1 M Airy News. HE OUNT VOL. HI. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0.. THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1800. NO. 48 SIMMONS MEG"yLAT0R. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE lsSiMMoNi.ivi:i; fi:ni,'LAT()R. Don't forKet to t il.c it. Now w the time you need It ni"-t to '.v.-ike "P your Liver. A slugp-lsh Liver hriiiK" on Malaria, f ever an J" Ann?, Kiu'inn.ilism, and many other Ills whk h stutter l!i constitution and wreck lu-a'th. I"!i't loritet the word HH.UIAHiK. Il i MMMONS LIVER rUititfl ATOM vo:i w.mt. I lie word Kl-.Ci-III ATO" disii'i :i,'i!ifi It from nil other remrdirs. And, Iv-idfS tills, SIMMONS . I V I M I'l.'.il I -AH H Is a I't'Kill.'itor ol the Liver, lorps it pruji -rlv ,t work, that your gyti-'il hi iv Is' kij't III I'oi'J condition. I OK Till; HI.OOl) UMe SIMMONS I IV I H f! ill I AT !,'. It is llir N'st Wood purilier and i m i n t, r. I rv it and note the ilihVKMt.-c. I oca f.T the KID Z on eveiv p.i. kirc V.iii wont tind II on anv clip x h ill, in and Hi -re Is no other I ivit r. nuMv i l " MWViUNS I.IW R I'ldlH Ai il' tin ki.iod fixer Wemedie. He nil i- vn'i ( it. I J. II .!" ' " I'Mlmli Ipl.la, Pa. V. II. UK OWN, (OKKII K WITH IIKO. H, KPAHOKIt,) Mount Airy, N. C. S. P. (J k A VMS, AttoPney-at-L,aw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. is-l'raetloeg In male and Federal (Marts, l'rmnpt atteiiilun to colloctlon of iliilius. V. S. XKKD1IAM, Attorney-at-Law, Pilot Mountain, N, C. so- I r will practice in ll' Slate Courts. Cnl lecilon ul claim a specialty. Jam Iwn G MO. W. aSI'AHGMIv, Attorney-atLaw, MOUNT AIRY, N C. tfNtfolUUmf Loaiin ami the Collection of Claims a Spssialty. I iiDuaiicc placed In man dard Companies upon liberal I Tins. W. F. CARTER, IKWST AIHV, . C J. R. IEWELIYN, 1XW.O, M. C CAKTKK & I.KWKI.I.YN, Attorney s-at-L aw. " iwPiactlie In the State and Federal (oiirta. Prompt attention given In all Dullness entrust ed to llielr care. J. H. Slakemope, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Is prepared to make all the New and Artistic Styles. Ia up with the limes and win give you ltrst -class work. COAL! COAL! Whit Ash Anthracite Coal for Stoves and tirat.es. Russel Creek Coal for Stoves and Gratea Pocahontas Coal for Shops and Kn'ines. j(r"Order rilled promptly. T. B. MeCAliGO. Afient for Pocahontas Coal Co. When you hue .tune work to Jo you will Hint it to our interval to ee J. II. Wilder, he will luniisli none hut heat granite, either rough or cut. Cemetery work ajwcialty. Apr-'J liu JOS. NATIONS, DKAI.EK IN Watches, Clocks and Jcwclrj Of all kind, Sewing Machine, M'mical lnstrumeiit. Ac. Watches, I'loi'k and Jewelry repaired in l-t jMwsible man ner and al nf'lioii K"araiiteed If you want to ave money ee uie U'lore making your purchase or having your work dune. GROCERIES! GROCERIES L. B. ALBERTSON, MAIN STREET, MOUNT AIRY, N. C, ! Groceries, Tropical Fruits, Coun try Produco and liuker's Bread. Tbo patronage of the citixens so licited. w. h. Simpson, BROKER, Mount Airy. N. C. Representing Fifteen House t On All the Beat Markets, Everything in Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries, Fruits and Confections. Iwwt market price giveo. Office In Joyr Work, at had of aUp, on right hand aid. Irontinf on Main Street. (9T Out-of-town Merchants will plea rail or writ for dulmsred priors on ail kinds of frorvries, Twiting n4 Country Merchant, cor dial I J Invited to rail at odice. The fear of Thunder, "El clrit! etoniis aru fnr lose dan- cniu tli'! th u ninj'iritjr of peojile inmitiiiu," write RtlwHril W. I'xik in June LadiW Homo Jotiriml. "That noun-re lightning fiform intorrif'in Kilmiisof iioqiR'stion, ami will some times lrin iiiieiiKineHg to tliu heart of tlie strongest insii. I'ut the real duniror is nlii;lit. Tlio elinnco of iiufniniiili btrikinp; a house, for ex ample, in not one it) a million. lir ticuliirly in thin true in cities, ttrung as inoHt of them are with electric wires. The greater danger trom electric storms in in the country, and even there the danger limy bo less ened if the simplest and most com mon eetiHo of precautions are exer cised. The surest electric conductor it a draught, and if, when a thunder- storm approaches, it is eccti that all windows and doors Intlilo to occasion a draught are kt pt ehmcd, the dan ger