THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS. ft Y VOL. 10. AT COST AT COST raQJ)FFQ(I g rill J c U I n Ul n A J rn t.i H--'fl if THIS IS STHICT3LT iS, CASH SilXE, B EG I H H 1 We are now occupying the rush for Bargains. The JAUUITS WORTH $18.00; OAfSUlTS WORTH 20.00; OAK SUITS WORTH 25.00; OAK SUITS WORTH 27.50; OAK SUITS WORTH 30.00; - -OAK SUITS WORTH 35.00; DINING CHAIRS WORTH $8.00 PER SET; -DINING CHAIRS WORTH 10.00 PER SET; LARGE ROLL CANE ROCKERS WORTH $2.50 ; LARGE SCROLL ARM ROCKERS WORTH 2.00 ; LADIES BRACE ARM ROCKERS WORTH 1.50 ; LARGE PLUSH SEAT ROCKERS WORTH 5.00 ; LADIES PLUSH SEAT ROCKERS WORTH 3.00; Sale will begin Friday, May ist, and continue until all my Goods can be gotten into one store! cIDTJFFIE'S FTJB.TITTJE STORE, IMIOTJIsTT IT, O. sTM mo N s ARECULATOR THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE IsblMMONS I IV1R HlTil'l ATOR. Don't forget to t.Vve it. N..w is the time you need it mo t to wake up your l.ier. A sluEKish l.iver bnii; or,, F:ever anj A 2 lie, h'ivupi.-itism, anj nunv other ills na iniU shatter tin. conMitution and wreck hraltii. D-i.i't 1, .1 t-t the word HK(ii:i.AT)K. It is NVtMuNS I.IVLR 1 Hl C.t 1 AK IR "u w a:i'. 'I he word I'hO L'LA IOR dis'.t i .;i!i..'irs it tn'in all other renu-dns. Ant!. N-siJrs this, SlM.M( NS - I.IVLR KUH LAI' ; i- : I'.-ioilator of the Liver, kr- ,t T.ip.r-v at w.rk, that your syst.on nrv h" (-':! ''i ';o-.J coiiuitioti. IUK 1 nr. i.!.tn t.iiM- ; i vis 4 LIVI R I'I ut l-'Tuo. flintier i -tt-it the Jlftcrcnr. I o It isllir lM I iiK4 r. I r it ;m I mite i'k f. r tl.e KhiJ 'f u ;-: thij it nn ..: J tin rv is 'lil other I v M -. I l hR :i .', I 1. ki I'ctiu'Jic. I on esrrv u I . j W anv nth.-' ltuil..iH", ; l.iver trau-dv r " Kfcjl.'I.ATl (K - iUr K: he Mift- V'.n ft i'- J. II. Z' .l.n & t " . I'i.ilttili Ipli.a, I'm. V. 15. hHOWX, DOTAHY PUBLIC, (orru r, with oeo. w, ni-aki.ek,) Mount Airy. N. C. S. P. GRAVES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tfonal Airj, X. V. iwr I'rmctlm id (ut and Frdt-ml fourt. Prompt aiusutloii collection of cuirn. " rTl. flAYMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tant Airy, 51. C. rracticet ia the Mau nd Krifml comu ud collect claim. All bnin nil rust ed ia Itia will receiv pr-mipt tlfiiliou. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & Kotar j Public, nam Airy, 1. c. (r Me(ot4Un( liMu u Ux OollecUoa at tUil !laH. I"i"'o (.lace ta .f il-ompaclnn" tlbfral tor. w. r. RTEP Mi.ATj.K.0. I. ft. LKWKLLVS. CARTER & LEWELLYN, Attorney - at - Law. Practie in U cd Federal i'ronipt attotion gifen to all lui- pU"jm4 t tbir ear. ! A x ! L two stores and cannot afford sale will close just as soon as COST $14.40 COST 16.00 COST 20.00 COST 22 00 COST 24.00 COST 28.00 COST 6.40 COST 8.00 COST 2.00 COST 1.60 COST 1,20 COST 4.00 COST 2.40 The Work of Bees. A writer in the Uevuo ties Scit'tici-s NalurelU'8 makes the t'ul lowinj filled list ion in teywrJ t- the work dune by the honey hoc : When the weather is line, a worker can visit from 40 to hO (lowers in mor ten trips and collect a j;rain of nec tar. If it vibiu 200 or 40 flowers, it will f.'ather5 grains. Under favor able circumstances, it will ttikc a fortnight to obtain 12 giaine. It would, theiefore,take it several years to manufacture a pound ot honey, which will iiil about 3,Ouo cells. A hive contains from 20,Ooo to 50;(iOU bees, half of which prepare the honey, the other half attending to the wants of the hive and the family. On a fine day, 10,000 or 20,000 individuals will, in six or ten trips, be able to explore from 30U,0(U to 1,000,000 flowers, say several hundred thousand plants. Again, the locality must be favor able for tiie preparation of the honey, and the plants that produce