MOUNT AIIIY, N. 0., THURSDAY. NOVEMBEK 12, 1800. NO. 20 Suffered Eighteen Years. Pala Beparted aad Sleep Cam. Mrs. Julia A. Ifrowa, of Covington, Tenn., Whoaa hMhnnd liiui chnme of the electric light plant lit thnt pluce, bus Wn a groat uffumr. Ii.f allmntila and spoedy curs are bttatdrwrrtlyd hy hnrwlr, u follow: "Fur IS years I Buffered from ncrvnntineM na IntliRiMtloa. I tried over remedy rec ommended l,jr family and frlenda, but I .... F . " UH- 1 vu jrcum MRU, while IX'linr f rented hy three lix-a! physi cians, llrs. liarret. Maley mid Hlierod, they ,tl,l,1 n. ..ll..f 7. !t T MlM. JlTMA A. ItllOWK. Informed me that I hnd become dmrHrlent. anil Unit there vriu llttlo liopu for me. I then dix Idixl u try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, I win then unnliln to pot to .loop until wull on toward diirlluht, and during all this time 1 hnd ft deep, heavy puin In niy left side. I uvil most mirrUtt; intitnt, hut ffler taklnff one-half tMittlit of the Arretns could sleep all night just an well Rule tit did. The Arrrtn In the only ruiiii'dy that gave me any relief whatever. I am now well and Htronc, and I thank (Vod every Any a my Uf orVr. hlitu' Kemnt." MKS. JULIA A. I1UOWN. Ir. Mile.' Nervine la sold on a positive tnaranu thnt the Hrl hoitle will lionunt. All drunirlataanll It at II, bottles fnrlA.or It will Im lent, prepaid, on receipt of price (J Ui Ur. Miles Mudlual Co., Klkbart, lad. Dr. Miles' Nervine J. A. MARTI X, HOTAHV PUBLIC, PHONE 20 AND 28, Mount Airy, N. C. ,S. P. CKAVKtf, AttOPncy-at"Ivaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C t s-prarllces In Stale and Federal Court. Prompt attention to oollecllon of claims. W. NKKDHAM, Attopney"at"Iiaw, Pilot Mountain, N. C, HM rrWlll practice In the Stale fourW. Col lection of claims a specialty. JiuiD-Ism GK0. V. SPARGKH, Attorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Will practice In State and Federal t ourta. HpeclM alloutlon to cullecilon of claims ana neidtlalluK loans. W- F. CARTER, MOUNT AJftv, a & J.R. LEWELLYN, oottKJM, a c CAKTKK & IKVKLLYX, Attopneys-at-liaw. ir-ptactice In the Stalo and Federal Courts, frompt attention given to all baduess entrust ed to tbelr care. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Is prepared to make all the Now and Artistic Styles. Is up with the times and will give you flrnt-class work. DR. C. W. BANNER. DENTIST. Mount Airy, N. C. Office over Taylor & Hanner'i Drug Bure. OHice hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. When you liave slone work to do you will find it Ui your interest to see J. li. Walker, lie will lurnib none but het granite, eilher rough or eut. Cemetery work a specialty. Apr-tf-lui L. B. ALBERTSON, MAIN STREET, MOUNT AIRY, N. C, (EAI.CH in ( rK erii1, Tropiciil Fruilu, Cun trv Product) unJ Bukur'a Urtud. Tin' airuiiugo of tho citilciig so licited. JOS. NATIONS, DKALKH IS Watcbes, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kinds. Sewing Machine. M'tsical Instrumt-1 u. Ac. WatcheH.CIiw-k and Jewelry repaired in iK-at paible man ner and satisfaction Kuaranteod If you want to save mcwey me UffoK makinc your purchase or having your work dons. U.1III -lxii.ra ix- ii, Mi Burial Robes, Slippers, & A fall SVrt f all aises l4 q'lalltia- krf I Of) BftfMl. ' ni i ii r - man rmtm. iirwatair. .rr at, L. Tattar snetttaia, tm Maia trat. iUaidaawa, -t boom Korta ta. railiwaA. m. aC-r Right Politics. Every man miii-t liavo to Jo w i'li politic, if lie (locB liis duty ' I'i'n self Bud his country. Evcrjr inslitu tiuii inuet have to do with politic-, if it wouid benefit the whole peo ple. For throua;!! politic are laws inatJo, through politics the country muet ko forward or brtckward. H cdiicmion does not exprefs itself in the vote ot the pooplo, its bcneli's will bo only personal, and intermit tent at tint ; it relim does not ex press itself in votes, the good of religion will not ho realized by the people as a wholo Politics have been given a bud name by profes sional noliticiai s, othce-syekers, tricksters and IJut the poliiics of citizoiishipareas worthy of ench citizen as thnt citizen makes them. If other men in polities are haw, that is no reason why one who knows it should give it up, mm ail who voto should lower their stimu ard. One great trouble with our eomitrv now is that