V THE MODNT AIRY NEWS. T.J. LOW AY, TO. Mount Airy, N. 0.. Feb. 20, 1800. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On copy, one year, - $1 JO On oopy, ix niontlm, . . .60 One copy, threa month", - .25 PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. Snirotfi.tti6F03tomsPtlJ0BntA!-"7,N.C. M oond-clnalI matter. It ii about time tor th8 Demo crats to get a little doser together if they expect to do anything in tho coming election. Tho names of both Jcdgo Walter Clark and ex-Judge Jamea C. Mac Rao are mentioned in connection with the nomination for Governor. Well informed Democrats now know that tho Republicans and tho Populists understand each other; in other words, have agreed to di vide tho local offices. As illustrated in the case ot Ken tucky, nothing is to he gained by kicking out one of the old parties and putting another in. The man who "swears oil" whiskey Bnd then takes to brandy tor the purpose of reform is not wise. While theso btorics about the drawing of tho color lino are cur rent it wilt surprise persons to bo V reminded that the O. A. R. colony in ueorgia, winch soon expects to have 50,000 people, has a clause in its agreement excluding the negro. An organization of ex-slaves has been effected at Topeka, Kansas, tor the purpose of making demand on Congress for pensions. It is tho purpose to make it of national . t&opc. The agod, tho lame and the Jnxs happy in the belief that all they will have to do is to write to Congress to get national relief for their dint raw. 11. G. Dun & Co. say in their Weekly Review of Trade : Failures for tho first week of February were $4,079,CS0, against $2,900,890 hst. yea. Failures for the jvov 'have been 327 in ibTjaiUsd States agaitBtO'iast year, and G7 in anada against 51 last year. The weather 6till hinders business and continued closeness of money, and prolonged inaction ot Congress, but confidence is increasing. There is quite strong, and, it may be said, a growing sentiment in favor of Julian S. Carr as the Democratic nominee for Governor. His views as to a straight ticket are quite generally approved. There are thousands of Democrats who resent concessions heretofore made and who say they prefer infinitely a straight ticket even if it bo de feated. But they think that with such a ticket they can sweep the State. Tho conterence of mutual ac cident insurance companies of the lTnited States to discuss the bicycle rider as an accident risk has fiuiuhed its deliberations. The companies have unanimously resolved that bicycling is a hazardous occupation, which they cannot insure against at the present rates of premium, and that in future the cyclists will pay double for his insurance, or receive less indemnity, or give up cycling so far as his accident insurance is concerned. I'ostal cards have been sent out to the banks throughout the country telling them that the couutrv is I flooded with counterfeit $2 and $5 bills. Tho bogus f 5 is the same that has been passing for years, and the latest bills show that the plate from which they were mado has boen used so much that it is con siderably wrn. (Jen. Grant's por trait on tho latest issue is spotted. Good bills always bear a clear cut face. The ttoinr .v ul,i,,l, ! ),,.,! . ' j .. a.tu buu unu 9mw j, . . v. v iii . bonnet 10 WIU , Genorai'i shirt front. lie alwsys yfjtljfore his shirts open in front, gen- ' , erally bulged in the old fashioned . way, leaving no doubt where the 4 shirt opened. Io the counterfeit ... tho Geueral's shirt front is m plain h j hi piece of sail cloth. V A London cablegram to the New i ' York Sun announces on the suthori ty ot a personal friend ot Mr. Glad-, stone's that the soul of the Grand Old Man ha U-en so aroused by Lord Salisbury's final abandonment of the Armenians that he has do terjined tu embrace the Grt op portunity to re-enter Parliament, in order to riie his voice for the wakeuing of the national con science. Mr. Gladstone could not again raise Lis voice in a better c.