THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS. F J. COWRY, Orraa. Movnt Airj, N. 0., April 30, 1890. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One eopj, one year, One copy, l month, One copy, threo mouths, PAYABLE I.V ADVANCE. 1.00 .60 .25 tntored at the Pudl Offles at Mount Alry.M. 0. M oond-eiaas iull eiatwr. ' " DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Called a Meet 'n the City of Raleigh June 25th, 1896. Raleigh, N. 0., April 10, W. A convention of tho Democratic party ol North Carolina is hereby called to auectnblo in the city of Raleigh on the 25th day of J nne, 1800, for the purpose of nominating candidate- for Governor and the other State officers and Presidential electors lor tho State at large; for the purposo of electing delegates to the National Democratic convention at Chicago, and lor tho transaction of such other business as may prop erly come before it. The Bcvcral counties of tho Stato will 'elect delegates ' to tho IStato convention in accordunro with tho plan of organization this day pro mulgated. Dono by order of tho Sluto Democratic Executive Committee. J auk II. Poc, Chairman, Hmithlleld, N. C. Wiley Rrsir; Secretary, Ashcboro, N. C. A severe electric and wind slot m Friday night did damage at several points in North Carolina. A man named Cates wan killed by lightning at Ilillsboro. There was heavy bail at many points. Governor Carr has sanctioned an exchange of courts between Judges Graham and Robinson, whereby tho former will preside over tho May term of Beaufort, and the latter over tho May term of Halifax court A Chihuahua, Mexico, dispatch says that the Santa Lulatta mines near that city, have caved in, and forty-thrco men are entombed. Seven have been taken out dead and thirteon wounded. Some of tho men will die. Rev. James 0. Caywood, a dis tingnished minister of tho M. E. Church South, committed suicide by hanging at Maysvillc, Ky., last Thursday.- Ho was recently sent to tho county infirmary as of un sound mind. His hallucination was that he would havo to hang himself to save his soul, lie was CO years of age. Reports to the Manufacturers' Record eIiow that tho industrial enterprises projected in tho South during tho past week cover a wide number ol industries, indicating an increasing diversity of manufactur ing in this section, and while the number of new enterprises is not larger than for previous weeks, it shows that a very healthy and sub stantial progress is being made in all parts of tho South. ... , The University is to bo congrat ulated in that Vice President Ste venson, his wife and daughter all charming people are to attend the commencement this year. Their presence will attract a great num ber of visitors. The Vice Presi dent is exceedingly popular in North Carolina, and will be cor dially welcomed again to the State of Lis forefathers, for which he cherishes the affection of a trne son. It is stated by prominent Repub licans from the West that the Dockcry-Ruesell fight is getting so hot and personal as to be injuring the party, and that an earnest effort will be made to have them both dropped and a new man put up, It is further alleged by these Re publicans that if Russell is nomi nated he will be beaten by 30,000, There is a growing suspicion that he and Pritchard are in concert, and tho real strength of the Re publican party has its eye on this fact The Populist members of Con gress have announced their intention to remain neutral. At a canr-na of Topulists held in Washington the following Senators and Representa tives were preseut: Senators Stewart of Nevada, Pellor of Kansas, Allen of Nebraska, Putler of North Carolina, J ones of N e vada, Kyle of South Dakota, and Repre sentatives Shulord of North Caro lina and Kern of Nebraska, Dell of Colorado, Stroud of North Carolina, Baker of Kansas, Skinner of North Carolina, Goodwin of Alabama, Howard of Alabama. Senator