Beware Of Mercury! Mr. Henry Roth, of IStB South 9th Street, Bt, Louti, wn given the muni mercurial treatment for eonttifrlmis blood polaoil. He was twice pronounc ed cured, but Hie dlseiiae retiiriu d e at h time, he we eelxctl with rheumatic patna. and rd lumps and antva cov ered nut noiiy. "Iwttnlttahor rible IU" he ny, "and the more treat ment 1 receiv ed, the worse I reined to Ret. A New York f IN. V I "V I"-Cinilt ld l K m (' treatment did ff '"i.'L' me no Rood whatever. I ni tlll mid full of rain, my left arte tva useleaa ao hat I won unable to do even the lightest work. Thla wan mv condition when I began to take H. S. H., and a few bottlea convinced me that t wna being benefitted. I continued the medicine, and one doren bottle cured me Bound and well. My ayateiu was under the eflecla of mercury, and I would oon have been a complete wreck but for . B. 8." 8. S. S., (ffimrrmfcect yiiircty trgrtnhlr) la the only cure for real blood dla eaaew. The mer curial treatment of the d'Ktorn at wava doea more harm than pood. Beware of mercuryl Hook on the disease and It treat ment mailed free to any aldrea by Bwift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ua. CATARRH 1A Loca 1 Disease r.1t hcr"Snlt nt roiiissn. i "ili.- n eti niiMi' nhiu'i-. ti .-tin lie ruri'd li) a pii. . am r-.'u d win. h i nri'ti d it!:, in o in TTiii i Ui-lrj- pili kiv! i fee-, r liiM at oik. El.Y'b t RRAM lists rr-t v a la c nft , ii'dyd tn tii the iiiuni ih iru'iKll niie for . .",iil est rrn. o.,liis In llin.1 nn1 Hit Fi vr of nil ri me le-i li op. in i r.t t-ioani'sa n'Lhu im-HH.-,.i a.i-iy. psin una inn inum 1ii"i le-sls ihi' s ires, nr. not tl.n n ,-tniirniiC rrom corn, rout n-s iiii ... ut null tni-ll. mei lev. st llmirii'sla "V mall. KLV B nil IIKHS, v. arr-n sti.Jieat Yml Iff . H.. BY YOUR If ALL i Arilti MAIL AT WHJLESHLE PRICES. 100 f Nw nvi."n V and uni SS'strsMrl to - . i r.ii'irin' spi'" ' ' ' 1 tiit or mnm y cSffipiC i Ho do s sail e low ratr 1 rot-miti-d r, . nth n (or V""1 .'". d'-diul .tun Tree. ( orrt-rinir. P. n. "ATY, W'cwim'r t.. It 1. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO CLUBS ND GtN'S s ' v t NfVfr P!l to H"ltor Ort' ' ' Y I H'T ,0 tB Yonlltfu'. Color, r ' it awk-J t-'ur' (J.war dirt fa..iup. .ftT7?7 vV-"f".;"!K'rs HlraDEttnORNft. h tmlj wutt t ui fui t . M- t , (miii. KrtmfrM rvwr Breakfast-Supper. EPPS'S Grateful Comforting. COCOA Boiling Water or Milk. OilrlintrrS rmll.ll IMMWf, 1trm. EWNYROYAL PILLS W sH.-- , lJw-a rll.hle, tD-l jr flHartn.l mH Ortrulne. I J iLri' r.( -tc r. t-t!nwill toil 3 "Hrll. f for 1 H-." i ' '"f, by f4iip if ML lr.HMt r. ."i'nt .V.. me ,,, r. "rtl-hrt?r,heBiait.,liiMlt- )" oM bl J Lti UruifU. 1. Mortgage Sale. Fersimnt to morunt'i-s flit emipany hoWs ivniiiMi :iif iHM'.iw infim-iiii'i piin,-H. i win, of, April im h. WW. In tmiit oi the "(11 nt this com pray. in mo ,nt ACy, cvpoi'- in nm- to i tie iiiiibsi. mnii-r fin cisti, i Iim tun., win,, cert ll Ctflws ot Hioi.-k lu this oont.uriy, to wll: tme-hall hrn. pnr val'ii- f i.m,i imi, on which there Is, Hour auc unrt imnall i lie yum of fiim on imi liiterst to iv.' ait'l-Ki. re'iriv.ii,.. cr-tlllCHti- N i. VI. being ihe propirty or the Ihic J. One eltfVh Shnre, parvsjnclw tfj. on whl.-h tl ere Is uow i).. and imp iid he mm o: 1 . 7s io ti Utimi to he aiMi'd r'prf.ii hy crf ulriiie i. r-j uiuk mo pnipt'riy oi mo iai n. v. om-imlr s-mre. pir hIii ww oi, on wlivh then' Is now Hue ami nun Oil f ixi i. and IniiT ""t to lw ad'lod r.tpn.ii"ii hy ri-rtln ute Nu. st, o'ink ine prup 'iTj oi . w. rariit-r. TlH tlKlN'TK Cmr LUND VD IHrill.VltKBWTf'O., ly T. B. Moc'iKOo, Hec'y Kiid Treas. Mur'h 4th, TRUSTEE'S SALE. lly virtue ofautlinrity of a I'eed of triint. ex"euieii io n. d iverner uy J w. Hrii'r hiiJ wile Nauniu M lln.uer. on tlicl.'