the most nectar must flourish near the hive. A hive inhabited by 30, OOO btes may, therefore, uudur favorable conditio!1, receive about two pounds of honey a day. The UecorJ is assured that the Iron and iMcel fur nace will, if reasonable freight rates can le secured, start up at once. Ail the money required for running the furnace has been raised and nothing is in the way except freight rates, which are now Icing arrang ed, but will require six or eight weeks to complete. The Steel and Irou Works weie ttume months ago purchased by J. M. Worth and others. Deuer Health Than Ever "An attaek of La Griff. thre years a?'. left ui a fh) steal wreck, and being naturally trail ami delicate, it w-uied as if 1 never should rally agaiu. lu duceU at hurt to try mi "J Sarsaparilla I waa iiqirisNt aftT taking it two w-kn. to fiii.l 1 a iraiiiinK strenfrth. and im I am iilt-au-d to nay I am ?iijoviii; l t ler health than I ever litwl l-ton in my life."- Eva BstAoo. LicoJa, 111. Highest Awards World's Fair Chicago. iiiii & the expense through a dull summer, so have decided to reduce we can consolidate; we reserve the right to close it any day. House Chairs worth $$ 50 per set; House Chairs worth 400 per set; House Chairs worth 4 50 per set, Oak Center Tables worth $100 ; ... Oak Center Tables worth 1.50; Oak Center Tables, with Brass feet, worth $2 00; Oak Center Tables, with Brass feet, worth 300; Oak Center Tables, with Brass feet, worth 3.50 ; Bedsteads worth $2.25, - - - - Bedsteads worth 2.SO, 3-50, 4.00, 5.00, 6.50, Bedsteads worth Bedsteads worth Bedsteads worth Bedsteads worth Bureaus worth Bureaus worth Bureaus worth Bureaus worth Bureaus worth tS 00, 6.00, 7'5V 8.50, 12.00, Kitchen Safes worth $i oc, Heavy Huck and Cotton Mattresses worth $3.50, Heavy Damask Patterns in Matting, worth 30c, NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STAVE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. The estate of the late Gov. Holt is f:iid to be worth $750,000. The 6tables of A. . Shaw, of Lauriuburg, with one horte and nine mules, were burned Wt Wed nesday night. Origin of fire un known. Most of the l. bacco factories are making preparations to begin work on full time, and they report orders coming in qnite freely. Winston Sentinel. The Scotland Neck Democrat says Capt. W 11. Kitchin's nose was broke n and his shoulder hruiscd in a runaway accident at his home a few days ago. The Wilmington Star learns that strawberries, which ate now being shipped from Ijurgs w, Tender coun ty, to the Northern markets, are netting 510 pi-r crate or So cents per quart. Eighteen bales of cotton were burned at King's Mountain one night recently. Caught from sparks from an engine. The cotton Ite longs to the Entcrprie and Dilling cotton mills. It is reported that Mrs. Kini motis, the widow of Sam luminous, the man from China Grove, who was burned in thu town prison at Salisbury last fall, will bring suit against the town for her husband's death. Salisbury is to Lave a new and handsome city hall to bo ready for occupancy by August. It will Left two-ttorv building, 30 feet front and 77 feet oef?p, the !e to be one story, the frjnt will be of cut stone and brick. Monre Johnston, colored, who entered the house of Mr. A. C. Shields, of Mecklenburg county, one night some months ago and burglarized the house and attacked Mr. Shields and his daughter, was convicted in Mecklenburg Criminal Court last week and sentenced to be hung May 23. The case was ap ealed. As a reou't of the great work and efforts of Rev. Win. Rlack, the Synodicjtl Evangi 'ist of the North Carolina l'rebyterian Syuod, who has just closed a series of ixioetingi at the Eirtt i'resbyteiian church twenty-three niemlH.