TfS MM AIM NEWS. t.i. tCW BY, f ITO. Mount j,N.C.t April 23, 1896 8UBBCRIPTIOX RATKS: On copy, ona yar, 11.00 On copjr, ! morillin, - 60 On copy, three month), - .25 PAYABLE IN' ADVANCE. Rntnretatin pout offlrt Mount Alry.N.C, Msooad clanamall inalwr. We hope the Democrat in "de lite" wilt nominate ft auunl man for UongreM. fl've ns a pnre nun il we have ft man of that tort in the "3ectrict." Fueion will Co nil- right cnotigl for some peoplo, but not ior every body. Fusing! Poor Imainciw for 8 party that has principles to he mockeving with. James E. Alsop, arrested Thnre day lor the murder of Mies Lena Olson, at Dulnth, committed suicide Friday night by hanging himself with a rope made by tearing a blanket into strips. Tho members of the United States House of Representatives re ceivo a salary of $5,000 a yen-, but tho clerk and other services an otiiiie for each to $!.'tl, so that chcIi mem ber coets f 5,939 a year. lint the Senators are not (jullo so cheap, for they cost each, including salary -.nd clerk and other services, $9,4 S3, and there are very few of them worth half that. It is said that tho Republicans and Populists aro about to divide. If such a thing sliou'd occur, and wo don't bclievo thcta is any dim ger of such a calamity befalling tho Republicans in Nort i Carolina, it will grow out ot the "money discus sion." The Repnbl Citns arc in fa vor of gold, tho Populists are op posed ; tho Populists aro for silver and tho Republicans opposed. If tho Democratic papirs of the Slate aro not motst woel'illy mistaken, about nine-tenths of tho Demo cratic voters of North Carolina arc for silver, ati.l adding the populist strength to tl e Democrats, silver would sweep North Carolina like a cyclone. Put the Rep Pop party will straddle, and don't you forget it. They aro built that way. The News has a poor opinion of the present Congrcfp. If it 1 passed a single bill for tho benefit of tho people, even in the remotest degree, we would like to have our attention called to it, The only measure they are likely to pass that will bo for tho public good will be tho resolution of adjounment Every measure that has been enter tained or discu.-sud has had for its object political plunder, Senators and Representatives vote for each other's pet schemes, if thereby they can get help for schemes of their own. Policy, and not principle 6eems to dominate in legislative balls, and members aro alert only to see that their opponents do not pntthrongh and get credit for some palutary law. And political parties are so divided that a majority can always be marshaled in opposition to any measure for tho benefit of the people. These conditions are patent to all readerj of the daily papers. V ill there be any improve ment? Not until fie people refuse to be led around by the nose, in the wake of political bosses, and vote lor men rather than for parties. Taking Their Own Medicine. The Landmark has heretofore explained the changes made in the county government law by the last Legislature. L'ndjr the M law the county comi iiai ioners could not appropriate a sum exceeding $500 without the consent of a majority of tho magistrates of tho county. Undur the new law given us by the 'reformers" the power of tho corn miasioners is practically absolute, and Forsyth county has this year furnished an example of the opera tions of the new law. That county needed a new court bouse and had long needed one, but under the old law tho magistrates, who had often been called together te take action in the matter, had repeatedly refused to authorize the building of one. Alter the law was changed the commissioners took the matter into their own hands and decided to issue bonds to build a now court house. Their Tight to do thi was tested io the courts and the Supreme Court decided in their favor. They bad the old court house torn down and then some difficulty arose