the In-st of i's citizens have given up hope of put ity in polities. It is no lets than de sertion of principhs and country. Another irreat evil is that good men are co ..ent to let bane leaders con trol them, because there aro no others they know. Good men can duinaud irood leaders, or lead tiiem- selves, or stand alone before bending the kneo to demagogues. Evrry man may vote as he pleases, lie never cowers to force. He does not have to ehooso between bail and worse. He can choose the best whenever he niiihters the mural courage to do so. That is why we say no man is better limn the ticket ho votis for. Voting is not a party responsibiliiy, but an individual responsibility. A Chiistun man voting fur dishonest men, whom ho knows to be dis honest, compromises his own char acter, even if they am leader or candidati s of a pai ty. A Christian man subjecting his conscience to any leader or set ot lenders, does himself harm. Tin-re liavo beeu many accusations against us as to our politics. We have been accused of belonging lo foiirdiilerent paities. We belong to none. We are a Christian. We choose the best men and t lie best principles from a Chribtiau point of view. Chrii-tian principles ie ti e hope of the world, here and hereafter. Jf they are good for men. they aro gnoJ for government. No Christian ean afford to desert them for a.iy party or any candidate. When Christians realize this, our country will be the happiest on earth. l'iblical Ke - colder. Blew Open a Safe. Ji rro (iainble is out, as we all know, but he cannot be credited with that j ib of i-afc cracking last nig'.t at the otlice of the Standard Oil Company, unless he has wonder fully improved on his methods. The ofliee is located between the C. F. fe Y. V. depot and the inter section of (iorrell, Fayetteville and Asheborostreets,in a rather secluded spot. Km ranee was effected by pnzingopen the front door of the room where the safe is located. Then the thief went at it right, drilling a hole not large enough to admr mi ordinary lead pencil in the top of the sate, about six inches f i oiii the front. The safe is about three and a half feet high and two feet square. Having made a hole the thief next placed his fuse on tho corner of the tafe some ten inches away from the hole and leading up to it. The trail of the fuse can be plainly seen by a mark or line where it burned up and caused the explosion. 1 he door was blown wide open a:id the roguo helped himself to i'.fl in cold cauh The explosive us d was evidently not powder, for this would have left some smell be hind in the small room. I'robably dyt a'ldte or something of this sort was used. The thief left a cony of the New York Herald on the floor and this is the only clew, if clew it can be ailed. 1 he man or men who exo i i . cute-a the ion are expert tneir clean work shows this and beinj "t this clabS they no doubt Were Itiiles away w hen the theft was discovered. The geneial idea is that au explo sion of this kind could lie heard for blocks, but the sound can lie re duced to a minimum by proper work and no doubt this was done, though a noise ot any kind could scareely be heaid around there when trains sre puffing and blowing all Litht. Greensboro Ilecord. The Wiikesboro Chronicle sajs T. F. Callaway's son caiuht a hall grown wbi'e rabbit in New Castle tranship, Wilkes county, a few davs aco. IERS' FRIEND" Shorten- labm . tmrnn rin. '" fl'ffl r dtlrT lO lift Ot both Knrthr nl etottfl and vt het iu oondi turn atKr fftvormi'ie mi inedv fwotr.ry. sirxmttrr fu-r th j belnrw- eonlimront" prumtuent mid wife 1b th Ixxt rt-Brly FOH RISIIIG BREAST Knvva n1 worth th Tr'r 1c lit Joox r.tKknHl ! rveomizir-iidl by luidwive bVa4 ii laVli-w WtiO hsv Mnrxl it BeWaVT Ot aUlUSUtltltf ft&4 ImitaatiOHft. Makes Chili-Birth Easy. f---n Uf ftt prm or nail on ruirt ef r-ir. t N p al. Ho Til MiTHlKH" Sbaie4 free.cuaiaUBUig vtatAry wuaaotnaiia BaaknEL tt.t UTv) (O.. aTLaXTa. Sa. j ols it tu, OBD9COna. JlnhoSv aw4 a.. HewvaJca, Got IV ! turn 1'um tnaa i-nat i-a, tt as ' 3 NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH EKED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. A young man cot full and wen. to tlix circus at Oxford and his pocket was picked of H0 Gov. Carr has appointed Cham hers ISmith, of Kaleigh, director of the North Carolina