Mo UNT TV MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY. JULY 2J), 1800. NO. t VOL. 17. The A Ewb. 1 V W. I J. IIHOWN, DOTAHY PUBLIC, (orricie with uro. w. h-aiusrr,) Mount Airy, N. C. H. P. GKAVKS, Mttorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. O se-s-n uriTiutucn in Stai and rIfrl Courts. JToirpi attention to o.illeciin of clalma. W. H. NKKDHAM. Attorney-at-Iiaw, Pilot Mountain, N. C, ir-will nrncllr in the Sfal Court. Col lation of r. lulim Hvlliy. JanMtm UKO. W. SI'AKGKR, Attopney-at"Iiaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. IVNi'irollH'Inff loans ami tlx' l 'l l Inn of (lulim a M'Hll.y. Inairniise pliu'txl In atan Saril euinpaiilra upon Ma-rat o-rma. . r. CARTER, i. R. UffEUVN, DC7MOH, N. e. Caktkk & I.kwki.i.yn, Mttorneys-at-Ivaw. .- ttrt'riU'H' In the stale unci Fi'ilrrnl court. l'niniit iitleiiLlun given to nil hmliieaa eiilneit 1 Hi thr-lr rnrn. DR. C. W. BANNER. f DENTIST, Mount Airy, N. C. Olllne iivit Taylor A lliiimer' Orug Worn. Ollice limiri H a. m. tn 6 p. in. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTOQRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. se e In prepared In make nil the New ami Artistic Styles. I up wnh Hit' Hmea ami will trlw you nraldaaa work. COAL! COAL! White Anil Anthracite Coal for Hluve anil i rut . Kuhhi'I Creek Con) for Stoves and ('rales l'iii-nlnmlnK Coal forHlmpii ami KiiKines. Onlcr lllleu promptly. T. B. MeCAIiHO. Agent for Pocahontas Coal Co. MEN PIN ALLEY. Our ten pin allsy i open fruni II a. in., to U p in. Alley In liiiaeiiieiit of the A, U, Kliort aUiro building, next to II. hdutfer. (live us n i'hII unit rmit aaaureil only tin1 boat unli-r will Im niaiuliiini'il. (Ipun fiom U to 11 a. in., for lui'ii'i and tlieir etui rlH, DAVIS & May 21. If TILLEY. -o- Whsn ymi li-ive atom' work to Jo you will find II U niir intrti'Ht to aee J. II. Walker. Iiu will tmiiUh none Imt l't granite, cittif r rougli or cut. (Vmelcry work a specialty. Apr-ll-lm JOS. NATIONS, OKAI.KK IN Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kinds, Hewing Machine, M'lsicat Instrumci tn. Ac. Watehe , Clock and Jewelry repaired in heat possible man ner aim satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to save money see me before, making work done. EI !! L. B. ALBERTSON, MAIN STREET, MOUNT AIRY, N. C, I1KAI.KK IN Grw erica, Tropical Friiils, (,'oun. try Produce and linker' Itrcud, Tlie 'Btroiiii!i' "f I lie citiz'-iia so licilod. Beiial Robes, Slippers, Ac. A fall atork of all mhos and nualltie. kepi oa hand. Bil at reasonable price. Stors rootii. nn.ur over M. I.. Palter mn'a Mor, n Ma"' Htrtel. Kcaideavo, Bral hoiiaa North of tho railrot. AARON PENN, THE Fashionabls Barber, Under Oraa Warhoua, Mt.Atry.N.0. Kaay ehaira, rarort keen ; gumora aliarp. linen clean, for a aharw yoa pay dime Only niekla to r"' nin fihanipooofhaireut Pompadour YW PT tlie aum of Te mora. Granite Hock Woij Ei.ui, lFAl.K IN Col, Caste, Do People Ever Forget Anything. Tin- ltftin of mankind " defined kinl of phonographic cylinder, which retHim irnproi ion irmde u on it through tlm iiifdinm (,f tlit) annwa, pisrliculitrly through tlm eyn and ir. Il thin he fnn1, incfiiory iiiimt di pt nd f. r ita ii.ton iiy or retentive ijimlitiin upon the rieifrec or ohnervHtion itl which the record m made. Is'or in thix h!I. It memoiy's ro cord in kepi in tlm hIihjio of'inden tatiuits upon the fulda of 'lie brain matter, nrij they ever entirely ef laced ? In other words, do we real ly ever forget anything f May it not he that, tho inner depiha of the brain memory Imvo (tored up rt- Ci'!!eetiois of thing which aro never aiin piirponcly turned 'o, lerhnpi, but whii'h nmtHiitly aptmg into beini; and llnnli t )i rouh the mind whenever w o htiiroraee FO'tie thine which recti la them. Tliere are i veral will known mental plienomena which Mrciitrth en wild theory. kho' mibi memory olten luiglilens iluring tho litt tiioiimiita of life, and (hero aro canes on record licn (lermma, Kreneli, S.iaiiiarda bik) oilier, who, frtllinif ill in Una country years alUr having enliioly forg dlen their native lanirufitfi a, rtcoveieil anu line 1 1 them Upon their dentil bedri. Tliere is