THE COUNT AIR! HEWS. T.J. town?. IITO, tlonnt Air, N. 0., il.r. 19, 1890. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: Ona copy, on yar, - (1.00 lint copy, Hi month, . .60 Una copy, three months, . .26 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Kntire) attn Port omva at Mount AlfJ.N.C, anoonl-uiiiauiil mauer. Eipinox to-daj, to-uiorrow and next d?s The Stiite Convention of tlio V. M. 0. A. motaln Charlotto to day. Tolk Miller's lectures are draw ing big hoiiBCK everywhere ho rocb. The YciKTiiulan disturbance is to be amicably settled in a abort tiino. The Democratic delegates to the National Convention from the Dis trict of Columbia are far free Bilver. The comet that was to striko the earth last Saturday (ailed to put in its appearance. Benwitionaliein, that. The "school boys" in Spain are etill disturbing the peace About live hundred of thorn ought to be farmed out a sonaon or two. t - 1 ! W. H. Huntington, who has con fessed, robbed his employers, Childs, Uroff & Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, of the snug little sum of $100,000. The house has tnado an assignment. Next. Since February 14th William Lane, a well known whtto resident of Newborn, had boon missing. A fisherman has found his body in the Neuee river. An inquest re veals the tact that he was not drowned. There are evidences of mnrdor. In the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Harriet Monroe has been awarded $5,000 against the New York World, for damages, for un lawfully publishing a poem written by the plaintiff to be delivered on the occasion of tha dedication of the Columbian Exposition in Chi cago. The recent decline in Southern Railway stock and bonds is under stood to have been due to sales by members of the syndicate formed to underwrite the Richmond re organization plan. A few days ago a call was made upon the syudicate members for the remainder of their subscriptions due, amounting to 30 per cent. A man named Finch was killed by the Seaboard Air-Lino train about a mile from the limits of Henderson. He is said to have beon drinking, and is supposed to have bceu walking on the track. The train struck him in a cut. The body was found lying beside the track, as we learn from the News and Observer. The scenes in the Kentucky Legislature are disgraceful beyond description, and the people aro now abusing the Governor of that State for calling out the troops to stop the "State House war" that has boon going on for the past few days. Impeachment is talked of and we do not know where the fuse will end. These things are a shame and disgrace and should stop, Senator cr no Senator. Arthur Duestrow, the millionaire who killed his wife and three-year old son in St. Louis two years ago, was sentenced by Jndge Hirzel to die on April 22nd. Dnestrow was in court when the sentence was passed, no merely smiled as the J udge named the date for tho exe cution and after light:ng a cigarette, left tho court room in company with Sheriff Terry. He will be returned to the jail in St. Louis for sato keeping. Why Timet Arc Hrd. The N ews and Observer has the following on a subject that just fcow interests everybody : Mr. Brodie L. Duke, of Durham, who was in Raleigh yesterday, says that business will out improve until Congress quits cultivating every other country's patch and gaos to attending to business that effects tho United States. "I had a letter a lew days ago," said Mr. Duke, "from a businessman of prominence in the North, and he accounted for the present dull times on the idea that much war talk in Congress had made capital timid, and had made men at raid to turn loose their money." Mr. Duke thinks if Congress would confine itselt to legislation affecting the people of the United Stitct, and qnit trying to regulate S-nth America, Ytneznela, Cuba, Srio, Hawaii und other countries with which they have nothing to dj, there would be a better chance for god time Id maoolactQrig