Kail way. An oilier soul msdo happy. Rev. Dr. Ilowerton, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Nor folk, Va., is to hn called to the pas torate of the First Presbyterian church of Charlotte. Sam Jones' lecture was not a financial fuecefs Saturday night. Only about 145 was taken iu while the expetisi! was $250 or over. o.l - i-1 Winer isu it was a success vireeue boro Kecord. There is prospect of a contest over ti c Sheriff's ofh'eo in this coun ty. The law says that no candidate shall be a judge of an election, but this was violated in one of the Keidrvill.) precincts and at Ltaks villo. W beer's Weekly. The News says that a man repre senting himself r,g a drug drummer put up at tho liurlington hotel, pent a few days there, went out on tne stn.ct and bought a valise, tilled it with rocks, and put it in his room and left town, leaving the stuffed valise for his hoard bill. The Supremo Court has declared tho tonnaco tax on commercil ter tilizirn constitutional. It was a point involved in acuse against the Caralcii Phosphate Company, of Ualeiuh, which was sued in a num ber of eates for failure to put tax tags on its fertilizer sacks. The agent of the State Farmers' Alliance gives notice that applica tion will be mada to the legislature to itivettitfato the Ot) year lease of tho North Carolina railroad to the Southern railway and to provide for bringing the question of tho legality of the lease before the courts. We learn of a rather peculiar bet made hy two of our citizens. One is a Democrat and the other a Re public tu mid the bet was made on the re-. nit for President. If l'ryan was elected the Republican was to walk up town dressed in his wife's wrapt, er and it McKinley was elect fed the Democrat was to come up town similarly attired. Neither ol tin betters bus been long married, Hickory Times. Newspapers that record the deed, of the good and true in preference to hunting for tho depraved deeds of society to parade before their readeis are encouraging good deeds and are valuable factors among the iiibtitutions of a town. The persou that speaks of the good traits of a neighbor and fosters peace is a peacemaker; while the person who has no good to i-ay of a person and is frequently in a quarrel with his neighbor is not a promoter of citizenship. Monroe Enquirer. The Sultan Must Act. The rignitieant statement made on Tucsd ty in the French chamber of deputi-.s by M. Hanotaux, Minis'ei of foieigu affairs, concerning the attitude of the powets toward the Armc iian question will afford much gratification to all those who have read with growing indignation the stories of the cruellies prat iced by the inhuman Turk npon the de fenseless Chiistians in the Ottoman Empire. In eub.-tanco M. Hanotaux said that the powers had practically r ach d an sgreeme-nt to demand from the sultan the institution ot such governmental reforms as will guarantee to his subjects, be they Mussulmans or Christians, safety of life and property, together with such other privileges as they may reasonably Ikj permitted to enjoy. It will be demanded ot him to stop violent repressions, to open the pi irons and to establish order, with out wiiieli the country cannot exist. This ii a delieate way of intimat ing that unlets he complies with the cK-mands the alternative o! partition will be inevitably resorted to. Tho jHiwers are apparently noi dispoMvJ to relieve the "Sick Man" of the rerjiotisiboity ot the shame ful outrages committed by fanatical Mosltms. They say that not only A t int liisns, but Cat holies and Turks aro suffering from the same evils, and I 'at the- eotirco of thenti evils is bad internal administration. If the peeitioii ot the powers has leeii correctly stated, there is eveiy reaso-i to expect a cessation of the lu.rrors which have shocktd the eiviliz'-d world and must weigh heavily iijkjii the signers of the lieflin trcatv. Haiti more Sun. A Valuable lr-rltie)ti. Editor Morris m of Worthingtnn, Intl., "Sun,'" write: "Yu have a valuable pn aeriptioniii Kleeirie Bil let , and I e.iii i he rful'y recommend it --r eoiiKtipnlio'i atel rick liCNiliu hw. inn! SV a general s'l'm lonie it haa iio tq tjl." Mr Aniiio Sudilc, 20"i."i Col luge Grove. Ave., Chicago, was aP r i.i down, could ii.1 rai nor di gift l"d, bad a backache which I, ever I. ii her and fll t vi ar d weary, bul six bottlca ot Lleetrle Oiltera re-tered her h,-uhli and r nea ed ber alroniflh. Piice id crila and SI 00. liel a bollle al Ta 1 r k Dani'tr's I'rug Siote. An-tralia is bavin t1. snie tiouti.e wuh i he Ciuiie.d the l'ni:eJ Sti es has had. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. An Important Section of the La in Relation to County Commissioners, The last Legislature amended the law in regard to County Commis sioners, and it is of such iinortance that we quote section 5, which is as follows : Section 5. That whenover as many as five elect irs of the county make aflidavit before tho Cleik of the Snpi rior Court, at any time alter the election ot tho Uounty ijommifi sioners, ;hat they verily believe that the business of the county, if left entirely in tho hands of tne three Commisi. mners elected hy the peo ple, will bo improperly managed, that thn tpon petition of two hundred electors of said county, one- halt of v horn shall be freeholders, and so certified by the Clerk of the Superior Court, made to the Judgo of the district, or Judge presiding therein, it shall be tho duty of said Judge to appoint two honest and discreet citizens of said connty, who shall be of a political party different from thiitofa majority of the Board of Commissioners, who shall, from their appointment and qualification, by taking the oath n quired for County Commissioners, be members of said Poard of Commissioners in every rei pect, as fully as if elected by the people, and shall continue in otlice the election and qualifi cation of tho successors of said Hoard of County Commissioners, and that no money shall be paid upon the order ot said board, or ollicial b- nds accepted, norrhall any debt be incurred, except upon the concuru 'ice of as many as four of siid hoai l. Flint all motions con cerning financial matters shall be taken ii n an aye and no vote, and recoided upon the minutes. THE PRESIDENT'S THANKSGIVING PROC LAMATION. Washington. Nov. 4, 1S90. The President to day issued the follow ing: ' I hanks(;iving Proclamation, I5y the President of tho Un'ted States: "The iiooploof the United States should never bo unmindful of tho trratittide they owe to the God of nations for II is watchful care which iias shul led them from dire disas ter and pointed out to them tho way of peace and happiness. Nor should tiiey ever refuse to acknowl edge with contiite hearts their pronenesj to turn away from God s teachings to follow with signal pride their own devices. "To the end that these thoughts may be quickened it is fitting that on a day especially appointed we should join together iu approaching i tho 1 hroue of Grace with praise and supplication. " I her dore, I, Grover Cleveland, President of tho United States, do hereby designate and set apart Thursday, the 2bh day of the pres ent month of November, to be kept and observed as a day of thanksgiv ing and prayer throughout the land. "On tiiat day let all our people forego t'.eir usual work and occupa tion and .isecuiblc in their accustom ed place ; of woiship ; let them with one accord render thanks to the Ruler ol the Universe for our pies ervatioii is a nation and our deliv erance from every threatened dan ger; for the peace that has dwelt within our boundaries ; for our de fense ag linst diseases and pestilence during the year that has passed ; for the plenteous rewards that have fol lowed tl.j labors of our husband men, an i for all the other favors that hav-: been vouchsafed. "And let us, through the media tion of Him who has taught us how to prsy, implore forgivtuess of our sins and continuation of heavenly blessing?. "Let ns not forget on this day of thauksiving tho poor and needy; and by iieeds ot charity let our of ferings i f praise be made more ac ceptable in the tight of the Lord. "Witness my hand and the seal of the I nite I States, which I have caused t be hereto affixed. "Don at the city of Washington, this, fourth day of November, iu the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-six, and of the Independence of the United States t America the one hundred and twt nty-iirst. (Seal ) Iiy tho President "Gk .TIK CLI VKLAXn." Kiel ard Olney, "Secretary of State." A Butcher's Experience. Mr, J W. Herring, a butcher of Phoa-nix City, Ala., savs. May 14th, 1895: 4 For five