a theory that in all mien cuaes tho brain told Imvo relaxed, bint an do tho m uncles and corda of I Iiu limbit ami hmly, ami I lint iiy ho duini; they expoHo the muni s moiil tor iiideiilatioiis (recollections,) which wero long siiicj folded HI and put away as maleiial that could not he i f any parlicular line. Family Doctor. John Brennan'l loke, Mrs. FJlen I'.rcnnan of UU Forty eighth street, I'rooklyn, was both surprised and delitrlited when her hiit-littiiil, John I'lrciiuan, cione home from work on Saturday night and presented her wi'h a $.rn bill. It was tho biggest weekly stipend she hail ever received from bus hand anil althouirh he t 1 I her to put it awny in her trunk she hurried out dirieilv alter supp. r to make some purchrtxciA, which under ordi nary cireuiiiB'anees she would have dispensed with A fancy store was the lust place Mrs. Ilrenimn visited, and she got involved in trouble pint as soon as she presented the, $ 50 bill in payment for the numerous fancy articles which she had pur chased. The bill was a well-preserved promise to pay of tho Con federacy, and Mrs. JJiennan had to Ifo to the police station to explain how she came to be starting it in circulation when her husband came and said lie had given it to her as a joke. She was released. New York Sun. A (Jeorgia editor is responsible for the, following : "The editor sat in his office cold, whence ail but him had fled, but he wished that every last dead beut was in his grave, stone dead. His mind then wander ed lar away to tho time when he should die, and his lu.yal iditorial soul go seeoting to tho sky ; when he'd roam the fields of paradise and sail o'er jnsper seas, and sll things glorious would combine, his every si use to i.lenso. He thought bow, w hen he'd look across the great gulf dark and drear, that yawned be tween hishappy soul ttid those who swindled here; and then for water they should call and in agony they'd caper, ho'd shout to them: 'Just moisten your tongue with tho due that's on your paper.' " A Million Gold Dollars Would not bring happiness to the person differing with dyspepsia, but Hood's Sarsnparilla has cured many thousands of cases of this disease. It tones the stomach, regu lates the bowels and puts all the machinery ot the system in good working order. It create a good apHtite and gives health, strength and happiness. Hood's l'iils act harmoniously with Hood's S-trsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. 5 cents. The bolt of the Republican silver Senators at St. Lmis reduces the Republican representation in the Senate to forty regulars out of a total of ninety memliers, and will oblige the Republicans to gain six scats if they expect tosecn re control over the next Senate, of which, they expect, Hobtrt of New Jorsey will be the presiding otlicer. Present indications point to the election of Iemocrat8 to existing vacancies in the Senate from Delaware and Kentucky. Mrs. Anna Gap, wife of Ex Deputy I). S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan says i "I waa delivered of TWINS in lesa tban 30 min utes and with scarcely any pain after uaiog only two bottles of a ANTHERS' FKIFlin" SIS HOT CTE Amiwisa trat r tirm or M.'l. f i". I et . Sou Tu kolUlu' MaBrtcLs trcruToa ro., irurrt, u. SOLD BT IX DRIMim. Dm leiri,l Ratment. rviwra4 , M W Vbf it Mim Nn 1'li.l.n, J m ai 17 QUESTIONS FOR TEACHERS, LET EVERYBODY GIVE THE FOLLOWING A FEW HOURS STUDY. IT IS WORTH WHILE. Tho following will interest the readers id Thk Nkh, especially public fehool teachers and others who are interested in tho education of Iho inasRuf. Tho questions used in examination of applicants aro as follows : NOKTII CAROLINA IIISTORV. 1. Who first attempted to Bettlo North Carolina? Whero and what whs the rt sullf 2. Was North Carolina prosper on nndur tho rulo of tho Ijrda Proprietors? (live icasons for your answer. .'3. Mention (a) tiie three most lin fxntant tribes of Indians in the state when settled; (b) which give tho settlers most troiiblo and (c) what became- of this trila i 4. What led to the battle of Ala mance? How did it result? 5. (live ciicums'anccs that led lo tho battle of Monro's Creek I'.ridgo and result of the battle. (1. When was the public achool sys tem of North Carolina established? 