THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS. VOL. 10. MOUNT AIRY, N. Cm THUKSDAY, A Pit I L 2a. 1800. NO. 10 9 - tit- 5TmmoTTs Vt-wwI: -ail REGUIAT0R THE BST SPRING MEDICINE Is Simmons Livi:r Regulator. Don't forget to take it. Now is the time you rift J it most to wake up your Liver. A sluggish I iver brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague, Hheuin.ttism, and many other Ills which sh.iUtT the constitution and wreck health. Don't forget the word RHiULATiW. It is SIMMONS LlVER KEGl.'LATi iR vcm v ant. 1 he word REG ULATOR disti, Irishes It from all other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMONS LIVER RliUUI.ATuW is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system mav Iv knit in good condition. J OH TMt- kUXl lake SIMMONS Liver regulator, it is the best blood purifier and corrector. Trv it and note the' ditlerence. look for the RtD Z on everv packagt. Von wont find it Oil anv other mcdkiiie, and there is no other Liver r.-inedv liNe SIMMONS LIVER REGULAR K the Kl i;.yl Liver Remedies, He sure you pi t it. J. II. cliiii Co., riilliulclnlilo, I'm. V. 11 UKOWX, nOTAHY PUBLIC, (oKKICK WITH (IKU. W. HI'AHOKIl,) Mount Airy, N. C. S. P. GRAVES, TO UN E V AT LA AT W. IVI ou ul Airy, N. V. tr I'ractlues In Stale anil federal Court", Prompt attention to collei Hon 01 ulnlms. -R..L. HAYMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, mount Airy, SL C. Practices in the Male and Federal eontta and collects claims. All buaiuess entrust ed to biiu will receive prompt attention. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & Notary Public, it! oil ii l Airy, N. C. ir Negotiating Loans and the collection ot Claim a Specialty- insuram-e placed In Stan iri Oooipaules upon liberal terms. W. F. t'AHTEK. Mu A'ry, N. J. H. LGWKI.I VM. OuIinuii, N. C. CARTER & LEWELLYN, Attorneys - at - Luw. Practice in the btate and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to tiess entrusted to their care. all busi- W. S. NEEDHAM, illiuimcil Ml Ui PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Wl practice in the Slate C'ouiIh, Col ldction of claims a ttpecialty. Jaiiil l'.'m COAL ! COAL! White Ash Anthracite Coal for Stoves and Urates. Ruascl Creek Coal for Stoves and Grates Poeahontas Coal for Hhops and Hugine. gjigrOTtirr tilled promptly. T. B. McCAKliO. Agent for Pocahontas Coal Co. JOS. NATIONS, DEAI.KK IS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kinds, Sewing Machines, Musical Instruments. Ac. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in let possible man ner and sat isfaction guaranteed If you want to save money see me before making your purchases or having your work done. T. H. BLAKEMORE, PHOTOGRAPHER, East Main 8t., MT. AIRY, N. C. Is prepared to m ike all Hie New and it Untie styles. Is up wliti Hie time. ana wtil give you Sitnated on Main Street, Opposite upper end of Franklin. Kin at the door. New shoen in stock at $3 00 and $.'J50. Shoes made to order on abort notice, Shoes repaired prompt ly. Satisfaction guaranteed anil work de livered when desired Term" cash. L. B. Albertson, Prop. Vara yon rt ston work to do yon w'll tud it to your Interest to ae ' II. Walker, h will furnish lions l,ut lwt Itraiiii.. eithe rough or cut. Ometrry work apcialty. Apr-U-liu New Enterprise ! A factory for the manufactured wood Ha'J bushel Measures has Kn ?tablished at Ilatehens, N. C-, snd trade supplied on short notice. Price fcth 50 cent, special price o merchant by the dozen. For any information address C.C IIiti"hsn, Hutchens, S. C. Mount iif Shoe Slit Granite Rock Work. A Mexican Cemetery, A coiTcpniMltnt describes tho queer cemetery of tho Mexican village of (inanajiiato. There is lurdly mom in (inanajiiato for tho Ining, ho it behooves her people to exercise ritf tJ economy in tho dis position of her dead. Tho brutal pUce is on the fp of a stoop hill, which overlooks the city, and con Bints of an area inclosed by what appears from tho outside to lio a high wall, but which discovers it self from witl in to e a receptacle for bodies, which are placed in tiers, much as Mie confines of the riaUve valleys compel them to live. Each compartment in it is largo enough to aaniit one coliin, and is rented fr one dollar er month. Tho poor people are buried in the ground without tho formality of a coliin, though one is usually rented, in which tho body is conveyed to the mve. A 8 there aro not