The TV A AT-OTT "ATTiTrn HiVV D, MOUNT AIRY, N. 0 THURSDAY, SKITKMHKU 17, 1H0CK NO. 13 VOL. 15. Seven Months With Fever. tfoodrrfcil Horovrrr of Health, Mr Hnln1' runlil i!f nmrrt'lun. rnrnvprj from a nii ro xhiOi'din in iint niul w-lttht. tn l U, minily Uiiiill.f nf tho Rniii'ltwt Rlrriiirth-KlvlliK HMil Imllllltl J-UU UK-illoInx HYvr iriKjionl, liHiiii ly : Dr. miles' Restorative Nervine. 1. II. lutnn. fliMitlnmen- I wl.h Ut irt'tii jrnii mf Jmtltti'i f'r Uhi ffri'Ht llml x. 1U'' AWrirt. Im. rlmii, fur rn t w. Ulti'it .li'li with IjriilitiHl fKviT .ml I I n lit In ImiI fur wvi'ii tntoli A(ut -Mini oror I lir fi-rrr I wit. 1 hi n nirnu .tu urnl. .ml illil not r trnln mjr 1mI NirciiHih, I irh-il iM-vMrnl pmprli'i.ry ntiwl trine., .ml flimlly, aftor having ln-on milm-inl In wi'luhl nt prniniU, I hi'irnn tryln. yimr AiTttif, nml .t itni'i Ik-it. n lit liniinivH. Wa. finally tniwriy ruml, .ml lixl.y I ran y I ni-vi-r felt 1't lT In .11 mjf lira, .nd plxh 2T0 imiiml.. Till. I. mr nnrm.l weliiht, .. I mi'iuur. I fii'l M liii hi In height. " Pniitli limit. I ml. J II. HAIKU. Dr. Mil' Nervine I. unM on ft prmltlTtt ftiaralitt llinl Ihi' flrt hotlle will lu iii lll. All ilrtiuitwuw ll II .1 II, IhiMIi-. forfn, nr I will U'M iii. inimlfi, on nvi'iiii ur rj I llM Ur. Mill'. Mudlcal Co., Likiiaru, inu. Dr. Miles' Nervine RrnHith V. 15. IJHOWN. HOTARY PUBLIC, (orKICK WITH (IKO. W, HI'AROKK,) Mount Airy, N. C. S. 1'. GKAVKS, Attorney-at-Iiav, MOUNT AIHY, N. C irITiii -tire. In HitUe, .ml rVtleriU Court., I'rmnpt attPiitlnn to collect Inn nl rlKlmt. W. S. XKKDIIAM, Attorney-at-Iiaw, Pilot Mountain, N. C. y lirwill prai-IIM In tlio mam Courts. col lection o( cliiliiis a speclitlty. ,Iiiu-l8in GKO. W. I'AKGKK, AttOpney-at"Iiaw, ' MOUNT AIRY, N. C. ( Will practice In suit atd Kcltirnl court. Specli"! aitentton to collection o( claims anil nt fi)l litttuK l"n. W. T. CARTER, MOUNT AIMV. 1 J. R. LEWELLYN, 0O3O., C. CAKTKK iSt I.KWKLLYN, AttoPneys-at-Law. tr-praotli'C In Hip statu ami Ki'! court. Prompt attention (flven U all l)U-lmii entrust ed l their rare. DF. C. W. BANNER, DENTIST, Mount Airy, N. C. Ollice ovt-r Taylur A Banner's Drug 8tort Ollice hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. J. H. Blakemope, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C, Is prcpan'd to make all the New and Artistic Stylus. 1. up with Uie times aud will give you flrtt-rlaJW work. I L. B. ALBERTSON, MAIN STREET, MOUNT AIRY, H. C UKAl tit IN Grororiwi, Tropical Fruits, Coun. try Produce and l?;iker'a Bread. Tho pttlrormgo of the citizens so licited. V'lien yn h-ire .tune work lo do you will find it to vour inton'af to see J. II. Walker, ha will lornish mme luit In-st granite, oilher rougli or cut. (Yiimtery work a tialty. Apr-9-lni " JOS. NATIONS, DEAI.KB IN Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of 11 kinds, Sewing Machines, M'isical Inst-rumeiit. Ac. Watches, Chicks and Jewciry repaired in tst wwaihle man ner ana satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to ave money see me teforc making your purchases or having your work dmiei. El Mil, -ncal.Kl IX- Col, M&, Enrial Robes, Slippers, &c A full 1nrk f '! aaJ qu.lil.e. kept on hand, ad t rrHli fru-n. fsMt turn, up-Mair. 'r U. U rUr a.M1' war. b girt. Kwido jnt boua.Kortliaf thriln(l. Granite Rock il ork. I. 0. o. r. COLUMN, Plain Wordiio Deletion. No, my lintthcr, wlum you ay tlmt you will not Httcnd loiiijo no ',aupe b l;d nmn IkjIdhh", or liccaiiro an u n worthy fellow liiis been elected to olllco. von aro not a very irood ( Mil Fellow. If you rutilly loved tho Order a iniicli a you claim that you lo, you would not do injury to tho lodo for tho Bako of venting your upleeii upon a brother you happen to ditdikc, not even though lie in Mio contemptible lellow you think hini to ho. Of courio it in an tinfoituniito thing if an unworthy man Iihb been admitted to your lodge Btill inoro iintortunate il hm followers havo "Bchemed to put him into ollloe, but will you, who claim to bo a trim Old l ellow deaert your lodgo at a limo when it neiida you nioct, and allow men whom you ny aro unworthy of tnetnbcridiip to lend thu loilo to certain ruin I Vim nay that norther ym nor lour frieiuln will attend wiiiln such a man in in tho chmr. Is this really tiio manly thing to do f VYniild it not bo better for you and your frienda tit