Cancer Oi the Breast. Mr. A. II. Craanby, of 18 Kerr St. Metnpuia, Tenn., savs that hit wife fXiid no attention to email lump which ftpix-areti in ocr t.ream, imt it toon ue vefopc'l luta cancer of the worst type and notwithstanding the treatment of tue beat jibysicluns, it continued to spread nd (row rapidly, eating two hulcs in her breast. The doctors toon pronounced ner incurable. A celeb-ated New York specialist then treat cl her, hut she con lltiued to grow worse and when informed that loth her aunt and gnndinouicr had , died from csncer bt (gave the case op as uopeicss. Someone then re commended B.S.S ad though little hope remained, the begun it, aud an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when the bad taken aeveral bottles it disappeared entirely, and although aev eral yeart have elapsed, not a sign of the disease hat ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) i a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, liczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease our book a be mailed fpl to any ad- it. Swift k'vS ciDc Co., will free dress Kneciflc Atlanta Ca. uia wa.. CATARRH It A Local Disease SDd 111 the result. Of rnlitu mm suu'len cllinHllr ulintiirc, It cfin lie cured by a pli-ttft ant remedy wlilfli laitppili-i directly Into the noslrlls iielnir iiulckly aisrit l j I y ea relief nlouce. Ely's Cream Ui.m, la aeVnowli'dtfi'd to be the most ttiurontrh cure lor naiwui cui.rni, cuius in lh u.l ami llav Keverofall rein Hut. I!, ojx'nn m.rl eieannas me r.unui amfH. ans u.illl mm lllll.lllllilil Hon, heals the sores, protects Uia uiciiitniuir from Collin. restores Ui semes of tamo aud anieii. rnce wio. ar inwirist or hy mull. KLT UltoTHKHS, fit Warren St.. New York Z Wall Paper AT WHOLESALE PRICES. BY MAIL 100 Sample Free. NcwileslKiisSr and up l Warranted to Kl sr mil kiiih 0 :. " j null or money Illinium kiiMie low rule) refunded. Kend hai, for post-iiio.'; deduct when I orueithK. F. n. CADY, ma WeitmY St., Providence, It. 1 LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO CLUBS AND AGENTS HAIR BALSAM J. l IMt-M titd ttrftutifie Ui hut. W. a I'ririt, ita m In. misfits ? Wefpr al1 to lrtor lry 5 21 si r to it Youthful Color. CttTM rc!p d !' 4 titir ttuanj. akL. iiiiiibnwviiiiiji ThwonlT iur Vur. tf f'-fitt. St"p ui ait. Fnnirit rwnv Breakfast Supper. EPPS'S Grateful- Comforting. COCOA Boiling Water or Milk. PDvlrkntrr'a Enflluk ma.rl nr... ENNYROYAL PILLS JT llrltaal aa A flat U-hIbA. A yjrwit.-'L. on own in ura emu "' "I'"" wy W In troi- fo (itirlh-iiinfa, irniimontajt mj O "lir iVr l-anl ," ''r, by rftmm 7 IA.MIU ffiimot'i!!, Kamr Si-cr. lu aii L tv UiucftiJU. utMa., a ak, Mortgage Sale. By virtue of t he po er contained In a need of trunt, executed to in e by Lee V llolliniiworth and wife, ( lirifltina llol- liiiKuworth, on the ltli day of Aiijrnst, 1-'.IL', and recorded in Register's ollice, at Dobson, N. C, Book 9, page ;', 1 will sell for rash to the highest bidder, on the premises, on ma joiu oi aiay, ai i o hkx'k p. in. adjoining the land of Alfred Cook and others, containing 65 acres more or lesa, to iausiy a Uetit ot nai.uii, int.'rest and cost to d aldet. J. M. IS APtKR, Trtlateo. This April 14, NOTICE. North Carolina, ) Ft'BRY COI NTY. J rursuant to an act of the I.egiBlattire, eession 1S95, cha'ptr 150, 1, W. W. Hampton, Clerk of the Superior Court of Hurry County, hereby estahlish the various voting precincts for election in taid county, as follows: lilue llidge township, vot.ipg place shall lie at John Oreasy's; White l'lains townnhin, the Voting precinct shall lie at lute l'lains; Hamburg township, the voting precinct shall be at Hamburg at I. M, Jtrower't store. In Mount Airy town tliip the Toting precincts in the first, tecond and third wards shnll be at the Jdaeet heretofore established for the town election. The voting precinct in the fourth ward shall be at Grower's warehouse. The voting precincts in trie townships of Itryan, Uolison, Klkin, Kldora, Franklin, Marsh, l'ilot, li(Kk ford, Stewarts Crt-ek. Hiloarn and West field shall remain unchanged. .There ahall be a new registration in White J Ihids township nine Kidge township, Hamburg township and the