is at otico reduced to a mini in n tn. If a woman is"e'Hiiglit out in a -thunder storm lite safest shelter is a house; the most dangerous a tree, particularly an oak tree, it is s peculiar, hut neverthless a proven, fact, that the oak is the most usee ptililo ot all trees to a current of electricity. Over fifty per cent, of trees struck hy lightning storms luring one summer, the tiovern- tnent statist iciiin tells ns, were oaks, while the heech tree was the least harmed. Therefore, the worst kib- sihle place of shelter in an electric torm is under an oak tree, while hy odds, the safest place is in a Iioiibo and out of a draugli. The actual danir (from an electric storm) is, in truth, not from the lightning iior the thunder, but I ruin the nervous condition into which woman allow themselves to fall. And this is a danger which they can avoid. A little calm thought and a few giBins of common tense will do it." North Carolina Leadj the World. The World's Columbian Kxposi tion, acting under act of Congress, has awarded a beautiful gold medal and diploma to the la'e ex Gover nor Thus. M. Holt for the best wheat exhibit at the World's l'air. It is a great compliment to North Carolina to get the prize when its wheat was in competition with the whole world, and especially with the creat wheat growing sonntries of the Argentine liepublio, Riifsia, Austria, Kugland, France, Uelgium and Germany. To beat them ail, as well as every State in the Tnioiijis no mean distinction for North Carolina. The wheat that took the prize was grown on Governor Holt's famous farm in Davidson county, known as "Linwood Farm." Governor Holt was ono of the best farmers in the State, and always took the greatest pride in his crops. The diploma, signed by the ofli cers of the Exposition, sets forth that the iward is made for purity. The yield is '20 bushels per acre. It is illustrated with all the names of the whea' producing countries. The medal is very ehgant and beautiful, and North Carolina is proud of the distinction it confers. News and Observer. An Editor in a Quandary. The Staunton News is having an experience common to every news paper inability to please every body. One citizen has stopped the paper liecanse there ia too much baseball news in it, and another bo cause there is not enough, thus put ting the News between tlie "devil and the deep blue sea." It is utter ly impossible to till a newspaper, ot whatever size, with matter which will be equally acceptable to every reader, as eveiyone not an idiot must know.' The liest newspaper, like the bt!ft menu, is made ot the greatest variety of items as tempt ingly served as the patronage will justify. The man who denounces a newspaper because it contains news items that do not p articularly inter est him is just as unreasonable as one who refuses to eat at a table on which there are dishes that do not tickle his palate. Byron used a great dial of hair dressing, but wns very particular to have only the honl to lie lound in tbo muiket. If Ayu's Hair Vigor had been obtainable ' hen, doubtless he would have tested its merits, as so many distirig'iisbcd and fashion ublo people are doing no -aduys. All passenger conductors on the Seaboard Air Line lsi!road are now required to give bond for l he fai;h ful performance of del v. Best Family Medicine "I have taken Aver's Pills for tnanv years, and always derived the bent results from their use. For stomach and liver troubles, and for the cure of headache. Cathartic Pills cannot be equaled. When my friend mrk me what is the leat remedy for disorder of tlie atom, ach, liver, or howels, tnv invana, Me answer i Ajer's nils." Mrs. Mat .'oiiKaoN, Sew York City. Highest Awards at World's Fair. Maceo Hai 20,000 Men-He Hat Four Companiei of Women Soldier,, Lee Visits the Condemned American,, It has been learned hero on nn disputable authority that Maceo has an army of L'O.Ooo men and they are strongly tortiiiod in the inoiin taii',8 ot l'ltiar del Kio, the Span lards having ultimately failed to drive then) from their strongholds, Maceo lias eight cannon, two of which wcro captured from the "trocha" on his recent attack, when it was reported that he was repulsed. The report that Maceo lias four companies of women soldiers has been confirmed. The Cuban wo men have such a dread of Spanish brutality that many of