attend the meeting and prevent tho ailtniriou ot other unworthy men who ure mire tocomo in under kui Ii an Hdminiftiation ? Woul I it not bo better for yon to attend and maintain, no (ar as poft- sible, the r Hpectahility of the lodge, so that tho Order may not bo hu miliated and d if graced f It your regiment vrat to go into battle under a bad colonel would you bo free from the humiliation and disgrace of defeat bieaiiHO you tknlkod in tho briihh during tho conflict? If the sailor dcaertJ hiw pot when tho storm approaches, is ho blameless even though he may r.;hch the shore in timo to watch the good ship go down I It your lodge charter should be reclaimed do you think that the Grand Lodge would charge all to the incompetency of a otlicer, and hold the deserter blameless ? Few lodges arc so bud but what they can be reclaimed by tho bet ter element, provided tho brothers really love the Order and work to gether, and if tho brothers w ho call themselves the "better element" are prevented from doing this, by some petty personal matter, show a narrowness of mind and lack of devotion to Odd Fellowship, which is not excusable. These are plain words, but you know that they are true, and you will havo more re spect for youiself if you rise above your weakness, call other g'd men to your assistance, meet a bad situation manfully, and save your lodge. Chairman Jones' Estimate. "If we carry South Dakota, Ne-brai-ka and Kentucky wo shall be within ten votes of an electoral majority, without having a single vote East of Nebrai-ka or North of tho Potomac river. That, yon see, does not include Minnesota, Iowa or Illinois. "I regard Illinois and Kentucky as doubtful States, but I think that wo will havo a very comfortable ma jority in Indiana. The reports from Wisconsin and Iowa sh w that wo are in better sh:io there than I supposed. MichigMi, I think, is safe, and I have stri ng hopes that we will carry Ohio. Voii can see tint with the States West ot Ne and South of tho Potomac already assured to us, we are bound to carry enough electoral votes in the central battle ground to win." New Vork World. Big Check From a Gold Miner, A dispatch from New York, of lat Thursday, says : Treasurer St. John, of the Democratic National committee, yesterday announced that he had received a $ 10,0im) con tribution from a gold mine owner, lie declined to give thecontributor's name, hut made public his letter, which follows : "I take great pleaciire in inclosing yon a New Vork draft for $10,000 for campaign purposes. This money was taken from mother earth, -aud not from individuals. 1 hae ticen represented by tho Eastern press as a silver miner. I have not a dollar invested in that class of prop erty. I am a gold miner, and mskc this contribution, not for tho lame nt of the silver miner, but for the benefit ot the toiling masses and the country at hrgc." The heaviest man whose weight is recorded authentically was Miles Darden of Tennessee. He weighed a little less than 1,00(1 pounds. Taken in time Hood's Sarsaparilla prevents serious illness by keeping the blood pure and all the organs in a healthy condition. f Thousands ol Womenl SUFFER IVTOLD MISERIES. ;BRADFIELD'S FEAALE REGULATOR, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC Bj touting to Haalthj Actio ill kti Organ.: It ranaes health o bloom, and i joy to reign thnmhout the frame. . It Never Falls to RcquI die . A'! I Ib-W f bHAiit ;KIJt!l ITvUlii.lUi.i., toMim ' ewaisi. arn4ii.d t,trn " I M Hi,,. . .... a i UlHIIU a 1. 1 U1M ., tktaata. m. . ? it i tt a pmr wte. Ty H l arm and RrmTt ru ,4 UMW Ul if. H.Ma rr I'luwi. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS, STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Tho Messenger says in Wades boro ono night recently three color ed women gave b rth to six children -two each. Mr. Clias. II. Norton, who was severely injured bv a railroad train at Durham some, months ago, is to suo tho Southern (or boiiio jV'li,0Ui) or $10,000 damages. The Danbiiry lienorter, which re cently reported tho Killing of A mill er in Stokea c unity by a millstone falling on his head and crushing him to death, now says tho report was an error. v I lob Deal, the clever ami popular editor of tho ilkosboro l hronicle, has just received his best girl's photograph, Don I oo it, Lot) Ki-ep it in the hreiit pocket