M A T0 T JL JLJJll. J U L JL juj VV o. JLJULfc A MOUNT AIIiY, N. 0., TIIUIiSDAY. NOVKMBKK 20, 1890. VOL. 15. NO.. '22 jl. "GREATEST ON EARTH." Mr. R. T. Ofclrtwull, U brtok-ltMpr In th First Nittlortttl Itink of Fulton, Ky. "1 wag ronipldi'Iy run down. My nfrT Iw-iinm mi pitfttrunff Uimuuh ih of hI'P fttnt worry t hut i flt ur 1 would i rum pieliwl t irlvn up my Mmttlm t would Ito wake llfitEtit long. Hml It umk but Huts ILT. Caldwell. tohake roe tippo flint I rou.d rmt po MMf t ttn1 to nij but-1 urn a -4 I tiiill. In ConiHs'tlnn with thin t li'ttl lim tmitttle, in-fivlMi'AH r'khiI tin nt'inwrli, Mid (nun In dlfTrri'iii nirtof my tnniy, I wuh ii iniK h rudurud til IIi-hIi. 1 Wii ki tm ii uitcd tu iry Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. I flrnt priMMirffl n trltil hoitli from it bKaJ drtiKuUt it ltd kkhI ri'Kii ttt(iil(-kty follnwrd. I thru pnnurd tlollnr Ih.i u , unit bv t h I lute I tiKdimt-d lid tin I wiii n difft'i-cnt nmn. I am now on my third holllr nnd Hmnblnto il.-cp MUti'Uy nnd cat r u 1 o rly mimd lilnir rould not pfttMldy do U fion Uiklhtf yittr i'mtw. I urn now fuUu rrtttwrd .nnd do not hfltnl to proitoiiiii'c 1 ir, MHoh li-tortillve Nnrvlue tho freast nrrvim on earth." Fulton. Ky. R. T CALDWKLL. Dr. Mlim:' Nrrrhm In no!d on it prvsltlva ffimntnu that tl flrt butt I will Vm-.IL All dnmnlf'M'tl It M 11. ft iMittlrn fnt $.S, or It will b wnt. prMld, on nvfipt of prlre iy the Ir. Mili Aludkal Co., Klkhurt, iuO. Dr. Miles' Nervine J. A. MART IN, HOTMRY PUSLIG, I'llONKS 20 AND 20, Mount Airy, N. C. S. I'. GRAVKS, Auorney-atIvaw, MOUNT AIUY, N. C. o 0-4 tvi'mcllcva In Htaia ard Federal courts. Prompt attention to collection or clnltnn. V. S. XKKDHAM, Attorney-at-kaw, Pilot Mountain, N. C. ir-will practice In the Htat Courts. Col-lo.-t.lon of claim a speclnlly. Jnnl-IHm GKO. W. yi'ARGKR, fUopney-at-Law, MOUNT AIBY, N. C. Will practice In hirio nnd Kcclem! otirt. Hpwli'l niK'nilon to collection of lulnrti and nlfiitlntt!)r loms. W- f. CARTEL, MOUNT AI.V, M. C J. R. IEWEUYN, EHHfM, N. & CAKTKU & IKVKLI.YX, Attopneys-at-liaw. tir-practloe tn IheSUt and Fwlcral Coui-m. l'rompt attention given to all Dmluew entrust ed to their care. J. H. Slakemope, PHOTO SRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. la prepared to make all the New and Artistic Style, la up with the times and will give yuu Brat-clan work. DR. C. W. BANNER. DENTIST,f Mount Airy, N. C. Office over Taylor ii Hamier'a Prim Ollice houn 8 a. m. tu 5 p. m. Wh you lrie atone wrk U do you will Dud it toor intereat to ae. J. 11. Walker, lin will tiirni.ih none l.ut beat frranita, eitlier nmgli or cut. Cemetery work specialty. Apr-'J-lni S! L. B. ALBERTS0N, MAIN STREET, MOUNT AIRY, N. C, DEAI.KK IN (Jrotcricfi, Trojdcul Fruits, Coun try Proilut u ttiiJ BuUor'a Itrcnd. Thu ilronugu of tho cilieens hi liciicJ. JOS. NATIONS, DKALIR IN Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kind. Sowing Maeliinea, M'laioal InatrumMiU. Ae. Watetipa.Clix ka and JfWflry rnpaired in lt pimsilile man ner andaalisfaolion Ruarantec d. If you want to av nioney f me In-fore making your purchase or having your work done. -Itlal.KB IK- Csfc, Caste, Earial Robes, Slippers, &e. A full "( ef all tiara and qoalitiw kept oa hand. Ht at rwoaahl. frieflj. Mar, rnm. ofair im U. U TaUar Knu'mara, Main Str. Katudaac, !. buM JiorOi of ih railn4. . In If nil H 3?f3 I Vv Wr About the Presidents. Sinking "f tliC varinim I'rt'-i-ili'titH alifr W hhIi inwin t!i New York M nil Htul KxprcsH in it tcciMit Hriicli! ivi's h lut of inturi-miii in ff rmtit ion : "John Admim Hifl hin aon, Jolin (Juiiify AdutiiH. wuro Iliirvaid men. JtlTfrHon sml Mon roe wero )?rwl mites of Williiun hih! Mury, wliilu Madiwui Imilcd from Princeton ; jDekHoti linn1 littlo oduca tion of liny nort, hiu! Yn Iiunn, his BiictiCHHor, only Bpixul academic education. William Ileiiry RrmUt atfd at llairiiidun-Hidnoy College, Tyler at William and Mary, and I'olk at the University of North Ci.rolina. Taylor had only tho inert'Ht. rudiments of an education, iiiid Fillmore, Ilia eiu'eeawir, hml an aeadiiiniceiliH'ation only. Franklin I'ieico whh a graduate it l'owdoii), and Ihiclmnan of Diekiimon. Lin coln and Johnson were Imtli eelf educated, neither having had even a high w'.hool