m MOUNT AIRY NEWS. T.j. Lownr, ... t..vo. Mount Airj, N. 0., Mar. 20, 1890. BUBSCKIPTION RATES: 06 copy, one yir, - 11.00 On copy, lit month, . . .60 On copy, tbrt montha, .25 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. nlereo atttie Pout orlre at Mount Alry.N.C. ss.oossl-classiasstl siatter. Seventeen persona wore killed Monday, 23 iunt., by a initio explo ion at Dubois, Pa, Tho Republican Ktatn executive committee met at Rh'.oi'kIi a"d ibsu ed a call for the tuto convention to meet May 14-th. llcaolutions in favor of a contintiai'eo of. fusion were also adoptcl. Charles W. Anderson, a colored mail, private secretary .of Addison B. Colvin, State treasurer of New York, iina recently , beon to the South in tho interest of Governor Morton's candidacy for the nomi nation at St. Louis. If the cry was for statesmen who Lave braius, rather than for those who have money, in our conveu lions, we would not have tho od spectacle of mouths going otl half cocked in our icnato, which ought to bo the gravest body in the world , It is hoped tho coming campaign will be conducted decently. We despise to mix np in anything of the vile, dirt throwing sort, and it will be bettor for all others con cerned to come to tho same .con clusion. Eight is right and nothing but right. The skeleton of a man has been found in the hollow of an old tree, near the battlo of Seven Tines. The hollow is too small to have admit ted the body ot a man. A belt fastening found by the sido of the skeleton bears the uanie ot the DOth K Y. Regiment, to which the mini is supposed to have belonged. The annual liquor license court opened in Philadelphia last Mon day under remarkablo circum stances. There are now in the city only 1,600 retail raloons, the license fee being $1,000. Petitions with 300,000 names were presented to the court asking that tho number ot licenses be still furthor reduced. There are said to be nearly 7,000 "speak easiea" in opeiation owing to the high license fee. Rev. Samuel Purdy, who left North Carolina in 1871 and spent 14 years as a millenary in Mexico, passed through Greensboro Wed nee day evening goin South, his desti nation being San Salvador, Central America. Mr. Purdy is a native of Randolph county and is a most devout man, and a hard worker, lie will open a mission in his new home and may spend the remaind er ot his days there. He is a mem ber of the Society of Friends. As an outcome of the conference between tho leading silver men of Denver and Colorado and the pres ident and members of the finance committee of the Americin Bi-me-tallic Union, Colorado has pledged herself to respond generously in a financial way towards the work of education and organization prior to the holding of the National Bi-me tallic convention in St. Louis on July 22. It is believed that $25, 000 will be raised in that State. The Democratic Central commit tee met last week and appointed a meeting of the State Executive committee April 0th. There was a full discussion of the status ot the party, and members freely gave their views. The drift of sentiment was decidedly encouraging and a much more harmonious spirit was shown than any one would have imagined. It was stated that Demo crats and Populists have fused in Tyrrell county. It is understood there is such fusion in two or three other counties but not yet an nounced. There is ono good feature about the decline in cotton at this season. It will help to keep the South from producing, or trying to produce, an enormous crop, which would make the marEet weak for two or three years. With the high prices of the early winter an effort would have been made by almost ever planter to increase his acreage, and, with faroring season, there might pot sibly hate been another 10,000,000 bale crop. With k falling market there wiii be Utile temptation to excMire planting and we may look forward to fair prices. Cotton and wheat, like tobacco, rrnelly punib over prod action and are liberal in reward to the husband man when there are moderate yields. Nothing is better