7. What sland did North Caro lina take in tho civil wai? How many troops did she f tirnisdi? 8. Mention n general from North Carolina that assisted in the battle of GettvsburL' and how did our troops rank in that battle? II. What is the most important occupation of the people of North Carolina and name live of tho most valuable productions of the stale? 10, (Jive reasons why North Car oliua has ho n and is behind her sister states in education and gem eral prosperity? TIIKOKY ANTI I'RACrit'K OK TKAI'IIINO 1. What should he taken in con sideration in making preparations for the school; 2. How should a school room be ventilated? 3. With what apparatus should schools be supplied! 4. (nvo an outline ol work prc iminary to (he organization of a school. 5 What aro the objects of edu cation? 0. What prepara'ioii should the teacher make before tho recitation? 7. Delino discipline. 8. What may be considered as () proper penalties ) improper pen alties: 9. (a) What is teaching? (b) What is leai uing? 10. ''Iho school is no placo for a man without principle. state briefly Pago's reason for this state ment. UNITKP 8TATK8 H1STOKV. 1. What parts of North America were explored oy la) ronec de ixion; (b) Henry Hudson; (e) Do Soto? 2. Inch ono of tho thirteen colonies is specially noted as having been a refuge (a) for members of the Church of England; (b) for Ro man Catholics; (e) lor Puritans; (d) for Friends or Qual'irs. ."5. (a) hat was the object of Washington's journey to the head waters ot the Ohio river in 175.1? fti) What followed as a result of the expedition 4. (a) Who catiitinnded the Amer ican torces at tho siege ot ork town? (b) What fleet assisted in tho siege? 5 (a) Name the presidents who served two terms? (b) the ones who died in office. (i. Give an account of the treason of Benedict Arnold. In what wav waa Major Andre connected with u? i. (a) rsmno the states that form ed tho Southern Confederacy; (b) the President and Vice President of the Confederacy; (c) tho capital. 8. (a) Namo four important bat- ties won by the confederates; (b) four bv the federals? 9. Namo lour of our most emi nent inventors? btato what each invented? 10. (a) What territory has tho nited States acquired sim-o the civil war? (b) Of what nation and bv what means was that territory obtained? 11. Tell what yon know (a) of the Cuban rebellion; b) its probable result; (c) of the interest in an if fated by the United States and why? rKYsioi.ooY. 1. Illustrate the value of physio logical knowledge? 2. dive an example of an organ and its functions? 3. () Of what substances are the bones composed? (b) why do they have such different shapes? 4 iSame the digestive organs? 5. (a) What are muscles? (b) How are they arranged and why? 6. (a) Mention two organs whose functional movements are prodneed by the operation of involuntary muscles; (b) State the m cesity of involuntary muscles. 7. fiat is gained bv the division of the spinal column into so manv . Deacnlie the greater and leer cur-iilations? 9. Why do surge- ns when calltd Upon to erform dangerona opera tion olten inquire whether the enl- ject is addicttd to the use of alco holic beverages. It. Mention the common injuri ous tffect of (a) alcohol; (b) tobacco. oKocnAriir. 1. The latitude of New Orleans is w .V ant the loniritule !r west; what are the latitude nl longitude of a placv Co" sou'h ai.d 100 scst of Ne Orleans? 2. (s) What i i isothermal line! (b) why do they not extend' directly east and weal? 3. What largo commercial city near tho mouth (a ot'flio Delaware river; (b) the Mississippi; (c) tho Columbia; (d) the Saeramfnto rivei? 4. Mention three physical features upon which thb successful develop ment of a country largely depend, 5. Why are tho rivers of Asia that flow into tho Arctic ocean of less commercial importance than theUangosand tho Vang tso-Kiang 0. Compare tho United States and Croat I'ritian with reference to the value of their various manufuc tu red exports. 7. Ioc.tto the following lakes: (a Champlain; b) Otsego; (c) (Jrcat Salt Ijike; (d) Wnniog; (e) Lake Ocneva. H. IkmIo Iho billowing cities: New York, Chicago, Memphis, Key West, Rio, Rome, Naples, Constat! linopic, Mofcow. 