THE MODS! A1E1 NEWS. T.J. LOWHY, 1 Mount Airy, N. C Mr. 12, 1890. BUB3CKIPTI0N' KATES: Ona copy, on year, - 11.00 Oua copy, nix months, .60 One copy, threa month, . .25 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Knlnrea sun Post. onicestMuantAlry.N.C, m3rtU(l-clftaill matter. Will Mount Airy get the Teach ers' Assembly I The woods will be lull of candi dates this year nd no mistake. Tho politic of the country is to rotten low peoplo know "what part of the drive" the' are in. God. Manderson, of Nebraska, announces his candidacy for Yrm doiitial nomination by the Rcpnbli - can party. Chairman A. . Holton has called tho North Carolina Republican State Committee to meet in Ral eigh, March 18th. Col. Panl F. Faison, a prominent North Carolinian, died at Shawneo, Oklahoma, last Wednesday. He was Indian Apont. Spain is kicking up a terrible racket over the Senate resolutions, and because tho United States wishes to see tho Cubans have a fair showing. If this country jumps on Spain she will catch what she deserves a Bound whipping. No liqnor has been sold for 40 years in the town of Best-brook, Ireland, where John O. Richardson employs 3000 people in the manu facture of Irian liuen, and there is neither policeman, prison, pawn shop nor pauper in the town. Now that there is no secret about the matter, Mount Airy should chip in lively and secure the Teachers' Assembly. If wo can get the As scmbly to come here once, it will not be so difficult to "reach and get their ear" in tnture. By all means Mount Airy ought to have it. If not why not i The Democratic papers in North Carolina are entirely too rough they jump on a fellow and read him out of tho party if lie favors free silver. If he opposes it he ie treated in a like manner. Keep cool heads, brethren, and let's pull together, or else turn the thing loose and let the Landmark's spntcr get it A plot to take up arms against President Hippniite of Hayti has been discovered at Port-au-Prince, Fifty rifles have been discovered in the houso occupied by the mother of Gen. Francoic Manigat. the leader of the revolutionary forces, who is now an exile. A woman and a number of others have been arrested. In the jail at Danville Friday evening Deputy Sergeant Cook was shot three times and probably fatally wounded by a negro named Geo, Evans, who was at the corporation court sentenced to a term in the penitentiary for burglary. Evans then made his escape. The city is in a fever of excitement and if the tugitive is caught he will undoubt edly be lynched. The colored . Jolks of Atlanta, Ga., thought last Friday would be the end of time. "The angels in heaven know not when the end wil be." Our candid opinion is ihat "the end of time" is not as far of ac some scientists claim. There is Scripture in abundance to support this belief. Turbulent times are being experienced in every country nearly on the globe In his speech on the Home Mis sions Rally in New York Sunday eight, the President made an allu sion to the teachings of hit Presby terian father that (-Lowed he had not gone away from his early train ing. He recognized the Christian religion as the only hope for the salvation of the soul, and said Lis duties as Chief Magistrate taught him the importance of religious teaching and Christian education in the newly settled portions ot our vast domain. During the balloting for United States Senator lust Saturday in the Kentneky legislature Speaker R'anford, Republican, voted for Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle for Senator, and an attempt was made to elect lata with the aid of republican votua. The scheme failed, however, the ballot resulting: r. oyle S3, Blackburn Ct, Carlisle 5. The second started of as harmletly as the rL The Republicans de clined M vote and i original Cr!'!e Democrats went back to I its. Enough Republicans refrain ed !r..t?B voting to break a qnornra. Tie ?ofd Lailot resulted : Blak-l-urn 4 CariWe, 15. This not be nz a rK-ram, a motion to ad jours - --.T.