onders'ood than this, yet, after all, the season and the mulct contract the planter's policy of fully or wioJom. -Congret-8 has ma ie a ''fl h" in the- Cuban matter. The resuluti'jns go back to tho committee. Mai. John C. Winder, of Raleigh, who wag stricken with paralysis a few days ago, died on Sunday. Tue State Supremo court gives Professor Tillett 10,000 damages in iiis suit against the Noifolk and Wes'ern R.ii!rofd company for loss of his eyesight by an accident on that road. Tho North Carolina Teachers' Assembly, after all, goes to Ashe ville. "Just as I expected," is .bout the only comment wo have heard, except one or two thought there was "not much dependence to be put in the statements of oome people," or words to that effect The Venezuelan Commission. Washington, Maich 21. Mr. Malet l'revoet, secretary of tho Venezuelan Commission, to-day authorized the following statement : 'During the past week a report became current to tho ellect that the commission had reached a de cision with reference to tho boun dary question favorable to Vene zuela. This having been denied, the report has been circulated in Another form and it is now asserted that while tho commission, as a body, has xeached no such conclu sion, the commission individually entertain the views referred to. "It must 1)0 evident to all per sons that so long as anything re mains to be examined and cjnsider- ed, the commissioners are not in a position to torm an opinion rcspect- nig me mertiB oi mo controversy. As a matter of fact neither tho com mission nor the individual commit sioners aro as yet in possession of all the evidence. "The papers presented by Vene zuela are but a part of what has been promised. Ihe Blue Book of tho British government, while re markably full and detailed, does not include all the documents which may be adduced in support of its contentions. The commission has not and will not limit itself to the Consideration of what those two governments may present. It has been engaged upon independent lines of inquiry and will continue to follow thohe lines until all its sources of information shall have been exhausted. Then and not un til then, will it bo in a position to form any opinion or to make any report. Washington, March 21. The last mail from La Guayra, just arrived in this city, contains the km" expected addition to tho case of Venezuela as it will bo laid be fore the commission. The work was undertaken at Caiacas by a volun teer commission wnose services were accepted by the Venezuelan government. It prepared all ot the material accessible in Venezuela bearing upon the boundary dispute. The matter so far collected was dis patched promptly by the home gov ernment to its minister here, Senor Andrade, and while the documents themselves are now in New York the advance mail has-brought to Washington a complete list ot the papers comprised in the first install ment. There aro thirty-two cop ies of original manuscript records in the lot, but these, after all, aro of secondary importance in comparison with the large number of charts and maps that have been gathered to sustain the Venezuela case. , In this first lot of matter there are no less than sixty such maps, aud in ad dition there are references to almost twice as many additional charts. that may lie readily obtained. This store ot material will be turned over to tho Venezuelan commission as soon as it can be put in order. Killed by a Train. Another poor fellow lost his life in a twinkling last night, aud prob ably never knew what Itilli-d hi it-. Tho work was done by the engine ,r :.. xv. n .i t ... i i ui iram io. iz norin-oouna, aue here at J.52 p. m. The accident happened some two hundred yards above the coal chute. The engineer says lie was coming along at a fair rate of speed and noticed the man walking by tho side of tho track, or between two tracks. Such things are very com mon in or near town and the engineer Was not surprised, though he kept Lis eyes on the man. Just before tho engine reached him, however, the man suddenly