-r were added to' the church roll at WednedHy'g meeting. Twenty one were admit ted npon j roltion of faith in Christ and two b? letter. Other churches may receive a number of memU'ri who were eovertod at thtK; meetings. Concord Standard. MOUNT AIRY, N. C cost $2.80 cost 3.20 cost 360 cost So cost 1.20 - cost 1.60 - cost 2 40 - COSt 2 80 cost 1.80 cost 2.00 - cost 2.80 - Cost 3 20 cost 400 cost 5.20 cost 4.00 cost 4.80 cost 600 cost 6 80 cost 960 cost 240 COSt 2 80 COSt 22 Burned to Death at Davidson. Mr. Walter Goodman, writinu from Davidson College to the Salis bury World, tells of a young lady being burned to death there, last Saturday night. He says: "At the Stough it Cornelius factory Satur day night, a Miss Mantz about 21 years old was carrying a lamp to her bed-room when it exploded and the oil saturated her clothing which immediately took tire. She ran, but her father caught her in the yard and tried to extinguish the flames. She brke away from him and ran around the factory before she could Ikj caught. i!y this time her clothing had burned entirely oil and her body was one solid blister. She suflered untold agony until Sunday afternoon, when she was released by death. Her father's clothirsr caught from hers and he is burned from the waist down, and is not expected to live." If you've got tad Wood in yon take Simmons Liver Regulator and get rid of it. It's a wonderfully good medicine for Malaria and Chills. "1 have taken Simmons Liver Regulator especially in the Spring and Fall, and found it the best remedy. I know of no way to benefit people more than by putting Simmons Liver Regulator into their hands." N. N. Shepard, Oochran ton, l'a. A special dispatch to the Star, from Max ton, .N, C, says that the Republican convention of the 6ixth congressional district was a howling mob. The Russell and Ditkery factions divided ; the Russellites nominated R. M. Norment,of Robe son, for Congress, and the Dix-kery faction J. M. Smith, of Richmond. Both factions elected two delegate to the national Republican conven tion -the Russellites tor McKinley and the Dockery faction delegates lor Allison. PIERCE 6iST CURE M.BV IK tCTIHaV The woman who i tind, and ha Ihwtt, drmKKUis-ti'Hrn aeniatinna, miti In tiM lau'k, and hdaib. abouMl take warning in ttiaa Vr. tierre t KaTurita lYKtmirtion ! tbe best tunic and DWTira at ILu tinia. It' a fx tiva remedy for ail UTagularitica, waaa nnai and dVnuitfa- t f1 V tuenu of the fpniai rriBd,. ri . rarv TlnraLi. .n ami' iallinr ttt tjm - '. LntnrlM and Vur in detuli ty. Ka Miooi rn. tmr. f Jamtjji'n. K. aara: 'I f-J a If Rf auttra tnkliit Ufeati (X -r will find tiar Hr tviHrftt frmn your I knave." tub ri.AW or scLUMa MEikatt GTS 2 va THURSDAY, APRIL stock until all can be gotten into to is Mr Tims to Bny Tin Ware Low! Beautifully Decorated Plates 40 cents per set. Beautifully Decorated Cups and Saucers 48 cents per set. (lold Band Plates, worth 75 cents, 60 cents set. Gold Band Cups and Saucers; worth 75 cents, cost 60 cents set. Gold Band Covered Dishes, worth 75 cents, cost 60 cents each. One Elegant French China Dinner Set, worth $2000, cost $17.2$. Decorated 10 piece China Chamber Sets, worth $$ 00, cost $4 00. Beautifully Deeorated Parlor Lamps, worth 52.50, cost 2.00. Bright Glass Globe Hall Lamps, worth $1.25, cost $1.00. Eight-day Alarm Clocks, worth 3 50, - - - cost 2.80 One day Nickel Alarm ( locks, worth $1. 00, - - cost 80 Best Bed Spring, worth 300, - - cost 2.40 Just Received, a Large Line of REY. MR. DIAZ RELEASED. ORDERED TO LEAVE CUBA IN SIX DAYS. AMERICAN CORRESPONDENTS AR RESTED AND BAILED CU BANS BURNING VALU ABLE PROPERTY. A special from Havana, Cubf, says: Two American correspond ents have be-en arrested in Matanzas Thomas 11, Dawlcv, who haa rep resented Harper's Weekly in Cuba for the pa.