four wards !o 'he town of Mount Airy. March 7th, lm- W. W. Hamitus, Clerk Supfrior Court. Align, the Barbsr. When you wish an easy shave, At good at barber ever gave, Just call on me at jny saloon. At morn, eve or noon. I cut and drest the hair with grace, To tuit the contour of the faee. My roo.a It neat and towele clean, Pcissort sharp and razors keen ; And everything I think you'll find To suit the face and please the mind, And all my art and skill ran do, If yon Just call I'll do for you. II. E. ALLEX, Blue Ridge Ion, Mount Airy.N. C. English Ppavin Liniment removes all Hard, ekft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Wood SpsTins Curbs, riplinta, Sweeney, King-Hone, PUitet, Hp.ains, all Hwoilen Throats, Ought, et. fare by use of one bottle. Warranted tfce most wonder ful Itiemith Cure erer known. &old by TTioi A Hissia X1UAiry,K. C The Seaboard Shops Burned. Kalfixh'd bicist lire in iimnj years occurred ut 4:35 Wednewlay inortiiiig. Tho main building of tlie Scnbonrd Air J,inc shojis was untirol j destroyed. It whs 210xG5 feet, and ono story Ji iIi and was built in l(i(J save otio btitiex which wii8 j.tit uii in ISfU. The roof was tin, but tliiu was supported by a niHHSof piiio timber, a dry as tinder, and bo when the iiro ntarted it fairly faced under tho great roof. Tho night watchman wiw tho liro direct ly it broke out in the roof of the boiler room at tho place where tho bit chimney stsck passed through. He got out hia hone and turned on htreiim, but the tire spread as it in the woods ani ho ha 1 to run, lie left the hone titid latet only the fozzle remained. There wan delay in Minding in an alarm. When tho firemen got to tho scene halt the roof wiw hi Unmet, and in a minute tho remainder blazed. It would have taken a river of water to put out Btich a tire. Ho the firemen winoly net to woik to keep tho fire within the building where it started. And they succeeded. At tho north end wiw tho old round houne, full of engines being repaired. This wan all saved with out low. At the other end were the oi! lionet) and a supply Iiouhc, and theno weio alao absolutely un touched by the lire, thanks toor rents of water. At tho north side una a big car shed, which also saved without tho slightest injury. On the tracks m ar this niied were nirtny cut. Tluso were all pulled away iavu a paawngcr car, threo box cars and a tint loaded with lum ber. These were damaged a little. In ono box cur were fi" hales of eomprfhsed cotton, from Hamlet bound foreign. This was damaged to tho amount of perhaps $7fi0. In tho main building, which whs deetroyed so far as all save tho walls arc concerned, were tho machine shop, tho blackiniith room, with the steam hammer, and tho boiler making room; also tho engines, boilers and electric light dynamos, etc. Maitcr Mechanic Maglenn estimates tho lots on machinery ut $15,000. Division Superintendent Moncnro estimates tho loss on tho building at if 15,000. The walls arc intact, and show only one small crack. They are admirably built. The attendanco at tho fire was great. Chatlotte Observer. Two I.lvt Saved. Mis. Pliocbo Tliomas, of Junction City, 111., wns told by her doctors who had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery com pletely cured her and alio says it s.ived her life. Mr. Thou. Kggers, 39 Florida St., San Frnncisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approach ing consumption, tried without result everything eluo then bought ono lioltlo of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was curod. lie is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove tho wonderful cflicacy of this nicdicico in couehs and colds. Freo trial botiles at Taylor A l?an- ncr's Drug Storo, IWuluFsize 50c. and $1.00 The West Knd Land Company. brought suit in tho Federal Court ai Greensboro before JiuVo Dick against two It snrancc Companies for $2,500 each, on tho Hotel Zin- zendorf. Judge Dick decided in favor of tho Insurance men with out letting the case go before the Jury. The use of gasoleno near tho building was tho winning card. A number ot other companies paid their insurance without question or fuit Y inston Kepnblican. . - The envoy who has been sent to Russian by