.'h day ot Dece-iilMT, !VU, anil tlnlv in ! reiHtei'K otlie in Hnrrv t oiituy, in h aik No, 10 iiai 19, to ai'Ctirn the my tneiit of a ee taiu bond, mid the nt iit m tions in sniil iiei"l of t-iiat not lia?lug Imh-ii comilied with, t tli rrnm-at ot the owter ofsaio bond, 1, t. K. .loni-H, Trustee, up pointed by tin- Ulfrk o( thi- Superior Court ofSiiny Comity, in a Mcinl pioivdjiig for that purpose shall eipiiM at pulilic. aim tioa, Mr crmIi, ou Saturday, the Hint day ot March, 1nm, al 11 o'clock, a. ui., in Mt. Airy, at the Ulue liidjje Inn door. In the County of Surry, N. 0., the iH,iwiiu prop erty: l liirteen hundred and fifty-six ac es of land, lying in and adj .inin the town or Mount Any, N. C, ailjniniug the Iiiii U ef W. Kulton, VV, 8 SparvriT, A. (i. hhort aud othira, unowii as tne Oircuhtr Suw ilill Tract or Marshall Kurm, and for a more accurate dii'riition and for the boumUriea ot aalu Irani of land, see di-ed oi trust, e cuted by aaul J,n al. Ilroww and wife to K B. Jones, TrustKn, datod the lath dy of Jaunarv, Imy, Bnd r,,,.,,! , book pare , in the records lo office ot Kaaialer of tar Surry County less 17 acres aold to I. Kurk, " ' tfcxvud Tract; Henliinini 'on a locust in the eJ.e of Hie fre.H of Mouui Airy, ,Ja. M. Durham's oorot f, runs wiih aanl I)r. haoj and B, V . Unves N. as ilm;res K. 4 ch.ins and 7.", links to a, (hike, WrnW eorner, thence with aid tfraves1 Hue s f,;t detfrws K. 7 ch tins and 5o lii.ks to a slake near tne edtrn of the pond, thenee rtown on the weat tide as the pond ni'an lers (m. ded remrdnd ill tiook 14, pt;n 5-1. Hum RecoM,) to Mill Im, tlien'-e down the river It meanders to th biidp- on the mad taylitiK fotu M,Hint Airy to Ham bunt, thn wst wild said road Uijilr. lxwr.,'i line, thetiei, with her line. A I, fcpargr Wan. (iritliih and h. 1). Ilarn,' lle to Miin street 1 M'unl Airv, theuif northwest will, said sir. et to the b.'iiiiiibi: CeataiBinj tKi acre mite or ea, leas a 6"rHe, ao',,1 t It. C. Weli-h, aa wh eh is a small leaf house, and 2 eer-s of dow?, , hi-!oiinn So Mrs. M. M. Uniwer, and ad loisr.J. U.lHirtiaia. Tti a ttte 1 ;ih da af F actuary, te-; fc. B. JfWKS, Trartee. Appotsteai by the Court Itch em human, manpe or hurae 1ig and all te-k, eurexl in !i nuimtee by Wfiolfiinl's Hanitary Lotion Thla never fails. tvid by Tifim i Pwr, ils-Airy, K.C Re? . f it icil Ei ( If k'l New Hook, Our Journey Around tbe World. Tliif, li'jjlily lntti uciivo nt'tl otileti itl'll) i 1 1 ne' rtt I volume 1 h rrcortl of ft ri'ttiiit j iti F'loy Hitiuml the whiIi!, by llt v. FrgnciH K. Clatk, I). IV, l'rialili'tit of the Uiiilwl riid'ii'ticg of (Jlitielitin Kmli'Hvor, inl hit) w if". Tliroiiyhniit the lunr jiiiirnry, which occupiutl inure than h );Hr, aikl cuvt'K-u tifarljr fifty timusaiiti tnili'd hy wn ami Imul, tht'V enjoj't'J rttrn tippnrtntiitit H ir ohrtTvniii.ui ami uttidy. It is one of tho tnt fit vitlimhlo bonks ever itwiitid hy the Atmiri'.-itn preps. The ifailcr is rrroimlly tioiidtict cd through Anttt rtliu, India, China, Jhihii, Kgyit, l'ultvlino, Tiitkey, and nnttiy otlitir htnds. We snt. tlirfo cimnttios throujjh Attiftit'mi vyvr, mid obmin a rfce'ly ulcat view of thrill ami tht'ir jot''h', fttp ph iiii i'lcil hv tw) hiinilnd and twenty tplemlid itlustruiioi s frutu phnti'riipls, im -Ht ot which wire taken ly Di. l-lmk l !'nsulf; lor he cm tied a eomplt te puotngrrtphic out lit with him. Dr. Chirk wa onn of the Inst Atnerieans tn travel tlirotirli China an J Japan liefoie the war la'tween iht se coiintrii s was Ih-kuii. In thn r.iie vuliinm lie givt-s us the latent and beat, insight inti) the d tily life nf a Chiiiiiinan in his own conti'rt; hift tavnrite fnod And odd dishea, iiim fh'tida ami their vcar; tho einU'ar ritt'8 iti t.-eiinl in the tcm ha;tlio pulilic fXt-etition i f eritn nihla; Cliim-re flit ma and Urniinji; tli'i eiiin' fide of Cninere life; .lap nnepe acrobats and their wntiih ifid pftfi); Jai atifce life, )ne'r citat'ns, (i t, wonderful fkill, etc, liie tinriiin ha: ff India, wbeiv the bodies i't the d.