THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., TII.UltSDAY, APHIL H, 180(1. , NO. 08 VOL. 10. T'MMONSN ...t-r- -wan-vr EQUATOR THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE y.i Uvra l?fiUil.ATW. Don't forget f i it. Now is the time you neeJ it nr. t to va!.e i p ymir Liver. A s'.iicris t l.i. r !t:ii"s hi: Miliaria, Fever nn J Ai'.i"', tJ n-' : .:.;..: ; "., miJ many other ills wluli .:'! r t-K- institution anj wreck h-'.i It 'i't tii;;-t the word PHIULAI It .. NMWONS I.IVI-R l-l-r,i;i .', : i.i i " ,i:i'. 1 he word KFO tLATOi; il, . m . ii. ; it trom all other fern.-dits. ,Vi.l. ivilJiS this, SIMMONS I iVIiR hl Cii l.M'i is : K.-Riilator of the Liver, kicp 't ir.i,vriy nl work, that your system m.-v 1'.' kt- ' in .'.m l oMidition. FOR TMii Hl.OOi) Like SIMMONS I IVRN I'!., i I ' I Ail . I' i- the N st Mood puriti.-r arij o'ir.i-;. Iiv it an J note the ihMrrrrv f . I ivk ti r the I'l I) . oil cmmv pi. I- H.V. V'U v.-on' tin J it on iviv I'd r n-.-Jl-.-i i.', n'l.l there is no other I i V r tiir-uv lil.v- .-m.'loNS LiVhR Jth'ii.'i ATi !H th.'Kio l Liver Remedies. H.' IIV V'n'J fit II. .1. II. 7. llin .V Co. I'Mt.iilelplila, Pa. YV. R UROWX, HOTARV PQSUIG, (orrii'K with iiko. .,) Mount Airy, N. C. E. F. HOLLINGS WORTH, Dental Surgeon, (IF.l'l''K ON i iXKUN sti;i:i.t, s K I R MAIN. OKKIOK H Jl'K.-i A. M. TO fi )'. M. S. P. GRAVES, A T I'O UN E V AT LA W, .nouul Airy, .V V.. I" rnieiluea lu hlf and federal courts Pruuipi aim. tiun 1. 1 -Hon 01 el. Una. R. L. HAYMOKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, itlouni Airy, SI. C. Practicea in Hie Male ami Federal t-uuita anil colli tin cImiiiib. All husiness eutiiist eil lo lit ir nl receive ti i in 1 1 atlfiniim. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & Notary Public, Mount Airy, .V Itr Meotlnttl- Loans mill lie culleellub 01 Claim Spoeulty. fiiHurmiL'u pluc.-U in ulaii a rit'nuiiiaiiii'siiiiiiu liberal terms. w. k. cvi.-raii, Ml. AT ' J. II. LKWKI.I.YN. Ouliiii, N. O. CARTER & LEWELLYN, Attorneys - at - Law. Practice in the State mid heih-ml Couru. fronijit attention given to all liusi nesH enlruHted to their earn. W. S. NEEDHAM, LlUl ill ii il II i PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Wi (iraiHiiH! iu the State (lourla. t'ol Ijtitiou of i-lahna a apecialty. Jnii'.i-lL'in COAL! COAL! White- Aah Anthracite Goal fur Stoves and Urates. UiiHitil Crock Coal for Stoves and Grates I'lK-almntas Coal for Shop and Kiif,'inea. jrjgfT'Order tilled promptly. T. B. MeCAItliO. Acetit for l'oeahoiitas Coal l!o. JOS. NATIONS, OKA IK 11 IS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kinds, iVwintf .Mai hi'ie, M'liii'ttl Instniiiiei.ts.iVc. VV atelies, t loekn and Jewelry repaired in bent uiSBilile man ner and aatisfnelioii nuaranteeU If you want to save money see me hi-fun-iriakiiiK yur purchasia or having jour work done. J. H. BLAKEMORE, PHOTOGRAPHER, BMtMainSt., MT.AIKV.N.C. I, nrf-wml U) m ke all itic X..r ta 'r ntic Uyl--. l i- l"i " O""-'. J1 gl w w. HURKK, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER, AND BHER OF tOLXTRV PRODITE. YOUR OUHKKS 8f)MClTKI. GOODS DELIVEBED PROMPTLY Respectfully. W. W. BURKE. Situated on Kain 'Street, iwt ,f Franktin iiim nlwo "T1 " " - . - - ; . i - kil Airv She Slop, J' on and H V). Shoe mad to order on Ihort IW.O- StMa repaired . pn:ni.t ly. .. ...iviinn jnaraiitewl bihI mora de JiVrd hen deaireJ Trrftia eh. L. B. Albertson, Prop. ' . m - vw shiwMi in at. irk af A Missouri Train Robbery. ! A itiKiiiili h nt last ciJiiihuhv from St. Louie. Mo.. m : The Tri-!' fast i xi-n-fr, from ilm Wt;, ill: Lchai ,M" , lentil " WISt id t. Louie, a li'tbt bcfolO 1 o'clock r F. i morning, vn ln-lil ti hv li.rv e, maski d men, hear Rich Iii'mI, '2'2 iiiilt-H )Ht i)l I.i'ltanon. ih nit :io'rlni:k .liidtiKirninsr. Wlu-n tho train vms iu.'Hiintf IIh'IiIhiiiI tin engineer .tw n il li'lit ilown tho trm k. He rove rml thu inver Htnl apilifil the nir lifki' Rtul cti)U'tl tiiu tiniii. Tliu tMijjinver hihI tirt uiHii niki (1 tlu'ir lii'Hils out of tliu cl) vvii do to nit wliHt the trouble nun. At llmt iiihtiint there whh a thihli mill n hulliit whizzed HKt the i iiiiitu i r'ti hen! Hiid huiit d itself in tie wood-work. A man rpmnp in to the enb wiih a Wii ehehter