education, (irant wan a Went 1'ointer; Ilavtsan nlmnniin of Kenvon. (iiulield ot Willi.inib and Arthur of Union. From Wah ington to McKinley, thcrelore, in cluding Washington and (Jranr, fifteen of the twenty-five niiy he called college hred men. While President C'Tevelund i not a col let't) man, Mrn. Cleveland is a col lego woman, heing a graduate of Wella College, at Aurora, in this State, eliifs of 84. Mia right liana man in the cahinet, Dan I.amont, Hceretary of war, it) a graduate of Union, an is also Secretary Morton, of tho Department of Agriculture Olncy in a Harvard man. Carlisle and llerhert aro not col lego men. UoHtiimstir (leiieral Wilson ia not only a college hred man, hut han heen prci-i'lent of Weal Virginia University." The Rotation of Parties. Attention his heen directed to the curious fact that for twenty f ,nr years tho people of the United States have cho-en their Chief Fx icutive alternately from the two parties. In 1S7'2 (irant, lii-puhli-ran, was elected ; in l.Tii Tilden, Democrat, (though counted out ) in 1 SSi (i.ntiulil, Kepuhlicaii ; in 1SS4 Clevoland, Democrat ; in 1 ITar rison, Uepnhlic.iii ; in 1 '. 1 2 (Cleve land, Democrat; in IShi McKinley, He pnhlican. This shows several thinga, It shows thai the people do just as they think best ami that they do their own thinking, and when they change their minds, or are dissatis fied with the existing order of things or a proposed change, they say so jH'.icetully at the polls and t here is an end of it. The two parties have opp site policies upon several vital ijuestioiis, hii I yet the change from one parly to the other has never produced any violent upheaval or lasting social disturbance. The wheels of tho republic continue to revolve and things go on pretty much as usual. The facility with which the policy of the government is changed from time to time by the change of the party in power also goes to illue trate the strength ot our govern ment and the permanence of our republican institutions. In many so-called republics a change of ad ministration means war. The old administration, it may be, refuses to accept the result and give up, or the defeated candidate charges fraud and there is a resort to arms to de cide the matter. Here in the United States a chi.ne of parties by the people is thu occasion usually of nothing more datitreroiis than a torchlight pro cession. I'.altimore Sun. Indiana Congressmen and Patronage. The Indiana Republican Con L'rcsstnen elect have decided to re fer all applications for p. stoflice appointments to the patrons of the postolliecs, and elections will be field in every city and town in the State aftet March 4. The Congressmen-elect have hit upon this plan to avoid the responsi-, bility of making appointments them selves, ami will recommend no one who has not received a majority of the votes of the Republican patrons A theolliie to hich ho aspires. This conclusion is said to have been n ached through eomspond ence between the member elect, and applicants have been notified of the fact. In some localities, where party workers believe they have performed secial service, the decision is already creating much feeling, and more is expected to follow the elections. The liepuh lican Senator to be ehcted by the coming legislature will dispense the patronage in the lour districts which will be represented by Dtmo crats. Mrs. Anna Gage, wife cf B Deputy U. S. Marshal, Columbus, Ktiu. siyt "I was delivered of TWINS In leu than DO min utes and with scarcely soy pain after using ouly two bottles of litiATiirnm , uuititfiy FRIEND ' DID VOT BUTTE AFTKSWAKD. I Wnt r T Trm or vti. fw w'M f r- a r a.ma. "Tu Mol Hftu atia fr. Mutrm KMruroi co-, stukt, e. out T au nai'fiuim. j NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS Of IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. ' It said tliHt SCato aid to higher education will meet strong opposi tioii in tho next legislature Mrs. J. D. White, tho wifo of the ex postmaster of Greensboro, dted on Satunlay of latt week. Mis. Lovo, widow of tho Into Stato Auditor Lovo, died at her homo in Wayncsvillo last Tuesday morning. Tho election it. Ilnncomho this year cnt 1,5(10 as agalt.st $2H0 un der tho old election law. It cost in tho neighborhood of l00MM)in the St