-uce ; ud it may be said that, despite his ae, he retains suflicient vigor to rauu it in tones that would waken eubocn throughout the United Kingdom. Should the Grand Old ilia re enter Paiiaracnt while the present conditions exist io the British u!itiei partk, SalUbury would da wtU tu uke care ltst he con -o to stall bj hi, fwj !;,,pj,,g in the blood of the tja'un's victuns. MIHERMAH EXECUTED. THE WIFE MURDERER MAKES A CONFESSION-FIFTEEN HUNDRED PEOPLE PRESENT. Hilliville Timet. To-day, Feb. 14th, on a gallows erected in the rear of the old coun ty jail, John S. Weatherman was launched into eternity for murder ing bis wife on the lflth day of No vember, 1891. Dnring his last hours on earth, tho doomed man wrote a confession of his crime, which, taken with the history of the same, will excite some feeling of sympathy for the poor wretch. If the men would speak whose names wo have left out of the confession, who knows but the burden on that weak brain as more thau ho cou M beat ! John S. Weatherman, the son of M. C. Weatherman, was bom near Longtown, Yadkin county, N. C, in 1S50, and at tho age of 18, mar ried Malinda Rorer, of the samo county Hnd State. His mother, now quite old, is living at Long town, N. C. Weatherman had seven children, five of whom are still liv ing. It was repotted that he killed one of his children, which, upon in vestigation, has proved to be f ilsc. The hrst child, Arthur, died near Walton Furnace, Wytho county, and wtis attended in his last illnesa by Dr. Richard Sandeis. Rogers, the one cla ined to have been mur dered, died at Ivan'ioc, Wythe conn ty, Sept. 187, with flux, and was 4i tended in his last 6ickness by Dr. Wm. Pierce. On Nov. 19th,-1891. John Weath erman and his wife, Malitida, with their five children, were living at Chestnut Yards, a small railroad town in this county. Weatherman was emploped at railroad work near by, came home ' k, and his bottle of liquor, which iie had not yet emptied, he hid in tho grass near tho house, lie went into tho house, afked his wife for hie pistol, saying "lie wanted to go and shoot a man who had murdered an engineer on the road by the name of l'lakey. His wife would not get him his pis tol, so ho threatened her with an old bowiekrii'e, which was kept up stairs. Si s got the knife lirst and hid it. Vi,Ht'lerlnan then went to the wt)rjj pile, picked up his sxe, a,udTcanio on back to the house, sharpening it with a small stone. His wife had just come down from up stairs where she had been hiding the bowie knife. Some of the smaller children were in the room. His wife was standing by the ta ble; Weatherman walked up be hind her, and buried the blade ol the axe in her brain. Weatherman then walked out to tho depot, which was only a few hundred yards away, and told the people he had killed his wife and wan'ed to give him self up. Ho 6aid "he had no money and couldn't get away, and that he whs afraid ot being lynched." Weutherman was indicted Dec. 2Ur, 1S91, and elected to be tried in the Circuit Court, and was tried at the April term, 192. The court assigned him Mr. W. 1). Tompkins, one of the ablest attorneys at the Ilillsville bar, for his defense. He entered the plea of insanity and de fended him with zeal and ability, but the jury returned a verdict of murder in tho first degree. Coun sel obtained a writ of error and ar gued tho case lief ore the Supreme Court of Appeulo in June, 1893, but the court affirmed the judg ment of the Circuit Court. A re hearing was granted September, 1894, and was again argued before the Court of Appeals in June, 1895, tho court a second time aflirming the judgment of, the Circuit Court. At the November term of the Circuit Court, 1895, Weatherman was resentenced to be Lung on