THS MOUNT AIRY MS, T t. low nr. ... .... Mount Airj, N. 0., May 7, 1890. 8UIWCBIPTI0N HATES: One copy, one year, One copy, lit month. One copy, tlirea moritrn, TAYABLE IN ADVANCE. $1.00 .ISO .25 entered aittie Pi-ai (imn at Mount Airy ,N.C tti-Otntl-!kasuiall OltU:r. The Republicans will hold tbcir county convention at Dubaon on Friday, M-iy 8th. i i limeioriwnocrawio uegin put ting their Leads together in Burrjr. There ii work ahead. ' Democrat!, where aro you 1 Who is the loader that is to carry the flag in old Sorry this campaign ! The exact majority for Foster, tho Democratic nominee tor Gov ernor in Louisiana, is 26,205. It k almost certain that McKin ley will be nominated for President by tho Republicans at St Louis. It would not surprise us it the Republicans were to notuinato Col. Boyd, of Grceneboro, for Governor. There is much wrangling between the RusBoil and Dorkery faction. Tho Emperor of China has given permission to a syndicate of wealthy Chinamen to build a railroad from l'ekin to Han Kow. It is to be a groat trunk line. Even old China is waking up. Hon. R. A. Doiighton, of Sparta, Alleghany county, will probably bo nominated by the Democrats for Governor of North Carolina. He is good man and eminently qual ified for that high pot-ition. In Chicago, Judge llorton deci ded that bucket shops aro as legiti mate as the I'oard of Trade, and quashed eleven indictments against certain parties charged with being proprietors of or employed in buck et chops. Fusion between parties ought al ways to stand or fall upon principle, an agreement or disagreement on measures. If our faith is the same, we ought to agree ; if our aims and our needs aro the same, we must agree, and not otherwise. The' State geologist is informed that there are mysterious flames bursting from a piece of ground on tho farm of Calvin Cobb, in Cald well county. Mr. Cobb gives the information. The tire covers a space thirty feet square and rises to the height of fifteen feet. It does not last long, and is only occasion ally visible. John E. Taylor, a negro, has been elected city clerk and treasurer of Wilmington. Fred B. Rice, a white Republican, held the oflice but Judge Russell had him bounced be cause he opposed the Judge's can didacy for Governor. In Wilming ton city officers are elected by a po lice board established by the fusion Legislature. It seems from what we can learn that Tyre York will be a candidate for Congress from this district. Mr. Marshall ia looming op for tho Re publican nomination, with good chances to win. And there is Cy Watson who can get the Demo cratic nomination if he wants it. Every one of these men are Lust Jers and there is no telling what is goiDg to happen in November. There can be no perfect system either on a small or large scale, until the present all-pervading eys tem of greed is changed. True, con ditions msy be CGtablibhed that will be less grinding j but as they must be established aud conform more or less to the system of greed, they Ninust partake more or loss of its spirit There is no help for it. Therefore, the whole system must be changed by the sufferer. The people will be poor and eat the eruBt of discontent as long as they retuae to study conditions, and make use of the knowledge which they might thus gain. "Knowledge is power" in more senses than one, and those who will not acquire the power that might be their for the seeking mast ever pay the penalty of being ignorant by being slsvt. Human beings should use the brains that Lave been given them, and not allow thetn to soften through disuse. Americans need more senae, oot mora "patriot isn." It is poor pa triotism that will lead a people iiito LloodaLed at the bidding of men ho Lave been amassing mountains of wealth by robbing the people, and who will do no part in the fight ing tbemsdre. War is a relic of L&rbirism, at, is only excusable when engmgeJ ia in