I'e. The Biblical Recorder fays that tho coming General Assembly wi be asked to say yea or nay on the (jucstioti of closing tho saloons, in rsorth Carolina. Col. John Shimpoch,a prominunt Jiillieian of Cabarrus county, is dead. IIo served in tho legislature ami was one of the founder? ot tho North Carolina college The Columbia Manufacturing Co. at Rai iscur lost their gin and a lot of colt' in by lire tin Friday. Some matches were run through the gin. Tho loss Amounts to several hundred dollars. The Durham Sun fays at the Staunr hi river bridge, on the Ox ford a d Clarksvillo Railroad, Fri day afternoon, two colored women were m tempting to cross when they were overtaken by a train. One succet ltd in getting across but the other fell snd was cut to pieces by tho train. Tho North Carolina Legislature will bu asked this winter to submit tho (juration of one election every four j tars to a vto of tho people. If such a law could be. enacted it would be wot th one million dollars per annum to the business interests of the State to say nothing of the vast sum savt d in tho expense of holding an election. Klder Win. K. Moore, tho blind preacher of Campbollton, is dying with consumption of the stomach, lis is i ne of the landuiHiks of Fay etteville, la.'ing the oldest employe of the C. F. V. V. Railroad liv ing. He was the lirst to use a spade on the Western Railroad and the last at tho completion of the Cape Fear A: Yadkin Wiley. Fay ettevillo Observer. Mr. Win. Fuller, reference to whose property as being rich in gold bearing ore we h.ive already made, brought us specimens of rock last week which to the inexperienc ed appeared to be full of the yellow metal. Samplis have been scut til to be assayed, but Mr. Fuller assur ed tu the ore eent wa6 not a fair specimen, some of a much richer qnaliu having la-'en taken out. Two veins have been partially opened arid the deeper it goes the belter it is, so the expert savs. Henderson Gold Leaf. Between S and It o'clock Monday night a crowd of negroes, alout 1UU in number, gathered in front i t the pill and the news was soon heralded over the city that the darkies pro posed to take Jailer Zig:w oui and whip him, on account of last Sat urday's trouble. One party stated that Ik heard a darkey say they were g jiiig to lynch him. Sheriff McAnhnr, who was at home, was summ ncd by telephone. When he arrive !, with several deputies, ho comm.-iiided the crewd to disersc and that at once. The negroes knew that the sheritl meant it and t'uy obeyed his instructions without any further discussion. Winston Sentinel. The Wilson correspondent of the Wilmi.iglou Messenger says: To bacco continues to roll into Uio ll- son market. The four largo ware houses are crowded daily w ith buy ers and sellers. Yesterday the sales continued until late in the afternoon, and it was not one ot the laredays either. Last week was perhaps the argest in the history l tins market. Ou one day over 1'Mhmmj pounds were sold at one warehouse. The sales for the week approximated l.HOiuMMi pounds, lho record al ready hhows the receipts to be near ly 1,001.1,0011 pounds yi excess of this time last year. At the present rate ot receipts Wilson will sell 10,- 1100,000 jHiunda this season, arid will probably exceed any other market in the iUte. Every one was startled Sunday morning by the news that Mr. D. McD. Grady was dead. The day before he Wie seen on the streets in apparently peifeet health, and tLe news of his death whs liaid to be lieve. About bMD o'clock yester day morning Mr. Grady was in his yard or Green street, playing with ilia two children, when he sudden ly rts'ii d into the house exela;uiing that Lis head was alaiut to burst open with pain, ilia wife sent hur ritdly for the dot-tor, but that gen tleman arrived in time only to leel a shglt fluttering of tho pulse, and theu ail was over. The deceased's spirit bad lied lrom Ins body in legs than a half hour alter he wasstrick eu. The doctors gay that death was due to apoplexy. A Dumber of years i.go Mr. Grady ws kicked on lie !m id by horse, and ever siuce he has lieen compUimig of paine in tbt oead, snd od aeverU occHston remained thht he thot.ht hi would die fr m that cause. Fayetteville Observer. Charleston' New Move. Tho Charleston Importing an Fx