the 31st day ot January, 1890. A pe tition was then circulated, a large number ot signers obtained and sent to Governor O'Ferrall asking him to commute his death sentence to lile imprisonment, but the Gov ernor refined to interfere. Coun sel then applied to the County Court for a wi it of habeas corpus, on the ground that since his irial Weatherman had become insane, but tho court refused the writ. Ap plication was then made to the Cir cuit Court, then to Court of Ap peals, both courts refusing the writ. The doomed man again appealed to his counsel, who mad') a final and succeosful tflort and Governor O'Ferrall ordered a comiuission-of lunacy to examine Weatherman. The Governor granted a stay of execution till Feb. 14, and sent I)rs. Preston, J 'lack ford and Moiieurc, from the three State -liiririe Asy lums, who, after making an examt nation, repotted that it "was feign ed insanity,' then the Governor telegraphed to the Sheriff that the execution should proceed on the 1 -1 tl. Weatherman, knowing there was no csnLly hopes for him, at the last hour gave out the following: II IS CONFK'M-ION. 'I am condemned to dm and know that 1 have not had justice. I have never had a fair trial. I da teel like and believe that if my counsel, W. D. Tompkii.s, had had any showing at the i-e he could have changed it from what it is. I do think it is wrng to hang me. I cannot sea anythir.g I hav done to 1)0 Lung for. It wan a lot of racals that took my wife from me. She would keep company with them in spite of me ; they ruined my daugh ter ; they destroyed my rnind. 1 loved my wife letter than anything I ever saw on earth. She did not hke me, if she hnd, she .would not Lave doin Jio she did. Shu told me she would keep cimptny with them when she p!ea-ed. Hie sent mo to jil so she could keep them there t tin her. liny stayed tne'e nil the time I wu in jul. My heart Las been melted io my ImmmW) with love for my wife. The vore he treated me, the harder I loved tier 'till my brain would turn and boil in my head. . My tears have dried in a solid ball of lire for my wife and cliildien. God blessed us with several sw!Ot children, which was the pleasure of my life, but a lot of wolves got among them and scattered them till I don't know where any ot Ihem are. I hope tho Good Shepherd will gather us all aiwirid hie white throne in Heaven, some of these days where wo will be separated no more. I do pray that Dan , Chas. , bam. and several others will repent of tli? way fliey have treated infc r.'id the Lord may torgive them. 1 have forgiven them and hope the Lord may, though they are the men thai destroyed our lives and seduced my wife and daughter. Our blood will burn in their hearts as long as they live. What hss the world got ngainet me anyway J "Nothing but because I con tended for my own my wife and children; they weio mine. God gave them tome. Then the rascals destroyed our peace. I do know that we have a just God and that he will repay them for all they have dono to me. It is more pleasure Io me to die than it was to live the life I havo lived tor several years. I can't bear the thoughts of keeping a housoof ill famo with my wife and daughtei. It is too bad ! The way I have been imposed upon death is a pleasure to me. I do trust to get to Heaven, for it seems to me I line been in hell n long time here on earth. I want Mr. J. to know that I know some things he didn't think I did, and you all that would eonio to see my wile, will never see any peace over it ; you have killed us both and yon lrnoto die soon niiil give in an account of it before you car. see any rent. God is a jiict God. He will give you men your jii4 dues. We are both gone ; you can't take her from mo now. You say ulie is dead ; I don't know whether she is or in it. It sho is I hope hhe is at ret-t. I can't tell that either, I only have hopes foi her. The 13 chapter of Hebrews says: uniiriago is honorable in all its relations and the. I leave it all to God, and am satisfied that ho will give me justice when 1 meet him. The world may curse me and hang me, but they can't hurt my soul. 1 do believe, and lisve faith in the Lord that he will pardon my sins, eo they can kill my body but they can't touch my soul. I ho ill my ene mies may repent tied come to Christ when they die. I forgive all this world for the way I've been treated. 