stepped right up-u the track. The engineer applied his air brakes and blew tho whistle, but it a too late and before the whistle had scarcely sounded the 'deed was done the pilot of the engine hitting the man and knocking bun from toe track down the embankment. The train was stopitt'd, but the poor fellow was dead. Both twins were broken aud both legs, but otherwise tliei body wan not badly mangled. Agent Vernon biouglit the re mains down to the depot. His name was David Wheeler, aged 33 or 40 years. His brother, who Jives above Pomona, was summoned and took charge cj the body. The dead man had been living with his father who is a miller in charge of a iuiil north ui town. It is thought Wheeler Wttou his way to see bin brother and that he lott his wiu when he saw tha train and probably thought he wa gi ttin off the track nhen he etepped upon if. Greensboro Record. There are hustlers in the town of KokoniD, Jnl. The t-ther day a woman was divorced rut there and iueide of thno minuttishe was married to another fellow.. C'd JAN SUCCESSES. Spanish Columns Rou'ed Quantities of ArTis and A.nmunitiot. Laoturtd by Lu- bans Brutalities of Spaniards A Steamer Sunk fcy l Cruiser. Havana, March tlst, via Kkv Wkst, Fla., March 21. The Gov ernment has suffered severe reverses at Candelana and Cayajalun, in l'inar del Rio, and its atteinjis to check the westward inarch ot Maeeo completely tailed. Col. llernadez's column wh.b ambushed by Maceo on the Galopa estate near Candela ria. Col. Inclan went to his Assist ance and both columns weio bad'y cut up. On the following day Gen. Linares and Col Iuclan met the enemy on tho La Meried ettute. After an encounter tho insurgent columns continued their march to wani the north coast. Wednesday Col. Francis, with 1,200 troops, fought Maeeo amid tho ruins of Cayajabos. Maeeo used cannon. The details i f the encoun ter aro diilicuit to ob ain. The Government sent out a special am bulauco train and ciirlit train loads of troops of tho relief columns of Francis, Liclau and Linares, which were badly routed. Col. Francis was brought here severely wounded. Information from a reliable boutco says lour captains aud seven lieu tenants are dead aud tho losses of tho Spaniards in killed, wounded and missing aro over 200. The rebels aro said to have captured 1,000 rihYs. Gen. Weyler is nearly distracted between tho failures of military openitions on the one hand aud the horrors being conim tted on tho other. The report is inflated upon that ho will soon resign or be re called. The pressure of political parties is giving him much annoy ance. It is admittud on all sides tliat Wey'er has proven a failure. The attitude of tho I'nited States is believed 10 be largely duo to his reputation and iho excesses com mitted since his appointment. Real izing tho ellect ot the latter, Weyler has endeavored to prevent outrages. Ilis success has not been greater than in the putting down of the rebellion. Tlio way matters have been going recently has produced a great increase in the insurgent ranks and the Cubans are much en couraged. Maceo's victory result ed in thocaplnto of considerable ammunition, which was immediately followed by hard fighting. The Spaniards admit it will be impos sible to put down the revolution for a long time to come, even if all things go well. Kkv Wkst, Fi.a., March 21. Tho steamer Whitney arrived this morning and reported that it is ru mored in Havana that a Spanish ctuiser sunk a steamer between Cardenas and Matanzas yesterday. It is thought to be Callazo's party. Havana, March 21. (From a staff correspondent of the United Press.) Tho Government now re ports that their loss in the battle at Cayajalam on Wednesday last wa6 seven soldiers killed and three of ficers and forty four soldiers wound ed. The rebels are said to have lost fourteen dead on the field. A rebel force, which attacked the town of Roquo, province ot Matanzas, was repulsed, after the troops had repeatedly charged ihem with the bayonet. In their flight, however, the insurgents set tire to