MOUNT AIRY, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1800. NO. 17 SlMMONgV iCiwiii- c Jet's. yREGULATOR WMMMllllliHilBM ! Ill It tf Will THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE IsSlMMONS I.iVhR REGULATOR. Don't forget in take it. Now is the time you need it most h wake up your Live'. A sluggish Liver brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague, H'leutn.iiism, and many other Ills whiih sli.itur tlio constitution and wreck he.iitli. Don't forget the word KnGULAiuw. It is Simmons Liver Regulator von w;mt. I he word REG' ULATOK dis:in.;iiis!i.s it from nil other remedies. And, tvsidis this, SIMMONS LlVbR RfGl-'LAfOK is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it projvrly at work, that your system m. y he my! m goou condition. FOR THL- liLOOl) take SIMMONS LIVEN REGULATOR. It is the best blood purifier and corrcitor. i'rv it and note the difference. Look for the RED Z on every packige. You wont find it on any other medicine, and there is no other Lier remedy like SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR -the Kiugof Liver Remedies. Be sure you get it. 4 J. li. ..-illti ('.. Pliiliulolplilb, Pa. W. R BROWN, - (OKKU K WITH GKO. W. 81'AKOKK,) Mount Airy, N. C. B. P. GJt AYKS, AttoPney-at-Law, MOUNT AIRY, N. C laTraetlces In Stale BDd Keili-rul Courls. Prompt attention to collection of duliim. W. S. XKKDIIAM, Attopney-at-lvaw, Pilot Mountain, N. C. fa-will practice In the Slut Court. Col lection of claims a specialty. Jiint-liin GKO. W. SPAKGKIt, Attorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIRY, N C. MHH WNe(fotlatlni? Loan unci tln'Colli'i tlini of Claims a Hpuclalty. Insii'iuicfl pliu-ed In man dartf Compaiilrs upon Hln-raJ trins. . F. CARTER, MOUNT AIHV, N. C J. R. LEWELIVN, Caktkk & I.KWKI.I.YN, Attorneys-at-Law. fVI'iarllee In the State ami F"lernl rniirt. Prompt attention given nil iiu.Iih'hs rntninl ed to Uiclr rare. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. l-O-o o I Is prepared to make all the New mi l Artistic Styles. In up llh the times and will Kite you DrDt-cl&s work. COAL I COAL! White Ash Anthracite1 Coal for Stove, and Grates. Russel Creek (,'oal for Stoves and (irate. Pocahontas (JobI for f-hops and Kii;iiie,. Order tilled promptly. I Ji. MeCAUGO. Agent for i'oeahonta. Coal Co. When you li ne jnae mirk to do joii will find it luiour interest to aee J. 11. Walker, lie will iurnish none liut lie-t (trail lie, eitlief rough or cut. t-ii-tery work peeialty. Af-r-'J liu JOS. NATIONS, lilSl.kH IX Watches, Clocks and Jewelrj Of all kinds, Hewing Mahiie. M'lxical liistrumenU. Ac. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired in U-t sssiliie man ner anil salisfact ion Koaraiit-ed If you want to save money ie me before making your purchases or having your work done. Situated on Opoil upper end of Franklin. Sign at tli door. New ahoea in sfx-k at $3 (W and $3 50. f-hoea made to order on abort notice. Slioea repaired promptly. Hatisfvtion guaranteed and work de livered when desired Terina cash. L. B. Albertson, Prop. W. H. SlFHPSOn. BROKER, ICouiit Airy, N. C. Representing Fifteen Honaet On All tb Beat Market a. Everything in Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries, fruits and Confections. Lowevt market price given. Office in Joye HUtrk, at head of te, on right ti,d side, f routing on Main Mreet. "Out-rf-t n MerehaiiU will traM rail or w rite for delivered prtcea 9m all kifd "f Itroceriea. m Viaitifi( and Country MereLanU eor id tiled to call at oCjee. Granite Roek Work. Id Air)' Shoe SIiop, Maio Street, Hypnotism and its Perils- It is not'.ctd witli noniiiall iltvrt' df tsuiinfaction, hj tlio V'Bsliiii;tiifi TinifH. tha' the preaa of the country is cullinit nttotiti.ui to tlio dannu thHt lies in tlic inilifcriminitto re ti,.it r,f livntuitihiii. to rt'iiird tlit hvnnotiHt ittlllv 88 Rt-liirlll oi'llhllt perfortnur bikJ the fxliiliition of lii iowcr as merely a Clever iricn ih only foolinli but an cvidonco of in exiUHtitjlu iitiorHiifo. Tlieio innth inir unw alioiit it. of (".lUrno. 