J THE Wm AIRY KMS Tj. low nr. K YOU. Mount Airy, N. 0., Feb. 27, 1800. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: nt copy, one year, - - 11.00 One copy, ail month, - - .Wj Ono copy, three montha, - .25 PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. gitrdaUn Pew! office at Houat Airy JI.C. ooad-ilaaamll matter. Kill Nje was buried noar Asho vi'.le Tnoeday afternoon. Ex-Governor Robinson, of Mae acbnsotta, died on Saturday last. Scleral portions wero burned to death in iJatimore, Aid., fcunjaj morning. Sorry to see that Solicitor Mott bna been violating the law be has been elected to belp enforce. Too bad! Tbe body of Weatho'man, exe cuted at Hillsville, Va., was ship ped to tbo Medical College in Rich mond. Hon. Georee Davis, ot Wilming ton, N. C, died last Sunday. Ue was Attorney General in President Davis' Cabinet, and wa regarded at one of North Carolina's pnrcst men. N Edgar W. Nye (Bill Nye) the greatest humorest in the United States, died at bis home at Buck shoals, N. C, near Asbevillc, on the 22nd inst. J?ill Nye was born in Maine and was in his 4Gth year. Rev. Baylus Cade, a Baptist min ister, and more recently engaged in tbe practice of law at Fianklintou, N. C, has received tho appointment of chaplain of tbo Federal Peniten tiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, with a salary ot $1,500 a year. Three prisoners escaped trom tho Yadkinvillo jail last Thursday, but they wore all recaptured. Ono of them, named Logan, was shot by Jailor Kelly and fatally wounded. Our Yadkinvillo correspondent, Mr. M. D. Branon, whose letter wus received too Jate for publica tion, informs us that Logan is dead. An old man over in Yadkin, on going to his front door one morn ing, found a collin on his steps. A c&rd Httachcd thereto read as fol lows : "After five days dwelling in this placo you wili be stored away in this." The old man was sus pected ot reporting blockaders. lie says the moonshiners cannot scare LI..; away from home. Speaking of tho effort to organize a silver party in North Carolina, tho Charlotte News says: "It is our opinion that tbe organization of a new silver party in North Carolina would have but one effect. It would weaken the silver cause by dividing tho silver forces. It is tho very thing tho enemies of silver would liko to see done. It would give the Republicans even a better chance of carrying the State than they now have. That would be its chief effect." Big gold and silver excitement up at North Wilkesboro. Mr. J. L. Whittington thinks bo bas found a valuable gold vein. It bas been thought for fifty years that there was gold in that vjchjjty, asjtwas found in branches, and Mr. Whit tington scorns to have fonnd it at last. The analysis shows about two hundred and fifty dollars worth to the ton of ore. He has about one ton ready for shipping, and if it proves to be valuable, be will work tbe vein at once. The Newton Enterprise lias in terviewed Mr. Linney, and the fol lowing is what that Congressman bad to say when atked how long he thought Congress would be in ses sion : "Ho did not think tbe ses sion would lat much longer, as there was nothing to do. That the aifver bill bad already been killed in the House and the tariff bill ap peared to have died a natural death in the Senate. There whs nothing else to stay there for unless we ihonld get into a foreign war." A dispatch of last Thursday from Johanmesburg. South Africa, says: Eight truck loads of dynamite ex ploded last evening at Viendoup, a suburb of this city, wrecking one hundred buildings. The trucks wero being shunted when the ex plosion occurred. It made an im mense hole in tbe ground and every