-4, I Col. McClufK on the Cuban Question. On Monday niihtin Philadelphia five hundred Cubans celebrated ihe anniversary of the Cuban war. The veteran editor of the Philadelphia Times, Col. A. K." MeClore, whs invited end made the principal ad drew: Mr. McClure said that when ho read yeterday morning's papers he thought that Spain, in a moment ot maduess, had thrown the yoke trom Cuba's neck by attacking this country, but he was somewhat dis appointed when looking over the afternoon papers he found that the Spanish Minister had, without stopping for breakfast, hurried off to apologize, lie did not want this country to be behind Spain in. a matter of politeness, Hiere was no reason now when the Cubans had practically been accorded the rights ot belligerents, why some thousands of brive men from the North should not go down and aid the Cubans in driving the Spaniards into the sea. Then lie, for one, he said, would lie perfectly willing to apologize to Spain. ''I do not know," ha continued, "that the Cuban peoplo realize what a victory they huvo gnined to day. Congress represents a nation of seventy million people, and the resolutions they have passed not only recommended the accordance of belligerent rights, but were in tended, aall who road may koo, to bring Cuba to freedom. There were but sixteen votes against them, atid theso were caat by a few tjiiib blcrs for law. Theie are times when there is but one luw the safety of she people is the supreme law. It was by that law that this country saved itself from dissolu tion. What law but this whs there for Lincoln' proclamation, and as long as liberty occupied a sacred place on this earth his name will re main among tho immortals. "This is not a rebellion but a revolution. If there lie one Cuban on that ill fated isle, who is in sym pathy with Spain, he is false to his birth and to his home. It is a nation speaking with one voice, and fight ing shoulder to shoulder for home and country. To aid them in their struggle, there is no need for this country to violate neutrality laws. Cuba is able to maintain herself and carve out independence "when she can get arms and men here. So far the light has been with the ma chctte against artillery. Never has battle been so unequal, nor never has grander history been made. The time has come when Cuba must be free. This warfare of assassina tion must be stopped. Men captured with arms in their hands must be treated as prisoners of war. Tho man who shoots them is a murdcier and the nation permitting it must be warred against. Looking at tho logical consequences of the action of Congress to-day, I say that from this day dates the sbjolote freedom of Cuba." The Thrilling Experience of Two Well Known Citizens. Messrs. Henry E. Edwards and John II. Bradley had an experience last Wednesday that they will never forget and one that is very unusual in this section of tho country. They were engaged in hauling cros3ties out ot the woods on the Jennings place, some three miles from town. A fire broke out in the woods. The wind was blowing almost hurricane and the fire spread so rapidly that they were completely surrounded before they became aware of their danger. The leaves and dead wood fed the flames and the tire raged furiously. Their only hope of escape lay in dashing through tho flames, which were roaring and leaping from tree to tree around them. They made a dash through the circle of flame and escaped bringing with them many blisters and burns Their clothing was almost ruined and their horses bad v sinr-ed. Mr. Bradley who lost a leg in the war and was a brave and gallant soldier, ears mat in an ma war experiences, none were so exciting as this escape from burning to death in the woods. Ruthertordton Democrat. Graint from White Plaint. Judging from the amount of brush