1 1 Iimh been praetrnt d under vurioim si'iell atioim in lmst tiiiu.'H and by mnri) or lens broiinnent people. It ban been ieiitihlH as well Hf hv iiiounlelmnkB, jimt M it i lo-day ?,aoilr Hill 1 Cmrlioetro were ita ex poneiitB in tlio latter part of the lust onntnrv nml I 10 wiirimmii: ni'" Eminent psycliintrii-U of (iermany Kranmi. Switzerland him the I'liileii Statea haveetipiged in tlio tttmly Biid practice of it lur entirely proper and iitiinano tmrpoaes in our day, but at the Mini) time it ia mndo the nieiina of inoiiev makiiiL' bv men w hoiniHt be clawed with the Herniating am: Hellers and Kcllcra. aa entertainer only. Jlinht hero lies the dancer. A faculty, a power capable of produc ing aiicl; excellent remit, aaeau !e eocured tlirotigli hypnoiiMii in the treatment of certain nervous tm eatea, but which aluo may be em ployed for the accumiilibiimenta of crime, should no longer lie deemcu iH'tieatli the notice of lawmakera For instance neaily every hypnotist K'Hoo; about the country kiviiik per formancee aasurea his audience that the hypnotic sleep or condition lias absolutely no bad elkct upon the subject, but is rather beneficial than otherwise. On the other hand, there are eminent phyeicians who ascrt that every time a man submits him self to the hypnotic influence, he is injured mentally. A New England praetiiiotiur of distinction declares that a person who makis a business of being hypnotized, and continues to do so for several year?, will, be yond all (juestioii, become an idiot. How much of all this i true on either side of the question is a mat ter that cannot bo passed upon by the layman. This much is certain, that hypnotism should no more be allowed to be practiced indiscrimi nately by ttii body and everybody and without leyal control and regu lation than poison is permitted to be sold by persona not properly quali fied and authorized to Jo so and tin der (ltliuitc restrictions at that. Durham Sun. Mis. Charles M. Park man, of No. ;!."il (irier avenue, Elizabeth, N. J., writes that she has "the original die tryin which these:il ot the Con federate States wis made." It was, she says, given soon after the war "to my husband, Uev. Charles M. Tarkiiiaii (whodied April 21st list), by a lady in her last illness." Mrs. Turkman deeires that oine histoii cal society or memorial body shali preserve the die, the identity of which, she states, will be avouched by residents of Elizabeth; by Mr. Joseph Campbell, of (lalvestoii, Texas, and Col. James G. Iiurr, of Wilmington, i. C. (ioldoboro Argus. , With the blood full of humors, the heated term is all the more op pressive. (Jive the system a thorough cleansing with Ayei's Sar saparillaand adose or two of Ayer's Pills, and you will enjoy Summer as never before in your life. Just try this for once, and you'll not re pent it. A negro woman by the name of Vokley came to Ijxingtoii Siturday evening and purch-sed some salt fish. On her w ay home she ate some ot the fish raw. Shortly after eating them she began to have spasms and died very vxm there after. Lexington Dispatch. A healthy appetite, with perfect digest' . and assimilation, may le secured by the use of Ayer's Pills. They cleanse and strengthen the whole alimentary canal and remove all obstructions to the natural func (ions of either sex, without any tm- plearant effects. Vice President Stevenson's hootn for the Democratic presidential nomination is said to le growing. A light frott fell in Alleghany county rriday morning the zV'.h msL o damage was done how ever. tikin 1 iiiies. Better Health Than Ever "All attat k of La Grip, threw years ayo, left we physical wreck, aud being l.aturaily frail ajid delicate, it seemed aa if 1 never should raUjf again. Iu dutfj at last to try L"J Sarsaparilla I was mrpriied after talini it two wreka. to Gd1 I was riitit i2 strength, ami tiuw I am pir-i to aay I am eti joymg Iw-tter health than I ever La4 before la my life." Eta BftAua. Lincoln, Lit Highest Awards World's Fair Chicago. NORTH" CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS Of IMPORTANCE CATH RED fROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. A town can never prosper with out unity among its people. Secretary Ayer, ot the Populist State committee,say8 the Pops, will certainly nominato a straight State ticket. The news which comes from the treat State farms near Weldon all favorable. The stand of cotton is the IicbI ever seen there. The Virgin Cotton Mills, of Huntersvillo, has irono into the hands of a receiver. Tho indent ednes is $18,000; assets problemat leal. Evangelist Fife has been offered the Prohibition nomination for Governor of this State. It