building wiihin t radius of half a mileof the explosion was raisei fom tbe ground. Forty dead bodies, nearly all being terribly EsiUsted, hsve already beeu Uic-o from tbe rnins, tut the work of MWiLmg tLe !ulria L4 LaxJiy be gun. Two hundred people, roct severely injured, Lave bcn admit ted into a lpital, where aeveral ara dead. It U l'.ievd tbat only a few white jtrwM vere kiikd. Nei from Ararat. Virgin'. Having seen nothing in your splendid paper front this part of the country I wili give you a few items. Thccold weather laet week chilled us through and through. Mercury registered at 5 degrees above zero. People wbo have apples yet had them frozen uioro or less by the cold. The weather lias been so rough for tho past few weeks that farmers have done comparatively nothing towards prepairing for a crop. The Coroner's Jury convened at Friend's Mission again last Thurs day. They are making every effort to obtain evidence suflieient to con vict the supposed murderers of A. B. Cranford, who are Charles Mc Bride, Albert King and Edgar King. Tho abovo named parties wero indicted at the January term of court and preparations are being made for a trial at this term of court. But it is gonerally thought that the case will bo postponed. Mr. W. Luther King is teaching a writing school at Hatcher's school house. Mcsrs. N. H. Scales, Jr., F. M. Gates, II. N. Gates, A. J. Scales, C. II. Jarrell, C. O. llamby, J. B. Jarrell and Dixie Scales are among the many that are attending court this week. Miss Ilosa Scott, a popular young lady from Howell, Va., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Alice, has returned homo to the regret of her many friends. A large and flourishing Sunday School is being carried on at Hun ter's Chapel nnder tho superintend cney of W. L. King. Prof. W. S. Epperson, of White Plains, N. C, is visiting friends and relatives in tho community this week. llev. Iluht. Ilincs, of Mount Airy, was greeted by an apprecia tive people at Hunter's Chanel last Sunday, Come again, brother Ilincs. MiBS Ella Scales closed a success ful term of free school at Hunter's Chapel school house last Thursday. Tho members of H untcr's Chapel church have adopted a resolution offered by W. L. King pledging themselves to prosecute and to aid in prosecuting any person or per sons selling intoxicating brjuors un lawfully, (or in other words,) with out license, within three miles of snid church. In so doing they help to put down this death-dealing busi ncss termed the liquor trailic, Some leilowB had better look sharp. Mr. N. J. Moore is making preparation to have a new dwelling erected. Khuiiam Friend's Mission, Va., Feb. 24, '06. Arrested for Robbing the Mail. Last Saturday Postodice Inspector Gregory brought Heber Gaskins, aged 19 years, to (treenvillo and placed him in jail. Youncj Gaskins is a son of Postmaster C. P. Gankins, ot Grifton, that county, and had been serving as clerk to the pott master there. Mail from county pout-cilices in that sectiou is con veyed by star routes to Grifton at wtiicb point it is transferred to the riilroad. Complaint had been for warded to tho inspector general that letters containing money forwarded from some of these country oflices had been rifled in transit and the inspector was sent down to work up the case. He arranged somo test letters in which were placed marked co;ns and bills, mailed them at one of the country postoflices and kept a close watch for developments. This morning the inspector went to the Grifton postotliuc and called for stamps, l oung Oabkins waited on him and among the change which he took from his pocket and gave the inspector wero four of the marked coins that