1 owe a debt to my counsel w hich I can ne ver pay this side tho throne of God. I do hope to meet him there some day and I do hope the Lord will amok reward him. He c ntended for my rights but was ovei powered, so I will havo to go. Set me an a seal upon thine arm, fur love is itrong as death and jealousy is cruel tis the grave, the coals therefore, coais ot tire which has a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it. If a man would give all the substance of his house for his love it would be utter ly condemned. John S. Weatiikbman." At 11:25 Weatherman was led down out of the jail and up on the scaffold. His hands and feet were then securely fastened, the black cap was drawu' over hu face. At 11:4-1 the rope whs cut. The body bounded down with a heavy thud, and in 15 minu'es the physicians pronounced life extinct. A correspondent ot the States ville Landmark says over Hh mem bers of Deep ('reek church, Yadkin c unity, were churched last Satur day week for going to plays, making mtisic on . the vi jlin ar:d banjo, di inking and doing other things that are prohibited by the Church. Credit to Hood's It Cured All My Afflictions. V-1 Xl Mir. joteyK tor A Bldga Qiareh, Vs. " Tor tin yr T hure in ffctvd turriMy from rnern) debility, mnd lt wlntf u attacked o td with kidney trouble, nlarir'-meiii ot niitiM-n and hrart diamuML toflaring grrat pain Id kit back, bl ana lga. 1 read about lioodiHaraanarilla, I bought on bottle and Ufa a taking !U Hood's Sara- After ttuOnt bottle f fC I feltao much better t Ml WJ that I derided to eon ttnne and ham taken rrer all botttaa. Today toy health ! better than It baa bees tot more than a dle. I hare no kidney, beartorapleendtinralty, and am In duty bound o (It lool'a haraairllla the credit f rurtflf mv AMotlone.'1 JoaJtrH Void, .JJg-a Church, Vlrg-ttu, He' Pllle act narmonloualT wllh llood'i Sara martin and are tentle. mild and eSeeU, DR. W.H. WAKEFIELD Will tiu in Crrermboro, Wednes day, March 11 til, it McAdoo Hotel. At Wit.'ton, at the Joxei llou-l.ftn Wrd-ieidar, February 20tb Frie'ifd limlimitvd to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 1 live sometimes when girdled nearly around. Nature ever labors to repair damage, and after a time, the wounded sur faces are nicely healed. Some persons live and fully recover, even after consumption has made cavities In the lungs. In this struggle we can great ly aid nature by giving Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphltes. The oil supplies needed fat, and the hypophosphites tone up the nerves. The decline In weight ceases. A positive gain begins, and once again there 13 promise of life and health. ;!y never too late to try. Scntt'f Rmulllon ai hrn nlorvd Iht mtdi.-4l p'of't'io for tu-mljr yftrt. M' your ic $or ) Tt" itlHfHttttn ilwivt p'lMt ilivrl uniform r.Kl.it tlupurtit borutgutm Lod Irvrr Oil 0'J Hrpoplopbiin. Put up I. I o entt tl.eo tlrn. Thr tmolt Jffl msj It ttijuil to fare our tougb or trip your trf. A CURABLE DISEASE, Chronic Catarrh is Pronounced Curable by Dr. Hartman. There aic an almost countless number of remedies said to cure chronic catarrh. The most of these are of no use whatever, and many Worne than uelet-s, being actually harmful. A few are enceefsfnl in a small number of case those which are very slight and eauily curable cases which might almost get well by simply taking care not to catch