porting Company wus organized last week with a capital stock paid in of idoO.ooo. The book of the company wero opened and that amount was immediately subscribed Tho stia kliolders meeting choso F. K. Rodirtrs. W. E. lluiior. R. G. Rhi.f, A. C. Tobias and 11. F, Bremer its a board of directors for tho company, and at a subsequent meeting of tho directors Mr. 11. F, Bremer, who wan for many years eontiecte I with tho firm of K W. Wagoner fc Co., of this city, was elected president ; Mr. C. E. Rodg er, treasurer and Mr. T. J. Tobias secretary, 'iho company will do a general importing; and exporting business, beginning its operations at once, m ui'j outset, mo maior por tion of it f 'tentioii will bo devoted to tho imputation ot cotToo. It will have its own steamer connections with the leading business men of South A tieneati ports, and it is an noiiiiced that its first cargo of coHco will hnh ndtd perhaps within tho next few weeks. Tho company is backod t id indorsed by a number ot tho h tiding husincas men and capitalist i of Charleston, nnd begins business under most auspicious cir cumstan cs. Mr. Bremir, who has just been mado pietodcnt and gen eral man' ger ol the company lias had a wi'!o experience In thu husi ncss to w Inch Ins attention is now called. A V.m K lied in s Bar Room. A coi respondent of the Stsr writes : "Last Sunday morning tho dead lady of Ransom Johnson was found cohered witu a blanket on a pile of straw in the lot behind J. T. Coles bir room. IIo Intd been carried out there tlionicht previous in a drunken stupor, it was thought, but tho at u por was not so much caused by drink as by a wound on tho head inflicted by Joo Keen with a piece i f scantling late Saturday evening. "lhe txist-iiiortem examination showed t mt the immediate canso of death wki a c lot of blood resting on tho biain. Two or three ribs were found to be broken also. There was no r 'osonatilo doubt IB at both of these injuries wero inflicted bv the piece of fcantling in Keen s hands. The coroner's jury decided accordingly, and Keen was lodged in Smithricld jail day !oforo yester day, where ho will bo tried for manslaughter. Johnson waa a brother-in-law of the defendant." Wilmington Star. After the Long Arctic Night. The ii habitants of tho little vil luges in tiie arctic circle have nearly three months of 6teady night. It is tho annii 'l custom that on the day when the sun rises above the hori zon after the long season of dark ness the inhabitants all 6tand in line, facing tho returning orb, and greet it v ith a military salute No other i ff et than that of paleness ot complexion is discernible in tho na tives afttv this long time at night. The pallor soon passes away with tho sun's return. In Dodo the sun can Ins scm at midnight on June 3; in Tronis it can be seen on May 20; in Ilamn.trfest, or as far as the North ca;e, the midnight sun may be seen a early as May 15 or 10. New Yoi k Herald. Coev Call's for Reforms. Comntonwealer J. S. Coxey has ailed a conference of all friends of the initit live snd referendum and other ref rn.s to meet at the Lindell Hotel, Si. Louis, January 12, 1897. At this fioetitig a platform will bo presentet' declaring for thedemoni- tization ' f gold as well as silver, Stato ov ner-hip of all railroads. hi. hway waterways and telegraph nd M-phono lines; municipal ownersh o of all street car lines, waterwo ks, market houses, electric light and gas plants, woman's suf frage and election ot President by direct v .'e of the peoplo. Also that national banks should loan money to the people at ct. Rain That Never Reaches Earth. In the Colorado desert they have rainstorms, during winch not a single d"op ot water tonches the arth. ! lie rain can be seen fal'ing lrom th clouds high anove the deseit, I it when the water reaches the st rat i of hot, dry air beneath the clou "'a it is entirely absorbed Is-fore l. lling half the distance to ground. It is a singular sight to witues a heavy downpour ol ram, not a dr- p of which touches the ground. These strange rainstorms occur in regions where the shade tempera' tire often ranges as high as 12s d eg 'ess Fahrenheit. Chicago Chronic e. The .r unreal Itemed y. Mr. I!. It. Gruerc, merchant, ot Chilhow, , Ya., cerlities'tliul l.c had consumption, wus given