nearest your heart. It is next to a rabbit's foot. The Ashevillo Cilizon learns that tho dead b.sly of Kichmd Whitt, aged about '.S years, wsh found near Marshall, Madison county, a few days ago. Whitt was serving a term on the chain gang for cmbez r.lement. Ho was made a trusty ami escaped. Nothing was heard of him until h s dead hotly was Ion nd. A colored nmn named .loo Wade, iropped dead while mowing grass on tho lawn at Mrs. Koss' residence, corner of Uraham and Trade streets. Apparently ho was in good health aud had been working xteadily up to the moment ho fell, lit ait liseasc was the cause. The Itody was sent to his late homu on South Middle street. Charlotte News. Tho Times says that Chas. Owen, who killed tho negro, Tom Allen, with a mattock at a tlneshing at Smith drove, Davie county, in July, 1 ami who lias since been at large, walked into the sheriff's of- ticy at Mocksville Monday of last week and surrendered ami is now in jail awaiting his trial, which will in all probability bo heard at tho com ing term of court. The Webster (Jackson county) Herald says there is confined in jail there, charged with violation of the internal revenue law, a man who has a wife and family at home totally destitute. A gentleman stopped at their home and fed tho muie that lie was riding some corn that he had with him. When the mule had finit-hed the children grovelled in the dirt tor the grains of corn that tho inula had left, and these children were as naked as tho day they were lorn. The World's old friend and a former re.-ident of SahVbnrv, II. II. Carter, who moved to Statesville last week, was selected by bunco men as a victim recently. Shortly after Mr. Carter left Salisbury last week two young men called in a carriage at tho boarding house of Mrs, howden, in Statesville, where Mr. Carter was stopping, and asked for "papa's valise." They nun-t have known that Mr. Carter had considerable money and guessed that ho kept it in his valise. The va'ise was given them but fortunate ly tor Mr. Carter he had his money elsewhere. Who the vounir men were has not been learned. Salis bury World. . A Strange Phenomenon. Those who were npcarlv in States ville last Wednesday morning wit nessed a strange phenomenon in tho heavens, says the landmark. 11c tween four and six o'clock that morning a light appeared in the west and southwest and grew brighter and brightcruntil the whole heavens were alight, making- it al most as bright as day. Some per sons were aroused by it, thinking there was a tire. To tky assumed various colors, and the light gradually spread over tho whole leavcns.iMving them the appearance of !ii ass. Then it passed away and y the time the heavens assumed their normal aspect a shower of rain came. Those who witnessed the sei ne were very much impressed by it and some of the superstitious were alarmed. If it had been generally known that ednesday was tho day ai'pointcd by a religious sect in New oik lor the end ot tho world tho alarm would probably have been general. What Is It ? llailroad men aro naturally super stitioiis, and for the past several wt'ks they have had great cause to be, especially the freight men. At the deep cut half a mile below the deKtt at Concord some kind ot an animal resembling a cat jumpi from the embankment on to the cars and runs up and down the en tire length of tho train. The at ranged part ot the myt-terious per formance is that it cannot bo seen on any but southbound trains. When (he train reaches the section house, two miles down the road the thing vanishes away. The Standard says railroad men rcgnrd it as an omen that bids evil end that while the strange appearance and d it-appearance i interesting to watch, it puts a most dreadful pc!l npon the men who have seen it. A b:ll authorizing free coinage of silver has paused each house of congrv at dilTirvM times. Enjoy Present Blessings, The habit of borrowing trouble is wrong because it has a tundmiey to make uti overlook- present messing. To slack our thirst tho rock is cleft ami cool water leans Into our brim ing cup, To feed our hunger tho holds bow down with IkukI ng wneai and tho cattle como down with lull nddors from tho clover pasturo to give us milk, and tho orchards, yel low and ripening, cast their juicy fruit into our lap. Alas! that amn. such exuln-ranco of blescings wo should growl as