years I had indiges tion, which continued to get worse till my suffering war intense. I spent hundreds of dollars trying to get relief, but crew worse until the tall of 1S93, when I commenced to use King's Iloyal Germeture. I took oi ly three bottles, but began to improve from the first ose of it. I b Ui' t it of Dr. D. E. Morgan, and he ean tell about my case. I choirfr ly recommend Gcnnetuer a the I -'St medicine for Indigestion and lyfiepsia." New package, hrge bittle, 1'8 d ases, 1. For ssle by Taylor & Banuer. Oiie Jay last week llev. J. C. Wiliian 8, of this tow usbip, returned to lii i.ouie af er aevtrst uays ab ..nee, and on approaching was atari let! to find many neighbors w alking about the yard atjd all the furniti re out ot the house. On icachii g the bouse lie was told of : t:i" lis iu escape which bis little chiidrtii had had from bcisg burned to death. Monroe Journal CONSUL GENERAL LEE. THE GENERAL ADMITS HIS ADMIRATION FOR THE BRUTAL SPANISH. A New York dispatch of hi t Thursday says: Consul Goneral Ia-o arrived in this city today from Havana on the steamer Vigilant'!. The Vigihncia arrived at her dock at 9 o'clock a. in. General Leo was met at the pier by a mini her of Cubans and Spaniards, some of whom he had succeeded in liber ating from Morro castle, where they had been Incarcerated by Ueiierai Wrcylcr as political prisoners. When General Ieo was asked to talk about the situation iu Cuba, ail Jrotsing a gronp of reporter, he said: ".Now, hots, I understand your position and I think you un derstand mine. You know it would bo impolitic for mo fo say anything aiMiut l. uium si! -ii re even u-ide from rny official position." The general looked rx'reuioly well, and was In exceptionally good spirits. 1 1 o was asked what was his mission hero at this time and lie said: "Oh, I only came up to see how the election went." Asked what he thought of it, ho said: "Paz a los innertos," which he translated "let th dead rest" or "oeaco to the dead." When ssked rerioiialy what Ins mirsion hero was, bo refused to tell, but be said he would go to Washington by the very first train and as soon ss he had called upon President Cleveland ho would goto Virginia and visit his family. He said he would return to Havana in three or four weeks and would bo glad when tho time arrived for his depaiture, for he did net relish the dca of a winter here when ho could enjoy it in a pleaianter place. Among those who met General Leo ai tho dock wore Lorenzo P.e tancourt, S. T. Toloii, F. Ztldo, the agent of August lielinont & Co.'s banking house in Havana; liOiiis Place, a wealthy Cuban planter, and Miguel Mcndoza. They all congratulated Genera IiCO and thanked him for his work on behalf ot Americans in Cuba. Washington, Nov. 5. General Fitzhugh reached Washington this afternoon and took quarters at the Shoreham. When seen to-night lie declined to discuss Cuban affairs. Tomorrow ho will see Piesident Cleveland. Ho expects to leave here for his home iu Virginia Sat urday. A Fortune for Sobriety. As a reward for five consecutive years of total abstinence from in toxicants George Croktr, ot San rrancisco, f'Hf been awarded $500, 000. April 22, 1SS7, Charles Croker, th- California millionaire, left rail road bonds, now amounting to 500,000, in trust tor George Croker, tlie third son, with the pro vision that if at any time within fifteen years after the death of his father George had not taken at y i itoxica'ing liquor for a period of five yeae all the truc-t proper' wis to go to him. If George did not survive or abstain from liquor the property was to be divided between the children of the trustees. George Croker did not overcome his bibulous tendenciis until 1891. J:: September of that year he resol v ed to win the 1500,000 trust. That he succeeded was evidenced oa Sep tember 22, when he made applica tion for the property, claiming that he had carried ont the terms of the trust by abstaining from intoxicants from September 22, 1891, to Sep tember 22, 1S96. The court has just granted the order for the trus tees' disposal. Above a Storm Cloud. An American aeronaut thus de scribes a storm ss seen from a bal loon: The storm viewed from above the clouds has the appearance ot ebullition. The upier surface of the cloud is bulged upward and outward, and has the resemblance