as i in luioe. Meadow Creek Matters. Tho recent iricrewso in population here in this section, of which I have made mention in my former com munications, would naturally cauf-e improvement in other lines of btifci IK'Sfl. Tho "big glades" section, which heretofore lus been thought almost worthless for fanning Iwlng improved and several new house are in course of erection, somo of which aro: One by Howard Wood, one by Noah Alien and one by Wesley Schoat; all will soon be ready for occupaney. iWrnastcr Cox, of this place, has again lowered his dig iity its a public servant and as an olllcial by n moving the otlic j from its former site to Mr. Richard Lovt's, more than a hull milo d stant and I am informed without tho required ap proval of tho Fob to fllce Department which in in much Ices public and st.itablo place. The patro is of the ollico should enter protest and have it changed to a tin resnitablo place, say at Jennings' Mill. This re moval has practically cut off the Higgins postolllee of being supplied by the carrier and tho goc d people ot mat section are loicm to go some distance to the Uoil Creek oilice for their mail. Such acts, as well ss such oflicials, v e think should bo severely condemed and it would bo a disgrace to tolerate such longer. A new boarder a boy at the home of Mr. Charlie Davie1, recent ly, which causes a broad smile; aloo ono at Mr. Spot Jenning' a girl neither havo any inclination to leave, for the present at hatst. 11. Meadow Creek, Va., Mar. 10, '!. . rioting Excrcisei of Salem Public School, Mr. Eiutor : If you will allow me space in your columns. I will say a few words about tho closing ex ercises of Mr. 0. L. Atkins' school at Salem, about tour miles north of Mount Airy, which took place recently. It was a very pleabant occasion to all present, and the very best order prevailed, although the crowd was large. Tho exercises were interesting. The good train ing and apt instructions of their moist worthy teajher were clearly exemplified in each student. The whole programme was rather "a plea" for temperance, and a little monotonous, though it would be weli, we think, were there more "temperance cranks" to teach the young tho terrible effects ofttrong drink." There were two Demorett Medal contests. Mr. Rural Jackson and Miss Lizzie Satterfield were tho happy winners. Prof. Craven, of Mount Airy, who awa'ded the girls' medal and other prizes, made a short but appropriate t; lk. He, also, we suppose, made a good itn prcssion upon some of the girls, for they say that "he is tho most hand some man they ever saw." Every one "laired sumptuous" for the good eatables were abund: nt. We appreciate your kindness, good peo ple, and hope to enjoy ano her such occasion with you in he near future. A Visitor. News From Consent, Editor News : Earners are busy peparing their land for a big crop of corn and tobacco. Mr. G. W. Hart and Mr. W. R. Smith, of Smith, N. C, passed through our village U-day for Stuart, Ya. Wonder what carries them over? The writer had the pleasure of attending the exhibition a'. Croasy's Chapel the 13th, The students acted well their parts. A sermon by our colored brother was tine. Mr. W. E. Handy paid our town a visit not many days since. Come again, Mr. Handy. Mr. B. A. Handy reports trade dull, but eggs are a legal tender at this place. We regret to see Mr. Cap Tatum on the sick list but hope he will soon recover. II. Consent, Ya., March 14th. The Horse Doomed. What is to become of the horses and mules ! Will they die out for the want of appreciation ? We saw recently that in a New England State horses were selling for f 1.50 and a little higher. They are slaughtered in the West for food. The bicycle and the electric cars arc aiding hs.d times to diminish both value and number while the horseless conveyances, are coming rapidly into ne. It is rettlly a se rious matter. Since lB'.H) the num ber of horses has increased tt 10,220, but their value