Rlieuraatism It a blood disease and only a blood reme dy cm curt it. So many people make the mistake of t iking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencaatle, Indiana, says: "For years I bare suffered with Static Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach aiy trouble. I graduully grew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I V? ' 1 Jf mv rit'llt arm! ttrfora loner I rnttltl urnlk across the room, and when I bad finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170." A Real Blood Remedy, S.S.S. cures Sciofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegela table) is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It force out the poison matter jtcrmanent ly. We will send to anyone onr valuable books. Address Swift Speciac Co., Atlanta, Ga. IH A Local Disease and l 1 lip result f e,tln an aii.ltltn cll'iiHllr dhiiij kT.H ! chu be curt'il hy a pint am rvnieily h lanpi.ilt. tllrwlly Into thn niwlrllf BHnif nilltkly utmoruetl I gives relief at once. KlT'B C'RKAM I'.AL.V la acknoli'il(,'pd Ui betlm most ihirouifh nirp for NbbsiiI cut mi, coIiIh In lldirt and liny Fewrofsll ri'ine lies. 1 1 opens and rleatifx ttw nawtl pawinir, alluva pun, nU inflamma tion, ueala llttt wires, iiruU't'lH dm int'iiinrano from col'ls, restore tlm bpiikps of Mule aud Binell. ITIre Me. at DrnirelKla or hy mail. ELT HICOI il Kits. 6$ Warren St., New York. "..Wall Paper BY MAIL AT WHJLESALE PRICES. 100 Newdeslinisseandupi wamtnteilto Kleirs.nl Kilts Sc. " j mm or money Ho-dern utni1 low rale) reiunded. Bond he. for posing.); deduct when oruerliiu. Sample Free. F. II. CADY, Sos westin'r St., Providence, R. I. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO CLUBS AND AGENTS. WKSKim HAIR BALSAM PmmotM ft In 1 ur :nt frowt h . JOver Falla to Bortor OrJ Pur to Ha youhful Color. Curat wlp (l.ttin fc hair la.img. ' .n il !.'' al ir.jre M uiunrnoADMo n 1 11 iv tail w w nil wt Thcae wre Of 1.r I -in a. hu 1 .nu. Breakfast - Supper. EPPS'S Grateful Comforting. COCOA Boiling Water or Milk. lENMYROYAL PILLS W J N. aarc. ayta lrHtfl. Iiiim nI MIJ'tvt) At llrif n(, 91 n4 4a. la Mft4 t trtClr, t"(imfiil aul MiL 10.4MHI 1 iioiiw.i iwtmt raper. Mortgage Sale. Persiiant to mirt- tin cimpany h14s atliiat Uie hlow m'ii'l"nf-a p iro.-n. I will, on April 1 Mil. ixm. la from ul 1 1 1 0I1 .-e or thin r.nn Imuy. Ifj Mo .in Al y, iMp'ttt1 lo hale Ul tllf lllfcfllSt bllj'lff for Ld tljH following tXTlill- ci?9 o m it lu this cMir'iy. t 11: oiie-tiiiir ntinr, ur titu- Si.fcoo im. 01 whl h there la bw Qua kud impaid km niim of f row.uu od IdutkhI to it aldi. r.'pr-iiUd fey cr lifitti .No. to, belDK ti.ri properly 01 me lute J. t. uravHi. Oue eliliiti Sliar. par val'iranir.os, on whlc h tbere Is bow due :iud unpaicl Oi.j nuiu ol ;1r, uu tiiU?mit Ui be allil. reiirenoiiU-.i liy rariilli i No. m belurf uie proi rty ol the late II. V. one-half Snare. pr f slup U.wo.01, on which there la uow duo and uiipuid s.uu.wt, And lutr mi to be added. repreh.-i,t.:U by cen.ini-ttl $io. H, beluk the property uf 0. W. 1'nrkcr. Thi OaiNrra Citt Lindand ivraoi KKitiiTCo., Hy T. B. Mcciioo, Sec'y aud Treaa. March 4th. lmt. NOTICE. l?t KKV CoLSTV. j Pursuant to an a:t of tlio Legislature, session lhK5, chapter 15i, 1, V. W. Jlsmpton, Clerk of tlii buM-rior Court uf (Surry County, bfretijr -oU!)lili the various votiiifr preeincta for i-lction in said county, aa follow: Blue liiclK township, voting plm'e khall bf at John C"reaiy's; H luta J'taina tou imliip, tlit voting iiretiiic-t shall b al White I'laina; iiambiirtt townrhip, the voting tirecin.:t sl;all 1 at fla.iitiuri( at T. M. Jirowi-r'a store, lu Mount Airy ton sln the otiii( prfi-iint.in the Hint, wood and third wares shall Ik- at the lc heretofore fatalih.hed for tlie ton n rlectiuii. Itiw voiiii pr.-oi.ct in the fourth wards?, all Iw at iirower's ar-hou.,e. Tim v.itii!( pr.H-un-f in tl.fl lowiichipi. of lirjan, !'