up to die, sought i l medical trealmunt thai money e-'uld prneure, tricJ all eouga remediei" he couid bear of, but got no relief; spent many nL'lit fitting up in a ciiair; w induced to try Dr. Kinr's New Discovery, and was curM b o of two bottles. For pat tbri yeirs has been attending to busiet., snd says Dr. King's New Ii -oviry is the grandest rem edy evet mr le, as it baa done so much f" bim and alao f r others ii. his com 'urn fy. Dr. King's New Diseovei v i" guarant- d tor couha, eold an- cot-Kiimplion. Ildon'ltaiL Trial bo lie treti at Taylor t Ban ner' Drug Storm. BRYAN'S GREW TOUR, SUPT. V. E. McBEE CLOSED A BIG CON TRACT W'TH MR. BRYAN AND HE . GETS OVER $50,000 A YEAR. It has been definitely arranged that Win. J. Bryan is to take tho lecturo platform and his first ad dress will bo delivered at Atlanta, Ga., early in December. Ilia route as it has been arranged will bo ufter leaving Atlanta, Jacksonville, Sa vannah, Charleston, Augusta, Birm ingham and Js'ew Orleans. After leaving tho latter place, Mr. Bryan will go through Texas, then on to California and Oregon and will not reach cities of the East define tho latter part of February, 1 81)7. Tho man behind the enterprise is V. E. Mclk-e, of Norfolk, Ya , tho Super intendent of the Seaboard Air-Line. On election night Mr. Mcl'cc, who had been a hard worker for Bryan, wired to Lincoln offering Mr. Bryan a very large amount for a scries of lectures in case the elec tion should turn ugamst him. No attention was imid to the matter at that timo by iMr. Bryan, but after tho defeat of tho Democratic ticket, Mr. McBco onco more renewed his o tie 1 8, negotiations wero begun and tho result has been that Mr. Bryan has signed contracts for a scries ot lectures under tho management of Alexander Comstock, who is tho represent at i vo and assocnito of Mr. 1. I. .i . ...I iMcuee in me enterprise. ine terms of the agreement from a linan cial standpoint have not been m-tdc public, but it is reliably asserted mat what Mr. liryan will nceive will exceed the salary lie would have received on President Arrangements are already under way to have tho delivery of JSIr. liryan s first lecturo in Atlanta mado tho occasion of a treat deun onstratioii which will be in the na tnro of a monster reception. The lectures to bo delivered bv Mr, Bryan will be non-partisan in their character and will for the most part be upon governmental and social topics as it is exptessly stipulated I a i . I . .1 I 111 in me contract mat iney snail ne not of a political nature. A fatal Railway Collision Near Round Knoo. In a collision lietween a helper engine and tho west bound Norfolk Chattanooga vcstibulcd train on tho mountain division ot the estern North Carolina railroad near Round Knob Wedncsdy morning Fire man Howard on the vestibule was killed and Engineer Will James so badly injured that he wul die. Helper Engineer Terrell and Fire man Washburn were severely bruis ed. The helper engine had assisted tho first section of Ringing Bros.' circus tiain to the top ot the muun tain and was on tho way to the foot for the second section, when the collision occurred. None of the passengers were hurt. The canse assigned is misunderstanding cl train orders. An Express Agent. Mr. J. E. Mitchell, Agent South ern Express Co., Giiffin, G., May Mb, 1V.15: "I have used Kings Roval Germetuer in inv familv. and consider it the liest medicine I have ever used. It lias relieved moot Muscular Rheumatism. I also know of several other coses of rheumatism nd catanh thai have been cured by l's use. rite to Tho Ailauta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga., lor page book, giving lull inform ition, free New package, large lot lie. 103 doses, $1. For sale by Taylor iV Banner. Why He Quit Chewing. A man who resides in Water- burv. Conn . has suddenly stormed chewing tobacco, and it is not due to any euro that is now on the market. His dislike for the weed came aliotit in a strange way. The other day he bit a generous ciiew off his plug and commenced chew ing it. It did not chew right, and lie analyzed it and found out the reason why. The piece that lie w as t ndeavorini' to chew eont .dm d the end of someone's linger tint had lH.'en chopped of! and in s me i .. . manner wen roiled in with