Stew ait, of Nevada, ws elected chair man and Senator Sutler, of North Carolina, secretary. A statement tu inauej by the caucus to the effect that purported interviews with People's party Senators and Congmwtneo to the dTi-ct that the People's party might support the nomination of one of the old par ties f r Pftfeideut are incorrect. University Summer School fot Teacher! at Chanel Hill, N. C. The third sisMon of the School will begin Tuesday, Juno 23rd and close July, 1890. twenty courses aro onoreu in Pedatrotrics. lWholoirv. History, English Literature, Civics, Modern Languages, Latin, Algebra, Nature Work, Music, Drawing, Vertical Writing and all the public school branches. Fifteen instructors from the faculty of the University, of the State Normal School, University of Louisiana, Clark University and the city rchools of Wilmington, Charlotte, Winstot! and Raleigh. Prot. Austin C. Apgar, ot 1 ron ton, iNow Jersey, the lamotis teacher of Science, will havo charge xi the Nature Work. Miss Polio Thomas, of tho Co k County Normal, will have charge of all Primary Work. JV1168 Little and i rofessor IMew- lands, famous teachers of Chicago and Ontario, will give instruction in Drawing and Vertical Writing. Prof. Newlands is the pioneer of vertical writing in America. Dr. C. Alphonzo Smith, of Louisiana, will conduct the coureea in Lnghsh Literatim;. Full courses by Professors Alder man, Toy, Noble, Graham, liluir, J'rown and others will be given daily. Mr. Ellis, of Clark Univer sity, will conduct a Psychological l.almriitory. The University Library, contain ing 30,000 volumes, will be own every day, affording unusual facili ties for private reading and lntelli gent research. Free access to the Scientific Laboratories will bo given to tho students of tho Summer School. Chapel Hill is delighttully situ ated in tho Hill Country of North Carolina, with a most salubrious climate. The campus of 50 acres, well shaded, the spacious buildings and libraries and tho beautiful scenery offer a most attractive place of summer residence. Tuition fee ?5, admits to all courses. Hoard is reasonable, from $ 10 to $ 15 per month. Cheaper rates of board and tuition are of fered to parties coming in clubs. A neat pamphlet containing full inlormatiou as to all details will be sent to any applying to Professor Alderman, the Superintendent. Lost in The Woods. On Sunday morning the 12tk inst., Miss Lilia Harrington, who lives at tho homo ot her brother, Paul Harrington, in Contentnea township, left homo to visit relatives a few miles away. Not retuining by the close of the week she whs sent for on Saturday, when it was learned that she had not been to the house which she left homo to visit, and nothing could bo heard from her. The family became alarmed and started a search for her. Failing to lind her on Saturday evening 100 men gathered on Sunday morning to make a more thorough search. They went up the railroad as tar as she had last been seen on the previ ous Sunday, then separated to go through tho procosin. Alter going about half a mile in the woods some of her clothing was found and a little further on they found Miss Harrington in an exhausted and helpless condition. She had been eight days in the woods without food and begged pheously for water on being taken out ol the woods. Miss Harrington is T0 years old. The family had noticed that at times 6he talked strangely as though her mind was slightly affected and her wandering oil in the woods is attributed to this. Since being taken back home she is getting along very well. Green ville Reflector. A Terrible Affliction, News was received here late yes terday afternoon of the death of young Robert Vernon, which oc curred at Poughkeepsie at 3.30. With Lis younger brother Itubert was attending tho business college at 1 ougkeepsie, and we understand would have completed the course this session. A letter was received