..!.. ,11, Hkin, KliJora. raiikiiri, :r-h, l'no(, :m Il ford, Mewarts t ret k, hiloani and Weiii tield ahail remain unchanged. There hail I a new registration in White Plains lowriahip, l:iu l:ile toKn.hin. IlamhurK town.i.ip and the four wsrL in the loan of Mount Airy March 7th 3. W. W. JUMiToa, Clerk Hiiperior Court. Allen, ths Barber. When you wiab an ay share, As good as barlier ever gave. Just call on me at my saloon. At morn, ere or noon. I cut acd ilrera iiic Lair m itii grae, To suit the contour of the face. My room is neat and towels clean, Kcisaora sharp and razors keen ; And everything I think y u'Il find Toauit the face and plea the mind. And all my art and skill can do, It you Just call I'll do for you. It. E. A LLC. Elue Ei'lie Inn, Mount Airy.N. C. English Pparin Liniment remotes all Hard. Hoft or al'ouf-d Lumps and Blfmishet from hor-'-a, I!lowl fpanris Curlia, hjlinta. ter.ey, li ins;-Horse, ftif1e, Hpraina, all fwoilen Throata. Concha, ete. Hare VJ Ly ti. of one bottiM. Warranted the most sronder tal Sifmith Cure ever known, rvild br Tari" h haa UL Airy, X. C m 1. Y- '1 s s s CATARRH Si A BELGIAN LOVE MARKET. Cuius anil Ancient fuilm Observr! fa tha Town of Artnn. A singnlnr and nnriont custom takos jil.'ico the first Thursday In D eoruber every your In tlio li ttla Bui flan city of Arton. This is the ctl brated Bt XicholrtiiM futtival, nnd lta eountorjmrt is prolmbly imjxisisible to find in nny country. PciaHants, roalo and fmiialo, cnteT tlio city in the early morning, all dreswxl in thoir holiday dross and all bent on boing ninrrind. i;ho yonng mon and wnmon march up and down on tho market place, and as soon aa a young peasant rocs the girl tor whom bo has a liking he in vites her to one of tho many caba rets or cafes that snrround tlio mar ket, and bore tho agreemont and con ditions for the marriage are talked oyer. The young tKwsnnt is always at tended by an important personage called the "spokesman. " This per son plays a most important part, and without him no marriage oould bo arranged. This man enjoys the eon fldencoof both parties; ho knows tho qualification of every younj Hias ant and bow mncli of a marriage portion each girl U provided with. It is ho who docs tho talking for bolh parties, and if an agreement is en teroJinto nnil a wedding is there suit ho reoeives a certain part of the wedding portion, anew high hat and a pair of boots. As long as tho con aulwtion liotwoen the two families commenced nt tho festival continues tho spokesman has a good timo. Ho is ontitlixl to tho best of food and drink, and if he 8iie,oossfully carries out the negotiations he is tho first one to be invited to tho wedding As soon as the couple ore engaged, which must lie dono lieforo the fes tival is over, tho custom is for the beau to ptirchaso somo oranges and candy for his girl, nnd she presents ber intended with a pipe and a pack ago of tobacco. Philadelphia Press. OitMVoit Tver Try Electric Hitler nn a remedy (or your Irouljlen? If not, get a bottle now nnd gel relief. This medicine hai been found to be peculiarly adapted to tlio relief and cure ol all Fenmlo Complaint, exerliiifj u won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the oignnn. If you have Lous of A ppelito. Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting SpellH, or arc Xervons, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled wi;h Ilizr.y Spella, Electric Hitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Stiength aiv guuruiilecd fy iln . Filly eciiland f I 00 nt T lor liamier'a li tiif Sloro. A Tonn( M'l Mi TacU Among tbo Twjss:nger8 on a Lan caster a von no car tin It procoedod webt from Thirty -second nnd Market Btrceta was well dros.eJ young man who eat in tlio corner, with his coat collar turned np, indulging In a half doze. A bag lay at Lia foot, Indicating that ho was returning from a Journey. Whon tho car reach ed tho transfer station, fivo young girls entered tho car, accompanied by two young men. They had scarcely been scawd when ono of the young ladies sud denly left her seat, threw herself alongside of tho young man In tho