing like tLoae CtiattaDora Chi led 1'lows ; tnd the Subeoiier is out of sight Lrerj farmer should have one, tnd t Hillside i'low that beats the world. He sure to see Jovee. Kor Tru'.Ls and Satcht-is cai! on J. I. A iilaT lot lust re TDCB& ceived. -' 1 - - ..V t- U.'" - i "v c'tr'''. J- ".'AT .' , n i J. D. JENICLN'S I)EA I.Kit IM SCHOOL BOOK, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, (Jcnoral School Supplies and Blum's Almanacs. Tho largest, prettiest tnd cheapest stock of CIlUlHTMAS GOODS ever opened in Mount Airy. FOR THE , ADVERTISEMENT J.F.H0LLKIBTH&C0., DEALERS IN General Merchandise Mount Airy, N. C. J. M. Davis. DAVIS & SPARGER, BROWER BLOCK, MAIN ST., Mt. Airy, N. C. F. F. V., Leader and New Pouth Cook Stoves, ?.nirh K.-ed Ccittf-rs, South Bend Chilled Plows, Fredericksburg Corn Shelters, 1'onrs, Sash, Locks, Nails, Ae. Horse and Mule Shoes, the latest patterns in Steel Flows and all kinds of Flow Cast ings. Agents for The Celebrated Anchor Buggies. A fine line of Shoes, Hats, Groceries and everything kept in a first-class store. Examine our stock liefore buying G. J. LACKEY'S (Slothing IN BLUE RIDGE INN BLOCK Ht. Airy. Everything in my line bought of EVERY DESCRIPTION are as low the country. Give me a trial. Farmers, Don't Forget! Graves' Warehouse, Corner Main and Rockford Streets, Is the place to get the highest market priree for your tohaceo ; the beat afconsmodatiooa for both youraelvea and jour alix-k ; the moat eonvegimt hn atiou to the stores and the bank, which saves time fv you. We are alwaja on hand to LOOK AFTEB YOUR INTERESTS AND COMFORTS. And above all, to see that every pound of your tobacco ia lipiaye4 so that it bring th FULL MARKET TRICE. Thanking yon for the share of huaiDoaa you have seen fit to entrust us within th pint, and soliciting a ocntiuua tioa of the same, we are, YOUR Graves Warehouse Co. Neu? Years' Greeting! WUhing yoo a happy, prueperooa 11, tiie Glob Warehouse bea to tliaiik you for past a$roaage and eirdimlW invite vu Ut eontiuue your favors with us. a'ad bring your naighbor with yoa. The ouilwik. we tlimk, is r-A for strung deaaand fur your 1 nb.vo, aui fr Uir p; ii-ca. THE GLOBE GOifflTEES HIGHEST MA1ET PRICES AND THE Best of Attention While in Town, Bo when ytt atari to market put wool In your cai and hear no laija untU yaai iaau ajy.r ia lie Irtjia G Imar la our aaetionear, Juan S5t vucnaraa, aaa o ikmiti j 9a pn l ;eiia -mmm m - j 71 h - .r- ti bufm ay etc pricea. Tbe tilobe ia epoa imj aj ipi ftumlay, H ia rtgl OO Saturday Bi;fat aai rtaiaia tlmrt oit'i! Monday SJMraiitf. So, aaic thanl i-if jou tnr al tuTwea, lift car hat nd my i OV F AGAIN '. Your Fri end, JOS. W. VS tTB V, v. - ' -Jt l."' l - vv - w,' IS OF A. L. PPAKOER. for cash, consequently prices for Clothing as those of any other clothing store in 18-23-3m the IV -kap, Mhlk.ffaighi E)t0r6n

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