the plug. A bnriilar attempted to enter .fr G. A. La wing's 6tore at Seversviile last ni.'ht bv raisim? a window, but two of tho clerks sleeping ia the store were Bwakened bv the. noi. One ot them got his pistol and shot at the window, breaking the pane of glass just above the burglar's head. Tne thief dropped the win dow and ran off as hard as his legs could carry him. Chailotte News. The Presbyterians made a treti gain for the synodica! year in North Carolina. They added 2,544 mem liers and raistd $ 1S,U0 53 for mis sions. Komrlhing ls Katw. It may bo worth something to know thut lhe very best medicine for restoring th tired out nervous yteni to a healthy vigor is Electric lintera. line medicine is purely vrgcUthle, acts by giving tono lo the nerve centres in the stomneb. cmtlv ulimulalos the Liver and Kidneys, and aids Ibcwe organs in throwing otT impurities in the blood. E eetnc lii Iter improves the appetite, aids dices' ion. and i pronounced bv 1 bo-e who have tn -d it an the very best t lood purifier and i ei re tonic. Try Sold for 50c or f 1 00 per butlle at Taylor 4 Banner's I'ruj; Store Kentucky Ghost Story, Near Richmond. Ky., a girl was mysteriously miirdeied a year ago. and no'v, it is sanl, tho spot haunted. An old negro, Amsteai Crews, liven in a log cabin on tho Madison sn.'o of lho Kentucky river, directly oppohiio tho scene of tho crime lhe old darky say that of Into ho bus boon greatly dis turbed by voicis, which seem to come from tho spot where the un fortunate girl is said to have heen mtirdti'ed. Tho voices are very distinct, ho says, and aro first heard singing; this is followed by loud and boisterous talking, which changes later to shrieks of distress, Tho voices then, he says, seem to leave tho spot and cross tho river to hi cabiu. Nobody is visible, but the weird revelers, ho says, come in and go out of his door, and he hears their voices as distinctly aa if they wero visitors of flesh and blood. They come to him, he says, by day as well as by night, though they seem to bo most demonstrative about nightfall. lho old darky says he can clearly recognize among them lho voice of Sissy Johnson, tho murdered girl, but tho voices of the others aro strange to his ears. At times ho says his mysterious guests torment him so that ho can not sleep, Tho old darky appears much alarmed over theso strange manifestations and says he will have to move away or bo crazed by l.K'lll. The Bejinning Only. An eminent defeated candidate sent out a letter to his supporters recently, urging then to bo ot good courago, and saying that they had only made a beginning of tho fight for their citise. It is just as tiuo of tho successful candidates. Their election is not tho end but the be ginning. It is rcmaikablo how many have regarded their election as the only thing desired. In truth it is only tho beginning ot their work, tho beginning of what tho people desire. It ia after all not who is elected, but what the ono elected docs, that makes for the good of the people. We all know how anxious for the welfare of the pi ople the average candidate is be fore election, and how careful of his own welfare he is afterward. And some of us know how ardent many voters aro for the election of a certain candidate when the cam paign is on, and how inditFerent they are after he is elected. Is it not true that political ardor has led many into taking the means for tho end J How strong the pressure was two weeks ago; how light now. Yet the principles are still at stake, even though the officers have been elected. We desire an awakening of the pooplo of North Carolina now, not in Ijehalf ot men, but in behalf of measures. Biblical Ro coider. The Best Way to Cure Disease is to establish health. Pure, rich blood means good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One Trno Blood Purifier. It tones up the whole svstem, give appetito and strength and causes weakness, ner vousness and pain to disappear. No other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures as Hood's Sar saparilla. Hood's Pills are the best after- dinner pill: assist digestion, prevent Cotistipatiyn. 