though wo were soldiers on half rations or sailors on short allowance; that wo should stand nock deep in harvest looking forward to famine; that ono should feel tho strong pulses of health marking wi'.h regular tread through all tho avenues of iito and yet tremble at tho expected assails of sickucHs; that we should sit in ideas ant homes,' feaiftil that ruthless want will somo day rattle tho broken window sash with tempest, and sweep thu coals from tho hearth aud pour hunger into tho bread tra) ; that we, fed by 1 1 mi who owns all tho harvests, should expect to Urc; that ono whom Ood loves ltitl sur rounds with benedictions and attends with angelic escort and hovers over with more tlun motherly fondues should he looking for a heritage of leaves. It is high time we were thanking UoU for our present blessings Thank Him for our children, hap' py, buoyant ami bounding. Praise linn for your homo with its foun tain of song and laughter. Adoro Him for mornimr hirht and even ing shadow. Piaiso Him for fiesh, cool water, bubbling from tho rork, leaping in tho cascade, soaring in its mist, falling in the showers, uasii ing agaiiibt tho rock, clapping its hands in tempest. Ixive Him for -trass that cushions the earth and clouds that curtain tho fckv and the foliage that waves in tho forest. Manv christians think it a biid sign to ho jubilant and their woik ot sell examination is a heaving down of their brighter experiences. Like ahoy with a new jack knife, hacking everything he comes across. So their examination is a religious cutting to pieces of the greenest thing thev cn lay their hands on They imagine they aro doing (iod's servico when they are going about borrowing trouble and borrowing it at thirty per cent., whieli is al ways a sure precursorof bankruptcy. The present is sulliciently taxed with trials. God sees that we all need a amount of trouble and so He apportions it for all the days and years of our lite. Ix.t every week bear its own burdens. The shadows of to-day are thick enough; why imploro the presence of other shadows, i he cup is al ready distasteful. Why halloo to disasters far distant to come and wring out more gall into bitterness. Are we such champions that, hav- inir won the belt in former encoun ters, wo can go forth to challenge all the future. There are persons in feble health and they aro worried about the future. They make out very well now, but they aro bothering them selves almut the future pleurisies, rheumatism, neuralgias and fevers. Their eyesight is feeble and they are woincd lest they entirely lose it. Their hearing is indistinct and they are worried lest they liecome entirely deaf. They feel chilly to day aud are expecting an attack ot typhoid. They have been troubled for weeks with some perplexing malady, and dread becoming life long invalids. Take caro of your health now and trust God for the future. lie not guilty of the blas phemy of asking Him to take care of you while you sleep with your window tight down or eat chicken salad at 11 o'clock at night or sit down on a cake of ice to cool oil'. Ue prudent and then bo confident. Some of tho sickest people havo been the most utel'ul. E. Mount Airy, N. C, Sept. 15, 'I'd. Are You Tired All the time? This condition is a sure indication that your blood is not rich and nourishing as it ought to be and as it may be if yon will take a few In t ties of the great blood purifier, Hood's S irsaparilla. Thous ands write that Hood's Sarsapariila has cured them of that tired feeling by giving them rich, red blood. Hood's Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. 'i. The Republican convention ot An son county nominated a negro for the Legislature, and tor county com missiotiers all the nominees are negroes. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. To those living: in malarial districts Tutt's Tills are indispensible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills ffmmrh wpp4 m ft) ntttnBta tf r. aWwa AIM I'M is. ' VttV THEY DEFEND BRYAN. TOM DIXON'S CONGREGATION BECOMES A BODY OF PARTISANS. llev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., preach ed a sensational sermon at the Acad omv ot Musis yesterday morning on "The Political Crisis." IIo said many unkind things of William Jen nings Ilryan, tho Democratic party and tho freo silver movement. In doing so he stirred up a hornet's nest, and created a scene in which cheers and hisses were about equally mingled. Professor Edwin V. Wright, who founded tho Anti-Monopoly Lcuguu and tho I'imetallic Association, wan in tho audience. IIo hail just re turned from a stumping tour for silver with Georgo I'red Williams, through New England, lie listened ipiietiy to Mr. Dixon's excoriation until tho Republican party stood for all that was good and pure, while tho Democratic party was tho champion of all that was thu absolute reverse. I hen Prof. V right jumped to his feet, shook his lit at tho jMHtor and exclaimed : "What yon say is false, absolute ly fuiso. Von don't know whit you'io taiking about." All were dismayed for a moment, ami then a shout of applause arose, followed by a ntorm of hisses. Thu Rev. Mr. Dixon hadn't ex pected all this, and it took him sev eral minutes to discover his own location. Then ho proceeded calm ly with his dissertation. He com plimented tho Populists, and said tho Pooplo's party had been much maligned. "fho Democratic party was in hell," said he, "when it pulled itself together by tieing to tho Populists in the Chicago convention. Don t you believo that all Populists are ignorant. The leaders of the party aro nven of brains and ot education. And they arc tine-looking men, too. Many of them aro handsomer even than Theodore Roosevelt." This, of course, scored a laugh, and Mr. Dixon continued: "Ii such a crises as now confronts us, it is the duty of every patriotic citizen to vote the straight Republi can ticket. I voted tor Mr. Cleve land, and now, licfure God, I ac knowledge my sin." 1 in going to oto for Lryan, some ono ehouted; "and" "Here, too, came from another. However, Mr. Dixon was not taking a straw vote, so he paid no attention to the interruptions. "Tho proposition ot Mr. lJryan and his party," said he, "to pay oil tho bonds ot tho United States, on which 100 cents on the dollar were raised, in coin worth only 5-'l cents on the dollar, is dow nright rascality. It is nothing nmro nor less than bunco-steering." "I won t stand this any longer. said a patiiarchial looking gentle man with a long flowing white beard, and he left the building. Fully one hundred others followed. Ihen Mr. Dixon scored Mr. Ilryan for advo cating a policy which, he said, would permit insurance companies to pay widows and orphans in depreciated coin. He predicted disaster in case of lirvan's election, anil said thst fully 2,000,010 men would be im mediately thrown out of work. Every one to wFiom a dollar was duo would get only 53 cents. "It is not true, shouted James 1. Madden. Then there was more ap- plause, and morehisses. Mr. Madden went to the speaker, gave him his card, and lett the place, followed by manv more. After the discourse Prof. Wiight declarod his intention of challeng ing the reverencd gentleman to a debate on the silver question. "1 havo always held -Mr. Dixon, said Prof. Wright, "in the highest esteem, but his talk yesterday was irrational and inhaman. 1 ho only explanation, to my mind, is that he has been nannaizea. James T. Madden is a lawyer, ith offices at No. 70 Montgomery street, Jersey City, and was at one timo a practising physician. "1 did not go to the servico with any idea of creating a scene," said . i . i . r f ' he. "1 had read mat .ur. tnxon was to sjtcak on tho financial crea tion, and I decided to go. Two friends ot mine who live in Jersey City went with me. "I am a ociievcr in silver, out i want to hear what its opponents have to say. "At hrst Lr. Dixon s arguments were much what I had expected. He wen, through the usual list. Hut af ter a little he became so bitter, and, as it seemed to me, so prejudiced and illogical, that 1 became greatly excited, and when he said that if Rrysu wereelec'ea every man would get only 53 rents for every f 1 due him. 1 jumped np and snouted: " "it s not true "Of course, thtro was a great deal of excitement. There wasagood deal of applause, too. Dr. Dixon stopped speaking, and after ft moment's hesitation said that if I would send him mv card he would rive me any satisfaction I might waut. Walking up to the platform I handed him mf card and told him that 1 had maJo a caretul study of the question ;id challenged him to public dilate t fttiy time ud place he in it'll t select. He made do reply and 1 It-ft the place. Fully