has fallen off $177, 58S.140. The nnmber of mules has decreased 112,081, while their ag gregate value has decreased $7U, lS(J,f42. Tlru shows a shrinkage of value of horses and mules of nearly 45 per cent, in five years. A comparison with lb!2 would be Mill more striking. The value ot horses and mules then wat f 1.1S2, 000,000. Now it is $003,0' (0,000, H' h ss of $579,000,000, or rearly 50 pr cent, in three years. When is this to stop ! If it continues horse breeding will become a thing of the pat and like the bnlValo will d sappear. Wil. Measeng r. Li voir 01 IJke blhouaneai, ay tpepala, head -he, eono pallna. ftnur etnntaeh. u dleejtioo promptly eurw! by Bood't PilU. They do thrir work run Lr eaHr and thnrnajrhty. r r lie '" ' " " I'M, I I Weenta. At dratgnU B 111 W Prepared by C. 1. Hood A Co.. 1.rwefl. Ma. Tie on); fill to take Willi Hoodl nr!!UL. Send in ynr subscript it u to thu paper. Only one dollar a year. els Rev. Francis I. Clark's New Book, Our Joortej Around tbe World. This h;g i!y instinctive add len didly illustrated volume i a rr ord of a recent jourtit y around the world, by IN v. Francis E. Clark, 1). D., President or tho United Societies of Christian Einh-avor, and his wife. Throughout the long journey, which oeeiipioif more than a yesr, ind covered marly fifty thousand miles by sea and land, they enjoyed rare opportunities tor obxervaiion and study. It is ono of tho ni'-st v!i!t'!n lnHikii ever issued by tho American press. The render is personally conduct ed through Anatialia, India, China, Japan, Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, and many other lands. We see these com. tries through American eyes, and obtain a perfectly clear view of them and their people, sup plemented bv two hundred and twenty sp'enclid illustration! from photographs, most of which were taken by Dr. Clark himsolf; tor he carried a complete photographic outfit with him. Dr. Clark wai ono of tho last Americans to travel through China ani Japan before the war between IhcHO countries was begun. In this rare volume ho gives ne the latest and beat insight into the daily life of a Chinaman in his own country; his favorite food and odd dishes; opium fiends and their ways; tho singular rites witnessed in the tem ples; tho public execution of crim inal; Chinese farms and farming; tho seamy side ot Chinoso life; Jap anese acrobats and their wonderful performances; Japanese life, queer customs, sit, wonderful skill, etc , tho burning ghats of India, where the bodies ot the dead are consumed on huge piles nf wood (a ceremonv IK OWrk witnifliM'd); tho Towers of Silence where the dead aro cx posed to bo devoured by thousands of waiting vultures that constantly sit on tho walls; woiideitnl nativo jugglers, fearless snake charmers and fakirs tlieso are but a few of hundreds of interesting topics pre scnted. Their route led across the land that Joseph gave to his father and brethren; past the very fields where the Israelites nude bricks without straw, and along thehighways where once rolled the chariots of the rha raohs. The story of the discovery of tho mummy of the Pharaoh who oppressed tho children of Israel, is wonderfully interesting. It was found among those of forty other mummies of kings, queens, and pun ces in tho royal mor'.nary chamber in tho lheban llil:s, and the iden tification ot Pharaoh is complete. Illustrations from photog 'arms show where the mummy was found, and others give full-length profile, and trOnt views of this ancier.t king who wrs contemporary with Moses and reigned in Bible imcs, thus enabling nil .-, !nu l.