the Corean government has not only been empowered to raise a loan ot $,000,000 but to ask for Russian troops to guard the Kings y.alaee. lie lias also been authorized to request that Russian advisers bo sent to the Corean gov ernmeht and to ask for Russian military instructors to organize a Corean army. .Nine Russian war ships are now at Nagasaki. - Old l'eople. Old people who require medicine to regulute tho bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Kleciric tsittofi. l his medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It a'.ls mildly on the stomach and bowc'.s, adding strength and giving tone to tho or gans, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functioi.s. Klec- trie JJiitovs is an exedlont appetir.or and aids rMgcstion. Old People find lust exactly what they need. Price fifty cents and 11.00 per bottle at Taylor & Ban tier's Drug Storo. The Charlotte Observer will eele hntte Mhv 2oih, tho anniversary of tho Mceklenhnrtf Peculation of Independence, by issuing a woman's edition. The special number will contain twenty pages, brim full ot interesting articles on various enh. jeeta, and live thousand copies will bo printed. Miss Mamie Bays is editor-in-chief, and Mm Sallie Whisnant business manager. -m nackleii's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, iJruisos, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rlieom, Fever Sores, Tetter, C'bapp ed Hands, Chilblaines, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pilos, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 corns por box. For sale by Tay lor ti Banner. Senator Briee has changed his mind and has decided to a; tend the National Democratic Convention lor the purpose of fighting the silver eljtuent. Urico's influenca with Democrats, it may bo remarked, his grown smaller since the last Con Ten tion. The London Pres. Tho it. James Oazette comment ing on the dispatch to tho Times from (I. W. KnuHey, the eorres tiondent of that paper in tho United itates, representing that tho Vene zuelan dispute is still a question of great gnvity and a cause fur alarm, says: ''The revival of the Vene zuelan question reminds us that even tho wars in Africa are trivial ompured with tho real danger which has existed in the West since December. Tho Americans' de mand that tho United States shall decide our quarrels and settle our frontier is insdmiKsiblo and no amount ot talking around the mat ter will make it anything else. President Cleveland in his niisnHge last December lefcrred everything to a coiniiiifs'on and then it was too htte to negotiate. "Wo are now told to be prepared for a report that is hostile to the claim of Oreat llritaiu. What will happen then? Kither the Washington (Jovernment uiiii-t allow the report to remain a dead letter, or carry out its threat to enforce a decision by resort to war. There is reason to believe that an attempt will now be made to work upon English fceiing in favor of the surrender of our (iov ernrneiit. This is vain. Our posi tion is simply lluit ilritihh frontier questions are matters fur negotia tion only with tho parties c.n corned." The Pall Mall Gazette sajs: "Tho American correspondent of the Times seems to be in a state of undue alarm, possibly because Lord Salisbury did not accept his plan of settlement." Tho Globe say: "All the hopes of tho weak kneed of the compliance of Grout Prittin with tho views of tho United States are groundless." The Westminster Gazette says: "Ivxcept for a petty amour rnjre there was no reason why Lord Salibbury should have rejected the proposal for a joint commission." , e 0 . For every variety and phaso of tho many diseases which attack th air-passages of the throat and lungs, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral will bo lound a specitic. Its anodyne ano expectorant qualities aro prompt!) realized, and it is always ready for use. Atlanta is to have a bicycle fac tory. Strong Western companies have consolidated with tin tn, and it is expected that they will be turn ing out wheels in a short tunc. Capital stock $10i,Oiio. Doctors'Say; Bilious and I ntermittt nt Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great "driving nheel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. N"OTICIi:. Having e.'Mnut inv tiiereantilr luisinrss to Mr. . W. Huike, I respceifully p'ipiMt those o ir.g me a c unts to com.' forward and settle up, a- further indulgence can not be EiTi u. M. 1.. PA iThliSON. April 14l!i, M. tf. W. S. NEEDHAM, ATT01LXE V - AT- LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Wi jiraetiee In the State Courts. 