stlf-defent. The war spirit is not patriotic spirit It is the spirit of whole! Dinrder. Lit es not Uke toy trij in j cuing it THE SFE CHIDGE. Hai Anything 0rnirrj o Mjk the Finan cial hatfurm of the National Conven tion of 1892 Lesi Democratic? Tho Democratic party marched to victory in 1892 over this plank : "We hold to the uso of boih gold and silver as the standard money of the country, and to tho coinage of both gold and silver without dis criminating against either metal or charge for mintage, but the dollar unit of coinage of both metaln rnuxt be oi equal intrinsic and interchange able vahie, or be adjusted through international agreement or by such safeguards of legislation as shall in sure the maintenance of the parity ot the two metals and the equal power f every dollar at all times in the markets and in payments of debts; and we demand tnat all paper1 currency shall bo kept at par with and redeemable in such com. We insist upon this policy as especially necessary for tho protection of the farmers and laboring clsutaes, tho iiret and most defenseless victims of unstable money and a fluctuating currently." Is it not good to "trust tho bridge that has salely carried us over" in politics es in other thingd This platform was Democratic in 1S92. What has happened to make it less so now? Has tho price of silver advanced, ko that free coin ago would bo less dangerous now than it wan then ? No. The aver age price of silver in lS'J'J was 87 cent an ounce. It is now 08. Has the supply 0f silver dollars lceti cut djwn since 1 8V2 if No. Tho Treasury Iks coined $1000,000 since tho present administration came into power. Has tho cause of freo silver so strengthened in tho country that it is moro politic to indorse it now than it was four years sgof Again no. It has jit tin defeated in the IIouto by a majority of 125 the largest over recorded agaitiht it. llavo the StaUs in the Ivmt and Northwest that helped to elect President Cleve land and a majority of both houses of Congress in 12, and upon which the party inui-t depend for eucccw now, shown iny signs of re ceding from their opposition to free coinage Emphatically no. Their Democratic-conventions are stronger and more explicit than ever in lavor ing the highest standard, the best money, tnd an honest discharge of all national obligations one of which is the continuance ul bi metallism by maintaining the parity ot the mouev metals and the equal- ity anu cxcuangcauimy or a:i our j dollars. iJieso being tacts beyond dispute, why urge a departure from the safe path? Why desert the bridgo that has carried tho party f-afely to victory? New York World. Newt from Cuba. Jacksonville, Fla., May 2 Rev. Alerio Diaz, tho Southern Ilaptist missionary expelled from Cuba by Gen. Weylcr, in a long interview, tells appalling stories of atrocities being committed by Spaniards. In the lat two weeks, in theruriil dis tricts of San Miguel del Paragon and Minas, Mr. Diaz says Col. Foudevillc has had more than 10 persons butchered and then report ed them to the outside world ae having been killed in battle. Among those killed were children 12and 14 years-of age. The victims were compelled to dig their own graves before being shot. As the steamer was leaving Havana, Mr. Diaz says word was brought on board that twenty-seven more peaceable citizens had been butcher ed by Col. Fondeville's troops near Hivana. Col. Fondeville is one of Weyler's favorites and is acting under the captain general's orders. Havana, May 2 Intelligence has reached here of a tierce engage ment between six columns of Spanish troops under Gens. Suarez and Inclan and the insurgent forces under Gen. Maeeo, near Carajicaras, south of 1'ahia. The relels were well entrenched and had erected a number of log forts from behind which they made a stubborn residence. Gen. Inclan brought his artillery to bear on the enemy, but, notwithstanding, the