tbout disposing of the bonds. This mat ter has now been adjusted, we bo lieve, and the cm tract has been let for the building of the new cuiirt house. Considering that the action of the Forsyth commiioners was author ized by the fusion legislature, it is quite amusing to read in the Win ton Republic!, week after wek, severe criticisms of the commis sioners. lot only does the Repub lican itself criticise and condemn them, but the Alliances in Forsyth have adopt! resolutions condemn ing the action ot the vrmniitoiotM-rt, ft'iJ P pu!irU and Republican hae held met'tinc at various place in the conuty and dojted resolutions tftrasaine i icr, of. them! irgiogthat 4;i action for dtmaues ie boueH aairiot tl.o rommintiun- irs. Ami all this rrcane th com- miMiuners hivo simply taken ad vantage ot ti e law which these same Populists and Republicans helped to mike. It is all very funny. lndcr the Democratic system ot county fyivernriient, so much do- noui.cet', such :4 state of things would have been im possible. Thtse Forryth Insiuiiitite, however, do take their own medicine with very T,vry faces. We have adverted to this to show the workings of the now order of things. I. nder it the commission crs of Iredell, for instance, could tear down our prenont court house and jail, if they were so minded, and build now ones under some such arrangement as tho Forsyth commissioners havo made, and none could say Ibem nay. This is ,ireiorm." We want tho people to think about it and keep it in mind this year. Statesville Landmark. - LifeWai in the "Corpse'.'" While tho friends of Clara Hep peristal! were gathered at her home in l'reeliold, N. J., on batuiuay nitrht, taming ot her aeath tho day betore, they wcro startled by a shriek coming from tho room where ttiM body was laid out. Several of the men niched to tho room. The sight that met their eyes tcrrilied them. Sitting npiight in her whito robe was the supposed corpse, with wioe-open eves, starintr straight ahead. On the floor, overcome with lright, was Ch-rlcs llurton, a no:nbor. The lips of tliOMipposcd corpse U'Kan to move, llien tho woman fell back on her bier. Tho frightened men then plucked up courago enough to g' to tho assistance of JJurton, and 3 doctor whs hastily summoned. When the physician arrived Pnr ton had recovered. Tho doctor examined Miss Heiipenstall and an nounced that thcro was yet life in her. lie said that the case was one of suspended animation. He ap piicd remedies, and soon the wo man was renting easily. S!io slept all night and ycbterday she was sinking rapidly. Her physician dei not think her recovery prob able, though it is possible. Hits llcppenstall had all the ap pearance of being dead tor more tliHii twenty-four hours. She had been sullering Iron) typhoid fever tind a complication of other diseases. Mr. llurton tyld tho doclor that he went to the room to saturate cloths that were over the eyes of the supposed corpse to prevent dis coloration. Ho noticed nothing peculiar about the body and w about to leave tho room when ho took another glanco at the sheet over tho ieo box. Then he saw Miss Hcppenstall sitting up with her eyes wide open and staring at him. Ho did not remember any thing further until found by those who came in response to his shriek. Miss Heppcusiall was to have been buried yesterday. New York World. Westfield Items. Mr. E. J. Payne, an old citizen, and one whose reliability has never been questioned, told your corres pondent that tho thermometer stoo J 110 in the shade at his house last Saturday. Tobacco n'ants are plentiful. At least half the ne-ache.H are all right. The Friends' Qnarteroly Meeting w.ia in sessiuti at Westlield last Sun day. There were two services at tho Uaptiet church at Westfield last S.tbbath. The regular service in the forenoon, by Rev. C. C. Hay rri.ire, and a special service in the afternoon by Rev. J. C. Caddcll, associate