graves enough to go around, whenever a new one is needed a previous tenant must be disturbed, and this likewise happens when a tenant's rent is not promptly paid in advance. Tho body is then removed from its place in tho mausoleum, or exhumed, as the may he, and tho bones are thrown into tho basement below. Silver Democrats Conlndent. The following from the Washing ton Post is interesting : The oflicers of tho Democratic Iiimctallic Committee refuse to show their hand by uoing into do tails concerning their v.ork. l'ut they boldly declare the free coinage people will control the Chicago (onvention, adopt a ringing free coinage platform, and nominate a tried and true champion of the free coinage ot silver. I hey aro not circulating much literature, rather depending upon the other organi zations to do that. Senator Harris has, however, tiubosoined himself 83 far as to say : " L tie committee ot which 1 Bin chairman is in receipt of abundant information from the various States to justify my assertion at this time that the free coinage people will enter the Chicago Convention with a pronounced majority, such a ma jority as will dictate terms from the start. These terms will be un changeable. They will bo free coinat'ii of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1, and the candidate must stand squarely on the platform. There will be no surrender. As masters of the field, we shell write the plat form and name the candidate." Politeness. The best mannered persons are those who try to make themselves agreeable to their friends who are kind and considerate to their de pendents and inleriois. The truest politeness proceeds from a genuine kind-heartedness which hesitates to mar, by wore! or action, 'he happi ness of others. From a world ly point of view politeness is the best stock in trade that one can possess. It has opened more d ors of ad vancement than any faculty, genius or art, because for strangers there is no other way tr. judjre another's character than by externals. Even the spurious politeness which is assumed for certain pur poses, or to accomplish certain ends, lias a degree ot success because it overcomes prcdjndice and wins good opinions. There have been women whose charm of manner has won more admiration than was ever accorded mere beauty, and many illustrations might be used to prove the importance of cul tivating the art of being agreeable, were any proof needed. Ex. The sentiment of the State Demo cratic Executive Committee on the currency question is said to Ik-: For tree coinage, 4o ; tor gold standard, 17. The proportion of free coinage advocates in the party generally, in this State, is probably much greater than this. 'Half a span of angry gteel" will produce no more fatal results than a ncglcc'ed cold or cough For all throat and lung diseases, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the liost remedy. It is invaluable in cases of croup, w hooping cough, bronchitis, and la A Kansas city dispatch cys that the Taylor brothers who were to hang April Wth at Carrol'iton, Ma, for the murder of tho Meeks family, oscaja'd from jail. Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color "More than a year aeo, mv hair IH-Kaii turning pray and liillinjf out. Though I tried many reme dies for it, iioiliiiif; 1 usisl sHtisUed lue until 1 coiiiiiiuuced to use After tuing mi tiottl of thin preparal ion. mj hair Was restored to it natural color, and rcam-d faHmsr out." Mr. Ilmr.JMNN, it' E. flHih t, New York, X. Y. Prevents Hair from Falling Out L-J Hair Vigor NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Tom Davis, col., in Meek Ion berg county, put a warm rock to the feet of his Bick wife, who coinpla'iicd of being cold, iho rock set the bed clothing on fire and burned up the house. I he woman barely escaped cremation. About 5.000 feet of nice heart lumber belonging to the Cook Lum ber Comimnv. was burned at the lumber siding on the Wilmington and Weldon railroad, about four roues below here, Tuesday. - Wel don Iews. At a mooting of tho board of di rectors of urcensburo f enmio Col lege on April 7th, President Pea-co-'k and all the incumbent teach ers, with ono exception, were re elected. Tho college is said to have never been in a more flourish ing condition. Tho Salisbury World says the house of Sallio llcilig, who has been coiidueting a barroom in tho neigh borhood of Organ church, in Kuw ait, was visited by a