repeated bayonet charges were nec essary to entirely dislodge the enemy. The rebel loss was over 200. The loss on the Spanish side was two lieutenants and fourteen soldiers killed and one lieutenant colonel, two captains, one major, two other ofiicers and sixty one soldiers wounded. The Spanish irooj under Col. Molina had s desperate encounter with a force of 1,.V0 rebels under the insurgent leader Lscrct near Cejs do Pablo, in the province of Santa Clara. The lighting lasted two hours, at the end ot which time the Spaniards succeeded in capturing the rebel camp. The low ou the Spf.n'sh side consisted of or.e lieutenant and two soldiers killed and four soldiers wounded. The rebels ere said to Lave suffered a severe Ions and it is reported the rebel leaders Ijteret, Yasquez, Pn cho and Perez were among the wounded. One of the severest cy clones that Kansis haf ever known pa-wed over portions of Clay, Cloud and Wash ington counties, Kansas, Sunday evenin. lu path was about 4") fot-t ide and il extended lully 2' mil. Fort out U-ly it struck no towns but everything in its track was destroyed. The number of killed and who Lave died from their wuuuds is retried to be 11. Over 25 persons are said to I s ve sut-tained allium, injuries. Over 20 families were rendered bom.-!t4 by the storm. The ufftringi of those injured were reodend greater by the severe Lai! and rain tliat ci.e!y t'owsJ the tornado. SHAH OF PERSIA DEAD. MURDERED BY A MAN DISGUISED AS A WOMAN. SHOT THROUGH THE HEART. Toe Heir Apparent Will Go ti Teheran at Once to Be Crowned as His father's Successor to the Throne, Tkiikka.n,Pkkia, May 1. While tho Shah of Persia was entering the inner court of the shrine of Shah Abdul Azim, six miles couth of this, city, at 2 o'clock this afternoon, he was shot and kiiied by a man dia guised as a woman. Tho assassin lired point blank at the Shah's heart. Immediately tho Shah was carried to his carriage, and was conveyed to his palace, where ho was ottended by I Jr. Thologin, hie chief physician. Other physicians were hastily sent for, but in spite of their combined effort, his Majesty expired soon after his arrival at his palace. The assassin, who was promptly arrested, is said to be troin Kerrnan. It is believed that tho murderer has accomplices. The Loir appar ent, Mnzaf-Er-Ed Din, was imme diately advised of the assassination of his father and will leave Tabriz, where he was sojourning, for Te heran as soon as possible. Quiet prevails here, and no dis order in apprehended as a result of the murder of the Shah. The Fire Bug Again. Tho alarm of fire at 3 o'clock yesterday morning was in conse quence of another successful piece of deviltry by tho tiro bug who has been operating so extensively in the eastern part of tho city. Ho set fire to Holy Temple church, a small frame building on Miller street, between Nixon and Woods streets, used as a house of worship by a colored congregation. The church was burned down, and tho fire communicated to and destroyed a small frame house belonging to-Mrs. KatoT. dimming and occupied by Robert Bowens, colored. Another house belonging to Mrs. dimming and occupied by Henrietta I'arker, colored, was considerably damaged. Mrs. Cumming's houses were in sured lor 200 each but the church was not insured. This makes more than a dozen incendiury tires in the past few months, and the people in the eastern part of the city are neces sarily much exercised over the fre quent incendiarisms occurring every few nights. Can't something lo done to run down the scouudiul or crank who is committing these frequent outrages? Something should be done about it. Wil mington Messenger. Supreme Court Decides Against Mrs. Vance. The Stiprenrj court last week handed down its opinion in the suit for dower ot Mrs. Florences. Yance vs. Chas. N. Vance and oth ers, heirs ot Senator Z B. Vance. The suit was heard at the January term