-ad are ci'tiMiine I on hno pili a of i d ( ft nion v I)e. CUrk witni S'td); the 1 wits if iilfiicu when- the dia l ate e could to be ik'Miiircd by tl iiiiHatidr of waiting uiitims that rondtantl sit on ihe walh; wondi'tliil tiatiw j l. ruler, t'earlei-o atmke iharnietr nti ! fakir Were aix bni a few ot In ndreda of intettsting topiea pre- ei lited. Their route led aeriva 'lie latid ti at dorepli ffnve to Ida fa' her and liretliren; parlihc very fields heiv tin; Israelitea niado bricks without at raw, and along t lie liiifli ways wheie oneo rolled the ei.arints of the I'ha auli. Tl e rtory d the c e,iver if the mummy of the 1'iiSi toll who opreeSi d the children of Ii-rael, is a .nidi I ln l) iiitereetiiie;, Jt found among tlWe of fni'yotliei itiiiminies of kings, (jneena, and i in i a in the r "yal morMiary eham'x'i n the Theban Hills, and the iden ificati'iii ot Pharaoh is -.inplete. IlliiBtrationsfrom photographs eho -lnre tire mummy was found, and others give frill-length profile, ami troiit views of this ancient king who was contemporary with !opes and reigned in Bible timeR,thns enabling al! to see "j nst how Tliaraoh looked." A jonnuy was made of hundreds ot miles in an old spring wag -n scroes Turkey and Armenia through an unknown country, intesfed by rob tiers arid hintile na-ives, the seene iif the late hoi rible man?aeret of Armeniana by Tniks and Khnrds. Dr. Clark was the lat Christian to ttavei aerossthet'C conn tries before these terrible massicres were perpetrated. Tne s:ory ot thii iioiiloiis trip is lull of thi.lling in terest and exciting adventures. Mre. Clark acciinpanied her Imf b.ind everywhere. fclie draws a viv f pietare ot life in tar-off luridf, "A. 'i en through a Woman' Eyes." Her narrative is packed with anec dutes, incidents, and pers mal expe riciices. Her etuiy of the lonr ji'tirney in the wagon ish:ghlyen erthining, its pMHtions and ft-iils, especially to a tsoman, bei g many. S'ie was the only woman in the iisrty, which consisted if heraelf and seven men. Dr. Clark's nunc is a familiar h-itiseliold word, and his fame hi. President of the Tnired Societies oi ChriBtian Endeavor, with its two and one half million mem lem, has xtended to every erne of tlie world. Many distinguished persoue neged liitn to write this bo k. The; k-it-w that he had acijnired in thi remaikable jotirney a weal h of ma 't rial which, with hi liti'q ie (illie ti m of photographs, would nakeorie i tne mos. valiiHiiie booksoi the day. It contains steel-plate portraite it Dr. Clark and oi his wrfo. frexn re cent plio'ographs; a largs map, cx iitiiting the whole world a' a single g'ancu, bhowing the authoi's journ ey from the beginning to the end, mid 220 ti mo illuatraiio! s, from photographs from lite, Tl ese innst be seen to lie appreciated. We do not know wiien t.40 pages have given us more genuine plea, ure. It wesjieak warmly ot she book, it is iiecasise it richly deserves it. It is sold only by agents H"d is meet in with an enormous sulo. Agents who imrodtic a first-clas- work like 'his ought to he cordially welcomed. We believe that th beat way to keep out poor books is by mteouueing "Bli 5? ioht costs cotton planters more than five million dollars an nually. This is an enormous waste, and can le prevented. Practical experiments at Ala bama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of "Kainit" v ill prevent that dreaded plant disease. lag iiwai 1 ,n f v Sni rw. tv , i etm- wu srss Iw s-maf aj Simm Nsw Yerta, good oni and a letter o ie t ian thi has 1 1 ver bet!, broii't t to unr tint in. Put it into onr homes. It will be Usui over ami over Hiruin by old ami )ouug, with pleasure and Iisling prolit. The work is puhlirlied hy the old and well known linn of A. D. Worlhiiigtuu & Co, lliiittoid, ('onn., whot-Q impiintis snhi ietit gmiranleu of the xeelli nee of the volume. A. L. Mi Entire, who Is a union