corner, and, placing ono arm partly around his neclt, exclaimed: "Why, Consin Emerson, you've txime at last! What a fibber you are! We looked" She stopped, looked con fused, then, with a littloshrh k, hur riedly rejoined her companions and buried her crimson face in her hand kerchief. Eho had made a m. stake. The young men after recovering from his astonishment rose from his eat, bowed respectfully to ti e girls' escorts, tipped his hat politely to the ladies and pot off. As the car passed on ho could be seen standing in the street awaiting tho next car. lie had alighted to relieve the young lady of her embarr augment CondriifcCd Testimony. Chun. H. Hood. Broker ai d Man uf.ieturer's Agent, Columbia, Ohio, certifies thm )r. King's Nt w Din. coveiy has no equal 0 a Co:igh remedy. J. D. JSrown, Eiop. Si. James Hotel,-Ft. Wayne, In. I , tomb fies that bo was cured of a C'ouli of two year aiandinir. cause ) by La Grippe, by 1)'. King' N'tw'llis cot ei y. H. F. Merrill, 11 .bluing, ville, Mas., says ihht ho bus used and recommended it and never knew it to fail and would rather have it lhn any doctor, becaimc ii aUayx cures. Mm. liemniin', K i!5th St , Chicago, nlwaya keeps it jI dsnd uiol hat rio (oar ol Croup, be aimo it iniiitly relieves. Free Iriul bolilei at T-ylor A Itannei lrug Sioro. Tr aatl Tbrir Lodg-ea Tim UnitM Hfuf' H enUmi. ilopieal onmuiinoion liH hhtiwn tLnf imr ftr--t trws aro vtTita'olt) hotels, wLore a multitude of inscv-tH Via-d ond Itxlt-o. Tbo oak prrividi jiroviniona and a )i nao for SOU njwitwof iiiHocui and lotlKiiiRS for l."iO moro. Tho din Bialtea full provision fur the vanta of CI im oies and Liirljora 30 oUhts. "j The tune IxnrH tho burden of anp-pu-ting froru its own vital tjr 1C1 jxviea, while 20 iuor love it.- shndj re' rout "Orandma, may 1 take that pleea cf , chocolate you left on the taLleT I will be o good!" "Yea, you may talte It" (The Httle irl does not move.) '"Why don't you ro and pet U7" "Ob! prondma, dear, I ate It firstl" L'AnnuniJatore. l'f Tirtue of a mortj;!; deed e '-eut d lo nie Ii) Jolia Johuson and Kli.'r Ana Ji.hnaoB, but ife. ai.d duly ret or-led in recnnl af Diortgacea, hu-ry eoiinlr, X. C ia Vi,y(T 1 will sell to Hie high et bidder for cuh, at lh Couit llntiar ia IMwon, Surry county, cn tlie first Monday in May, !, a. 1 o'clock p. m , a trect of laiei oa Hull iiua erark, a.fjoiain( k J.ey, L. Juhnaun ai.S olben, UintiiuK at a hickory eo the S-.tob aid of Lull Km. ai.d ruaa Noqlh ft ebams and 37 links to a (. Iheiira South M 'rrra, Kant Tl el., n and lii.ka tn a k, "iortb 't eliams and .17 links tn a stka, thai, w Xortli s4 i irfa, Wit te the bef iuniiif. etjiitaio ing fifty ar, ntre or kewt, I,--iiij; the p. t it ur said Jlmi llv.-. 1. A. V a Jill I .a, Mut'age. Marth 314, Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper qurnity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know t h is ? Tutt's Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills ,.,10, ,4- J, ... .. I. ir ' nt f Tl m -re ?rf.. f tl t.tl V fl a 1 el ; I I tut. r, 1! .r 1 1. c 1 !.iitatit'n bv i; tr c .t 1 n mm ..tre ('..tiiriic, on w.il 11.11 't n M.u Inrc 1 i:iit I'i M"vi C c woriil ijv.T f' r lu i " i l..lit. V itt IN- t.iut la eubiett to nu-.n.- th1 i.; Light Running T1irr. I . r.i,n in hc writ! (lint 'T'it'.'ijl Ptniftio:' fii-ahih: v of w- rk ntf rrt"'jl Jarts, tnn tir -jt of tiiiisii, I ( ' ' ( y S-V i 1 imoiovuiiieiits as tiia New Home It ha Au4nif!c Ttn:.''tn, DoiiMr Ffd, nJike on toth unit's t. nc )lu t Wimi'.fioiiSer It ; N?w Mum! i ,ir'vinK whn 1 hmt;4 on xhiistAhle venters, rcdacinK triution to tt j miLimuiii, WRITE JTOR CIRCULARS. THE F2W HORE M 'XHISE CO. Oiuki I ict v ; ft!-. ' v, N. T t'l.lt-a-.. ,Li. . ' i vHi'. . i : .tr ' . " '..'