of Mecklenburg court. The lower court decided that Mrs. Vance was not entitled to take the house and lot in Chariot's as part of her dower, and from this she appealed. The court also decided that Mrs. Yance was entitled to dower in the Bee Tree farm in Buncombe, and from this the defendants appealed. The Supreme court decided both points in favor of the defendants, holding that Mrs. Yance was not entitled as a mutter of law to have the Charlotte property included in her dower, and not entitled to have the Bee Tree farm considered in allotting her dower. Ashevillc Cit izen. She Thrashed Brown. The little town of Athens, Tenn., was thrown into a state of excite ment Saturday as the result of a sensational episode which occurred early in the morning on one of the 1riueipal streets, when Miss Rosa .ewis, a respectable young lady, whipped E. M. Brown, a prominent grocery merchant, and a member of the church. Mi-s Lewis thrashed Bro-n unmercifully and he now bears many marks of the encounter. The cause of the affair is attribu table to a letter which Mis ta-wis claims was written iier by 1'rown, stating that Lis wife was likely to die at any moment and that he would then be in need of another help meet. This natural' y offended Miss Lewis and ishe s wore to get revenge. Brown's wife has loenn invalid for a number of years and she is now lying at the point of death. Wood won't burn unless a!r oxygen ii present. The food taken Into the body must be united with oxygen before It can be consumed and give heat to keep the body warm. Scott's Emulsion cf Cod liver OiI7 wiiFi FTypcphcs phltes, is one of the best fuel foods. The cod-liver oil ob tains its oxygen from the air and heat Is produced. It warms, nourishes, invigorates, gfve3 goxl blood, and fortifies against the piercing winds of fail and winter. The hypo phesphites tone up the ner vous system and improve digestion. Scott's Emulsion prevents colds, courhs, con sumption and general debility. frtkapHHgetalWMI.rMf I A m- f 1 I. Sm. m to wtf-rm fov.m LW-M. orf Is Charity Worth While. Ruth Abhmoro contributes a helptul and practical piper on ''lo Charity Worth While!" to May Indies Home Journal, thus sum marizing her discourse: But after alL what we want to do, you and I, is to tiil our lives with charity so that to whomever there mat come need we nmy help. The help may express itself in ma terial things ; it may he in ihcsym pathy of kindly words, or it may la) spoken only by the pressure of the hand. There is no charity having your name on the list cf icneroun givers while some one near to you stays indoors because her emu is shabby, or because he r coat is not HuUiciently warm. There is no charity in . the giving of much money if ycu have been harsh and cruel to some one who deserved your consideration, and have rnado that one heait feel that there is nothing in the world but bitterness. "There is no charity in your be ing willing to write checks that represent money when you are quick to speak the unkind word, or to show to those who aro around you a heart eaten up by pride, and lips that utter no words save those of scorn. All the gold in the world will count, as nothing unless your charity is like tlist which was taught to tho world nearly two thousand years ago. It meant that to teed the hungry, tukecaro ' f tho sick, to forgive tho sinner, and to help, always in the best way, who ever asks for help was Christ's charity. That is the charity, my friend, that vou and I want to try to imitate. Begin by being charit able with your lips, by being charit able in your thoughts and acts. And if, of your little store there can only bo offered a tew pence, you may ho eel tain that they will be reckoned by (Jod Himselr asgreRter than the many millions given by thodO who are so unwise as to think that charity means only the giving of the least of all things money." Lambsburg Sheaves. We have