and destroyed sixty-one houses. Senatorial Extravagance. There aro ninety Senators. They have 053 employes to wait upon them at a cost of about $4S2,0O0 a year. That is to say each Senator, besides his salary of $.r.0"0 a year, must have attendance costing $5,35." a year. There are 121 clerks to commit tees, etc., in a body numbering only ninety persons. There are titty two laborers, though nobody can imagine what lalxir they perform. There are lifteen poliemeu, though the Senate end of the capitol is fully guarded by the capitol police. Senator Chandler has rendered a public service by calling attention to this monstrous extravagance. It is an abuse of krge proportions, and it is made worse by the fact that most of the money is paid to persons near to the benators them selves for purely nominal services. In other words, tho Senators aie quaitering their families ai d de pendents upon tho country at an annual expense of nearly half a mil lion dollars to the tax payers. The exposure ought to compel a reform. New Voik World. News from Siloam. Not seeing anything from this neighborhood in your columns for sjine time I will try to give a little new s. . The farmers seem to bo getting on very well with their farming. Some sowing oats and tome prepar ing for that beautiful weed, which please the warehousemen, tobacco. Profs. Allen ai.d Atkinson are having a line school at this place. New Btudents coming in every week. We are glad t J see such an liitereet manifested in this country in behalf of education. Some of our young men visited the eloaintf exercii-es of Mr. J. F. Nance's school, at I'nion, this coun ty, distrfct No. 10, aud from the good behavior tiiat was shwn we can safely say that Mr. Nance has made them an excellent teacher. The people ot the district school feel proud of their success in ob taining cuch a noble teacher. The most striking and interesting part of the exercise was the content for a Deuiorent Medal in which eik'ht girla and one young man were en gaged. The conu'stai ts recited their piece elegantly and h-auti-fu ly. After tl. cke of tho eon test the medal wa awarded with a brief addreta by Dr. S. T. Fdj pin. lA tij lif n i su s e to the N kws. Jap. Si .os n, N. C, Mirch 23rJ, 18W. iimif? Why wear wool ? To keep out cold? No. To keep in heat. If the body Is supplied with plenty of fresh air oxygen and proper food, It will gener ate sufficient warmth to pro tect you on the coldest day Scott's Emulsion of Cod liver Oil, with Hypophcsphites, Is the best warrnth-food. Thin people, people with poor blood who are easily shaken by a cold wind take Scott's Emul sion and it makes good blood, improves the appetite, in creases flesh, furnishes bodily warmth, and prevents the 111 results from colds, coughs, and exposures. SCOTT'S EMULSION bat "W hf Ih4 mtiiflpraftuKHi for timtj r'tri, (Aik tarn 4' far.) T il htt'K" it ptUlmbtttlVft uiitrmtluHiri fnn''i tktpurtit Hotvxim CW IwrWiiHWM''". , . Pul up i o f"" " Si oo urn. T w Jfr News from Big Creek. There aro still a few cases of measles on the creek just below hero. Mr. L. L. Nunn returned from court yestt rday. The public school house in this district is being erected this week. There has been no school in this district in three years. This writer takes the responsi bility on himself to say that any man who recommends any individ ual as being "tho best pnlilic school teacher in the county, etc.," when that individual is known to go into tho school room so intoxicated as to hardly know which end is up is no better, morally or intellectually, than the same individual he recom mends. Whenever a man quits such habits, if ho is intelloc'ually competent to teach, it is then euy enough to laud him. Let a man earu a reputation by d.ing right. That is all thia writer asks ; but for tho sake of justice give every man his due. Tho public school closed at Hili's school house, near Pilot Mountain, last Friday, with a good entertain ment which did credit to the teacher, but a general bawdy time on the outside did a deal ol well-merited