is not known whether or not ho will &c- ccpt. Tho North Carolina JJaptiat Sun lay school Chautauqua will be held at Morehcad City thiSBummer, com mencing August 4th and continuing one week. Mr. J. P. Erwin, a liveryman of Salisbury, was accidently shot in tho arm at a shciting match about week ago. Lock jaw followed and he died last week. Charlotte is to have a new national bank, to be established through the etlortsof O. P. and P.. D. Heath. It will be ready for business Septem ber 1st with a capital of over if 100,- 000. (. W. Ilinsliaw, of Winston, in a private letter to It. A. Doughton of this place, says that he is author ized to state, by high authority, that the proposed railroad will be built from koaring iuver to btone Moun tain. Alleghany Star. News reached Franklin, says tho resa, last week that Mr. AVilbur ioane had been found dead in bis waoti with his throat cut Wednes day night. Later reports state that he was not dead, but pretty badly carved up. It is said the cnttinc was done by his nephew, Walter tembert. Heretofore the State Board ol Education has had the school books large and there was a uniform system all over tho State. This was changed by the last Legislature and now the county commissioners are the judges. Each county can have dillerent set of books if the com missioners see tit. The Supreme court has decided that tho sugar bounty is legal and all right. It's "leual'' to pay boun ties to rich tnists, etc., but when it comes to making these rich nabobs pay part of tho burden ot taxes to nm the government, it is "un constitutional." Von see it is just owing which way the money goes as to whether or not it is "legal or constitutional. Fireman Hicks, of southbound freight train No. 43. was killed by the vestibule train about 11 o'clock last night at Morehead, the first station north of (irtensb, ro. The freight train had taken the side track to let the vestibule pass and Mr. Hicks got down from the en gine and sat down by the track. Ho went to sleep, with Ins head on the cross ties and was struck by the engine of the fast flying train. His head was crushed to pieces and death was instantaneous Salisbury Herald. SheiiflJ. II. White and Deputy 11. C. Chandley, of Jladiion coun ty, came down the Western last night with live prisoners for the penitentiary. The men wire placed in jail here and were taken to Ual eirh this morning. All were white and were convicted of murder in second degree-at the Febtuary term of the Criminal Court but took an appeal to the Supreme Court The judgment of the lower court was continued and the men will have to serve their time. Three were sen tenced to 15 years, one t 8 yuri and one to 5 years imprisonment. Salisbury Herald. A bo lit a month. ai;o Mr. John A. Edens, who lives a'. Holly liidge, thirty five miles from Wilmington, ori the Wilmington, Newbern & Norfolk Kai!wny, was seized with the hallucination that Lis family and friends had entered into a conspiracy to oison him. He, therefore, stop ped eating and no amount ot in ducement could be held out to him to take even a mouthful of food. He also refused to allow a doctor to give him attention, and the result was that be died of sheer starvation !at Thursday. For twenty five day he had not t-att-n a bite. Wilmington MeMcntrer, A Statcsville minirtcr, remarking, a few days ago, on the pievsiling cry oj hard times, scarcity ot money, etc., said that it is not the neceseiticf of life that tije people are crying for but the luxuries. This is true. How many ixople in this section, for in stance, are aetually destitute! Poor people there are, of courae. There alwaj" fmvo b -cn poor people snd always will be poor people, no mat ter what Sort of conditions obtain. On the other band, numerous peo ple enjoy more luxuries to-day titan ever before. We are glad that this is so, but ol them, because they cnnot obtain all the luxuries they want, cry out that they are oeify-triekeo and oppretaed. It is cot the noccssitice of life they cry for, but the luxuries. States , i.le Landmark. A Pretty Marriage. A phflrminir nuntial event was that at tho First Uaptist church Bt 10::J0 a. m. to day, which joincu in the holy bonds of matrimony twoot Winston-Salem's popular young pool ilo. Tho bride was Miss Minnie Clay ton, the beautiful and accomplished daughter ot Mrs. S. S. Clayton, while the bridegroom was