them nrci'cr fighting on the battlefields beside their husbands and brothers to bo- iug thrown in the forts at the Span lards mercy. In Maceo's recent attack ou the trocha, these amazons took part and fought fiercely, uin machetes on tuo epuniarils. JhotMclr was made north of San Marcos and (Jen era; Kcrmudcz crossed lutollabana province with 1,500 men. Consul General litzhtigh Ix'O visited the men who wcro captured on t he lilibustcrini; American schooner Competitor, and who are now confined in the Cu'ian fortress under sentence- of death. (Jen. Jce found tho prisoners lodged in unhealthy nuartersand will request (. untaiu (leneral Yleyler to order that they be given belter accommo dations. The Consul General also saw Julio Satitfiullv, an American citizen, who is under sentence of life imprisonment for conspiracy against the pence of Spain and whose case on appeal is now before the Utirt of Cat sat ion in Madrid. it is sni l tlat (ten. lAC, as a special favor, requested Captain Geneial Weyler to release Mr. l)aw ley, the correspondent of llarpei's Weekly, who was arrested a few days ago. The request was granted and it is expected that Dawlcy will he released from Murro. Castle. My Brave Good Husband. Ono of tho most remarkable inci dents of the big cyclone in Michi gan was that which Charles Drad- ley, ot Tiiomas, proved himself an absolute hero I'radley and his wife and two children were just sitting down to supper when the storm struck their house. The husband cried out to his wife to go into the cellar at once. She obeyed and I'radley followed with the children. Mrs. I'.radley was afraid that the lamp in the dining room might be overturned and set fire to the house. She went up stairs to extinguish the lamp and on her return was about to place the children under a Wttnhtub when the crash came. ''I'ut the babies down and bond over them,"' said Iiradley. Airs, bradley did what she was told, and her husband protected her body with his own. The bricks and beams fell upon him, hut he did not wince. When the damage was done Mrs. Ihadley crawlexl out and her husband followed her. "When the cyclone passed," said tho wo man, describing the matter, "Char ley told me to crawl out, and then he shook the rubbish oil and cot out himself. Oh, my biave, good husband !" Mr. Dradley'a home stead was lilted by the wind atid dropped one hundred feet from its original site. Chicago Times. A Good Prophet. ThiTO aro somo politicians who seem to look upon Lol. Keoirli, ol this plueo, as a very poor prophet. All nion of com so sup up occasion ally. But as a mutter ot fact tho Col onel has been enabled la see further into the future than any other man in these parts. hast fall, when everything looked and tendod to tho conclusion that there would bo scarcely any political fight Ibis year, he said to a Record mini that he looked for the hottest political fiiht in the history of I he State this tail ; that while it looked just then us it I he liemoerals had no showing, especially nntiona.lv, that thing would chango and he Cell sure il would boa hot tiht, with the re sult in doubt until tho votes are counted. This was in October of last year. How does il look now ? It is worthy of note, also, thai in January, 1S'.5, Col. Kuogh, speaking of fusion in ls!IG, give his opinion of tho outcome and he has been veri fied in every sii.glo particular. Greensboro jiecord. Fifteen Ohio couuties held con ventions Saturday, every one of them declaring for silver. In the Pieble county convention 500 votes were cat, 48 for silver aud 2 for gold. In Wert county 505 farmers left their plows to attend the con vention and not a single vote cast for gold. This is the way the sil ver "craze" has died out in the west. The coroner's jury found that a man named Gragg was guilty of tLe murder of Moore and Bowman, who were blown rip with dynamite while aeleep, in .Caldwell county. The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, Republican and lor gold only, says, the silver men will have ten majority in the next United Stales Senate. Impoverished blood cause that tired fouling. Hood's Sarnaparilla purifies, enriches and vitalises the blued aud gives vigor aud riulity. Happiness on the Highway. Ono may vory well fool lonely in Iho crowded street of a largo city or oven in tho less busv throughfares of a