-t two months, and Maurice McCarthy O'Leary, the correspondent of the Philadelphia Lulletin. Roth men made their head 1 j 11 arte rs in this city and re cently went to Matanzas province in search of war news. Dawley is an American citizen and O'Leary a British subject. They are charged with maintaining relations with Alfonzo IOpcz, who was also ar rested on suspicion of being a rebel spy. The rebels have burned the splendid Carmen estate, near Union, in the Matunza province. The estate was owned by Marino Crespo. The last crop made upon the plant ation yielded over 1 00,000 bags of sugar. The rebels have also burned the estate i t Santa Ana and Anno uia, near I'olondmn. The trops encaiiiped upon the last named estate succeeded in saving the ma chinery and repulsing the rebels. The insurgents, later, made an at tack upou the estates of San Joaquin, owned by the l'edrona heirs and Semillois. All of the estates men tioned are situated in the Matanzas province. Rev, Allert liaz, the American Baptist missionary, and his brother Alfred, who were arrested hist week, have been set at liberty, but have been ordered to have the country before the expiration of six days from the thimo of their release. Mesera. O'Leary and Dawley, representative reflectively of the Philadelphia Bulletin and Harper's Weekly of New York, who were arrested at Ma'anzas on charges of maintaining relations with Alonzo Ltqit-z, who is suspecte"! of being a rebel spy, have been released on bail which was furnished by the American vice cotieul. The Time for Building Up the system is at this season. The Cold weather has made nnusual drains upon the vital forces. The blood has become, impoverished and impure, and all the function of the body tufler in consequence. Hood's SarMp&iilla is the great builder, because it is the Oue True Blood Purifier and nerve tonic. Iiood'a Pills Ixwne the favorite cathartic with all who use them. All druggists. 25c, 80, 1800. JL. Jaw one room, We do not guarantee this reduced sale to last BS, Curtain Poles ml Pink Con. Worshipful Giving. Such giving is that in which God is worshipped. Is such giving a possibil'ty ? If so, it is a duty and privilege ! Yes ; it is as mtrjli a duty and privilege to worship God sincerely while giving to him otour means as it is to worship him in song or prayer. This is the plain teaching of the Scriptures. Our ollerings on the Lord's Day should be made in the same spirit in which we praise him in song or bow before him at a throne of grace. The angel said to Cornelius: "Thy prayers and thy alms are come up for a memorial before God." Not the prayers alone, but his prayers and his al.ns, or gifta. The two acts of worship went together. The trouble with many professing Christians of to-day is that, al though they can pray devoutly enough they seem to think that worship has taken a rece when the time for the collection comes. Very few regard the ofTering as, equally with prayer or praise, an act of worship. Yet such it is. It is so represented throughout the scriptures. The high priest offered gifts as well assacrilices to the Lord. Similar to this is the New Testa ment injunction, "Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath pnred him." In the Church service the collec tion, or, as it may better be called, the offering, is as much a part of the worship of the Ixrd in the service of his day and house as the reac'iog of the Scriptures or the singing ot hymus. "Honoriug the Lord with our substance and with the fi ret fruits of all our increase" is of as much importance as honoring him with our words, and often a much surer tt of our sincerity. Religi ous Ttlcscope. The last of the appropriation bills, the