ritle mid ('oiiiiniiiuiiil tho eniiinerr and liieiiiHii lo holil up th .ir Imiiilr. Then ho compelled the engineer lv ifi t di.wu mid help the rolibers jet into the exprcen ear. They made the ei jrinccr inouiit the plalfoini, Hud with Wii.ehepierd prodding him trout behind, cull loudly to the mi -wicrier to open hi car. It wa not until several volleys had liei n i oiiicd into the car throliKh (ho d. r that the mea nger unbolted his door and admitted the robbers. f he nico-eiii r declared that every thing in the car worth taking was securely locked in the th'oiijjli i-afe, to which ho dul not pnmcrs the combination. The r.bbei produced from a bin packajje of dynamite and went to wmk to blow the hafe open. Tin y wni ked for nearly an hour, firing their ruls all the time niitpidi: tlu: train to in imidate the pHfM-iiL'Cia and Irainmeli. 'I he iiicp fcoiuer was bidiy hurt by being htiui k on the head with t ho hut' cud of a Kiiri. At lart ihe rale wan o encil and t ho booty secured. The btiiiliia cut tho engine b te mid utaried it d iwn tliu trick. L'nuiuecr I'rice oiTeted to x with tin-in to take cure of the engine, but tiny f uii i hey did not neid him, ah tin y knew snmethint: almut cniin a. An eiuhih ot a mile chh! of the train they h-ft the engine and ununited their hm'ptfc, which had been picketed iichi by. iood dcacripiioi.s arc til en of the three robla-ra, and s the c.'iiiiiry in aroused and piir miit .iclive, it in thought I hey can l ot CKOipe. A poeau left Lebanon early tins no. riling in putMiit. The cxjrn- otliciiila claim not to know how much the robbers pot, but one of the piicserii;i rs a.a he heard the mi'-acniri r oiy there m na over OOii in t:.c fafe. Hanged an Innocent Man. The Auiala (.'hroiiiole of last Saturday as that in Hirnwcll county, fe. (J., a number of veins ajM, an innocent man was banned lor a murder committed at a dunce. While on the lionr daneintr, Stephen LiinIi vim killed hvHphut tired from tiH, ,hi.!,. A r-Mih character by the Hume of Jeitca wnt accused. He admitted tiriiii,' tiie pistol ; but swore he find it into the air. Circum stiiniia! evidence wae so conclusive he was tried, convicted and lumped, proti sting his innoeeiict: on the M-fTi.ld. About a year a'o Lilly Limbrick died, and us a seipiel to the tragedy, contet-aeJ beture his ileiith flint he tiled the fatal shot, tin! could assign no reason, as he and !ush were the best of friends, only that he was drinkintr. lie said that when Iiatea tired into the air he delibera'eiy aimed in the house and tired. Tlie deadly work of the bul let sobered him and he sold his pis tol to a cousin for fifty eente, fcar iiij; detec' ion. He helped to father the evidence that convie'ed and handed iS.ites. This has only re ceiitly ci-me lo the ears of the peo ple of his community. An cxpli sioii of l'h'' oceiimd ruci-dav in it u hi her nine sliatt of the Ia liilt and V ilkesbane ('oal Companv at Sunr Notch. '1 bourns Hiiike, a do ii-teiider, was crushed under lalliti): u al Its and Harry I'eiiiiitt, ajred 1G years, a diiver b y, wa fatally injured. Harrv I'loyd, IVtcr Mm sou and Tboma. is were also injured, bill will ri cover. The damage reanliiu f'r.on the expl.isi.'ti will be heavy. Superior court is in session in Caldwell and Albert Franklin and wife are to be tried fur the murder if F".V (iieene, Franklin's wife's first bill-band. Best Family Medicine "I have taken Aver. TP! fnr munv years, and a! dnvc1 the best reMiita Iroui their use. For stomarh and liver tloiilileg, and for the cure of headache. Cathartic Pills cannot tw cfiual'il. When mv fneini aik me what N the Ik-H remeilv for dminter of the Rtom- h, liver, or Imweht tut invnri. Fie answer ia AVer's I'llla.'" Mra. May Johnwix," New York City. Highest Awards at World's Fair. 1 NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES, The jjreat revival meetinu; at Favi tteville has ended, with over .')oil cotiveiai.iiis. The anuicii e invention of tlie Woman's Christian Temperance I'liiuu uf North Carolina will meet ir. Uileih on Juno 5th. Moses I'tinder, a colored laborer of Edgecombe county, who killed Jos. Uullin, a white man, in March, 18'.t."), was arreted a few day 0 and is in jail. The tobacco men of Statcsviile will erect a monument to the mem ory of the late Hai Fetter, a pop ular tobacco auctioneer of that id ace and son of the late I'rof. M. 