had a great deal of rain in this vicinity for tho last few days which the farmers no doubt were glad to see. The Literary and Debating So cieties were organized on the 17th. We have had some very enthusiastic debitis. The writer is very glad to see 1 lie speakers manliest so much interest. We have a largo school In re and learn 01 (puto a number more students coming. We cordially in vite tin m to come on. ijtnto a nuiiner 01 t j o youi g people of tins place left hero last Saturday morning for the Baptist Association at Elk Spur and wire invited to Mitchell s Hotel w here they wore treated with much kind ness. Rev. Isanc Jones, of North Caro lina, Will preach here ou Fr.dav', May Sth. 0. R. Jarrell, one of our students, is now attending coint at Stuart, Virginia. Success tl.e N R. H. P. Lambsburg, Ya., May 2d, lV.Hl. When fevers and other epidemics are around, safety lies in fortifying the system w ith Ayer's Sarsapariilii. A person having thin and impure blood, is in the most favorable con dition to "catch" whatever disease may be flouting in the air. lie wise in time. Killed by a Cow. Tho ohkt son of John Smith, ot Farmingtoii township, Davie coun ty, while watering a cow hi a branch on lust Tuesday evening, wrapped the chain, with which the was led, around his waist and the cow, upon Incoming frightened, ran away and dragged the boy at a rapid rate along the ground, killing him al most instantly, says the Times, rvnrnTiiiT rArriiium w v miiMwiiilil umiov Which ' , iliU I laMIWI andlMiS. "MOTHERS' FRIEND" 1 Rett Cii"MTO(!! of Its Pain, Horror and Risk. , 1 frf b.rtto of h-r firt chid, fcljfj did ti'it '..T.Tliouil Hneof PilW v.jioj.jiikiy 1 1 rnv-i i wis cr uirti uour 8urr rihi- imii , Jm Mi liuil no ilu after wHfd tbd tn-r ' t. 1. joiiftxTOK, fcuuulu, Ala. fcit Vit Mull or Exprss. on reiwiin ot j rv. -r butil. liuok -To iiuOj. , SMI Umiiml 1- ri'S. Batumi. an. 1 uihh to., iti.i, c. 1 SOLS T ALL DKOGGISrs. 4 JOB IIIA.TT, j PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C, J -fc hi tun III 4 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, I NOTIONS, i FURNITURE, FERTILIZER A tft Till U1AT.D t 4 Domestic Sewing Machine, ; j Tli Hat M lbs Markf-l. I tai fj-Uu A'iu si Hi si. Pilot Mountain Livery Stable ) LUMBER I 4 A Bussed Memory. nits-H-J is the memory of mother! It floats tons like the beautiful kt fuino of some wooded . hhcm. The music ot other voices may bo lost, but tho enchantiig memory will echo in onrsotil fon ver. Other faces liny fade away and be forgot Un, but herR will shine on. When in the beautiful pannes of linay life our h-ct wander hack to the old homestead, and, crossing tne well known threshhold, stand once more in the room, so hallowed by her presence, how the feeling o childhood and depend ence comes over us, and we kneel down in the molten sunshine stream ing through tho open window just where long years ago wo knelt by our mother's knee, lisping, ''Our Father!'' How many times, whin the tempter lured us on, has tl.e memory of those sacred hours, that mother's words, her faith and pray ers, saved us from plunging into tho atiyss of sin ! Years have filled great diifts between her and un, but they have not hidden from our sight tho glory ot her pure, unself ish love. .ion's Watchman. ( Whd Bttl'jr wiw l?k, wi ffavc her CubiTta. Wbwi aha waaa (tilld, alwcrl'-J fur Caatiria. When aim Waiim Mbw, alio cluoa; to Cat'irla, Whea ahe bad Childrvn, akt gaveUieu Cattorta Blood mr-ana sound liealth. With pur, rich, healthy Mood, the atomai h and dl gMtiveorffina will bo vli;rou, and there will lie no dVHjK-jnila. Khnnmatiam and NsiiralRia wiiltio unknown. rVmt'ila and Ball 1U euin ill diaiit-ar. W UU iure Blood i'our nt-rvea will lie atrong, and your alwp sound, awet-t and rtir-liiii(r. Hood's Har-uiparilla nmk.n ,'iire lilond. That is why it runn no ninny d!n. That 1 hv -o niHiiy thotiaanda takn it to curn diaran', P.