Blood Poison. Coeafrjon B'oxl Poison hit bean ap. f roprmltiy called the curse of mankind, t i the one disease that jihysiriani ran. not mre; their mercurial ami potash remedies only bottle op the poison io the system, to surely break forth in more virnient form, resulting in a total wreck of the system. Mr. Prank B. Martin, a prominent jeweler at 926 l'ensylvania Ave., Waah- ingicn,iJ.t.,KAy: I was for long time under treat nient of two of the best physi cians of this cty, for a serere case of blood poison, bnt my condition crew worse all 't the while, not V withstanding the .Wit tt 11... f 1 1 y muh it.ij Wt charged me three IvfY My month was HHed witu eating sores; my tongue wai almost eaten away, so that for three months I was nnable to taste any solid food. Mybairwas coming out rapidly, and I was in a horrible 6. I had tried rations treatments' and was nearly dis couraged, when friend recommended 8..S.S. After ' had taken four bottles, I becan to get better, and when I had finished eighteen bottles, I was cured sound and well, my skin was without blemish, and I have had no return of the disease. S.8.S. saved me frotn a life of misery." S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) will enre any case of blood poison. Books on tbediseata end its treat merit, mailed free by Swift FpeclSc Co., Atlanta, Oa. MORTGAGE SALE By virtus of (lie power comalned In a in. ulnars deed, X"cnlcil lo ins liy It. I,, Ci'tnge and M. I. tienrirn. his wife, on ths lHh ily t .Inniiiiry, le'.ifi, niul recorded Iti Cie of umrt;;sxi's, in tlis'ltogistcr's ollhe. of Surry tniiuly, it: hook I i psn 1.7J. 1 will sell fur cash, at tha Court limine iliior lu Dnhsnn, on Tuesday, uarch l?lh JKiMl, all or U L Orange's one sixth In forest In tin' tract nl land lately beliinitlng to Andy tieorge, ilioeaed r'nr further Information concern I mk this land sec the houiiil.tries alven in the inert Kami ilri'd deaerihed slme. Hold to sntinly a ili'lit J IA.(M) and interest and co-t to siid. Ksl). Wlh, m. C. W. HtlNKKK, Mortgagee. NOTICE. Thomas Howell J Surry Coiiuly, N. C, vs. I in .superior Court, Aila Howell. I Soring Tci 111, iHI'll. ) Acll hi for llivnn t . In this cane It appearing to the court that the defendant is a lieceinii y party in tlit above entitled a1l(n and t the personal execution ol siiinmdns cannot lie had ac cording to la, and tlutt the defendant Is not a resident of North Carolina, it is ordered said Miniiinins he executed hy publication in The MoInt AlaY , a paper published in !Smry County, N. C, for six successive, wreel s, eoiiinwintling tlie siid dcleuilaut to mukv her appearance at Hie next Superior Court lieuu and held in '.'ie town of Dolison, Surry County, N. C, on the third Monila alter the fourth Monday in Kehrunry, If-"', and aawar or demur to the plainlift'a peti tion lor divorce, ami let the defendant take notice thai if she fails to appear and plead according to law the phiintitt' will auk I'm judgiuen according to relief in smd pelt Hon. 1 liia Jan. ilOili, s'.l,i. W. W. II iMl'I'OX. C. C- Dissolution Notice. State nf North ) In the matter of partner Caroliua, Sur- ship of W. 8, Forbes with ry Comity. i.Npaijrcr Brothers, Mount 5 Airy, N. C. Notii"e is hereby given that the special partnt'cship existing between SV. 8. Forties, f Kicliinoud, Vs., and J, II. Sparger and It F. SjMiger, trading as Sparger tiros., of .omit Airy, N. C in which partnership the li.ioility of W. . Forbes was limited. Said siecil partnsrship ending by ton tra t Jan. 1.0th, lfiltl, Id by muliisl consent dihvilrcd, W. s, Forbes retiring fiuin said firm. 1 he business will be Conducted by Spai ger ltroa. aloresniil, ho will receive its aseU and psy its dobts. This L'Oth day of Jitnuary, ly6. W. S. Foriiks. Notice of Land Sale. By virtue of decrees made at the spring term of the Superior Court 01 fcurry county, 1895, in the following cases: Jno. L. Worth against It. Frank Johnson, Jno. L. Worth against S. Mart Johnson, Jno. L. Worth against Achilles Johnson, Jno. I,. Worth against W. Yancey Venablu, Jno. L. Vonh against Nathan W. Dinkins, appointing me c-immissioner, I ViU sell at public auc tion at the court house door in Dobson, on Monday, the 16;h day of March, 1!90, (same being the first day of the spring term of the Supc-rior Court,) at 12 o'clock, M., the following real estate: First tract adjoining the lands of J. C. Cooper, Louis Johnson and others, on the waters of Hull Hun, containing 30 acres. Second track, adjoining the la;ids of K. 1). Kej, I.ouis Johnson and others on the waters of Bull Kun creek, containing 50 sitcs, more or less. Third track, lying on the waters of Bull Kun creek, adjoining the lands of J. C. Coojier, Frank Johnson and others, containing 20 acres, more or less. Fourth tract, lying on the waters of Bull Kun creek, adjoining the lands of A. L. FOades, lyouis Johnson and others, containing 65 ATes. Fifth tract lying on the north side of the Dolison road, near Snatchville, adjoining the lands of Jno. M. Bryant, Kurai Doss and others, containing 45 acres, more or less, to satisfy Judgment for balance of purchase money fur said lands, aggre gating the sum of alxmt $l,000,eosl and interest to be ad.Vd. Terms of sale made known on day of ale. Feb. 11th, 1S06. W. F. CAKTF.K, ommissioner. OBFOL1C