d man and a hi u: her of Edmund Mo Entire, win is well known in thn plaee, is eanvai-sing for nbuve hook ami is selling a iriiodly number. He will call on you. We haur stih seiilied for a copy. a Germetuer li Ihe Best, Mr.C. P. Mil. tin, Acw.n t't, (hi, stys! "Several yeais ago my wile suffered from attacks of bilious c die and itnPgi-Blioti, She in-ed thlferent medieines and tried several doutorn, but all without perimiiient benefit, She iisi-d Unyal lei nietiier some years ago, and it h isiiiven hi rniote relict than all els", and she recom mends it in the fillllrtnl." Write to The Ailiinta Cheuiicil Co., At lanta, (la., for 4S pi .nt lunik j-fxiint full inloimation, tree. New paek Mjre, large botilci', IitH ilo-es, if. I. Pur sale bv Ta!'! A- limner and D. A. Houston, . . Why 193d Will Not Be I Leap Year, The why I !') will not be hap year has la-en tit ipiently given in this column. If Ihe na'iual or solar year the tiii.e in which I In1 earth CiMiiph-tes its rexolu'ion around tin- Miii -Ifi ixi tly St',5 days and ' bonis t ie calendar year mould be kept i H'-tlv nglit by sd'liiij- a day eicy foert'i xear. lint fie Suhir jear Hotilv Ib'. iy. ft hour.! minnri s u d 4'.) Tki corn's. This d.lTee. iicc n iki a it incei-i-vy to omit a !i up yer at eeit.iiu loim intereuls. The rule is thnt en-rt fourth year is h-sp year exi-ept c ti t ti it oi not i xieily dtvieilile bv 4"0. Thi. s the year 1 was Imp y ar and the yeai 2 '"0 ill ho. Tim intei 1 1 nitvr cein oi inl y .r, I7ii', IMH) and P.hh' carry otdy d ijs. St. Ia Ih.- U pub, ie. Ninety Per Cent. Ot all the pe. pie need to tike a C"tiree Ol Hood's Salt- pal ill- rtt this season to j revent tl.nt rnn down Rid di-t.ilit.itid 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i ' n which imi'i-S din-t t-e. The tn-MK V investid In hall a dnz"i t" ttl s of lloi'd's SniMp.iriiia will vome liaek with laic returns in tin- lieilt h and vigor ot lndy and slifiigih of ner it-. Hood's Pili? are easy t b::y. tay ro take, ca y t operate. Cure ail liver ills. i.'c. A Sky Scraper. Atlanta, (is., is to have an ofliee hnilding w hich, it is claimed, will Se the tallest m-ncmre in Amirica outside of New York and Chicago. It is to 1 t reeted on the e uner of Broad and Pe' !ii n e streets, aiid will have twuity stmics. It will be built by the Mutual Building tViuipany, which is cvirioscd ot capital. sts ol Atlatita, New Yoik and Lotnl ui, and work upon the building will in m wiihin sixty days. The lot ban a l'roiitatc ot 145 ftit o't I'eticii: ree street, tronrs 14tti-eto:i Biviel street ami rm 6 till feet, one him k, mi Poplar street. I he price paid ti r 'he lot was JT.'y IMO. The blllliliug will Com tain above the first liner 'J'i" ot'.ices 12 on a floor. Eire Monday night at Drake's Brancii, O'i the Soiithein iiailwai, some sixty miles so 1 1 h ol llieliiiioiiil, N'a., lic-foyed t very store ami warehouse in the village, with ihe postufliee building and ad the mail. Uis. aboiu $$h,im , insurance f.-So,- 00. "For Chtrity Suffcrcth Long." Mrs. Laura C. PtMeaiz. rtllwaaksa, Wat. "Matrcn mt m I tmttrtntfu J'wme and kiKiwlnt; the goU Ir. lilies' Nerrlna baa dona me, my wlmq io help others, over come my dislike for yie ouhllclcy, thla letter may r nm. In Sov. aed Ifc, tsn, Tle inwwtem hmt' th ' La Vriyran," and I waaoun of tlie fimi. besuiilng duty vo soon, witi she cari-of at, many aiek, I did not retrain my health, and li a month Jfrentmr drbiltt teeet rtt aeeeMU from eleepicMnexa a id tne drufbi made on my vitality, that it wa- a qne-nsoii If ) could pti on. A aear fncnii advised me to try itr. WiUrti- Urntnrwtir AlT-tse. I took 2 bottles and am tauppy 13 any, 1 am In better health than e'er. I still continue itm 9nmitmat wee. era sserf-e Wei, aa my work la -very trylmt. A letter ad d retard to Mllwauaea, Wis., will reach m." June , last. Una. i,rn C. I'noniix. f. Wlls' ler1m' In sold on a nn",rw fliaramw ttiHl th f n,' Nitlle will e.iellv All uruBi-lstisell ll at 1. 