party ot men one night last week and pretty badly haltered with rocks. The next night a second HSsault was made and the house nearly wrecked. Tho next day Sallio moved. On lout Sunday evening near tho Pond Mountain one J'ob Martin was shot, and fatally wounded by his brother, Jesse Martin, the ball taking tlTict about an inch" above the right eye. There are two re ports as to the shooting, one has it, that it was purely accidental, anoth er, that they wcro in a row. Whis key the cause of (he trouble. There is but little hope of his recovery. JelTerson Times. From all indications it is very nrobable that the name of W, 11. Odell will be put in nomination lor the Mate Senate, to represent Ca barrus and Stanly counties in the next licneral Assembly of North Carolina. Whether Mr. Odell would approve of such a step or accept the nomination the Standard does not know. Put we do know that it would bo hard to find a bet ter man more fitted for the ollice. He has many warm friends who would be pleased to present his name to the county convention - Concord Slandaid. The idea of keeping bloodhounds to trace criminals is meeting with much favor in some portions of the State. A number of counties, especially those that have a convict force, now keep the animals and where they are used they are said to give good satisfaction in tracking and running down criminals. Wood hounds are kept at the penitentiary farms to assist in capturing escaped convicts, and the Seaboard Air Line Jtitilroad has them to trace train wreckers. The Winston Republi can has for Some time urged the authorities ot Forsyth to buy some of these dogs to assist the oflicers in their duties. Hardly a day passes that the pa pers do not tell of some peculiar and astounding action by the freak pro ducts of the late legislature. A gentleman who a-t tired to Winston a few days ago from a visit to Moore county tells tiio Sentinel a colored man was tried before one of the new magistrates in that county, several days ago, on the charge of beating his wife with a hoard. A young lawyer appeared for the defendant and plead earnestly for the release of the old darkey. The magistrate ruled, however, that Sambo was guilty of manslaughter and he enter ed up his judgement accordingly. In addition to this, ho decided that the wife was entitled to a divorce, and lie granted her one without any f'uithcr discussion. Of course neither judgment will hold good. Life is a problem. No one knows their fate. The rich of to-day may live to see their children beg bread. A pitiable cased desertion claimed our attention last Friday. A woman wiiogave her name ss Mrs. Frank Carter, with 5 children and a grand child "tramped" into the city, from Pulaski City, Va. Her story is brief and sad. She is a native of flandlctnan, N C. After marriage she and her husband removed to Martinsville, V., and from there to Pulaeki City, Va. Several weeks ago her htibbarid left her, saying he was coming to Winston. She re ceived one letter from him dated Winston, but had failed to receive any reply to several answers. She I. ...j : . i . linnttu ij emtio ill ,H:laoti, anil lio ing w ithout means made the journey on foot, the eldest doiighter and the mother carrying in turn the infant child. Mayor Gray admiuister id to their wants and next morning fur nished tickets for the family to con tinue their journey to Mt. Pleasani. If the truant husband has been hcr6 no one ccu.d intelligently state, or in what direction lie went. Those who have plenty and evct. the necessaries of life very seldom realize tho blessings they enjoy. They hare but to look around them and see distitution on every side. Sickliest and misfortune, are some times tiie causes, but when the "wolf gets at the dixir," it is no time to ask questions. Lend helping hand where yon can, even if it takes a little aelf-denial to do it, and many a heart will be made glad while your own life will tie the brighter and Utter for it. Winston lienub licau. Christ' Last Days on T. C. IIAVIS IN MOBnl CITf (V AKIIBI.I'lT. Sunday, April Mb, wia Fa-iter, which carries our minds back to the lust days of Christ. Much of the gospel narrative m given to the last week of onr Lord's life, commonly called passion week or, "week of suffering," which began Sunday, April 2d, and closed Ninday, apn 0th. A. D.. 30. It should bo remembered that the closing months of Christ's min istry wcro spent in Perea, east of