AND RAILROAD. TICKETS 80LD TO ALL POIKTS: OHIO, IMOIJtHA, ILLIKCiS, WISCONSIN, Kigggum, Kansas. NEBRASKA, COLORADO, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, TEXAS,-. rtnsT CLASS, SECOND class NO CMinatANT TICKETS. THE BEST ROUTE TO THE NORTH AND EAST. mtWAII VftTltSICD CBUCHft, ltf!Pil 9 0''! C'S tz imi roui Ttcurrs ru ovti the 'MiKtassitT, artr ouicaxrr tiNt. t Ins. V l ni,a 0 Ui .ma' THE MORAL OF IT. i It wa. nftrr sunset before Cult In ncool(xl In rwmiitnringtlm (.wont pcrtoncod burros, who, fleslrirtg broak in thoir Jowrnoy tord the dosort, btvl withdraivn during the night and found netful nxj.uttion in tbo donso pino oak bruith oa the neighboring hillsida , Thus it anno about f lint U10 rtidly li'jht of Calkins' campfire ngnin at tracted an. Tbo convcrfvition took a wiuo rang at flrnt, but a),,irou.,bol a foens whon ono of the par'-y, the old lady with the blitok mits, rcfor ft'. U tlii gonornlly prnyniiing drought Fho tnonflonod In thin con. ncotion arrx:ent tirwapnjior rotiort of a church uteiding in ftonio nrid bcc tioa of tho north west, wlinrv genoral prnyera for rain wcro ofTerod with uch immndiafo c(Tx;t that fho con grcgntion.who worounprovidod with umbrellas, wore drenched on their way homo. 'Purely a colucidcTJco," flijvjwntly anggrwtod Mnnton, n rocont imiwrfiv tion from the effcto east "I regard it as a most atriking il lnnlrattun of tho oflkacy of all ain coro and earnest prayer, " reproving ly remarked tho old lady with the mita "What do yon any, Mr. Calkins?" inquired Mnnton inmbiuilied. "I'm aure youll arrroo with me." Our host stirred up tho fho before expressing hinisolf. "You're dead right, tua'aml" he at length replied, Ignoring Stanton, "There's notliin prayer won't do if you're in earnest and pray hard enough, and don't pray for too much nor too little, and atop right there. But you can handi cap a good, Btronir, willin prayer, anmo as you can any thi ng else, n ml ita bound to balk and make troublo. " "1 fear I do not graap your mean ing, Mr Calkina, " said tho old lady with tho mita, laying down her knit ting and regarding Calkins with a look of puzzled inquiry. "P'r'ups 1 wasn't very clear, ma'am, but I bad In mind a queer eH'rleneo of my own In tho arnest prayor lino nome yours ago, way up north in Trinity, which '11 illustrate mymeanin better 'n any explanation I can give." Calkins settled himself again out of the lino of the sparks and smoke, which his late attention to tho fire had provoked, and began: "It was in tho winter of 1875, and 1 wag carryinmail from Gorman's over to tho Brown Boar end Rjund ont camps and made the round trip onco a week on snowshoes When 1 was at Gorman's, which was four days in tho week, I stopped with a Frenchman named Firot, who work ed a drift claim on the rivor. We bunked in a shako cabin, back of tho hotel corral, and got along middlin well for tho first month wo was to gether Evenin's wo'd generally turn up at tho hotel, and after sittin by tbo firo with the rest in the saloon for awhile we'd finally drop Into old man Gorman's private parlor and listen to Kittio Gorman playin on tho parlor organ. I aways liked mnsio, bnt I hadn't no faculty at produein it, so I'd just sit and listen while Kittio'd play, and Tirot, who had a big, throaty voice, would now and then sing to Kittio 's accompaniment "This wns all well onough at first, but after two or three weoks I found it dull and uninterestin, just sittin thore on the cold, slippery, black haircloth sofa, with never a word norachanco for ono with Kittio, who seemed all took up with l'irot and the music, and only'd speck to mo when she wanted another stick on tho firo. Then, after awbil-i, I stop, pod goin into tho parlor and would sit in tho saloon until bedtime, feel in mad all through to hear Pirot singin and Kittio playin away for dear lifo to keep up with him on the gnspin old organ in tho next room. Then I grow bitter, because I knew that whilo naturally Kittie liked mo best of tho two at tho sumo time sho was worldly minded liko her fa ther, the old man Gorman, and felt Pirot was a better match on account of his river claim, while I wasn't much account, from a ready money point of view. Thon of course I had. a fallin out with Pirot about nothin in partie'lar on tho surface, as I can recollect of I did pretty much all tho quarrel in, I'm free to allow, for Pirot said nothin, but just laughed in a way that made mo madder, and 1 moved out of the shake cabin to an old adobe higher up the hilL "Next day I started off before sun up 011 my regular trip with the mail for Brown Bear and Hound out I al ways got the best start I could, so'a to get well up the range while the crust was hard, and before tho sun bad been tip long enough to mellow things up and make it awkward for me, for I wasn't very handy even yet with them long Norwegian snow shoes. I never stopped on the trip for nothin, bein always mon1 anxious to get through than to rest, but this partie'lar ruornin I'm teKin of I'd started out feelin languid and dis pirited, and by the time I d struck the summit I felt sort of dead beat ont My fiMt was cold and cramped from too iiyht buoklin of tho Klines, and altogether I made up my mind to sit down for a minute or two and p(t pulled togother aijain bofore I started on. "Thore wasn't much wind, and tlie sun was out warm and comfortable, and U10 idea of stretchin out tl ere on the snow for ton minutes' rest just suited me. I sat down with my back rest in against an old di4 stump that came up through the siiow, un buckled the shoo, unslung the mail pouch from ray shoulder tnd took out the little snack of bread and meat I'd brought along and which I gen er Jly eat on the way without mnk in any special stop for it "While I aa ctin, loikin off down tlie klnpo I'd just clinbed up, thinkin what bad luck I'd s ruck all along the la.