TEE MOUNT AIRY NEWS. t i. LOWRY. Carro. Moupt Airy, N. 0., My 11, 1890. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On eopy, one yea. On copy, nix mdnllta, On eopy, tbrea montlig, PAYABLE IJ? ADVANCE. 11.00 .Ml 2.ri SnbudalMiaPoaiomoeatllounlalry.N.R, a aucouu-osaaamau aaer. The Silver Tarty 1.rb started a paper t Wilmington, known r tlio Now Era. Tho wheat crop io tlio western part of the State is cut short by tha dry weather. wiwwiimwri miiiii fT Ths Republican, of Burry held their convention at Dobson last Friday and appointed delegate to tlio Congressional and State eon ventiona. If you will induce business men of our town to drop the order business once for all you will have solved ' the "bard time" problem bo much discussed hereabouts. Fact ! Ike Savage, of Culler, X. 0., is ftaid to be tho first negro to go up in a balloon'. Ike descended in Steele's parachute and said it was much safer to "stay on tho yeih." If onr people don't quit their foolish habit of talking hard times, they will go to the dogs and no mistake and drag every sinner of us with them. The times are just iplendid. Tho peoplo are goinjr along without their'"balance wheel." That is tho trouble. The National watchman says that England has $91,000,000 invested in breweries in the United States, and last year she took out of this country in beer receipts $S,0OO,OOO in gold. We have for our share tho paupers and criminals, the sin and misery and a serious Etmggle with financial problems. We also have for our portion the political corrup tion by which, to nee the words of Archbishop Ireland, the liquor power reduces politics to its own level and chains in clavery to its chariot wheels the degraded com monwealth which allows its tri nmph. Futhermore, wo have the liberty to partake freely of alcoholic poisons, to tempt others to drink, to destroy homes and send children to destruction and to provide the drunkard with a prison and a grave. The Monroe Enquirer says : Breckonridge, he of Pollard tame, is to run for Oongrees again. The ladies are organizing to secure his defeat. Come down, Mr. Tfecken ridge. There is nothing that can stand before the attacks of women who foci that they champion the right Better for a man that an army were against him than for a woman who feels that right and honor and virtue are ou her side to lift her hand against him. In our civilization the whole world is a unit against the man who wrongs a woman and leaves her to bear the burden of her ehamo, while he poses before the public as an apostle of morality and of wifdom. Then the silver tongue . only sounding brass ; then, the strong man be comes as weak as a little child ; then, his boasted wisdom is folly and his eloquence mere drivel. Look well then to yonr laurels, Col. Brocken ridgo, for often beneath the velvety serines of a woman's hand are hocks of fiteel, and remember that no man can measure the power of the little white hand of a woman with a burning wrong behind it. Indiana For McKinley. The Indiana Republican conven tion instructed its delegates for Maj. UcKinlcy, with scarcely a show of opposition and the Wig irrmendint?' battle ttntwnnn t!in Mi. Kjnley and alleged II arrison forces, ending in a commonplace peace. The platform embodying the- in structions was adopted by a viva Voce vote and without division, the chairman's decision that the motion be adopted had carried, being re ceived without a challenge Gen. Ilarrison did not make his eagerly expected speech to the delegates and did not visit the convention at all. t After th Tobacco Trust. The grand jury at New York has found indictments against Jas. 1!. Duke and nine directors of the . American Tobacco Company (Charg ing them with "conducting a mo Bopoly in the papar cigarette trade." The directors