the Jordan. Iho last wcck in March he began his lust journey to Jerusalem, on the cvo of tho great I'assover feast. On the last day of March ho arrivod at Lethany, on tho eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, and there spent Saturday, April 1st, in the home of Alary and Martha. During the last week Lethany continued to bo the homo of Christ and his apostles, Jerusalem beifii visi'ed by day and tho nights spent at Iictliany On Sunday, April 2d, ho made lis triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Monday, tho ltd, he cleansed tho Temple; Tuesday, April 4tli, in the Temple occm red Chriet's last public teaching. In tho evening he flopped on his return to Hcthany on Mount Olivet ami spoke trivatelv to his apostles iho parables of the Virgins and talents, and tho prophecies con- eriiing Jerusalem and the day of judgment. Wednesday, April .Mb, was spent in retirement in I'ethany. Thursday, A in it t!th, occurred in order tho last Passover and the -ord's Supper, followed by Christ's ast discourse with his apostles and his agony in (iethsctnane. Friday, April 7th, about 15 o'clock a, m Christ was arrested and taken be fore Annas and Caiuphas. Jie tween .'1 and ti o'clock a. in oc curred the trial by, Caiaphas and the Sanhedrim From 0 to !! a. in. Christ appeared before Pilate, Herod, and again Pilate, was scourged and crucified. Ho was on the Cross from 9 to '.I p. m. He died at IS o'clock and was buried between 3 and i p. m. Saturday, April 8th, he lay in the tomb. Sun day, April !Uh, was the resurrec tion of Christ. i'etween the resurrection of Chritt, Sunday, April t'th, and the ascension, r. iMh, occurred the "forty days' during which ti mu our I-ord appeared eleven times as follows: Sunday, April !lth, Resur rection day, to Mary Magdalene, to other women, to Peter, to the two disciples on the road to Emmiiiis, and at night in Jerusalem to ten of tho apostles. Sunday, April 10, Christ again appeared at night in Jerusalem to his apostles, Thomas being present. During the week following he appeared in Galilee to the seven lishing on the lake, to the eleven on the mountains, to live hundred at one time and to James alone. Sunday, May lSth, in the pres ence ol the eleven apostles, near to I'ethany, occurred the eleventh and last appearance, a6 he ascended into Heaven, where he now sits at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for us. Foretold Her Death. Miss I'cssio Willis, tho fifteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerkins Willis, ol Wavncsville, died in Asheville Sunday at 5:45 P. M., at the residence of her aunt, Mrs. W. O. Mnller, 10 Charlotte street. Miss Willis had la-cn suffering for nearly a year with valvular heart trouble, and was brought to Ashe ville in the hope that the change of altitude would benefit tho patient. The hope was realized for a time, but a short time ago it was seen that she could not recover. A 12 year old sister of Miss Willis died from a similar trouble little more than a year ago. Sunday morning Miss Willis told her mother and others at the bed side that she had a vision of heaven, where she saw her sister and friends who had passed over the rivei. She said that she would dio at a quarter to six o'clock yesterday afternoon. It was not thought she could pos sibly live until that time, but she lingered until precisely that hour, when she died as peacefully as a child sinks into sIuiiiIht. Abbeville Citizen. "Gut it" is good advice but "Take Simmons Liver Regulator" is bet ter for your health and happiness. Kveryl)ody should take a liver remedy occasionally and esju-cially in the Spring to wake up the torpid liver and keep up a healthy circula tion of good rich Mood, free from poison and full of nourishment to the ' body, "We would not keep house without it." H. G. G. Fink, Springdalc, Pa. whule world eru wr-ring. That's tho way t fJ wbsti your hw is inao tovo. You mvd lv-ur Pierre's pl-uant Pel). ta stimulate II and correct it, and clear tip your sytm for you. You wont" mind the taking of them they're so H.udl ami so naturnl in ttoeir elterta. AU that ya notirsi wit them tt Uw good that they do la the permanent rurr ol Biliousness, Jaun dma, IVmsOpatiiin, Indiffeeion, tvir Ht.m acbe, iHmrms, Kirk or Bilious Henlnehea, and every liver, sf.imach, or hewel dwinW, tner're para nfxeri to give aalua'acUoa, or Uw'mouey la returned. IVrmt tlnkr a Tnor Caterrb with n fcnown