burned in this section, we suppose there will be some plough ing done some time this spring. Hon. S. E. Marshall has just re turned from a trip to Wi katboro, where he spent sometime in the m terest of the wagon trade. Mr. Wiley Djbbins, of Martin, V n .1 . .11 . - . v., was in me vmage I'jis weeii on business, perhaps. We have bten informed that White Plains is to have a" new academy in the near future. White Plains Monthly Meeting of friends, having decided to erect a meeting house at Pine Hill, N. C, appointed a committee to have charge of said work. The house is oadly needed, therefore we hope the committee will be prompt to discharge their duty. We are glad to say that a certain mud hole in the road, near the cen ter ot our village, lias been filled up, after many days. Oar village is no foesil with moss on it. Some of our girls muct have a good supply of mittens, judging from the number some fellows get. Some men walk the road And cry "hard times," They neither clear their board, Nor carry sorplos dime. But the manufacturers of the Marshall wagon, Have, by perseverance, slain Th "hard timfca drai-on And are getting there jurt the same. ALE U.I IKK. White Piama, Much Tin, lM'fi. Letter from Westfield. Rev. II, W. George preached two very inten sting sermons here B.m day. Tho morning service was held at the Quaker church and the evening service at the Baptist church. Mr. George has only been preaching a short time but is so zealous in the causa of the Master he makes a gcod impression on his hearers. Died, near Worth's Mill, on Feb. 20th, 18, Mrs. Sallie Jessup, in thi 78ili year ot her age. She was tho wife of Hiram Jessup who died several years ago, She leaves sev eral children together with several sisters and one brother to mourn their loss. Mr. and Mis. J. W. Hatcher visited Mr. S. M. Jes up Wt Sun day. Mr. Jack Jessnp had the misfor tune to get badly hurt 14 week. He whs thrown from a cart and was insensible lor several hours. Air. S. P. Christian went to Stuart, Va., last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Simmons, of Asbnry, visited Mr. J. K. Simmons last Sunday. Married, on Feb. 21st, at tho resi donee of Mr. J. 11. Jesnup, Mr. George Going to Miss tamora Going, J. II. Jessnp, Esq., ollieiat ing. Also on Sunday evening, the 1st inst., at the residence of tho brides' father, Mr. L. I.. L-twe to Miss Alice Cook daughter of Alfred Cook, Sr. Wu wish the young couples abundant nieces. Marriud, near this place, on Mh inst., Mr. Wyatt Hunter to Mm Myra Bell, J. I). Richardson, En., ofliciating. Also, on Sunday, 1st inst , near Brown Mountain, Mr. Powell Dur ham to Miss Rilla Forest. Mrs. L. A. Pearce went to Mt. Airy last week to visit her sister, Mrs. A. W. Council. Mti-s Ellen Christian has gone to the Mission to attend school, II. West field, N.C., March 7, ISOrt. Gleanings from Patrick. Totho Editor of Thk Nkws: I am a Friend's Miiwion school boy of fourteen summers and want to try my hand at newspaper corres pondence Aunt Betsy Dcalheragu, of Scales' Store, who was stricken with palsy on Oct. 1 7th, last, is nearly 8i years old ; cats hesrtily and suiTers but little pain, though her right limbs are perfectly dead and her tongue paralyzed. Scales Brothers, tobaceonis's, are making some sales and receiving remittances from sales previously made. From visits made by the young folks to the letter box at Scales' Store, Cupid is having a line time prancing around in Uncle Sam's pockets. The revenue officers have captur ed large quantities of brandy in this county. About 800 gallons from one man ; do0 gallons from another. Thud. March 0th, 1S!0. Our Dobson Letter. Dobson is on quite a boom. Rev. J. J. SetlitT, who will soon move his family to that place, has already located his saw mill inside the in corporation and is now running in full blast. The saw and hammer is hear-i in every direction; some eight or ten