had been placed in the test letters. He was taken in custody and brought to Green ville. Ariivingjhere, the inMeettiT had bun teirched by an otli.rer and more of the marked coins md marked bill wero found on his person. Gsskins was held under $ t,00) bail. He is of good family and it is a pity his anxiety for money led to audi a downfall. A Novel Dinner, - feozretaiy Morton s dinner to President and Mrs. Cleveland, this week, has oecn widely discussed on account of the original manner in which the table was decorated. A big plow made of red carna tions was tbe centre piece of theta ble, and upon each side ot it were hay stacks made ot yellow spun su gar, under which were nil -sof veg utabli-s and tartn implements a! made of sugar At each ot the four corners of the table was a wheel barrow made of candy cabbages, containing confections in tbe thiipe of vegetables and fruits. The ices were served in candy hay wagons, and the punch in little cupe made to imitate apples, peaches and pears, and the individual dishes for the tewed terrapin were china terra pins. This wm tbe his', of the formal cabinet dinners for this season. Peculiar Matrimonial Story. The Salisbnry World tells a strange story. Mr. ill try and Mist Amanda Jewell, both of Salis bury, were engaged to be married. Alius iSeweh, however, went to itoek Hill, S. C, where she found a new lover to whom she became enf aged, caMing Mr. Fry i-fl Sh was to have been married lut bun- day la 'i'ua ntx" man, and among trie ir. nations rent out was one to Mr. fry. He left lor llxk H.ll la Friday, at once sought out the girl, induced her to reconider and marry him, and has since arrived h me with the bride, who at one time It looked as if he had lost. V INTER IS hERE. Bringing' Wit't it Catarh'al Diseasej of All Kindj, Winter is half over. People are continuing to catch colds, and not a house but hc; the winter cough. People are trying to get something to cure these trouble, which are almost inevitable at this time of the year. It can mftdy bo said that nine-tenths of tho people in the United States hive a cold some time during tho winter. There is ono rornedy which will prevent colds and coughs and cure them with certainty when they are con tracted. This remedy is Pe rn-na. Taken with regularity during the winter months, it will entirely pre vent coughs, colds, la grippe, con sumption, bronchitis or pneumonia. It will also cure without failure catarrh and recent ea.-es ot con sumption, and olten in advanced stages. Everybody should have tho (14 page book on catarrh and winter diseases which is being sent free by Tho Po-rn-na Drug Manufacturing Company of Columbus, Ohio. . Lowgap News. Geo. Edwards, tho young man who was shot in Alleghany county about three weeks ago, by his cousin, a boy of about 18, named Andrews, died last week. He was shot in tho head just abovo tho ear. Edwards was lighting with Eli Low. Low had knocked Edwards down and was on top of him when An drews drew his pistol and fired at him several times, two balls tak ing effect in Low's hip and the last shot struck Kd wards in the head, lie (Andrews) skipped but hss been caught and lodged in jail. There is much excitement over the affair in that county. Somo contend that ho shut Edwards intentionally; that they had had somo d.J reiu;o over a girl and tliat Andrews bad threatened to shoot him. All wero young men and of respectable fam ilies. -The roads were almost past travel ing till tho blizzard came and did away with the mud. Two couples, with a few friends, climbed tho mountains to the State lino lai-t Tuesday and were married. On their return the best man for one of tho bride grooms was drunk