about a week ago stating that he was not well and on Saturday a telegram came summoning Mr. and Mrs. ernon, who left on the vesti bule that night. They found their son very 6ick with brain fever, which later de veloped into spinal meningitis. On Tuesday it was thought his condition was better, but it was only temporary, and yesterday afternoon he passed eacef ully away. Deceased was a little over nine teen years of age, a young man of brilliant attainments and gave promise of a useful career. He was always a model young man, quiet and unassuming in his ways, the pride of his parents. Several yeais ago he professed religion under the piwtorateof i:v. (:. A. G. Thomas and joined the Raptist church, and has led the life of a devout Chris tian. Greensboro Record. ommmmtmmmmmo ttem Pain f- Hi ayatew fearfully. No mffer EE ence whether yon call it Ncu- l-alt'i. Sciatic, or what Hot, it ' au proceed trotn Uie aame cause ; E and yoc cur the pain. Kotbiag : ; curra enbeaUhy blood like : fZ 0T I UtOK illTTEka. CCAfUNTF. C- Jnw lin Hurui lafcra d- f" and r Eklne and L-r Trow f- blea. Hiliumiww. tf-muit Ittfinnttm, ImpvfT ftM.a, Wftknfwaid NrrTow frrthr WHh !TtM-DMa. UaUrm 1 hit.. ralaia. fcauwa Oka. c. Can. aid. ; uMimummmmmo The Dcedi of a Maniac. A dispatch from Rockviho, Ii Intl. of Saturday, says: Ibis at 1 o'clock Peter Egbert, a young man i5 years ot aim, shot and killed Mu. Hermann II apelike and her two children, Hermann and Ag?ie, Sheriff W. D. Mull and Constable William Sweciu. Ho then killed himself, and bis sister, Miss Florence Egbert, who was lying very ill with typhoid fever, died shortly titter the tragedy, of tho shock. About 7 o'clock young Egbert was sent into tho back yard to saw wood for family use. Shortly after, whilo Mrs. Ilaeehke was out milking her cow, Egbert secured a double bar reled breech-loading shot .-un, and, going into Haschko house, which was next door to his home, shot the little daughter, a child of 10 years, dead, and wounded the boy, 2 years younger, who ran out on tiio porch, where Egbert shot him again, kill ing him instantly. Tho murderer then went out into the alley, and levelled his gun at Mrs. llaschke, who, seeing his intention attempted to escape. 1I shot her, however, tho charge taking effect in the top of her head. Airs, llaschke lingered in an unconscious state for about two hours when death put an end to her sufferings. Hav ing completed this work of butchering, Egbert shouldered his gun and deliberately walked up the business part of the town. Sheriff Mull and Constable Svnvm wero ilunnin a means of capturing the murderer. Eg'icrt was walking uero.-s tho north 6idc of the sijuaio holding his gun in position with both barrels cocked when ho saw .Mull and Swcem crossing tho street towards him. He called out to them not to come any nearer. The two ollieers then retired into" a stairway in tho National bank building for a mo ment's consultation, when Egbert turned and coming upon them sud denly shot and instantly killed both men The murderer then started to run, taking a westward course toward the fair grounds, a number ofcitizcus in close pursuit, lie ran like a oVer until, while crossing an onen field just west of town a shot from his pursuers took effect in his heel. 1 his crippled him and though he managed to scale the enclosure of tho fair gounds he was unable to run further and crawnng into a stall in the fair grounds, ho shot himself in tho riyht breast. The fiio from his gun ignited his clothing which was partially burned when he was found. RnsiucsH is suspended. The dead are being prepared for burial, but no arrangements for their funerals have been made. Egbert was at one time confined in the insane asylum but had been discharged as cured. The general belief is that insanity must have been the cause of the crime. Attempt at Suicide. Henry Kirby, a paticiitin the In sane Asylum and a victim of suici dal insanity, made an almost suc cessful attempt to take his life yes terday afternoon. Whilo walking out for exercise v.ith a number of patients and under the caro of an attendant, Kirby quickly ascended a tree. The attendant rushed alter the insane man and tiled to Hue hold of him, Lut he was too quick for him. Kuby climbed to a height of fifteen feet and then dar-hed him self to the ground headforemost. 