pretoiilioiiH town as ho passes bun tl reds or score of fellow beings with out a word orsigo of greeting. Albeit h'i is a dweller in tho community, his salutations, roceirod and given number not half of tho persons he meets. Though well is ho known to many.and though well doos ho know iho names of'a very largo percentage oi mo pasHorsoy an almost, inuvun able something or nothing keeps friendly words unspoken and stills many a cordial hand. Ana tnus is tho sum of human happiness robbod ol much thai is its duo. .bong con tinued, this custom develops often times into im ifforenee. coldness or positive antipathy between many who daily pass and repass e.ich other on the highway. An ordinary country road is much moro fraught wilh friondlinoss than is ihc nverago city street. Let the rural croolimr bo over so blull or homely it is fur bolter than tho blind, mad. unearimr rush in town whore people brush by ono another day af'ier day for years perhaps all their lives without iho slightest indica tion of recognizing or even seeing a fellow ercaluro. How many pleasant, happy and helpful friendships aro missed by this "oftishnuss" of a somoless cus tom I How many heavy hearts ro inain burdened when but a word of kindly salutation would lighten tho load I Surely the stickler for "form" (w ho tacitly enact a creed of un bi'olhorliuess) do not expoel to main tain this slirl'-necked "eliquetlo" in tho better woild; iho univorsal brotherhood must bo acknowledged there ihon why not begin the praelico hero and aow ? Groolings on road and si roe t aro small mailers, yel they possess pos sibilities that cannot be measured. Perhaps in all your yoars of strcit salutations only ono life wos bright- nod for a hltlo while, then your greetings wero richly worth while. 11 may bo that a kind word or a gentle smilo will bring sunshine to you in a cloudy season, then you II know it was worth wbilo. Bo more cordial, more widely in- crested in your God, brothers : mako and find happiness on the highway. Christian Neighbor. How It Stands Now. Tho last week has made assurance doubly sure. Ihore is no longer any more doubt that silver candidates will bo nominated at Chicago. Of tho del- gates already elected, 2S0 are for silver and 150 aro for gold. This proportion, at least, will be main tained in tho election of the balance of tho delegates. The delegates already elected stand as follows: SII.VKR. GOl.P. Alabama, 22 8 2(1 20 20 Colorado, owa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, 30 2 Mississippi, M issouri, Montana, IS 34 6 10 0 8 0 8 04 8 8 Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, 1 ennsylvania. vhode Island, South Dakota, South Carolina, IS Tennessee, 24 Vermont, 8 Virginia, 24 Washington, J 2 Wyoming, 0 District of Columbia, 2 Arizona, 2 Oklahoma, 2 Total, iHvJ There is nothing thut causes wo men greater discomfort and misery than the constantly recurring Head ache Men suffer less with Head ache. "My wile's health was very indifferent, having Headache contin ually, and just two packages of Sim mons Liver Regulator released her from all lleaduche and gavo tone and vigor to her whoU system. I have never regretted it's use." il. B. DolJord, Ms. Vernon, Ky. " Chairman Ilarnty says he will support the nominee, whether for silverorgold. It has seemed worth while to send out his statement through tho press telegrams. If such were not his intentions he has no business being the manager of a great party. Germetuer is the Best. Mr. C. P. McLain, Acworth, Ga., ays: "Several years ago my wife sutfored from attacks of bilious colic and indigestion. She used different medicines and tried several doctors, but all without pormanont bonefi . Sbo used Goyul Germetuer some years ago, and rt has given her more relief than all else, and she rocom mendi it to the afflicted." Write to The Atlunta Chemical Co., Atlanta, (ia., lor 48 page book giving full in formation, free New packago, lurge bottles, 108 doses, II For sale by Taylor k Banner and D. A. Houston. The average reform party in poli ties, as evidenced by the history of the past ia the United Statesis a delusion, and often a snare. After it has had its first term or tasted of the fruit of victory it is the trnue old tory of the "ioa and outa," and the un-to-dat reformer of the present ge will go as far and fight as hard fur otiice and do about as many questionable things to get in office as the old hard shell ringster. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS Cf IMPORTANCE GATH ERED fROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. A patriotic demonstration will be held on tho Fourth of July at lMgrim church, three miles cast of liCxgingtoti. A monument will be unvoilod .over the graves of two Revolutionary soldiers who were killed by tho Tories in tho war for independence 1 15 years ago, Jerry Gambol was arrested Satur I . t ! .' I I tt nay night in etreensooro. lie lias several charges against him. Tho most serious of which aro forging checks and breaking open stores. Several business houses of the town have been robbed recently hut the ollicers were iinablo to run up with Iho guilty party until Saturday, when they discovered a check which Gambol had forgod. Tho ollicers believo thoy havo convicting ei denco agh. nst Gambol. Arthur and John Ilebber and John Davis, all of little Uiver town shin. Aleiiiiidci countv. got tou-oth t r last Thursday and went to a place whero Inrior is sold, lhero they bought a half gallon jug of whiskey aud went homo dtinking. ():i tho way they got into a quarrel and John Davisstruck Arthur I'chbcra severe blow on tho head with tho jug, breaking that vessel. Hebber walked halt a nnlo after receiving the blow Mid lay in an old shop by tho road-side. Davis went back and got another jug of whiskey. Lubber wis left over night in the hop, but rriday morning medical attention was summoned. His in juries wero found to bo very serious and Satuidiy morning ho died. Davis was arrested and placed in jail at la) loreville. It is significant that so far as the every-uay man is concerned there is no gold in circulation in this country. It is certain that all tho larm that may be done by "driving gold lrom circulation with free coinage ot silver," has already been done. Tho hankers take pains to with hold all tho gold and treasury rotes that come into their hands. i'he result is contraction of currency. No matter what the stated circula tion per capita is, the real circulation is only the amount of the silver coin, silver certificates and bank notes; for theac are the only kinds of money in ths hands of the people iu general. A million dollars of treasury notes in a bai;k vault may be counted as a part of tho money in circulation, hut so far as the man on the street is concerned it had as well be in China. We do n jt pre tend to know all about the financial question, or even to have nnchangc aole opinions on it ; but we cannot be blind to the facts: Iho money of the country is to a degree in a condition similar to a rift of logs congested in a river; and something must be done to break the raft, be fore a beginning toward better times may be made. Dibical Ue c jrder. Cheaper Wheels. Bicycles are cheaper th s year t.'ian ever before, but still the bot tom figure cannot bo reached as yet, No longer ago than last year people hesitated liefore buying a cheap w heel, or one of a model that had rut received the test ot several sea 8' ns; and with reason. Those who b night a low-priced wheel for economy often had to trundle it home as the result of a breakdown, or spend nearly tho machine's price in keeping it repaired. Wheelmen say that their experi ence with cheap wheels this year has been different. They believe that the very fact of old bicycle makers having made so great a re duction in the price of their 'tHi wheels, together with the increased facilities for manufacturing, is proof that there is a chance for a still greater drop in price. A few years ago one invested in a bicycle as ho would in a horse or a buggy. He had uo intention of selling or trading it at the end of six months. A bicycle of any sort was a luxury, and its rider became more attached to it each year. Wheels were but slightly modified from year to year, and to ride one machine fi-e or six years was not at all uncommon. Like fiddles, bi cycles wero said to grow better with age. Now, it may be said, a wheel must be built for the occasion. "Mine is the latest '00 wheel," is the proud boast of cyclists to day. This desire lor new wheels of the latest pattern has done much to benefit manufacturers young in the wheel-making business. Cyclists feel that while a wheel may not have graat