'otter. The gold mine of Higtfinu vV Co., near (Lunewall, is proving to be very valuable. Tho prospecting which is in progtesa there no-cor -tintics to show rich depotits. Ixmoir Topic. Miles Lrown, son of J. M. 1 Lrown, of Mulberry, caught 11 large sucki rs at one haul last week, and says ho hits Something to (at now besides dry Inead. Wilkes boro Chronicle. The Macon county jail at Frank lin was totally destroyed by fire Saturday morning about 3 o'clock. Four (irisoners er-caped. The juil was a two itory luick building There waa no insurance. It is sup posed tho fire was started by one i f the prisoners. Judge Norwood, of the Superior Court, has rendered a decision that the county eotmuissionersol Forsyth have a right lo moitgxgo the court house Kj iH-e for the purpose ol securing money with which to build a new coiitt house. The case will now go tu the Supreme Court for tins! decision. The tioldnhorii Art us says thht at this time last year there were thirty-eix prisoners in Wayne jail, and now tliero are but four. The sheiilf aitribiitis thi-i remarkaMe falling nil to the fact that it is well kiiou n that the county owns blood hounds which have never failed to run down rogues. The store of It. L Swift-good, at Tyro Shops, l)a,vidson cunty, wns burned Sunday n'ght. It is sup pus d that the store was robbed and then set on tire. The buck dooi was open when the Hames were d.s covered. The loss was twelve hundred dollais, upon which ttiere wae no insurance. There is a mun in the city to-day who says he is walking around the world getiiu anthoigraphs of prominent business men in eich place he visits. "While this man's purposes may be perfectly honest and legitimate, still it might not be amiss to call attention to the tact that it is not the wisest plan tohsve one's signature in unknowu per sons' pusS'-ssion. - Charlotte News. (JovernorCarr honors the reijnisi timi of the Governor of Virginia for It. L. Douglas, tho white man w ho is in jail at Statcsviile, charged with the murder of a peddler in Tazewell county, Va., February 1st. This is a strange case. Five or six men s vear Ihiu.'lass was in Iredell county that day. Others swear he was in Tazewell county, and identity his clothing. The Government sent the requisition to Salisbury. Ano'hcr murderer has been ac quitted in Madis. n county, about the tour hundredth, more or less. His name was Ikilding and the Hendcr sonvillo Times says of the acijuittal : Theie was an unusual scene in the court noiii when the verdict of ''not guilty was returned. It partook of tc-itures of a religious revival. The father ni Laiding, all aged minister, wept and prayed, ami theie wan singing, praying and handshaking by the friends and relatives of the prisoner now free. l!ro. J. II. .Mills, is writing a very intciesticg s'..irv entitled ''Captiati Iteiiajah." The found ation is lai 1 on pirts ! the liible, and from this he builds a splendid structure. It is the story of a meet ing ot the Grand I-odu'c at Jet .1 K.ili in, foi the burial of King Hiram, and the story ends with a bit ot rem nice, in which there is a happy marriage. The story will goun ! published, if it is not already, and will then be put in tik form. We trust we violate no confidence in saying this much of "Captain lien ij-h." Irphan's Friend. In l.Hjkinj through the old vault in I In- State Treasurer's ollii-e Thurs- lav, the clerk found the last war i . t , rani issni-ii oy .. i hiio- as war Governor. He also found forty three thousand, three hundred dol lars in old b .lids iu deiiomiuatiotis ot one hundred, tire hundred and one th'iusan'l dollars. They are dstid in ll'iS. They were isued nnder an act providing for funding the ma" tired intert-st on he State debt, and, under the funding act are redeemable at 15 ier cent, of the principal. They are now worth in new bonds six thousand, tour bi.n-dr-d and niney live dohai, and it hdd by private parties the State would have to jay it. .No one knowsbowihey gut tin-re, and thre U no recrd of thuii on the cflice fiooks. PETER'S CONFESSION. Synopjii of Sermon by Re, D. H. Erad enburg. The pnges of history are adorned with many