discredit to the toughs who par ticipated. Mr. John Henry Mitchell, a prominent farmer, living near here, while out oat sowing itt week was stricken with a severe paralytic stroke and is reported as no better Irom it. Mrs. John 1'enncttdkd one day last week of typhoid fever, leaving a husband and several small chil dren. Mrs. T. L. Sarles, of Christians burg, Vs., and her two daughters are stopping with relatives in the Westfield section. It is understood that as soon as Capt. Sarles can come in and make necessary ar rangements they will make their future home at Pilot Mountain Capt, Sarles was formerly a prom inent citizen of Wei-ttield but moved to Koanokeafew years ago, and after lot-ing heavily in real t state deals, moved to Christians burg, X. The family has, during the last few years, had some heavy blows; first, an only Bon was killed alxiut three years ago by being violently thrown from a horse, and they were bereft of a grand daughter a few months Hgo. A Sunday school will be organ ized at the Westfield IU,-ist Church next Sunday and one at Gibson's school house on the same day. With generous good will, 'A P's. Lig Creek, N. C, Mar. 20, Is'.'G. WVd B1it m lck, w f are her Ccitorla, Whn ! m Child, mlm cried fur Cut art ft. When die twaun Ml, alio clung to (Xttortu, Whoa lie luul Children, ili gare thru Castorl Hlood nietni sound health. Willi pure, rlcb, hraltliy blood, the utoinirh and dl (festive organs will be vigorous, and there wilt li no dv-pc-piiia. Ifhoimmt im and Neuralgia will Ik- unknown. rVrofulaand bail iiht um w ill disappear. Willi pura four nerve will he at rang, and your aleep aound, sweet and rt-frerhinir. Hood'a Huniajiarilla makes pure blood. That la why il cures mi many diw-a.-. That is w hy so many luouKandu take It to cure dlwase, retain frKHl health, pre vent sickness and snUi-riug. Itemem U-r n n h IniOOO Sarsaparilla la the One True Wood Purifier. Il r bottle. r'tt rmr l-oer Ills; eay to ilOOU S I'lllS Wke.ras) WopertOe. . If aainall hoi It of Shaker Pigesti.e" Cor dial dues you bo good, don't hny a large sue. 'Proe all thiuu ; hold fust thai which ia good." It's not g jxl f ir vrhodv, only for tlx thin, pa-, aick, weak anil weary. For thwe w ho ar Mami for watit of ehge-tetl food. Kor thoe who can not ft tt or strong. Ixvaum t'w-l, stom achs do not work as (hey ought lo. These are 'he people, million of th.-m, whom Shaker Difeslive (JrSiaI will eum. , l-'o l niak s snent'li, tnu'le, lrir, blood, raV'nry after ills dige-sOii. !f"t cl:geted, it will do yon no f.cvl at all. I !nkrr Iiu.-tie Cord at lift) ynnr stoma b lo durst tour fmj "nil , uresis-' digeoiM n prrmaiieuilv. Wha Jro .'ve tru-.i a iiosli h-K! i, jo i ran tell, hold I j rtnip;il. Trial ho tl 10 e ntr. i pyre Titos. Faith r, If. I., fit vi. Jas. If. KfAiitikit. M. L. Fawtbtt I'roMtlent. lt Vice CreMileiU. 2nd Vkv I'rrsiuVnt. fashier FIRST ii ATI DUAL DANK of ,1t. Airy. IM OltPOHA I I I. t npilnl, 10,000, I'Bltl I . DTUblGTORS. ' hog Faweett .f. II Hpurgur. M. I.. Fawcett, It. I.. Mwyn, C. I.. Hank. TliU hank snlieits the areoiim of Merchants, MitiiufHcUirers Farmers ana Individual. Th" hcr-tiunls of tlin Merehants localHd in towns adjneent rereived on favornl-U' ermn. The fiin!s tif our customer are secured hy two burglar iroi-f steel ehests and the Yale Time Lock, interest allowed oil Having Deposit News from Consent. Mr. W. II. Clark, ot Stun t. Va., Ins (i In ui' comjileted hi line Holler Mill. We wtsli him imidi nieces, in his new elite pi ise. Mr. A. V. M ivs, of Tim, W, is weuring a hroud smile these days It's n"girt. Mr. Win. Clillon khvo us a pleas ant ' nil the. other day. He etilh d us to dinner. Mii-s Ktiuim Hart, of'l'ig Creek, N. '.. U vieitiiig relative and friends ne r i hi piaee. Mr. W. K. Murphy, of Stella, Vh , niH'lo a loisineM trip to this iiee yi stetduy. We reyret to hear that Mrs bai lie Jotirs is very sick, tuid it is not expected ly 6' itno that she will re Cover sooll. 