-taiti (fi d In ail Ii, .re-Tt-iil aitkneaa u ml nuflrrinK. lli uinnU-r Sarsaparilla Is the One True lllixid I'linfl-r. (I -r Mile. , . .. 1 'nr.- I.,wi UN; ea.y U IlOOU S rlllS uki-,ia two-iau-. jm. New Then OR NEVER ? Real Estate at Paelic Sale ! tlinc I liav inure anil (on my haioli lliau 1 can well li;imi!e nr maiiano lo Bilvuiitae ami fin Ihe pnittti.' I'hi'ial'y an-rlitin-iirnua (or u alian- m II ; a tiniiin I. it or a fa mi, I lmve ilicnliit to (jive llnin all an ''jn:il eliance hy olli ring minti of it at 1 1 1 11 ic Aiicliun, i'onseiui-ntly 01 WaF, Oct. Is!, 1896, Al U o'L-liK'k a. ni on i In- )reuiiH a, I w ill o!li r my Huone's II ill i'ai in, run ait ion "f nearly two linn In-il ' ie ol real g'-O'l lui'Tniir IiiihI, litnU-r, in i m i itle, A I ., In It. ip mill tr:nlato anil tin nir liax-r 1 hit land lies on KuiImI.tIJiitI . i Ixl ( lie old II. .1 o Kuiiil al.oiit l and a lull miles rioiilli ot town. Alv, Oi FrirJay, Oct. 2ifl, 1896, A nuiiilii r of i linice ri-aidriire lo a in 1 j-t Mm nit Airy, juhl oiiti-nle nf tlie iniorror ition ; a sj lendid view of llie city, llie lllue iti lire M.ninl.iiiia and Ihe juirrouinjiiii; country. J one tin plate lur a Imnie in theciiy and ye! nultije ol the n'.y t.n. Also Oi SirfiaF, Oct. 3it 1896, r-iie Ji-iiialile lunlilmy in Hain tiiii', siill ,iiear-r town, .10 exeiif now Cor not ownif g your oho linuie in the tily hut imt 111 the incorf .oiatM 1 1 111 1 lo. A l-w 4iiin.p. acres ot iiiiuital ait J tiiulier lamia I'm in 3 toi) miiea in (he ii iinlry ean be IiourIiI at priaie aale. .Now, it you want an , tiiit nay so. An (our lots on limklorJ elu ct, In .Vi.iunt Aiiy, atau a ro 1 ijarry in HjiuIhii. leinm, one-thii !i' tliml inone year, oiie-lhioi in lo )!'. THOS. I LT.OWEII, MOUNT AIKY, April 16. (io to I'rather's ruw htyles i f Clothing. you ami no mifctHke. and get his prices, lie 1 1 . and sec his Jle cm fit Si-e afoods ean please in eiWaiit you aim (irree you nji style for less rimliev than ever be fire. (io to It. II. lonnrd' for Wati his, Coi kf, Jt-welry nnd Sil verware. it. ii Ia -uhtI has catnl'igucrf of Furniture a.d will order your r ur niture for 2 per cent. h than you have Ixen buying it. Cull ami fcW him. Jle will tri Ht you ri'ht. Notwithtitanding the school - son is abotit to close, I stiil with to impress upon your mind the fact that I have the moet comj.leto ime of school supplies ever broti'lit to this market. J. I). Jjxkink. W hen vr noma, b U-jina lu lrotil.r fni, it nee.1. Ik Ip. 'I lie U:p it need., is to dii.t your lol, aud, anul it sr.ia It, tihi moii't l ae any pe. e. M.iina, t, ir,,,!'r ( rery d rii,i ,ry ol.,i male, rj dan fnmn. Many i,f the mo ni genius .1,.. l-es:n .ihiBipl iiidi(f.iion. Tlie rwoli lethal i 11I t-e.ti,i (ii.h dit-eBli.tfi, nnt-ifLn-iit 1 ekei.. cle ay.inii and allosis iliaeaw iriiii. to all k 11. 'J l,r (1. ti.l.a laMiakei i geal've I Wdial, stn-ni;tb-tntaf, e.Nirishiuu, rural ue. 1, ruina 1 ii dk-ratioB aa I rvac aireeirtk a ad Iwalih. 1 1 due Id is ly Mren,-lieiiiin (he l.i,.-t, by tlpiag it u. diire.i sejr .1 : r,,lrI Ul! yen. fihak-r Iifai Lordlai Is tna4 rf rura L-rl, pia-.U ami aitiitia w:lrVtly tfin -a. 1 al i,l tettuiilr rule alirnniiwinaaaili . tut4 t. trn ft., .ru o tel. la Un (. tiSN Lr Kloods trot. W. S. Peeke, no, ri.kM a n..;uiir t4 lMI.V i.Hm .k..l rU H k i .uiil ltlr4ind tur. J Q ed more taea lliaa an H H 3 liin rtytic:; his 9 M k W B'icc-a la aoiiahin. atL & We hare hrd ol rlM II kirn. Hi publUhete val liable work o this aaiia, wl k ij he ae ida with laree bot tle of his absolute cure, free to any surerere srho maf send their P. O. and Kxpreas ait.ireMl. We a.lvine any one wtshlnir a cure l.iat.1reo fraf.W. B. ttUJL, 1.1)., CAai U lew Tark "WJ3 W3 ToeallU) in attention o( the people of Muunt Airy and aunoiinillnir country that we atlll have The Best Sapply of Pare Drugs, Medlcln . Iieniliula, Toilet