6 bottle- f 'rt, or It will In soi prim d or. receipt of peica by toe Itt. H:im iltni cui Cos Likhavn, laa. Dr. Miles' Nenine Restores Health To those living in malarisl districts Tutt's Tills are indispensiLlc.thcy keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headaclie, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills M MM. A . . --w - T ' for Infantn MOTHERS, Do Yon Know (M r. I V I Ilnleiiisn's liroiM, C drtTy s Cotdlal, tmniy eoCTllwl Boolhlna; Sytiips, ami tnost retntdlfS for children nie coinpowd of o.luie, nr morphine f lo Ten It sow that opium ae.d nuirphliie ale sti,pi (j in narcolle pulsonsf r Yon Know that In iten 1 countries drglsH ate nut petmitteil tostll tMtoAka wllhotit lsliellng tlirm polsoi'F ! Vtt It nosy that j .it :'!it n t twiuilt sny ni 'tlilnn lo I" glvea you",l!IJ untras jnu or your physician km "f what II Is conin. f lo Von Know tli it l a-;ltni i l i a purely eBelatil pirpsnllim, and that a tMnf lis ingiedicuu is publnlied i.'tlti en i r tuiii:- t o Yon Know that t'aao.i.. i , pic .-ilp'lTt ofttie ftinoiw Or, Snmiiel ritcttet. Thst it hsa laett lu une for n' inly tidily jns, mm iiiotn vastoria Is ii jw eold than of all othef temedirs fir childien coii'.titne.' f e Votl Mnotv tlist the I'strnt o(Ti Depnttmcnl of Ihe fulled States, and of other countries, hare issued eic'.uMve rinlil io lit. riKliei nt his ssslgnt lo use the wool "inatorlat" snd Its formula, and Hint to Imitate lliem Is a slate ptlson orTensef Q) Von Heart that one of Ihe r-nsont for grntitlra; llv guverninent protection was bei-siue L'astona had been proven to be alesolul v!y lint tllleaa f i Von K now that JS Average doses ot' Castoila ate fitriiUhcd for JJ rr ma, or one cent a d.asel I'o Von Know thst when possessed of Oils perfect preparation, your ctaildteu be krpl well, and lhat yon may hare unbroken rest Well, ttieT tlitrntw are woith kiiowisg They are fnd. The fmtirtlle yOr yfV i i every sHanntnre of lUf&icAU wreipper. Chlldrer. Cry for PStchcr'o Castorta. I I . v m - . w.v -V. Cx4i-r f,v -'.Ir.-fv V 4 , ylpzf ?tti ::-i!'M -e , V. E. MEIUUTT, Mount Doors Sash If Jon are going to l.uiM a lum-c lie mho y.ii find where you cut lu t'hcape-i WE MANUFACTURE AT SHORT NOTICE., 11 i mis, lonrs, tl.-M.r sad Window Pt-smea, Matdi-ls, Tnr-ie.l otK, S:itAV ' . All ki ids of,, f '.'il.iiit, t lorn ng, Jdtin and a,l I unla tlnisloii Inmlier. Rnntli limiln-r ahinp'es, p'aMeritu, lattia. lime, cm :,t, cs'cine1 pi isler. naMe-ini-hair caiiii'.l in sim-k, We liase cxfcrieiiwd woikun-a. Or levs fille.1 prompt Is. C-axe and Si-e i.r rito ns. tILL12U BIOS., Winston, T.C. THE GRANITE GiTY ml li L;! MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Owns Some 800 Acres of Land One-tliir.l of w lii h is in Town Ixit, twin nee Ixi' C aili:iCnt to th town. II you want to rem a resilience or stor r-iiu, or, it you desire to hnsij 'i-oieily in or near Mount Airy, Me will be gl..d to go-c any infoirtiai ion l v letter. aVVVe ofl, r Spit-iitl 1 to tbo-e propot-ing to CMaldL ' matn utacioring ciiterprise. 4iRaKsi..XDasi-E S,t n iTf.ri. Ar-fiv to i b. McCARCO, Sec'y and Treas. LD'MBER. Sash Doors and Blinds. XO TROl'M.E NOW TO T:ril.l A UOlR IK AoU KNOW W 11 Ef; E TO 1 ; I" Y TI! E C II E A TEST M A 'I E R I A L. We Manufacture All Kinds of Doors, Snwli, Hlmils, Mantel, Poor utnl Vimlow Eramci, Turned-Work, Seroli-Snw inj', Stair Work. Mnulilini: ot sll kiie'ls. Flnoririj.', ''filing Siihtig, Ciisin; s,nl u'i k;uiin ol 1'inished I.ninb,-r. We Carry in Stock Rouirh Juniber, Sliitiglei, Pla-doring I .u I hots, and nil kitida f'uililing Whtentil. Guilford Lumber HTg Company, May 'lib, lKfi.5. ;r,en-b .i-o, N. C Wood's Grass g nnd r C . V. If IV't r 7lfc"lt. ar!es us toseu tsame at tne lowest A ViU V W1 JWW" ris'Me rricea, oualin- considered. 