medi -inea. lt riskr and dannroua. Yoq may drive it to tho lunrv Oet the Rnnerir that baa cured Catarrh for years and years Ir. Ha tatarrh Hmwdv. Tho makers pMsraniat to Our, or haoalit, la the worst easaa. WHY CUBA SHOULD BE FREE. WHAT A PROMINENT GENTLEMAN, WHO HAS BEEN IN CUBA FOUR MONTHS, SAVS OF THE SITUATION. An Ameiican gentleman of wide experience arid careful observation, whp is entitled to write "honorable" be'oro Ins name, and who has been in Cuba four months, representing a largo corporation, has given the situation careful study. Ho hag come to the conclusion that the United States should recognize tho belligerency of the insurgents and gives the following eight reasons fur such an action : 1. Recauso it is a justifiable rebel lion, of long standing, is maintain ed by a force which practically dominates the greater part of tho land, except the seaports, whicl could not So held by any land force gainst nut e and land fore! 2. ltof,wMt the coiitinuanco of mieru'v ii repugnant to tlio age and ! '' reason of the proximity of the United States is prejudicial to our interests. i, liicaiiso tome is no hypothesis that gives reasonable hope of en duiablo conditions in Cuba except that of self-government. 4. 1'ccause there cin bo no assur ance against recurring revolutions and continued disturbance ol our commercial interests except by re moval of the causo of irritation. 5. P.ccaiise the I'nited States, by reason of its proximity and its in stitutions, is responsible for the liberal sentiment in Culrt. C. Rccausc the I'nited Stales, as the champion of the righls of man, may not sit by indifferent to the right of revolution upon which its own existence as a nation is founded. 7. j iccause nine-tenths of the icoplo of Cuba desire relief and are avorablo to intervention by the United States, their burden having become insupportable b. liecauso the insurgents insin- tain a defacto government, in as tangible form and substance as from the insular position would be prac ticable to any people. Arrested on the Charge of Counterfeiting. The Abbeville police made nnoth r neat capture late Saturday after noon, Uking in four alleged shovera of tho queer. The men charged with counterfeitingare Ctncy Flem ing, Rill Tiaiithaui, George Lank ford and Jim Robinson, the latter a negro. The oflicers had been at work on the case for several days, and the arrest was made at ti o'clock by Patrolmen Rrooks and Stephen son and Defective W. H. Dcavcr. It is charged that the men passed iiiartersof the lS'.U date. It is said the men also issued spurious dollars, ut none of these have been found. Quarters were passed on Dutehcr Kiiber in Central market, John O'DonncIl of the liostjn salom. and several others. The queer coins are oil in milling, color and weight. Trantham is a Hurricane creek, Haywood county man. ' Lankford's home is in Fairview township. All the men are young. They were committed by Justice Deavcr to appear before U. S. Commissioner A. T. Summey. At the hearing lickford and Trantham were committed in de fault ot $1,000 bond each to appear at tho Mav term of the United States court. Fleming's and Robinson's cases went over. Asheville Citi zen. A Prominent Minister. Rev. T. R. Kendall, pastor Grace M. K. Church, Atlanta, Ga., says: "I take pleasure in testifying to the great virtue of King's Royal Germ etuer in relieving night sweats re sulting from the debilitating in fluence of malaria. In a severe ordeal through which my family passed from this oppressive afflic tion, I found Gennetuer to bo an immediate specific. Have aho found it a speedy tunic to the diges tion, and a most grateful and re freshing remedy in the heated seas on when suffering from n taxation and general debility." New pack "r. l-rge bottle, 10S doses, ifl. For sale by Taylor A: Parmer and D. A. Houston. A Fatal Joke. The April fool joker will not op erate so extensively in Xashviile, Kas., for some time. John Ahrtns, a farmer, thought it would bo tunny to appear before his young wife in a mask. Accordingly lie knocked at the door and when she opened it lie eiuvivu uci to get uiuner lor liiui. The wife took him lor a dangerous tramp, fell to the floor in a faint and died within an hour. Thn couple had leen married bur a short time, and the tragedy has affected the bus band's mind so st-riously that be threatens to take his life. Are You One Of those unhappy people who are suffering with weak nerves, starting at every slight sound, unable to en dure any unusual disturbance, find ing it impossible to sleep? Avoid opiate and nerve compounds. Feed the nerves opon blood made pure and nourishing by tho great blood Fnrifier and true nerve tonic, locni's Sarsapariila. Hood's Pil!s are the btt-t after dinner pills, assist digestion., pre vent eouifipatiou. . 