endurance, it will suuicu f jt a season or two, when they want a new cue anyway. It has been rumored that a con signment of bicycles is likely soon to arrive here from Japan, and that they will sell at a surprisingly low figure. Whatever may be the truth of this report, it is generally be lieved that bicycles should be cheap er than they now are, and that bright prospects await the concern which will furnish a rich man's wheel at a poor man' price. New York San. Democrats of Marian, Liberty, Taylor and Levy counties, Florida, leeted delegate to the State Cod ven tion Wednesday. Free coinage ( f ailver w a ei Jorscd and the itsue if interest-bearing bonds in time of peace denounced. TOTTEN PREDICTS WOE. Soon All The Planets Will Be on the Other Sii'e of the Sun Tugging Together, Lieut. C. A. L Tottcn. U. S. A whos'.i interpretation! of the IMblo and rophccicg have won imn lame in tho past, thinks that the end ot tho n-i: is st hand, and that tho St. 1-oiiib tornado, tho political situation and other present conditions prove that ho is right. In a statement of his views, which ho has just issued, lio says : "It will not he denied that if a magnet revolves n a circuliir orbit about a central core that is In con ncction with a register, tho register will i idicato no variation during tho revolution, while, if tho revo lution bo eccentric, as, for instance, in an elliptical orbit, the register Will lnnvitnf.lv lltitirtatn n.avitna and ininiiim. as tho outward mag net draws near to and away from tho cet tral euro. Now. flic earth i just such a magnet, revolving alauit the su i, which is another, rotating about its own axis. Hcnco tho needle points to tho north, because of the thermo electric action of the st.n n.iori the whnlo tnngnct. A the cm th's orbit is elliptical, it is a well k iown scientific fact that wo iavo :eriod of maxima and min ima in electrical phenomena, during both tho diurnal motion and the yearly revolution, as well as a sec ular rii-o and fall. "So .vitli all the planets. When they a-o at their nearest to tho sun, or in perihelia, wo have a maximum and U o revci so obtains at their apheli.i. When two or more plan cts are in coincident relation the cosmic resultant is increased. lyCt it now bo noticed that we (hums. i beings) are tho denizens of our own terrestrial magnet, its sub jects, s to speak, and are bound to show t rth the influence in our col- cctivt capacity. And not only we but thi atmosphere and tho sea, aye, aoi the depths beneath, yea, and tl o physical currents in the humat. body and all that this im lies ii ust and wili and do respond to th; varying influences of the Bolar s , stein, as a whole, and as ex pressed at the solar centre, and then telegraphed outward to all of its elements. a. v r i aow, i am advancing no new theory, but one founded ou the works of no less authority thau Noah Webster, whose disquisition upon storms, pestilences, their his' lory and periodicity, was consider ed imj ortant enough by our ances tors to bo published at Government expense about 100 years ago. lie was followed by Dr. Knapp, of Chicago, who, in 1?2, propounded the perilielian theory, and antici pated ,-ol that is now going on in the solar system. So also lienner, famous among all stock brokers, tinancijrs, and grain merchants for his prt phecies as to tho cycles of trade, tho riso and fall of prices, elabor.'ed tho idea from auother standpoint, and a host ot other specialists have treated it along the whole range of religion, politics, business, crime, insanity, lifo and mortality. "twice in tho Christian era three of the greater planets exterior to tho can ti have been in coincident periheKa, in the sixth and sixteenth centurv. They were famous eras of plague, pestilence, and pertarba tiou among men, and now for the first time in the history of man all of the planets, exterior as well as interici, superior as well as inferior, are approaching a coincident period of ominous and I cannot but believe nialitic influence It will culminate only at the very end of this century, and w.y extend well over into the next. At that time all of the plan ets wiil bo in line, conjunction tnggin; together at the sun, while the ear h upon tbo opposite aide of the s. in, will be subjected to their united action. I speak in general terms and upon premises that