Mr. A. F. Messick, one of Winston's pros perous young merchants. Tho rostrum was beautifully dec orated for the occasion with potted plants. One especial attractive feat ure was the largo vases filled with magnolia blooms, which occupied positions on either sido of the rostrum. A largo audience bad assembled in the church and comfortably seated by tho ushers Dr. Thomas Li Ashby, of Mt. Airy, and Messrs. A. V. Nash, 13. S. Phillips and Lawrenco McCrary, of Winston. When tho hour for tho marriage ceremony arrived the ciiurcn auui- toniiin was flooded with brilliant electric lights, and the bridal party entered, proceeding down either aisle, to tho timo of a wedding march, executed by the church oriranist. I ho march was led by the ushers, Messrs. Nash and McCrary, up tho right aisle, and Dr. Ashby and Mr. Phillips by the left aisle. the flower girls were next in the bridal train, advancing by tho left aisle and wero little Misses Fannie Thompson, of Mount Airy; Addie irown and Uessio aUins, ot Winston. Tho bride and bridesmaid, Miss Cora Conrad, followed in tho wako of the flower girls, while tho prootn was escorted by Itev. V . 11, Jjrand- enburg. "best man," down the right aisle, tho whole party meeting at the altar, where llev. Dr. Iirown pronounced tho ceremony which made them hutband and wife. The ex t ol the bridal party was by the right aisle, the flower girls eading and strewing flowers in the pathway of the happy couple. from tho chnrch the party was driven to tho IN. and W. depot, where they boarded tho train for an extended bridal tour of northern cities. The Sentinel joins a host of ad miring friends in wishing for them long, happy and prosperous life. -Winston Sentinel, 2d inst. Of Other Days. How often the man who is en grossed with the cares of business life finds himself in the quiet mo ments going back to tho scenes of childhood, and how he longs to go buck over those days again. Some times these scenes come in review un bidden ; again they are ealled to mind by hearing some one tell bis experiences ; but come as they may, he longs to again go over the play ground, the fields, the forest and once more be a fiee, untramtneled boy again, to wade tho branches, catch minnows, go swimming or chase the hare and squirrel. The impressions ol these things come in to the mind when young(and pliant, and nothing short of insanity can efface them from memory. Such dugs bring mingled joy and sad ness ; joy, as ono imagines he is go ing over the scenes again, sadness, on maturer n flection, bringing the knowledge that those scenes have hanged. Tho open held may now bo a loresf, tho grove a thicket, and on going to the old home ho finds few objects that remind him of other years, and the return does not give the pleasure expected. But it is all a dream, and only a short rest tor a weary mind, and cares crowd in and engross the mind again Burlington News. An Express Agent. Mr. J. E. Mitchell, Agent South ern Express Co., Grifliu, (ia., May Mb, 1V.I5: 1 have used Kings lloyal Germetuer in my family, and consider it tho best medicine 1 have ever used. It has relieved me of Muscular Rheumatism. 1 also know ot several other cases of rheumatism and Catarrh that have been cured by its use." Write to The Atlanta Chemist Co., Atlan ta, Ga., for 4S page book, givicg full information, free. New pack age, lart'o bottle, 103, $1. For sa!e by Taylor & Banner and I). A. Houston. During a balloon ascension in Martinsville, V., Friday afternoon, an old colored man named Art hie Brovo was caught in the ropes and carried up a distance of 3o0 fWt, w'jeu he It 11. He was ki Kd instant ly. The old negro was employed to help arrange the balloon for the ascension. He with the other help ers was told to get ont of the way but failed to get away in time. Mors Curative power is contained in Hood's Sarsaparilla than in any other similar preparation. It costs the proprietor and manufacturer more. It cost the jobber snore and it is worth more to tLe cou luiDtr. More skill ia required iu its preparation and it combines more remedial qualities than any otbir medicine. Consequently it has a record of more cures and its sake are more than tlne of any other preparation. Hood's 8rMparil! is the beat medicine to buy becuM it is an hooeM medicine and thous ands of testimonials prove that it doe actus!) and turuianeDtly cute