editor ot the Ilib'.ical Re corder. Mrs. James Slawter, of :he Delk section, died Sunday of meisles and fever. There are many cases of measles in that section, I under st md. 3 P's. . . Newj from Cub, The brig Leonora saihd Irom New Cast.e, Delaware, We Jnesday, with a filibustering expedition hound for Cub. The pa. ty con sisted of fourteen recruits, nine ct them American, and tho i irgo of a largo supply of arms and amrnu niiion. Spanish reports of the real battle f 'light at Lacbuza recent y pi ice the Spanish loss at 4T0 k i i led and 5o0 wounded; that of the Cubans at 200 killed and 40'J wounded. Whatever may be correct ligures, it is evident from details of the bittlo already published that the Spanish loss must havo been at least tines times as large a that of the Cubans. If you want to know all about the war in Cuba, call on Herbert Lowry and you can get a book thnt will tell you all a!out it. It is interesting and one that young and old ought to read. The price is very low only $1.50. Give your stomach mach I a cnance I It ha long been underfed or over worked ; perbapf both. Now yon are paying the penalty. Head ache, heartburn, bad Ute, coat ed tongue and nausea are your more or lets conatant companion. You are "bilioua." costive, de pressed. Dyrprrajia U obstinate ana lead to oilier compile, lions. It's certain cure ii Brown's Iaox Enroi a. CCAaAlfTEK. Banwit s larm Birr t kri di- retl fmti lobwH,t av pe"1 uffT- and fpm. ktonev mma TV mht, fuitoaaa-, Prantl Infirvtt., lia- kul CMftKlCAl Co.. bluoKra. V4. Diiatteri t . the Spu isr Tfoop?. A Ilavanf. lispateh virtrKev We., FU., of April lbrh, mji: Tnej.. siirgeri fuices recently arrived '.n Havana provice from tho orient, it is now found, numlw r over S,0o0. Jose Maeco is said to bo in com mand. Anionic Macoo remaina encamped west of the "trocha." The Govfcinmint troop undo two attempts to dislodge him, but each time were -compelled to retreat. Do boa' column was crnahed in tho first affray. The second resulted in three attacking column being pursued in thee directions. The main force of Spanish troops await Maceo on tho "trocha," but ho makes no attempt to cross. The affair at Las l'inos firm, on tho outskirts of this city, Wednes day night, was a meeting of Cubans to plan a rising. A woman inform ed the authorities. Troops raided tho house, shooting down five as they were emerging from the door; three aro dying, eleven were cap tured, and thirty tseajK'd. All were unmarried. Iiev. AIIh rt Diaz and brother are said to bo implicated in tho rising. They arc accused of talking sympa thy with tho rebuilion. Tho three prisoners of war shot in the Cabanas yesterday belonged to the insurgent army. They were accused of arson and shot under the bandit, decree. Others have been ordered shot next week. Resolution of Respect. Wiikreap, It hath pleased Al mighty (lou to take from our midst our much esteemed and highly ap preciated brother, Kllis Adams, and wh'le wo bow in humble tub mission to tho will of tho Supreme Worshipful Muster abose, He who doeth all thing well, wesjin patilizo with his bereaved family and can only point them to tho Lamb of (ind that laketh away tho ins of the world lor aid and com fort in iho hour of their sadness. Profiler Adams wng a member of Rook ton! Lodge, No. 251, A. K. & A. M. He was buried at Union (irove Church, Yadkin county, with Masonic honors, by a brgc concourse of brethren and sympa thizing friends, on Sunday, April lSith, 18i(!. .Therefore, be" it J!Knh'ch That a copy of thefe resolutions be sent to Tiik Moi ni Autv N'Kwsaud the Yadkin Ripple for publication and a copy bo Bent the family. Jiwh'vtd, Tlint the brethren wear the usual badge of mourning fir thirty days. R. J. Apams, W, Y. Davkni'okt, John A. Martin, M. L. Woopimi sk, W. J. Dixon, Maj. A. Dorfii.AS. April 20th, LS9tJ. Whoa Ttahy ims sick, vr gavo bfr