'Kirby lell on his head and he is now in a critical condition. Kirby is lrom Sampson coiintv and about 3" ycare of ac. Rtl eitrb I'nss-Vihitor. Mrs, Anna Gage, wile ol Ex Deputy U. S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan., siys i 'I was delivered of TWINS in less than M miir utcs aiid with scarcely any pain after usiug- only two bottles of "MOTHERS' FRIEND" SID HOT SUFFEB AFTEKWAED. fv-nern hf Fxrr or Mall, on receipt prifa CI.M vr katua. iW "TO aiolUKU" aialiad frua. BEAD HELD BEtiVLlTOB CO., ATU1T1, VL (SOLD II V ALL UKl'OOISTS. The Mount Airy BROWN k HAYNES, Proprietors. The Mount Airy Wiiite Sulphur Kpriii'? lloti-l will be ipe;i fur vi itom May iotli. Tlie alt-rat tlii FprinK in aa tine a can lx found miy where. Jf yiii er? "u'Tt-ring with Ind!'"3 tinii, Liver or Kidney Trouble, come and drink the White Sulphur Water. We can furnish a grent many t--tiinoninla from pnrtiea who have used the walerof this Spring, and front I I.J leading physician of this country. Itwiliruni any Skin Iipaie in two weeki or any Inflammation of the Eyea or any trouble caujd by Impure Mood. These atatemeuta are not made merely to pet you to the Springs, but are absolutely facta. Anyone w inn ing name of part ta that have been reatored to health by the ue of this water we will gltidly furnih them. The hotel it well furnished. Table aupplied with the beat thig moun tain country affordn. I'ienly of fruit and everything frenh and nice. Our hack will inert all train, and f OVly minuie rule over a beau tiful road will bring you tu the Spring. Home line mountain aeenery near lint!. thir rjte fur May and June will lie tJQ per month, i.iiO p'r week, 1 fo per day ; for July and Auiwl, f25 per month, IT UU per wek, fJ.lRi per day, for Krown people, and half prie fur children and aervanta. For further inl'urmatin. aJdre, BROWN & EAYNES, Pre nrnTrwe while Slip Spriffi Mount Airy, N. C. M. , Chapel Sunday School. Tbe writer attended the Sunday school at the Chapel laat r'unday and wii8 tilaJ to eco at least noine one taking an interest in tliiapood work of Sabbath schools aa i Pro. W. 15. helton,the (Superintendent, and also Pro. Louis I'lrich. The school ia very ainall at jiroent and in fact it baa not yet been fuily or ganized thiB pprin. An effort will be made next Sunday at U o'clock to organize fully and elect a secre tary and iiioro teachers and iatal liaf! more clae8 and try to get up an interest there and round about among tho parents of tho children and among tho children as well and to CHtabliah a good school thcte for tho benefit of all who may attend. They havo the material there fur an intercating Sabbath school and all it needs ia some help some good teacher some one to take an in tercet in the good work and lend a helping hand. It scema tat this matter has been overlooked or neg lected, that soifio one ought to help in thia (Sunday school. AH thoao children that assemble there need ia for Home one to aid and teicu them and make the school attrac tive and interesting and then we will see the school begin to grow. 1, for one, expect to do all I cm 'tor this school, (which, of cor'M!, ia not much,) and would be lad to have tho hearty co-operation of any one that fecit; an interest in sii'jh work. If you cannot do much yon can do a little, and every little will hein, in tho right way, will he'p to build up this school. There is no reason why we ahoiild not have an interesting and profitable Sunday school there. All wo need is to