-it few months, my eye caught on to some lines in the scrap of newspaper I'd wrapped r mud tlie lunch aud vthioh was lyinepnwd out oa my k g undtr the second piece of broad just withir good road in dis tance. I don't just recollect 'ut how the words read, but the or ft of it Was that lota of men faileu n gt-ttin b jt they waartl is ilia w.irld jut j tvan they didn't, want i lard I enough and didn't keep nskin and prayin for it until they got it. T ieno line somehow hit my case, it seo nod to mo. 1 hadn't had much early ro ligious tralnin, and the idea of Just prayin hard for what you wa .fed and gottin it struck tuo as some thin new and simple and very sati.' fae tory. There was no end of things 1 wanted, and wanted bad, and if they was to bo had by jttHt wnntin 'em bad enough and ak in for 'em violent enough 1 was goin to got 'em sura "Then 1 says to myself, why not tart in right now with a silent pray er? Bo I set at it. I closed my eyes and squeeze my lids togother hard I was so dead in earnest It was a terriblo swoepin, vigorous pray.rr 1 handed in. First, I wanted good luck In a general way and nskod for it hard. Then I got maro down to par tio'lars, and asked to Ijo rich and prospnror.'i, and wound up with a sort of side banded suggestion that it would suit mo down to the ground to have Pirot fall off his luck and get poor, whilo I grew rich- All this wasn't right, of ootirso, as I seo now, ma'am. But I wann't so much pray in for had luck to Pirot for ita own sako, aa for tho effect of it all on my gottin on with Kittio Gorman. "When 1 prayed for the blight on Pirot, I was so sorter brought up by tho whole business that just, I sup. poso, to give things a pui tio'lar point I fired out my right leg bo vigor ousliko and struck tho miowhIioo to which I'd buckled tho mail touch so bar I, that zip! whis! liko a shot it was on its way down tho hill. It made a clear shoot fir about S00 fivt, every now and then spinnln almut, when an end would strikoa snag, un til it brought np short against a lndo that cropiMd out across its track, sending splinters of stnno all about when it struck, for, with tho mail pouch buckled on to it, it picked up considerable sjhmkI and hit hard. It bounded up and turned clean over, and then stopped altogether, held from slldin any further by the crop pin's "Well, ma'am, whilo that snow shoo was pirouottin down tho slope, 1 was that surprised and mad all through that, although I'd just boon writhin in prayer, as you might say, 1 let loose a lino of language that if thero'd boon any stop or feelin to that Rtiowshoo it would have brought up within CO feet I mention this with regret, ma'am, becauNO 1 feel now that if I hadn't been moved to mako them remarks, just fresh on top of tho prayer, things would havo turned out different But, bein young and hot headed and thought less then, of course I didn't look ahead for consequences. "There was nothin to do but go down to tho ledgo whero tho snow shoe lay, pick it up and tho mail pouoh and get on my way again. Tho edgo was rotten with tbo weather and pretty well broke up already, and nside from tho small pieces just knocked out of it thoro'd been ono big chunk loosonod up, which had rolled just away irom tho ledgo and lay with the fresh break turned up to tho sun and da.zlin me wit1) its brightness. "No, young man" this to a know ing suggestion from Man ton "it wasn't mica of course, nor mica at all. That piece of rm'k was just criss crossed all over and through with ooarso wire gold. I stood starin at it full minuto before I could get it through my head that I was lookin at rock that would go over .",000 to tho ton; that I was the discoverer and owner of that ledge, and that findin it just meant to mo everything worth bavin, iiicludin of cvurso first and foromost riches and Kittie Gor man. "Whilo I stood there I recollected with a start that riches and prosjier ity and Kittio Gorman was what I'd fceon prayin for hard for five minutes before, and hero it all was within reach in answer to that prayer, just as if it had been on tap, so to speak, all tho timo, nnd I'd just turned the spigot. Naturally I was some excited, but I kept cool enough to put up monuments and a location notice all right, and christored tho claim the 'Heavenly Snowshoe,' as bein some what appropriate to the situation. "You can imagine, ma'am, 1 wasn't in no state of mind after this to keep on with tho mail to Brown Bear and Roundout I just wanted to get back to Gorman's aud let 'em know about tho striko. Ho I climbed up the bill again for tho other shoe, pounded off some good sjiocimeiis to show what I'd found and was back again at Gorman's a little after sun set "When 1 