of the American Tobacco Company indicted wirh President James 13. Duke were : Wm. Butler, Wm. A Marburg, Locis Gintcr, George Arters, Gao. W. Gail, Benj. N. luke, Geo. W. Watts, Jos'ah Browne and Ciias. G. Emery. The defendants were indicted under cton ICS of the Penal Code, which applied to conspiracy in that they committed acts to in jnre trade and commerce; also that they conspired to monopolize the paper cigarette trade. The com plainant are the National Cigarette and Tobacco Company, manufac turers of the Admiral cigarette, and the defendant have been notified to appear and plead in part at get.eral session. Democratic Meeting!, The .Democrats in' Blue Riikc. White Plains and Hamburg town ships aro called to meet at their ro spectivo votiiiir places on Saturday, iway z.ira, IMM'., to elect an. execu tive committee, whoso duty it will no to selcel a l liairman, and such chairman will becomo a member of the County Exccutivo Committee. The Democrats in tho four wards or precincts in Mount Airy town ship aro called to moot at their re spective voting places on Saturday, amy ru, lsuu, at xu o'clock a. M., for liko purpose. It shall bo tho further object of those meetings to transact any other business which may properly come before them under tho plan ot or ganization, determined by tho State Executive Committee. By order of Co. Ex. Com. S. P. Gkavics, Chairman. Democratic Convantior,. A convention of tho Democratic party of Surry county is hereby called to moot in Dobson, at 1 o'clock, ou Monday, June 1st, 1890, for tlio purpose of selecting dele gates t) the State Democratic Con vention which has leen called to assemble on Juno 2."tn, 1890, for the pnrposo of nominating candi dates for Governor and other State officers and Presidential Electors for tho State at large; for the pur pose cf electing delegates to the National Democratic Convention at Chicago and fur the transaction of uch other business as may prop erly come before it. It is tho further purpose of this Convention to select delegates to attend the Congressional Conven tion of this Dibtrict hereafter to be called. . Tho several townships and voting precincts in this county will hold primary conventions on Saturday, May 30th, 1890. to elect delegates to tho County Convention in ac cordance with the plan of organi zation ot the State Executive Com mittee. Done by order of the Democratic Exccutivo Committee of Siury county. S. P. (i eaves, Chairman. - ... H. K. Holmet Executed. Philaheu'iiia, Pa., May 7. -Herman W. Madgett alias U. H. Holmes, was hanged in Moyamen sing prison atl24 minutes after 10 o'clock. That is the time the drop fell. It was fully a hall hour later before he was officially pronounced dead. A half minute before he was shot into eternity lie made this declara tion to the solemn assemblage gathered about the scaffold : "Gentlemen, I have very few wordsto say. In fact I would make no remarks at this time c :cept that by not speaking I would appear to acquiesce in my execution. I only wish to say that the extent of my wrong doing in taking human life consisted in the death of two wo men, they having died at my hands as the result of criminal ojerations. I wish to also state here, so that there can be no chance of misun derstanding hereafter that I am not guilty of taking the lives of any of the Pietzel family, the three child ren, and Benjamin, the father, of whose death 1 was convicted, and for which I am to-day to be hanged. That is al! I have to say." It will be seen that the words were well chosen. Thev were equally well pronounced. Tho voice never quavered ; the hands ciiisped on the railing of the scaffold did not tremble. The nerve which had all along characteriued this marvel of assassins had not deserted him to the very end. As the last syllable fell from his pallid lips, he turned to his attorney. Clasping the right hand of the young lawyer, Holme gave him a firm gr&sp firm even at that terrible moment he laid his leit hand on the other man's shoulders and gazing straight into his eyes, nttered in aloud voice "Good bye." Then lie caret uily buttoned Li6 coat, nodded to the sheriff, aud in an instant he shot to death. University Catalogue. The University Catalogue for 181)6 shows marked growth in every department of the institution. 