and ran his horse oil the road where it was veiy i teep. The man rolled some distance down the mountain and was badly bruised. We did not learn what became of the horse. Mr. It. J. Davis will soju have his store house completed. It will be a very good building. Mr. A. T. Overby'g photograph gallery was badly damaged by wind Thursday. Tkixik. Lowgap, N. C, Feb. i'Snd, lV.Hj. ... Smith Smiles. It is with pain that we note the death of Mr. Saunders liodgers a lew days ao. Some of our boys gave a serenade to a newly married couple Friday night. Mr. W. T. Ward is conducting a very fine singing nclio A at Aaron's Fork Church. The weather has been very cold in this section for the past tow days. We have all been in a bad fix, But times are good in this year '1X5, For eggs are cheap and so is corn And the old hard times have cer tainly gone, Now money is plentiful and trade is good, And all Snooks wants is somebody to cull him Shng, sling, shu. S.N'oOKS. Smith, N. C, Feb. 24th, 1SIK5. TOiea Buhf tu alck, we gnre Urr Caatorla. When liie nt a Child, alio critxl for 0T5 Wben ahe became Mint, M chh) to Caatorla, When abe had Children,- !, gtart them Caatorla , Korth Dinttlla, Va. Nerves Unstrung Weak, No Appetlte-Hood'e Sarea parltla Restored Health. M Throe rn ago I hid the grip, which titled Id tny head. I oontlnued to grow worae and there no rrat for me. My Uiube felt numb, my oerree aeemed to be niiatifiRf and I had no appetite. IVx-tore' treatment and other mediclnee failed to arall me relief. I obtained two botUea of Hood 'a baraajjarllla, which Reatored Me to mraelL Lett Ju!i I beraa to hare had aymptoma, and I at once resorted to A wv parUla Hood'afiaraanaHIU T .inures . VV con tinned until I bad taken three bottl W aaa wtloh not only rtored my health bnt iuj uauy oi B nance ana did Mm a great deal of food." Mil. Earni m. Mm,, nonn ifenTUle, Va. M aOa4 Pill fartl Hipcte, eaeawt l.t DR. W.H. WAKEFIELD Will be in (i recnitboro. VVednea day, March llih, at Mr Ad.) Hold. At innton, at tbe Jones II old. on WedneaJar, Kcbruarr 2Clh Practice I im limited to Eye, Ear, Noce and Throat. yT.'w rVC " We do not mean a shake cf the hands ; but a genuine mal arial chill. Quinine Is the best remedy for this. Yet when the chills have ceased, there remains a debilitated system, with loss of appetite and poor blood. For this condition take 5c ot t ' s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypcphosphites. The cod-liver oil Is a valuable food, furnishing needed elements to build up the tissues. It also makes rich blood, bringing back color to the checks. TheHypophosphites Increases the appetite, and gives vigor and strength to the nervous system. Whn you auk for ScoH'a fmulilo-i and your 4rufr?lt given yoM a paikag In a Mimon-t'ulnred wrapper with the picture of tha man and flh en lt you can trul that man t In Memory of Nina M. Harrell. Died, of pneumonia, in Pilot Mountain, Surry county, N. C , on Fob. loth, lSHC.iti the 12th year of her at.o, Nina M. Harrell. daughter of Andrew and Dora llarreM. The deceased was lelt a motherles.child, and bein thua. was reared hy her grandmother, ChriNtena Marshall, who wss fond ot the child and be came more and more attached to her as sho grew older. She uas kind and alTcctionatu and was loved and esteemed by all who knew her. Whiiu the bereaved grandmother and a large circle of relatives and trieridb mourn their loss it is with the comforting assurance that she lias entered into eternal rest, having made a profession of faith in our blessed redeemer in the fall of 1 895. She was a birth-wiight member of the society of Friends and lived a consistent Christian until her death. The funeral service was conduct ed by T. Wesley AVooten nt t he Friends Church on Sunday, the 10th in.