sayings of great men. Sociales said' "know thyself," nd enunciated a great principle for right living; Shakespeare t-aid " This above all, to thine own self be trii--," and forcibly portrayed our duty to otheis and ourselves. I 'at rick Henry said, "Give me libeity or give mo death," which not only aroused his hearers, but thrills us with patriotism todiy. Hut these among thotisinds of oth ers, sink into insignificance, and grow dim in their lustre, when they stand in tho light of Ti ter's state ment, "Thou art the Christ." These words weie Hot tho result of sudden inspiration to Peter, but a gradual disclosure, which tho di vinity of Jesus had made to tho im pulsivo apostle. Meek and humble as the Saviour was, lYter had scon hero and there, a gleam of iho di vine, !l. tailing through tho mortal covering; hihj when i,nnai askcn him, "w hom s.iy v that I am," the entire glory and grandeur ol Christ, flashed into his mind and overflow ing with joy, he exclaimed, "Thou art tho Christ." We have not seen the mirac.lea that IVtcr saw, but we learn of Christ a nature in much the same way. We have seen the power that has opened the eyes of those grop ing in il tikiitrs and sin, and how the soul that has suicided by drink inir the poison of sin, has been rais ed and quickened to new life, lie calls such souls fioiu the tomb uf iniquity, as he did the body of Laz arus. The power of Cluist upon the human soul, is to that soul the pos itive evidence that lie is the, divine Christ, and undci His tuition and influence, the soul rises to its mb liniest hopes, attains its sweetest puritv, and learns its holiest love. The speaker then very clearly showed this to be a model confes sion, certainly it pleased Christ, foi it w.'s upon th. s confession that Christ built His church. It was our all-sullicient taith and creed. The speaker then gave an apt il lusttation of real taith. The miner sees the rope, which swings into the great chasm, he not only thinks it will hold him, but at once bears his whole, weight on the tew strands of hemp. The man who hits go opinion, be liefs, and affections and bancs his faith upon Christ alone, is the man. who " believes unto i ignteoiisness and ' cuiifc'sc.s with the mouth nt.- to sa! v I'iuii. -Winston Sentinel. A Disastrous Fire. The WiV n Ace'ylcne Works, located at. Spray, Itockinghhtn county, were entnely destroyed by fire hist Sunday morning. The plant was owned by Mr. S. L. Wilson, of New York, and operated by Maj. J. T. Morehead. The Aluminum wrk was the pride of the people ot Spray, this being the birth place (if nee'.ylcne gas, which has of late attracted so much attention iu the scientific world. iii-j. .1. Turner Morehend, presi dent of the company, and the prime mover in the development of acety lene gas, was not at home to wit ness the destruction of his labors, ho being in New York on busi ness. Spontaneous combnstion was the probable cause of the tire. The loss is estimated at ..n.OHu, and there was no insurance on the property. Winston Sentinel Perfect Wisdom Would give us pertcct health. Be cause men and women are nut per fectly wise, they must take medi cines to keep themselves perfectly healthy. I 'nre, rich blood is the basis of good health. Hood's Sar snparilia is the One True I'.lo id I'uritier. It gives good health be cause it builds upon the t'ue foun dation pure blood. Howl's 1'illo are purely veget;.ble, perfectly hm m!i-ss. aiwav i eltabie and beneficial. News was received lieie yester dav that John W. Markham, a prominent merchant of Chapel Hill, had been arrested at that pl t'-i. mid taken to IIil'sUiio and placed in jail. J. 1st what the charge agiinst him was we could not learn, but his bund has bien placed 1 1 $l..r"i and at last accounts he had failed to give it. His store in ('Impel Hill has lieen c'uscd by his creditors, and it ia thought thit he was arrested on some charge of defrauding his creditors. Durham Itecotder. .LXjX -AJLaOlSTEJ, fenth in t.' way It "t. n! in th wnr tt'u id, i Lr. iVfTri Medum! I.s-oy- trv. A lmg prt"wHn of fliwMW s'.irt from ft tftfpiti livfr aii'l itr.iuir Ui. Tak it, s ytm fnmht. bi "U fwl the first rmp Un ( languor, hmtt f .etiti, dutiiMW, -prh'U). A rn p-tijnir. rurtiv ftotiic, Ut rr, !! iIiimw ni 