108 conrsei of study are offered in 14 departments. The Law school has 58 students, the Medical school 30, the summer school for teachers 140, the college 3.'i3, making a total of 53i students taught by 3S pro fessors aud instructors. Free tuition is offered to teachers ard candidates tor the ministry. 75 endowed scholarships are given to needy boys of tuletit and charac ter. $16,000 is loaned in small sums to students needing help. For catalogue write to President Win ston, Chapel Hill, N. C. That's the Way Your V.ouey Goes. Eoitok News : I send you a statement ot the aggregate of the bills of CMt allowed at the last term of the Superior Court : Witness and officers cost, $1,014. G7 Jurors estimated, 475.00 Total, $l,4SiU;7 Number of bills ignored by the grand jury 08. So you can see hr w the tax payer's money gciea. lie meiuber the above bills of cost are for only half fees. E. E. A Drunken Negro Killed. The Atlantic Coast Line passenger train, run over and horribly mutilat ed the bod v of a negro by the name of Henry Peacock, about six miles from Wilson, N. O, Friday. Pea cock was drunk and had started to walk home on the railroad track and w snpiHXwd to Lave fallen asleep. The engineer appears not tl. have been aware of running over him, as it wm not reiH)rted until the fragments ot the body were dis co versa vj me section matter. News from Coal Creek, V. Elder Isaae Jones has been preach' ing in our section lor several days lie is an ahlo preacher and we re grot to seo him leave our valley. Mrs. Dan Cox has been very sick but is now in a ti no state of con valescence. Mr. Hugh Cox and wife puve a birthday dinner or. April 20th. Nearly all of their children and grand-children wcro present and it was enjoyed by all present. Mr. II. P. and l?erry Cox have opened np a new stock of goods at Wtrd's Mills, Vs. We wi-h them success. There is much sickness in this section at present and our young doctor is kept very busy. Our yoiinu; friend, Henry Frost, gave us a history of a very peculiar siiHko which he sys he has seen number of times just above Cox's mill. Ho describes it as follows: It is fifteen tect long with a square head, something like a, feed box, with only ono eye which is right in tho middle of its forehead. It swallowed a big mud turtle and the old turtle kicked tluoiigh the walls of the old snake and it hels the snake to run. 'Tho snako has got that old turtle trained to move it any way and the snake only lias to look out the way whilu the turtle does the running. He declares that they can go faster than a horse can run. The same young man declares that he saw a whale in Clustunt Creek. Kino Sa;k tmk 2m. Coal Creek, Va,, May 11th, ltV.i.5. Card from a Colored Voter. Tho election is over and we feel proud of the selection on our part for Commissioners and esK'cially Mayor. We believo that we could not have done better for the choice of wiiito and colored. It was ru mored that because wo did not take part with some of our white Iriends and vote tiieir way, disregarding our sentiments, that we were per suaded and influenced by other white friends to vote the way wo did. Put we think that is a false acquisition and that every colored man voted according to his own conscience. We have heretotore followed some