Cartorla. When h waa a Child, aha cried for C'Mlorla. When alif bwame ML, alia dung to Castoria. When aba bad Children, aho gavetliem Cactorla . Democratic conventions were held in few Nebraska counties Tuesday to select delegates to the State Cor vention. There was an expressed preference for ex Congressman Rryan, of Lincoln, or ex-Governor 15oies, of Iowa, as rresidcn ial can didatu and free silver at the present ratio was generally endorsed. DELICATE v Should Uie :PXXAX3XrE3LairB FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS ft SITOB T0N1G and exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the prop-r chan nel all impuritie-i. HMltll and strength are Guaranteed to result from Its use. My wife was Ivdrld.1!!' for rli:M-rn months, n-Hlw ItKADFIKL. 'S I'KMAI K UfaiV' LATOK for Iwo numOih. i ?t-ti intf well. J. M. JuiiNiuN, litivi-rn, Ark. BitiiinuD niui i.nor co., iTi.mi. .a. eU by all Dnifgntl at SI 00 ft battle. The Mount Airy lile Solphnr Spriogs, BROWN I HATN:S, Proprietor. Tlie Mount Airy Vliite Huljiliur Hprinitti Jliilfl will lie open for vig il virti Stay Kith. The water at thia Spring in m: line ns can lie found anyi lnr. If you are sutTerinft ith Indiges tion, Liver or kidney Trouble, eoire and drink the Wl.iter-ulphur Water. We can furnish a jtreat man) te t i tiiuiiie Is from pnrtiea who have tii'd the water of thia fairing, and from th leading hyR'iaui of thia country. It will cure any fkin Iiiseime in two week or any Inllamination of the Kyea or any iroutiia eud ly iinjiure lliood. The statements are not made merelj toget you to the Springn, but are ahaolutely fct(. Anyone wish ing names of partieathat have heen restored to healt h by the Use of thia water we will gladly furnish them. The hotel is weli furnished. Table ' supplied with the best this moun tain country a Turds, l'ler.rj of fruit and everything fresh and nic. Our l acks wi.l meet all trains, and forty mini.t- ride over a beau tiful read will bring you to the r-prings. 8oni tin mountain K enery near hotel. Our rates for May and June will be l."0 .er mont i, fl.ot per week, f I 60 p r day ; for July and August, t.'S p-.-r moiuh, 00 per week. per day, for gruv n penple. and half prif for childrau and aervanla. For further Information, addre, BROWN miES, Proprietor Mount Airy, X. C. Newi from Ccal tretk V. The wearier is fine ai J fim if a are Leinriing tin ir jiriT.f; w rk. .Nfit rnn.ih tickneag in thia co'ii- mnri'.ty at preterit. Miss Viola I'lilka in still eon valeainr. Wo liope he will "Min ho well again. Ki) trior haa it that there wid f a wedding close ly in a few dya but nothing certain i known alul it jet. Manj of our young men and wo men are attending normal K-iioids, tif which there aro manv i ot far from tiieir valley homes. I head a merchant say if po'itli.Os and oniofih wero a ctHndard is'ie hia propr in g .-lahcadativcm m would be increaaed ti hgl. tning "peed. Mr. Koht, Jtiluison says he wisht Texas would return to (iraysoii county. Not the state of Tex a?, till no, but a black eyed Texm. Mr. G. M. ( 'ox own a Limoii trotter. SShe wiil bo on the track at Wythevillo next f.d!. We are real glad to welcome I)r. 15. V. Kulk back from tho Medical College of Jiiehmorid, Va., which he attended for three full ce-sions, but the last session was his lust to aliend. lie waa !iierated n the night of Match 28th with the de gree of M. I). All who know the young Doctor my that he is a self made man and deserves the crown of honor ho now wears. We wish him a pathway of life clothed with tho brightest kiitteesa. Kino Hai.k THE ii.ND. Coal Creek, Va., .April i'oth, lMii. Nervous I'cople oflcn wonder why tlitilr ntwea aro no weak; why they Ret tired o easily; why they start at every sllrht hut audilen sound; why thr-y do n it sleep naturally; why they havo frequent headaches, liuligestion and nervous Dyspepsia Thv exptanalinn Is