9. What water do tho following traits connect: Pchring, (Jibralti r, Dover, Magellan. 10. Why is it eo'd in winter am warm in summer? I.KAMMAK. 1. It is said that many an unlucky urchin la induced to run 2. sway from his family and betake himself to sea-laring lifu, 3. from reading tho hiwtory of Rob insou Crusoe, and I suspect, 4. that, in likemanncr, many of those worthy gentlemen who aro 5. given to haunt the fides of panto ral si reams with anglo rod in 0. hand, may trace tho origin of their passi'in to the seductive 7. pages of honest Iztah Walton 1. Classify according to their uso in tho sentence, as principal, adjec live, adverbial or noun clauses iho following clauses: (a) It is said (lino 1 ); (b) urchin is induced (lino 1); (c) l suspect (line 3); (d) many mav trace (lines 4 0); e) wlio aro given (lines 4 5 ) 2. (five (i) two modifiers of is induced (line 1); and (b) three modifiers of may trace (lino i). 3. Select ('i) an infinitive; (b) a participle. 4. What part of speech is each of tho following word: (a) many (lino 1); (h) sea taung (lino 2); (c) read ing (lino 3); (d) that (line 4); (e) their (lino li). .). (live the Rvntax of (a) many (line 41; (b) sides (lino 5); (e) pages (lino 7). C. (Jivo pinieipal parts of the following verbs: (a) Il v; (b) Hot; (c) gd;(d) go. 7. ('ivc a synopsis of the verb "write" in all the modes und tonses (first person, singular). S. Define (a) proper noun; (b) a personal pronoun. (Jive an example of (a) an abstract noun; (b) a col lective noun. 9. Wriio a sentence containing a veib in the active voice, re-write the sentence, changing the verb to passive voice. 10. Analyze and parse in full the following sentence: "Who stoals my purse steals trash." ARITHMETIC. 1. Defino (a) multiple (b) die- count (c) composite number. (hJ V rite three composite numbers that are prime to each other, (h) Write an odd number that is composite, (c) an even mini ber that is prime, (d ) find the prime factors of 945. 3. Find by cancellation the re 32x2x7.5 suit of lti -X.UOXZL'J. 4. Kediico 8 or. , ot the decimal of a pcund iroy. 5. My commission at 5 per cent. on a silo of hay at 13.5J per ton was $12.4SV How many tons did I sell? G. Find the exact interest on $2150 from March 12th to April 5th, at G per cent, por annum. 7. The assessed valuation of a school district is $73,750 and a tax of $215 upon said district is voted at the annual school meeting. Find tho tax on a farm assessed tor $3350 in said district. 8. It the interest on $1.00 at G per cent, per annum is $0835 what is the time? 9. Find the square root of 1.6 raised to the third Kwer. Correct to 3 decimals plaeesj 10. A man having 1000 bushels of apples, sold 5 per cent, of them at f l.2a per bushel; 8 per cent, of tho remainder at $1.00 per bushel; 50 ix.r cent, of what was then left at 75 rents per bushel; and the rest at bo cents per bushel, thus receiv ing 10 jer cent more than bo jaid; how much did ho iy tor all? J 1. Scahi.kk, County Examiner. Intense heat prevails ir Southern Great Rritian, Fiance an J Germany as well as the United States. Doctors'Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great "driving Aheel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS Of IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. kinston is to vote next month on a proposition to issue bonds to establish an electric light plant The Herald tnys tho contract has won let for the erection of one bun dred dwelling houses at tho new shops near Salisbury. Tho Alliance shoo factory at Hills Iwiro tiai la-gun business. lis ful capacity is nun pairs or siiooa jer day and it require loo hides daily. At a Sunday rjIiooI picnic at Old Hundred, Richmond county, Satur day, 1 icket fay lor was shot and probably fatally injured by Arch timith. Taylor provoked tho shoot ing. At o rover, Cleveland county, Ihiirsday morning, Miss Jane Etters, aged about ('0 yearn, at tempted to ens tho railroad track in front ot a moving train and waa killed. She had on a sun-bonnet and it is supposed alio did not see or near mo train. The Elkin correspondent of