-i ti PI, aro. .1, n.;V.A nil vumu jiiDittir.v a iminiMi ju'iiu, A joun ey was made of hundreds of miles in an old spring wagon acrosBTui key an 1 .rmer ia, through an unknown country, infested by robbers and lu-stile n -Hives, the scene of the late horrible masacrei? of Armenians by Turks and Khurds. Dr. C'h.rk was tho last Christian to travel across those coun tries before these terrible massacres were pcrp otrated. The s'ory of this perilous fip is lull of thiilling in terest and exciting adventures. Mrs. Clark accompanied her bus band everywhere. She draws a vi vid picture of life in ,'ar-off lands, "As seen through a Woman's Eves." Her narrative is packed with anec dotes, incidents, and personal expe riences. Her story of the long journey in the wagon is highly en tertaining, its privations and peiils, CRieeially to a woman, being many. She was the only woman in the party, which consisted of herself and seven men. Dr. Clark's name is a familiar household word, and his fame as President of the United Societies of Christian Endeavor, with its two and one half million members, has extended to every corner of the world. Many distinguished persons urged turn to write this book. 1 hey knew that he hud acquired in this remaikable journey a wealth of ma terial which, with his nniqno collec tion of photographs, would makeone of the most valuable books of theday. It contains steel-plate portraits of Dr. Clark and ot his wife, from re cent photographs; a large map, ex hibiting the whole world at a single glance, showing the author' journ ey from the beginning to the end, and 220 tino illustrations, from photographs from lite. These must ins seen to be appreciated. We do not know when (UO pages have given us more genuine pleas ure, it we speak Wbrmly ot the book, it is because it richly deserves it. It is sold only by agenrs, and is meet ing with a:i enormous sale. Agents who introdue a tirst-class work like this onght to be cordially welcomed. We believe that tlit' best way to keep out poor books i by introducing good one, and a IxUter one thau this has never been brought to our notice. Put it into your home?. It will be ro; d o .sr and over again by old and young, with pleasure arid lasting profit. The work is published by the old and well-known firm of A. D. Worthington tV Co., Harttord, Conn., w l ose imprint is sufficient guarantee of the excellent of thu volume. - A. L. MeEntire, w ho is a colored man and a brother of Edmor.d Me Entire, mIo is well known in this place, is canvassing for above took and is selling a goodly number. Ho will call on you. We have sub seritted lor a copy. DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD Will bo in Greensboro. Wednes day, April 8ib, at MoAdoo 11. use. rractice IimlimiW to Eye, Ear, Nose acd Throat. ( w Emulsion Is the standard emubion the world over. There Is not a man, woman or child who 13 run down cr emaciated or ha3 weak lungs that Scott's Emul sion will not benefit. When you ask for it you will likely be told by the druggist that he has an emulsion " Iut as good." It is not true. No emulsion 13 a3 good. Scott's Emubion has bene fited millions of people. Ask your druggist If he can refer you to a single case that has been helped by the unknown emulsion he selta, and if so, we will send you a book giving thousands of cases. You want the standard; not something that nobody knows anything about. All dntrirlatl Mil Rrntt' Fmulilsa. T-vo hn - w rintnm1 1' voir A noWNB, Ch.mliU, Nfw V.- Round Peak RippleJ. Squire William Guiding had the remains of his son. ( 'til u tubus, who died at Oldtown, Va., some 8 or 10 years ago, removed to Zinn Hill Church, near this place, a few days ago.- Mr. Sid Marshall, who went from this section recently to I'aticrson's Mines, a, happened to a very serious accident by getting his leg badly crushed, so much so that am putation was necessary. There are doubts of his recovery. Mr. Gnnville Hooker's new resi dence is nearing completion and will soon bo ready to be occupied. Messrs. 1 lodge and Uobertson contemplato moving their steam saw mill shortly from its present site to a point near Mr. T. A. York's. They seem to have done a very sue. cesstul business hero and we hope their new site may prove ss much. M iss Ellen Hooker, who has been snllcring very much for somo time pest, of bronchitis, we are glad fc state is improving slowly and hopes are entertained now of her recovery. )n tho 1 2th in.