houses going up. Mr. J. C. Coojkt is making ex tensive improvements on his hotel by the addition of a two story L, large, spacious dining room, ifcc. Mr. H. Snow is also repairing his hotel. The handsome 6chool building will be ready for Uoe in a few weeks and the prospect for a full attend ance is very flattering. Among others, we noticed Mr. W. L. Rfcoce is building a ni"e resi dence near the center of town. Mr. Rom Folger seems to 1 leading out in general repairs t;ew barns, new f uncos, &c. Others are following suit. Some parties are laying o!T streets and selling lota in Southeast Dob son and ere long wo expect a land improvement organization. There is no rea-oti why Dobson should not lc a liotirishirg town. It is beautifully located. Our Clerk of Court, Mr. Hamp ton, and Register of Deeds, Mr. Ilaynes, who are busy, always show a willingnen to impart any information desirtd and one is al ways impressed ni'.h their pleasant greeting when visiting their offices. The merchants are n fine spirits and doing good business. The new pastor. Rev. N. Malk.ry, of the M. E. Church, South, has his work well in hind, sad is mak ing many friends. H. Goose Grease wiii cure vou of nil aches and oains. r vour money re funded. For mn or beast. For sale by S. G. Pace, liveryman, Mt Airy, N. C. Made bv Riverside Medicine Co., Ore Hill, N. C. TKRET.f.J.W2ta'l PaiTTl ranebaea. Jatkmrn Co, Mvm I or Mr 1 mma to tatune yoa of tt m m j tfe hmm fmtm4 Iroo Utr um 't four bmK'ii'. I mi tli jnur " J oril r-mwnp-tK.o " tbe Inn f- rank; wy wile km t-T. sr.;: id hf tin,.-!? it f ft ran I ri i.--, na 1 mm fuiiy mi- fc- , i ; . Bmt. W.J. rtun. rtum u-b to to-, en, n OT-rvM. h-Tt t hat the A hit w tat ittm "ill nintinur H tMwtaK teanS gum it f-eur aubM rk. 1 m. W. i. WALKEE. PIERCE CUBE Why wear wool ? To keep out cold? No. 1 o keep in heat. If the body is supplied with plenty of fresh air oxygen and proper food, it will gener ate sufficient warmth to pro tect you on the coldest day Scott's Emulsion of Cod liver Oil, with 1 lypophosphites. Is the best warmth-food. Thin people, people with poor blood who are easily shaken by a cold wind take Scott's Emul sion and it makes good blood, Improves the appetite, In creases flesh, furnishes bodily warmth, and prevents the 111 results from colds, coughs, and exposures. SCOTT'S EMULSION !mi niarui ( m'iiul pmtum for Iwxlf pmn. ( Ak tour 4m. for.) Till M U ttvmri fillUlmm uniformtlMY ranttttnt Ihr purtit Notwf m C4 tivtr UU mnj Hrfopkotplnln. Put up IN (0 ernl anil Si-OO i'f'l. T6 li Wff P ' "" J""" ' "IP Jlr rrj. Historic Doubti Removed. Rev, James A. Weston has re turned to Hickory trom Kentucky, tuar louisville, where ho went to sen and met and talked with a son of Marshal Michael Ney, of France, who was Napoleon's "Hravcst of the Hrave," and who was Peter Stuart Ney, the tchool teacher of South and North Carolina, is buried in Rowan county, N. C. He found tho old gentleman, who was 8S years old on hist Saturday, the 2'Mh of February, in perfect good health being now 88 years of age. lie came to NortJi Carolina in 18.17 and mot his father, who gave him $1, 000 and sent him to Philadelphia, Fa., and there ho entered JelTerson Medical college and graduated and practiced medicine. He however went nnderan assumed name which is a long one. He has a written history, which he has consinged to Rev. Maj. Weston, who will not divulge any of the particulars about it. They are not to be divulged until after the death ot the old gentleman. This makes the connecting link certain and sure that Peter Stuart Ney was really Marshal Ney ! The old gentleman says his hither called, for a few minutes, at his mother's house in Paiis the niht after he was supposed to have lieen shot tlut morning. The old gentleman him self seems to be Involved in some sort ot international complication between the United States and Mexico, and hence he will not even