the Charlotto Observer says Prof. J. L Debnam, of Wake Forest College, will have charge of Honda Acad omy, Wilkes county, next term, and that Miss Matnio McElwee, of Stateiville, will be his assis'ant. Miss McElwoo taught there las! year. R. C. Triplett and family, who emigrated from Vi!kes to Honda 1M spring, have returned. Triplett says that when he left Florida he could ride in a boat all over tho top of his corn. Ho is sufficiently amused with Florida and siys old North Carolina is good enough for hi in. Some ti mo ago Mrs. M. W Riven, of Union county, dropped a piirof scissors which stuck in her f( ot. Eater on erysipelas was con tracted, trotn which she died. flieanwiiiie Mr. Uivetis had con tracted tho disease, having cut his leg with an adzo. He is not ex peeked to live. Joe Myers, a young nun for many years cashier of the Carolina Central railroad office in Charlotte, hasgoho wrong, having becomo in fatuated by a pretty woman, who influenced him from his devoted wife, little children and fond moth er to the wicked paths of unright eousness, drunkenness and theft, having Hbeconded with $3,200 of tho railroad company's money. Every county, along with its good name should have good roads. The shame of bad roads should bo re moved. Tho time has come when throwing fresh dirt in the middle of tho road and pino poles in mud holes should cease. Dring engineer ing skill to Ijcar on tho work on our roads, and let tho work have refer ence to ages rather than a season. Two many of our counties are in tho mud. Tho Record eayg that the state ment in the Charlotto O'oservor that Mr. Thornton, of Greensboro, had "borobcoped the ncwley nominated candidate and ho predicted Mr. Jrvan will have a walk over in No vember is incorrect. Thornton is a )emocrat and will vote for his party ail right, but he says that ho has not tho data necessary to erect a horo scope does not know the correct time of Air. Bryan a nativitv, hence could not have made the calculation nr-ccKary to predict his success or failure, lie assures tho Record. however, that the stats are all right for Democratic success in North Carolina. Saturday morning Mr. J. K. Mc Gowan, of Chicod township, waa killing out a barn of tobacco. The tobacco took fire, but wonderful to reiato, the barr, was saved. Mr. M -.'Gowan kept a barrel of pickle sitting by the barn door. Ai soon as the tobacco took tire ho threw several buckets full of pickle on the flues and shut up the baru. He hur ried to tho well for water, and by tho time he got back to the barn tho flues were cool enough for him to go insido and fight the lire which tho pickle had partially deadened. Ha went to work in a hurry and though most of tho tobacco was ruined he saved his barn. You don't of toil hear of a tobacjo barn U ing saved after fire has caught inside of it. Greenville Reflector. We sympathize with the move ment for tho free coinage of silver at the ratio of sixteen to ono, We have given more thought to this question in the lust three years than to any other. In a position where the literature on all sides is easily in reach, we have made good uso of it. We havo t times bcou doubt ful of fiee coinage of silver. We have argued more than once from the standpoint of the opponents of tree coinage; and it is not a diffi cult matter to make a good argu ment from that standpoint. Rut taken all in all, we believe that the United StuUs can restore silver to its full and free use as money, and restore its value at the ratio .t 16 to 1 ; aod that this will be tatter for the people of the country. At the same time we are no more willing to call any one who disagree with os a gold-bug than we ira for him to say we are a fa . ii. iiblicl K-'Curdur. inr m4 kin KuTalrlt. MtKlW ra i uls fwa "tm -was cwat 4as I. 0.0. F. COLUMN. The Influence of Odd Fellowship Upon the Family. M. Pmi lUvlew J SV f.Al UA I., HANIWM'II, M II. Pilot II Mi AND It ha hi en deemed fitting that woman should speak on the great, grand and far-reaching benefits that result from tho uilliience of Od Fellowship upon tho family, Thii seem especially appropriate since by experimentation in daily life, she is qnalitiod to give rational nd