who we thought to be onr friends, and a good many times were lead wrong. While we charge it to our false, pretending friends and our imny disadvantages, we hope they iil not always be obstacles, and some of us like dum driven cnttlo to follow, but be able, without any instruction lrom those who desire to make tools of us, to know and vote for who we want on election day. We know we cannot take an active part in con ventions. Vke know that we can not nominate whoever might be our choice, but there is one thing we do know, that we can vote for whoever runs rliat we like best. We hope no one will believe we were influenced by any one to vote as we did. "We went for the man, cast our vote for the man and now we are with the man that we believe will do what he thinks is right re gardless of what anybody may say. We thought the election was only a municipal election and Sorry to sec ijational politics brought in. Like some said, the town was able and ought to be run entirely by a Democratic board. We voted for who we thought were the men and not the polities. A. B. Pknn. Southern Settlers Meet. The first meeting of the Southern States Settlers' Association was held in the Piney Woods Inn at Southei n Pines. All the expectations of its promoters were realized. About 1,000 people were present, repre senting evuy State in the South ai.1 10 Northern States. Twenty five representatives of Northern newspapers and representatives of all the chief railway lines in the South were also present The visi tors devoted considerable time to the inspection of this remarkable region, with orchards and vine yards, which though new are among the largest in the Saulh. The Settlers' Association waf held in the spacious assembly room of the Inn, and after prayer by Rev. Mr. Ransome, George Z. French, of Wilmington, N. C, was made temporary chairman. He spoke as a soUmt and introduced Patrick Walsh, of Augusta, Ga, who was given an extremely hearty reception. Mr. Waleh said that this was a notable meeting, without regard to politics or section, and with but one thought or purpose, the upbuilding of the South. He reiened specially to "the Southern States Ev position at Chicnirn. is Cod-liver Oil without the fish fat taste. You get all the virtue of the oil. You skip nothing but the taste. Sccfui Cmufeion News from Rocktord, EniioK Nkws: I suppose you think by this time that we have been a littlo negligent about giving yon news from our section. lho recent refreshing showers have caused everything to look more prosperous. All nature seems to have put on a new garment of brilliant green. Somu of the tanners are plowing over corn, some have just finished planting while others are not done breaking land. SomeHrec "! , fin ing of the scarcity of tobacco plants, hut I think, in general, we will haye I'lentv. We have but very li?Tle fruit. Messrs. W. L Trotter, of I.ih-!i-btirg, and J. C. CrutehnVId, of Winston, were calling on our mer chants hist week. Revenues Smith and Morgan passed through town hist week and reported two distilleries captured near Dobson. Mr. Foikner, representing Davis it Whittle, of I'oteisburg, Vs., was in town recently. Messrs. W. It. and J. L Holy Held, ot this place, paid your city a hiisinofg trip last Thursday. Ur. D. F. Holcomb and wife and accomplished daughter, Miss Annie, and Mrs. John Dobson, went to the Granite City last week on a trading expedition. Mr. J. D. Hamlin, of Yadkin ville, and our ellieieiit clerk, Mr. W. W. Hampton, wire in town recently. Messrs. E. S. Recce and Virgil E. Holcomb are attending court at Vadkinvillo this week. Miss Sallie Dobson, of Winston, is visiting relatives and friends near hero and no man in town wears s more lovely smile than Mr. II. D. Lindsay. " Miss Cora Recce, of Crutchfield, visited relatives hero last week. Mr. ). T. O'Daniel, of Rotida, is visiting in our '"burg." The Annual Communion May Meeting of our Baptist brethren was postponed la6t Sunday until the first Sunday in June. We have an interesting prayer meeting every fc-unday evening at 4 o'cIock. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robertson, of White Plains, visited relatives near here last Saturday and Sunday. Dr. l.l. r. lloicouib will leave for Ivauhoc, Va., today to arrange to bring homo the Iwdy of William Hudson who was killed at that place recently. Mrs. Nanev Chandler was badly crippled one day lart week by being run over bv a cow. We hoic the old lady will soon recover. Messrs W. P. Dobson, T. 15 and II. Holytield each left with a load of tobacco for the South last week. Lest I tire the leader I will stop here by asking if the Nkws favors Dr. Tyre York, of Trap Hill, for Congress. Wit.i.iK Winklkk. Iiocktord, N. C.'May 4th, IsOO It Dr. York is nominated by the Democrats Tiik Nkws will support him. Ed. Drought in Lower Pilot. i lie rain mat leii uie inn oi aiarcn made the land thoroughly wet which lasted until the first week in April but no rain has fallen since that time except a few very light showers and m consequence wheat is head ing very low, oats can't do anything and the very woret stand of corn we ever had, and with depredation of insects the present outlnok of the fanner is very gloomy in this section. The fruit crop, I mght say, wul amount to almost nothing. The fanners who have sold tobacco recently are sadly disappointed in the price they received fur it and yet many are making arrangements to increase the crop this year. vv. . Stony Ridge, N.C.,May Oth.'l'O. Geo. T. Royette, a farmer near Wilson, Monday, shot and killed himself. iThousands of Women! SUFFER UNTOLD MI.SER1LS. ! BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC Bj Arousing to Healthy Action all her Organs. It causes li-klih to bloom, and joy to reig-u throughout the frame. 11 Nevcr f ail& tQ Reouiate "Mt Wlf tlftfl r-rn urw1ortrntmwnt nf lrt-1 . !rir itiyHtuit tun itr iiiioiit tmm 1 Anr ttwsiitf thrw ti.it tt sif till A UK; ! !,! f ' Vh'.M h I.K Kfc.M'I.A'J'tth mi ( nil do he:owu ' routing, aiiiKiuic " : hik ft .K KUVas Hendrrson. A P'ttd br drtiifitat l tt' per btittM. JOB HIATT, J j PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C, 5 MUt IN - DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, . NOTIONS, J FURNITURE, FERTILIZER f 1KC THE CKUWATI Domestic Sewing Machine, jj Tbs How on I hf Murksl. J fulas iti faxl'lt AIcits h hsL raopmcToK or Pilot Mountain Livery Stable M 4KB MULU LTJMBEK And :-: BEilding ;-: Material i . I AL9 ftmACTUt 1 81'ILKL MANY MISSIONARIES BUTCHERED. Two Boat-Loads of People Killed and Eaten by Cannibals. San Fkan ik , .May ft. The steamer Motiatfai hriutff new of the wholesale mawaere of traders and mitwionaries hy iin'm-aol the Inland of Manning S'raits and tho Solo mons. Malayta savajres hutehered a whole Ixwt'g erew of men from the Mrip Iiio Iah at Kuliana, to Trench and ono American trader beinif slaughtered. The tnicsion of the inland had been at incised and the mi.-hinnarieB encaied witii difiiculty, going back to Sydney by the timt aiiip. The murders on the Island nf Mhiiihhh Straits were followed by acts of cannibalism. A small trading schooner owned by a Frjnch trader wa attacked and the owner and hia American Hitant and eiirht peaceful natives were carried ashore and beaten to death, an J the trading utatioti waa sacked. Two Knirjioh miwioiiariea are inii-sinjz, and it iii Minposed they were alao murdered. The minion on Totman Island has been abandoned as the result of the atrocities of the natives. A Pleasant Event. On the afternoon of May I'th quite a number of young people met