5 5 the fullest Information about Grae and Clovers tn!U the different aorta W are adapted for best cotnhioations tofls-e la -rest rt-sultj! In hiy or paa- I' turn pe care of posture and rtK-odows, &c, .c A postal will bring this i ' book to you. Prwes ami iamptes of ijrass and Clover Seedb sent on appliuitron. J T. W. WOOD & SOKE, Socdsmea, fckhmtmd, Ta. V-evV-'''''a. UOU SHIPPED TO As'Y I'lilST. W. A, BOLT, iisrrn-n'itt au w .. ft Fine Popliir siiu CiioSu! iuu. i p nrwea fitd prtHoMly. t'-irrspora-'Bi Stn-lle. ndrtn-sa. W. A. BOUT, fntST A1KT, N f rr f w d 1 hi ' . ' . 1 ' ' ' V., ,r nnd Children. HEPPARD'C EXCELSIOR sr MADE FROM PURE Not one siiin I of Per- l rwt iitl nthe-e PIG IRON. CURABLE, CONVCNIl NT tee LCONOMiCAL. Alt X'idcm InnioTTnent. to Llfthtea llonaetsei-plna area. Twenty dliTesent sizes ami Hods. Every Stovs Warraated Against Defects, Pnv-ee not nui' li kther at thl time thsnottci.nimoast suuiLs of felovea, Ca!t"ioriMi-ei Airy, North Caroli'ii, Have obtained thehichest reputa tion for purity, cleanliness and o-crmlnntion. fnucniF our hui. ness in the same to he;ctne one f ot ,n'" 'aft In nf I 'nlted States. fUinlilng tiiese Seed in the targe quantities that we do. elso en- 'm-.--m.-m-w,-w w,-s'.'ms'a,-.'w. h! fi IU f f ''"'"e 'any iii Ki-nue-VI All 1 LU- n,Hn (,, (1 ; .-ilii.te snmples anil nnikn a liniie-to-lioiise nmiii., ler our euetatile I ml.. t .ti n. 1 1 t . . : i, a month cieol made. Atnlrs 'r,.fr A l:e-U, sf.' to s-ill All-tin A venuo, t In can, lii. ReKef in Six Hours. JimoeMirp kidney an-1 b'addt dnw-aae ridicreii lu em hour ls tlie t;r-at twtith A teiri'-an k'dner u t.'' 1 1 i m-sr remedy s- a (.oea' sti'i ri-. in a. "en: i f its. rtr-liiik.' pr tiiitiH-s in e..;i iu jhiiu in I tn' bladder, ki.lnca, l..-k i du i -r f.irt j nt the ttrb.arv m male ,i t..i,,.jl i It whew re'eniion i.f uuier i,ii pun lu ' paaeiMC It almiHi iiiiu,..di itie v. Ji e.i ! 'ait OUH- eelie bl ,'liee. !h ts .eur! Tenjexlv. Soli! by I viol A Baitnet, I -Uf- ' Mount Airy, K, C mil iH w a 1 i $W This great remedy is indorsed by Ww t i I'llMk UUIS, illlU 'l V9V.I ILVU JJ IIIS.UI nil over the world. Positively cuar.mtced to cure the most stubborn cases. The formul is published plainly on every bottle. As a tonic it is Superior TO ALL Sarsaparillas For Female Complaints and building up run-down sys tems it acts like magic. Try a bottle and be convinced. READ THE TRUTH EXTRACT MOM BOOK Of TCtTI MOM I AL. "Was a rhsnmalle snfTerer for 1 mer,ih. tVrlre-l no heneSt feeim ph)sMans, mutmenl at Mineral tils, Tel . or II . I l-piin, Ark. My d'tor derlare.1 mt roo-linon hole-. hut a a last resort a'IM'e-1 f'. T. P. l.lppmao'S Ureal Hemeiv I hr'-ol'l lt Use l.aia Uwlaya aellman. ' w . K TIM S11N-3. o( Hmnitii" tlines, ldin tirocer., Vs aiaharhte, tel. Indorsed by B V. tsra, lir,tti-e p p r . Mprman'sOrest HemdT. cured me of dlT.-nlt hreaih ean.i ratlpitaimn of the heart. Had not slept on enter n.le for lo years; aow 1 sleep wuaUir la aay ixe-IUvri." ' A. M. KAMSAV, Deloo, Tea. "Bworn to and subscribed before tne," J. M. Laaatav, Notary I'uti.ii-. "Pnffeeed foe years with a dlsajrreeeh'e emotion a my fs.e. Tartnos rernede. failed t remove n. 1 hree boiUee ot V. V. P., Iavv toana ureal fteoH,ionipleily cured mr" Carr. J. O. JoHSMjS, Savannah, fia. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS LI PPM AN BRO'5. LIPPMAN'S BLOCK:SAVANNAH.GA. 3l0lltlt Vil'Jy" Male Academy, OPtNS JANUARY 8th, 1896, Anil continues in sest for fi ve nioriti A hrst class yn f irati ry schiwil for bciyt. and siiiieg men. Tluavmh, practical work is insisted uon. S nil n yom oov, e wilt do liim svh1 i mil reS'-.hSiile. t p'Wiiic fur i'lf.trmatinn. R. C. CRAVEN, Principal. lHn-im -111 1 IN (Mills Mi UUlllUUl UUMUUIUI Burial Robes, Slippers, 4c A full atfs'li ol ail sr -s sn.i ijiialilie kept on liimd, and al ri-asonshie -u-es. Store rw'iii. up-staira esir M, 1.. Paii-r-noti's storv, mi Main Mreot. Kesidee hii