simple. It Is found In that Impure Mood which Is contin ually feeding the nerves upon refuse instead of the elements of slrei gth and vigor. In such condition opiate and nerve compounds (.Imply dea-len and do not cure. Hood's Harsjarilla feeds the nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives istursl sleep, x rfeet digestion, Is the true remedy for all nervous troubles. Sarsaparilla Is tlis One True I'.I.kwI Purifier, tl pr Imttle. Prepared only li (' I Mood & Co., l.ow-11. Mass. cure I.lver III: easy to llOOU S FlllS take, eai) Umi rale. "aso. Big Premium Sale of Bright Leaf Tobacco, Richmond, Va. The greatest measure of success at tended this rreuiiiim Sale, which lasted Iwo days, instead of one. with a large number of the most solid planters of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina competing for the prizes. Mr. V. W. Land, of Littleton, X. C, who has been using Acme Fertilizer for the past four years, took the follow ing premiums at this big Premium Sale on the 2Slh and 29th of January, lK'.ni: 1st Bright .Mahogany Wrappers V. V. Land, $75 cash. 2nd Bright Mahogany Wrappers V. AV. Land 120 Saddle. 1st Dnrk Mahogany- V. V. Land IM ensh. 1st Cutlers V, YV. I and fcjO cah. 1st English Strips $25 Cash. 2d Knglish Strips Churn. Urd English Strips JS l'low. Any one hogshead bringing liighe.-t average price ( Mr. Land got average of 47'u f'r lb for this hogshead i $25 cash. Any one hogshead bringing the most dollars (Mr. Land received for this hogshead $-112 62; $25 cash. Mr. 8. L. Coley, of Whitakers, X. C, who also used Acme Fertilizer, took for 2d Lemon Wrappers, $20 overcoat. For 2d Smokers $rt Bureau. Mr. Land took fl premiums, amount ing to $2,and Mr. C. took 2 premium amounting to $28 ; thus "Acme Fertili zer" took 11 premiums, BMountitg to $30n out of a total of 2.- premiums, amounting to $523 50 offered by all of the three warehouses at the Premium hale. Mr. Land and Mr. Coley took nearly everything in sight, and they were the only planters competing at this sale who used Acme Fertilizer. Nod.iubt, had there tieen others who used this guano, they would have swept the Board. The editor of the Southern Tobacco nist ,t Manufacturer Record. in writing of Mr. Land's sale, says : "Tiiere was nothing to compare with this crop in price or quality. It sold on its merits. The premiums were awarder by one party, samples draw n by mother, and the ssle took place before the premium award. The rich, siik, fiie-libred, spready. bright and mahogany leaves of Mr. Laud's crop, made with Acme Fer tilizer, were as distinguishable from that of otler planters as leather is from home-tanned sheep-skin. Analysis of "Acme Fertilizer" for to bacco liy Dr. Battle, Slate Chemist. Available l'hy. Acid,hK9 percent.; Am monia, 311 percent.; Potash, 2 52 per cent. Very high. Prices lower than others. A good agent wanted in every neighhorluxid. t'se "Acme." Take no other tfF"or sale by Iavis A Sparger, Mount Airy V. Boy lea, Pilot Mountain ; K. W, 'ujer A Son, Pinnacle; J. E. Siate, Mizpnh: Marion Ftros., Siloatn; K. J. Styers iv o., ( ierinniiton ; A. J. Fair, Walnut Cove; M l'. Poindexter, Winston, or write Acme (iuano Co., Wil mington, N. C. IN MounfAiry.N.C. Mrs. Ida Banner reflect fully Informs me citizens of .Mount Airy and aur rounding country that she has oiered out a stock of Millinery Goods Id the new building just erected tieit to Mr. H. J. tiallaway'a store, and invite ev-rylmdy to give heracali. LATEST STVLLS! ftlfES MASHADLL $w IirrMniakiQff la all I la hraacua run to coDiirci Ion wilt ibe MllllBer)- busin-M. New I let Pattern reduced (mm ?6 to 10 cents, liata. Bun nets, kiblions, Ac, Ac., in profusion. Apr- 2m IKloods h lllineiT Store Cut t 3- I nulier'a an I !! n !W niy i a of f 'I'dhin. lie cm (! j hi am; no iii-tike. e a. unit a id pi't his t iej- ii ' '' ph hr" you uud dro "U i--p in e! k-iM