l.t) people followed me. Among them I noticed Attorney-General Stockton, of New Jersey. I hope Mr Dixoo will meet nie in de arte. I havealwavs Iwen 11- 1ubl:can and have novr voted the teniocratic ti ket, but I thai! vote for I rran." New York Herald, PATTISON FAVORS SILVER. He Believes Money Is fits Creature of Law and Each Nation May Determine the Material of Which It Shall be Made. Ex-Governor I'nttison, of Pern 9)lvania, having (l-cUrid his in tenlion to support Ilryan ami Sew all, has been requested to give his views on too citiestioii of bimetal lism, or in other words togivesomn reason for tho faith that has at parontly come to him sinco tho Chicago Convention. Mr. Pattison writes : "ion request ol mi) aomo views on tho qmatioti id international bimetallism. I can only refer you to tho expressions of thu Hon. V il liam D. K' llcy, who for so many years with great distinction repro sented Pennsylvania in Congress, 1. 1 IN id, in an address, ho said " I have told you that money is a national institution. , 1 hero is no "money ol the worl I." There never was a"moi."y of thu world." Th ro never can ho a "money of tho world' until all people ami all nations slial be under ono government, which shall declare what is hyal tender. ".No money of tho world " you ex claim. Is not gold tho money ol thu world with which internationa balances arc si tiled f No, no; try it. Nop 100,000 in freshly coined doiiblo eagle to England. They aro money here, liccausp (ho l.nitcd State Government ordained them ami made them legl tender in pay nient for stl debts, even fur duties and intcre. t on 5-2') bonds. Rut suppose tl.ose double eagles reach England. The English people do not know how lo calculate dollars ami cents. Their money of account is not decimal. Will any ot you ten mo now much im ion. mm dollars and cents f An Englishman will jiiht alxtut as easily translate our dollars into pounds, shillings and pence as you would conveit pounds, shillings and pence into dollars. On." leading coiiimercia ami banking house have special clerks to comnuto how loreign moneys of accounts arc reduced to dollars ana cents. In this audience, intelligent as it is, I do not Miovo there is one man in one hundred, unlets ho la-a b acher, or connected with a banking or commercial house, who can insrantly translate dollars into pound, shillings and pence, or pounds, shillings aud penco into dollars. How, then, do you use your American tnonev in England ? Very simply. Vou send it to the bank, where it is weighed ; its fine ness ! lo fine, alloyed with 1-10 silver and copper, is ascertained, and it is to the Mint to bo con verted into money, and you wait till it is converted or pay 1J pence per ounce to too bank tor advancing the money ! and then it comes out, not with tho American eaglo hap ping its wings, but with Victoria's beautiful head upon it, vith Dei gratia and a whole lot of such things upon it. I hen it is money ! Lut while it bore our beautiful national stamp it whs only bullion through out tho realm ot Great JJritairi Vou become incensed at this and go over to r mice, taking your English eovcrei-ns with you ; yon attempt to make a small purchase. I lie shopkeeper shrugs his shoulders and says, 'Will Monsieur please give me money V Von reply, 'That is money. 'Oh, yes, this is money in England, but you see we do not understand the pound, shilling and pence ; we deal with the franco and Napoleon, which is divisible by the franco. 1 will take this coin to the jeweller or money-changer and seil it tor yon. or it can be sent to the Mint and made into money. So it you want 'money' you must send your sovereigns to the bank. Your coins are no longer 910 fine with 1 10 silver and copper. They arc not even the same ingredients in the same roportion as your eagles, for English coin contains 11-12 pure Cold and 1-12 alloy. Vou decide tiiat yon will not have the whole of the sovereigns converted, but only enough to meet your immediate ecnss. Vou send a portion to the Mint, where their weight, fine ness and value are ascertained, and by paying a proper discount you got Napoleons or other denomina tions of r rench money, with which you may travel in France, llelgium, Switzerland and Italy, the povern inents ot which have made treaties as to the value at w hich French money 6ha!l circulate. Py and by you come home bringing with you your sovereigns, or whatever foreign coin yon may have. Von start out to buy something on Chestnut street. Vou lay down a Napoleon and the dealer savs, 'Can't you give us money V 'Why,' you reply, 'that is gold.' 