at the fiiperh loidence of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Atkinson, in honor of the birthday of their elded daughter, Mh-s I 'earl, and also Mr. W. II. Ueed, a nephew of Mr. At kinson, lee cream and cake were served in the yard under the uiu bntgeons branches ot the towering trees. I'lciu-int conversation, min-ic and ocil games were indulged in until the evening shadows licgan to fall aslant, w hen it was snggisted that the party take a jaunt acroKS the valley to "Mt. l,.okoiit." The flower bordered path soon led ns to its summit, lrotn which point we had a iiiagtiili.-eiit view of the valley below and the Yadkin river as it wound around chtf and h'll and on through tho valley towards its ocean home. 1 be village of Siloain, together with many beautiful farm houses which dotted the far oil hills, were plainly vit-iole in the distance. Just as the Inst ravs of the setting snn were gihlingthe landscape with iffiilgcnt btauty we descended to the valley where we bade good by to the young friends whose birth day we had met to honor and wend ed our way to our respective homes Aha. Siham, N. C, May 11th, lMo Letter From Westfield. We are having quite a dreii'h around Westfield. The ground has not letn thoroughly wet in live or eix weeks. 1 he wheat crop is verv much injured. The oat crop will le a complete failure and tobacco plants ruined it we don t have rain in a few days. On Sunday, the J'.rd inst., Mr. Everett Chilton, of this place, was married to Miss J!ettie Smith, daughter of Mr. (iorreli Smith, near rranciseo, V (J. I fie young couple have our !est wishes. Dr. J. Meigs Fiippin.of Thomas vilie, X. C, lecently paid his father, Dr. S. M. I lippin, of this place, a visit. Dr. Meigs has since located in Saliiborv, X. C. Mrs. J. T. l'ike is quite sick with rheumatism. Mrs S. Y. Xeal has been right sick but is improving.' Mr. and Mis. J. U. Tilley paid Pilot Mountain a living vioit lat week. J. T. Smith, of this place, who has lieen atti tiding laidwu Medi cal College lor pai-t year, is expected home to-day to spend vacation. The members of the Friends eLuri-h met on hut Saturday and cleaned off their cemetery. This is said to be the oldest burying ground in all this country, as many grave are over a hundrud years old. Mis. E. V. I 'ay tie is visiting her daughter, Mrs, A. W. Council, ot Mount Airy. Dr. 1 D. FJippin, of 1'ilot Mountain, is over on s. visit to his parents. Mia. Joshua Smith visited her sister, Mrs. L. M. Jet-sup, lad week. H. Wistfieid. X. C., May fth. 1MG. ri4 1b hit five Ilood'kKerMpfcHIU ha great popularity, iu ooiiHtantly ijucreuiiDg aim, aud enable it to acconiplib iu woude'-ful and unequalled cvraa. The Gonibm&tiun, prorli(jn and pruwwi uaed Id prejiaring Hood'e Sarwparitla arc unknown to other medicine, aud make Hood'i Sareajiarilla Peculiar to Itself It curaa a wide range of dianasea becaua of iu power a a Muod purifier, it acta directly and positively upon the blood, and the hluod rearhea every nook and eornerof the human avalem. Thua all the nervea. niuftriea, lxiiea and t iiwue come under the U actional uiMuence dt Sarsaparilla The (hie True llluod runner. 1 1 per txittle. ffl'ff rurr ''lvrr I'l- eaay U llOOu S a lllS Uie.eai.) uioperatc. ic SEE! For Bent. The splendid atur? room formerly oc cupied tT Initial) Si Ieali, juate trlji-i. front and i the vrj I teat hx-alion in tbvrity. ritft.t in the ;-enl-r of trade. AImi 2 tiier rxim ou the i'ud lir, front and bark ro-tn. anitatile for a ania!! family to lire in, fail and me in the. Jjtiotopraph pa I 'T . t; f maira J. 11. 