now allow his indentity to be known. He was in tho Mexican war. He had Mr. Weston's book on "llistoiie Doubts as to the Execution of Marshal Ney" in his library and had read it. He received Rev. Mr. Weston very cordially when he learned who he was, and then subsequently talked with him freely but not overly freely. He held back much and told him he would learn it all from his manuscript, atter he died. Rev. Mr. Weston says he is tho perfect image ot the published photographs ot Mart-hal Ney and lie never had such a piercing glance from a man's eye in all his jife as lie had from this man when ho presented hiiu.'elf and his credentials. Mr. Weston has just returned trom Kentucky. Hickory Press and Carolinian, March 5th. The Tobacco Trust. The following explanation of the report that the American Tobacco Company has issued or is about to Usue a part or all of the $2,000,000 ot its treasury stock, comes trom persons enj -ying clofe relations with certain of the company's direc tors, it is that when trie company purchased certain plants it did to partly forcahand partly for stock, and borrowed the stock from several large holders, giving thein scrip in place of it. It is Mated that the company now intends to redeem the scrip by veiling stock for it. WhM aljr wmt ikk, we lut Cutorta. Wb lie u Oiild, xbs crlwl fur CtorU. Ulsm ihe bormmn Vim, mh clung to Cmiiuri. When mh bA ChUdm. ahc gmnihea CMorl c orn is a vigorous feeder and re sponds -well to liberal fertiliza tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil improves if properly treated with fer tilizers containing not under TA actual Potash, A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. Oar fmw i-lilm art mat mSimimat rimtlan mm. mg Irrt.J. wr. U.1 ar prmctkril wrfc. nn ' ajit hm. I mn n mm tnx k GERMAN K4U WO SI. (1 tan tx ttrm Vurfc- DE, W. H. WAKEFIELD Will l in (ireenttboro, Weoea day, Mmith 1 Ilk, at HeAdoo Hotel. At Wirtsion, at the Jonet tloiol.nn Wfdneday, Fibruarj 2Clk Prcf ie limlimild to Eye, Ear, Nos said Throat. Mr fork for Mount Airy UM. THERE 18 NO ifflON ofiii ABOUT THAT. THESE ARB OTHilACTSlolE CONSIDERED. Houston's Drug Store In tho 'i-0irr ohieo to buy you r Driii, Medi inos, Toilet Artielea, Ac. Our Vrug a iv Siuii'lisi'd. Wo ua tho .iroBl iiH ilieino in compounding. PHYSICIANS rill'SCKIPTIGXS A SPECIALTY. We (I n't claim t" run a "Ult-tip'Jolm Dimh Sio-i," but our price nr lovv v hen e eonsider tho quithty of jjo )Jh sold. Tho secrut to nil lliis is woHi'll f'i('-h. (juiek siilemwid then why not take short profiti-! " An old, rusty, daudes-, fuocdoHN penny in rapid i-ii dilution i wurili iiioiv t i in thmi n sl"w, hIuIhIi, ' lonjtini djl lur." IIoiiIoii's Jlniji Store curries nil that, you ciin cull for in mi "UP TO DATE PHARMACY." (Sivo hi n ciill. Don't forgi-Hlm tduco. A H'iul vtill e'liivinen ynu that wo me. n" nluii we Buy. Kfery thing New, KitmIi und Neat. 'I'hunkii'g you for punt patronage. Truly, D. A. HOUSTON, Blue Ridge Inn Block, Mount Airy, N. C. News from Indian Gravel, The farmers Hre b u y picpurinfi Unit for corn and tohnmi. llcv. ColunilniH Kullimi will prvitch at Indi'in (iravc on the Itrd Hn inlay of thin month Hf 11 o'clock. Mr. iibn M. ISlmkliuiu will have in a few day for Stokci1 coun ty, N. (!. and Patrick county, Va., vifiting ri-Utivc und friend. Mr. A I). Lauihcrt, td' Indiin (iravet, and Mim Lmiia llimt, of Hat fcihoitlu, were married met b un day at the mideticcof A. V. Snod dy, 'i , Capt. T.J. r.hukhurn, of this place, is tcachint; the public whool at Mount Ilermoti. This ii tho third school that ho has taught since July. Ho taught tho pulilic cchool at this place and at Joe up' a school bout, lie in one of the best public school tefichers in tho county. Any district would be toriunate in securing him us their teacher. The liiptii-t chinch held it reg ular meeting lat Saturday and Sunday at this place, A Sunday school