-it., n I' o'clock, p. m., where a large concourse of relatives and friends met to pay tho last tribute of respect to a loved sister and friend. She was interred near the church to await the final coming of our dear Master. We pnKH n few swift lli-ctiiig yenrs, Ami nil that now in bodies live, Shall quit, like Nina, the vale of tenrj. Our riK'iteuus ventence to receive. Lai ha Woo'ikn. White Plains, Feb. ISih, 1&90. r Siloam Sittings. As I have seen nothing in Thk News lrom this vicinity in several weeks I will endeavor to give a few netne. Mrs. Robertson died of consump tion on the 14th inst. The remains wero take to Forsyth county for interment. The bereavid family has the sympathy of tho entire community. The school in the Pilot district, which is being taught by S. W. Appersn, will close the 14:h of March with an entertainment. Mr. W. M. Cundiff, of Siloam, will deliver an itddress. The 1'ible Society, which meets in the Academy, continues to iu ereafo in number and interest. The ellicient teachers Bre greeted by about a hundred pupils each Sunday eager to learn more of (j-jd's holy precepts. The "Tacky-Party" given at the resuicjiettif Mr. D. J. Scott, on the JIVening of the 14ih, was a decided sneceea. .Nearly all the young people of the town and f urionnd ingcoinmunity were present. Music and games were importf :it features of the occasion and the costumes of the participants .re worthy of n"te. The time sped by on rapid wings until the patting hour, when one and all unanimously declared that, to them, it had been one of the most pleasant events of the new year. Aha. Siloam, N C, Feb. 20th, ls(0. L A and its cra - To Tni Eihtok : 1 hive an ahsol its remedy for 0. it imption. By its timely use thousanits of hopeless rises have tven ilrca.1j' jirrminently cured. So prof-pn$itive am I of its power that I consUer it my duty to trnJ ftto bottlti fra to ttv of yrxir rt :rt who have OTiSumption.Throat, Bronchul or Lunu Trout'le, if tliey ill write me t.'ulr express arid p.toffice aitlress. Siim-frelv, I. A. SLOCUM, M. C, lit mm tt Hew Tort, ar Th K.tttorfeJ and RtuinM Mnaatnrat ol ILM faiMf Oymniaa uu avmua lrujiuu. AAAAAAAAAAA J JOB HIA.TrI 5 PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C, DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. NOTIONS, S niDVITHD? rUDTII 17fD lUilitllUULi, ILllllliliiLU a .0 m eti tTn Domestic Sewing Machine, The IU OB Hi Markrt, faoruiEToa or I Pilot Mountain Livery Stable L And:-: Building :-: Material. ALSO Mtnot AH BlILBtL HI 1 117 1 ( if I ii pp um ni' i nun Aifv mm II UlVl IIVIIUJ IVI illUUlU i 1 Jl T wviuvui I .YES!. THERE-15 NO QUESTION OF DODBT ABOUT THAT. THERE ARE OliTFACTSlTBE CONSIDERED. Houston's Drug Store Ii the ( roper luen to jiy ymir Dru, Nfodi inea, Toilet ArticleH, Ac. Our l)ni: lire StaiiilnrJ. We iic I lie pureal nu'ilieiiio in conipoiifidin. physicians niKscKirnoNS a specialty. We cl'in'l chiim to run u "Cle'tip John Dr.iK Sioro." but our price nro low when we eoiiHiJor thu quality of good sold, The secret loall lion is wo mmi l"f t iiM;. i'iick anitv. una men wny not iiiko buoi i proniM An old, rusty, datt les", CiieelexH penny in rapid cii dilation in worth more to in thi.n n slow, I iirnih, 1 om;tiine d A lur." lIouton'a Urii Store curries nil tluit you can cull tor in tin "UP TO DATE PHARMACY." (Jivo u a eull. Don't forget the vu nit)., ii what we say. J'.vcrytlnnn iNew, rresh and !svnl. Thanking you for past pal ronnge. Truly. D. Blue Ridge Inn Block, IROOM! 4 U room! i KM u'ill bi.II ni I'list. until Anril It.' my stock of pry &oods, 5l am goiiiK North April 1st, tuj buy ii Iiirne st( k of SprinJ and Summer Goods;? 