cold again, l.tlt of all this vant multitude of medicines it can not be said that there are more than two or three which are actually specifier, and without doubt the ni'si reliable iri I'e-ru-na. It al ways cnreH when it is faithfully and coniic:entionnly used. It not only curcfe catarrh of the head and throat, hutcutarih of the stomach, liver, boweln, lungs), bronchial tubes, kid neys, and in fact a'-iy of the organs of the human body. It is indeed a drcudlul case of catairh, wherever located, that IV ru tin can tn.t cine, or at h-Mst greatly help. It may be procured at all the drug stores, and it should be given a faithful trial by those who have tried in vain else where to get relief. A book on catarrh and catanhal discuses of 04 instructively illns trattd pages will bo gent free to any ad dies by The I'e ru-na Drug Manufacturing Com puny of Colum bus, Oiiio. Letter from francisco. Mrs. Drusilla Lackey, consort of Elder S. J. Lackey, deceased, is at James A. Leake's very ill. She is S3 years old and the mother of your townsman, CJ. J. Lackey. The seasons have been faioiahio for handling the weed, consequently there has been a lot of it marketed. The Primitive P.aptirts at Sute Line are making arrangements tot painting their church. A gI job for sonic of your painters. Mis Miiggie Leake's school at Leake's school house, closed on the 7th ot this month. Mr. W. W. Leake is wearing a broad smile. It is a b y and a bouncer, and a silver Deumerat at that. Mr. Uobert lackey, of our place, is erecting a tine residence. Mr. C. W. Ulancett uiHiketed three loads ef tobacco at Farmer's Warehouse, Winston, and realized ncarlv lour hundred dollars for it. o. K. Francisco, N. C, Feb. 17tb, 1 '.('. . . Smith Smiles. Eiutok Nkws: Find enclosed items for your paper : Married, on Sunday. Mr. James L. Moore to MissDo.a Smith ; Mr. Calvin Simmons to Mise Daisy Hinge; Mr. John Martin to Mirs Fmma Pike. Mrs. Ohc Martin died Monday. Our popular school acher, Mr. P. P. Pearce, ban i'one home and is teaching school there. We wish him success wherever he goes. The sing:ng school it State Line church eh'scd a few days sgo. Mr. Ward, the teacher, taught a good school and everybody who went liked him. liev. Mr. Miller preached a very fine sermon at Dan Kivcr church Sunday. The people of this section have been very busy prepiuing their to ha;eo for market. With best wishes for Tus: Nkws and its readers, I am Yours truly, Snooks. Smith, X. C , Feb. 1.1, lSyti. - - The next ten days we will ele out our entire stock of Embroid eries, also a big line of shoes vtill go for less than cost. U. J. (lAI.I.AWAV. WI Babjr aa U we gate h Caatnria. Wn !- wu Child, ahe erird tx CaatorU. When die became Mtaa, abe clung to Caatoria. When Bite bad Ctiuarea, ah (tnU.no Oaatorla 11 JL. Tnt. W. 1. Peeke, who I m jniUxa a .pwi.ltr u " J U U 9, I pil-p.T, ha. withnot k !"ui rtr4 aaU cur I mm '! rourera.a than .Mif I H H Hla lhv.i. ini tua I H H k. B " la a.i.ii.hin. k mMmt flrf ban hs.rd o( n QOf as ym'm' aian l. lee lib iWl .t. Mre, frve te in, a'Trrrvri . .. . . Baa r. i pr al iim. It. W. S. mU. F. n 4 CeLr S, lew TerS 117 J W 1 f mi V rt1 ftp ! 1 III V 0 IV YES!. THERE 15 NO QUESTION OF DOUBT ABOUT THAT. THEEE ARE OTiilACTSlillE CONSIDERED. Houston's Drug Store I'tl.e proper t'lac.s to huy ymr Drug, Modi -iuoe, Toilet Articles, Ac. Out- Pi-iiiM n iv .Slaii lur.l. We ii-e t joirest ineilici.'