went down to tho hotel after I'd cooked my supper and cloaned up at the adobe, I could hear Pirot singin and Kittio playin aeeom paniments, as usual, but instead o'i rilin me, as it had all along, I just laughed to myself when I thought of the 'Heavenly Knnwshoe' and of how quick this would all be knocked in the head when Kittie and old man Gorman learned of my pood luck. I went into the sale on first, whero I could generally coun on findin the old man of an, but they said he was in tho iarlor with l'irot and Kittio takin in tho music "When I went in after k mx kin, they all looked surprisod and didn't seem very hearty, but I knew what had come to mo ui. i what was coin in to Pirot and didn't mind, but started in right away and told 'em what I'd found, him! oeiKl up the flour sack I'd brouj lit my specimens down in. and hi id Vra all out 0:1 the table under the lig'it of tho ban gin lamp, where they showed up richer 'n any specimens ever I sea. They all got round the table and admired 'cm, and Kittio was very friendly, and the old man Gorman got very much interested and excited over it alL although he was generally pretty cold blooded about most things. "There wasn't any more singin or playin tint evenin, and pretty quick Pirot said good ni,'ht and left us, lookin chfK'rful. Old man Gorman asked me all aorta of questions about the size and dip of the lodge and tho nature of the croppin'a, and Kittie at by the t-tblo and was brigutor nnd chattier than I'd noen her in a month. When I told the old man I'd looudxl him in with ine on the claim, be waa p'resed all through, and we arranged, to meet next mornin and talk np tho best way of bnndlln tho property. Then at last wo said good night all round, and I went up to tho auolio feelin all toned up with sat infliction at t!m Mjlo in which my prayer was workin. "Next day old man Gorman and me bad our talk out, and it was set tied between u that we was to !o cato extensions of the 'Hnowxhoe,' start in duvclopiti and iiieorwirnte tho whole business right away, set tin aside part of tho stock for what old man Gorman called a 'workin capital,' and m nntinm the old man was to put up for expenses. T!;in;.- went on nlmoht too smooth for the next monfb Tli" I'-dgo t.'jy.-ued up very promisln. Kitlio was more friendly oviry day, and, as for Pirot, bo never turned up nowadays any way when I was round. "Now my folks back in Missouri'd boon writinon an average oncocvery six months' fur tho last five years, urgin mo to como home and seo 'cm before they nil died off, but I 'd never bad no mentis to go or any way to get any up to now. But when anoth er letter en mo about thin time, still naggin tooomeon, I showed it to old Gorman, for ho said I'd got to go, and 1 e'd lend tno tho money to fro with and lonk nfter thin;: whilo I wjs gone, 'lite old man kept his word. lie did I'Hik niter things, 11a you'll seo, ma'am. "Well, this was in April. I put back and saw tho folks, took a liltle general pnsseiir all round, and it wns way into August beforo I fetched up one evenin on the stao at ( Ionium's again. At the first glance, before I got down, 1 see thero'd lieen some considerable changi-s in the hotel since I'd b(en gone. Tho main build in 'd been repainted, nnd thero was aootnpleto new outfit of red settees on tho front porch. A strango man, with tho air of ownin the wbolo plant, came out frotn the office, and there was no sign of old man Gor man or Kittio standin in the front door, as was usual when tho stage came in. "1 felt a sort of s'nkinat theheart at nil this, as though somethin bad wns Koin to happen to me. I wasn't kept long in doubt, 'though, about the stnteef things. I hadn't I10011 off tho Htago fivo minutes when I learn ed it all. (Juick as I'd left old man Gorman sold Pirot all tho 'workin capital' as a starter. Then lt ween 'em they worked up a scheme to ell nioout 011 a delinquent assessment. Then tlicy struck an Knglish syndi cate and sold out tho proMTtyata bigflgura Next thing Kittio been mo Mrs. Pirot, old man Gorman closed out tho hotel, and the three of 'eui lit out for no 0110 knew where. "Well, ma'am, I won't dwell on fiy feel in'B or bow I expressed 'em when I heard nil this and found it true, for that's neither hern nor there. I could see, after I'd cooled down and reflected, just how it nil camo about. I'd 'hoodooed' every thing up thero on the summit by ing for bnd luck to striko Tirot, and by usin the pointed language I'vo re ferred to so closo on top of my pray er when the 'Snowshoo' went down tho hill. "This, I think, ma'am," conclud ed Calkins as he roso and stirred up tho campfire, "will illustrate my re mark that while there's nothin pray er won't do if you'ro dead in earnest and pray hard enough, at tho same time it s just ns true that if you over load your prayer or pack a lot of truck on it that don't belong to the load, or show temper whilo it's tr.iv elin, it's just bound to go be Iky and mako trouble for you. ' Kansas City Times. Weak, lrritable,Tired I Wes No Good on Earth." Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens the weak, builds up the broken down constitution, and permanently cures every kind of nervous disease. "About one year ago I ira afflict rd rtth M?riNao, flrritlemmneu, t'rrrpinf uennatton fx my Irgt, ttllght palpitation mf my heart, IHti-actia smh0H n( thrntiml, Brrloum torn or lapmr f memory. Weight down with rare and trorrg. I completely tout appetite. And felt mv vitality treating ont, I trs treak, irritable tired, Sty freight tram reduced to tOO lb., In fact I trmm mo good, on earth, A Mend brought me Dr. Mile' book, "' ?k ling Psou," and I anally decided to try a bottle of I'R. Miles' Ke oratlve NerTtne. Wore t had taken one bottle I could sleep as well aa a Kl-yr.-old buy. My appetite returned creaUy Increased. H he I had taken the mijrth bottle tly weight inr reamed to tit) bm.. The menmation inmy tegm mram gone; My arrrrt mtcamied completely; My memorw team fully remtored. My brain mrrtned clearer t ban erer. 1 felt am good am any man on earth. Dr. Mlleo Kent orotic Serein im 4 great meaicine, M wra you." Augusta, Me. Walter K. Bchbaxk. Dr. Miles' Tierrlne Is sold on a rxttlT1 iriaraiHet, that the flrvt Imllle wtll tirnet't. All ilnii.vll rll It at 11. S Uillli fi.r Y or It will 1 M-nt. prepaid, a reo int of prl.-e by Uw I'r. Milua tletllcai Co, Elkhart, Ind. Dr Aliles' Nervine Restores Health Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach., malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTTS Liver PILLS Relief in Six Hours. Ilia reading Kiilney cad fi!aMer dneaer relinej in six lmors by the "' Great South American KiJner Cuie.' This remedy is a rn'al iurr-rie on account i f it eiceding pri-niptners la reli"injj uia ill tbe blaiiji-r, k itinera, hvk and every part 4 the urii ary iiaownrea in male or fema'e It Tt liee retention ef aster and ruin iu tain7 it alnufct imuwdiat.-ly. If nt mik relief a ail cure it, is is yiw reSMtlv. Sold M Tat lot A banner. I'nif (urta, Meuul Airy, K. '. ( The Iicovry Hated Ilia Life Mr. U. ('uilloiiuttu, I)ruiiit, 'tt-iivenvilli!, III., sm: "To Dr. King's Now Diacvery I owo niy it '. VV 11 tiiken iih L (iriiie and tried all llio ph) iciui, lor milt' about, but of im 11 v h 1 1 and wa iren up and told I could nut lire, Having J)r, Kin'a Ni Diae'ivory in mj store I Rent for 8 Iml'lo and beun i m use 11 fid from the flrnt dose bi';m' to get better, and itfu-r usinif three buttles was up nnd 11 In it nain. It i worth its weight in ff"U. We won't k'-ep store or house witlntiii il" (hi n fn triul tit Taylor A Jiutmer'a Drug Mliiro. Mi. ThotiiHs CMnimrton. one of ilielicst known citizens of Northern (triiiiville, while attending n unt;i trte' court at liullock, dropjied (lend Monday jtint a lie took the Vt itllCHS btHtld. Cur f'wr llniKlurlip. As s ri-mcdy for all form of flimd sclic F'li cti ic liiltt'is bus (irovuil to bo tha Very bus', Ii cll'erls n mr 111:1 lie nl euro niul I ho most ilrcudud imhittml Kick hi'uduclics yield tn iu infliiriico W'u ur)o till w ho urn at" flicit'd to il'i it'll ro 11 biiLlh. nnd n'lVi 1 his rcinudy 11 f'uir trial. In cases of 1 1 11 1-i 1 11 it I ciitinHtiii Eh't'inc Ibl turn cures by giving the rien led ton. lo thfl bowels, and few Ciimco hnii resist the nc ol this mcilicino Tn it uni t'. Filly corns and fl 00 at Taj hn ii Burner's Drug Sioru. Sotno ono Iih said thut opportnnl tic for doing (rood c une hb frp (iictitly us opportunities lor tJuin-. ev'l, but tho former nre not recog nized as often h tho hitter. Itiicklcii's Arnlni Halve. Tho 15 st Snlvo in tin World nr 'ills, itriiisea, K.ii'i'S, Ulcer, ,S:ilt U'ii mui, Fever Hurcs, Tfltef, Cluiip eil IIiiimU. ( ' Ii 1 Iti lui ni'f, ('urns, niul all Skin Kriiptioiis, nmt positiveiy lire" l'ili s, or no pay i-i quired It giiaraiiteeil to give peileet sulis liittinn or money refunded. IVicc 25 en's'per box. Fi-r sale by Tay- or & li.i' lier. "Bii 1 10-nt costs cotton planters more than five million dollars an nually. This is an enormous waste, and can be prevented. Practical experiments ?A Ala bama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of " Kainit" will prevent that dreaded plant disease. Om pampMefi are not tdvertiinK cirruUr brvwn (pf pciaI leriiltfrr. but re pra tit 1 works, contm ing the result 1 of (aiMi rxpenments in lhi I in. Kvery cotton farmer ahould live copy. '1 hey sr KQt free fyf the asking. (itRMAN KAI.I WORKS, ym Numu i.t New Yt.Iu CATARRH is A Loca 1 Disease till 1.1 hi' ri'Mi'i i if i-fii.1 ri Mill l. li i II im. !' iliiMiit,'!". i Oiin bt riin-il h a iii-h nt PMiie.t) Willi h Is nppii. . Iir-i-ll. Irro l.i. nnsiili! 'fii" ipiii'iiiy hiisorned i .rlvr-, ri'liri ui onee. i'.Lx's Cream Ru. Hmklni' l. iK-r-.', l.i lie (he m. i,.tu . ..t '.ir Nii-s. (Ht.-rn. Cul-U m lli-j,i ai.j II i ever i'i .ill r-m- li.-e.. It om ms m il im.hhi -w h- llnvil i.iW!i,., aili.w p.ilti a Irl InlMliilru 1 11 l 1 1"' iK'S. ITnlei'ts 'In- niemiirsnr pun cnli'K, ri'i-ri s 11, k. n in ol m.m- mil ini'U i'rt:'i y.. PruvuiHianr hv mull KLY BKOTII KltH, M M arr-n UU. Se Vnrk. rouR Wall Paper AT WHOLESALE PRICES. 00 I d' HU'iihSc and u;ii WnrnuiU'1 In m Icvmii k.rili a'. J nin nr iiiui.e) TlDle I " iI'mk -airi- low run ) ri'lund.-il. c.. I "-iii . for pivi'uv:' iltli,.-! wlipn I li -rli l'. F. II. A1)Y. WrainiT M . rnnliU'ni e R I. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO CLUES SSD StiENTS. HA" BALSAM w-. 71fnM avud b'ttUiM tha halt. ' W ' J !'r..nt. a laiufUiit (Trxiwfr. . 