was organized last Saturday at thi piace. W. O. Hall wt.8 fleeted superintendent. There wa a public debate at tiie school house last Saturday night. Tho question was, "Has there bten moic preaching for the good of the people or not." The judgis decidtd that there whs not enough preaching- itov. Mr. (Sentry will prtai-h at thia place tho tirt Sattuday night in April. Kev. Win. Needhani will preach at this place the fifth Sunday in this month at 1 1 o'clock a. m. J. 11. . Indian Craves, March Oth, lV.'d. Big Premie-, Sale of Bright Leaf Tobacco, Richmond, Va. The ;realest measure of sui-ccss at tended this Premium Kale, w hich lat,ted two day, iiiKfend of one, with a large number of the most solid planters of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina compi-ting for the prize. Mr. V. W. Land, of Littleton, X. C., who has been lifing Acme Fertilizer for the ,iast four years, took the follow ing premiums at this biff Premium Sale on the it!i and 29th of January, 18W: 1st Bright Mahogany Wrappers V. W. Land, 75 cash. 2nd riright Mahogany Wrapper V. W. Land 2Q Saddle. 1 t Dark Mahogany V. W. Land tM cash. lt Cutters V. W. Land $."0 ca h. lt KngliRti Strips 25 Cat.h. 2d Knglish Strip lt:hurii. 3rd LnglUh Strips f5 Plow. Anyone hogshead bringing highest average priee t Mr. Land got average of 47'jC. p-r lb for this hogs-head ) 25cah. Anf one hog-.h ad bringing the most dollar (Mr. Land received for thin tiogshfad $112.62) 25 cash. Mr.S. L. Coiey, of Whitaken, X. C, ho also ud Acme Fertiliser, took for 2d Lemon Wrappers, 2u overcoat. Lor 2d Smokers i lureau. Mr. Land took 9 premiums, amount ing to f2Mi, and Mr. C lok 2 premium amounting to 28 ; thus "Acme Kertili rer" took 11 premium, amountirg to 3oH out of a total of 25 premiums, amounting to 023 M offered by all of the three warehouse at the Premium Sal. Mr. Lnd and Mr. Coley look nearly everything in ight, and they were the only planter competing at this Bale ho used Acme rcrtiiizer. Xo doubt, had Usere been others who used thisguano.they would have ouept ttie Ikiard. The e.jitor of the Southern Tobacco nist A Manufacturer L' writing of Mr. Land's sale, says : "l here was nothing to compare with this crop iu ; priee or quality. It mild on its merit I i ne premiums erw awaroe-i ojr one party, sample drawn by another, and Ihe sale took piace before the premium award The rich, aiiky, rine-libred, spready, tiright and mahogany leaves of Mr. Land's crop, made with Acme Fer tilizer, were a distinguishable from that of other planters as leather is from Inline-tanned sheep-skin Analysis of "Acme Fertilizer" for to bacco by l'r. Kettle, State. Chemist. Available Phy. Acid, per rent ; Am monia, 311 jwreeiit.; Potash, 252 per cent. Very high. Price lower than other. A gotHl spent wanted in every neighborhood. Le "Acme." Take no ot her. W. E White, the representative of "Acme tiuano Co.," will lie in this sec tion in a few days. Address him t are of Hotel Jones, VYinston, X.C. m. W. 1. Paeke. who treses a s;. ty t4. F.t, hsss srssCsat u-aifrcl af4 cur ed rtt ,rt rrs thaa - lirtn lhvuriaa; k S'XX HlfUUk f . W a ard (e;ii yrm'' SKuwlJia rra I r him. Hi VI !,; l i S tj ts iildl tl i fcts aw0oT era, t ts auv nra w in-a r n I I. pfM ma 'rmrm. j J.IS HUH taLW.JLtUJ, F.4UttsnirTsS WIS 13 Toi-nllto lur silent Inn of llin people "t Mmmt Air; ami iirioinnllDir roniiii) I hat ws Mill lists The Best Sapply of Pore Drogs, Mnc lrltrs. hcmtcali, Toilet Articles. I'slont Medicines, c, c . to be round In Hurry i-otinly, and Hist we want and Apciats Mr Train. Wc do nol sell "l.cjp Jolin" goods and do not say ws sell you st lit-sp J ln prtocs, hut wc do say we glte you THE BEST Ttrnt can he Ik.ui.