disease. SCENES IN YUCATAN, THE GREAT WONDERS OF A COUNTRY UNKNOWN TO OUR PEOPLE. Addison Coffin, a Cousin to Mr, Jno. L. Worth, of Mt. Airy, Who Has Explor ed All European Countries, Writes an Interesting Letter Here, Mr. Jno. L. Worth. Your kind lettor came to hand in duo timo and I will try to reply briefly, for to give Yucatan in full would take many days of close work. I, too, had read Stephens, Nor man, LePlongeon and others, and was full of tho highest expectation when starting from home. Yet, like others, had accepted as truo what the Books say about Egypt, Syria, Assvria and Perean ruins be ing the grandest and oldest in the world, expecting to find those of Yucatan second class in many ways I had lain by tho shoes I had worn in my European trip, to bo used hereafter, as having stood on the great Pyramids of Egypt, stood by the Holy of Holies in Jerusalem and in the Garden of Gcthscmunc and on Calvary among tho ruins of Baalbeck, stood on Mars lull and the Acropolis, walked around on the wonderful ruins of Komo, travelled over tho land of the Midnight Sun, and in every nation of Euroc, bui, now I have another pair to place besido them, which havo walked among and stood upon still grander and older ruins than they. It was enough to make LePlongeon give wings to his imagination when he stood upon the great Pyramid of Chichcn Itza, Fxtnal, Palingueand Meita, and think that the Garden of Eden was thero, for every lino and feature seen in them all original. e are strongly impressed with this idea of originality tho longer we remain among them. It seems evi dent that they were the originals of all others in the world. Ihey are different in construction and ideal design ; dillerent in tho building material, with a higher ideal ot tho retined and beautiful in architec ture, combi'iation and natural har mony, llni great stone serpents that are carved in 6tone true to na ture when surrounded, as here, with scenes of rural lite, seem to lose all of their repulsiveness. lhe beautiful tracing of wreaths and garlands of flowers, though carved in rough stone, have a soft er sweetness than seen anywhere else, even though wrought in mar ble. All th'J ruins are built in solid concrete of lime, cement and broken or boulder stone, aud cased, on the outside with large slabs of cut stone and on tho inside stuccoed with a coating hard as stone and as durable as the best cement ol to-day or any other day. The ancient Maya race were evidently tlio first builders on earth whose works arc now known. Their civilization has been the high est ever known, as evidenced by the wonderful fact that there has been no defensive wails, forts, or defen sive works of any kind, all seems to belong to a period wholly different from what existed at tho time or since all other ruins wero built. Yucatan ha-i been the center ot an Empire more vast thau any known in iiistory or tradition, and the whole State seems to have been one continuous city. In travelling six ty two miles in oue direction there wero ruins in sight all tho time from 30 to 150 feet high iu every stage from perfect to sLacces heaps. Dr. Edward Thompson, Mr. Gil ky and others that I met ia Yuca tan, and who had spent several years there, say that there is not an acre in Yucatan or Campache but shows marks of former human hab itation, and ntsr Tieul tho whole country seems to have bten one solid city. Wherever thero is a grupe of tuins, theie is a central Pyramid with a chambered edifice on top so adapted to tLe size of the base as to make them look taller than they really are. I will give a description of ono of 14 immense ruins in tho grouge at Uxmal; for (aek of a true name, it is called the Governor's House: First, there is a terrace of solid concrete 4iJUx500 ftt and CO feet high. On this ter race is raised another 150x350 feet and GO feel high. On second ter race is built a house 50xDO feet aud 5') toet hig'i. It stands north and south end is divided into chambers 3 )xC0 feet and 35 feet high to apex of painted arch. There is but one door in each chamber OxS feet, with no window or other opening. The walls of the building are six feet thick and the flat root 10 tctt thick. There is a high hall way aero.