7 I Nr FiU to .toi Crtj Wi J 1-air to ita Vmiti.iul C&oi. NT) , 4iii rip r! a a & hair tkttj. HiMnruennNs tun to Um ksti, MUa aAui , UM at Unu.i Break fast - Suppor. EPPS'S Grateful Conaforting. COCOA Boiling Water or Milk. r EN HY ROYAL P2LLS '-wt,V. aan aniii' iitl a.k ; -f .-h l. ri'4Hi T aa sWL tasaikaa. 4t..rto ,K.(a- 1-4 nanr hn fwMfi-'in I ' !.ilaU i aLl 1 It.MMt T -t ituLiala riwr. la at aai Uaai iHutt. fail, NOTICE. North Carolina, j In Superior urry county. ) Court. W. A. V. Jones vs. Thomas J. Adams, It atiin'srinc from the atlidaiit of V, A. (.'. Junt-s in this action that Thomas J. Adams, th defendant therein is n-il to tie found in Surrj counrj and cannot, alter one oui'enee, ue utiina in the State, and it liirtlier appesriiiR that said artiuii relates to real estate, or in eirliidinu any intereft or lien that ti e defendant may have in said real estate which is the subject of this action, and that said defemiatit is a non-resident ol (his Hate and that the court has juris diction of the subject matter of the ac tion; lr is, tliert fure, ordered that no tice of this art 'oil be p'jlilmhed once week fur six successive weeks in the ML Airy News, a iiecpaer published in the town of lit. Airy, in said county, setting forth the title of this action.! lie purrxiM of tiif same and rouirini; I ha di-K-iiuaiit to apfrfcr at thr neit term of the Sutierinr t'ourt of !urry county to hr held on 3rd .Monday in March, at tlie I eurt House in IM'tNuia in said county and ansaer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff, or the relief therein dmar-ded will tw granted W W. HAMrTUN.C.K C. Ftb. 4th, 1WXJ. ,,,),,.,..llnwtfTVW'mTll'ellA'1,1 for Infahts and Children. THIRTY year.' oWrratloa f Caatoria with tho jarniif oot BlIHrms of parsaaa. pwrmlt .paah if It wtliiM pwl... THsjsBqnarHima1lMlh omt raBadlyfonfatj4jCfcWr tha wrorlil lias eyer li sewn. It la hai-mla... CbUJraa Uka It. It rim im liealta. It will aara their IWaa. la It Mothara liara aomathlna; which I. abaolntaly aafa and praotloally jfortoet aa a child's meillclna. CnrtoHa Afrojm Vsnst, Castnrla allay. FeTarl.hnaaa. CaatoHarwataomlBa;JIaCBr4. Ca.torla enre. Dlarrhnwa a ad Wind Colic. jCaaterla rallerea Taethlng Tronhlaa. , Castorla enres Con.ttpatioa anil Flataleaejr. Caetcrlit neutralises th effects of rarhonlo arid gaa or ynlaoaoas ale. Ca.torla doe, act coatala morphlaa, ejlnm1or other atareatle property. Ca.tnrla .Initiate, tha food, r-tnlat. tha stomach and Tqwela, lvng Jboalthy and natnral sImb. Ca.torU la pit ap la naa-alga pottloa only. It la Bot acid la hnlh. Don't allow any one to sell yoa anything oa tha plea orjrmla that It Is " jat aa good " and " will an.wer QTary ynrposo." too thwt yoa fat C - A - S - T - O - Tho fr-lmllo slgnaturo of Children Cry for , F ; , -at W. E. MERRITT, Mount Airy, North Carolina. Allsn, ths Barbsr. When you wich an eay shave, As good ns burlier ever t!ve, Just cnll on me at my snlnon, At morn, eve or noon. 1 cut and dreKS the hnir with grace, To suit the contour of the face. My room is nest niul towels clean, Scissors Hluirii and razor keen ; And ever) tiling I ihink y;iu'll find Tosuit the fnce and please the mind, And uli my n't and skill can do, If you just call I'll do for you. It. F. ALLI'.X, Klue Uidge Inn, Mount Airy, N. C. NOTICE. Fdiinlf Ilt amT ) North faro'lua, vh. ( surry rnnnlv. Vaui'y J"hiistiii and otliors. ii;inor t u'lrt. i Hrfiprv Hip t If-rh. It nrjx'arlritf lo the Cmitt fr m ni , !t fllfd hat JhIui H iriifr. ham hrnint r nntl l ulh uii 'emr tr nrt iitd-ist i-Hts oi tin tal' t North nro'li'ri. Hint lli' nre hct i HH,ir- prtr!1tM Iti Kit- hoc ritith tl H'ttnn; (ti.t a- d nctluii In a pttH'.ii inr .it.wrr II lis itifrctnrr ont ti'.l and .dj''.rttf d tilMt (tUtllit'Htlt.n M Ultllr' ill ftU' Mot k- r aikv Nkh, a iH-WMmih-r pmiltM' ed tn I lit toll Ol MtMlMl A TV H'f H1X SIHV t.s1V wi't ks rtMinrl n v;ti. rtt tt rnl;tut to H(ift-r rt !orthe '. ff t ! Mipt-nur tiift - f Mtrry otim, Kt tiih m -e in, ou the 7(h titty ul Ki lr r. ml lf fKil Jt f ntlaii' t;kf n f ls tl Ml! to npi;tr an-i finswer or tiiiiir lo i !itMot..plri'iit piittitiir ill apply lor lit r iii-f item nJnl tn tin- ooiuplaliil. V. tlne.-a 111 tltlhd tilth Juil. 161 l, lVtt. . U . h AMI TOS, ( . H. C. W. L. RftKci. Attorney (or i't itiiDT. NOTICE. Wm 'ook North f'arohna. h. ) hurry I'ounty. A. M. M. thK t In superior our f N'rtiiff u rm. isw To A. M. ttiN '."ii will iHTt'ii.v take 'fitice ttittldr itl..if t-i i II .! mMloh titts tx-en limti i lit ' o C' 11 ri thr pt.r.'h-e inniify t ira imci flit.d lr h I'l I'limiMleV iM'j I" it,? rt;n nNitit In Mii'i crtii-.A il ttia i Mifinnons hrit iBf'f'll IsmUi tl T lit hlti ''I - to Im Xt t'Ttll i;f fWOd 1'iHlf t, Wlltch Will In- Iih1 ht tti" ftiir tiOtS n MiiM'ii ou r.t Mut.d.v 4fti M n:tnv II tt t-rtiurj 1V6 tnd ti::is itH'ur and nii wrr r it.ip'iciit . htti) tit tt i n i:l t'lHiT- meiit will 1st rt. ic'vil Hirnt'ct )ois prard tor tm rohi. Th a .li.ii fcth. ;v Mijt-rtor Tour' ol mi try County. Carter I ep;r u, ttur..ts for I'Uli.tifl?, NOTICE! Executor's Sale. iiv virtue i f eumliy executions in favor of W. Mi kinUv niul oilh ln, sainst Jno. M. tiluwrr in In haiiiln, 1 Kill rr at puli lic out-cry, Ur lawh, at ihe ennrt house diHir in liiilwi, on M.iiula.r, tlie lliih day ol March, IN'il (kume tieiii)! I llW llil ia of ihe Superior