-t., at tl e home of the bride's parent's, neat-here, M;ss Katie Marshall was happily married to Mr. Kdgar iuiith, of ('eilar, Va., Kov. W. II. Beamer, otl'uiat ing. We tender our cotitrstula tions and hope the barque which bears them across the sea of lite may meet only fair winds till it Btrikes anchor at last on the golden sands of the farther shore, and that the hearts now linked may live and love forever on the sunlit shore of eternal rest. Hex. Hound 1'eak, March 14th, lbOO. Entertainment at Ounnagan School House. On Friday morning, March Oth, a large crowd gathered at the above named school house to witness tho closing exercises of the school taught by Mr. Hay Norman, of Copc land. The entertainment was very interesting and highly enjoyed by all present. The noble looking lit tle lioys spoke almost like men. There were several excellent reci tations by the young ladies of the school; there were also some splen did declamations by the young men. Excellent music was furnished bv Messrs. Armstrong and Wall. Ad dresses were delivered by Jasper S. Atkinson and John Wall. We think that it wil! compare most tavorably with any enter tsinmcnt of its kind in the country. Dinner was spread on the grounds and the writer, with many others, did them selves justice Visitor. March 10th, 1S00 Whea Baby was akk, we gmvr her Oaatoria. Whn awmtt Child, ahe cried for CaatorU. WVfl ahe became Vtaa, ie clung to Castorbk When ahe had Children, aha gave them Oaatoria The (tjldsboro Headlight ssvs: The six ycar-old daughter of Mrs. I'ettie Smith accidentally caught on fire Friday morning, and was so badly burned that she died about 2 o'clock that afternoon. Trove the merit of Html't Hunuiparllla pcul- llve, prrfeet, emaiient ("urea. Cur of arniful In aeerest forma, like a"itre. nwrlled heck., ruuumg hifea. lili dnrae. nirea !n the eye. Cure of Salt IMieum, with Its Intense Itah'ng anil btinilim. aealil head, ti-tter, etc. Cure of Itollv, I'ltnple. and all other erup tion due to Impure blood. Cures of Dyipenila and othr tron!le where a (rood stomnch tonic neeiled. Cures l Kheui JOnm. where patients wereun- atile to work or walk for week. Cures of Catarrh by expellliiR the Impurities whleh ea!!e and ir.ntalti the disease. Cures of Nervousness by properly tnnlnir and feeding the nerres upon pure blood. Cures of That Tired Feellna- by restoring strength, heud for book ol eres by Kloodi's Sarsaparilla To C. 1. Hood At Co.. Proprietors. I.owell. Masa. are Ote best after-iliiinei MOOd S I lUS pilla, aid ditestio. 2ie Relief in Six Hours. ' Pidtresslng Kiitney and (ilailder diee rellered ia aix honra by the "'ew Great 8onth Arvan Kulnej ate." 1 his new remedy is a preat surf rise on kroennt ol it eitei!ine pr. iiiptii. in renes-iui; pma ia the tilailil'-r, kiilnera, lv-k and every psrt t the urinary passage in male or female:. It relieves retention of water ami jwiu in passing It altii'Ml tniuiediattdv . If vnu want qoick relief and rnre hi yoxir remetlv. Sold by Taylor Banner, lrtig. gtsta, Mxmt Airy, K. Tno. FAWf trr, K. ?. !ityn. 'J a: If. PrAaoaa. M.L. Fc iTt 1'P'ci'li'iit. 1st Vivo President. 2nd Vice Prrsident, (,'ashlntr FIRST NATIONAL DAHK OF f.lT. Aiiw. IX OIU'OUATI O. t'RpMHl, $.10,000, PhM t IMRBGTORS. Tho Kseitt J. II Pnrjtr, M. I,. Kaweett, It. i. riwjrn, C. !.. flanks. This bank s"l: it th ni'i'oiims of Merchants, Mfimifnctim'rs Farmers ano Individuals. TIip acciuiritu of th MerelinnUlorntetJ In towns ailiacent rwelved on favorahle terms. 