atjli; fi.r lf (ifiuy than I Vfl in: fore. A bimetallic conference, com firisin (Icl' 'iiti 'iis fioiii ihc I'nifed S ales, (irmt I'ritain, France, (icr tiuiriv, Anstrin, UussiaHi.d llnlhind. met in l!rtirsi:!s .Mind-iV to discus, measures des 'ncd to lead to the holding of A new eflicial interna tional conference. a J. D. I'.rvanl.of Lumln'ri-in, wh fourirl dead Mniidiv near Hope Mill", on tiie trick 'f the Atlantic (JoHSt I, Mie. Ho was Imrrdily iiihii glud and whs uiirecoihizubh; except by papers found on the body. It is supposed that he was killed by the Floiida veslilmle. ISiyant whh a wliiie nmn. to your doctor for advice ; he Is the best man to tell you vhat mcdl- cine you need. Co to your drugfjbt for your medicines; h knows mora about druJ than a cry-goods nun. Stick to your doctor and to your dru-lst If you'ru a sick man, but don't I'O lo y ur drjggist for a.iin'ce, espect a!'y If your doctor haa told you what io get. If your doctor tells you to get It Is because 1 ? knows cf scores of v.'hlch h iv been benefited by Its ur,e; becau' C ho knows tliat It has a record of mors than twenty years' rcr uHs back of It, You have no right to let your drug gist .vl.'Le you a;;alr,5t this prepara tion and Indue-: you to try an obneure medici-e, tho valus of which Is doubtful, for tl e sake of t'.ie irv cents more ho may make. Let ycur tailor, or your or your grocer, fool you if you will, but when It comes to a matter of health, get w'uit ask M All -t nrl ScHs runiN'on. Two .:ti o cent aiul $i.m. Now Then OH NEVER ? M Estate al Pol Sals! Ilc.'iliinir thrt 1 l:tvc ni(tr soil (on my html,) than I can well lisnjlr r rnutini:" to ailviilitaj;'' anil as tlx pKNilact ycmTiill; arc clam or.n.s fur n sIihi hi it ; a hHiie lot ur a l.nin, 1 i ;ivr ili-ciilfil 1 1 aire tl.i'iu all an t .j'ial cliuiicc l,y ollcriti)! a nne l it at I'uhlic Auction, cnni.i"nicr.ll) OlWaF, Oct. 1st, 1896, A'OoMiKk a. m., on I he preuufu-s, 1 ill ulliT my Hwne's Hill F'a'in, cun ( t il ini; of in hi ly Iw ) linn I red acres of real j;iio'l farniihi; land, liinU-r, mint-rais, Ai-., in lots and lra'ls lo suit (lie purchaser This land Ilea nn liiitl. ilee (Jieek .Hid I he nld Unl lun Kcuul ahont to and a half miics Nuiih of tnwn. Aho On Flay, Oct. M, 1898, A niiiuV.ei of rhoice rej-idence lo s in llasl Airy, just outside of the incorporation; a spleudid view of i he city, 'he liluc Ki lee .M uul;i:iu slid 1 he Mtrroutidinc; coiiiitt-y. Just I lie lace It a home ill the city and j el outside of the city tax. Alio On Satnrflay, Oct. 3rd, 1898, Sotr.e deniahlc building lots io llm l.ii! v'. snI! nearer t "n. no exure now for not owiuli vmr one home in the tin luit not m the iticorpoute limits. A lew hiinilred acrri nl Mineral i id timber lauds from 3 to 0 miles in lie country ran be tiouphl si j.rivat. sale. Now, if you want n. ihiiu. say mi. A!-o lour lots on l.ockfurJ -treet. In Meiiut Airy, also a roek in.irrv in Hatuluirh'. 'lerins, i lie-thiio ciish.oac thud in one year, one-thin, in t o yea s. THOS. V. B:;i)YEB. MOUNT AIRV, K. Apri. 16. KO KOBE EYE-GUSSES 88 J mi MITCHELL'S Sye-Salve A Csrtaln, SXnil EffeetlTa XarnKty tor SORE, WEA.(, & IXFUME3 EYES, Producing Long-Sghtedntx, A Restor $rg ti 9 Sight of V.$ CI J. CuwTearDnpt,Crtnutat!onf Sfyi Turrort, Rec Eyet, batted tyt Lushes, tt8 n:wfiis j: r tnjry 1TB fn-snux cru. viq31t 't"cinu rhen Tt4 In h 4 m, inrh av I l V r MarMU Tmrs Khvain. Ham. PPf, or iAL. 2f tVlAJr l) UNO U Uv.Utt. f Hv: Yo-jr Emulsion rn.