'ol- laction of I'lalhU a Hpeiiultv. Jmii'-l Jui COAL! COAX. White Ash Anthracite Coal for Stoves and (irates. Russn-1 Creek Coal for Stoves and (-iratea 1'oeaiiontas Coal tor Shops and Kn'ines, Order hlled promptly. T. B. M cCARGO, Anent for Pocahontas Coal Co. JOS. NATIONS, IlK.M.KR IS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kinds, fewin" Machines, Musical Instruments, fee. Watches, Clocks and Jewclrv repaired in best pw!.ille man ner and sat isfaction tinrnnleed If you want to save money see me before making your purchaxes or having your work done. Itch on human, mange or horses dogs and all stock, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion This never fails, fold by Taylor A IUsnkr, Mt.A1ry. N.C Mortgage Sale! Pursuant to mortftces 'his C mipsm hol ts againMl the below munlioned parties, duly rwanUrn in the rth'.T of Kotf!!r l Deeds oi this county, 1 will, on ilm i-trd day of Way, l-W, between the hours of Id a. in. snd 1 p. in., in front of thin Com pair's oftiee, proceed to sell to the highest bidiler, fur eisli, the following certificate of stock in this O impany, to-wit : One-half share, par 'talus f 'j,.rilVi.oO, on which there is now dneand unpaid $W,O0. Interest to he added. Represented b Cer tificate No. 20; being the property of the late Judge J- Craves. One eighth share, .s value t'l.".nO, o which there is now due and unpaid the sum of $175 00. Interest to I added. Kepresented by Certilicat No. ifii; being the property of the lute H. F. Graven. Ooe-half .hare, pr valus $,.'00 01, on which there is now due and unpaid arim.OO. Interest to !' added. Repreented hy Cer- itirate No. M; being th propertr of I). Yf. Parker. One-eighth ahare of capital so.-k or which I hew U now due and unpaid f l"' "t nd interet, tlie proerty of Mrs. Walvina Grave. Sold under rlution of stivk holders pad Jaiinarr l:!lh, 1 Giuxite Citt Las i) A jlsrHovr mfvt Co., fcy T. H. W;arc.o. fee'; ani Tre. April f.'n.t 1. YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. tr. J. It. froff , drtst a. el p'iyl. Clan, Miimtxil'lt, Neb., who suffered with heart dlwaso for fonr years, trjlnj eery remedy and all troatments known to him self and fcllow-ppai tltlonerat hoi Is res that heart dlwane Is curable, lie wrltem "I wish to tell what your valunlile medi cine lias done for me. Fur four years I had heart disease of tlio rery wont kind. Bcr cmI pliynlclans I consulU'd, said It wis Rheumatism cf the Heart. It was aliumt un enduralilei with shortness of breath, pitlnltn tlnus, ncreto pains, unaldn to sleep, experlally nn th 1,'ft Bide. Mo p'n. can do j w Bcrlho my suffer ' thIiirs. ptrilculsrly llurlnK the hint ,vuifutlis of tlioo f fuu r wtnl y years. DR. J. M. WATTS, I flnully tried Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and was surprised at the result. It put new life Into and tmulo a new man of me. 1 hare not had a symptom of trouble, alncti and I am satisfied your medicine lias cured me fur 1 hare now enjoyed, since tnklns It Three Years of Splendid Health. 1 tnlirht add thnt lama drnirKlst and have sold and recommended your Heart t'ure, for I know what It has done for nin and only wish I could statn moroclearly my suffer lux then and tlio K'xl health 1 now enjey. Vour Nervine and other remedies also give excellent satlsfiu'tlon." J. II. Watts. Humboldt, Sob., May 9, 'M. ff. Mll Ifenrt rnroissold on l prwltlve Jiini ant' i! tlmt tlie llrst 1hii1 will tienellu ill (iriiuithlHKell Hat II S Ixitll. s for In, or twill l sent, prer.uld. pn rw:elpt of pries if tho br. MUca Medical Co., Likbart, lud. Dr. Alilcs' Heart Cure Restores Health Cape Fern1 Bid Yedliq RAILWAY, JmiM tilt I., Iteceiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, IN KKKKCT I'KCKMI'.KU Rth, htirj NOIITII llul'Mi, I No. 2. IVily Leave ilmiiiK'ton, Arrive 1 ayetteville, Leave Knyetteville, Leave r-nnfnril, Leave Climax, Arrive i ireein-lmro, Leave (ireenslmro, Leave Stokesilnlo Arrive alntit Cove, Leavo Walnut ( 'ove, Leave liiiral Hull, Arrive Monet Airy, 7 INi a. M ;if) n. rvftfi n. r.MP p. 2 IH p. 2M p. in. 3 05 p. m. :U! p. m. 4 31 p. in. 4 ;i8 p. m. (3.17 p. m. 6 15 p. ni. SOUTH HOUND. No. 1. Daily Airy. 0 .15 a. in. ll.tfl a. in. 11 .Ti a. ni. 1 1 AH a. m. 11' 12 p m. 1 J "K p. 111. 