'I lip funds of our tiimtoniHra are aecured iijr two hurar inx'f steel client and tlm Yule Tim lt'k. Intercut allowed oil Havings I)t'oitl. G. J. LACKEY'S (Slothing Storen U BLUE RIDjtE Wtf BLOCK Ht. Airy. JJ r.VHrytliiiiK In my line bought for rash, consequently prices for Clothing of KVEllY DICSClill'TION are as low an those of any other clothing store In the country, (live mo a trial. !n Memoriam, On the morning of the tiih itud., tbe jilein-ant homo of Mr. Eugene T. Me.Micklc, near thi place, waa gliroiiiled in gloom by the death of Mr. McMickle'a loving wife, Flora, who died about 7 o'clock, in her 5S:b year, of heart failure. Her mitiih n name wa 1'lalY and waa raised near l'fnlTiown, Forsyth county. Her parenta later moving to Salem, where ahe met Mr. Me Miekle, afterwards marrying him, which event took place about ecven years ago. They soon afterwards moved to rhia place, and have reeided hero ever since. Their union waa bit aed w ith tour children, all of whom ur vive her. Shu profed faith in Ch.-ixt while jnite young and joined the Melliodlrt church ot which she remained a lnithfiil and eotiaiatent member until her death. She waa an obedient daughter, a kind wile and an allV-ctioiiate mother. A pleraant home it al lened, a place made vacant that can never las filled. The bereaved have our ten der sympathy and we point with pride "and bow with humble 6nb inieMon to the will of "Him wlr doelh all things well," believing lie will rin-ttiii tliem in this their (ore bereavement. A IkikN'o. KdwanUille, N.C., Much 13, 'M'. Mrs. Anna Gage, wile ol Ex Depuly U. S. Marshal, Calumbus, Kin., says i JT"V" ssav "I wasdoliverod . TWINS n le.s thnn 20 inin ulos and with acareely any pain aftr using only two bottles of S1iJS FRIEND" DID NOT SOTFE AFTERWAHD. Iir-Henl by Fvpressor Mali, on rweriM of nrlre. !. per bottle. Book "TO MoTtlKHs" nsltetl frte. BEinnl l D EKit UTOB CO., ATLANTA, 6A. SOLD IY ALL DRUCfilSTS. Big Premium Sa'e of Bright Leaf Tobacco, Richmond, Va. The greatest niesMire of success at tended Una 1'remiiini Snle, which lsstffl two days, ini-teitd of ow, villi a larpe number of the moKt solid nlanternof Virginia, Nurlh Carolina and South Carolina coinpetiiiK for llie prizeg. Mr. V. V. . Land, of Littleton, N. C, who lias been using Acme Fertilizer for the ,mst four yenrs, took the follow ing premiums at this bin Premium Sale on the LNih nml of January, lhfttl: jst P.richt Matmirany WrnjiiH-rs V. V. Land, t'b cash. 2nd IiriKht Maliojiany Wrappers V. W. Land 1 Saddle. 1st Park Mahogany-V. W. Land (50 ensh. 1st flitters V. W. I and .Ml cash. 1st English Strips fX Cash. d Ktit'lish Strips Churn. Hrd Knglish Mrips $5 Plow. Any one hogshead bri;ie;ii,n highest average jirice i Mr. Lati'1 got average of 47 '...c. per lb for this hogsjienil i f'Joi-aah. Atiy one hogshead bringing the must dollars (Mr. Land received for this hi.gsh-ad $412 ti) J5 ensh. Mr. S. L, Cciey, of Wltitakers, N. C, who also used Acme Fertilizer, took for 2d Lemon Wrappers, 2U overcoat. For 2d Smfikers AS liurean. Mr. Land tiaik 9 preniiums, auiount ing to -'Ml, and Mr. f. took 2 premiums amount ing to -'h ; thus "Acme Fertili zer" took 11 premiums, amouniirg to A;io8 out of a total of 25 premiums, amounting to VKJ SO orti-reU hv all of the three warehouses at the Premium hale. Mr. Land and Mr. Coley took nearly everything in sight, and they were the only planters competing at this sale who used Acme lerfiiter. No dotilit, hud there lieen others who used this guano, Ihey would hae swept the Hoard. The editor of the Southern Tobacco nist A Manufacturer writing of Mr. Land's sale, fays: "There waa nothing t compare with this crop in price or finality. It sold on its merits The premiums were awarde'l by one party, samples drawn by another, and the sale tiwik place before the premium award. The rich, silky, !ine-tibred, spready. bright and mahogany leaves of Mr Land's crop, made with Acme Fer tilizer, were as dist inguishalile from that of other planters as leather U from home-tanned sheep-skin. Analysis of "Acme Fertilizer" for to bacco by lr. battle, Slate Chemist. Atailabie Phy. Aeid, per cent ; Am monia, 'i 11 percent.; Potash, 252 per cent. Very high. Price lower than others. A good atrent wanted in every neighborli.wid. I '? "Acme." Take no ot her. W. K White, the representative of "Acme tiuano Co.,-' will ts? in this fer tion in a few day.. Address him care of Hotel Jones, Winston, N.C. awt its r enmm Tn Twr EtMTf ; I hive an remeorv for Comumpuon. By It? timely a thousands of hiselea rws hav been ire.l r perrrttnenllv cured So proof-rositiv am I of la powtr that I comider It m duty to Ui raw h'tlln f-tt to those fat jrrmr mm who hive Owsumrion,"nirrat. Bronchial e Lune Troobat. it thfy will wnte me tlaslr eprei iv.1 rv-rfiice atVrrn. Sirtrerftv. t. A- KjUCnc K C, in rear! it- knr Tart. Mr- Th swt fswrtess smi wis "at f spy law' fiiiiei 1 M 1 M 10-23-3m WIS To fail to tne attention of the people nl Mount Alrj and siiriomidlng con itry that e Mill hate The Best Supply of Pore Dregs, Vn fflflres, hs-mtrals. Toilet Article. 1'sleni Metllrinea, Ac. Ac . to he found In Hurry fount)-, and iha' we want an! late Yonr Mi We do not sell ' hesp Juhn" goods and do not rsy weaenjnn at hear Ji hn prtcea, hut. we do say we give you THE BEST Thst can be hoin,hl and si ll thi-m to yon at reasonaiile prlf. s. Ma esperially wish to call attehilim in our supply o( TRUSSES. If yon nerd one don't fall to come to see ns. We have alt styles and snd wiih a long en perlci ce can adjust one to Ml where It a cure la posMoie yon will certainly be rurcd. Alsolf you t eed a pa'rof spectacle we have an at'imdance of I And we cinnoi Ruftlfif nf ly iifK'e the Importance 01 hui Ink the tn t whi n Ihe delicate orvan of slKlitrafci'i-erned. lJist hut not least, we wish to call attention to the fact ttml we aiu nrtpar-d to till your liiinlly rt'ceipm ai n physicians' prcM-rlpltuns With Skill and Accnracy, VMih ten vesrs' practical expert-ne tn your luiii... mm a .itiiiuiis I II "lie IH I lie Iji si o.llctf, s n( liisruia y in the Culled Mules, r e 'lure -My no unc will hesi tate to put Hie m.-st iimcni! or liitrlcnfc pns.Ti,.;!-in In m r hands. Very Truly, TAYLOR & BANNER. tafiaM J t) W i 1J.J7V.1 X, r Jy PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C, mai-ra m if DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, J NOTIONS, 5 FURNITURE, FERTILIZER D THK CKl.t naTKII i Domestic Sewing Machine, f r 3 The Best on the rket. fefios and faUs Alwavs id If aod. I'ROfKIKTOIt or Q Pilot Mountain Livery Stable AND ntALES IK LUMBER i And:-: Building :-: Material. ALSO COHEICM AND BlILDEt VALUABLE iica I a. I a I wisli to soli ptivHtely my twe aiory, 7 room d 'veiling house, hih! 3 room r-toro honnc, corner Main nnd Ilaml'llt j; HI reel. Cull early or 5 011 mihi lone a har i;ain. Tno lot is lurra und hns one irood sjri ne on it. There is 11 good ci-Hur under thonlore, nlso new '"rlrty t on the lot. M r. Wm. Ohikfith. March 3rd, lS;iC-2m 7. II. SIUFSON, BROKER Representing Fl'teen Houaei On All the Best Msrketa. Everything in Heavy and fancy Gro ceries, Fruits and Confections. Lowest market prices piven. Office in Joyce rtliK-tt, at head of steps, on rieTht hand aide, fronting on Main Street. 'Out-of-town Merchants will please call or w rite for delivered price on all kinds of groceries.. Visitinp and Country Merchant cor dial! invited to rail at ottice. Unt1 n4 A Tuition in ClllLUlI. mercantile emlab lislmimit tiy a younjj mnn ol enerj i. d prvod huwineas qiin'ilicalions. Good n-terenee ciren. A tdr.-ss. ISOX Nil 15, "B. It." .letferwoi,, N. C. WANTED. A House or 1'i.rtr to rrprfwnt n, and take order for Fikb IVstom I mrsiifj. Kor rarticulara address MAkkM AriMll.l I, Brtsadway and Mnth treet, ew York. Rca Estate lr Sale ! 11 . j. 'Qj.iJXiI.LaLi CARTLAND,x Tie Hani Tailor, a -OF GREENSBORO, N. C, HAS :-: RECEIVED :: SPRING :: STYLES. . u. Tint 1 irasT Imported ClioviolH, m EBEH Vicniifvsi rrricots, WRITE FOR SAMPLES. Has Cluett, Coon & Co's popular brand ot Shirt, Dress Negligee Chcvoit Underwear, Canes and Umbrellas. 