25c, Send ia your suUcriptiorj to this paper. Only one dollar a rear. A Demand for Judge Lynch, A special to the Richmond Dis patch from Clifton Forgo, Va., says: Ono of the most brutal and fiendish murders ever jH-rpetratcd in Alleghany county occurred Tues day between 8 and o'clock. The scene ot the horrible tragedy is about a half "iilo from Longdale station, a point on the Chesapeake and Ohio railway, about three miles east of Clifton Forge. Tho per petrator of the deed is an unknown negro man, and his victim was a 14-year old colored girl,thedanghter of William Wallace, an employe of tho Longdale Iron company. It seems that the murderer made Lis first demonstrations against the wifo of a white man, who also resides near Longdale station. He went to tho house and npon request was given something to eat. He then left, but presuming the woman was aono, returned and, crawling in an open window, struck her down. At this junction the fiend heard some ono approaching, and becoming alarmed, made his escape. IV.. .. . ... lie rncn proceeded toward the house of William Wallace. Ho found the colored girl in the wood, about half a mile from tho house, and accomplished Ins purpose and nil n.. f . . Killed her. ltio girls body was thrown in a hole tilled with water, near the spot where the crime had been committed. The alarm was given, and it is said that over 100 white and colored men are scouring the mountains be tween Longdate and Clifton Forgo in search ot the man. I p to v o'clock p. m. the lugitivo had not been caught. Judging lrom the excitement that is said to prevail in the vicinity where tho foul deed was committed, it is apparent that he will be lynched if caught. Parties coming here from Ixmgdalo since 'J o'clock to-night say that the boots and the hat of the lugitive have been found, and that the chase wiH bo kept up all night, or until he has beeu captured. A Circular to Silver Democrats, The following circular is said to have been distributed to the Demo crats of Wako county : ' How to get silver, Democrats, see to it, 1. That every "silver man" iu your precinct attends the primary. 2. That only such men as fully and unequivocally say that they favor the free and unlimited coin ago of silver and gold at the ratio of 10 to 1 by this country, indepen dently of other nations, are solected as delegates to your county conven tion. 3. That only such men as above are elected as delegates to the State District conventions. 4. Watch out for bo called "bi metallists," they are your worst en emies, and some of them will fool yon if thoy can. 5. In addition to your regular delegates to the State and District conventions, have your county con vention elect, at the same time the regular delegates aro elected, ono or more additional delegates, who will be sure to attend, from Raleigh or elsewhere, to cast the vote of your county in the event the regular del egates do not attend. This is very important, as the bond buyers and tiieir emissaries are counting cn sil ver men not lading able on account ol poverty to attend, while they will soo to it that every one of their men who can be elected a delegate has the means to get there. Money will be furnished our enemies. Guard carefully against all con tingencies. The enemies of the peo ple are on the watch, and will take advantage of every slip. Nine tenths of the Democrats of North Carolina are in favor of free silver. See that the conventions represent your seutiments. l'y so doing only can we successfullv place North Carolina where she belong. North Wilkesboro Item. During the last few days several prospectors have la-en in the city, There is talk of having a big celebration on tho fourth of July. It every body talk and work for it. Work has been resumed on the Methodist church, and we are in formed that it will be pushed to completion at once. We are glad to note that Mr. W. M. Darlington, the efficient lumlier inspector, has recovered from the attack of the mc!es. Thurman, the little seven year visi w.l ul U I . auu All ' . iU4t A I'OIJt" 1 , died