- ;t in the middle ; the door of the east ern entrance was ornamented with the most elaborate adorning 1 have ever seen, but it was destroyed by tha brutal, murderous Spaniards, and the fragments are in heaps, lautiful iu their ruins. The out side is adorned and covered with symbolic pictures and hieroglyphic writings, ill very legible, awaiting to tell their st jry of the diotat.t pat- The ages ot these ruins are vari ously estimated from 7,0x0 to 18, (aaj years Their originality and he tvii'tii.te of wondi-rtul knowl edge of the builder satisfies me that they will go back 12,0h yeara at It-act. Tha nKt it. riling tart that presented itaejf to me was the mo-t ttnmistakable thrt the Maya race knew more of electricity than we do. All their buildinirs were Duo-conductors arid fire proof, and what is still more wonderful tho concreto of which the buildings were made were impervious to tho A rays. And yet more wonderful all the appliances lor electric lights aro there, many ot them still in ph:co; and more arid moro wonder ful they did ail their stono cutting with copper chisels, aa in the oldest ruins in tho old world. They also had the art of manufacturing razors out ot J ado stone, with a perfect razor edge. They had no beasts of burden all work was done by men Their great highways were mado for bare or sandaled feet, and tho rock show in places that untold mil lions of bare feet havo worn them down. Their most stupendous buildings have not been places of general re sort as churches or temples, as evi denced by tho approaches. The stone steps aro not much worn while in others tho steps have been re newed several times and still great ly worn. While among the ruins, and even yer, it seems moro like a wotidoifuldreatn than an actual liv ing reality. It was the same with my interpreter, Miss Julia L. Ball ingcr. Many times it seemed to her like all was some bright ideal of glowing imagination, especially when st aiding on tho summits of some of tho Pyramids and looking out over the sea of green forests with tho vast ruins standing high above them in lotio and silent deso lation. It would take many months to really get an intelligent knowl edge of the vast extent of theso rti ins, for they have all been over grown with timber and thorny vines, and net ono fn five has been cleared oil. At Chichen Itza there are 82 in a radius of four miles, only five of which have been cleared of their luxurient growth. From the top of tlio highest, by the aid of glass, we can seo 100 more stand ing up like green haystacks. All around through the woods we seo fragments ot pillars, carved figures ot men Mid animals, showing that small buildings have once covered the whole country and all show marks of taste and skill of a high order. Even the ancient stone fences show mechanical skill. There is no trace of an interme diate period. The ruins seem to belong to one peiiod and apparent ly abandoned at tho same time un der similar circumstances. If they wero deserted on account of war and cor.qiieet, the conqueror did not injure tlio great buildings. Time alono was tho destroyer until the Spaniard cime, Ilo destroyed more in 300 years than time iu 10, 0U0 had done. Some people think that likely tho cities were depopu lated by a great pestilence, for there are fewi-r tombs and burial places to be seen here than in other coun tries with like ruins. Ono man as imaginative as Dr. LePlongeon thinks he sees abundant evidence that they are antedeluvian, which would explain their originality and the seeming simultaneous abandon merit. But thero is one stubborn i&v.t, the present Maya race aro de scendants of those who did the carv ing and painting on the walls. A photograph ol a model Maya of to day is identical with those painted 12,000 years ago. Even the loose flowing dress is tho same. To anyone who delights in spec ulation and riding hobbies, there is no better place to go than Yucatan to indu'ge in the pastime, nor is thero any place more interesting to a general reader. It is nearer to us than any of the wonderlands ot the worid, being 475 miles South of New Orleans, lrom which city steamers sail every two weeks, and travelling is not more expensive than in the States. I got one dol lar and ninety cents in Mexican money for every dollar of my money, and a Mexican dollar will buy as much in Yucatan as our dol lar in Mount Airy. Go yourself in November and Dcccmlier, and you will return and say the tenth has not been told. Your friend, Ahmso.v Com. Are You One Of those unhappy people who are suffering with weak nerves, starting at every slight sound, unable to en dure any unusual disturbance, find iug it impossible to sleep? Avoid opiate and nerve compounds. Feed the nerves upon blood mado pure and nourishing by the great blood purifier snd true nerve tonic, Hood's Sarsaparilla. IlooJ's Pills are tue best after- dinner pills, atist digestion, pre vent Constipation. 