11. II. CART LAND, mc cniITU CI M 5TRTFT r.RFriilSRfiRn N C. J.j IUV VUVIII UUHI UMH.LI, 1.1 All WaiIm Wilier Works lor Mount Airv Settled .VES!. THERE IS NO QUESTION OF DOUBT ABOUT THAT. THERE ARE OTlilACTSliliE CONSIDERED. Houston's Drug Store Is the projier ilaeo to buy your I'rus, Modicinca, Toilet Articles, & f Pur Pnijja aro SiandtirJ. We iiso the purest nu'dii'itic in com)Otirulinj. PHYSICIANS PHESCIUPTIONS A SPECIALTY. Wo d iti'l claim t run n "(.'heap Jfdin Druij Store." but our pneca aro lo when we c-onaider the quality of jjoiiIh aolil. The aiM-rel 10 all this in wo sell'h. (Juu-k falea arid then why not take short profit! An olii, rusty, ilateles", facelesa penny in rapid cti cutntion is worth more to tn than n sl-iw, sluiah, ' longtime d l ltir." Uottrtoii'H DrtiK Store carries all that 3011 eun rail for in an "UP TO DATE PHARMACY." Give 11 a cull, lhin't forget llie iilaco. A trial will vonvinre ynu that women IihI we say. Kcorythinjj New, Frooh anil Neat. Thanking you for pant patronage Truly, D. A. HOUSTON, Blue Ridge Inn Block, . Mount Airy, N. C. ill rnn nnn n inn mm 111 Planters' Warehouse, MOUNT AIRY, "NT. CM FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Th a Warehouse- la 'oet-1 la ttiebnlnei prt of town enovenlent t.ttie Rank ami the le;it:r. .Inhhrra. It Is situated within a te BteW or l.wlna Tlllei l-al lluuoe I'm her httlora Tip tiareo r'ai'turi am the mammoth ToMon Workit of Mparer Una., and tn tael -vaveiilent lo all our IwbaeiX) nieu. oi'nldeH which we have the Best Accommodations for Man and Stock of any Housein the State. our mnw tho first or October hae bn almot don til.' nny two warvhtMnek tb Ho'int Aln . wb.oh In stnmi v ltkot Uiit THE PLAN'TEltS1 IS THE PLACE TO SELL! Mr. J. A. waim our auctioneer. I reli-lcnown aaone of the r't In the stale. Mr K P all Is our rVrnk k-eeer. LI' h laa vHHrutee thai our Vt lli lie a.vurulelv kern. nr. w T llavne. ot Patrlclc rounly. Va . r'l"or Wa .kr; K A. News .111 ot Hion-a coiintv. Mtht Wale. run and N. W. Brow 1 uperlnteti'la the aale of er.'r pile "I Tutiami pui on our Ouor and aeeathaili hrltlCT Kull Murkel alue. r-l e have .me of the hei Arratiee1 Batementa for atorlnir and ordering Tmiaeeo to be t.ntnd anvm-here. in urn need noi feur when you a art tn Mount Alrv with your Tutaucd, till dn. t the 1'I.ANTKItrV wnere y u will reivive Ihe very het. aiwuiimiMlnifoim. iw all Totwcoi aUlppe'l to or leli In our rare will receive our ery beat atii-ntii.n. Came and aee na while 111 tnwu. wueiher you have tnii:uvo or not. Thaiiklnir one and alitor the very llherai p.tri'.atfe irlven in In the raia! aad pled enn? our aelvea to alwav he on bnd to look alter the luiereai.!i ul our euauimeta; a we very well know that our Intent.! are our Interest. Your friends, , Stone 1$ 'ril t ' f i .- a Farmers, Don't Forget! Graves' Warehouse, Corner Main and Rockford Streets, la the place to get the biglieet market price fur your tobaaeo; lite b aceo mad vm for hoh youraeUe and yoar atix-k ; the aaost oonreaient kieation to the atnrew ami iht bauk, whieh ne time tu yon. We ar a;a on band to LOOI AFTER YOUR INTERESTS Al COIIFORTS, And Bbov all, to aee that very pound of your tobaeea ia dUplayod an tha It tt)uf Ihe KULL MAKKET I'RICE. Thanking ?oj for the of Wo.,. fmt haw b fit to ntroi oa within the jwwt, and aolii Itii . otinoa tiua of tb liae, are, YOUR FRE.ND8, Graves Warehouse Co. Tartie dwiritiif Typewntnut iki Short llantl work diiti trill do wM to call on W. D. Ilrown at Gw. V. Sparpr'i t.ffiee. Irirc reasotable. ont-12-mch Hi Hi Hi M hi ili Hi Hi m m m Hi m auTti.Tiaa is Hi in 'Voistendt?. Cn.ssimi3ils. OLOTI! i, ALL STl'LII m m fcM m m m n v.iik.wi.vwuow, ... w. m -AT- BROWN. HAYKES & KEWSOM. Leaf Tobacco MT. AIBY MARBLE WORKS. Mount Airy, N.O. W. 0. HAYNES I CO , Propnetdn. liieKaillsHraiiMoiiils I Torubstor.r. Iron Fencing, or Karcic for EnilfliEi Pirimic. fr Itt and pnvn v mil und f-mtiw our ttUn'k. o;ir wrk ai.ii hrvwii. ..MaM 1 t v a" 1 . . i J ' A n tl ! c'nr W"T'-, Trrm.ti.v uni Orcl.srd (irw Stnl. lie m-!W onif tr.