1 1 ;1 me ti rjiiaaJ it. It T"U errroTK" into HwiUiial ll r T'ttf UM 1'1, IJT up J T aaT t Km uhiii ftVEta-fll atlkl ii 2- flu. IU CmiHttt, Wi ri- 1 halve taken trm h 't t ft rmir (n-a f i-a i (iiirta Jt-H ami Mra l;.nr.T Iraat fotitfue ' Pierce. s.Gur Ui A SICKENING SIGHT. THE BRUTAL BUTCHERY OF FIVE CU BAN PATRIOTS BY SPANISH GARROTFRS. The Execution Wai Horrible and Revolting, All Five of the Victim Strangled to Death. A dispatch from Havana, Cuba, states that never in modern times has there been a more sickening spectacle than the one which attended the public execution of t've Cubitus. The men had laien condemned to death by the Gairote as "mnrdciers, violators and incen diaries." Troops were drawn up in hollow square and in the middle were placid the elmir and post. Ruiz, the public executioner, had depu tized an assistant to Conduct the HiiMr. the couilemncd men hav ing received tho otlicer of tho church, were brought into the square to meet their la'e. One f them had confessed his guilt and aflirmed the innocence ot all tho others, who also protested that they weie guiltless. The first man to die took hie seat in the chair calmly; the iron collar was fixed about his neck and cap drawn over his face. Tin n the executioner undertook to apply the screw, but w as so excited that his hand slipped repeatedly, with the result that the victim died by blow strangulation, emitting the while the most distressing criis The second execution was accom plished with even more distressing awkwardness and delay, the execu tioner la-ing almost on the; veigc of c dlapse as he performed his hor rib'e function. The protests of the oflicers and priests forced ltuiz to undertake the third execution, but he did little better than his assis tant had done. Ti.c fourth victim of bungling gar rot era was likewise tortured and then ltuiz literally fled from I. is post, leaving bin assistants to put to death the ti!th unfortunate Cuban, who escaped none of the agonizing experiences that had attended the execution of his fellows. The whole alTair has left upon thoso who wit ncssed it and upon those to whom it has been described a feeling of the utmost horror. How Awful She Will Look ! If rumors iroin nbro'id are cor rect the fiisiiioiisble woman ot the spiing of 'Ih! will be wonderful to behold. For the ptst five virus fashion has been subjected to but tew rul'oil change-i. I his spluig a rev olution is to t k- place. Here it a list ot the new fashions which have ttlrftilv appeared in Fan-: The hoopskirt. L'.rire bustles. Small tight-fitting sleeves. Hip pads in various sizes. High heels. Collars of enormous size. Huts worn well over the f -i- head. Marie Antoinette curls dangling from the back of the coiffure. Such is the array of horrors which the fashionable woman must contemplate before planning her spring ward-robe. An Old Man's Counsel. Mr. Monroe Davidson, of Green ville, Ga., says, May i 1st, 1815: "I have used Itoyal Germetuer lor Kidney Troubles from which I have suffered from Lovhood. It gave me relief in a tew davs, and is the only medicine that has ever given me any permanent relief. 1 take pleasure in recommending it to any one siifi'erinj from any kind of Kidney trouble. 1 believe it i the best thing that old people-can ti.-e for debility and nervousness." New pucka."-, large bottle, lo doses, fl. For sale by Taylor iV IJanner and D. A. Houston. The conduct of the present Con gress has been worse than that of the one which precceded it. In stead of laboring for the interests of the people and endeavoring by their influence to give permanence to the renewal of general ptosperity, they have yielded to a spirit of jingoism and have kept tliu country constantly exc:led by pre'endid foreign complications and threats of war. The sturdy Working people of the country want no war. The latest results of pharmaceu tical tcience and tho best modern appliances arc aaileJ ot ill Com pounding Ayer's Sarsaparillu. Hence, though half a-century in existence as a medicine, it is fully abreast of the age in all that goes to make it the standard blood-pu-r.fic-r. Those who are siruglug to keep out of the poor house will timi com fort in i lie information that the Duke of York cannot live comfort ably on $7,0 a year. Take Simmons Liver Regulator to prevent illness from the Malaiial poison which comes with the Spring months. Simmons Liver Itegula'or is a mild laxative thit clensc the system and puritic the blood. An excellent alterative and tonic tor the Spring. "I have U-en very moch imptoved in heal.h by taking Simmons Lirer Regulator." M. Newport, Williamsburg, Ky. Send in your subscription to this -5 eot. per box. Fur sale by Ty paper. Only one dollar year. j lor i IUnner. A Romantic Marriage. The Winston Salem correspon dent of the Charlotte Observer tel egraphs from the Twin City as fol lows under date of March 27th : "A rather remarkable marriage was celebrated in Winston yester day. Mr. James H. Portia, of this city, and Mrs. Maggie T. Daven port, of Itocky Mount, N. C, being the contracting parties. The cere mony wa pertormed at the home of the gloom's lather by Itev. II. A. Lrown, of the First liaptiat church. The remarkable feature of tho mar riage iii that Mr. I'ortia is dying of consumption, and was unable to sit up when tho ceremony was per formed. "The bride first came to Winston several months ago upon hearing of tho critical illness of her lover. She came hero again a tew diys siuco and wan told by a physician that his recovery was very improb able and that if she desired to mar ry him it would lu advisable for her to do so at oneo. The bride' first husband died two years ago. Mi. I'ortis lost Ins wife about a year ago. This romantic marring is the conclusion of a 'boy and girl Courtship.' ".Mrs. I'ortis is a very handsome j tirunetto, ami is also quite wealthy. Mr. I'ortis was formeily manager of the Western Ftnon Telegraph office in Asheville, which position lie resigned to accept one in Uirm ingham, Ala., and upon the death of his wife in that city he went to Richmond, Va., la-ing employed there in the main ofliee, where he remained until a few weeks ago, when his failing health compelled him to come home. He has two ehildien." McKiiley Will Lead. A Careful canvass made by corres pondents ol the New York Herald m every St te and Territory in the I'nioii to determine the Presidential preferences of the delegates to the Republican National Convention, which will be he'd in St. Louis on June ll'.th. slows that on the first ballot McKiiilev will poll more than double the vote of any other andldaie, and that he will tall only ti'J votes short of the nomination. ! Acciding to the Herald, the! total number of delegates will lie' Im'.'. and IS.'i will be nutiiied to! nominate. McKinley will probably j go into the convention with H'.'S j Votes oil the tirst bnllot. Reed will ! be second in point of strength, with lo2 votes, including solid New j England. Morton will stand third, with '.;, and Allison will have! only . I Spring Requires T'mt the impurities which have accumulated in your blood during the winter shall be promptly and thoroughly expelled if good health is expected. When the wanner weather comes tLcsc impurities are liable to manifest themselves in various ways and often lead to seri ous illness. Fnlcss the blood is rich and pure that tired feeling will atll'ct yon, your appetite will fail and you will find yourself "all run down." Hood's Sarsaparilla tones and strengthens the system, drives out ail impurities and makes pure, rich, healthy blood. Hood's Sar saparilla is the one true blood puri fier and the liest spring medicine. Be sure to get only Hood's. The Goddess of Liberty to Be Married, The goddess of liberty, Miss Anna Williams, whose pn file appears on every silver dollar, is to be married. It is twenty years since the pretty blonde girl became famous, and now that she is to be a bride the story of how she came to be the goddess of liberty may be retold. In 1S76 a young engraver named Tvlorgan, after designing the reverse side of the dollar, made up his mind that the profile on the other side should he from a real bend, and, after a long search, chanced upon Miss Wil liiiins, ho, Hfter liuving at first re fused, finally consented to sit for the design, which was accep'cd by Congress. She lives in Philadelphia, and for years supported herself as a teacher. Yorkville Enquirer. As baldness makes one link pre maturely old, so a full head ot hair gives to