1 .(.'! p. 111. 1 p. in. 3.19 p. m. 4 Xi p. ni. 4 43 p. m. ! 7.M p. in. No. 4. Daily 5 L5 &. m. 9 2ft a. m P.M a. in. 10.35 a. ni. 10.52 a. m. No. 3. Daily 4 38 p. ni. 4 5s p. m, 5 4 J p. in. 6.12 p. m. 7.20 p. in. No. 18. Mix'd fi 45 a. m. 35 a ni. 9 20 a. m. 9 35 a. ni. 10.50 a. in. 11. fill a in. No. 15. Mix d Leave Lural Half, Arrive Walnut Cove, Leave Walnut Cove, Leave Stokesilnle, Arrive (ireenslmro, Leave ( ireenslioro, Leave Clininx, Lenve Snnford, Arrive I ayet teville, Leave l ayetteville, Arrive Wilmington, NOliTII HOUND. Leave lienm ttsville, Leave Maxton, leave Led i-'iri riK, Leave Hope Slills, Arrive Y nyettev iil", hCVTIl HOUND. Leave I'ayetteville, Leave Hope Mills, Leave lied Springs, Arrive Inxton, Arrive Hi nnettaville NOKTH HOUND. Leave Knmseur, I."sve Climax, Arrive (ireeiiflmro. Leave (ireeiihboro. Leave StnkeMlnle, Arrive Madison, SOUTH HOUND. Leave Madison, Leave Stoke sdale, Arrive t ireenslioro, Leave (ireenslioro, Leave Climax, Arrive Han:?eur, 12.2.1 p in. 1 2s p ni. 2 35 p. in. 3 10 p. m. 3 55 p. rn. fi.ftO p. ni. KOHTII BOl'ND CONNIi Tlosf . At I'ayetteville with Atlantic Const Line for all points North and Fast, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Oree" tioro with the Southern lini.'wny uompany, at walnut luvf witli i Norfolk and Western Railroad for Win- ston-alem. SOfTII m i ND COX.Vtl TIONS. At Walnut Cove with the Norfolk and Western Railroad for Roanoke and points North and West, at (ireenslioro wit lithe Sout hern Railway Company for KRlcii7i, Ku iimoiKl and ail points North ana l-.ast, at. 1 ayetteville with the At' lantic Coast. Line for all points South at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Line for Charlotte, Atlanta and all points poiitti ana r-ot;tnwest. W. B. KYLE, 0n l Pass.Agt. J. W. FRY, General MknaKcr. J. H. BLAKEM0RE, M East Main St., MT. AIRY, N.C. Is prepared to m ike si) the Ww ana Ar tistic stj les. is up witu the times, snd will iflve rou Airy Situated on Main Street, Opposite upper end of Franklin. Sijjn at the door. New shoes in efx'k at fct.Ou and i.i 5ti. Shoes made to order on short rmf ie Khfw rp!ire'i protnptly. Satisfaction guaranteed and work de livered when desired Terms cash. L. B. Albertson, Prop. Whrn tou h tTe stone work to do yon w:U find it to your interest to see J. II. Walker, the will tnniiih none but best pranite, nther rough or cut. t eroctery work a sjwcialty. Apr-;-uu New Enterprise! A factory for the manufacture of wood Half r.nshel Measures has hvon established at Ilutehens, N. C, and the trade supplied on short notice. Price each 50 eenta. Special friec to merchants by the dozen, 'or any information address CO. UovHt-vs, Hutehena, N. C. S ot S in Wtek't.HTSIIlllaATOe Parental Responsibility. Every student of eomi8rHtivc Natural Iliftory, and eH,ieeinlly of corn jittrati vo 1'sjelnilojfjr unlet linve heo'irtruek itli the diili-rence in tlio leri(;tli of time during wliieli tlie oir-ju -in of (iiifereiit tinini."!? aro nn ler tin: L'liiditni'e and eutitrol of the nreiit ; and all mud have lieen iinireri'd with tin; fwet that tlie lusher in the aenleof iutellieneo Htij sjieeies of Hiiiumis is fmini to be the loiioer is this (miiod of pa retititl control and t'liiihiiiee. The period of infancy in astniieh Icnirer for the human spee'es than that fi)r any other animaU, a- man is stipt rint to thim in hie iiilehience and iiiodea of life. '1'hic in a f let nut wilhntit its hiyiiilinincti ; imd if the mr i4m i f t'tdiiy wnind have lutiite nit ti iii'd u i.iiicn tu tuke a stiiiid en re.illy higher ronnd, live a really hieher life, they in tint hrinj4 it iilieiif. hy timking the time of their p'treiitai eiiiitrol eniiipHiit tively lunger rather than t-hmter. IJlit I he lendetiey of ihe tliiieH sei ins to he in (he oppohite diteeliuti ; and this ib one of the draw-backs to tin- re.d projjreHK id the hv. '1'he lucre fuel that a hoy has lead inoie History or (heck or J.ntiu than hiri futln-r, or etn H ilvo prob lem in (Of (heiuittieii that Hie too dillicnlt for h in tut lief , or can 'Vpoiit'' any amount of "honk leu riling" iilmnt 1 1 1 it t 1 t-e ot u li icli his l ither in iinor ai t, is by tin uioHiiH a proof thnt the h iy in hi tter able to chooee his own wty anil to .