linn- Nurih ei the ra.lroad. Notice of Land Sale. I'.y virtue of a dii-n-e made hy the i l-rk of the Siirior duirt of Surry county, in a special priveejinp pending is inre l irn, liorvin John I.. Ai-iiby and h H. Alibv, ai'ltiiii.ielraturti oil.. W. sl iij , ilfca-fsi, arc plaint i Ms and Jos. is'. Ahby, J M. Ahby atid ot hers, liein at iaw.are tli-fen.laiita, tae ill fell at eiblic outcry, on l lie r"niiie!. on Sut inihy, the fiili day id April, 16. at 1 leiiM-k, p. ni . the IoIIohiii n al e-tiite j it, (r, in the fo n of Mnuiit Airy : 1 A tract of land lymfc anil tieing in ihe town of Mount Airy, em bracing 16 i,l,s tnut 'd on Tender A venue, en -t reet tied V.'i.rt I, si reet . 'J. Three luts mi f-pring t-t reet lyinp ii taeen the tnbai'co faftury lot mil the inmls ot .1. vV. Inmmaii. H Three lots on ihe north t-iue of ilsnn stri tt. IjitiR betMPfii the rt-ni-P nees ol K. H. and E. M Taj lur. 4. A lid oil .!Ut!i Ie d W ilson -treet between the reMdencif of W. X . ili'imis and 1 M I'liiire. 'Ihe sale in front of the residi-nee nf Jus K. l-ireen. Sale made ur Hin'la tn lay the iiidebtMdnetm of -null.. s. Astibs, deceased. '1 emit, of -nlc eti-v and n.nde knov.n on day of .n!e. .rnreli 11th, i S)t; John 1.. Ami us and E. K. As,ibv, Adtiiinistriitors of 1. W. Ashby. NOTICE v.. KTI1 ( III ! I V A , i M i.i.n t "1 vrv t 1'u rr-iiii i.t ti. an act d I lie Leii-lHt tire, .."s.nin n:i"i, enupter 1-il, 1. VS. VV. uHuplmi, l ie.-k oi Lie xnpermr tionrt if nrrj l iiunty, heri'tis estnldisli the iirnnis voting proeinets fur ebfrinn in .mil -i uii l s . liiilow: Hiue l.n!tre . i nsliip, s ni itifr pince sl.all ! nt Jnnn n-asje; lute 1 IHIIrs ItiK lisl,l.. t III- .iiiinj; preeinet shall be al Vs nite nous; iiiiiiilmrc tntti'sl -p. Ilie votme .r.-ein 't sluiU tn- nl llaniimrir al T. M. ilrnwer'a store. In Mount Airy town- hip ihi'iotnu; preiiincls in tne lir-i, .... ,md bi i ll tl ird Muri.s shall be at the ,.1111-iti heretnfore established for the i n elect nm. The vol nig precinct ill .liefoiil'ih Brdt.linll be mi Hr,er iiri'liinise. Tin' soil nt precinct in i hi' tovi n-iiije-id l.rian, iiulsion, f-ikin, r-iibira. 1 rankliu, ir-!i, 1'ilol, liia-k-in"U, Stewart. 1 rne-k, ilnam and H ut In Id .nail reiiiniu iniehatis.'ed. Tiieet--liull lie- a nets refc-istrtiiin in W hite 1'ittins tun li-l in, blue l.nlgi- towtiMup, I In tub n-t tow n--!np and Ute fniirVisrd in the tiiwiitii Mount Ai-v March 7th, ls!J. W. W.Hahftik, C'ierk SupMruir l-ourt Kngbti spas ,n Liniment remove all tlaru, So't or t alloihu-d Li.n,j and tile n i is he, from hor.e, spavins k'lirtai, Splinta. Sweiiej, King-Bone, Stilina, Sprmiua. al. Swollen Thvi-a, (.'oits-lia, etc. Save M by use if oiie rtotiiH U arr.nt,d t tie niiwt aniidi--fui l ure ewr aiiossn. Sui4 oy liTum A. I.ANvaa E.A.HANMH, t - :j4 J14 ...,...;K...i iv., 4i,rv. i proprietors. 2aps FefiC aqd Y&dliq Valley RAILWAY, nits Gut., Keceiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, IX KFFKCT 1KCKMBKK Sth. im NOKT1I litH.MX So. 2. Haily. 1 -a ve srrive tvoas-e U-ave Wilniinpton, rjelteille, 1 2-i a. m lrtS." . m. In .Vi a. m. 12 18 p. m. 2 25 p m 2 5rt p. m. SitS p. m. 8..M p. m. 4 31 p. m. 4 MS p. m. MT p m 6.45 p ni t ayeueville, Sanfnnl, Cliiiiat, Incase rrie vreerihoro. Sjave Uave (r-ensln Mokesdale Vrrive lase !eM s rri se Walnut Cove, Walsmt tVve, Kiiral Hall, Mount Airy, SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. I'ailj lA-ave lave vrrive Mount Airy, Kursl Hall, Walnut tive. PSi a. m. 1 1 oo a. tn HAS a. m. 11 4.S a. m. 1212 p m. 12. SS p. m. l.tIS p. m. 1 S2 p. m. S 1 p. m. 4 38 p. ni. 4 45 p. m. I T.W p. tn No. . I-ailj 5 25 a. m. 8 28 a. m. 8 55 a. m. 10.15 a. m. lu.52 a. m. No 8, Daily 4.SS p. m. 4 .riN p. Dl, 5 42 tn. 6 12 p. m. 7.2o p. m. No. 18. 