. r j c . f. b v R. H. LEONARD. Notice of Foreclosure. Hy virtue of the nulliorily i'i iilaiii il in a Det'tl f Triirt licarinx (lule "lh M.iv, lH4, execilk-'l by .Ino. .Mi.nro nn l Ihtnlmli M'Miro his wif, l)t'c 0 'I'ruvl up tlnly reeoiili tl in ollv oi liecicier ol' I -.! in Suriy enmity, N. in book of tin n t K:u;o3 l.", Ji ik 141, to w-'-Hie tli ) v rrii-nt of two errtiiin bom! loi illt.40 pitch, tine ami piyaliln resnet livi ly ! ami l iuonih I'roin I lc tliitn of sail )eeil of Tiiii-l, ami tlienaitl inort4trs having; dt'fjtullt i in the pajincnt of mu id IhiihU t'Hiire'1 by ftaiil IvV.l i.f Trust. 1 will proceed t,, Mll fur ca-li In Ibe liiliert bi.blcr, at jiublic outcry, in front of tli.t lllin Itiil-e Inn, in .Mount Airy, X. C a' 1 o'clock, p. in., on ilie 27th tiny t April, l!Hi, nil of the real e!al) iln-rribel in the l'ce'l of Trust attuoraiil, tbe name being a lot .ii.:-ilcil iai;-l wn of .P urit A'i, X. (' , on the South fi'lt: of Nceiliiiore Ktim-t, atljoiniiiK (lit- All. e l !an ncr lot, ftn'l olbers, anil bciep more pur licularlv ilf'i liUe'l in s ill llecl ol TruMt ; HHle )i'icr n.'i'lo to nUt'y tlie a !..rc!.icii tiuneil ImuoIm. Thin Mao'h tTtli, 1 I.KO. V. M'AKi.l K, Tf;iic.. Land Sale for Taxes ! Oi: t!:c fii-t-t Mniitl i in May. H: .',( I i!l sell the luliovliii! lands to Mli.ifv ll:" I im- due and unpaid on same l.llcii lianner, lot ..I l.m.l, ! :t:i l.un Haulier, " " ;l 0 Mrs. Sadie Creed, tr.ici uf Ian 1, (iTeii (.wyn, lot of lai d, Tallin Ila.vca, " ' '. 8. Kra.ici ami St nlcr, lot, Mrs. S.J. Tailor, ..t of land, X. M. Siiiim.dw, M. Kiippin, atiM-k law tax, U.ii.". s 07 J !'" 9.1.-. l.0o STKI'HUN VKSAIii.E. ex-Sli. This April Till, iir. Burial Eobes, Slippers, dx. A full Block of all an I ipiali! le" kept on haniL, and at rraiomable prce4. .store room, iiwtair ever M. 1,, l'aiier Hoii'a store, oo Main Huet, lit Kidtnce, lii si lioiiHC Xoilh of ti e railroad. Relief in Sir. Hours. I)ititiet,ii g Koiuey anil lila ltler dim anes relieved in sis Lours by the ' Xtw Great South American Kidney I'uie." Thin new remedy is a great st:rpri.e on aoioout of its exceeding proiiiptneiuj lu relieviui; pain in the lilaiKb r, kidnera, bek and eery jiart of tiie urinary pms-tfi in malii or female it relieve, retention "I water am! pain in pasnuiK it alui'e.t iinuieiliattly. If you Wkut iUick relief aud i-u'n iiilK ia your reuietly. -S!d by Tayloi .V llauner, Irug fii.u, Mount Airy, N. ( . UlWTrn A relial,le'rly orRfiitle- na man to tli-i rilmtii eamples and make a Ixnise-to-hoiiite entivaii for our Vftfetnbio Toilet Soajw. lnt.- s;.", a moiit li ensily mad-. Adilr ss Crofts ii l;ed, to KAl Am tin A von op, C'lii eaco, 111. Ei. HMI, Hi,' Cits, Wood's Grass and Clover Seeds.. W, li,tt Infnnn.lUN .lutr...,.M ..1 vn. .,n 9, ,m, ,,, daw,, in i vjiav niiu T are adapted fcr b tat combinations to turage care of Mature and meadows, &c., &c A postal wiU bring this f Jbook to you. frlca and samples ol Orass a. . nwu a Dusao, THE GRANITE GITV Lid SI MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Owns Some 900 Acres of Land One-third of which ia in Town I.oIk, tul.-.i.ce Ivii ff adjaf.ilit to tlm town. If vou want lo rent a re-mdenre or mom rtxi.n or. it ma tloiry .'.. t.nrtiiano irtipcriv m or lieur Mouni ti .. . inft tmation by letter. tJ t ffcr 'SjjIJl Wmei.ls to tboc priip.ing lo cutabl, .iHKI..hixntsi'l Sol.lrlTr n. T. Apply to HART DI5EASG.uk. many other ailments wh ro th'if hare takea hold of tho.ysto-m, oerer feta better ol lta own accor l, but ConataHttv protra wvca. Thrr ara tlH)U54tnds who know they hava a d fwtlya heart, but will not admit the fact. They don't want their friends in wor-y, and Don't A'Nmi uhat l take for it, aa they have been told tlma and a(t,.a thaw heart dlwaso was Incurable. Huch was tha cawiof Mr. Hlloa Farley of DyosTlIle, Ohio wbr writes Juno 19, lWU, aa folluwa: "g had hrart 4 lira am for 99 r, my heart hurting mo almost continually. The trot 15 yearn I doctored all the time, Irylnff several physicians and remedies, until my hut doctor told melt was only a quentlon or time aa I could not be cured. I gradually grew worse, very weak, and completely dis couraged, until I lived, pmpixd half op la lied. N-cauws I wouldn't tir dotm nor alt up. Think ing my time, bad come I told my fam ily what I wanted