ot a vast sea of boiling, upheaving snow. Immediately above the storm cloud the air is not so cold as it is iu the clearer atmosphere above or iu the cloud itself, f he falling of the rain can be distinctly heard, making a noise like a waterfall over a precipice. The thunder heard above a storm cloud is not loud, and the flashes of lightning appear iike streaks of intensely white light on the surface of the gray-colored vapor. Dr. King's New Discovery for CoitaiiMipiiwia. Thia is the bet medicine in the wotld frail for.. of coughs and colds and for consumption Even bottle is guaranteed. It will cure and not disappoint, it has n i equal tor whooping enngh. aathiui, hay fever, piiotimoma, bronchitis, la grippe, told in iho head and for con sumption. It is safe for all agon, pleasant to lake, and, abore all, a iro cure. It ia nU ays well to lake Dr. King's New L'fo Pills in con r,ecti..n with Ir. King's New Dis covery, as l bey regulate and ton? tho stomach and bonds We gonr atiico jioifect atiiifuclion er return money. Free Hial hollies ai Taj lor A Banner' Drug Store, livgulur HI" 50 cents and $1.00. A m n ho g es about with bis head cat dowi and eyes on the ground, may pick op many a nickel, now and then a gold piece, and per haps some day a bank nete ; b .t he mis s the great blue sky above. Something About the (treat Generals. It !s not generally known that our army has had at its head but three men who have held the real rank of general. It has been corn tnanded by officers holding; rank tioni lieutenant colonel to major general, but only three havo had the full rank ,.f genera!, aidjo Ohio belongs the honor of having had these three men born upon her soil. ihueo three men weie Grant, Sher man and Sheridan. The following is a complete list oi tho successive commanders: Major General George Washing ton, June 15, 177.r, to Dec. 23, Major General Hei ry Knox, Dec. 23, 1783, to Jnno 20, 1784. Lieutenant Colonel Josiah liar mar, general in chief, by brevet. September, 1788, to March, 1791. Major General Arthur bt. ClRtr, March 4, 1791, to March. 1792. Major General Anthony Wane, April II, 1792, to Dec. 15, 1790. Major (ieneral James Wilkinson, Dec. 15, 1798. Lieutenant Generai GeorgoWjsli ington, July 3, 1798, to his death, Dee. 14, 1799. Major General James Wilkinson. June, 1800, to January, 1812. fllapir General Henry Dearborn. Jan. 27, 1812, to Ju ie, 1S15. iMator General Jacob Ilrown. June, 1815, to Feb. 21, 1828. Major General Alexander Ma comb, May 24, 1828, to June, 1841. Major General infield Scott (brevet lieutenant general) June, 141, to JSov. 1, 1SU1. Maj or General George 13. Me- Clellan, Nov. 1, ISC I, to March 11, 18C.2. Major (ieneral Henry WT. Ilal- leek, March 11, 1802, to Maich 12, 18(i4. Lieutenant Genera! Uhsses S. Grant, .March 12, 1804, to July 25, lMih, and as general until March 4, 1809. General William T. Sherman. March 4, 1SG9, to Nov. 1, 1883. Lieutenant General Philip II. Sheridan, Nov. 1, 1883, to Juno 1, 1888, and as general from June 1 to date of his death, Aug. 5, 1888. Major General John At. fccno- field, from Aug. 14, 1888, til! Feb. 1895, when he was made lieutenant general, which rank he held when retired lrom active service, in Sep tctrrber, 1895. Major (ieneral Nelson A. Miles succeeded General Schofield as com mander of the army, and he does not retire from active service until tVug 8, 1903. In all probability the rank of lieutenant general will be given to Major General Miles, as tho matter is talked of already, in spite of the fact that he has been at the head of the army but a lew months. Cincinnati Lnquircr. No Danger in Bicycling. In spite of all that has been writ ten on the subject and the firm popular belief in the same, it ap pears from the actual facts in the case that bicycling is not nearly as dangerous as carriage riding, though much more largely indulged in, and n fact is no more dangerous than simply walking down stairs. L ndue prominence i- given to every bicycle accident, thus cansing them to appear more numerous than they reully are. An anal vsis of 2000 ac cident policies on which benefits were paid, sows that 531 persons were injured by falls on pavements, 243 by carriages or wagons, 75 by horse lutes or kicks and 47 from horseback riding, 70 wero hurt in bicycle accidents, 117 