(( along he'ter w itlimit than with the guidance and control of his father. One of tho most ncrioiiM ciiirTH of this hiirrtitig a;e is the iiiHiine haste with which fath ers and mothers (drive to make men ani women out of their hoy Htid giik This is (lone as well by i'Hn fcively letting the children have tlieir own way an hy actively huirying thiin on and freeing them Ironi parental control. That patent who allows a child between the ages of twelve and twenty to decide for liimi-elf, contrary to the bet ft r judg ment of the parent, the more im portant matters of life and conduct rather than give him his aid and guidance and, it' nccei-saiy, iicc his authority in directing the eonn-eof his child's conduct, hhirks a rci-pon-sihility from which (iud has never filed him, and commits a crime against the child, w hich may please and pacify it tor a time, but w hich, when the child becomes a limn, pet haps w recked and ruined, will be the of the deepest regret to the father and the sotirco id the tiiikiiulest feelings toward him on the putt of the son. If there he an thing f"r which children may jut!y hate their pan-nts, it is tor their allowing them to have their own way, when the patents know or ought to know a better way. Of course, the ideal Hate of atlairs is when the parent's jud;"netit and wish aie the pleasure and choice of the child, and this is the condi tion to be always striven for ln m the cradle up ; but when this is not the case, it is not hi ways best for the "old mail" of forty or ii It v to be gtii.kd by the "young man'' ot twelve or fifteen. Even the State w'''' no heart, no conscience, no responsibility tor, snd with comparatively no regard for or interest in, the really higher and holier well-being of its citizens, absolutely refuses to submit any of its affairs to the management of men under twenty one years ol age. Xo trie doubts the wisdom of tin. Hut if the commoner, coaisi-r, material interests of the State cun he ititmstcu only to men of more years and experience, why intrust the higher vid holier interests i t humatifty to t tie whims of wilful hoys and gi: ls Durham Christian Kdueator. The autograph letters testifying to cures made by Ayer'a Sarsapanl la and other preparations are kept en tile at the J. (.'. Aver Vu's otiiee, Lowell, Muss. They are from all over the worni and arc ehcerlully shown to anyone desirous ot seeing them. A Chicago news paper has figured out that by the census ot I'.hio Chicago w i.l contain 2ot,0UO more people than Mew York city. A Bank President. Mr. W. T. Nelson, president of the Second NhIch-ikI r.ank,ot Jack son, Tenn., says : "For Indigestion and Nervons trouble, I would rather ttive up the use if ny remedy I ever tried than King's lioyal (ierm- etuer. As a nerve tra:i'iiiilizT. and restorative, it is all that can !e desired. It is not a narcotic in any sense, but produces the hap- pest tllects ujion tlio unordered nei vo us system. I consider it an invaluable remedy, and have for year been ree niitnending it to my friends." New package, large hot tlo, 10S ib-scs, 1. For sale by Taylor A: I'anner and D. A, Hous ton. MOORE'S Kills the Bug and Fertilizes the Plant. PUT UP IN 10, 23, 50 AD 100 Pound Packages. PRICE, 10 CENTS A POUND. Special Duccunti i lvg Quant ti. for Infants and Children. BpiHIRTy years' ohiarratlnn of CsoriHlith6 jpatrnnn of millions of psrnm, permit us speoh jifjlthoa jr. It Is nnrjnetlonablf hbet remedy for lBfantsnd Chlldrsi ih world has eerlnown. It Is hrmlss.ChllilrsillliJt.l gliresjhsfnjiealtlilt will lira their livtis. HMothrs hr? snmethlnf whlrhUhsolotljiafndjrctIolIjrJirfoitais child's merllrlns. CantoHa dostroys Worms. Castorln allays FeTei-lho. Catorl prevents Tomltlug