1 1. Consent, Va.. M.ireh 2Ut, 1S!)U. ''Success is the repaid of merit'' not ol assumption. l'o uUir ap preciation i wliat tells in tl e long run. For fifty years, people have heeii umi n or Aycr's Sarsiparilla, and to-day it is the Mood pnri'ier most in fav'or with the public. A)er's Samipurilla cures. News from Friend's Mission. It will soon ho time for people to htoiii planting their pinion vegetables.- School will he out hetore long and we cm help our ta'hers plant their crops. We are hiving i very good school at the Mission now and we hope it will he that ay until it is out. We have one new scholar in echool now, M iK Klien Christian, from West field. Miss Kosi Scott left the Hollow on the, '.tih inst. for her home in Floyd county. I guess all the hoys are sorry she left, especially r. It II. P'uekett U.M i.K Sam. Friend's Mis-ion, Mr. If.. It, 18'Jf.. EXPECTANT We Oiler Vou kl:MI:DV Which ' IN.-l lfl:S 5s(rty i ol l ite to Mother I MOTHERS, and child. MOTHERS' FRIEND": 1 Robs Confinement of Its Pain, Horror nnd Risk. , Mr nlfc u-f-,1 'JinTIIFIIS-l llir vn" le f"rc l.-rih of h'T tli-Ht cliiid. Khe did not i suiter lioin I II til's or rtl -.;.,, mii.k I v i rHilfv-il Kt i lo1 1'l'liicul hui-r surf '-nr.it l.iit , 1 i 1 1 1 .s i t; tt.t.i tio 'uli..iaftorwai'l arul her 1 ri'i'ovcry rui.i.t K. I-.. .lullNsTON. tululllu, Ala. Pent t-v M.'il or rxpie-.s. on receipt of j srl.-f. fl.lHl t-r imllle. I1.JOK "To .MolU fii ' iti.iii-'l 1 r. .r. HHU.I It I II ItM.I I 'TDK TO., tllnsts, (is. EOLD BY AM SRUOOISTS. Big Premium Sale of Bright Leaf Tobacco, Richmond, Va, The greatest measure of success at tended tliis Premium Stile, w l.icli lasted two days, instead of one, with a large number of the most solid tdai.ters of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina compiling ft.r the prize. Mr. V. W. Land, of Littleton, X. C, who has beet, using Acme Fertilizer for the past four years, took the follow ing premiums at thin big Premium Sale on the JmIi ai it llUh of January, lHUti: 11 P.right Muhngnny Wrappers V. W. Land, fTo cash. 2nd liright .Mahogany Wrappers V. W. Land r-'ii Saddle. ll Par!, Mahogany V. W. Land ."si cash. 1st Culters V. W. Land .V cnh. IM Knglish Strips '-'5 Cash. I'd F.nglinli Slrips $.t Churn. lird Knglish Strips $5 Plow. Any one hogshead bringing highest average price ( Mr. J.nnd got average of 47 'a', per It) for this hogshead ; -'.' cash. Any one hog-head bringing llm most dollars (Mr Lump received for this hogshead Ml-'"-) t-r 'a-h. Mr. S. L. Coley, of hitakers, N. C, who also used Acme Fertilizer, took for 2d Lemon Wrappers, $20 overcoat For 2d Smokers tiureau. Mr Land took 9 premiums, amount ing to (2sO, and M r. C. tiMik 2 premiums amounting to fih ; thus "Acme Fertili zer" took II (iremiutiin, nmouiitii g to yM on', ol a total of 25 premiums, amounting tu Y.'UfH) olTereU by all of the three warehouses at the Premium s-ale. Mr. l.snd and Mr. Coley took nearly everything in sij.h!, and they were (he only planters c'-'oneting at this sain who Used Acme Femi'Zer. No doubt, had there been oilier who used this guano, they would have swept the Hoard. The editor of the Southern Tobacco nist i Manufacturer Keeord.in writing of Mr. L and sale, says ; "1 here was nothing to compare V ith this crop in price or iiiality. It sold on Us merits The premiums were awardei by one party, sample drawn by another, and the sale took place lief ore the premium award The rich, silky, line-libred, spready bright und mahogany leaxes n( Mr. Land's crop, made with Acme Fer tilizer, were as disl inguishuble from that of other planters es leather is from home-tanned sheep-skin. Analysis of "Acme Fertilizer" for to ba.'co by Pr. Puttie, Mat- Chemist. Available Phy. Acid, s9 per cent ; Am monia, It II per cent.; Potash, 2 fij per cent. ery high. Prices lower than other. A good agent wanted ill every neighborhood. I se "Acme." Take no Otlie' JFor sale hy Iavis A Sparger, Mount Airy ; V. Hoy lea, Pilot Mountain ; F) W. I'uller A Son, Pinnacle; J. K. Mate, Mizpah; Marion Pros , Siloam ; F;. J. Styers A o., liermanton; A. J. Fair, U aiiiut Cove ; ti 1. Poindi-Jter, Winston, or w rie Acme Guano Co., Wil mington, N. 0. Trot. W. M. Pwke, who n tJcmifT o Vpupv, Via wubmit dtutjt treat hJ and car 4 mfl- t- thn nf lt-tn rhvMciin; fats ncve4 M tmhtn;, Vi hY hrarJ ot - Of 99 yrmr' ctan.ttng ho mm y en-l iti-tr I o tnj r.nrri ir'rm frty.w. a. rou r. 4 Ceor tu,swTt nis fl 1 ''Pf WE . 