done when I wan gone. But on the Ant day of March on tho recommendation of Mrs. Fannlo Jones, nf Anderson, Ind., I commenced taklnit Dr. Jfle-a Xettt fwre for thn Heart and wonderful to tell, In ten days I was working at light work and on March 19 com menced framing a barn, which la heavy work, and I bar'nt lost a day alnee. I am M yearn old, 6 ft. 4'i Inches and wolxh 2.yIha. I brlirtfs f mm full rurrd, and I am now only anxious that everyone ahall know of your wonderful remedies." Pyeavlllo, Ohio. BiuisFari.it. I Mllea Heart Pure la sold rn ft poeltlve guaranum that the Unit bottle will iH'tieSu AlllniKk-loiwll Itatll, t bottle forta nr It will !' m-nt. prepaid on rocelpt of irc by the Ur. Mile Medical Oo , tlkiiart, lud. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health Cap Fern1 Dti Yadiq RAILWAY, John (in. i., lteeeiMr. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, IN KKl'KCT I'KCKMIIKI: flh, NORTH l'.oLMl. No. '.'. I n i 1 y Leave Wilmington, Arrive Kujeltex ille, I.eavo rayetteville, Leave Sniiforil, Leave Climax, Arrive (irt'enelioro, Leave ( ireeiihl'oro. Leave St'ki-n(lalo Arrive Walnut t'ove. Leave Walnut Cove, Leave litiml llnll. Arrive .Mount Airy, SOUTH HOU.NI.- Leave Mount Airy, Leave Hum I llnll, Arrive Walnut ( 'ove, Leave. Walnut Cove, Leave Stokesdnle, Arrive (ireeiialioro, Leave (irt't'iii.l)oro, Leave Climnx, Leave Sanfonl, Arrive Kayetteville, Leave Knjettt ville, Arrive WihniiiKton, Noli'l 11 tOUXD. Leave I'.eiinettsville, 1 - i a. m H: a. in. lu .'." a m. 1-M9 p. in. 2 -.I p. m .VI p. in. H0o jl. III. 3 M p. iii. 4 ::i p. m. i ;n p. m. fi.17 ji. m. 6 1") p II!. No. 1. Daily 9.T . m. 1 1 o' a, m I l.lVi a. m. I I l a. m. IL'.IJ p ni. 1:.' p. ii.. M'f p. m. 1 "J p. m. 3 hi p. m 4 .Yt p. in. 4 1' p. in. 7 oo p. m Xu. 4. L'aiiy 8 2" a. m. P -'ti a. m. tU"rp a. in. lo..'(.r) a. in. JU.6J a. m. Xo 3. D.iily 4 ,'l.s p. n,. 4 ')' p. in. 8.4.' p. in. 6.1 J p. rn. ".-'J p. m. N... 18. llix'd Leave MhxIoii, Leave lied Sprin;s, Leave Hope Slilin, Arrive rayet'.et ille, hOLTH ltoL'XD. Leave r)etti-i Ille, Leave Hope MilU, Leave lied Spring, Arrive Maxlmi, Arrive IlennettKvi'le XOIiTH HOUND. Leave Hamseur, Leave Climax, Arrive ( ireenelN ro. I ave (ireeiislM.ro, Leave Stokesdnle, Arrive MudiMin, SOUTH HOUND, Leave Me.diKon, Leave Stokt-itlnle, Arrive ( ireetu-imro, Leave (irconUiro, Leave Clmiax, Arrive liatnfour, 4 " a H Ho a 0-1 a. a. In oi I a. 11.50 a Xo. K,. Mix (1 l-2:-:, p 1 in p 2 p 3 lu p. 3 M p. 6.M p. tn. NOHVII Ho l' Ml CONMCI Tlo.VS. At Kayctlfvill..! vtilh Atlantic Coal Line f .r nil point North aid )at,hl Sanforil with tlie S-almartl Air Line, nt ireenslioro iOi the Southern 1'nilwtiy Company, at Walnut Cove w.tli the Norfolk nnd Wcetern liailroatl for Win-ston-Salem. Sol TII Dtl'M t'OSNEt'TIONH. At Walnut Cove with the Norr.dk and Western liailrohil for litiHiioke and poinU North ami West, at Oret nuboro w ilbt he Soot hern Kail Hay Company fur Knleigii, K ieh moiid and all point Nor! h and Kurt, at 1- ayelleville vtil h the Al lanlic Cnant Line for all point- South, nt Max ton riitli the SealioarU Air Line f r Charlotte, Atlanta and all point South and Soot Invent. W. E. KYLE,UL'll'a.Ag'l. J. W. fltv, (.enercl ana:er. Itch on human, mange or ho- f dogs and all xtoek, cured in 3(1 minutes by Woolford's Harittsry Lotion This never faile. Sold Ly Taylor A Hah'mik, Mt. Airv. C Have obtained ththichft repi. eputs- J a and K tlon for purity, cleanliness and germination, causing our busi ness In tlie same to become one of the UirRest In the United Stales. Handling these Seeds in the large quantities that we do, al) en ables us to sell same at the lowest rymsihle prices, quality considered. WOOD'S SLV.O BOOK ctves I - .. 