Boar Card. enros I?twrrhosi and Vind Colio. Castorlsi relloTes Tnothlnt Troubles. Cnnttirla cures Conatlpation knd riatoleooy. Castorlit neutralises tho effects of carhnnlo acid Raa or pnlsonons air, Castorla does not rontalu morphine, oplnm, or ether narootia property. Castorla assimilates tho food, rs;nlates tho atomarh and bowels, (Wing haalthy and natnral sleep. Castoria Is jint np in ono-sim hottles only. It is not snld in Balk. Don't allow any ono to sell yon anything elaa on tba plea or protnla that it is "Jnt as (ood " and " will answor eTeryjinrpone. EooJWjoa reyj-AT-O-R-I-A. Tho fao-slmllo aijBatnraof Children Cry for Doors, Sash If you are goieg to build a house, bo sure yen cheapest material. WE MANUFACTURE AT SHORT NOTICE. Sanh, llliiiils, lnors, Dour aa l Wiinhiw Fniines, Mantel, Turtiol w ork, Pinii-Woik All kiinl of MoiiMinn, t'eilinn, FIooiImk, SiilinR an i all kin ls linliliiil l!niifli Itimher, Nlilnxh'", plasleniig, laths, lime, rement, raleineil planter. Plastering hair c.iiiie'l in Hwk, We have experieiicril wnrkuien. (Inters lilli 'l prnmptlv. I'onie niiil see i.r rile iib. M IVLKR HliOS., Winston, T. C. THE GRANITE CITY Liiiil i Ipin MOUNT AIRY, N. C. . Owns Some 900 Acres of Land One-third of w hieh is in Town Lots, bahmee lyii g ndjueent to the town. II veil want to rent a resilience or store r "om, or, it vut ib sire to purchase property in or near Mount Aity, we will be gliul to gi'e any information by letter. flr'e oiler Speciul Inducements to tho-e proposing to estubl,- i man ulailuring enterprise. CoitnK.siv.rK.M K .Vouch ki. -Mi to t, B. McCARGO, Sec'y and Treas. - CALL AT - EVERETT'S TIN" SHOP. lIl.ADQUAUTIiUS FOR Tin ami Steel Routing, Guttering hjiii.itinB, Valley Tin all widths Shingle Mrips. Ac, tec, Ac. Water ami r-tearn Kit tines of all kinds kept on hand, l'ha (lid Reliable Jenkins (iluhe A C'liivk Vavles, Klierman Injwtors, De troit Lubricators are a few of the many reliable supplies in stock Guns, 1'istols, hewing Slaehines, an I l'.icyclea repaired hy the beia skilled workmen at shurt notice. We kei'p (ioodOld Kashion Coffee rots, lish l'ans, snd in fact everything in the Tinware line. T. M. Everett & Co. Land Sale for Taxes ! On the tir-t Moinl.n in Vv, l-'H',, J sell the hillnwing IiiiiiIh to siiify the lv due 101 1 1 ini ai l on same r Kllen liminer, lot el l oid, ?! J .1111 limnier, " " ,'i Mrx. Si.lii- Crvnl, tract of land, 7 t.rii'n ( a n, lit cf land, 1 .' l'anny II i.v-h, " s2 t'. S. I'r.iier a'id Saiuter-i, let, S (17 Mrs. S. .1. Taylor, lot of land, !s N. M. Siniruons, a ir, M. Klippin. sen k law tax, lVl! STKI'HKS YKNAHI.K, ei-Sherifl' Thin April 7th. l-!i. r 1- - - , ' "I: ' '-. r I v- Tt CL1 - 1 mmm V-V V. V w , is on ovory wrapper. Pitcher's Castorla. and Bli nds. tied w here yon can buy n Ul MTrfl A reliable lady or gentle- All 1 L1J, ,,, to ,jst rij( ynniplf s and make a hou -e-to-hnuse canvass for our Vegetable Toilet Soaps. $4o to 175 a miint n easily mad ?. Address Crofts A Heed. M2 to h.'x) Austin Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Relief in Six Hours, lliitresiiiijr Kidney ami Madder diseases relieved in six hours hv the ''.New Great j South American Kidney cu?." mi new i renifdy i a treat surprise on arcnnnl of its j exeeiing pr.mptneHs in relieving psm in j the bladder, kidnrs, back and every part ot tlie urinary passages in nisle or feinalf' It n-lieres Mention 01' water and pain in paisini; it slinost iinmediatelT. If yon want iiiick relief and cure this is your rrini'dy. Nil, I by Taylor & Manner, Drug, gists, Mount Airy, N. (!. .'I- t'T.i -..1 i.iada. in tamest 'j an;ie aru is M Lilit Running Tiers f -'. K' f.' " ' Therr ton In th wrM tbmi (1 t r I' 1 . t vol .trlurif cf tfsh, N-nnty fi , cf t as Riaitv iii(rin t. 1.1.