25c. Chief Ju-tice David I Snodgrasa, of the TennHScee Supreme bench, as Friday lined 50 and costs for pistol carrying. A plea of guilty was entered by the defendant. This in nor charge grew out of the assault with a pistol made by Judge Snodrtss last Decemlier cm Lawyer John II. Beasley, on which case he was rt'-ently acquitted of any mur derous Intent. L.ver fl!8s Like blUooawaa. tfriprpata, Wa4a-ha. caaaU pattoa, tnvt Uuack. todipwuoa an fcnmytlr tun tr Hood nil. Tb-J 4o tto- work al!v and fharatijfhrv. Pill snu AS.'u-rr M II IO rni-n-t by C 1. Root k Cs tanS, Mm. The MJ) rui Is tat ail He anetiUa. 00 Highest of all in Leavening IX C ;s233a 4D50E.UTEI.Y PURE Vanishing Lakes. Minnesota may loso its claim to the titlo of tho Lako State. A sur vey ten years ago showed within its borders over 7,000 ponds and lakes, but that characterises and beautiful fcaturo has changed won derfully since that time. A large proportion of these lakes at least one third have dried up entirely, and in many cases cultivated fields now occupy the rich bottoma form erly covered by from 10 to 20 feet of water. Nearly all the rest have greatly shrunk in area. Only the larger lakes remain. Like changes, but of a more marked degree, have been observed in tho Dakotas. There wero many large lakes in those states ten years ago, some of them miles in extent, but nearly all of them have now disappeared, their ancient beds turned into fields, and such as remain aro shrunk to sloughs or pools in groat wastes of reedy mud. Lako Mason, in South Dakota, ono of the largest and finest lskes in that state, was equipped some years ago with steamboats and hotels and all tho arrangements for a western Chaatauna assembly. It had a reach of five miles for steamboat excursions, and in great part was from 20 to 30 feet deep. It has suffered the fate of all tho rest, and tho waters havo so far re treated that at the present rato of decreaso it will not be long before they disappear entirely. The causes of this falling of the waters aro the diminished rainfall of tho past decade and the more extended cul tivation of the soil, which has ab sorbed tho moisture which would otherwise have been drained into tho lakea. St. Paul Press. A Month of Disaster. The Chicago Tribune, which is much given to statistics, has been figuring tip the disastrous occur rences during the month of May attended by loss of human life. The Tribune gives the following: On tho 3rd of May, 12 persons were killed by an explosion in Cincin nati; on the 15th, 120 by a cyclone in Texas; on the 17th, 33 by cy clones in Kentucky and Kansas; on tho ISth, 44 by a cyclone in Ne braska; on the 21st, 10 by a cyclone in Oklahoma; on the 2d, 5 by a cyclone in Missouri; on the 24th, 40 by a cyclouo in Iowa ; on the 25th, 86 by cyclonea in Michigan and Oklahoma and 40 by a cloud burst at McGregor, Iowa; and on tho 20th, 12 by a storm at Cairo and between 75 and 100 by the tailing of a bridge at Victoria, Brit ish Columbia. It will be observed that the Tri btine only mado up its account to the 27th ot the month. On that very day occurred the terrible tor nado, or series of tornadoes, that laid iu ruins great parts of the cities of St. Louis and East St. Louis, and wide areas of the sur rounding country, causing the death of, perhaps 500 persons, the serious wounding of many hundreds more, and tho destruction ol property to the extent ot many millions of dol lars. Truly the month of May, ISto), has proved to be a season ol disas ter, and it will leave behind it a record of storms and physical con vulsions that will make it long re membered as a period of continued calamity. Mr. Geo. W. Pack, a wealthy citizen of Cleveland, Ohio, who spends his winters in Asheville and has considerable property in that city, has set wealthy North Caro linians worthy example. .Monday he made the offer of $ 2,000 for a monument to the late Senator Vance, the only conditions named in the offer was that the