1 LAkL'Mii:r,, Naj 13th. Mount Airy. K. C. Mood's foDsipli Ji AUD ITS CTTRB TO tub Ewroa : I have an ahsotute rernwty fcCorrsuinr0on. By H$ timely us thousands of hopfless cases have been already permanently cured So proof-pos'live ara of Hs power that I consider H my duty to und fwo hill In fret to tlx e of your readirS vho have &uumrtion, Throat, Bronchial or Lung TrouM;, if they will write me tlx.tr express and postoflice address. Sincerely, T. A. tTOCUM, K. IS1 rear! 9t, ew Tr. f if- T' F.1ltr1ai Ul ButnM aiaainmn u lb I'aiiaff Oaaraaia Uua aaaarvaa i'npuMUua. WJ3 To call to ttic alieniion of the people of MouDt Airy and aunouurfuiK country thai we aim have The Best Supply of Pore Drngs, Modlcln . ti emli ala, Tollef Artldee. Tau-ut MPillcinca. Sc.. c , to he fo'ind In Surry cnirmy. anil thai we want and ApcislB !m Train. We do ..( aw-tl -hr ,p John" g'iod and do not ay wc aell ynu at licup Jf lin prices, hut we do aay wr (five )ou THE BE.ST That can be houcht and m il llwin to you al rcaAinatitc prlc. We cupcclally wlah lo oiill attenllon lo our mippl) of TRUSSES. If you W't 1 ont tlon't UU to com' tn w u. W havt Kit s'yU"- inl lf ml with a It jMn i ofcu ad)tifl( one i (It Hbrn- if a cur If pwMM )tu will fNTtaliily tw ounrt. AlMir j i iti rc-d a pa r r nmn tHctfR nr have an ahtiiMlantf if Anl Wf oanntit sumctftitly urcr the IniiKifiaiifT of buvlfiif the h"t wtifii tbe dt lhaU' or'nn of aiifht (H-oirTuf.1. Lani but iot lrtt, p winli to rail Utitlnu to ttic fw t Ih.il w are prf jwrt-d to HI' or lumll) rtnlpta Ai d tU aitiaim' prm-rlpltoua With Skill and Accuracy. Hi'b u-n ye nn' print it mI rtr tit In your rnM&l anl a jars truMiii; Is oiif of the " tsi cllti:i a of rhanna tn thf full htiit'a. wr dare aaj" do on will tat t At to put the inat ulfllrult or ilitrtt itt prt- rl,tlorj In our hftinla. Very Truly, TAYLOR & BANNER. The Mount Airy liur Snrinss BROWS i HAYNES, Proprietors. T!ih Mnuiit Airy White Sulphur Spring Hotel will te open for.vi itur .May loth. The wati r at this Stirinc i as tine us can be found an rw here'. If you are RufTi'rinp with Indie-- tion. l.ivcr or Kidney 1 roulile, rumf and drink tin White Sulphur Water We can furnish a great many tes timonials from parties who have used the walerof t his Spring, and from the leading pli jsii-ians of this country. It will cure any Skin lisease in two weeks or any Inflammation of the r.yes or any trouble caus.Hl uy Impure liloou. These statements are not mad- merely toatrt yu tothe Springs, but are atisolutely facts. Anyone w ish itic names of parties that have been restored to health by the use of this water we will gladly furnish them. The hotel is well furnished. Table supplied with the l-st this moun tain country affords. 1'let.ty of fruit and everything fresh and nice Our hacks will meet all trains, and forty minutes ride over a beau tiful road will bring you to the Sprincn. Some tine mountain scenery near hotel. Our rates fur Mav and June will lw t'M per month, j.iKi er week 1 rjo per day ; for July and August fir t month, ti oo per weea, f.oo per day, for grown eople, and half price tor children ana servants. For further information, address, BROWN & HAYNES, Proprietors, Mount Airy, N. C. M. U. STB WART. . fcl ev. m-r':-jr-,. a Livery Stable. Situated on Franklin Strt-t. Mount Airy. N. ', I'r. W. s. Ta lor s old stand Omnibus meet all trains and carrie passengers to lintel Key Holds or lo any part of to n. IN Mount Airy, N. C. Mr. Ida Ilaiiiier resjwt fully infonna the ciliFen of Mount Airy and aur roundiiiat country that she ha owned out a atock of Millinery Goods In fhe new bu'ldii'lf just er-teJ tiet to Mr. It. J. Gallawaya atrr, and invite evetyimdj to give her a rail. LATEST FTVLLS ! ftlfO ELASDAflL tr Iffraanialtli la all It ferascbet rua la cuaaoettua -ik '! HUilaery feaasbeaa. New Idea I'altertia mlut-ed from 25 to 10 cel. la. liaia, lioiiuets, K.btna. 4-, Ae, in pmf ihm. A pr-t hull inei v Store CARTLAND: Tit irtlsii Tailor, HAS :-: RECEIVED AM. TBI MTfcT Imported Cheviots, 11 Vicunas mmm TI WRITE FOR SAMPLES. Has Cluctt.Coon & Go's popular brand of Shirt. Dress Negligee Chcvoit Underwear, Canes and Umbrellas. IT. II. CA RTLA ND, 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, GREENSBORO, N. C. V i 4 II 1U UVJ rnn nnn t 1 I) I v u u uuiiu Planters' Warehouse, MOUNT ATRY, TST. C, FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Th a VI an-li iiiw. l m-ao-il la 'hr Imiiii.