with measles Tuesday, April 14th, 1800. Thurman was a bright little boy and a great favorite among his friends. He will be sadly missed. We sympathize with tho bereaved pareuts in this their houroi trouble. North WilkeslNjro News. Out of weakness comes strength when the blood has beeu purified, enriched and vitalized by Hood's Sarsaparilla. ... a 4 Bucltlca's Arnica Salv. The Beta Salve in the world for Cuts, Broises, Sores, Ulcers, S!l Rlieom, Fever Sore, Teller, Chapp ed Hands, Ch.Iblainea, Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and positively cure Piles, or no pay repaired, ll is .'tin rant ved to give petfoct tali, faction or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box. For sals by Tay hw & Banner. Highest of ill in Leavening A, C jkskdS U VsfVtvi..crli ACSOZ.UTEKY PURE A TRIBUTE. Mrs. Mollio V. McKinney was born on Elk Creek, Grayson coun ty, a., January 2Sth, lb, and departed th.s life at Lynchburg, Va., .March 24tb, lSiUfi. She was happily married to M. Willis F-. McKinney, of Mount Airy, N. C, on the 10th of May, 1S'J3. Sister McKinney professed faith in Christ at Ixibanon Church, near the homo of her father, Col. Eli (X Hale, and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, during the year 181. She remained a consistent member of this church until her Savior took bcr from this world of suffering to live with Him in Heaven, biie was a dutiful daughter, a kind sister and a faith ful, loving wifo. She possessed many beautiful traits of character. Manifesting interest in and love for others, she became a favorite and was loved by all who knew her. Having lived a christian, her last and dying testimony was comfort ing and beautiful indeed. Her husband, seeing her sweet, life going out, asked her if she was ready to dio, she answered: " Yes, ail is peace, I havo nothing to leave but you; I hato to leave you tor you have Imjcii so good and kind to me. Put I am going home to heaven and I want you to meet mo there. ohc spoke of her father and family and said: "Father has always loved me so. I want to be taken up to his home that he and loved ones may see me St . . I . 1 . . I again.' Mie requcBteu mat tne writer conduct the burial service and pieajh her funeral and in the presence of a largo company of mourning relatives and loving friends we buried her in the family graveyard to await the glorious resurrection of those who sleep in Jesus. For she was ready. May the blessing of God rest upon the bereaved husband, and all of the hearts of her loved ones be com forted with the hope of meeting her again. Gko. A. Maihun. Wythcville, a. Excluded From the Mails. Postmaster General "Wilson has declared that the United States Slave Owners' Registration Rureau, of Washington, D. C, was in violation of the postal regulations, and was not entitled to the privileges of the mails. This bureau was but recently in corporated under the laws of the District, and the department made investigation of its method of business. It was ascertained that three ot the incorporators of the bureau gave Washington as their residence, but none resided in the District at the tinio of incorpora tion. They have just established offices there, but began doing busi ness in a sub office in Savannah, Ga., several weeks ago, by sending out literature, lhe plan ot the bureau was to secure a record of all lersons holding slaves on Jan. 1, 1S03, Instructions and blanks were sent out to former slaveholders or their heirs, for them to state the number of slaves owned, and their sex. i nese blanks were to oe nueu out and returned to the bureau with a fee of from $1 to $5, tho bureau promising to have bills introduced in Congress looking to the repay ment for slaves. The report ot the Po6t Office inspector is that the scheme is a fraud, pure and simple. Spring is full of terrors to all whose constitution is not able to resist the sudden changes of tem perature and other insalubrities of the season. To put the system in condition to overcome these evils, nothing is so effective as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Take it now. At noon Wednesday the Westing house Club House, at Wilrncrding, Pittsburg, Pa., was totally destroy ed by tire, causing a loss of $50, ixm). The club house was one of the finett in the country, built four years a. The origin of the fire was n the fi!er room. .