Article, Pttcnt Medli'lnea, c, c , to he round In .'urry couniy, ar.d that v, want and into Mr We do no) aell "Iienp .lohn" gooda ami do not nay we aell yuu at heap John prl'-ea, hut we do say we give you THE BEST TI1.1t can be twuclil and sell ihem to you ut ri'ioofiiitii- prli-ea. We eipeelally wlah 10 cull a'l -iitlnn In our euppiv ot TRUSSES. I( you need one aon'i fail to come to e na. e have all atylea ami slea and with a loiiif e perlei ee ran ailjint one to til where If a cure la puaalMe you will eerlalnly he curert. Alhojr you r eed a pair of spei'tai-'es we have an aliuiid-iiue of Hawkes' Celeliratefl Glasses And weeiiimol sutl i.-nlly urge the Importance ol liujlinj the l-1 when the di lli ate ori;aa of sliiht la ifini erned. Ijtal hut not least, we wiah to cull attention lo the fait we are prepared to till your lituill) re. eijiia aiid physiclana' pr-.M-rlpltoiii With Skill and Accuracy. Vt IOi ten years' pr.i. -th-al ev ri' ne In )our na ihl and a y .irt tralnlni; In one of I lie la-at i iilli-i;! a ill I'harllM III the 1,'lllled sittii-. we dar... sb' no one will henl tale to put ihe nnH(t nlWi'ult or liitrli-aie pre rip' Inn lu onr tiaiiil.-t. Very 'I'ruly, TAYLOR & BANNER. The Mount Airy BilOWN i HSYNES, Proprietors. 9 Tlie Mount Airy White Sulphur Hprinp-t 1 Intel will lie open fur vi- iior .May lnlh. J ho water at this hliriiiu in as fine an can Lmj found hiijw lii-re. If vou nn Kiifferiiitf with Imligi-n tinii, I.ivcmr Kiilin-j Tnnilili'.ciiiiie uiiiiuriiik the Vi lute Milphur v ater We can furnish a treat many ten- tinidiiiald from imrtiea who Iiiivh used the wnlerof this Kprinj,', ami fruiii th leailinjr physieiana uf this count ry. ltwill'uri ftny Hkin IiiafHHi-in two weeks or any Inflammation nf tin; Kyi-rf or any trouble: caus-d. fiy Impure lilnud. Thi'Hi" tatenii-nt nrc not made merely to get you to the Spring, Imt nre alisoluioiy ri-ta. Anyone winn ing Dairies of parties that have; liceti restored to health liy the tue of this water we will gladly furnish them. The lintel m well furnished. Tahle Mipplieil with the best this inuuil tain country alTorda. f'lenly of fruit and everything freah and nice. Our hacks will meet all trains, and forty minutes ride over a beau tiful road will bring you to the r-iinnes. Some line mountain aeenery near hotel. Our rates for May and June will be 1JQ per month, J.UU per week, 1 1 !M per day ; for July and August, '5 per mould, f" UO per week, l-MM per day, for grown people, and half prn e lor children anu aervanm. For further information, address BROWN & KAYNES, Proprietors, Mount Airy, N. C. M. U. STlkWART. 4 4 1 fj?S( w I rw 1 t -a. .t ' ! - , .at ..' f ' Livery Stable. Sitiialed mi Krai.klin Street, Mount Airy. N. t ." . , I ' r . V . r. I aylor a old stand Oiniiiliua meet all trains nnd carries paioo-tiera to Hotel Reynolds or to any part ol it. I'rtiiit niir 0 't-liiii', him atii ft-l.t-e Hii.j l.ii j jour JMittU, oile Btlil hlllell.e tit l. A. Ilulleton't. Try llmmi fine California 1'runce ami hv aKirat('d IVacht-H at J. U. rAtlISi.N'r5. l'Ag lot IIitiiifiKM-ki1, Cnxjut-t set, Fikhiti Tackle, lie liall (JiMnlr, iV.c, clit-Mi) at J. I). Jt-iiLiiia'. Tcihuoir inai hilicry fur ea!i. All in firet-clii cutiilii'mti. AdJrewor call on V, K. IVix, Mt. Airv, N.('. licet anj ln-an-et line of paiutt of eery kind, cheap Houston's drii etorc. li-aiJjr-itiixeJ .ainta jut rt-cfivi-d. A irtioq of jour patronage n-eitftfully KjliciUJ. I). A. Iloteiojs. If )uu waiit to know til ala.tit the war in Cuha, call on Ilerltrt IjOI rjr and jou can gH bok that will tell you al! aU.ut it. It is intercttiri and oss ti.t jvutig and old ottgiii t n ad. "ihm price ia very low only fl.50. 11 .