-v to CrcTer 4i by.... ' !3l VJ- Tby Cuararjtee to Pit ryd Please You. LARGEST f-rSORTnENT. -LOWEST PRICES. LOOK . T THtl SAWPt-C T PRATEER'S CLOTHING STORE, MOUNT AIRF, N. C. HIS Trot. W. K. rk0, w:i4 flft ft j.SX.M.itf ,4 i.;il. pr, h w tVtit do it c irrti nt)i tur- i ptre f tttn n , hUg H'vk:ia3 h-A V 9 have h,t 4 o e c r a f him. v I ua bl war k ott thU MM,hli tl with Imtrm bnt- who nn Mud Ittetr K () nl ICjipretu fif)rM. frof. W. E. ftJ.ll, . P., 4 UdAr SU lew JnM W I SS 1 To call lo Iheat'ehU'iD of the rsoil ol Mniiiit Airy ainl siinoiimlliiK cuunlr that we Mill hue The Best Sapply of Pare Dregs, Medium s. Iicmleiils, Toilet Article. Patent M"ilrlm-, tp r lonid In Surry county, ani that we aunt and Apciata Year Tral. We do not sell "he i ,roin" k1 ai.'l du not ssy e sell von nt lie up ,U I n prices. Mi! we do siiv we Hive vnu THE BEST That, cm he liotiUit r,d sell Hu m Ui Jon si rranHiAtilr priec. Wa eieel!,:ij ulsli 'o call u'terillon lo our supply ol TRUSSES. If you n (! nrn d'in'1 fall turouit' ti)M it. Wt hiivi' ttl I nij HUd nlfi niirt with ft luiiif rx perlfi re tan adjust ore to IM tMn ir k run- If TitHStiii' vo'i wtll f nlnly m cun . a tin if (iu r m a pi r f H'i'ih'ltWlt'l' nt A n't woiMiut miniPi'Mitly tirifr i lir Important i( Miit iuu t'i ' whi'ti llit il'-lti-Mt uri;aii Of "Iirln N otir'-riit"!. IahI but not Ir it, u ii-h to rull jtt'fittnti In th f. t tti.r we a' tr ar'i lo nil our t.i'.ltl) rc -rlpi 'II 'I 1 1 MrUll" pr si ttpltiMin With Skill and Accuracy. With n MMirM prm il'-al f npiinr In your tuiil't wtnl rt Uat.ilitic in out" trf lite Im- t ro'lcL' r I'liwnna In llw 1 nllnl Male., we lan' ny nn un III Iwsl t.n M put lh" lu.'Ht 'iii!l.-u! or liilrh iiti' pr'". rl,ttli'ii in our linii'N. Very Truly, TAYLOR & BANNER. JOB HIAT :t, 2 PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C, 1 iiKvi.itatN -5- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, i NOTIONS, f J FURNITURE, FERTILIZER AVD Tiff. I'KI.KBR aTKO 1 Domestic Sewing Machine, J j The ltit on the Mirlcel. k j Cnlliiis an J I'l-kcls AIhjhs iii Hand. J I ROl'RIKTIIR UK Pilot Mountain Livery Stable ANn tlEAl.ES IM LUMBER i And :-: Building :-: Material. 4 ALSO COM-WTOE AND triLUtt irvwwvvvvvv W. Ii. SIMPSON, BROKER Representing Fifteen Houses On All the Best Markets. Everything in Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries, Fruits and Confections. Ivowei-t, market price piven. Office in Joy UliK-k, at lit aii of cti'iis, on right i .a ;, r....ii .... f,.;,. tt J'iut-of-toMii MtTchants will pica -if etll or w rile fur delivered priifs on all k.nda of grn'ru'. Visiting and Country Merchants cor- Uially n viled to call at olhc'. Mortgage Sale! l'nrsu,tit in ni.irtng I his Onipanj-hol-N ar'.int ihp 1n-Uw iiK-'iiione. parties, I'll; pi -nli a i'l the I'Mi.-p of lltisler of iJwila nl Un omint , 1 will, on the L'.ird Jav i.f jlav, l-'M. In'lwcen lie hours of in a in. ami i p. u . in front ol this I out nam's otllpe. iimwI lo si'll to ilie hieheat r, t il caali, tlw liillowing ccrtiticAtua ot Mock in thia (Jonspanv, to-wit. : 'ui"-li:ill Miair, par ale l-'.MKi.iM), on w hii 'i tl.i'ri' U it.ivr il.ictiiil unpAiil (',0 i.iai. Inli'ii'Ht io lit a.lilr 1. Ki-pivwnted by Cer tificate No. I"!; Im-iiijt. the property of the Ule .lodge .1. h, lirae. (liir-igli!h Mmre, pa. Value h'2'i.Otl, on which there is now due and unpaid tlie sum of l"oo. InlereM lo lie ad.lnl. Iepretiiled ty rertlticate Xo. Vi; lieiug the pn..'i ty oi'ihc late It. K. (iravea. Ow-half liare, par value J,.Vh) ii, on which there In new due and !(7iio IK. InO'ient to Ie- hi'.Ic 1. epreeiiti'd hy Cer titi -a'.e No a.'; being the property of 1). W. I'atker. Oneihih hliare of CApital atuck on wine" tiii'iv in nn due and unpaid $175 lai .nd 1 lit i-rent , ti e property of Mm llalvina tiraVfa resolution of htock luildrrc pHd January llllla, 1R;1 li4M1f (.JlTV l.AMl AJui'KiU'rMUT Co., liy T II. HicCakoo, defy ani ireaa. April -ilui. IM ti. CLOTHES ...Gbicaco f j!TC GREAT Acrcbarjt Tailor?. CARTIjAND, Tie HtKint Tailor, 4i7.tHH Imported Clioviots, S3 Vicunns. ME mm I) WRITE FOR SAMPLES. Has Cluett, Coon & Co's popular brand ol Shir is. Dress Negligee Chevoit Underwear, Canes and Umbrellas. 