3 m m Toonll to trie sttfntlun ( ll.s n'optc of Vnuit Atry aud Hiirioint'lltiir fount ry that i till liaie The Best Supply of Pare Drugs, Moulrir.i'H , iii tiiii uls. Toilet Artlrlrs. Patent jiliMlle'iii'S, An., Ac , to be fimiid In Sarrjr rouniy, and lliat, we want and Apcials Your Trade. Vie itn tint sell "lie 'P John" K'"k1 an1 do not sy sell .ic. a at liesp J. i n prti-rs, l ut mp do i.ty we Kr " THE BEST Th.it can ht hoiit'lil and ii Uu'tn to yott at rraaonahle prl. es. H epi-. lntly s lsli to mil sltcnM..! lo our s ipply of TRUSSES. It you nped one don't fall lorome. to mm. us. Wc liave nil styles and stJi mid with a tmiif i . pi rt. i re run adjust one to lit where If s I'Ure Is possible you will certainty In cured. Also If you reed a puirot s.ieetiu.'leH we have an abundance of Hawks' Celeliratecl Glasses And we cannot snnii lenity urifethc Importance of nujlnit the t"-t when the di II. sir orifun ot l:;ht fs rone. rued. Ijihi but nut lenst, vie wish to cull silent ion to the isrt Unit we Hie tirepHf. d to ttl' uur family reii-lpm si d .h Aii lni.s pi-si llpllelm With Skill and Accuracy. Wlih ten esis' prm-M.-ul ecrl"ncH In your t.iuisi sun s )' i.rs inci.uiif in one ot ttiu Is-st . oll.-i s of I'lisrina ) la the I hlled Mates, we dare say no -me will hesi tate to pui in mcst oinii-uitor Ititrleafe tires, rt.illon In o-ir hands, Very Truly, TAYLOR & BANNER. JkAAAAAAAkAA r1 JOB HIATT, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C, rKtl.FK IN ? DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, FURNITURE, FERTILIZER AND Ttl t (HI KBKATKI) Domestic Sewing Machine, The Best on the Market. Coffins Mil CaLfls Alwavs on Hand. i I'KOI'KIKTOR OP Pilot Mountain Livsry Stable AND OKil.Ea IN LUMBER i Acd:-: Boilding:-: Material. ALSO COM. ICM AMI Ul lLllH VALUABLE or Sale ! 1 wish to soli privately my io s'ory, 7 room il -vi-lliii housf, and 3 KlOlll ! tofe IlOIIS.', (-(.l ller Mllill tllni llaiiH'tirg atlVt'l-i. Cull oaely or you milil 1-me a bur uni'i. Tlie lot is lit rut tintl has ono jo,i pjiriitg on it. Tlu'iv in a gooii tH-ihif muli-r tho rlore, iilnn a new liiifruy hiiiise on this lot. Mits. Wm. (inn kith. Manh :ird, 18:tC-2m 7. II. SIMPSON, I3ROKEK. Reproaentiug Fifteen House On All the Best Markets. Everything in Heavy and Fancy Cro ceries, Fruits and Confections. I,opst market price given. OihVe in Joyce Mock, at head of steps, on riht hand sid, fronting on Main street yOttt-of-ton Merchants will please call or write for delivered price on all kinds of groceries. Visiting and Country Merchant cor dially invited to call at ollice. WANTED. A live House or Party to represent ns, and take order fur t imi C'i sTom l.oTHiMi. l-'or particulars addres MAUKS AKM11.1M, Broadway and Ninth Mrect, New York. New Enterprise ! A factory tr the timniifaetiire of wood Half l!iih!it'l Mt'Htitire 1m Ucii i-i-tali'iglicd at II ntilions, N. C, and the trade niiulicd on eliort notice. I'rice tHch 50cotit4. S'iecial In iocs to merchant, by the dozen, ''or any information addrog C. C. II i Tt'it ks, 1 i utclieus, N. C. DR. W.H. WAKEFIELD Will lie in (irceoahoro Wednes day, April 8 h, at Mc-Adoo ll- tiso. Prat-iica Ii mil mi ted to Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Pay Your License Tax. Hot' la, 'hvsici iti and lvfr are hm ly notitiod tlut their license tax for l'.Mi, i now due and must I aid at tmce. J. A A runt, Mrth lth. ShoiifT. If a felaie j CARTLAND,. i m MS:-: RECEIVED :: Alt. rilS I .STtST Tmported Cheviot Ii n 1. U n ii n h n n 4 T n 1 1 n 11 Tricots, ESEE AVorsteads, PAST CLOTH IS ALL STlilS. WRITE FOR SAMPLES. Has Cluetf.Coon & Co't popular brand ot Shins, Dress Negligee Chrvoit IJ .derwear, Canes and Umbrellas. II. H. CAirrLAND 