4i-i 6 45 a ai. a m. 6 2o a iu. 8 H5 a. in. in 50 a m. II Jala m. No. IS. Mix d 12 2-5 p m. 1 ii m. 2.35 p. m. 8 10 p. m. S 56 p. m. &.S0 p. tn. Uase I leave Arhs-e Walnut Cove, Stokewiale, tirnslKrrt, ieave Ijeave lave tirwrislairo, Climau, Sanfnrd, Arrive U-av Arrive rajetteville, Kajetteviile, Wilmington, NOKTH BuUND. Irf-ave Benriettsville, ; leave Mai ton, I Leave Rch.1 prinp, j ieave llnr-e Miils, i Arrive Kayi Uesiile, MiLTH BOUND. U-as-e 1 Rjetteville, I Ias-e llojie Mill, i lave KihI Springs, j Arrive Man-on, ! Arrive Bennetleville i NOKTH BOUND. ; Iave Baniseur, j Ieave t'limti, Arrive lrernslioro. ; !eave liren.lioro, j Leave Stokftxiaie, i Arris'e Madison, i south bound. Ieave Madison, i leme Stokesdale, j Arrive i-ireensiKjro, ' Iave (Trwiiislioro, lave Ciitnax. ; Arrive Banmeur, JJOKTH Unl vn OOVXECTTliNa. I At Faj-ettesille wiih Atlantic Ooat ! Line fur ail point North and f ast, at , Naiifurd with the Senlaiard Air l.ioe. at ! t-ireenslmro tsith the Stint hern l;ailv.aj Company, at Walnut Vive wiih ttie ! Norfolk and Western Bailroad for in- .toti-aleni. lU Ttl Hol Kti COKVBCTIOK. At Walnut Cove with th? Norfolk and Wintern Iaiiroari for Bminoke and pinnrs Norih and Wewt, at trreentitifiro ssitlitlieSomlierii Bailwaj (itnnpany fur Baleitrh, liii-linioiid and all point Nort h and Kind., at i ayet tevillc wuh t tse At . laiitic Cnaait Line fur al points South, : at Maxtim with the Seatmartl Air Line ! for t 'harlot re. Atlanta and all point Mouth and South went. W. ft. ICVUt, Ceea-J r-as. Aft. FIV. 4..nfnnti assatsr Al! it j a . 'eiw tw. wawsea iitais ItiC aya.aayi Wheni yon aviati an eaay abave, A. a. ImrlM-r t-vnr pave,, Jiwt rail on nie at my aalnon. At morn, eve rr noon. 1 cut and dreas the hair witl graw., To auit the contour nf in fane. 'j Tixim is neat nd tnweb clean, S-isot sharp and raanra kee-r. ; And cverj thing I ihii,a jjhj'J' find Toeul! tin- far and pleaw tlie mind. And all o j art and li!l pan dn, XI yii Jusi caJI I'll do ftir ynu. St. C 1UX, Blue Rtd. Inn, aloont Atry.i: C i rr DYSPEPSIA 1 CATARRH MALARIA KIDNEY- TROUBLES PIAAPLES BLOTCHES arOLD SORES BLOOD POISONING RHEUAATISA1 CT D AC! 1 1 A IVYONDERFUL REMEDY. SEND FOR BOOKLET. V..J Vrn-, -dnn.-tt- a- S N lei ! : I: '.est tinisi),- Ah 0m J v., I n nr V v '-." , .X'-; c. . i r.'a tt ..... Most I'd f r 4 rr-p -r i i--1 to t htiv f- n ;-ti.. -r- r . ii.tmfs t - if t..i e i si;-. si r - vi;i:oi. i ) n.v ,: .nr Ki.r -..: ,nc, v n -.i t n p t ft 'ln: V v t. ' WnjT 1 - r i. r it i'.nrA- .. V, fll V -i'it tf t'f u Mjjtet to (r.AiiArc rl it Light Running JJ l7'?ee Is no-e In tlie worM ttwt PjTHy S'rii'.!., r. ditraK.c.e et'w.wln jr , i!l m s -v ,r r 1 a as bjsi New Home H;f ;l..cif .:F:': - rtr-tt. W ioft ih-r yvTi J "Tt 'avNecti-nTtr-, u.ut ih'.mk rKl) m Ui Bl-BiTjBav WRITE FOH OVULARS. Qui- - t..-. S N T R. H. LEONARD. IV) yon want tfl t.e la lit Tlie blrs-ele hui nests is frnr.srinr eoorroouv.v . 1, ni l try n -i oa can twf one erberl, or aa tnany as yoa tik-a, an! aeli s-oor r-ier.ds EICTCLES T COST. Aa erder aeot now enluiew yeas ta a t.l iaooont. Apply ijuif Ira- the atrency ftar yoor .u,i-a. ur whei are the Lihei cra.l, tm--i re.wl.le tilen-rie. raiade v-ai.y. fun ioulsi. and haodsomeiiy Unw- tmted printed mal leir tiv nt.,1. ikUN a n i TllV kattlawre, . EVERYBODY LOOKS NICE Is. (Trtit i vrti iiT Iht Harris Sltm Dje Wcrks,, m. C. All trrj.- by mui! reecire jirna pt t tent ina. All frnaraieej Vitre for j,rti- cuiara. t h aiiiiij; and bindou; a aj-n'ialry AARON Vl 7V.E- T75f;m v-s, T!sto A aiaiia4aAs. ai..ia&i, T"tirtr ira'-e Wareliouw, Kt. Airy, N. C. F.asy rliaira, rainira kn-n ; St-h-wira aharp. litir-n cle-an. I or a Miave son pay a dmn Oti!y a nick it-1. ft a .bine ; Sliatnponnr haircut I'urr tiediiur Vou iy the tiim of Jfw ttiMf. DcslTtl Ecsi:Lccs lor Etit 1. Tne Hess F'cuse and Ut. f.oci- fo'd Strt-ei. 2. Tfce C. W. U:$ Kse snd let, Ka.ti Stmet 3. The Vat:rhn Kouse and lot, Aii di -l.i. si-'d d'.-mf!r!y Us Oa -U. ) ,1: lit, ,,, ss t-aiui, sepv 17it., lata. " . TV) yon want w jt t la lit