location of of the monument should be in front of the connty court house. It is useless to add that the commission en accepted this generous offer. Tho cure of Iiheumatism has often taxed medical skill, but it's prevention has been very easy by an occasional use of Simmons Livir Begulator. It kcei the liver well regulated, and the system free from poison. Therein is tho secret of health. "I have nsed it for years tor Indigestion and Constipation, and also found it gives one relief from a touch of Rheumatism." N. Hughe, Lordsburg, N. M. A prominent Indiana Republi can, who has been circulating freely among the farmers ot that state, telle the Indianapolis Sentinel (24 carat gold Democrat) that free sil rer will carry that. State this year by 5n.-0 majority. The IU-puba-cans there have declared for the gold standard and the Democratic convention will be almost Solid for free s iker. It you would always he healthy, keep your blood pure with Hood"i fcaratri!la, the One Trne Blood PuriSer. Tie next General Assembly of the Southern Presbyterian church is to meet in Charlotte ia Way It'Jt. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report w Kj-jk -n.i a u zz ' "i Burial Robes, Slippers, &c. A full Hto. V of ail si.' " an.) qualitisa kept on haml, an at :va--on .Me ,rim. More room, uj wnta:rn ovr M. Ij. Patter son's store, ..a iinwi Mrn. Keiiiiienie, first bouse Noriii ol' lh : rallrcail. AARON PENN, Till';- Fashionabb Barber, Under Graves Wart-house, Mt. Airy, N. O. Easy c!.ir, razor keen; Keissora sharp, linen cli'an. For a shave you pny a dime Only a nick! to g t a sliine ; Shampoo or haircut Pompadour You pay the sum i f 25c. more. W. II. SIMPSON, aok:nt I For Fins Mh stamps 3 K ASP EVSKI"! :!ISO IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. i i i i i i i i i i i i A J ix N 1 : m irfrtn V ' i; .unit Hrrtli'lK, V.hri'illiiif V fh'IV CHf-at lrift.'ctrs, 1 tmdiii.'Uiri i'uiji urs, i or iw.rtUlou iM'iilfi. Hdti'l Mart Juth, No tarUU ht-j rrliiiliifc A heeiH, t' kt-t huiinps, Pwi al 1 !' Lr1 1 't.iiEi p.1, K'ttito-r Tyw J);tf-rs. ifUlibrr T:- K'ihh-r Miunp I dti-i. t u'v ii.k. hu-u-vti. Mr-fji'i; iLfc.M.ii'J Kru-L hbf'l Htimijm, m- 1 iT-n a ii ynr"i. sHf If, kill j SMl-ltph. "flh'mLS, h'ttliil) K.u'k. Mi M,w !', Wnx, bcala ami 1 Writ- r 1, ;:i '1 tjrv in ,'i!ii.: u i ! an tt---p tn cattQft s'i .,Mi'l hi ; a v ry wt-L prv"i oh...1'i' l .r f.( -.,-. m.-.s ipihl-i. Hitiik'Tu mp li.iiiU. .V.tii'irtti-t ijircp and all t.r.'' .-!.tfi.ti it;'-n v Hi U'i w -11 to L't r my r -o '..,!'. i.yll'!, Viur jmiroLU'-' i hoi, lU.-a, rt- j diy. rroFiipt . 't-iii -ti '1-n to 'rt'fm. tJli04- hi . ' Hi'.- t- ..t U'Mti t b'-n, rlL-iit-liiiii'l riM., wtti'iut u M-iin hLlcrt, Mo .lit Airy, N. C., UX'k Hux 74. -Correspondence Solicited. March s, tf kA. A Art A AA AA A. jOlJM - CALL AT - EYE RETT'S TIIST SHOP. HEADQUARTERS FOi: Tin ai. 1 Htf ! roofing, iuttiring . Hpoutmjr. ValU-y Tin all widths frbinple Mripa. tVr.rAe., &e. Water and Meam Fit i inir of ail kind, kept on hnnd. Ilia Old Reliable Jei.kiM lnte A Chwk Vavh , Klit rri-mi Injector, De troit l.ul rid-torii are a few of tha many reliable .np!;i' in ttock. Guns, 1'iMola, Sewii.p Marhirif, an 1 Kicyclr r paired ty the tiegt killed workmen tt i"rt notice. We keep ikk.J ( . j Fashion Coffee 1'ots, 1'irti iV it, and in fact everything in t!;e Tinware line. T. 31. Everett & Co. The Year Round Some Alzdlcinea beloi)9 to one eason and some to another. DR. KISS'S ROYAL 6EP.KETDER IS IN SEASON ALL THE YCf K ROUND. IN THE FR IING It pnrifie th h).tt rf!. remnrea lsnftirir and depression, luvi; .rilt aud .liui rate, the v. bulc t.-:u. IN THE SUMMER Itovrreon.M tliT-Uiation an-t del.ility caused hy ht treittwr and corrxcu bowel trcit.lea thit are o prevalent then, lie ide, it cike the moot tie-lifc-litful and rctrvhhiug drink. IN THE FALL When m'ria "rid-- on every panaine breeze," )t ia the prent prfteDttr aoa the enfai !r.(f cmtv (,t trvuhn-a nult Ing from t:at uum.-. IN THE WINTER It ia atiil Deoiled for curie?, Grip, tatarrii. i.muiu:u., iu 11". t'U O.t belong' U cold aeaau;:. It 4om im thin., set la a facbla as4 artia war, bat wita a rl aa4 trtampbaal poww. Klip II l tfca Rom at Alt Tlmit. ae-SM Prrri. e pa. fear. Hrm text. I a Iwa, imuI, HMkiMkn4 THE A7LUTA CiEWAl C3 ITUUTA, tk rtu far I , A4 rm, k'4 W ?. i T ux iat I. I ZJm, Ei.MIl liKAI.KR IX Mis, Mil