-IiI and sell thrm to you at icasoiiatilc prices. W especially wish 'O call a'tentlon lo our supply ot TRUSSES. If yo-i n d ouc don't t.tll to com to st-e u We hare all styles and siies and with a long rx pt-rtei re can sdlusl ene lo 111 where If a cure Is possible you will certainly be cured. A lso It you i ced a pa r ot Sectttelc8 Tve bav so atiundance of HirtES' Ccltt J Glasses And trccsnuot sufflclently urge the Importance ot tmytng the besl wben the delicate ors'an of alKl'l fa coucerned. IasI but not leat, . we wish to call silent Ion to the tact that e au in pared t till your lamlly receipis aud pliysivlans' prt-scrlptloiift With Skill and Accuracy. With lenyfara' practical expirt-'nCB In your ruiost and a y- nm irumliijr in one ot ihe Is-si colUyi s of I'turnii y In the I'nlled htatrs. we tare sy no one will hesl utte to put the rm-sl -ilfncui'. or Intricate prew rl,)li jn In our bands. Very Truly, TAYLOR & BANNER. JOB HIATT, I J PILOT MOUNTAIN, JJ. C t DEll.ltS IS Ij- J DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, FURNITURE, FERTILIZER SSD THK CKlSBtTKIt Domestic Sewiog Machine, jj The Best OB the Market. S - ii l i iiiiD im la-kfis ,i!a ii nut. k 1 PROCRIETOB OK L i Pilot Mountain Livery Stable k j LUMBER I 4 And:-: Eoilding :-: Material. i i ALSO fWrtWOt .UD BITLDEt Bnrial Robes, Slippers, Ac A ful) stock of all iz'-s and qualilie kept OB hand, ami at reasonable prirv-s. silor rMu. tiwairs over M. L. Iattr Son's storrt, oil Main Ktrset. Kes Jcscf. glut liouae Kortli of the nuiruxl. Male Academy, OPEMS JAKUARY 8th, 1898 A ltd cuutiuusa iaaessina fu; Bse niunibs. A first-da preparatory acbunl for lys ati4 yotu( men. TlKsroua, Haccical k U ias'atei u-n. v Stead as Tnnrtriir, sill tin him gnod. I sle, reaarmable. llrT Wiii fi.r i ultima ti . E. C. CRAVEN. Principal. Wnlr.A A itint in a e I I I Ml 1 r... r, i,l I.. sa. a s, - Ilt,ttl-l.t a ii.lilii. Bkll . I s-IM-r umm, i-nin is ii, Catt, a ii. I k1 l-tii PitaiittcatiOKa. G'hmI rc 'Pt-t.( t' . A ItJrct. BUX Xn. 3S.-U. R." Jeflersoii, X. C. 1 1 1 xx i j,.L.ij'j 'Lt'titx-iiiiit (ii 'i.v.aLfS izit'M Atr tt'i ii.'i CARTLAND, Tin Mercliaut Tailor. -a-0F GHEENSB0E0, N. C, HAS X RECEIVED X SPRING x STYLES. ALL Til UtWI Tmxortecl Chovioin, S Vicunas MB Tricots, .PAST CLOTH IS ALL STILES. WRITE FOit SAMPLES. lias Cluett, Coon & Co's popular brand oi Shirts, Dress Negligee Chevoit Uoderwear, Canes and Umbrellas. II. II. CART LAND 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, Titos, Fawcstt, II, I.. Gwyx. Jas?H. Hcahukm. M. I.. Fawcett rri'sidcnl. 1st Vie l'rtiltit. 2nd Vice President. Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Mt. Airy. I OltlMHtATi:!. ( npilitl, $.-iO.OOO, raid I p. IMUBGTOR8. T)ki Kawcett J. II Sparger, M I.. Faacctt, R. I,. tyn, C. L. Hank. This liank solicit- iiio iwimiK of Merchants, Manufacturer Farmer sua Individuals. The accounts of tlm Mercliahts Im-ated in town adlncent waived on favorable term. TIip funils of our customer nr ecured iiy two burglar pro-f teel chest and t Its YaleTi,m Ixx-k. Interest allowed on Having Deposits. WaDfci f p a n aaa rv Plantcrs, Warehouse, MOCCSTT AIRY, sT. C, FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Th s W'areti.nise Is l.jcio-l In the huslnnsa p irt of torn cinvemsut toth Rsnk an1 the leadln .Idlitie n. II w s!liute,1 wiihlri a len siepsol l.ii. liis THIey l-Hf llunse. ITaiher C whllluck's To tweco t-'actory ami Mi mammoth ToImcco Works of Hparircr llroa.. and in fact -caveiiicnl to all our lobiu.'o men. Is-sldcs wlil,-ti we liave the Best Accommodations for Man and Stock of any House in the State. Our sales since the Hrt of October lias been almost, rlnuble any two rhiiis.s In Mount Air)', wli.cli !s slrtiHK evIUem e thai THE PLANTERS' IS THE PLACE TO SELL! Mr. J. A. Ni-s-s .m our Auctlmisor. Is sel'-knoim a ons nfllie bsat In Ihe st te. Mr. K F. Wall Is our Hopk keewr. sl.t- h Is a oiice Hi n our Bsiks will lie o-curalrlv kept. Mr. . T. Iln s. of Paulck county. Va . t'l-r Mho ifer: R A. News mi oi Wokus c.iiintv, Mifht Watchman' aod N. w. Bniwi hupei Intends Hie s;tle of ev-ry I'lle ot TotMicco put oa our tl sir anJ -cs Hut II trl!l8 Klill Market Value. Sip" We nave n- ot the heat. ArrioiKeil riuHenu-iitii for storlnir snd orderlrr Tnoscco to be found aiD where, so you to-el n it fear when )ou s art to Mount Airv wltli our ToUu.v, tiut drls t the I'l, VST K US' am re y iu lll receive Hie vrv Det aecomiuodsilons. Iir-Ali Totn.