11 . I Jilt ..1. .Kivri win tl ii9 uiiicimt mvm M elve lanrtt result la hav or naaa and Clover Seeds sent on application. oecasmea, iucDinona, va. emet Cigi Airy, .... ... ; we wiii jir-jstafi i) j.e aiiy i msn- B. McCARGO, Sec'j and Trtas. m MY 8WEUT. tlj fwH, thtro'a n.ithiej to forirlr I Hill .cm in i mr tl 1 1. hi pe. If II, i c,f a i xn. li rny liejrt u. l flu 1 foo aren fit to rat, j,,mr (,, 1 went re.re il -. pij dt l,t.,r, Ami j-l wh.i u.in, i,, h (j,(r A.te pnitiai ii.0 ht.im wua better. anil o tlv re' nuihing to f.n;iva Y. t. u,-t. I o,, ... a r.r yoi.r tl. nr tun- I u the ret And n-i ) f,,r... t - Hall Mill (laaetta WEBSTER'S FOTATO TALK. tils OITI.aad Torture tn a ran; of Trm cling tlottttilttti. Ono c;in nlc.ftys spend an Interest lug hour with thnt fl:io oM pentlo Dinn, E. D. Gnifton, tlm well knon-n water eoloi'lt Sitting at his ens,.l ho indulged tho fnllowini; personul rec ollection of Iianiel Wihster and Lis "potato td-k:" It wna in tLo year 1819, tho your Of tho gold fuver, that I -was on a train returning to Philadolpliin from n.'irrishurp, nnd Daniel Wolwtor was la tho R.H110 ear. Every ono on board cot only ft lt tho influoneo of Web. Bter'o ovnrpnverinji personality, but tha majesty of lii.H tli'iiivjhtfullook nnd iio h t& well .i that ;rundeur of riiiiiplii ity iu tho familiar case lOiown towaitl somo plain but intel ligent f.irtiit whom ho was enter tnininu', while they attentively lis. tened to ltirt iireoalilo ta'.k upon tlm llllijeet of the simj lo Olid llliaillhi tiotin pcdalo. t uheM tl ;m hi tho trail, hearm ;uf Mr Wesbter'i iireseneoon lioanl, before hi talk wan over ho bud mi aiulieiieti of nearly n ear full of jHwij hi. Hold ono uf tho farmt rs from l.-mea.stei : "Have you noticed Low tli" Mo-ihanoeks nml the Mercers aro losing their font hold nnd iH'eoin lt!T hhoekincly bail nnd t.l.-deles? Tliey nro not dry nnd mealy, in they tvero n few aeasoni n:;o. I K lievo they nro running out" Then hoiiio ono remai ktsl that it was almost timo for new vurieiies to appear. Jlr. ?ebster nt this point took a modest hand in tho talk. Apologetio ally excusing himself, lie told Lw listeners how ho had worked upon Lia father' farm in his youth, nnd also upon bis own nt Franklin, X If., ami ho bad had somo cxjierietii o With tho polato; knew something about it, n'though perhaps not enough to hurt, liut lio considered himself the b 'tter from having bad Bomo agricultural experienco. Hav ing ga.ned their attention, ho now launched intoa pleasant little jiotato kistnry nnd held their interest in tho subject ui, til the end. Mr. Wob eter went back to tho remote times of tho t-'osn uf tho fifteenth century, when tic jKitato was n s rub plant, and the t-n-w i f tho Tinta, with Co lumbus, ha l landed ui,n tlio west ern continent and foil. id eomfurt in it as nu artic'-t if footl; how it was afterward e.in ied to Kuropo by the fcpania-ds ami cultivated, with the tomato, merely as a garden curios ity; how Sir Francis Iirake, Haw kins ai d Hah l;!i in 1 ('.':! transjilant cd it in Ireland and England all the timo undervaluing its merit, nnd how long a w'.dlo it took to awaken within tho jmblic mind a knowledge of its worth; bow filially a confes sion was extorted from Kuro;ean high aiit'a.iri'y that tho potato art) Indian corn vt-ro tho two greatest tles-sings Aiue-iea ever f;avo to the world; ho-.v, notwithstanding all this, they were still used as food for cattlo aud hor-cs, though in a p;neh it was thou; lit they night help bridgo over a starving jKxiplo who had met with failure in tho crop of Cereals. Mr. Webster related that even in Washington's day tho Father of Ilia Country had proclaimed Jnudly against the ilo"and vulgar horse food,"aa ho called it, known tin n and no w ns cornmeal, and which was not considered pood enough for tlie soldier. Mr. Wesbter sjxtke of toe (Jerinan and Trench people, who wouldn't cat ether of these nr'icles cf food ; that, when Antoino Parmon tier, a philantl.roiist, had helped on and improved tht.'ir cultivation and nrged their daily use, Johnny On paud wouldn't listen to him. Finally the governme it felt tho raoed of aid ing this business, and tho gendarmes Wero placed around tho potato field, plentifully jilanted with them, as if to guard a highly precious commod ity, ant1. Louis XV ordtred tho potato