.c in (oinpouiiliiig, NIVSICIANS PlIKSCRirTIOXS A SPKCIALTV. We d -ii'l c'uim t i inn a "Cli -up John lrng St..iv." but our pi icc nro low tt ln-n wo eoiiMi'lcr ih quality of o xU soi l The secret I r all ihis is c sell h'i-' 'n-h.' nek sules ami then why not take short profit;-! All old, rusty, ilaieles", hicules penny in rapid eiieulatioii is i.rth nimv tu im thnn a alow, slnish, longiimo Itu." Houston's )iug Store earries nil that you ( an call for in tin UP TO DATE (iive ii a call. Ihm't foru l the idai-e. A trial ii! convince you that we iii". n rtluii we say. Everything New, Krexh and Neat. Thaiibing you for past pairounge. Truly, D. A. HOUSTON, Blue Ridge Inn Block, Mount Airy, N. C. ROOM! 4 ROOM! :: - -- ;JM will sell al cost until A j.riJ lt, A my ittock of v pry (joocls,! n . A r4 .NOTIONS, 'I $l am R.iiiiR North April 1st. toj mij ,i large (K-k of Spring and Summer Goods;v .r., ... .i..t .Ami want to clear out my stock .My sti-k lci.iiiin le. nm v Hcsl U. mils null l.atesl V rityler.. J A nrbuckle's Coffee, 21 Cenis.;; 5:Granulated Sugar, 5i Cents.;p 111 - if .TIiNnkiiip yu for ymr Idiersl- iuirina)i', I Kin, .Vourti tO pleKHH, J! Robert IScltoii.tC 'PRATHtR BLOCK, MMH STREET.-V MOUNT HIRY.N.C. -i . .. . . . . . . - DtYtYYYt t'-i t tVti t i rYi t t ttQ W. H. SIHPS0B, 13ROKJi:ii. Representing Fifteen Houses On All the Best Market. Everything in Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries, Fruits and Confections. lowest marki't prices tivt-n. flilice in .loyce l!lo k, at hend of slepH, on right hand nidi-, fronting on Muin Mrct t. (ut-of-t"n Mcrchuiits will jilt-ane cull or write fur th liv.-red prices on all kinds of groceries. Vi-iting and Country Merchants cor dially invited to call at otlie TRUSTEE'S SALE. Uy virtue of authority of a deed of titntt, ex.-'-uteil to H. II Keener liy J- M. lirower and wile Nauii.eM. Uruw er, on the l.'ith iltiv of iHceiiilu r, l.li, ai.d duly recorded in" l.e register', ollice in Siliry t oimty, in b.H.k No. 1U p-iK' 1. si-cure ill pay ment ill a ce.lani bond, and the tiiu! tinns ill s lid deed of 1 1 ual not liariup lieen coiupl.ed with, l the ie.ii.st ol thei wcei of warn li.mil, 1, K. ii. Jon. s, '1 riisiee, a p itited hy the OlerL of the Mii rior Court el fMiriy Couniy, in a special proceeding lorlliai purp'ise aliall up ' ('i liiic auu lion, lor casli, oil lturilay, the v!lst day nt March, lMui, al 11 o'clock, a. in-, i" Ml AiiV, tat tlie I'.lue l.ide luu li.ior, in the Uoiluty ol rS 1 1 1 1 y, N. I ., 1U- toll.iwni); Jirop ert : 'lliirtoeii liuu lied and fifty t'X acu-a ol land, lying "d u'l.j. ininjf tbi town ol Mount Any, X.C, HUjoinini; ilia tun1 of V. Fulton, IV. S spaif"r, A. (1. Mmn uli.l others, known a. tie Circular Haw .Mill Tract or Marshall i linn, and for a mure actuate thscriplion and l r the boundaiiea o! said tract of lanil, ee deed ol trust, ex etiteiJ hy saiii Jt'hi: M. IJrowei an I wile to f- U. duuea, Trustee, dated the I'.'lh day ot January, I.'-', and recoM-d in iHSik page, ill the record, in ftli e ol Kcgistei ot Iicrila lor Suiry t'ouuty, lea. J? acre, sold to 1. Huark. ceotidTract ; liegiiiuiu oo a locust ill the ed,e of I lie ttreei ot .Mount Airy, Jas. M, Iluihain'. coruer, runs with aaiil lliir hai.i and 11. V. UraAea -S 'M decrees h, i4 cliuins and 7 links l" a .take, t, rates' eorner, tte uce with -id t-rauV line M dene. K. 1 i luiiis and oil In. Is to a stake near II. e ede tl' pond, thence iluwu ou the west sole as the p. n I meander (se deed icconled itl lsok 14, pae .V, Ssm) Ueioid. l to alill Uain, tle u down tu rner as it iiiesuders to tli ImJu'-oii the road h mini- Iridu Mount Air; to ll.iin buig, tie-nee west with sul road to .tlra. Lewry's line, thence with her hno, A. L filiar-r, Wiu-inlli:h :;d ll. 1. llairi.' line to Alaiu ntrtet ot Mount Airy, 'Heme northwest w ill: Mid siret W the t.cpui in uj;. l.uutiuin Hi acies mole or le, lew a loi fKUlts), sold to (i. C Welch, on wh'cu is a small leaf house, aud 'J. acr"-a of dower, ueloiigiiiK tu Mrs. M. M. Iltoaer, and ad ioiiinig J. U. lliirham. ih.llic l'itl day I Keoiuary, Islt fc. B. Jti.SKS, i rusiea. ApMjuitrtl by the Coiut. LUMBER SHIPPED 1( ANY I'CU NT. OT. A. BOLT, isci T sr . ist r)4la la Fics Paslar and Cucstuct Lccr. All orJTi RHt-4 pruutpUy. i '.rrjKnifJtoc oUr'(ML Mfltr m, W. A. UULT, MOrT