work for the advancement of this school, praying (iod's blessings upon it and above all asking His divine help in tho work. I feci sure and am confident that this school can be made a profitable one. Let it be remembered that on next Sunday at it o'clock tho echoed will be fully orgair'zed and we in vite all who will to come and take a iurt in this work. It ia the duty of every Chiiatian, man or woman, I think, to help in a cause like this and wc trust to have your hearty co-operation in some way ur another, in person and in prayer. V. II. SlMI'SoS. Lightning struck the stables of M. Hensoii in Rockingham last Friday evening, killing two horses which were valued at $'2i'-K Passen gers coming in on the morning train 6ay that a regular cyclone visited the section this side of Hamlet, blowing down the largest kind of trees. The storm did considerable damage to houses also. lialeigh Press-Visitor. yires Prove tlif merit ot Hooil'9 Krawrllla the, ix'rtect. rtrmanelit Cures. Cures "I acrofula in aevwst forms, like Kltr, s.-lli"it neck, rimnc.ig sores hip (liee, hiiic in tlie eye. Cure of Sjilt llhiMim, with Its Intense liatiing ami Iniriimx, scald head, tctu-r, etc. Cures f Uoiis, 1'lmplrH, and ail other erup tions d'ie to liopure MxkI. Cures of Dyix-pila other trouble vhera & goo.,1 stonutrh tonic d needed. Cures ot itheuinatism. here patients wereuu- aMe to work or walk for weeks. Cures "f Cutarih h e-!linii the Impurities which caute and utain the diteas,.. Cures Nri-votniieM hy pro-rl toninK and feediiij! the nerves uikiu puie blood. Cure of Tliat Tired Keeling Ly restoring strcnuth. Send for book of curi'S by Inlood'j Sarsaparilla ToC. I. IIotd & Co.. Profrietors. Lowell. Mass. are the N't allerHliunei IlOOU S l'lllS pills, aid d.sstioo. Bip Premium Sale of Bright Leaf Tobacco, Richmond, Va. The greatest meanure of success at tt'nded thin I'reinium Sale, w li ch lasted two diiys, intitead of one, with a lare number of the moxt aolid planters of Virginia, North t'arolina end South Carolina roniix-ting for I he prize. Mr. V. W. Land, 'of Littleton, X. C, who has be4.11 usiiiK Acme Fertilizer for thepnst four yearn, look the follow. tug 1. remount, at thii bir iYemiiltn nie cn 'lie '.Nth and 2tHh of January, ISieJ: lut I'.rixht Mahogany Vrjijers V. W. Land, $75 cah. nd lirij'ht Mahoi'aoy AVrspj-rs V. W. Land J0 Saddle. 1st liark Mahogany V. V. Laud $o() t-axh. 1st tJuttem V. V. l and 50 ra,h. 1k KiiKlihh Htripa t'anh. 2d Ktilih Stripa $5 ('hum. !ird Knnliih Strip ' i'low. Any one dead hriiiffiiiK liiKhect average price ( Mr. Land (;iit average of 4" 'sc. per lb for t hi hothead t ") cash. Any one hothead liriiiuiL' 'he moxt dollars (Mr. Land received fjr tins ho.'Khead f 12 0-') .'5 rash. Mr. S. L. Coh-y, of Whitakera, X. C, who aUo luted Acme fertilizer, tiHik for 'd l-oinon rapTi, tJU overcoat. Lor 2d rsnioker lUrreati. J'r. Lund took 8 premiunia, amount ing to and Mr. C took 2 premiutna ammniliiiK 'o ; thus "Acme Fertili ser" tiHik 11 pri-iiiiuniK, amountiig to 30ti out of a total of 25 premiums, amounting to $523.60 offered by all of the three warehouses at the l'remitim sale. Mr." Land and Mr. Goley took nearly everything in siht, and they were the only planterx eotviiermtr at this kale who used Acme Fertilizer. No doubt, bad there been others who unci th ii. Kuano, they would have twept the Board. The editor of the Southern Tobacco nit t A Manufacture llecordjn writing of Mr. Land's aale, says : "There was nothing to compare with thin crop in price or quality. It sold on its merits. The premiumi. were awarded by one party, samples drawn by another, and the sale tiok place before the premium award. The rich, silky, liiie-libred, hpready, bright and mahiy an j leaves ot Mr. Land crop, made with Acme Fer tilizer, were a distinRuihable from that of other planter aa leather is from home-1 a n ned sheep-tk i II. Analysis of "Acme Fertilizer" for