have been broad I v published in standard journals, r rom the physical stand point alone this condition of affairs cannot but result in widespread disaste , expressed in all the terms that uf (tire knows, cyclones, earth quakes, tidal waves, etc., and among men, ttich an unbalancing of the normal condition as will try to their doepesi foundations tho institutions upon which the false system of modern society lives and moves and hai its being. "Already we csn hear the mutter of the cosmic powers that are con spiring against us. I would have no diliiculty of convincing a St. Louishiii of this. I probably will be branded as a bald-headed fool by eon.e Eastern paper, whose local ity is reserved for paralk? disaster in due time. "Tin world is in confusien, and I eann: escape the firm conviction that it is to be woisj confounded as the years roll on, and I also be lieve taat man, who has wasted his resources and belied bis mission, is responsible, both individually and as nationally collected, for bis in stitution, and will be held respon sible fT their failure in the coming crisis." The proltablo result of Laving all the pi. .nets on the other aide of the san tu; gibg awsy ia thus tated by Lieut. Totten. "I Ltve never posed as a prwheL nor do I believe that the end of the BiMl Ol Uie itraigbtened world, or of the Nation but I do believe that be tried to a limit, and traigbteoed nut and than I Via litanl . r t . i t i . " ciuri-.-vi -uetniau IS lo Caller 10 aa era in wLich the poor, the tree, the good, uie Loncct, tlie simple minded Highest of all in Leavening i U f J TTCV will inherit the earth, and a new order of ages wiil lie set up by Him in person, Who is the desire of all the ages. "Aside from the concert of his tory and chronology that testifies as to tho approaching end of the age, is tho principle of economy in the universe, which never puts off until to-uiorrow what can be done L j ... I J In other words, the entire energy of the system wo innauii conspires w ith prophecy as harmon ized to history in offering such an i s . opportunity at consummation as will not be repeated by tho cycles lor age and ages, and it is toward this "present situation that, upon whatsoever line! men have hypothe cated their judgments in the past, all have agreed to unite. Hence J am with the concensus of all the pant sge in my belief, and believe it will bo homo out and justified. In the international arena agreeably to prophecy, 1 believo that the con fusions now formulating will wind up at Jerusalem, and in winding op end tho times ot tho Gentiles, after which that city will ccaso to he trodden under their feet and be come the centro of an ever-widen ing circumferenco of right rule and justice until the whole world is in cluded." Mexico and Japan, The gold etundard peoplo hold up Mexico and Japan as two of the frightful examples of the silver standard, when as a matter of fact there aro no two countries in the world to-day which are making as much progress as Mexico and Japan. Speaking of Mexico the Omaha (Neb.) World Herald quotes a resi dent of Mexico, who is writing ot the silver standard in that country, as suggesting two propositions in reply to two of those laid down by Secretary Carlisle, one of which is ; "There is not a silver standard coun try in tho world to-day whoso pro ducers aud manufacturers are not more prosperous than they ever were before." Tho other is: "There is not a gold standard country in tho world to day whose producers and mauufacturers aro as prosperous as they have been in the past." Neither of these propositions can be success fully disputed, tor the current ins- tory of the times proves tho truth ot both. Every gold country in the world has suffered more or less lrom iudustrial depression ind liuancia embarrassments, tor which tlie gold standard advocates have been giving various reasons, but never admitting tho true one. ilmington Star. The Time for Building Up tbo system is at this season Tho cold wcalber has made unusual drains upon the vital forces. The blood has become impoverished and mpuro, and all the functions ot the body suffer in consequence, llood'i Sarsaparilla is tbo great builder, be- . L..rt. 'e im,i r.,..: e'&uoo n ia iud vuo iiuu oiuuu j. ui fior and nerve tonic. Hood's Pills become the favorito cathartic wilh all who use them. All druggists. 