general deficiency, has been passed by the House, and an early adjournment will f jllow. Tbs SarojMon Democrat and San ford Express are for Dr. Chas. Mc Iver for Governor. Liver Dils L&c btlkmHutt, i)rwft!, headarhc cnciiU patMB. our atomarn. Indimtioa arc promptly cured by Xluud i I'Ul. Ibsy do Uva ar rauly and thoroutily. IIIC X watt An drutftd. III O rrsjwrtd -y C L iluud k !.. LmtL Maaa. Tat siul) fUl W Win allk Hood KarntiwUla. KAY Baby Carriages, Baby High Chairs, Baby Rockers, Baby Cribs, Baby Beds and Baby Lap Robes ! J 1:1 U ' 1 (A 11 11 III i 11 i'i Sideboards, Wardrobes, Desks, Cots, I mi n MA MINIUM lOll'O Pictures Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report 0uht to be Stopped. Iieferring to the practice of the Tobacco Trust ot not permitting dealers to handle trust goods unless they agree not to sell those of any other manufacturers, the New York Journal of Commerce says : "This is a boycott of every dealer who exercises his legal right to keep whatever goods his customers call for. It is certainly in restraint ot trade ; it is certainly a gross injustice to the retail dcelerg and to the manufacturers outside the trust Whatever can be done to break np this attempt to corner the trade of the country ought to be done." . , Among the unique and very striking illustrations used br Sam Jones, is the following: In the East, among the shepherds, large posts are placed in different parts of the pastures. These are called "rubbing posts." The sheep, when itching from the bites of insects, or irritated by disease, resort to these posts to rub themselves, i'y this means the shepherd can detect the distittsed ones and proceed to doc toring them. Now, 6aid the preacher, the progressive uchre table, the dance and the theatre are the devil's rubbing posu. When ever yon see members of the church rubbing against these things, you may know thty are diseased sin sick and proceed at once to di-ctot them." If this be ihe test, there are many sick ones in these parts. Wesleyan Christian Advocate. Question What will cure Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sprains, Cuts or Bruises ? Answer Salvation Oil of course will effect a speedy cure. It is the best liniment on earth for pain. Salvation Oil Is sold everywhere for 25 cents. Reject substitute. Cfcaw tef t pu. n , r-. l Kit Marl ft a4. t NO. 41 AT COST! AT COST! M, 1896 30 days, as all depends upon wnuci d: 11 Kitchen Tables, Bed Springs, Hat Racks, Featber and Wool Dusters, etc. PORE The arrest of a Mrs. Dyer, in London, is causing a sensation. Since Christmas 20 children have been enti listed to her care and all but i have disappeared. Over 100 inissinffchildren are connected with her. Some people in high life are involved. . . - Rev. J. B. Hawthorne, pastor of the First Baptist Church, at At lanta, (ia., has accepted a call to Nashville, Tenn. Ho is one of the most noted pulpit orators of the South. A course ot Hood's Sarsaparilla this spring may be the means of keeping you well and hearty all summer. Tired and broken down wometf iil find thai CR. B3TAL CERKETUER i a priceless boon and blessing to them. It gives appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestion, tontS '.hs nerves, builds up the strength and puts disease snj pain to flight. For FEMALE TROUBLES Sncluding all menstrual and .womb difficulties, it has no superior cseJ both locally and internally. It fa emphatically VOIUirS FRIECO. Pleasa -.1 to take as lemonade, and harmlrss n all times. New fickzgt, large bottk, 103 Poses, One DuUir. Scld by dmcfiits. Manufactured only by THE ATUM CEEMXii CI, U. wtm rea t-rci ocxi aunts nit, tii W Tik 4 luvr I. L Rk!H nf 111 n'i in MM3

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