mature lite the r.ppearar.cj ot youih. To secure this and pre vent the former, Ayer's Hair Vigor is confidently recoinme'ided. Itotb ladies and gentlemen prefer it to any other dressing. A RrooLivu, N. Y., dispatch of Wednesday says eleven lives were lost by tire in an Italian colony near Hamilton Ferry. The lire occurred in a three s'ory tenement house, occupied by Italians, seventy live jH-oplo being in the house. The men, women and children slept on niaitresi-s on the iletor iu the various rooms. The tenants were unistly laborers. Those who lost their lives were overcome by the -moke before thoroughly aw-ukened. The policemen made many rescues. The tire Marred in the lower hall way. BiieUlcn'a Artilra ftaiv. The Rent Salvo in th world for Cut, llrime, Soics, Ulcers, Sail H'leum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapp ed Ilauils. Ciulbl jinen. Corn, and all Skin Kniplinna, and positively cure I'ilca, or no pay required ll i. fU.iranleed to give perfect aii. Fat-(i-n r roo'iey refunded. Trie Highest of all in Leavening r NORTH CAROLINA FIRST. Years ago we published a list ot sotno fourteen event in history iu which North Carolina was lirst. Liko nearly all we have written in fifty years but little ia in our pos session. We are nnable, therefore, o reproduce tho list and it would require somo research to gather it again. North Carolina has led the other Sjatea in many importat.t things. Even in railroading, it was with Virginia tirst probably. Was not tho railroad lrom 1'lakely in Northampton county to Peters burg the first to las constructed and used ? We have such an impression. We havo a scar on our chin that was caused by a fall from the seat when a wee bit ol a lad, not more than 5 or 0 years ot age. As be fore mentioned there is evidence to show that the first revolver was by a North Carolinian. The signal -ofliee idea is probably a North Carolina conception. Wc are in clined to think the first type-setting machine was bv a native of onr Stite. 1'ut we meant now to refer to three or four historic matters in which the old State led olT. The first pamphlet published in this country protesting against tax ing the Colonies against their con sent, was printed in W-lmington j by Andrew Stuart in liho. 1 he first protest in print bitter- ly condeming the grievous burdens put upon the iM:op)o of the m ia?r counties by the Colonial Govern ment and its otticials in the courts, was signed ''Nntbush," and was written by a citizen of Granville county. It is extant and may be- found in Wheeler. It lished in was puis- The first blood shed in resistance of oppression was bv the Regula tors in the battle of Alamance, on 10th May, 1771, Gen. Tryon !c- i ' teating them. It was nearly four year later when the battles of Concord and Lexington in Massachnsi tts were fought 10th April, 1775. The tirst declaration ot Independ ence of the llriiish Crown was at Chatlottetown, Meckh nl nrg coun ty, on I'i'tli May, 1775. The Philadelphia (National Dec laration) was the next year, 4th July, 177i, thirteen months und a halt later. The Regulators of Granville staitcd the trouble in 1771 were ahead of the others. The Regula tors ot Anson county were ahead of those of Orange, says Governor Swain. The first Provincial Convention met at Newborn on 25th Angust, 1774. It was this Convention that appointed William Hooper, Joseph Hews and Richard Caswell dele gates to the First Continental Con gress. Fort Johnston was burned by Col. John Ashe lth Jnly, 1775. " The First Provincial Congress met at Ilillaborongh inth Augnst, 1775. The Second Provincial Congress met at Halifax 4th April, 177b. The Resolutions of the Provin ?ial Congress instructing the Con tinental Congress for independence were adopted on 12th April, 1770. It is a very strange omission in all the eatli'T histories of North Carolina of the important battle of Ita'iisour's Mills. Gen. Joseph Graham, fatherof the late Governor W. A. Graham, lortunutely left an account of the battle. It was tought on Hub June, 17su, near the prcsert town of Lincoln ton, in a county then called Tryon, after the oppressive Royal Governor. The battle lasted an hour and was fought by S50 patriots against 1,'M Tories lour to one. The patriots triumphed. We may not omit mentioning the la.