-, part of tn n ronvnleiil loth" Bank and the leaillng JnUen. II l biihii(I aithiu a lr" aieMnt I .m lia Ttlli-J a Ul lliHie Prallier H bli lia-k To IwiHi Kai Oir awl tin- iiaii.iuoi h T-.in.i-' H'orkf j prfr lipja., ami In lurl 'iini!iil-nl lo all our totMuxru liit-u. U'!.l'lt-fi Iti, li we liAe Uie Best Accommodations for Man and Stock cf any House in the State. our ui- kinor Uv f1nl or ih urt-r lir w- n im'tT dooM iiny two van-bouMt In Mount Airy. wti. h In at roiiK rtlUi'ii'-r (Uat THE rUN'TEIlS' IS THE PLACE TO SELL! Vr. J. A. Newum our A'icU nwr. In wvV-known oil of th tt in th Mt-. Sir K. f. all In our Bm k kp'-r. Ll'-ti tJ a tfirnt ibm .ur kn Ul tf ururiirlr k'p ir. h T Hu ina. of palrtt k i-ouni v. a , Klr Mhujit'T. K A.Ni -khii of ttnka bounty. MIil Watrhman. and N. w. Hmw f- ((iiHTlntf im)s th tdic uf vt li of Ttifwi-w put ud our nmr aid wtaihaia hr'ntr KiiH Mnrk't Vuluf. irAe Hn.t (trie of thr IWht AmiT.kP BajviTH'tits for wforlnif n1 orrtr!n(? Totaco to b fownd anvhrr. "u n-ti pot f-r t ri a n t'i M'niiil Arrtfii our Ttwj, bl drtv io lti I'LNI Kft' wn r- Hi lti n-iw (!. vt I itoi'tiiiitn'Mtitt inii. I aAll ToiM'w shipifd inof t-r id our rr win t--t -i) utir vn) l't aiu-fitlon. Com- and f- u Uitt- III lo U n t(i r oa llair ('! t ' or hot. TtiaiiVtinf ou adJ all l'r ih - ry nigral fwir i'.af' frlvo nt In thfpnat and pliMirlrif fMir-r-vf-a tfi ala bt- on lian'l t n"k aiur iU' Uii'r"u ot our cutomi'i. aa we vry wtli kuo lli.il our HiU-n sis nrv our ihi-n -is. Your friends, MT. 3 y''jFji i I H'nie ' ' 1 ' Have Your rnadc to Order ' vA, i " bv -" V M Tbey Guarantee to Pit &rH Pleas You. LARGEST ASSOrrrnENT. .LOWEST PRICES. LOOK -.T THC!H SHUeul HT PRAIRER'S CLOTHING DA T 1 i-Ul 1 PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, READY MIXED PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, POTT? AND BRUSHES AT HOUSTON'S DRUG STORE. PAINT. rSAMMAR Paints are fjtmnA TRICK Thrr mrr thgcorwf com Vs Button of T.fS an Zioc. luii'iDg gMA ltitll and otriaininir i! vtv 4 IIJk 1M1 IK,I If, Aoti tUHke lOI K OH V ;iut ftlKAtilK and I.jlK.HT h addtac purr KLI.nM IJIJ MIL h- nhivg iut Jjnwd Oil nu.k- atiy natiut ur l-md 3urHt't. A iralk-BO YHH K fHrmn.ar1 tatni upd a frttow ol t'i liav IukxxA 1 Uikkx 1 U O gikJuoil,i.LmhAV MlllM 1' Al T outing oif Sold and guaranteed n taylor & i3A:srn Iialt-m in Iirtipt., Mfdie-nefc, i'ainla, Oik, Kta. Vrr-M-ripUin cartful!y comHuiid'-d. Sash, Doors and Blinds. SO TliOlBLE SOW TO El'ILD A IlfjPSK IP von KXaw WUEBE TO BUY THK We Manufacture All Hind of IXkm-, Sah, Blind, MaMrU, Ikxtr and Win loar Prame. Tiimxl-U'rkl fk-ro!USa ing, Suir-Work. Housing f aU kida, Ftanrifc, 1'eiliii; Siding, Cein and ail kuua ot Firib-J I emt-r. We Carry In Stock Honb Lumber, SLinli, Pbiring lihrrn, a ad all k.id Bai!dia Cword Lumber UTg Cosjpaay. Maj ik, ISai. CrfU, X. C OF GREENSBORO, N. C., imeil.Tim I , Tricots, m Wors tends, C.'issimei's. LOTH l ALL STILES. Lea Tobacco AT- BROWN. HAYNES I NEWSOM. AIRY HARBLE WORKS. Mount Airy, N.O. W. D. HAYNES k CO , Proprietor!. MiiTtlE&GraiiMoiiMts Toiubstor.rs, Iron Fencing, r-ir lv-di?ri and rrtr- or rail aiid examine our atj k. our w-jrk aud prwee alll uleaae. GLOTHES "ercbar;t Tailor?. STORE, MOUNT AIM, N. C. TT i s CHKArKr MATERIAL. T " TAT i Al 1 I PA T i run i r

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