-0U u the Xicw Homu It hfii i.'i'fit'!c T.n'Hrt Prtuhlc Vred, n!tVo ii ' ". '. f t -1 . .i " t 1. nnot 'trr ha ; . v N ii .' . .Ir tf wheel ti:Htrtl t. -t :?!i ; s 1 (.ti rt'-lt.i mjt (rit-tma to write' i'OirJ CIRCULARS. THE lil'ti HOSiSIHCMOTECO. IB. TT t r AV A , - T Tl I u u v it a i -.! Ik. . WAV ::v'r" fir -ev r.j Cotton. With art ful rotation of crops and liberal fertilization!, cotton Kind v. ill improve. Tlie application of a proper ft-rti-luvr containing sufficient 1'ot ash often makes the difference between a profitable crop ami failure. Use fertilizers contain- tntr not less than j to 4n ' e Actual Potash. Kainit U a complete specific against "Rust." in( ). ! feftihft . Ifui ar ftrmttv l wrli, ttiff lh I Mill t a rl Jftfrt ciprimenia im lh Ut rtffjr rot ton fvmr thotjld faavc i'V7- rf sr KM lK Vj tb akHtf. CERMAT r All WORKS, j Nimi Sli Mt Vk. IvftllM' It- ft - m vjl- mm !o yon nniit jrf to 1 in ii t it Tim i.i.-ti-ib i.i -iii'- i iratim !riioniiim. -uliv not try UT You rim Im dual Mliea l, or ss innny as joti lilts, nnd ell four friends BICYCLES AT COST. m An onlT fnl no entttlr .mw to ft a I Ik din mint, A i l ly tinl' k r iti Ht'i tti y (ir )mtr iner. (tnr : th litt'lu-t iut', ti)'it rphiitilii lit'-yt'lc inuil 1kIhv, r( .-ti Inr n ii 1 luinflonicIy lll't Iriitp! i-ihrlt"! tmiticr h mull. AHI.I A I I I HV ItaltlMnn, IA. AARON PBNN, THE- Faohionabls Barters t'ndi'r (irava's Ware lioiisa', Mt. Airy, N. 0. F.ssy chairs, razor kpi'n j Hoissors sharp, linen clean. For a shave yon pay dime . . -Only a nii'kle to ffi t MiTiinp; Shampoo or hair cut I'nnipadoiir Yon ibt the sum of i?re. more. NOTICE. 1 lav ing iiilitii'd as adniinis'rator on thaa i-Btnte of Ha-jjmiln Norman, dci-rajw-d, I its of Hurry coiinly, sll n-ri)iis liol liim detm s.'-.iint said entnii' nr hriThy Botillt'd to iirt'iaMit tlia sun- lo tils iinileii(jned on or In-fore the 9ili dsy of April, 1 "! 7 . for pay inoiit , or tlii" noti, e will l p'vad 'd in liar ol recoveiy; and all parsons o ing said t-Htiil ani i-iiii-?tt-d to come snd niske paymeiit nt oni eand ssve cit and troulde, I liis Dili day ot April, l-'.si. John Aimnox. Adm'r of lirnj iini'i Nnrman. NOTICE. I!y Virtue of a iiiortjj iKe deed rxocuti-.l to nn by Jolin Jolunon and KalhT Ana lohnson, liii w ife. ainl duly p'rnnlr I ill record of nuirt traces. Sn-rv ronniy, N . ( ., in h.k P, pigi- '.is, 1 will si'll to the IiiijIi et tii ld'-r fur cn-h, at the Court Hoime door in l), Puny eounty, on the first Monday In M.iy, 1.. a 1 oVlork p. in , a tract of land on Hull Hun ersa k. aaljniniuft K. Key, I.. John. on and mliers, lie-jinning at a hii'kory on the Samth side of Hull Knn and nins South V'2 ehain and 37 links to a sinks, thene South f4 d-arreas, Kant :'i chains and links to a s ake, North Ti chains and ;'T links to a tik, thsnr North 4 a'egteava, Went totlie hatii)niiif, eonlaiii inj fifty acre', more or less, tieiug the place here said ,Iohnn im lives. I. A. Mortgtuee. March Hint, V-ISi. IJ UUMUUIU Borial Robes, Slippers, Ac. A full stoa k of all sirs and ipialitieaa kept on hand, and at reasonable pna-a-s. Store room, up-tirs over M. I.. ratter Son's stcre, on Main Strajet. Kendepie, first lioiise North of the railroad. Notice of Foreclosure. I;y virtue of the authority eontsinavt tn a Peed of Trust hearing date ."! h Mav, l".'i4. executed hy Jno. li.ore and llsnrmh Mctore his. if',-, mid Iia'ed o Trust heme diih ra-eoided in dfti-'e of Krister of lea-d in Sun county, N.C, in h-sik of itmrt- Kata"S l.a, pn-e 141. to aa-a-ure the p ment of to a-ertm rxMaala, for UII. 4" eai h, du and pavaMe respea-iiva-ly 1 and 12 moiuhs I'rnm the iile of siii I Ie-al l Trust, and theaaial luorlpsirers fiarinK defaulted in the f mcnl of said honds inred l,y snid a-d of Trust, proceed to sell for cash lo the Intn-.t hidiler, at piihiie onta-ry, in from of Hie lilue iiu)- Inn, in Mount Aln , X, C, at I oVIm k, p. in , oa list VTth IV a at April, l-laai, ai nf t,e real ratals ala-sH-ri Im 1 in Ibe lv. ot Trust aforesaid, thr same bring a lot situaia-al inthetosaa of Mi!)t A ii v , N. t' , i.n tlie South slate of Ni-imora- Miea t, a, (joining the Alfred Ban ner lot, anl aal hern, an, 1 Inonit more par licalarh itca-n 'ted in said Ifc-e! M Trust; sale Ih-iiiu a.ade to s.liafv the a r.ra ina-n-tioaavl ( This Manh --Tth, lvi. (iKO. W. Sl-Aiei.s.H, Trustaxs. NOTICH. I Wairr erer. mi.n anat wmnan I tTie T"ntast flaw-, inu-ra-strat in the I'pii'ni ami Slbi.iT kartits M. ... . . .. - . , a ' ...... . . 1 .1. , V El , 1. 1 .1 'W f -MrrJ SI. . -..!,.. .naana. bus Kl, and on will sent yoa trass. C, i V :. r- - s f It . li 1 t in A liilll, i.Ka in