25c. The fight for the Uuited'Statcs Senatorship tosuccied Pritchard, will be interesting. Tho Republi cans declare that a Republican most be elected and that Pritchard is the man. lhe 1 opulist machine run ners in Raleigh say no Democrat need apply, and Senator Butler says no man who is not avowedly and uncondition.tlly for the free and nnlitni'ed coinage of silver at a ritio of 10 to 1, and lor more full legal tender money tor the people, should receive tho vote of any Pop ulist. A Bear Fight. Caleb Gibl8 "and Sid Thomas weut to Linvillc mountain to hunt cattle, and concluded Friday morn ing to take a c -on hunt. They were paiing no attenti'on to their dogs w hen thev ran upon a large bear and Sid Thomas shot it. It weighed 214 pounds, net, anil was so old, having scarcely an teeth, that William Austin thinks it is the same old one ho saw thirty five years age Morgatiton Herald. Tutt's Pills " Cure AH Liver Ills, Save Your Money. One box ofTutt 's Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills They willsurcl y cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia. malaria, constipation andbDio- nsness, a million people endorse TUTTS Uvcr PILLS Wanted-Hn Idea IHS ta. USsa Fata hi, "Owa Highest of all la Leavening I iv U NXC7 '3 Pushing Work on Warships, Tho Norfolk navy yard is at pres ent a scene of greatest activity. Tho ships there are being gotten ready tor active service in the quick est possible manner. Tlio big cruiser JNewark, recently ordered homo to rcceivo $100,000 of repairs to her machinery, has no less than 1,000 men at work inside her steel walls snd tho work which it was antici pated would take six months to complcto will 13 finished before the 27th instant. Tho gunboat Castine is also being put in condition for immediate ser vice. Naval officers are extremely re ticent as to the meaning of all this activity, but the men shake their heads, look wiso and say "Spain. It is reliably stated in Nor folk that an officer on tho cruis er Newark has received a telegram from a brother oflicer at Now York stating that Hon. Han'nis Taylor, United States minister to Spain, had been given his passport and re quested to embark for America. Not innch credence is given the story lieeanso of tho semi official source whence it emanates. It was stated at Fernandina, Fla., by an official that the government wvnld eoon send a battery of artil lery to old Fort Clinch, which com mands the bar to this port. It is alao said that a coast defense vessel will be stationed near Fort Clinch. These precautions, it is said, arc being taken because of impending trouble with Spain. Money enough having been raised to place a marble headstone at the grave of every North Carolina Con federate soldier at lnchester, V a., Hon. Chas. 31. Cooke, Secretary of State, who has taken a deep interest in this patriotic matter, now calls for contributions to erect a large shaft in the center of the plot. Let there 1h3 prompt responses to the call. News has been received at Marion ot a gang of outlaws, supposed to be train thieves, hiding in the moun tains west ot there. A telegram was sent to Marion Saturday telling the citizens to be on the watchout. The Marion bank is under guard at night. A vote was taken in the French chamber of deputies on the bill to reform the mode of electing senators, and tho measure was passed by a vote of 297 to 236. The govern ment was opposed to the bill. Bolivia has been the first to re cognize the Cuban patriots as bel ligerents and entitled to the benefit of all laws governing in such cases. Why not profit by the experience of others who have found a per manent cure for catarrh in Hood s Sarsaparilla? Thanksgiving day comes bnt once ! a year and it seems reasonable that everybody should give thanks. ray your subscription to The News. Human Ingenuity. Certainly, for tlie mechanic, human ingenuity has never produced a better liniment than Salvation Oil,which now stands unexcelled for curing his sprains aud bruises caused by a fall ; or cuts and wounds the result of an accldeut w ith his tool or saw. Salvation Oil al ways kills pain. "Recently, I fell about twenty feet and was very much bruised on my leg and side, but after bathing tbem with Salvation Oil the bruises soon disappeared. I think Sal vation Oil Is just the thing for sores and bruises." A. Jacob Rice, 620 Church St, Easton, P. Salvation Oil may be bought anywhere for 25 cents. Substitutes offered by dealers may cost less; hence, do less. Salvation Oil, liowever, never disappoints the user. y syyy 'ay jai sy -y W.H. SIMPSON, AGKaT t For Fine Eclslicr Stamps 5 w 4KB STSaTTWlM M IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. V X A)ax Wumhenr Hffttnea, Bank in . bnuM wiurel Iw'ora. Bitriilr iirauda. I a&cliltiC Mai-blae. Cum a FnHm4jra I oi.liii tons fuut-tira. of iriilui twwia. Baud Band Imlem. M). rtal Seal. fnul nM W hix-la. et""ke Maii.pa. CeOalKl t-eucll Sla"-I. Hnt-t-r Ti Oatra. Kuwwr T.po. auwr Kiajiri paita Run r !ae'p Ink. M.