4 A 11(1 HBIU I" ITI' l.l "'J r.-'v .Tjr- My stiK-k ib '(ni.htp. i h I'.nut I .milt flllil I.Hllt if V. Styles. i & Arbuckle's Coffee, 21 Cents.;f SiGranulated Sugar, 5J Cents.x: I. riialikinu you for jour lihernl- liat,riiim;e, I ion, Your to plense, Robert llelton,!v PDiTHtR : fit fir.k M11N STRFFT 1 i,n , 11 1.11 ...vv", ........ 4- MOUNT AIRY, N, C. W. H. SIMPSQ BROKEK. Representing Fifteen Houses On All the Best Markets. Everything in Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries, Fruits and Confections. Lowest market prices Ktven. Oilice in Jovee Mock, at liead of steps, on riht hand side, IronliiiK on .Minn Mreet. jUut-of-town Merchants will nil-use cull or write fur (lelivvi-d prices on nil kinds of vri'Vi: ies. Visiting and Country Merchants cor. iTinily invited to call at oilice. TRUSTEE'S SALE. I!y virtue if authority "f a dix-d of tuul, (x-'tutiit to li. It Kertier liy J- M. llrower ami it Nauuia M. llmwer, on l.ith day ot Dfceliilx r, IMfci, utiil duly reeoided in he rfgiiter's ottice in rurry County, in book No. 10 pnn 19, In wrure the pay ment ni c:-iiai:i lionil, and th mipulrt tinns in siiil tleMl of trust nut lmiii(J liefii ciiaiplieit with, at the rnin-st til the omer ot saiu Iwuil, I, E. U. Joiies, Trustee, a pmiiteil by the tilcrk of tlit Huperior Court of.Viny County, iu a spcial proit I'dnig I'ortlmt iuiji-'bc hlinll ripusc nt pi:ldii' aue. lion, lor tiuili, ou ratiirily, tin-V 1st day ol !Miin l, IM16, t II o'clm k, a 111., in Ml Aiiy, ul ihe lllue lide Inn !, r, iu tli Ouuiily of &uiiy, N. ., Hie IiiIIokiiik Jirop erty; lhirieen humlieil anil filiy-aix acica ollanil, lyiii(t in and a.ljoiuiij( tlie town ol Mount Any, N. C, anjniuing lie- hinJa of M . r'ullon, VV.8. parj:er, A. (i. Mmrt and oitiers, known ai the Oin-ular Saw Mill Tiact or Mnrsliall I-una, and fur a mnrti aeeuraie ilescription and for the !xuuiUi iia ot Mini traci of hihil, sea liel ul tiust, ea ciikiI l',v aael .Ii'liu M. liroMei a.nl wilo to H II. Jiinea, Trustee, ilnleil llie Will iia; of January, lini, and recorded, in biH.k page , in I lie records in ottee ul Kegiater ol 1 e,..!, tr Suiry CuodIv, lem 17 ai-n-a mjld to 1. Kuark. ,mi,ihI Triii't : ll-i(iiiiiin on a locust iu lie- ed.e ol the rtreci ol Muiiut Aiiy, J a. il. Iluih .im'a eorocr, ruiiawitli said llilr biu and It. I . t.ratra V ili-iei s h, . Iiaiiia and 7 1 hulls to a alake, l.rarea' i;uiiir. llM nc witii a. id liraiV tine .s. oJ dearies I.. 1 1 diaina and u In.ks lo a sinkc near ine iil-e ol t lit) p"inl, tlu-ni-r iluwu on llie rat iul aa I lie 'iid meaiident (am deed reeorilt'd in xntk 14, pttj(e !1. hniiy he.ul.t,; to Mdl I'ani, iIk ii.v duwn the river as It liifaudera to the Inideon the road liadiii 1 r- in Moual Airy to llaiu buri, tb' iic w-t lib ai,l road to Ml. line, llieiire ailli tier litis, A. 1. partr, W ui. tiillllih and h. 1. llama' line Ui il ini strtet "I Mo.iut Airy, ttieuce north rut with said street to the br(rintiin(. Containing "o acres mote or lean, leaa a M fSH Itsi, aol J lo tj. C. Wei, h, on hH'bj a small leaf liouac, and - a r--a of uowvr, belonging Iu Mm. M. Jl. Kroner, and m J ioiumu J. M. Iiurbam. TUatlie 17th day of Feuruaiy , ls!'u K. It. JO.SKS, Truaies. Appointed by the Court. LUMBER SHIPPED TO ANY rolST W. A. BOLT, tsrriCTi'Kia iB Mum la Fins Poplar and Ctastniit UzYz !! erdera SlirS promptly, t orrcspotd. he n.ll. net. Adn-sa, W. A. IJOtT, MOt'ST AIRY, '.C I NOTIONS,.