-co slilpivil to or lefi In our care will rwelve our very be aitctitlon. Come and see us while In town, whether you have Oiba'-co or not Tbantlntr one and all for 1 lie very liio-mi alrii n(o (riven us In the pas! aod pledirtnv our. si lves lo alas be on hand to look alter the interests of our ciisi jtnets. as we very well know luai our Hiieivma aic ,ui uiv irpia. Your friends, MT. '' Wm- t iFiMiri& GrrtMBMiits fSSOt --i?r-',!' I f Tombstones, Iron Fencing. Slone Writ .LUMBEE. Sash, Doors and Blinds. NO TROUBLE NOW TO BUILD A HOUSE IF YOU KNOW WUKIiK TO LUY THK CHEAPEST MATERIAL. We Manufacture All Kinds of Uorrw, Sasb, Blmtis, ManiuN, Door ana Win.w Frmo, Tunieil-Work Siroli.Savt injr, Smir Work, Mouldino; ofHil kinds. Fiooriii-r, ViJitij; Siding, (.'using ami all kiiiis ol Finishcil LumtM r. We Carry In Stock Rmijlli Lumber, ,S!iinfe'!e, Pial-rinS Lalb.a, Ed H kinds; Buil-iittir Material. Guilford Lumber M'fg Com nan v. MJ 85- Grcc-ioTbiirti, N. C. Wood's Grass and mmiiing triese Seeds in the Urge I I Al rOf CaAlr? quantities that we do, also eo WlOVCr OC6QS bie ti to U wroe at the lowest . . , WOOD'S SErll BOOK gives the fu lest Information about Grasses and Clover eo8 the different iorU re adapted fcr-kswt comblnaUons to give Urjret resntU fas hmVarZl. turajre care ol pictures and Meadows, &c. Ax. A postal will brfttZ book to you. Prices and samples of Grass and drSeKon .Stir. T. W. WOOD & SONS, NOTICE. trBV CorxTY. I Pursuant to an act of the IUlature, st-ssion chapter Ua, 1, VV. W. Hampton, Clerk of the Hujsrrk.r Court of Surry County, hereby eatahiish the vartoua toting piwinrU for -In-imn in said county, aa follows: lllue Kidge township, noting place shall U- at John t-r-aj'B; White J'laiita to,taliii. the voting precinct shail be at Wliite I'laiut ; Hamburg township, the toting prorin l,all be at llaa.Uirg at I". U. brower'a atom. In Mount Airy ti '"P the r.rtmg preciiM-ta in the first, ecottd and third warua shall be at the piacea heret.fur eiabl.ned fur IM low b election. The .-!!- precinct in the f Mirth ward ,hall tm at Growers arehooe. The toting preen,, ta in the towr,hijof Krjan, IhAtmm, t '.Liu, tldra, trai.klili, S.arh, fthH, Hix-k-ford, Mewarlt t rwk. s.ioaisi an I W Vi field hall remain uitrhangni There shall be a new ren-traii., in U..te I iains lowtwbip. Jii-w liidge ti,mi.i,,t,. Hamburg t.. n.r.ip ai,d itte f,M,r mrc t tli Utfcft uf Uiain I Airy. Mart-u Tl'i Clerk rMiperiue t ivl.fias is BSZ1XL1J ass Cas'.siiuers. GREENSBORO, N. C. ids AT- BROWN. HAYHES & NEWSOM. AIEY MARBLE WORKS. Mount Airy, N.O. W. D. HAYNES 4. C0 , Propneters. or Mamie for Mftw Purposes, &c fiH- rel)fns and prices or call snd evamUiC our sus k. Our w rk and prices will please. Have obtained the hiphfsJ reputa tion for purity, cteanlim-ss and germination, causir.e our bud. ness in the same to heccme one of the largest in the United State. Seedsmen, Eicitmond, Va. II. SIMPSON, BROKER. Represeettng Fifteen Houses Ob All the Beat Markets Everything in Heavy and fancy Gro ceries, Fruits and Confections. !xet market prtees given. Office ia f"Jr B". -a4 of atepa. on nghl iiailU Ililr.fnMitinn .... t a .. M rtftri. Out-of-tiian l...l .. . . :4-ae eall or ahi. f. - ,i.. , Leal Tobacco on all kind of gner, iitii g ri,d Country Merchant c. dia.iy tin ired lo ra.t at off tew V A. TED. A rrian,t..,te ji;-l.-a ar,u n.ale a h.-,e-,.h ,uw. f,,,,,,, ,, f ,,ur 'V-tei.i- In w ,i.b.,:j a ir. . it. e..;j it.. AJ .ri. (, f m A l. J. fci. .j a.i A(4srrj Ae;n.e 1. 1 .. ra-., Iu. ,v

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