- The manager of the P.ritish South Africa company's mines at Gwelo wins that, upon the withdrawal of the chartered company's men fiom that place, they left their stores of dynamite behind. The Mafabefes then occupied the p!ace, and while tamjering with the dynamite, it exploded, killing 200 natives. sfBa r has never failed to cure 5 Courh, Cold. Hoarseness. T " ri - i W Asthma and other Throat and Lung Affections. i f Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup J i is worth its weight in gold, i f but costs only 2" cts. r ' Tell Ton? 2Jer Ton wntf ' Itr. Kull'a Conck Smsp. fe I H net, T Tssasss "e. Sets. Wo. shisi i or task i f .-ry C Mmm fcC Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report' The Colored Brother. As the negroes of tha South ad vance in public thinking they will become a burdensome load to" the Republican party, which party, by the way, has always claimed, though never demonstrated itself to be, their best friend. We aro now seeing tho outcrop ping of this future trouble in the demands they (tho negroes), are making upon their party to allow them representation in their dis trict, state and national conventions, and these, when they lieeome gen eral, will constitute the fir' features of a constantly inerew y burden, until their demands will ...h the point of elective cilice-!. titling, which, of course, as wo well know, has already occurred in districts in which their race largely constitutes the voting pf pulatioii, and to which sections we do not now have special reference. The negro's natural love for ostentation finds no more tempt ing a field for satisfaet'ou than in tho political arena, and as education refines his ideas and elevates his a-pirations, lie will assuredly make the demand tor political preferment of the party his unrelenting support has sustained. It is then that the "race problem" will assume in the eyes of tho Republican party a political as well as a sociological aspect. a - A terrible explosion of giant uowder occurred at 5:50 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at a quarry two miles from Ogden, Utah, in which seven men lost their Jives and three were badly injured. The injured men will recover. The ex plosion was caused bv a premature blast. Much in Little Is espei'lnlly true ot Hood's 1'il't, for im inscll clni' ever cmitaliH'il n (rr- punitive ptiT In so small pare, 'lb')' ao a v!;"ic m.-iCHna clw'Ht, aU'ayfl ivnHy, itl wity t'tTk'trnf, a 1 w n sf IsfitPtary; pr-Hvvnt a '''t or frver. nire all Iiwr iH, Sick ht'aila' hp. Jiiimtli-v. rtJusripat-Hti. etc. 2V. The only Tills to ukv with 11. Hid s Nuipanlla. There is a difference between medi cines and medicines. Those of to-day, as a rule, differ from those of the pa -t iu many respects. Fully as preat ia the difference be tween Dr. Kinp's ROYAL GEflHETUER anl the ordinary medicines of to-day. It ia unlike them in THESE FIVE THINGS: 1. It does not taste likea medi cine. It is as pleasant to take as lemonade and makes a nicxt rvfreUiing drink . 2. It never nauseates the most delicate stc mach. a. It doc not swap off one dis ease for anot her. It does not set up one form of tn order to relieve another as is so often the ease. 4. It contains no alcohol or )inra in any form and is always harmless even when given to a bab one day old. fl. lit docs not patch almpty, it cures. It reaches aa ncihinfr els doe to the hidden sources of disease in the blood and removes the cause. It dixs this with an eae and po""er that have never been equaled. F.T all tmtitiie rf the PliWl. Pt-wr)i. B.twsN, KMnev in1 .Vtv-ii and tor all torni o( SlIJSUI. pol4i it uuiu iin-rauim-Bt sithoui a ntaior a peer. IW aoM bv Amtfutm. nrw p"ff. larr bot tl. lOS JX, Oi. Douar. KwiulkturMOQl)' tr THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO. ATIAKTA, 6A. witm rou m Faox sook. exiled rku. Soli4 h Tav'iir i Banner sai D. A. Btei, - CALL AT EYE RETT'S TIX SHOP. : f III2ADQ UARTKRS FOB Tin f.r,i Pt-oe Krtofltijr, (iott"Hn hpootinir, Yalit'j Tin U widths -hinpl Mrip. Ac., Aft. Water at.l Nrim riUinr of all kinds kett on hand, ihs t'id keiial Jer.kit. tihibe A CWk Vaviea, f liermaa Ir.jwtom, ! troit Lubricators ar a few of tha irany rei'at.: ; !. in stock., Guno. I it.!, Nir.g Vi aching, an 1 I'.icyri" repair! by the b"t skilled workmen at ahort Biic. W e ktcp inol t iJ4 fashion C?mi Tots, l'ih I ar-, and in tr ererytlii g in t,h Tinware line. T. 31. Everett ? o. rllooefs LIKE OTHERS V' if I . 1 1 - 4 - t-l i, r .. (