- 'S f Boots, S&oes, Hats, GaDs.il :y. n in i ulaco. A trial will convince you ihut A. HOUSTON, Mount Airy, N. C WI Toi nllto tne iittenti.ni of the "i,;.c n( M uml Air) ann stinuiiu.lliij; country Unit wp allll have The Best Supply of Pure Drugs Me dlt'lr.rs. lieiiili nls, Toilet Articles. Patent Mertlrlnea. At?., ie . to be tound In Surry County, and thai we want and Aptt Your Trails, We do not sell "heap John" (foods and do not say we sell you al besp Ji bn prices, but we do say we irlve you THE BEST Tlmt can be bonj;lit and si ll tle m to yon at reasonable nrlcea. W especially wish to call attention lo our supply of TRUSSES If you need one don't tall to come to see us. We have all styles and sizes and with a lontrcx pertei cc can adjust one to lit where If a cure Is potwIMe you will certainly lie cured. Also if you reed a pair of sieetueles we have an abundance of ,! And wecannot suftklently urt'e the Iinportano ol buying, the best when the delicate orifan of sls'ht rs concerned, l-ast but not least, we wiU to call attention to the fa.'t that we are prepared to till your family receipts and physicians' prescriptions Willi Skill and Accuracy WPh lcn years' practical cxperlenco In your midst and a J'in' trulnlng Iu one of the lu st collegia of I'harma y In the United Htalea, we dure say no one will heal late to put the most uimcult or Intricate prescript Ion in our bands. Very Truly. TAYLOR & BANNER Male Academy OPENS JANUARY 8th, 1896, And continues in session for Ht5 montha A first clasa preparatory school for Iwy and yottiig men. Thorough, practical work is insisted usin. Si'nd us your hoy, we will do him good Kates reasonable. (V"Writefur information. R. C. CRAVEN, Principal Jan-U-im -Otal.Ka IN- Mil Burial Robes, Slippers, 4c. A full slock of all iizeN and qualities kept on naiiu, ami ai reaaonaote prices. More room, uiwiaira over M. I., ratter s.in'a stor, on Klain Street. Kesidente, ntst lioiine North ul the railrnad. Land at Private Sale. I have fiiSI acred of Vadki river hot torn and upland for ala whn h 1 will rut inlo tracts to anil purchasers anil sell at low prices lur part ctnh and lonjj tim". well secured n"e. Tlie lands are rated i atuoiir the very best for the production of lh liner K'lca f toliaeivi as well as o cum and email i;riii. The titlr is IH-rfeet 4111I taitrleaiM.ulile in taw and 1 will make to purchaser di la iu fee with full cove- uanum warran'y. l inn Isaly of land lies aluna the east hank of Ihe Yadkin river, milei. above Ion- ualia deSH anil la I aversed by ilia V. A W. Kailmad, and has on it a ll.i st.iticm for ps- e;er and a aide trick fur the ahtpiuent of timber. wimmJ and lumber. Avk i.lron A Manly, of WiusUio, and Jamea It. I-ewellvn, of llnhaon, a out Hie title, tie-) know nil almt it and will tell you the truth. I.awvrr J.C. lliivtim, o.' Wi-nt.m K. C.. kooaiiu; Ihe title to be perf'S'tly gi"sl, made a eaah bid of near K urn l for t bia laud on the ltbday of 1 tret-iulirr, l14. I bis la iiiou tinned aolcly for Ibe puisaM of cole 1 1 acinic Mida that tbe falae atatenieala put iu eirciiIalioB through malie or urnor ani c are Im wurth amicinf. il.all )e oa the plane for sometime and when aol there Hugh Martin will ahasr the prefer!? JOHN A lt(VIEX. I'treli, K. Jan. Sftk, l-Hl. Wanted . men anlilu estab lishment by a yuung inin ol energy and gmxl t'liainras qua'.ifli-ittiofia. (iutxl retervnee eiren, A ldre, liUX X. l.'i.-U. li." JcfTwraOit, N. C. ..Hill I CARTLAND, li simian Tail1, a- OF GREENSBORO, N. C, :-: RECEIVED : u. th i.Tr,mr Iinorted Choviot.s, L0 Vicuna.Sf ISSffl Cfi.ssimers. PAST CLOTH IS ALL STI LES. WRITE FOR SAMPLES. Has duett, Coon & Co's popular brand of Shirrs, Dress Negligee Chevoit Underwear, Canes and Umbrellas. II. II. CARTLAND 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, Tnos. Fawi ett, H.L. fiwvN, 3n. II. Rpahokh, M. L. Fawcitt Tresidetit. 