tin controvertible testimony concern ing it. As tho brain is tho centra! organ of tho body, and receives im pressiors, cither of pleasure or ain from every part, so woman is tho central figure in the household, to whom are transmitted all the im prcaaioni mado upon its individual inernlH'M, whether for weal or woe, This duty hat Ix cn assigned to inc and I shall endeavor to perform it to tho bt of my ability Language ia powerless to describe the extent of the Inlltieneo our Order exerts uiam its members and indirectly, upon others with whom they come in contact. As it take all men to know all truth, so it wil require the aggregated experience of all Odd Fellows' families, and to each one of tho family of every Odd fellow, (who lias an adequate con ception of tho nature and principles of tho Order), to furnish anything like a comprehensive summary ol its influence for good in tho bound aries of homo life. The evidonco to bo conclusive, must bo obtainei from those who aro undur tho influ enco of its teachings, directly or in directly. Every man who has a family do pendent npon him, feels not only the responsibility of supplying their immediate wants, but of providing for their future. He realizes fully the possible dangers that lurk alout lum, and lie contemplates them with anxiety and dread. The wife abates in this feeling. Py dint of strict economy and deprivation, they suc ceed in laying aside a little money for that indefinite period ot timo known is "a rainy day." The first accident or iiiinforttino that befalls them, not only necessitates the ex penditureof theirsav ngs, but leaves them burdened with obligations that will require months to liqm date. Discouraging prospect ! but it goes to prove that man is always at a disadvantage when, single handed and alone, he strives to tight the batt.o of life. We need tho aid and sympathy of our fellow creatures, and they, in turn, need ours. Realizing this, ho becomes a member of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. As ie takes upon himself tho obliga tions of the Order, "to visit the sick, relieve tho distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan," he recognizes the fact, that all tho members are bound by the same compact and, instead of apprehen sion and dread, a feeling of happi ness pervades bis mind and gives him comfort and peaco. Round to gether ly tho silken ties of friend ship, love and truth, ho feels that wherever he may go, brothers will be near to cheer and assist him in distress and minister to his needs This affords consolation to the wife, and thu., much anxiety is averted and happiness and harmony pro moted. lhe material aid furnished a brother in t me of adversity, is very gratifying olten essential to the well being ot a family ; but it is not to bo compared to the kindly spoken words of sympathy and brotherly interest, manifested in the perma nent prosperity and comfort of an afflicted household. They feel that they have friends and brothers who are interested in them, and who are using every available means to alle viate their condition. They regard Odd Fellows as benefactors and hail their approach with delight. To have eyes that were dimmed with tears grow bright at our coming, lips to forget their grief and become wreathed in smiles, to receive the confiding trust and sincere friend ship of ihoso whom we have been in some way able to assist and re lieve; ti is is worth living for. Greater than tho influence of brotherly care and interest, previ ously referred to, and which is so cheering to the atllicted, is that per manent benefit, accruing to the in dividual members of our Order, which nag a corresponding influ ence on the family, by which they ate developed to a point where they can checrltilly extend their fraternal love and sympathy to a brother and his fail: ly, whom they have the power to aid and bless. The teachings of Odd Fellowship tend to iibeiulize the mind, broaden the liver, deepen the springs of ac tion and give ns atleaier concep tion of our duty to ourselves, to our follow creatures, to our conntry and to cur God; for the fundamental lesion oi" the Order is the universal brotherhood of