25c, No Banking Reforms. It does not speak well for tlie superior ability and efficiency of the Itepubiicau majority in the tioue ol Representative that its committee on banking and currency has been unable to agree on a bill for the reform of our bauking laws aud has adjourned till next December. It was a great charge against tue Democrat when last iu control of tho House that they left tho bank ing laws unamended. They did not give freedom to State banks and they did not correct the delects ot the national banking system, lie publicans laughed the Democrats to scorn for their impotence, and we wore told to wait and see bow scientifically and speedily the Re publican with their superior intelli gence, would solve all these simple Eroblems. We have waited, but we ave not seen the solution. In efficiency is tlie vice of the politi cians of both parties. They are in capable of originating anything but raids on the treasury. JJaltimore Sun. Some people aro constantly troubl cd with pimples and boils, especially about the face and nock. The best reme ly is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which expels all humors through the proper cLac nets, and so makes the skin become soft, beatlby, and fair. C. L. Glover, of Asbeville, has started on a walk from that place to San Francisco. He will write Lis experiences and publish a book. asy to Tako asy to Opcrato are tntan pwvUar Ss Roofa Pill, taall ! Bin, tastrteaa, eBVcw teurutik. enema p. mm mmm y y J VJ mJ '1mrk ktnUtsu isnuti ttriRict, Tt Milt t tat He4'e &wmriUa Power.. -Latest U.S. Gov't Report" taw ua E.A.HANNAH, in ii r.n im Barial Robes, Slippers, k. A full st-jrk id all an l iiilules k oo hand, 'l hi r.;ifuinM'- I'Ih.k. More rx n, iii-ii i tT M. I.. Taller, son's tur, mi Man Mit-1. lieni'lem e lint linn" Norih ot 1'ie ruilriMid, AARON I'ENN, -niK- Fashionable Barter, Under Oravet Warehouse, Mt. Airy, N. O. Easy chairs, razors keen; Heissors (harp, linen clean. For a shave you pay a dime Only a nicklu to get a shine ; Shampoo or hair cut Pompadour You pay the sum of fie. more. W. H. SIMPSON, ACE. "NT 110 HVKhVTlllMJ IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. A)M NunC'erlnfe' Ma.'liliie. linn Blrtmp-i, liTHiv ii.s-i Odlwr, Burnlntf liruuil-i, i am elllug- .Machllifs. Cliei S lruii-o n, i 'ij'hKt-'V l iint'.nes. Cor poration M'UlM. II. tii'l lliu.il lia-n. Nu- Stalllis, I .-n all,! I' U NilllipH, It'lhlier Tw li H, Kukii'T T.', llufolier stamp 1 :i l.-i. lOiti-.er Mai'.p li,k. Men ells. Mel., 'Il llik. Men, II Hrushe. HU-el Stamps, Meel u-'ers hihI Htfun s. Self Iiikuii,' r In!!,,', suiij.p KiM-uis, Maipp Kaeks. sU'ti Markers, Wiai seals auil Type Wno-r supp i . 'liiere. ,s not utji useil in an .'ft!ce we eatmol hJppl. , aral ,,. the Very lowpfct prl eh js .-.hli.ie. !., nr.t-el.i--! k.ki.s. Baiikej-, Mer-iiMics. l oiiua,.u;i-ers ami aa i i.if s.iio;iul i.,en w.il ,lu e lo ifet my pi 1,-es bviur, i,ui, nisewhere. onr p.l'rim ik,'!- Is S' ll. il.-'l. esp.rhUly. Trump! ati'-ni! n jmeu loan itrt.-ni. otnre in J-... bp k. a! hea.l ot siepa, Hk'lil-liaii'l siile, n.iMniK uu M.tla Street, kulllit Airy, . t., UKt Uux HT4. -Cjlreponlence Solioitel. Mareh 8, "OH. tf 4 - CALL AT - EYE RETT'S TZisr si-iop. IIEA D QUARTERS FCK Tin and 8tee! Hoofing, Guttering Spouting, Valley Tin all widths Shingle Strips. Ac, Ac, Ac. Water and Steam Fittings of all kinds kept on hand. The Old Reliable J onkins eilobe A (.'heck Yavles, Kberman Injectors, De troit Lubricators are a few of the many reliable supplies in Stock. Guna, 1'isiols, Sewiiig Machines, an 1 Bicycles repaired by the best skilled workmen at short notice. e keep tn hi 'jiii t asnion e.onee Pots, Pish Pans, and in fact everything in tlie Tinware line. T. 31. Everett & Co. THE LITTLE ONES Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. Von can overcome their troubles with Dr. King's Royal Germetuer. They ail like ta take it because it does not taste I.ke a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in younj children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teethisg, it is the greatest ia the world. rjTSold by Drng-rista, new package, 'lanrs bottle, 'OS Doaea, One Itollar. Maoucur4 ot.'.y by Tit iubl'l CkEuu.al Cd. 1.. rttt T -rx Ita, latM rrw. Coil, BIS,

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