blossom to Imj worn by tho court la fiies. Tins dt no, tho tnlo turned in favor of tho in or, tic.rs.'cuted jKitato, aud under tho loftier name of ponunc do terrt it can: a out of tho fire of op position cor iked, oa it is now baid to bo by tho French cuisinn, ia some 300 different ways. By this compul sory noognit.m it rmw holds aD honored place upon tho table, an in dispensable nd unct Interrupted oc casionally, but resjHetfu!ly,however, hy somo queslions his lii;arers now and th 'n put to him, Mr. Winter cheerfully continued his jKitate talk fur retrly nn 1 our, and it was an ad miruble help t i hseiiing the uionot ouy of tho ti iji, I can assure j'oa Cincinnati Tin ei-Ktar. Involution. A New York njoiikfy hlijiwtl Lie tether i.nd wt-iit on a purgeutis jam boreo anions -ho Raloons. All tL Poounts areo tLat Lo tnade a Lu man be.ng of Liaisolt Boston Liur ald. MOORE'S Kills the Bug and FcriiUzes the Plant. PUT UP IN Pound Packages. PRICE, 10 CENTS 1 FOUND; Special Disci jr,!i 01 L i-t Quantifies. EXTERU1XAT0R Y, - .TTP? -: , . ---- if : WUHV.V.v';VvvS. for Infants JYJOTHERS, Do You Know w. i V I Eatemito'i Drop. Codfr7 t Cardial, miny arvcalltd .itlilnt Pynii-, au4 most rrmctlica for children art composed of opium or tnorphiiirf Ho Von Know that opium tnd morphine arc tnpcfyliig narcotic poiouf Do Vrttt Know thnt In most cotinWlM druggiste are nut ryrmitted toaell aarcutlca without Uheliug them poisons? To Yon Know that yott should not permit any inallciue to be given your child uulcss you or your phniciaa knw of what it is como-itr-l f Io Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vrgctuMe pn-purallon, and that a list of Its Ingredient is published with every lxittle f Io Yon Know that Cannii.u i ..ie piesnlplioii of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That It has been In use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria Is now sold that of all other remedies for children combined f rto .Von Know that the Tatent Office Department of the t'nited RUtes, and of other countries, have Issued exclusive right,to Dr. I'ileher and his assigns to use the wold ' Cantor!" and ils formula, and that lo imitate them Is a slate prison oflVnsef lio Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to a ultHOluteljr burmlraa? Io Von Know that 35 areraite duses of Castoria are furnuhed for SS centsi, or one cent a dose lo Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and thai you may have unbroken rest YV-1I, tli-.e Itittmn ai worth knoiK. They are facta. Tin; fnc-ailmlle ailitnntnrr of Children Cry for Doors, Sasl If you tn 0 goii g to huil.l n liouso be suio ym chi'ii'.est maicritil. WE MANUFACTURE AT SHORT NOTICE. S.u-li, Itlin.lf, l'tf.rs, 1 1. m r .t tt . I Wiii.l.iw Fmint's, Manb'ls, T uriip.l rt'nrk, Slaii -Woi k. A l ki ii . i f N:..iil lit f!. ('. iline, Klnoiin, M'liii'i and all linilifi liinilit r. i.i;1i 1 ti tn 1 r , t.h hair rartit-l in Mrl.. ant t' or w i J-' n i.le, i.tstfnii)1 lallis, U'e li.n e exji"rifii(;e I AI I IVL i :ii I3KOS.. Winston, 3ST.C. Superior To All Sarsaparillas. DoTrn in Georgia, over f.fty years ao, a marveloua oietlicine was dicover?fl. It wai what is cow known as P. p. p., (Lifpman'f Ureal A'etneJ) ), and its fame and reputation has been growing wi'.h the years. I'or KhMiniatibin, liloM roisoninir, Tain in the side, wrists, shoulders, back and jointa, Dyspepsia, :r;Nria, Srrt.fula, ami all IS.k1 and Skin TJiseases, it has never been equalled. Pain is subjugated, lleaivb Renewed, Aptxtite restored aud sleepless nights banished by its wonderful influence. P. P. P. is a tvtwdciful tc.nic and strengthened Weak women shouU always take V. V. P. It builds thrin up. It has the universal commendation J medical men throughout the country, because we publish the formula on every bottle, and one trial will convince the most skeptical that it is a genuine health restorer. Read A Wonderful i I W3i a mnrtvr to pinseular rheumatism for thirty year ; tr:e;l a.i inetjlcinea and d-x-lots with oo per taaurnt relief I trtf advised to take H. I', p.. aud liclore I r.a I finished ttro b.:tles soy psia sil'vdrd so I tvasatilr la srork I fe-i better thstt I ttuvc lor years, aud aa conl.