man. Associated together tor a common purpose, pledging to each other undying friendship, fiaU-rual love and invio late tru'h; there is promoted a spirit of charity and t deration. Widely as our i pinions may ditler on van oui siibjecU, we rect gnue the rights ot others to differ from ns, and jet believe them to be conscientious. This tolerant view of individn 1 rights extends to the family. The husband, who is an Odd Fellow, no longer deieanda that hi lte' opinior shall m the echo of Lit own. Ilia speech and actions are alway kind, temperate and thooght- Ilighest of all to Leavening LLr Ire An&omTmw pore ful. His decisions on all questions considerate and just. He comes to regprd her as vested with rights equal with himself, and he Im comes less dominant in tho family; not only recognizing her as the mistress thereof, but at all times be will be her voluntary assistant. This con dition of freedom and equality in the household ia productive of greater happiness than could other wise bo enjoyed, insures future moral and iotolloctnal growth, and guarantees that all will be benefitted who come within its influonco. This change in tho attitude of a man toward his family is due to tho teachings of Odd Fellowship. Un selfishness Is one of the virtues all tro urged to attain, and is essential in the practico ot its principles. Imbued with tho spirit of fraternal love, and unselfishness a predomin ate trait of our character, it will Ihj easy and natural lor us to mako sacrifices for tho happiness or bene fit of others. 1 bis is tho ethics of Odd Fellowship, to bo but in prac tico in our daily lives. It is the summary of the various codes of moral philosophy, and has been taught for centuries by the most proficient thinkers of every age. The prine'plo of our Ordor is one divine in oiigin, universal in appli cation and elevating to all who em brace it. (XNTINl Krt NKXT WELK. p - A Cloie Shave. Down on the Ashevillo & Spar tanburg Railroad there is, for a few miles, a stretch ot mountain road as steep, as wild and as grand as any thing that the Switzerland of America holds out to the tourist. The particular part of the line re ferred to is that commonly termed the Saluda mountain, where the descent from tho hills of North Carolina towards tho plains of South Carolina is so rapid as to make the timid passenger hopo for a quick, and yet not too speedy, trip. The trusty engineer, no matter how many times this run lias been mado by bim, keeps closer watch upon the huge machine under him and grasps with firmer hand the lever that con trols tho air brakes. For in de scending this unusual grado the slightest mistako might bring dis astrous results to crew and passen gers ; onco beyond control of the :iand of theengincman there would bo a wild race down the mountain, to end at tho bottom ol somo gorge or when the train reached the level, if it should be so lucky as to stick tg the rails. It was on this short section of road an incident occurred recently that would havo made t:io passjt:- gers catch their breath had they known it. A pasocngcr train was descending the mountain at the ordinary speed. At a point where the mountain's aide makes an almost sheer descent for hundreds of feet before tho track is reached, a huge og, being cut for the mill, became dislodged and began a flying, liound- mg, crashing trip down the monn tain. The slow moving passenger train was in its path and it seemed certain that it would be struck. But when near the track tho log ran against an obstruction, turned end wise aud darted nnder tho baggage car between the rear and forward trucks, and tearing off and taking with it the box under the car (called "the 'possum belly" ty railroad men) kept on its way down the mountain. The train was not interfered with, here was no perceptible shock, and as yet there are only a few who are aware of the occurrence of the inci dent. Ashevillo Citizen. What is meant by free coinage of silver at the ratio ot sixteen to one? The question has often been asked and answered, but there are many who do not know. "Free coinage ' means tho coinage, by the govern ment, of bullion into money free of charge. Our nation now has free