11.11. CARTLAXD, 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, GREENSBORO, N. C. THANKS FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE HERETOFORE RE CEIVED, AND AS I AM NOW LOCATED IN Central Part of Town, I hope to add many new customers, I am now in the t-tore recently occupied by Mr. M. L. Patter son, having purchased his stock, and have com bined both stocks of goods in one, thus enabling u- to "fill the bill" when you come or send around. GOODS DELIVERED FREE IN AN7 PART OF THE CITY. Come and see me and examine my goods beT re purchasing, I an save you money. nespcctfully, W. W. BURKE, Opposite Slue Ridge Inn, April 16th, 1896. MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Wa Die r A A AAA n I MU.UUU II Planters' Warehouse, MOUNT AIRY, "N". C., FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Til Waivh -usf Is iori!i4 In the business prt o( toxn cmrfBlctit tith Bank anil br l.n llnir Jotiivra. II Is sliuaii'd wiiiiiu a li atrpaot l.wliia Tlllf a U-t Hkiii Crailitr a Miliirk Tn luiif i Kactcrv ami 'he irnrmiviih TutiuiM rli 'U sargf-r Hn., and lo l.'t outi-nwut loall our tobiiitii uieu. bfaiilrh wlih-li we bavtc Uip Best Accommodations for Man and Stock of any Honse in the State. our saU'i s.atv thr flrsit ol October have bf-n almost dntiblr nay iwo wttrHiouwa tn Huint Aln . THE PLANTERS' IS THE PLACE TO SELL! Mr. J. A. NV s .m. our Auotlnnwr. la -fi-Wnoio non of tlie bwt In thi- si ai-. Mr R. . w all Is tair B.H kneia-r. U h t a jtuaraiiim1 iliai our HmHcawUI tie afrvratflt krnt. Mr T Hm w. nt Pmrti k oiiumy. Va . 1-iinir MatiiK'T: K A. Nt-wa-jm. nt M'okn ruunti. Mjlil !i hmo aud N. W. Hrum tliu Rait ul ev.Ty pil ot Tobax-o mt ua uar ti iur atia a thai II urini run Markfi aiut ire have tmr ot Un- Beat ArrntigKl BasementR for Mtorlng and order! up Toiiaewi to he found anywhere, ho vou need n .1 feur when Hie HLaNTKIW arnere ) all! reene me irerj t a"AII Tobro muntvcl to or ieti In our rare ae ii a lule In tow n r not her ou have tili-irco or at. TliniUiK' oi;e and alitor me vt-rj litTal pitriuaire s-lren na In the paai and phviirtiiz our. wlvi to alwuys tie on liatol to look alter tli.- iiaerrsl ol uur euKiuineia, aa e ver well know Luat your Interehia are our Imreats. Your friends, IS F",rjTrV -sl0Bfi -tefc L. f Hrlte mi Tho. FiWt a-rr, R.I.. (?wvk. Jam. H. HraKniK. M. I.. Fawi itt rresidut. lnt Vice Preaidnit. 2nd Vic I're-aidftit. Ca-liirr FIRST flATIOIiAL BfiflK of 0t. Airy. lC OItPOKATED. CapitMl, l)(3.oO, palat I p. DIRECTORS. Th Fawpptt J. II fiiiargHr, M. U Fawrftt, R. 1.. Owyn, C. I.. Hank Thia bank solicit thn atwiunta of Mercliatita. Minif.,.i.r. l . . A IndividuaU. 1 he accdutit of tlif Merrhantt located in tow in adjaceut iwcived on favorahle terni. The fund of our tm am iired jij two burciar proof dtwl clit-ttt and tiie Yale Tiuip Inlfrvat allowed on avinca Ieiit Sash, Doors XO TROUBLE NOW TO WILD A HOUSE IF VOU KNOW nu& Kb in 1JL-I 1IIK 7"e Manufacture All Kind of lKwira, Sakh, Iilindn. Mantel, poor nJ Window frutnex, Turned-Work Scroli-Sawirig, Stair Work, Moulding of it'l kindt, FlooWii;, eilii.f ' Sidir.g, Caain and alt kiud ol Ptniahrd Lamix'r. "V7e Carry in Stock Hough LumUr, SbinU, riaatering Lallira, and all kinds I?yi!dirr ktatcnat. Guilford Lumber J3Tc Company. May ib, 18.15. 'Orunbon, X. Q f S" t-e ntv iti'- wy hi m tit Hi it W Hi m tn m Hi hi m OF GREENSBORO, N. C, I). TMT tlTIM M mm Tricots, B2 Wonsteuds, Oi.ssiiiiers. And Friends nos Lea -AT- t 0 m i til ooaeco laritoMoDut Airy with oiir lotnur j. tmt din t i tient ui'iiiuoiiKlnilnna. will receive our verv tat aib-nrnm im. . i.h BROWN. HAYKES I NEWSOM. IT. AIRY MARBLE WORKS. Mount Airy, N.C. W. 0. HHYNES I CO, Proprietors. FiisMsiMs&GraiilsIsiiiEils Tonibstor.rg, Iron Fencing, or Kartsle for Bniluiti Pcrpcscs, k ,or 'elCTi nl prt.-ea or rail and eamliie our BUjck. our work and pn. am i.ieaju.. and Blinds. CHKAPKSr MATERIAL

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