'Yes, 6ir. I snppose it is, nt yon know we don't use this foreign money here ; Congress hns long since demonetized it ; suppose 1 send it np to Mr. Caldwell, or to Pailev's, or Drexel's and ascertain its value, and get you money tor it f Then having paid your two dis counts, you send what remains of your bullion to the Mint, aud it is brought tack to yon nine-tciiths tine and inverted into money. W here is y nr 'money ol the world f I affirm In tore these merchants that no international balance was tvtr settled wi'h money, unless a coun try bad a.vumQiated an ainoun; of foreign money and shipped it to the creditor lotion which had emitted it. If any man knows of aa insfar ce in which ti.'b s bftve Int-n paid in England, i'raree, Spain, Italy or Germany with American mney, received nsoney, I ak him toi Highest of all b Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Import 1 I lZSS.ff4? I l(U)W4 r AnSOUDVESX PURE mention tho instance, for I liavo sought far and wide to loam of one. "Tho facts set forth in these ex tracts make it clear t my mind that money is tho creaturo of law, and that t each nation may determine lor If tho material of which its l!si money shall be made, aa well as the denominations in which it shall bo issued. Relievo rue, yours truly, "Roukkt E. Pat-iison." - One of Con, Palmer 'i Orders, A dispatch from Frankfort, Ky.. says: (ton. 1 aimer, the. .National Democratic noiinnco for President, was Military Governor of Kentucky in 1S05. Just Udoro tho August election of that Year he it- ued mi order, which, if it could havo been enforced, would have practically dit- i i i i i , . . iriincuiscii nearly every I'uiiiocrBi or Southern sympathizer in tho State.""" Divested of preamble it read : "First All ro!nl soldiers. w hut her Paroled or not. and without regard to the fact that they havo or have not laKoii any oi toe oauia prcscnueu hv law. or executive, or military order, or havo reuistcrcd under ; orders from tho headquarters of the ', t . . . . .r ir... .1... l'cpariineni oi iveniiiuKy. "Second All guerillas and oth-1 ers who, without he-longing to the ! regular rebel military organi.btiotis, j havo taken up arms sgamst tho Government, or have in anyway; operated againat tho Government . or people of Kentucky, or any other i Mate or territory. "Third -All persons who. by act ! or worth directly or indirectly, gave i aid, comfort or encouragement to ; persons in relieliion. 1 his applies I to all persons who have voluntarily acted as scouts or sou for rebel or guerilla forces, who have voluntarily furnished any relx-l with food or clothing, horse or arms or money, or have harliored, concealed or other wise aided or encouraged them. "Fourth All persons who were or havo been directly or indirectly engaged in the civ il service ol the lato so-called Confederate Govern ment, or of tho so-called provisional Government of Kontucky, or who havo in any wav submitted tj either of said pretended Governments, all agents of or contractors with or for either of said pretended Govern ments aro disqualified from voting. "All persons of the classes afoic said aro required to abstain from all interference with elections, and will, if they shall in any manner interfere therein by voting or by appearing at tho polls, be at oacc arrested and held for military trial. "Aid will be civen to civil au thorities to enforce the laws and to preserve the peace. l'y command ot Major-Gcnerai, "John- M. Pai.meu. "E. B. Harlan, captain and A. A. G. "Otlicul, lien W . bullivan, lieu tenant and acting A. A. G." Mardered His Daughter. Mr. W. D. Sandling, a prominent farmer living in the northern part of this couuty, near Robertson's Store, was in the city yesterday and told of a horrible murder which had just come to light in that section. it seems that a negro, .atnan Winston, living tear the Granvillo county line with his two daughters, suddenly disappeared some eighteen months ago. 1 he daughters at first said that lie had gone to Nash county to work, hot as time went on he did not return and nothing was heard of him. Foul play was suspected, aud Saturday