-.tle of Moore' Creek llridge, fought i'7th February 1 7T", be tween the militia under Colonels I.illington and Caswell and the Tories under (ten. McDonald. Thirty of tho latter were killed or mortally wounded, including Cajs tains Mi-Cloud and Campbell killed, and but two only were wounded on the side of the patriots. W timing ton Messenger. Thousands have tested the great building-up power of Hood's Sar saparilla and have found renewed strength, vigor and vitality in its use. krYy uWTti tfTiT Yfc ?! 4 O 1 M l -'v i UI b t is invaluable for Cvclists, X Ball-Players and Athletes. X It cures quickly Sprains. Soreness. Stiffness. Lame- ness and Dislocations. t Salvation Oil, t tlie rreat Pain Annihilator kills all rain. Price2 cts. t KolJ brands In.t ob peU.n? tJvatioB t'.L rrm lira I neM. twt w,.inm-f H iM.a w a i. Tower. Lattst U.S. Gov't Report PUKE A North Carolina Girl Receives a European Fellowship. It will be a calico of rejoicing to North Carolina people to learn that Firyn Mawr College, one ofthe lore most institutions for the education of women in the world, ha just awarded the Rrvn Mawr European Fellow ship for the u-ar lol't!-" iixn Mls-t Virginia ltagsdale, of James town, Guilford coimtv, N. C. This Fellowship gives live hun dred dollars to tlie holder to pay tho expense, of one year's study in some I'nivcisity on tlie Continent of Eu rope, the same to be selected by the younfj woman subject to tho ap proval i f the Ib v n Maw r faculty, .v'o greater academic honor than this cm be won by a woman in America ; anil w hen it is understood from how large a circle are the young women w ho compete for this honor, the pe"p!c i f our State will feel a just pri-U- in the fact that this year such distinction lias comic to a N irlh Carolina git!. Miss Itags d 4ie was iho first girl to obtain at Guilford Colli go the graduate scholarship which Rryn-Mawr con fers every year upon a lady graduate el Gui'foid, the selection being made on the ground of scholarship. She has now at the cv.ise of four years of success! il work, reached the highest In. nor in the power of the faculty ef llryan-Mawr to con- fi r upon her ; ami will spend a vear ' in Europe under the most famous 1 inscructois. 1 lie pn annoui r-ln ing of the many stn year tlo.t whs all ti i sideiit of Lryn-Mawr in g the honor ou the morn 'Jo;!. said there so ng girls in t'iC els ,s ll is the mark of dl.-tinctlon gre iter : that they had fellows tr. in I'.ust.n, Purlin and New ml, snJ now they were glad to have the S.-u'!) rcsntcnted by a North Carolina i ! Biliousness I cm i if. t I y l:vcr. uhn-h j-rf-venH rite"- Hon and j rnwt-f ! tv. l-rm"tt mu putrify in th stoma rh. 'Ihfn fii! dizziness, lieitiljtrlje. flinmiij. n'TVmnt'HN. It not r liv"t. )it.Mtin f. v.-r i or blood H-iiori!tit;. HWs j Pills Ii ils sttnuil.iti- the t. 'iiuifh. rniwi the livt-r. pure h'ii(lri"hfv dizziness, prm stipaMon, itf. L'i ccntA, -iiu hv ail flrmjetHtH, Thtruiily IMis to take wilh )iooti s ?irHitiaiili. THE LITTLE ONES Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all crre to keep the little ones in healih. Do not give them nauseous dose&, You can overcome their troubles with Dr. King's Royal Geriiieiver. They all to take it because it docs not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in you.ig children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, ond quiet, heakhful sleep. As a t.-inic for weak children and as a remedy for ue in teething, it is the grcatc-t in the w orld. tdf'"SolJ by Iirupi'ists, w package, larpe bottle, ICS I loses, fine Ilollur. Manufactured out- bv Tie Atlanta Cbenical Co., Atlanta, Ca. Writ f-.r 4-Fa Bk, KUi Im. WJ h T.nW i B.savr asd D. A. lUuiki, - CALL AT - EVERETT'S TIN SHOP. 7 Hi; AD QUARTERS Tii. and Stwl Iliv.ring.Huttering S-lnhitiiiB. Valley Tin !! widlha fci.infli" f-trijsi. Ac.. Ac. A. Watnr anu s-teani 1 .:tinr of all kiriij kept oil hand. The Hid lieiiat'li" Jei.kio l.ioi A l'hH-k Vavh. 1 tietman lnj-tir. I troil Lufirieaior are a few of thai many n-S ni ufilie in atoek. iiw. l-idl- N-i"P Siaeiiinea, .i" ;, "n" ) ) ".li hicrrli rJiei-tl t)T te twnt Polir. tut) f'.?ea) I'oU. J .-r 1'aia. ar.d Id taft rvry: ins !k U-e r.ware ii T. 31. Everett Co, Mood's