-&- rtla. wa-u las, Ma. u rrifcii. ptr.-i MAtiiia, M-tt.-r acid Ku.irea. tw-lf lukli.K suuus. t'-n p K!M-.it. Man.p kxM htitii .Ta. Wa avals aa4 Tuw W nif Mitea, Tier fe Bidliinf ie-d la an office w eaaanC aurrny. ed at us very k-waaS prii pnwiuin. nrm-ci-Mi r'la. Hauk-ea. Weft-lianta Maauiai-turwrs arid aii W"'-"---i1-' la wn. oo aeu Ui viH my prirmm tmu I Vi Irif .'-e. ber. .tir pLrosjt t ai.tuiteO. iri4y. f - -a -' atieeils slvei: tfi all orl. r. rxtk t iu aw a, at k-4 ui ai-r. rv ti-kt'd m&k, ffKbOug oa Mta MflKL MuaM U7. . t ick itoa .. JwCorreapondenc oliclUKl f H-rr I . tf a ja. a a. ua. jl. a 1tnfi-r iwM 1niv C TV I f Ymim 1-uaatawar tnritira 'tt i 1 i a -t rower Latest U.S.CoA Report Virvif MVV)1 W i. iVfl Easing Tho news from Havana confirms tho butcheries by tho Spaniard. Tho official estimate published in that city is that in tho war there had been killed by tho Spaniards 5,00 of the enemy, with only 1,47b' wounded and hurt, 4o5 prisoners taken. In war among civilized na tions tho wounded always outnum ber the killed, ami even tho pris oners taken equal tho number of killed in nearly every inftance, - The Norwegian Plow Company, of Dubuque, la., capital $l!)."i,0oo, has failed. Slow collections is tho alleged catise. The nominal assets aro 257,000, and will yield enough to pay tho liabilities, which aro f 140,000. UG: Prove tlie merit of MixhI'i f.ir.in ilia posi tive, Mrfi't, iM-nnanetit l'ur,'. Cures of ni'rofiila In aev-ret funif, liks (T'litre, swelli'il neck. riiiiiiniK sore, lup din-ine, ,iri'fi In the e). Cures S ilt Hli. uin. w It h IM liiti iio' Mailing and I'llrliiMK. valil liea.l, n-lt'T. ele. Cures "' Holl. I'mii'l'1'. (iii'l nil "tie r erup due In iinjuiri M-mI. Cures "I Iype'la and oth.-r tioulili- altera a pxxi t"l!IAi-ll tiiiee nef-drd. Cures d l'hetmi.itiim, a le-re i:ii:eiiti wereun- alile to nrk or walk for week. Cures ot Catarrh ty e-a,x-Hlntr le tninrillea whleh ciriie and vnuen it- ilm-aie. Cures ' Ni'1'vimin.-M t y pr.-ily iimtiiK and feeding tlie nerve mum iimr I.IimmI. Cures "I That Tiled Fci linic hy rrit'Ming strength. Si-lid fm bi'"k o( cure! by 0dTs Sarsaparilla To C. I m"d & Co.. rrnpit. ti.r lonell, MaK. 1I !! re tlit H M aft' l illliTVI riOOU S PltlS ili, aM d otioa. 4 - CALL AT - EYE RETT'S TZNT SHOP. 1 ' HKADQUARTKUS -FOR- Tin and Steel Roofing, Guttering ripoutine, Valley Tin all widths Miingle (Strip. Ac., &C.&C Water and Steam Fittings ot all kinds kent on hand, 'ids Old Reliable Jenkins tilohe fc Cheek Vavh-s, Kherman Injeetors, De- troit Lubricators are a few of ths many reliable surntip in stock. Gons, 1'istols, Sewing Machine, an I Kicyeles repaired by the best skilled workmen at short notice. We kef p (tixkI Old Fashion Coffee Pots, Ihsh Pans, and in fact everything in the Tinware line. T. M. Everett & Co. D0L1U Tired and broken dvwn women will find that CS. KISS'S ROYAL EEKmETL'ER is a priceless boon and blesinjf i lbcm. It gi.'S appetite, brings le-oiil, refreshing sL'ep, aids diges:.-.iri, tones the nerves, builds up the strength and puts disease and pain to fiicht. For FEMALE TROUBLES Including all menstrual and womb diiTIcuhies, it has no superior used both locally and infernally. It is emphatically WO ..Aii S FtiiHitDi Pleasant to take as lemonade, and harmless at all times. New package, larje bottle, 10S DosiS, Om Dollar. Sold by dru'gfists. Manufactured only by tje mm C!;:k!;:iL ex, r-ta, u llTt T01 U Tkat B0OC: MMZIXS TIKI. I Wl!TFH Arrlial.plaJjorr.th i 11 tkit luu, man toe tri4jnp sarr.r i sad irtaks a h-Mi-t--MMj rwnra. i- i our Yrpplalile jdiift hoaria. ju lo r7 SOUHir.t Pa.iiT maJri. t-,!. bLl lo Anfl !.--- Lr TVS il iTIT Uf, II- j eao. lii. -v. t Crrp . a. j i