were cut with edged tools or glass, 96 were hurt by having weights Inll on them and 2 were hurt by falling downstairs. Catarrh Means Danger, Recause if unchecked it may lead directly to consumption. Catarrh is caused by impure blotal. This fact is folly established. Therefore, it is useless to try to cure catarrh li V outward appheat ions or inhalants. The true way to cure catarrh is to pnri'y the blood. Hood's Sarsa parilla, the gnat blood purifier, cures catarrh by its power to drive out all impurities from the blood. Thousands of people testify that they have been perfectly and per manently cured of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Winston Sentinel says that Dr. Randolph M. R ise, son ot Mr. Robeit Iwose, ot Mocksville, former ly ot Mt. Pleasant, was killed in a duel receutly at I us home near Au gusta, Ga., by II. J. Nowoll. Tutt's Pills Cure AH Liver Ills, Arrest disease by the timely use ol Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TLTTS Liver PILLS (Mat ktulUwJ Kit ItiCU ZJmvmZ, jAh w LjtF-kvt - rWt V-rnttr Mil ? ttlr ft-atV fc"taaaa - aa ft-, W sVsMnsTtoti, Ii t .It Vm Z. Klkrf rla PUi -Om i Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report msoiMmEv PUKE Prsyermeeting in a Camp Lot. It is something unusual to hold a prayermeeting in a camp lot, but one was held in SLute's camp lot here last Thursday night. There was a large number ot campers in the lot and ono of them at bed time announced that it was his custom, when at homo, to have family prayer before retiring, and if there was no objection he would read a chapter and pray with them. There being no objection tho gentleman read and prayed and afterwards two other gentlemen announced that tbey were accustomed to have family prayers and they were called on to pray, which they did. A strange coincident was that the Rible from which the gentleman read was taken from a grip which some thief hi.d stolen from one of the wagons mid was $o closely pursued that lie had to drop his booty to make his escape. The gentleman who told us of the camp lot prayermeeting said that there had been a lot of drinking and carousing in the lot beforehand but never was more respcttful attention givcu in church than was given to those men who were willing to show that they were not ashamed of Him whose servant they were. Monroe Enquirer. Strengthened by Hood's. Henrietta, N. C, Oct. 23, 189G. "I have been at work all summer without getting sufficient test, and my syttem was much run down. 1 have been taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla and it strengthened me, in creased my appetite and purified my blood." J. u l oole. Hood's Pills are tho best after- dinner Pills, assist digestion, pre vent constipation. At Work Again. A few applications of Salvation Oil will readily cure sprains and bruises, and heal cuts, burns and scalds. It is undoubtedly the best pain-cure on the market, and should be, ready for use, In every home In the land. Mr. Frank Stobenhaver 1337 Elm 6t, Dubuquo, Iowa, states t "I used Salvation Oil on a sprained elbow, which threatened to prevent me from working, and after several thorough rubbings, I awoke the very next morning much relieved and able to go to work. Bad I not used Salvation Oil I certainly would have lost a week's work, which would have amounted to many times the cost of a bottle of OIL Everybody should keep Salvation OQ in the house." It is sold everywhere for only 25 cents. J, IV ." .1. fl Oak Ridge Institute, OAK RIDGE, N. C. 8itttated in the Piedmont section of North Carolina, 1000 feet above sea-level (near Greensboro). Fnll view of the mountains. 221 boarding students last year. Terms moderate. You know something of this famous school. Tou otigbS to know more. For beautiful caUt gue, addr. as, J. A. A ii. H. HOLT, Principals. W. H. SIMPSON, AGENT Fir Fin Eilr Stops a. tnv ivaaTTaiaa IU OFFICE SUPPLIES. AJut Nuinherlnf Machines, Bask aiauipa, Braaa VA ueel li.r. iiunilujf Brands, cwel'lusT MartiiDna, Cliix k Protectors, ooodiklors' Puncbi Cor rruUiiB Srala, tti.d Valid 1 later, ho larlal fceala, Primiuf V bwla. Hoclct M-ampe, l ea and 1-euell Stamps. Bunber Type i.atpra, itubber Tjpo. kiiMur SUjip fad. Ruli r Stapip In. Sten cil ateiieil ink. su-ncll Britain st-l siampa, btl u-rurrsand Figures, Self Inking- etaiup. Nan.; Kltidoaa, suurip ha., sirs starker. Wax beaJa and Tjps Writer Supp-lus. Tiierr is niitatiJit used In sn ofnee mt m eauaut supply, aiid at lbs fery lowest a. pn.a pcu'' 0 rat -cuius rutnl. 