1st Vice I'res'dent. 2nd Vice President. Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Mt. Airy. UrOIiPUKATEIi. CiipitiU, lt.0,000, Pnld I p. DTRBCTOR8. Thus Fawcett J. H PpRrer, M. L. FaHcett, R. 0-yn, C. I,. Hanka. This hank sulii'its the aceoiims of .Mendiants, Manufacturers Fnrmers ana Individuals. The accounts tif the Merchants located in towns adjacent received on favorable terms. The funds of our customers are seeured by two imrplar proof ateel chests and the Yale Time Look. Interest nllovved on HaviiiKS lleposita. I J U U J V U J Planters' Warehouse, MO'LTNT VIR Y, IST. C, FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! TM's Warehouse Is 'nested In the business part ol lo n convenient totb Bank and the leadlni ,Intiisrs. It Is mtuateil within a fen alepaof bucim-Tllleyn l,eiif House. Prmlier Whlika-k's To b,u.co Kai'lory and the mammoth Ton tco Works of Hpari;er llroa., and In fact "ouvenleut to all our tobacco nien, besides which we have the Best Accommodations for Man and Stock of any House in the State. our sales since the first of October he been almost double any two warvbonses In Mount Airy w h.cb Is strong evidence that THE PLANTERS' IS THE PLACE TO SELL! Mr. .?. A. Ncwsiin. our Auctioneer, la selt-known sanne of the bpst In the sure. Mr. E F Wall Immr HihiK kepper. b Is a iruuranter that our H'siks will lieaccuruletv kept. Mr W T llu) nes Patrick coiitity. Va . r'loor Mmuirer; K A. Newsmn. or ttiokea eouotv. Nitrlit Watchman and N. w. Ilruwi. Hunerlntcnda the suit-of e,rj pile of Tobacco put tin our floor and seealhatlt brlurs Kllll Market Value. tsr-We have one ot t lie Best Arranged Basement forstorlnif and ordering Toimcco to befimnd i) where. s vou nee I not tear when you a art lo Mount Airy wuti your Tobacco but drive t- ie pl.ANTKKs' wni re y hi will iwnve the very tn-st s'.-ouiniodatlonK. t"All Totucco sliipiie,! to or leti In our care wld receive our very best attention. Come and see us while in town, whether you have torureo or not. Thansinif one and all for Ibe very llocral patrnnnire given in In the past and pledclne our aeivin Ui Hlways tie on baud lo look alter ibe interests ol our customeis; as we very well know Your friends, IT. ;sioce rtte 0f . LUMBEB, Sasli, Doors We Manufacture All Kinds of "7 m,nih Mantels, Door rtnd Window Frame. Turned. Work St roll-Sw ,rir, Stair-Work, Moul.linrr of a! kinds Flooring Ceilins ' Siding (using and all kind ol FmUI.ed Lt.mUr. We Carry In Stock Mau'riS L,1'l't, S,,!nK Plastering Lathe,, and all kinds Building a, n , ia i. ilford Lumber H'fg Company, THE GRANITE CITY M U linen tan, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Owns Some 900 Acres of Land One-third of wliiel. IK in Trtwn f si.a l...t. town If you warn to rem a rcaidenoo or store room, or. I ddir. lo pun haao rronertv n or near M,,.,ni ' ' . ' 1 acmre 10 r t . iiiformalinn liy letter. -We offer S.tH-il Indufemcnt. to tho rropofciIlff t0 xMi mn. ufactorin entcrprmoa. Corrkspomdihc i SouciTib. e1"1"' ' "'"- ppi T. Doors, Sash If you are going to build a houac In, WE MANUFACTURE anal aea r wnla aa. MILLAR BROS, Winston, X".C, - : spring :: STYLES. aovaunn is rr EE Tricots, B GREENSBORO, N. C. p 3 LE -AT- BROWN, HAYNES & KEWSOM. AIRY MABBLE WORKS. Mount Airy, N.C. W. 0. HAYNES L CO , Proprietors. roite limits Tombstones, Iron Fencing, or Marble for Mmi Fiirm&c. for Deslifis and prices or call and examlu" our slock, our work and prices win pl?ase. and Blinds. ""Ji "c win oc gi lo iriec .n ' B. McCARGO, Sec'j and Treas. and Blinds. aure yo. find hrf, M h AT SHORT KOTim nwrw niic-i prison ('ma I P T I I A A f I A L A A A A mint