-sirr r SI tile Sill' Spring m trt rrh n Trr ya-t " n Via HI CARTLAND,. Tlie linbit Tiilir . Jl.l TIIS I.4TIXT Im)orted Choviots. B3 Vicuii.'is. msm Cassimers. PAST CLOTH IX ALL STILES, WRITE FOR SAMPLES. ---- Has Cluctt, Coon & Go's popular brand of Shirts, Dress Nigligcc Chevoit Underwear, Canes and Umbrellas. n ir nAirrr.ANn. -Jl. M.. f -M. ' aV. Kj 1 Ub oUU 1 n tLIVI o I rttt I , Wanted 4,500,000 Planters' Warehouse, MOUNT ATR 1ST. C., FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Tli s Wari-liMne Is N-;trrl la Itii- Imslins part nt tin i'nii-iil-iil to fi an tlii lea'llnif .fnl.l-r. II l llnai.-il wl'liln a i- rnt l.u. ins Tillei s l-af llmii. I'raile-r hlilia-k il'i Iw rii Ka(nr) ami lie- iii'iiiiiu'iMi T. Vnrn .f hiiarn-r Hra., anl in l.u-t injn i,i.-ul U all uur lubai u; li.'-ll. la nl'li s Uu h wi- tiaie I lie Best Accommodations for Man and Stock of an j House in the State. Our al't su.o' ihv lrt of doH'r havf twn almt loiiMf any two ar -h'tu-w's in M wtiirti ih Btrn eudt-a. tj thai .m TJIK PLAXTKKsS' IS THE PLACE TO SELL! Mr. i, A. N-wiin. o'ir kwwr. I t!-k ntum nne of th h-M (n f h- (r, Mr K. F. W nil h our Hix.k Kir, l.t li m a ii'iar-tuu- tum our M.k in Im- ur(lv kj.. Nr. A T. nH, FtttrW'k Cftjiiiy, n . Kl'mr Mini nr. It A. Nffjiii. r h'(jk fotiiity, Nlkfht Watrhuinrt, aiirl IS, W. lirnwi. Mij'rliitt-i;'lH (I.e Halt' of eVerj J he of Tutnn ' O put un our Moor mud (tut It hrln'H K'HI Nrkfl uliif. tr- hAr oiie of M-tt Arr'iriK'! Htt'in-iitii fur ttorlriif and ordrIijjaf T"mrrt t) b f''iii(t wIiTv nn ii--1 n-.i ffitr hi-'i vhi .rt to Mount Ary with our Tubiui-j, but tt lv t it- I'l.A.N'i Kr.1 wftt-r' y "l will ri '-iv' tu v-r fn-nt aj-'otnni'Ml:tilon r"Alt T-ihi-iMi siiipiM'i lo or i rt lu our rry will m our vt t-Hf ait'iitlon. (ok itnj u whilf in t"V u. win Her ou have ,!, n or unt. 'i liaitlitiiar run aii'l alitor (he very IUmtjiI p.i ffj;iafi (f1vtri In thppixt and plMltlnir our M'lseit lo ui i h (- ( ihfl to look fttU'.T t lit. JijiiTi'il uur cu-ituiii. th. - Wy very vAl kuow that )our liiterehtrt an our Uii rt''H. Your friends. 9 , MT. V 1 I I WiWTT fSt t Hav Your mad? to Ordcr- VfOi Tbey Cuarapiee to Pit &o4 Please You. LARGEST ASSORTMENT. LOWEST PRIGES. LOOK AT THCIB) SaMPtlS AT PRATHER S CLOTHING PAINT. PAINT. PAINTS, OILS, YARNISHES, TURPENTINE, READY MIXED PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, PUTTY AND BRUSHES AT HOUSTON'S DRUG STORE. PAINT. PAINT. ErLAIWJAPAINT CO i ii aasaaiiiass- iAlVIlVlAR Hai NTS ar ffrmmd TIIK K. Thrr a thscirTrt comblnailon of WMl. Ta1 an! ?inc 1 a a t a baMna g.j"1 ItlMil pert r muiuinir all ii" fmry i nMlKN, 1H I K, I i P I I II V.u matt l . (HI'S I LIlK, litlillll.K and I.HK.HT Ii. I I III S.I.Iiuk purr I Ul -11 I INH, I It oil.. . .thins- Lit l.msrr, Oil Km) ra any f faj III U CMiul of Ul A yaltouol Til It K f Mnur-ir t nsini nn,i fr-'!n,l 11 KS-. I (uucnluiliukc 'l VVOk.iluuull-tUl'.,k'UV MlXKU 1AI Ji X i.ung ouly J Psjs; Ootluass Sold and guaranteed 1 TAYLOR & BA7STNrKn, ii al.-i-s In Priit's. Mi-tlicines, 1'aints, (lila, Ktc. Tre. KTijiUoim rari-fully ruiiiiiniiiiJi--J. Sash, Doors and Blinds. NO TJiOl'HI.K NOW TO Bt'ILl) A IIOUE IK YOl! KNOW iir.ur. iu ul i iiir. iviir-Ai t-jr MATKIUAL. We Manufacture All Kind of l).X)ni, Sash, l'llir.'), MaMela, I.vr an. I Win low Pramca, Turrifxl. Work tk-rvll-SawiPpP, Siair-Work, Moul.lipjr of all ktoda, Flooring, eil.fijj Si'linfT, C'aiMn ani ki k'nU vt Finirbe-J LamUr. We Carry la Stock Hoiit'h LuihUt, .SbiMcav riaU-rir.r I.athf. t4 ! knd ItuiMimr M!nal. May 9ik, 19'.'. 7 t. ...-. . hi Hi w Hi iH ih ft Hi HI W Hi rM m m m fcij M m m Hi m OF GREENSBORO, N. C, HI ROTri.TIBa l fc. k l ef J AsaV. Tricots, in "Vr.stendst m m HI k -m m aa., .. -m. , j LIlA urttLnoDunu, n. i. Lj Pounds Leaf Tokeco -AT- BROWN, HAYNES L NEWSOM. AI8Y MARBLE WORKS. mount Airy, N.U. n, u. & , rropnciori. Tombstor.fis, Iron Fencing, .. .... ,.,. . iK'slHR prWs or ralj an4 fnarntno our MitK'k. Our work tutd pri will pleai. GLOTHES Tbr CREAT Aercbarjt Tailors. STORE, MOUNT AM, N. C. QrtD.vrn. X. C.

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