renin.) lit I ii'i'lmk, M the tiillim mi; re I eniule of the said J. M. Hniaer, l-it: One iiinw or parcel ol ln J l 'n; in ih 'os n ol' Mount Airy, sl )inuig tlie luii. In ul J M. Iiuihain, II. V. tiravi'i and inherit, cuiiiniirbg aliout t'sl uctes, K.1I111' ti''iiir kuom a a the 1111.I'oiu -nd the urls' d ci'iitignnnii the, to. due triiri iiflnn l 1 i 1 ti. iti Surry count, eea tuining s,M ut 1-iiMi acrea, know n aa the ttandiall liiiiu. One ni or parrel 01' land, lit Mount Aiiv, n Ik. iia at rivrr, jhrI lielo t1 null hoiuiui trrl ami roa tiguou thereto, rontaiidiig ulwil In arrea. One pie or parcel of lnul l.iina in urr. ro'iiu , on It eAl .r! iircr, a'ljoiiiitig the lain 11 uf Mra 1.. V Itiwi anil ot hem, con lai inn h'khu li ai r a. kiixvti a tl r int null tin )x rty and the water puwer coii tlei'tcd Vltli It, 4IH.1 01 Hr let 10 tlie lou of Mount Airy, on Min slirel, ailininii g ihe lands nl J, M. Fiil'oa ami o'le r CHitaiu ia abuiii one-hail acre, and kiionu as the Wsirhwi pioiiertj ; hm oae ! "li Wa n al reei. a.'j.nunc the Im ls ot (i, t'. W,.,li ami otitis ioniatiunc aU,ul one half a.:ie ii wiiii-u e. antiAieil 5 nnck storrS ; aUo o:ie lot on Main s'reet, aiij Mnm I tints ol J. M I)uth:im am' other, rootHioiog about tan acr. ul'jei't to the a ili, Mra. M M. Iluaer'a d er alw eie iwr i- m n l of land, lying " the Ararat river tMiiaty-u Mailt and llanciiii: sliee s, e'B taiDii ab"tit 4'f acrea, rlVil il.e la ml hereu.fur allo:ir. to J. M.ltl"er aa a lMrttieatea.1 ; a la a ! I of J. M. Bnnrr'i i'i termi la the property kuoaa as Ihe Buck Mh.jl proien, toaalialr th aaid eeo tious a tm .tint 1 u ali-'ut $.'r"xK) and ibe 10a. Hn. fell. 1 1th, IKSi J. A. AD l MS, SRi.airr. English Spavin Liniment remotes all Hard, Pnjft i.r I aiLinevl Loiii anu Kiemisue from horse, HmkkI pBvilla Curt, nilin'a. eney, Kmir-lione, Mirles, hprains. ail oliell 1 hroata. Coughs, etc. fare ."iO by use of one) oottle. W arranted the pmst wonder 'ui hiemisii Cure ever knots n. phiJ ty lirun I imiii iti. Auy.N.C R - I - A. 1. oa erorjr wrappoiy Pitcher's Castoria. SHaPAHiys MADE FROM (MRE PIG IrtCM. Not one ponn I of He rap Iron la ever used n tnM goods DURABLE, CONVENII NT sod ECONOMICAL All Modern Imnrowmenta to Llghtea Ilonaekeeplna ( area. Twenty different sizes and klrds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects, Prices not much blither at this tlms than on conimonet kinds of Stoves. Coll on or address NOTICE OF ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF MOUNT AIRY, On the Question of Issuin" Twenty-Five Thousanu Dollars of Bono's for Water Supply. Notice is hereby given that the Hoard of Commissioners of the town of Mount Niry. by nn ordinance passed at a regu lar ineetiiiK in accordance with tha Act passed by the (ienet-al Assembly of .North Diirohna, tins uirectcu that, an election be held in the town of Mount Airy, on Monday, the second day of March, 1S90, at which election w ill lie submitted to the decision of the quali fied voters of the said town the ques tion whether the Hoard of Commis sioner of the town shall be authorized to i sue ImidiIs in the sum of '"lOOO, the proceeds of the sale of the said bonds lo be aimlied in sumilvini? the town ' ...-... Tl.-t tl... I. ...!.. d.. ,,1,1, n,i, 1, 1 tini im- ui'ii'15 w. nuiiii'i- i.etl to be issued w ill run for 30 years and bear interest at the rate of not more than six per cent, per annum, to be nnid seini-aiinunllv. and shnll not be sold for less than par. Thr.t the bonds so authorized to be issued shall tie is sued in the following denominations, to-wit : Twenty bonds forOne Thousand Dol lars each. Ten bonds for One Hundred Dollars each. Kilit bonds for Five Hundred Dol lars each. The said election will be conducted by registrars and judges appointed ac cording to law, as follows: FIRST WARI1. Registrars- J. I. Allred, James P. Helton and l A. Kawley. Jutl-s K. K (iallaway, F. W.Floyd and J. K. Spaujjh SKl'ONI) w RI. Kenistrars V. M. Wayt, R. T.Joyce and W. A. Holt Judges James II Sparger. M. D. Arintield and A. ii Trotter. third ward. KeL'istrnrs T H. .vloC'areo. K. K. Marshall and Jeff Hlizard. Judges lames ti. Hanner, K. C. Kapp and K ti. Gilmer. rol'RTII WARD. Kt'Kistrars Jos. W Ashby, A. L. Sparger and W. i. I'oore. Judges V. J". tiiliner, S. C. Jonea and J. F. Kdwards. The plaOs for o'tiing the registra tion books and registering voters ai d polling the votes have been designated by the Clerk of the Court a follows: First Ward Uailaway A Helton' saw mill. Secunu Ward The Town Hall. Tiiikii Ward Graves' Warehouse. Fui'KTii Ward The Globe Ware house. That there will be an entirely new registration of voters aud the registra tion Isioks n ill be open in each w ard, at the.iljces alsive tinmed, on Saturday, the&iih day of January, 1S90, from 9 o'cltH-k, a. 111., until 4 o'clock, p. m., and on each Saturday thereafter up to and including the Iftiih of February, )Mi, at the same hours. No registration al lowed eicept on Saturdays. At the said election, those who are in favor of giving the authority to the Board to issue said bonds, will vote on a written or printed ballot "Approved," and those w ho are opposed lo giving the said au thority will vote 011 a like ballot ot ApproveU. Notice is lurthtr given that at the said