to bacco by lr. Ilaltle, State Clienuat. Available I'hy. Acid, b 9 per rent. ; Am monia, 311 er cent. ; 1'otash, 2 62 per cent. Very hiattt. Trices lower than u(hrs. A Kod aent wauled in every neighborhood, t'a "Acme." Take no other f"For sate by Iavi A Sparger, Mount Airy ; V. Hoj lea, I'dot Mountain ; K. V. Ouiler A Son, I'mnacle ; J. E. Mate, Mipah; Marton lrt., iloam ; L. J. Slyera A to., ttermai.ton; A. J. Fair, Wiilnul ; H.I1 t'nindeTter, Winstoo.itr write AciiieiuantfCo,M'il nun'ton, N. C 0hi iary. On Sunday evening, April 2Hh, lH'.M), the grim monster, death, vis ited tho home of J. 1!. fe S. 15. Morehead and Uok awy their lit tlo t-iin-inontl.s' old child. The fu neral took place at Ntcdmore chntch at 11 A. M., Monday, con ducted by Kev.M. J. liullo;k. Af ter the funeral services the body was conveyed to its final resting placo to await the resurrection ot tho dead. Tho pall bearers were four small boys Masters Willie and Jimniie Iiingmati, John McClellan and John lak. Wo aro loth to give up little ulna, but we must submit ourselves tolliin vvhodocth all things well. The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away, blessed be tho name of the Lord. We extend our ayrfipathv to the bereaved fain ily. I!. P. M. Science is " knowing how." The only secret about 5cotts Emulsion Is years of science. When made In large quantities and by Im proving methods, an emul sion must be more perfect than when made in the old time way with mortar and pestle a few ounces at a time. This Is why Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil never sepa rates, keeps sweet for years, and every spoonful is equal to every other spoonful. In other emulsion y ara llbl ta get aa uneven be. 9 1--either aa over or under dose. O.t .Vott's. SCOTT'S KMUI.SIOV lm Wn endorsed by themedliul profession for twenty years. Ask yvur cti'tfsr.) Thin Is it is alwaT falatalf alwsv uniform always contains thf pureit Xoru fgiun Cild-ln tr Oil and Hpothostltt. l'ut up In joi-ent ami li no u-s The small site may be enough to cure your to ij;a or belpyoar baby. Now Then OR NEVER? Real Estals at Piic Sale! thai I liitv o mure anil (on my huti'iij tlittn ) can well hanille or miiinii' to advantage ntul as the pcpulare generally are clam orous fur a ahain in it ; a home lot or a farm,! have decided to t'ivc tlicm all an eipial chiinci; hy olleiiiij; sotnu of it at I'uhlio Auction, cunsepiently On TMrsflay, Oct. 1st, 1896 At 9 oVlxk a. m on Hip lTcmiscs, I will oli. r my Hoimc's Hill rami, con MMitiji if nearly two linn In il a'Tc of real H'iii.1 farming hocl, timlnT, iniiuiiilf, Ac, in lulu ami tracts to suit tl.; liiin'liaMti' IIiih l.-mil lies on Hull. iL-e (liiH'k and the uhl llol low Hn:ol about tun ami liali'milcs Simih ol town. Also Oi Frlflay, Oct. 2nd, 1896, A niiiulx-r of liioicc rti.lfncc lo a in KaM Mount Airy, ju-t outeiile of the incorporation ; a i n. t il view of the citv, Uie lilnp :.i Ife iluuiitains ami the MiiToiin.liiio coimtiy. Just the j.luce for a home in the cily ami yet ouuUe of the city tax. Also Oi Saturday, Oct. 3rd, 1896, Soi.e ilcnirable luiililinu lulu in lUm lmrj;, still nearer tnttu, mi excite now for not owiiii ", your own home in the c;i Imt not in the inrorpoialu limits. A few hilhilnil acre ! iniiiiTul -i ii d lamls from .l loO miles in Hie eoiinlc can be Ikiu'IiI at private Kale. Now, if you want an, tiling, sav so. Also four lots on Kocktiiru otreet, in Mount Airy, also a rocs itiarry lu ll iwlmr. 