coinage of gold ; and ono may take gold to the mint and have it coined into gold dollars, lhe only charge being made for the alloy (copper) put in the dollar to make it bard. The ratio of sixteen to one" means that there shall be sixteen times as much silver in a silver dollar as there it gold in a gold dollar. The ratio is based upon the presumption that gold is sixteen times more valu able than silver; or would be it the nation adopted free coinage of sil ver, thus giving it an equal chance with gold. Hood's Sartaparilla purifies the blood, overcomes that tired Setling, creates an appetite, aud gives re freshing sleep. Lavec' Uks kiUooaMaa, tjtprpala. kmdscl, mmU- o. torn , todiirwitine an rroaapUy rut tj H.xx MUa. Tory ttv-ar urk Ul ni. i i i I u J mm ta Pill K. . - r mm K - MH. AM Sruet t. Is i , a : i Tntn4 fT C- I Hand Oa.. IS. Mm. Tb tm t "ska waa Hurfi Saraaiwrilis. DDBs Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report 0 w A Tank Pr;dnt. Mr. W T. Nelson, president ot tho Second National Rank, of Jack son, Term., say: "Fr Indigestion and Nervous trouble, I would rather give up tho uso of any remedy I ever tried than King's Royal Germ etuer. As a nerve tranquilizer and restorative, it la all that can bo do sired. It is not a narcotic in any sense, but produce tho happiest ? fleet up. n the disordered nervous system. I consider it an invalnablo remedy, and have for years been recommending it lo my friends." New Packaj'i', largo bottle, 10S doses, $1. l or sale by Taylor & Runner and D. A. Houston. Tho Chatham (Va.) Tribune sug gests that, iiisioa 1 of endowing col leges and institutions ot learning, philanthropic millionaires mipdit more effectually p.jrpctuato their memories by selecting deserving young men and bequeathing to oach of them $l,0o0 witii which t" start in biisinesii. W. H. SIMPSON, AtilC.NT DT Ul iND.'Iraavriiixu IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. A)Mt N'lintwrlnif Viv-IHnss. Han alampa, lira in-i'1 Daluri. Iliiriilij lirninti. i mi, III ,. i Mai-hlii.-. Click lmtM'i4rv i ufMl'i i.kV riini-i.-, cor ixiruil'.ii '!. II i, ul nsmi iiuii-ra, Nn UrUI S''a , I'rll. Inn, U li.-i li, I'irhi-t siittiica, 1'i-n fil I i-i.. ii st.,jntN, lee, T) Dai.-m. lti.itb.-r 1je, lilllKier Stajip PmK Hull rr 'ari Ink. su-ie i llK. ki.ti, II Ink. m.-ii il llrmli.-a, SU-.' SlHlniw, St.-.'l U'lo-i-w .ni'l S'liTliri-H, Self IllklNrf SI, ilnH. Mlllli p KllllH.liM. HIAIIIp lew'ks. hi. n .M.irm-iA, w M'uls anil Tyr ni. rSii,i,h-. 'I lu-rn Ik H'ltiiiiitr iii-M In an iiffirn ira cannot Bn.'iiiy, an, I ai tlm v.-ry l.iwsni irli' pfs-.iHii. lor flr,l-,.l;iN 1,'oo.tK. llHiik'TK. M''n:li,mii. M.uiufm.-Mircni and all proffiMoini in, n win iiu w.-ll lo Kfi tiiy prima h!Mri i iivli.if siwwliir. iotir p.iirunut,'!- la aili ihti. ,'Nin-iuny. I'minpr HO.-iiOnti fc-ivt'ii lo ail onfe-in. tirtii i- In .lnyre Muk k. at li'iiwl ol an-pa, rk'hMinli'l mil", n Unk- 011 M iln birw-l, U jiiiil Airy. N. C, lis K Don 1,1. ?orre npomlence I Man-t) , If jfttdlb-aea, fW arauft, jW A. A. ilk. AkJ - CALL AT - EYE RETT'S TIlsT SHOP. .... ). .t : I . - HEADQUARTERS -FOR- Tin and Steel Roofing, Guttering Bpouting, Valley Tin all widtha Hhincle strip. ,io., Ac. Ac. Water and Steam Fittings of all kinds kept on hand. Ths Old Iteliable Jenkins tilobe A Check Vavles, Kberman injectors, De troit Lubricators are a few of the many reliable sunpiiea in stock. Gous, Pistols, Sewinj? Machine, an I Bicycles repaired by the beet skilled workmen at short notice. We keep Hood Old Fashion Coffee Pots, Pish Pans, and in fact everything iu the Tinware line. T. M. Everett & Co. THE LITTLE ONES Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in healih. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles with Dr. King's Royal Gsrmetuor. . They all like to Juke it because it does sot taste Like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures eolic in young children, overcomes all bowel trouble, gives good digion, and qwiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest ia the world. tyjW4 by Dro-j-isU, paaatfe, !!- feoii'e, 10 IKia, Ons tteUar. JUanofaturd only Vr Til l-ii Ckzll 11 Ct rM h ts-r-a a a, B.UH ha, m