meeting it was further ordained by the Hoard that the water mains or pipes should be laid on the following atreets to-a it : On Main Street from the Psilroad bridge to a point in front of Welch's residence; connection pipe from Main down Ka ley Avenue to loot of siceloff Hill; from Main to South Street through N eed more ;f nm Main through riaiia.nn 10 ,-ouin p-ireei, then down South Mrecl to a point oppoaite Huff factory; from Main Street, through Pine to brow of hill at K. K. Marshall s residence ; from Main through Hock ford 10 brc ot hill near P. II. Price's; from Maindowu Wilson to Spring street; from Ma:n down Worth Street lm) jarda; from Main down Hamburg street to brow ot ioii near Fulton's to bavo factory. Hy order of ihe RoarJ W f CAUTER, Maroa. January Tih, ltM It on human, mange or to dog and ail stia k, eurxl in Sn mir.ui-a by Wtaiiforu Sanitary Lotion Ibia i-eTer fails St.ld ty titum h 6sBa, Mk.Airy,.C (Jcp3 hit Bi Yfeilq tfellej II AILi'rv'A x , oita fin L, Iteeeiier. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, IX F.FFKCT DEC KM I Ell eth. IM5 NOIfTH HL'M. I Xo. 2. Daily. l-ave Arrive Wilmington, Fayetteville, 7 1?5 a. m pi.'W a. m. Hii'io a. in. I .' m. 'I iti p ui "itA p. rn. H (A p. 111. 3..M p. tn. 4 81 p. m. 4 ;t p m. 6 I? p. tn. 6 45 p m. Leave I.'ave Iave Fayetteville, Sanford, Climal, A rri ve t ireetisboro, I-ave Iave lirei'lislsirO; Stoaesdaie Walnut Cove, Walnut Cove, Kursl Hall, Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Mount Airy, feOL'TH HOUND. No. 1. Dally lave Mount Airr, 1-sve Ktiral Half, Arrive Walnut Cove, l-eave Walnut (Jove, I'sve Stnkesilsle, Arrive UreenslKiro, Leave Greenslniro, Leave Climal. Leave Sanforu, Arrive Fayetteville, I-ave Fayetteville, Arrive Wilmington, north' hound. Leave He njiettaville, l-eave Maiton, Leave Red Springs, l'ave Hope Si i I In, Arrive Fayetteville, SOUTH HOUND. Leave Fayetteville, Leave II one Mills, Leave Red Springs, Arrive Matton, Arrive Hennellsville north Hound. Leave Uamsetir, Leave Climal, Arrive Greeiistmro. I.eave (ireetislsiio, Leave Slokesdale, Arrive Madison, SOUTH HOUND. Leave Madison, Leave Slokesdale, Arrive Greensboro, l,eave Greensboro, leve Climal, Arrive Ramseur, a. m. a. m. 11 110 II SA II 4ft 1212 I2WI M'3 132 8 IB 4 33 445 No. 4. Dsily 8 2') a. in. 9 29 a. in. (M a. m. In 36 a. in. H).n2 a. tn. No 3 Diily 4 : p. m. 4 XM p. m. 6 42 p. m. 6 12 p. rn. 7 2t) p. hi. No. 18. Mix'd 6 45 a ft 3n a 9 2ii a. 9 .HA a. 10 M) a. m. m. in. rn. m. H bOa m. No. IK. Mix d 12 2ft p m. 1 21 p tn. 2 i'i n. m. 3 10 p. m. SM p. m. 6.60 p. m. M1KTII BOIND COttNKfTloHS. At Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line for all points North and Fast, al Sanford with the Sealatarrl Air Line, at GreenslKiro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut t ov with the Norfolk and Western Railroad for Winston-Salem. ROl'TH boi kd cossrcTioxa. At Walnut Cove with the Norfolk and Western Railroad for Roanoke and points North and West, at Greensboro witJithe Southern Railway Company for Raleigh, Richmond and all points North and East, at Fayetteville with the At lantic Coast Line for all points South, at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Lin for Charlotte, Atlanta and all point South and Southwest. W. B. KYLE, oWB'lPaaa.Agt. J. w. FRY. oflr.ertU Manager AARON PENN, THE Fashionable Barber, Under Grave Warehouse, Mt. Airy, N. C. Easy chairs, razor keen ; Scissors sharp, linen clean. For a shave you pay a dime Only a nickle to get a shine; Shampoo or haircut Pompadour You pay the sum of 25c. more. Desirable Residences for Rent. 1. The Koss House and Lot, Rock- ford Street. 2. The C. W. Lewis House and Lot, Main Street. 3. The Vaughn House and lot, Rawley Avenue. All desirable and conveniently lo cated. Call on Gro. V. Sept. 17th. 1895. c: nd be , - . Curst U.L Most a buy ( i i 1. ttirtfa, .r 1 r oututiou ' v ii" f dealing, vil Wat t . jcannR, yu Wat 1 . i f , a K. i-T-? worU cvt-r tt r k - r -U 1 MlftT. Yon wnt r i i. x -'X u uiest tu n.ui.ui;, ; Tar'-, n -.v?-.s ? i n n, w m-i lx;o,i vww.'irf ui New Home It hM AomttC Tre)-r , DnrHW Fcr4. al" ib"'hsi.lfi iiiri.,;' '. f.,vj.. p'M'Nfr hi H ; New Stand i -.f., . . : - ) k nitr-l tm adiunLabre c&r., '.i. rcu iu lricttt.-o to thm Dioimnm, write ron crRcuLAns. tebkwiicses'wp: Iikww. OftalVA. R. H. LEONARD. EVERYBODY LrOOKS NICE Ik tt ethics dtii uv The Harris Steam Dje Works, RALEIUII, n. C All or-lera by mall rrcMrm pMpt at trat ioa. AH aoik fiaranWd. Wnt f w partl ralara. t leatoBj and liiailiag a apea iatty NOTICE. X K aixl H H H -Ay- ti KnKk '. atKl kL fc. mt uitr. )ti!wn r o.rt. Fra 0"k u4 oibT. f it mripr 9t o ifce imrt Tota aW-iv1 i M th t Fr imc t- a funt rviuiM 4 4w 4 Sitrt i ni-Mitta I hat Im - a ff-a,r pn m Ik I n atw-rr fitinHd fiMt U,i tai'1 w"t I a p-tiiiMt to -u latti or awia aixl ei M. i i fv . m H lhT-'r tw4 M4 awl la r; ,t."-. '. I- fSi? tii ti 2 ttisTwr f Ilrwii a pnbfm.pT tm ' U'Wft i4 MiwM A Mt, lt mt "-f k rwi'if-ltarf -mi4 u-f fximnt i- r4 r"r fts i v t-r if tn ir'v i Vf ;i f" o-swr ' r kt -m j v.a ih '"tfc r r rrrvirt AM Ki m k) i- tmtm fcifht 1ht ff ta Irt avi faa--r r nmtr t ( cfnfii -f T tr iIh- r-Hf 4 ig in t-js- r-tn, 4 '"' - gftm ImMm i u ti :th ir in i f H V iT V r . f W. L. Klst sttofi km l iawaUa 4m