AIHY.N.C lloiiiii Aii v Settled PHARMACY." To call io I oe Hit-n(ln of the people ot Mount Airy and riinoiiii.llnir conttrj thnt we Mill liave The Best Supply of Pare Drags, Mo ti ll rs. taemtcala, Toilet Artlrlcii, Patent Mt-fflctM'S, .. . to he round In Surry county, anil that we want anil AWficiat6 Ymr Trafle. We do do' m il "If ip John" pnodn and do not nay we sell you at henp .! Mi prteea, hut we do My we give you THE BEST That ran bo bought and Ml Uvm to you at ri'aHonHbie prices. t'HMf!ally wish 'o rail a'tpnttnn io our supply of TRUSSES. H yon n d on don't full (ocorne to b us. We have all styles and nd with a Inriffox ptTln fe can adjust one to fit wl.fr If a curr Is puMiHilf you will omalnly Ik cirt rt. Also if you xtfi a pa rof 8pia.'lva we have an ahtirulanoe of Hawks' Ceirtf Glasses And we ciinnot sunvteiitly urne the tmixirlanee. of iiiijIiiK the tient when the dc-llratn oran or li,rlit fH eonwroeil. iJist but not least, we wih to call attention to the tart tliat we ait prepared to rtU yuiir family receipt mid phyRletaiis' pretK-'llilltoliM With Skill and Accuracy. i With ten years' practical experl- nee tn your ml.l and a yam training tn one of the bi-Hi collegia of IMmruia y In the Tutted Mute, we dare aay no one will hesi tate to put the mint iilltlcult or Intricate prescription In our bands. very Truly TAYLOR & BANNER. Male Academy, OPENS JANUARY 8th, 1896, And continues in session for five month. A first class preparatory school for toy and young men. Thorough, practical work is insisted upon. 8c ml us your hoy, we will de him good, h'ales reasonable. fiTWrite tor information R. C. CRAVEN, Principal. JaniM'm -1I Al KK IV- Mils, Borial Robes, Slippers, 4c. A full stuck of all M.e. and"jiilitie kept on hand, and at reasonable prices. More room, iip-stair ovei M. I.. Patler on' store, on Main rHntet. iieeuleuce, tint house North of the railroad. Land at Private Sale. I have Cm acres of Vaill.ii river bottom and upland for sa'a which I will cut into Tact, to .nil pun-baser aud sell at lo pni-es for part cash aud long time, well secured ni.t-. 'I he l.n Is are rated as miiobr 'he very let for the productiou of the trier rad.-s of lodicc,, ,' gi n: coin and small j;rsiu. I lie title is perfect i d luilrl.-ai-al.lc in law and 1 will mnke to purchase dee Is iu fee with full cove nant ot warranty. I'll s body of land lie. along the east hank of the Yadkin river, imlex above iou naha th pt and i. t aersed by the W. it U . U.ir.ii.ail, and has on it a flag station lor paws r.jer and a side track f.,r the ahiptuent ot tim's-r. wisd an I luiulier. Ark lihtm & Manly, of W ini'en, and J ni.ea It. l eaeiiyii, of tVihsoii, a out tbe . it'e, they kuovr all alsut il and will tell you th truth. I .sjer J. I'. Iluxtoii, of Wi'i.ton N.C., kiniaitig the liile to I rtectly g"l, in ulr a rish bid ol near i issi f.ir thi. laud .n the Uibd .y ol I if ertu'ier, 1-91. 1 bi( Is inovinneil aolely H.r the puipose of e viDiiog (K-opi ikat tbe falae st.HeuH'Dta put iu circulation through niaiice or ignor t. are not Worth . icing. I .ball be on the plase for sonietuno and alien not U --e Hugh llartiu w ill alerw the property JOHN A HoVUEN. I'er- h, K. C.. Jan. tt Ja, !Mi. Wanted, t invri-H Mtlo catb- li-hmcni t. n ji un nrin t-nrrgj ami cjii-..i . tidiness rjiialifii iitiona. I ion J ! vlorctice ijivcii. A Id reus, I'.OX No. 15, "It. u- .Tl fl.TmOri, C. ..HI CARTLAND,. Tlie Htnlut Tailir, i Al l. rr. t.TsT Imported Clioviots, BJ Vicunn.si fTfi'Tr P!iT CLOTH I ALL STYLES. WRITE FOR SAMPLES. Has Cluett, Coon & Co's popular brand ot Sntris, Uress Nigligee Chevoit Underwear. Canes a ol Umbrellas. II. II. CARTLAND, 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, GREENSBORO, N. C. n Tung. Fawcktt, R.L. Gwvn. Ja. H. Hparoir. M. I.. Fawi-rtt rrosident. 1st Vice 1'rPsidpnt. 2nd Vicp President. Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Mt. Airy. IICOItroitATED. C'npilal, $.10,000, lnlr . DTUElGTOEiS. Thus Knwcett J. It Sparger, M. L. Fawrett, H. 'iwyn, V. I.. Hanks. This hank solii it the ftcconnis of Merchants, Mfniufactnrers fanmr ana Individuals. The accounts of the .Merchants located in town ml lucent received on favornhle terms. The funds of our customers ar aecured hy two burglar proof steel chests and tht Yali'Titim I.c-k. Interest allowed on Saving I)epo,it. 590.000 Pound 4, Planters' Warehouse, MOUNT AIRY, "NT. C, FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Th Warehouse l i.- irel Is ttichmltiMS prt ot tn vn convenient to th llsnk aiel the les,1tn .lutiiiers. it l situan a a-ittiln a few steps ot ijietug Tlllej s i nf House . rraitier w tnilm a 'I'n-hie-co Factor) snil tlie mi 'imotti ToImis-o 'orks of Mparifer iirua.. and m ts. t onveuieatlo.il our Ijbaivo uien. beslites wlil.-h we tmvc the Best Accommodations for Man acd Stock of any House io the State. Our sail's since the first of OriorK-r have be(-n nlmost HouMe any two warehouse tn Mount Airr wii.cli Is stronit evidence that THE PLANTERS' IS THE PLACE TO SELL! Mr. J. A. News im. our Auctioneer, Is wM'-known ssnric of the best In the Mite. Mr K P Wall Is our Bonk keeper, l.l 'h Is mmr itilee i hat our Books will Imaccuraleh kept Mr w T Havncs ot Patrlrk eo'inty, Va . Fioor Mstiiifer; K A.News im ot Mokes county, NlKht watchman n4 N.W. Browi si,ieitriienils tlie snle of e iry file of Totiacco nut ud our fl sir anl mv that It, l.rlnirs Full MHrki-l Value. !" hsve one ot the Best Arrstiscd riasements forstortnir nnil orderlr.ir Touacco to be found stivwhere, o ou nee t not fe.ir when )ou a art to Mount Airy with your Toowx) tut drive I i the PI.ANTKRS' wnerf y u will receive the very ts-ni a. eornin.slatlnns. t"A!l Tobtcco shiio. l to or left In our care will receive our very bc attention Come and see US Wh.le Itl toW II. H!iether)OU liliie U.lt.i.'eOOr Dot. TliiinvtiiK one and all lor the very litiernl ptro hh (riven us tn thepsst and pledrlnz our H lves to always Ik- on baud to look s ter the interests o( our cuswmets; as we very well knew that your interests are our Interests. Your friends, IT. xiFjBB iLvfTiar I Sione "Wj f V L ff H rlt LM.A?. Sasli, Doors and Blin ds. NO TIIorBLE NOW TO BUILD A HOUSE IF YOU KNOW WIIKRR TO BUY TI1K CIIKAPKST M AT K RIAL. We Manufacture All Kinds of IWirs, Su-h, Blitids, MantcU, D.vir ami Win. low Frame, Turned-Work Sc roll-Saw it.;;, SiHir Work, MfMildinjr of nil kimlti. Fl.idrin.. r,.j,n,, ' .Sitlinir, Ciisinj; am nil k'ni ol Fmishc-iJ LumlnV. We Carry In Stock R..1.0I, Luml.iT, Shitles, riamcrinx Lathe, Uml l kin.la Buil.lln.' Material. v, n , ,cc GuUford Camber M'fg Company. M"3- IS!.-.. (irvvro's. C. THE GRANITE CITY im mm MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Owns Somo 900 Acres of Land One-tliit-,1 of wl.ifh is in Town Uu, balanc !ji,,K n.U. to l-.wn If you want lo rent . rosidonce or t.Jm J ;,J 1 ' purt-l,.M ,.ro,H.rty in or near Mourn Airy, w w,l rlml i E-c . r niformatKin by Icltor. h ' ofler 8pocial Imlttccmcta to tlnmo prop-sing to eMttbl. , man tifttt torttitf cntcrprmeH. CoRHKMHii.aKct Solicited. w o T. B. McCARGO, Sec'j and Imi Doors, Sash If you mn joi.,g , build hou l.e hcjKt WE 1IANUFACTURE Att a ,t. c4 Mw,e,.i.,iifc rum,Be. and mm hi. o.. ' iIIluLEH BROS, Winston, T.C. Hi m Hi m m m M m m m m m m m .OF GREENSBORO, N. C, :-:S nmiT rniii aovriTins is n Tricots, "Worst ends, HI m m m m Hi m m m it at -AT- BROWN. HAYNES & NEWSOM. AMY MARBLE WORKS. Mount Airy, N.O. W. D. HAYNES I CO , Proprietors. MarWe & GramtB HonBHsenls Tombstor.rs, Iron Fencing, nr mw. rnr FmMipr Pnninw lr ,or resl-rTs prtoes or mil mnd f xn)ine our P" j and Blinds. MUr0 yon fi,J , lore ,. M , material. AT SHORT NOTICE. h,a,n, ,! .11 klj, Blliai 'f.imiiiNfron.Bilt. V-m Leaf Tobacco Mil 1