the suspicion became a certainty when the brother of the missing mn dug up his bones in the yard, a tew feet from the house where his daughters lived. He had been buried in a mndhole from which clay bed been taken to build the chimney of his house. The body had been covered with aohC6 and then about two foot ol earth laced upon that an j later the hole had been tilled wi;h trash lrotn the ysrd. lhe discovery was duo to ft con fession which one of the daughters made to her grandfather. She said he murder had been committed by herself and her sister with the aid f their lovers, Calviu Mangum and S.iuire Walters. Winston objected to the relations of these men with lis daughters. All the parties are under arrest and the inquest and preliminary trial were held yesterday at the ionse of J. M. Davis. News and bserver. The aldermen of Winston refused to grant liquor license. The saloons are closed. Constipation Catum fully hall the lirimi ta the markL II rruuu t!i Axgntr food toe km la th bunk ana prnlux bibouak.-, torpid brrr. Uxll- n n uu tunfua, He. hraJarka, tn- I -J- J ills tit. rte. liooij-. 1".;! 1 1 fJu. m..) a,- tknraujhrf. (ta. AC m..-ita. lvnr4 Sit C I. H-l ft 1o UwO. Hm. Ik. rt tiai t tak. a iU H tarakiiilk Da. YSmt TX ruta.'OM aaa odls Dypepi'a TCfttji-fiv Yniri. Mr. A. V. She its, Kingston, (la., says, May .'list, I S'J.": "I was troubled with Dyspeprialor twenty flvo years, ar.d could get no perma nent relief from any treatment or medicine- until 1 hi gun tho uso of King's Royal Gctim-tiicr, somo five years ago. I gave tie; great relief, and after tho of live years, 1 can recommend it hi the beat medi cine I know i f for In ligestioii and Dyspepsia.." This cim is but ono out of thousands which prove that for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and all stomach trouble, ( iennetuer cure when til else fai'-t. New package, largo bottle, los Jos. s, 1. ror salo hy Taylor V I tanner am) D. A, Houston. - - . Mrs. EliziU'lh M'Crtekcn, a most excellent chrir'ni'i woman liv ing at Guiliord College station, died hist Wclrusday niter pain ful ilinesa an ! was buried Thurs day. W. H. SIMPSON, AtilC.NT .si) a nan iiimi IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. w w , T.'. nun It ;i itstf!-, iiurjj!liir Itrn-,l-v. I'HV l'riM .rH. i .i fxTnuon f' iM (I MIrs I MNni-N. I't-it iSililT Melr'il'j.'S Clirx. tt u iu- . u ! runt-lie, .r Hatvl IWhtl ImUTH, H IU U! I" 'IS, 1'H lift -I i;'ti. .1 M.i:ip. kni.lfr UUtl-Mf I I '. , HutunT iH.nn I'-.-. (Ditt.r ivu-ui ink. u -(,. ClK, Mi n-'M IliK, MTU !I Hi l.iU. Mfi'l h'U!, Ntt .1 ct t .r ni 1 i lifting, (M-lf I v 11. Mkt( iIhi, V.X aUiU T ) v.' f !,'... . '1 ii'T- im n-'t i, f,f iiwt .1 In ao o!lf.'v wo Oai.nut. nupplj. atii at the Wiy lowest Ir n ixr-tU') ,r flihl -cMm ""Im, ItiuiktTH. S vti f,f v t.-itj.a. -i iirrni i tut ii nl ti t -ll t tfi my (if-it "n. io'ir !.. rori - ti;n ? in J... IS Ml- It. vk. u a, rsi- may, 11 l ') fcit O'tJ'TH, i iv nd or hU-p. 'Ii,' ti Mint rik-i.i-UHin. h. i urt'ft, Mount Airy It t irret- uiniic it ce SSolicited.. March !, tt, tf - CALL AT - EVERETT'S TEST SHOP. HEAD Q UAUTERS FOK Tin and Sfp1! Riioflng.GuttPrins; Spouting, Vnlley Tin all widths bhinglt? Mriji. Ac, Ac, Ac. Water and Stctim t ituni.-s of all kinds kept on bund. Tha Old Lelial le Jenkir-s Hlo'-ie Check Vavles, K.lerrjnEn Injectors, IV troit Luhricflt-or arn a few of tha many reliat 'e snri-iies in stock. Gun.. I'iftols, ,eine irhire.( an I Eicych-s repaired hj the brut skilled workmen at short notice. We keep i rood old Fashion Coffee Tots, Ii 1'ans, and in fact everything in the Tinware line.. T. M. Everett & Co. mm Tired and hioktn down womeit ill find that L3. Klifi'S mil CERKETUER is a priceless boon and HcJiii.g to them. It tjves appetite, brings testful, rcfrehi:ij slp, aids digestion, tones the nerves, builds up the strength snJ puts disease and pain to flight. For FEHftLE TROUBLES Including all mnstru-l and womb diiTiCulties, it has r.J s.;perior used both lically and i.uerniHy. It is emplu:ica"y WQII&iTS FF.IEKD. rkasant to fake as hmor.ide, and harrr.kss at ail time's. New package, krje bot:k, tCiS Dc c 0;e Dollar. Sold by dn:;cis. A';3nufachircd only by THE mmk Cl, ta. mini rsa rati kauct rrra. y.' h TpW i L:a a.l I L In. 1 U. trmm uitao. VMfinl a i n "

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