-ieti! of a .--implete recu'y. S LltrKlss, .Sewnanvtilc, Fla. Te6.lmony from t;ia Mayor. t t-itered uh Khettmstitra for fifteen years, tried all li e so-ea:trd spectnti, but It bo tfurio-c. My t-rn 'son i A sue a bottle of I', r. r . aud 1 Irel like a ItCTT uau W. II. WILDER, Mayor of Albany. From Two Well-known Physician. V.'e are haeng a bur sale for your P. P. p., and we prescribe ll lu a greatntany cases, and find it is es- The almve letters are taken from many recci-.fvi by us. p. p. p. (Lippman't Great Rente !v,) is a medicine whose virtues are known from the Atlantic to the Pacific P. P. P. lepins its work by purifying the blood, which is tha source of all life,' and rVws not cense until a rx-rfert and entire cure is effected. The mortifying eruptions that disfigure the complexion, the tired feeling that pre vents thorough accomplishments of the daily tasks, sleepless niEhts, loss of appetite, irritability cf disposition, all mean a dt ranp-ment of the system consequent from impure Mood, which can and will be cured by P. P. P P. P. P. (Lifpman's Great Kcmtdv). is conceded by physicians and the people to be the Greatest Blood Purifier of the Age. It positively and permanently cores, for sale by all druggists or direct from us ; price $i a bottle, six Lotties fcrj- tlPPKAH EROS., mmkn, Uppman Elock, SAVAHNAH. 6A. and Children. on ery wrapper, Pitcher's Castoria. 33 i and Bl bids. find v hero j on enn buy lime, cement, i tli inetl l.tlT. I'iaslfring w. irk ini'a . Oi.l. m fillt d f rotniil Iv. ('t.ni The Truth And Be Cure. cellent thioe; trek fcra. J. M. at M. T. Hot Springs SurpaaaexJ. A bottle of P. t has done nt more food thaa three i-.i..'tjlhs" tr. stn.ent at the Hot hnr.tifrs. Ark. JAMKS M. MiWiOX, Auerdeea, BrustaCo., O. Pli-nples, Seres and Eruptions Cured. : lake great pleasure in tevlfviny lo the erriHeat eua:u;es tl the pt-tiulsr me.li.-tne lor skia attrasea kauou as f. V. V. I suifrrrd lur several eara with art ni(fhlly and dtvatrreeable ertintu.n oa say laee, Af.er ukicn three bo lies la accoidaute witb direo tiuus, 1 am entirely cured. Capt. J. D. JOHNSTON, fiavonnah, Ca. . of Johnston Cav 1 obacco. 1 No crop vaties more in oual ity according1 to grade of k-rti-i li.'rrs usr-d iran tobacco. Tot ash is its most important re ' (juiri'mcnt, producinj a large i yield of finest irrade leaf. Use only fertilizers containing at least io actual j Potash,, in form of sulphate. To in- j sure a clean burning leaf, avoid i fertilizers containing chlorine. . Otir p3mh!rrt are pfit tilvmWmf cirii'r bom , i 'g .'e isii fcrii'irfrt, Iml rr pfttKl worm, rHaiiT i inf iattarM rrtraf. he on rhe tuhifft ni Urt.tmum, itnti r heij.' d to idfrt'fn. liijf arc wrni h (ff the StiC.g C.KRMAS K Aft WtKKS, Do yon want to be. In ll T i lilrrrl business lagrowln rnnrmuusly hy nut try Uf Von can buy one ulit-el, or as many aa yon like, and sell your frlenda BICYCLES AT COST. An onlnr etit now enllti' you to 11 Mk dl-u-fumt. Appiy inl-lt fur thn Kfhcy feir your ;!;(, Otirhriii nro the hitfticx gral, intMt rrlUttl ltry-lpt niHtle tixluy. rHrtlrulitm Bint hnntlHomf ly lllut t rated jrltite1 innttrr by nmlL iiHl II A I I 1 TOI, Bkltlnurt, 14. AARON PENN, -THE- Fashionable 'Earfcsr, i ei Tt mm I niltT Grnvt'S Wart'liotiw, Mt. Airy, N. C. Knsy cliiiirs, razor keen; Srii-surii KliHrp, linen clean. For a shave you pay a dime Only a nifkle to pet a ohilie ; . . Slmni jtito or hnir ?'.!t I'.iminiltnir Vou pay tlie sum of 25c, more NOTICE. I W4HT every mt,n and woman la f.i t'niteti PlaU'S lntere'le.1 ;n the tltntitn an.l V. hisky hahits lo h(tvi. one of mf hotikt on these tl.a'. f.es. A'l'lress 11. M. U'oolley, Atlanta, Oa box and onfl will t sent yon frt. Convinced. We handle about one doxea bottles a RICRAkDSON', r led moot, 8. C c T- mfJLr.ZZZ i-.sl aW. '"," W ' " "- - J S 1 -.M-r" -- zzzA;r V : ' v i . -. -