1 enns oiie-lliii l cah, one tlnnl in one year one-thii i in i w o ea s. S. i!. lif. MCUNT AiKY, N. C. April 16. KO MORE EYE-GUSSES . K3 JrS WEAI MITCHELL'S YE-SALVE ACartala.Bam.an4 ErTw-tir Hsmatfr fof SORE, Wk & INFLAMED EYES, Producing long-Sigh UdMttt. ot Rtztor ing Via Sight of th Old. Curat Tear Drapt,6rinulit!ona Sfyt Tumor, Red Eye, MtUd Cyt Ushti, cs ruerrris nn seliefits rtsniarKsa. jm. qoally siticaelouo whan sH In other niii, snek u I l-ors, rTor ors, Timrt, Stall ttfefam, Rim. Ptla. or r inn&m-uKOon vi w)t. at ri'af awJC S4. STlUS t UMd W.W1VSUUCS, . f Kaoi br ail iiraacvsu a4 ui Ceata. Hiv; Yd r r rvr 4 ViUQi i auuri They G-r?rjte to Fit f Plc&c You. largest flrsonrrENT. U0 f t TH IS IDMSLIS T FEATHER'S CLOTHING STORE, MOUNT AIM, N. C. 1 A AND its ccaa TO the Editor : I hive an absolute remedy f r Omsuinption. by Ms timely usa thousands of h'p'less cases have been already per:mneiitly cured. So proof positive am I of its power tint I conskler it my duty to $tnd two bottln fret to thoie of your readers who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, it they will wiita me tiielr express and postoftice address. Sincerely, T. A. SXOCUM, W. I Peart St, Hew Turk. tf Ths E.rilnrlnl sni Haln iM nMmit at ilu IWxf Uuatsttttia Uus svutrvus l'f"li'i" To call to Ine attention of the people of Mount Airy ami aunoui ding country that we Kllll have The Best Sepply of Pure Drugs, MeJlcIn a. Iiomlciils. Toilet Articles, faumt Meiilelma, e., : , to be found In furry counly. and llint we want slid ApeciatG Year Trafls. W e do mil sell "heap Jolin'' K'KsIt aiirt do.!iot aay wiisellyini at liesp Jclin prices, but we do say we (;ive you THE BEST That ran be Ik.uIiI and sell them lo you at cashable prices. V,t eHHclally wish lo i all in leui'on lo our supply of TRUSSES. If j on ne.-d one don I fall tocoine to see Hs. We line all ti'j les and Kles h n I with a Ionic 1 pcrlei ce can ndjuit one to lit w here If a cure Is possible you will certainly be cured. ANolt you reed a pair of spec! ai l' s we lime an abundance ot And wec.innnt sufficiently unre the Itnpurtaneo III blivllltf t.-., l'Nl wilen Hie dellcnle uriitn of sk'lit f concerned. but not lenat, we Wlli to call attention to the fact Unit we ure prepared lo fill your lamtly receipts and plnsiclans prisirlplluiis With Skill and Accuracy. With tcrurars' pnie'Kul pTp.'Hmn in your inltlat uliil a yarn trulnliiK In on of ih iH Mt roUt'sft b uf riiunna y tii the t iilt-J HtiitH. wo .lure say no Oh will h8i lau: to put the im-st fi'muii or lit tx leaf pn'wrlptluii tu our UunUs. Very Truly, TAYLOR & BANNER. JOB HIATT, I PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C, J I I . I KK IS 5- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, J NOTIONS, FURNITURE, FERTILIZER ? Domestic Sewing Machine, ? j The Ilest on the Market. k Collins anil Cvlrts Um on HaiiJ. I'Kol'KIKTllIt UK Pilot Mountain Livery Stable AND IEAI.Ka IN It And :-:BaiIding :: Material. 4 ALSO COMKACIU. AMI Bl'lLDEt IV. II. SIMPSON, BROKER. Representing Fifteen Houses On All the Best Market!. Everything in Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries, Fruits and Confections. Iiwe-t market prices frlvi-n. Ortiee in Joyce l;lo k, at head of hteps, on rinlit liniid side, fronting on Main Street. i)iit-iif-town Meroliantg will jilense call ir write Tir tlelivered price on all kinds of ijrooericB. VihitiriR and Country Merchant cur dinlly inviteU to rail al ollice. in- Mount Airy, N. C. . 9 Mrs. Ida liaiim r ri-specl fully infortns t fie cil iens of Mount Airy and aur roundum eounlry (hat she has ox'ned out a t'k of Millinery Goods III the new Ijiiiliiine; just erected next to Mr. U. J. liulluisaya store, and ins ilea everjldy tu Hive lier a call. LiT?T .TILLS! I'LltLS KASOWULL t rn-an:LtBi,- 111 al! !la branches ma ii connection with tue Mlllliierr business. New Idea Tatterus reduced f nun 25 to 10 rent. Hats, llonuets, HDiImiiik, Ac, Ac, in profiii-ion, Apr-9-.m CLOTHES MwllilliiieiTSta'c CARTLAND,v Tit lintait Tailor. I y, 1 X .SU. Till I STKUT Imported Cheviots, EB "Vicuiia.s EM Tricots, iffiS Worsteads, PAST CLOTH IX ALL STILES, WRITE FOR SAMPLES. Has Cluett, Coon & Co's popular brand ol Shirts, Dress Negligee Chcvoit Underwear, Canes and Hi Urabrcllas. I 1I.H.CARTLAND, Jj 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, GREENSBORO, N. C. THANKS :T(I ill W W1IIIIS : FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE HERETOFORE RE CEIVED, AND AS I AM NOW LOCATED IN Central Part of Towru I hope to add many rew customers, I am now in the rtore recently ocoupied by Mr. M. L. Patter son, having purchased his stock, and have com bined both stocks of goods in one, thus enabling us to "fill the bill" when you come or send around. GOODS DELIVERED FREE IN ANY PART OF THE CUT. Come and see me and examine my goods before purchasing, I can save you money. rt o 33 r O O t tX 1 1 y , W, W. BURKE, Opposite Slue Ridge Inn, April 16th. 189C. MOUNT AIRY, N. C. ralti If.' V V U 1 VUIIU Planters' Warehouse, MOUT AIRY, 1ST. C, FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Th's 'ar'-liiiiiw is Vn ativl In thebuiiin-ss Pn ol torn oonrpiilfMit toth Rank and the l-ilinir .l., ll is nliiisi. il aiililii a Ti' Mcui I.ikIiis Tllicy s Ix'af Hi.uw. rrailier liliux-k To- Fartorv ami I lie inani Hi T"i.n, i o vt'orks of sriaruer Uroe., and In fiot onveuiriil to all our tobauaj uien, tiesl-les wljl- h we iisv tlie Best Accommodations for Man and Stock of any House in tbe State. Our naif since the flnrt uf October lia bn almrr rtoiib! any two warehouses Id Mount A1r', wli.i !t la siPUiif ldtnc? tfiat THE PLANTERS' IS THE PLACE TO SELL! yr .1. A St vrs im our iii tiinie.'r. Is s-cll-knonn ssono of the bent In the state. Mr. B. 9. V all In ur K. Si e-r. wl.i. h is a v-usrantn- lUat our Ihs.kswlll be ai-urat-ly kept Mr. w T liaynes, in fairli-k eou'iiv. Vs . Ki'mr .y.iin-.T K A . Neasom. ol Hiokes e,iiut,v. N'ii,'hl Wau-hman. ati4 N. W. Brow i uriiiieuus Uie sail.-ol evrj pile ol Tobacco pm on our Boor and se inal It br!lu-s Kuli Markr-l Vulile. ls--e ban- line of tlie llest Arrnnseil Kaseriients for Ktorlnif arid orderfbc Tmauro to be found ativwhere. s.t v..u fieej ii..t (enr wln-n jU s art to Munt Airy witli your TobaH: , bul drive l-i th.' IJI.NTKH anere will ri-ct'ivr tlie very tieM, sx-ciiiiimslttiloiiN. IA!1 T.ibiccii sl,i;1-1 to oi i-v In our esre will ni-eive our very best attention. Tome and See US White Hi II. tt ii'-lller "tU brte toha.'CO or III it. l liaiikinir one sin! all l .r the very liberal pstmnae flven us lu the prist and pbMirlrijr our selves to hIwuvh be on band 10 look ailer tlie inu-rests of our customers, aa we ve,ry well know uial our IbU' rests are our mu-it-sia. Your friends, HT. Stone H'nte Tl.'OJI. F'fTT, B. I.. (iwVJI. Ja. If. Sl ARckM, M. I.. FAWt'KTT rrrsidc-'t. 1st Vice I'resideiit. 2nd Vice rrsidmit. Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ml Airy. IX OUIMIIATEI. t'apilal, f .O.OOO, I'ald I. DIRECTORS. h. Kawrett J. II riparRer, M. I.. Fawcott, R. I.. ;yn, C. I.. Hankt. Tliis I'Silk aiilii'ils t hf a'.Wkllnl. a rif KtHPlianta XIf,i;fM.,t,i..M Individuals. The w it of tli Mircliaiita located in towna adar-'iif retired on favuralilc trin. The funds of our customers are antured by two tmrlar proot steel chests and the Yale Thne IK'k. Interest allowed on taviii(a Deposit. X.IXMBK3 Sash, Doors NO TROIBLK NOW TO Hl'lLD A HOUSE IF VOU KNOW WI1EHE TO 1JUV THE We Manufacture All Kinds of loor, Sash, Blinds, MsntcU, I)ixir nd WinJow Fim(s, TurneJ-Work ScroiUSawing, Hi:r-Worli, Moulding of all kinds, Flooring, fii,ng ' Siding, Cing n4 all kinds ol Finished Lumber. We Carry In Stock Rough Lumber, Sbin'lea, riaatcring I.albea and all knda UuilJir!? Maienal. Guilford Lumber H'fg Company, Ha j I8H5. GrrtfTstoro, K. Q -OF GREENSBORO N. C, SPRING X. SIJTKIins IS WL TT.n m And Friends s -AT- BROWN. HAYNES I NEWSOM. AIKy MARBLE WORKS. Mount Airy, N.O. W. D. HAm$ 4 CO , Proprietor. m Tobacco iFillaiiMGrriteliiEEts Tombstones, Iron Fencing, or Marble for Ecilfiinf Purposes, Sc. for tleslirns and prices or rail snii eiamlije our stcsk. Our wurk and jirlcra will pleaan. and Blinds. CHEATESr MATERIAL.

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