9 hankers, atrrctiauu Mauuiaolurrr Z and all pnrfemiiHial mrB will do m-ll to 9 ret iu) prices beinrv tiuytng elsewhere. . our palrutikife is solicited. eapei'tnUr, 9 frtHLpt ' I'-itUoa fives to ail oroerm. Z onu in Jue blur, at bead ot iter. 9 rlKbi-liana de- IruiiUuf OB Mala C bueet, atuiuil Air, K. C Lock boa ., f Correspondence f Bollelted.wO- F arcas.ts.U Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator in the will of William L. Jaekaon, dee'd all persons o ing this eat ale are hereby notilied to make proaipt payment anil save cost, and ail persona hoiaing rla.'ms against this Mtate are hereby notified to present them for payment within ths time prewnlied l y law or this notice will be plead in bar of their ejection. This t. 2Kh, lHl. , James A. Chii vox, Adm r of W. U Carter A Lwel!yn, Mtorwyt. 1 is w wi! r t. raiaaci-avStf atliea faia I1Ha The Associate Reformed Synod of the South, whL'h Las been in session at Chicota, Texas, adjourn ed to hold its next meeting iu Mar shall county, Tenn. Prevent sickness and save doctors' bills at this season by keeping your blood rich and pure with Hood' Sarsspurilla. Medicinal value In a bottle of Hood's Rarsa- parllla than In any other preparation. Mor) 'all is require. 1, more rare taken, mora cipetise Incurred In Its manufacture. It costs the proprietor and the dealer More tint It costs the consumer (, as Its Itrts more doses for his numey. Mor curative power U secured by Its peculiar combination, proportion and process, which make It peculiar to Itself. Mor people are employed ami more o oc cupied In Its Laboratory ttiah any other. More wonderful cures effertei) and more tea. timi'Ullil. reeeiveil than hv ativ other. More sales and more nereaie year ny year are reHrteil by ilruififlit. More people are tiikir.u II.hmI's Sarsaparilla bly than any other, anil mum are taking It today limn ever In-fur. More "nd stii.l mokb riaous might bs aivcu v,ii you siaiuiu uiae PJ1 Lru Sarsaparilla The One True ISIood Purlfliii t per bottle. it , , a. cure all I.lver Ills anil 11 00(1 S I IMS bi.:k Headache. Koeuu. - CALL AT - EYE RETT'S TEST SHOP. "i.ii HEADQUARTERS -FOR- Tin and Steel Rootlnfc, Guttering Htioutintt, Valley Tin all widths Shingle r-trips, Ac, Ac, Ac. Water and ISteam Fittinps of all kinds kept on hand. Tha Old Reliable Jenkins Globe A Check Vavles, berman Injectors, De troit Lubricators are a few of ths many reliable supplies in stock. Guns, Pistols, Hewing Maehines, an 1 Bicycles repaired by the best skilled workmen at short notice. We keep (rood Old Fashion Coffee Pots, I'ihh Pans, and in fact everything in the Tinware line. T. 91. Everett & Co. OR, KING'S ROYAL GERMETUER This pleasant and perfect remedy, so delightful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating, stands In highest favor with all who know it best, as the great est of all medical remedies for both sexes, of all ages and in all condition. WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU. Rilll iie job PETITE. It wilt gin joti restful refreshing SLEEP. itaiutl'gjuUis your DiCESTlOl. ItwiK reator jour KERVOUS EMER3T. It tin put par KICKEYS Is psrftd trfer. It till pyrltjjour Blood. It til! cfcangt par weakness Into STRIISTH. It sill sting joi eut of lickwu Into HEALTH. JTIW rACKAGE. LAKOr BOTTLC1SS1, POSES ONE DOLLAK. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCISTS. MAaxracmuto osxr ar The Itlanti Cteslcal Co., Itkria, St wxm roa st-raot socr. tuia nxx. Ml k lajlsr 1 taier ui I L Imti. Dnic:: fc Sale! We are manttfactortnj a lot s brva. of sa Bertor quality -cuy Is said to t tbe tosirkesS aad lbs fcrtc aarrter tnaa ae la IU male Bear Mr. 3. A. laraiaeeaire'a, antwt two aJlea n-ara HotiBi Airy; suk we tri. 1 1 Beta" a "v ered or at tne yard at ibe iowrt ct itp. t. M. Ill ATT a a. USiasSOJOV. liut Vlu. In. u I ITTrn A fliaWe Idy or fMit ia si A'l 1 L.J, mm to dtr.huu .npl and nai a b.mse to- Lvi'i eanvaas I t our ecetat'ia Toi'ct Siej. Sloto $75 amount ewaiij rrade. Adun-iis C'ru'tf k Keed, c-U to eixJ AtMtin Arei,ue, t l.t- e&fc-'. 1- , - - - - - - - -

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