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, Water Works lor Mount Airv MM THERE IS NO QUESTION OF D003T ABOUT THAT. THERE ARE OTHeTfAGTSTOE CONSIDERED. Houston's Drug Store 1 tho proper i-luco lo buy y..ni' Dnij-, Modivinea, Toilcl Article-', kc. Our Drui aro Sinn Inr.l. We use tho mrcst tticilicit.e in eompouiujitij;. PHYSICIAN'S niESCHIPTIOXS A SPECIALTY. We tl oi'l claim l run it ('h 'Ui John Dim Store." hut Our prices tiro low w hen wo eoi.MiliT iIm tj'iahly of .'o ls H.ild. Tho aocrol lo all ihin is o cell I'llVli, (J'lick kiiIos and then why nol tuko short profit'! An ol. I, limv, thi'clcHi, t'licc.css pciinj- in rapid ci '. iilulinii in worth inotv to im thiol a ah.w, sluicish, ' l(h;iinie l l tar." llniotoii's Drtiij Store cunios nil that you cun cull tor in tin "UP TO DATE PHARMACY." Give ll n call. Ihr.i'l fur-jot tho t.huo. A inn I will oonvmcc 3-1111 that we mo n vhal we say. Krurylhint; Now, Troh and Xont. Thanking you for past paliocnc. Truly, D. A. HOUSTON, Blue Eidge Inn Block, Mount Airy, N. C. Annu Pr.i..J dUU.UUU 1UIIIIU Planters' Warehouse, MOXXSTT AIRY, 1ST. C, FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Til's Wan-li'iim1 Is 1ik-uIp1 Is tnc hnslnnw ptrt o( to vn cnnvftilnut t)lh Bsnk srnl the I.-hcIhik Jul.tsrs It Is sltuau-d w H hm s ten st'm in l.in.liis Tlllj s j-t lions, rrsihr t Wliitluck's To tmiro Ka.-l.irv uJ 'h'' iiimiiiiioiIi T.i'nvn W'orkf. of Spj.ri:-r llros.. n! In -unvrulrut to nil our totisi-i-o ram. tM-slilcs hi, Ii we liave the Best Accommodations for Man and Stock of any House in the State. our salt since ttu' Hrt of October ha been nlm.t dmitile any two wu'vUouses lo Mo'iut Airy, wh.oh is stroll evMeut? lUat THE PLANTERS' IS THE PLACE TO SELL! Mr J. A. V'HKS-vn our suctloneor. Is srpli-known ss oiifl of the htut In the tt. Mr. E. F. W all Is our Bisik KiK-r. wtl-li ts tfisMBttv t hst our Ktsikuwlll I s "curate 1 kept. tr. W. T. lltiynrs, of lsin. k count ir. Va . Floor Muniir.-r: K A. News mi. or S'oki-s county. Nltrltt Wstchmsn snd N. W. Bniwi Mijieiltitentls tho sak-of ev.-rj pile f Tuliacco put on our tl jor and sees that It brfnirs Full Market Value. have otwi ot the Rest Arnmuerl Hasoments for storing and ordering Tooncco to be fmi'id anywhere, so vou neel u ,t tear h.-n you s art to Mount Airy with your Tooaix-j. tiiil dil 1 1 the I'LsNTKK' wnere y hi will reivlve the very t'si awoiuuionailons. r "A11 Tol-m shliirc-.I to or leti in our pare will receive our very la-st stteiitlos. rorce aud see us while In town, wiu-iher you havr l,ha.-i'i) or not. Thanwii.ir one and all tor the very Ills-nil natro ,ae tflvpn us In t h past snd pledirlnj our. s-lviw to alwavs be on b ind to took atu-r the inter--.' s ot our cu.-iwmeis a.s we very wrll know i hat jour luterests are our uiu-mi. Your friends, 9 JU- HT. AIRY MARBLE WORKS. iKA-'. i r Mount Airy, N.O. if jfeftK I W' ' HATNES 1 C ' Propne!o'!- ''fetK - iFinBiarKe & Granite MonnfflEflts f" -iri'l ' I Tombstor.iis, Iron Fencing, Writ Farmers, Don't Forget! Graves' Warehouse, Corner Main and Rockford Streets, Is tb place to get the bijliest market prices f.w jottr IuImmco; the bst a oomn.o.latioss liir bull joarselrra sad your M-k ; lh most convenient locati n ti lh ilors n 1 lbs bank, mbirb saves tims ff you. We r altars on bund to LOOt AFTER YOUR INTERESTS AND COIOSTS, And 1h,h all, to Set tliU every p ninit of your lobaceo Is diapUyH mn lhat It brims tb H'LI. MARKET rr.IC K, Thanking r for Hie share of boatMas you luive ee 6t Ui etitrast Ut sUhia ib ,aai, aod -,ii,-itirrg a rs ntinoa rtu of tbe sane, e arc, YOU It I'MtllXDS, Graves Warehou.so Co. to cill on W. II. I'.rown it (. W. 1 rgt r't trie. I'rices reason s'.le. ' Otlt IZ-MlCU iraiiiii in, .OF GREENSBORO, N. C, SPRING :: STILES. SuVKITIItS l Cnssimers. GREENSBORO, N. C. BROWN. HAYNES I NEWS0M. for tvsltrns and prti-es or rail and evaralne our st k. our w.s-k and pnem will please. onr ur, Timcti-y fcnd Orc1-rd ;rfw St-etl. He felt onlj firt Pl4illeid. Leaf Tobacco

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