i 1 M IT MOUNT VOL. 15. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY, DECUMBEK 10, 1800. NO. 21 The. AlRI .31 hi vv o. i Seven Months With Fever. Wonderful KxroTnrf of llrallh. Mr. Ilalwl'a rnplil anil nmrni-loim mrnvnry fruiii a iimtk ..!. !,,.!, n to Ma unmml Kflirlit, 270 puumla, wan aurnly I Ij.i ni,l li( nf tho framltwl dllwutlh-KlvfliK mill liuUlJtnir-UD E....1 l,l mi nt... ......I. I ........1... " Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. ...... nl. ..;,, IIUIIirijTl J. 11. !UlHll. 'Ooritlomfn I wish to Mpt-p- to you my ffrtit Itu'lt- fur tlin Rtvnt r'i i In. I hr, MUn' AVrrlne Una itmi for nii I wtl iiiUi'ti Hl'k with lyphnid twt r Hiifl I IriUi In lifil fur fM'vcii iiti'titlm. Afn-r p-itthir ovnr t h fvr I win thin nrrvniit nnd t in-il, anil li not t !." t ii my l-t riri ( h. 1 irU d NMvtTitl ihih utry riHilldit , nrnl flnullv, ftfur hnviriK in-n ro'lnrtMl In wi-ktflit toll) (mmiihU, I tM'an nyln your .Vm mf . nnd t onrn lNirttn ! ttnprovn. U im tli.nlly mturly rttrni, him I ti lity l citit any 1 in-vt-r fi-'t lt Hr In ult inf ll'n, iiihI welxh 2 TO (mhiimU. 1 hU U-nif normal wpU'IiI., ltd 1 oitawure 8 ftKtft't liii'lit'M In hi'lKht." South Hfml, I1. J. IT. Il.MUD, Dr. Mll'w Ni rvlno In unhl on n ncwltlvo Ha runt"' tliiit tin fir- li.n tlo v. ill 1 m ilt. All (IruunlKtM rM-ll ft tit U.til... fm ?. or It will In m nt, pr- o.il'l. on ! tt of irh o by Uiu It. Mil Muihcul Co. Klklmn, JnU. Dr. Miles' Nervine V.Hitii J. A. MAKTIX, nOTAHY PUBLIC, I'HONKS 'M AMI IM, Mount Airy, N. C. h T, GKAVKS, Attorney-at-LaW, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. r" tUarilc.n Ir. Mnio and feili-rul court. Prompt alTi-utlun to collucllnu of rlulins. W. S. XKKD1IAM, Attorney-atLaw, Pilot Mountain, N, C. c-c-c ir-will pnif lice In Stulo CnurtJi. 'ol l(x:tlou of clnlius a Hprrlalty. Juh lsm GK0. Vr. Sl,AReHI, Attopney"at"Law, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Will prarileo In Htato and FwIituI i ourts. Hperlil altt'iillon to cnlleollon ut ciiilina and Diirtl:ttltii; loans. ' W- F. CARTER, J. R. LEWEllYN, CaKTKK & hKWKLLYN, Attopneys-at-kaw. lir-piaotli-e In the State anil Ft'tlonil cnuru. Vrompt attention given to all bmlwss entrust ed to llielr care. J. H. Slakcmopc, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. is prepared to make all the New and Artistic Style, la P the Oinea and will (fUe jou nrstlaita work. DR. c. W. BANNER. DENTIST,-:- Mount Airy, N. C. Ollice over Taylor & Haniier's Drue Store. tlllice hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. When yon Iwe wnrk to do y.in will find it to your intereat to J. II. Walker, lio will turnih none lint lest granite, either rough or out. (Vnulery work a .tieciatty. At.r U-lui SALK3I ACADEHY MD COLLEGE, FIR nearly leo veara this Inxtltutlon for the hltrherejintttionof you tig women ha .li ned the very front ran, and w never nuu eumerouHly a'teii.led man now. It la not only Erovl.led wimaUlgh-grade t'olleife iwi Imt as experts In ail ol its Heell netioolanf M.KIi:, Art Eloi'i.tl'U. ivinincrrlal and liidn-.trial Bind ea we will tte pi. ased t wnd riiaKiKue on aupltcatloo. Term l'k-ln xeptemner rd. 1 JOUN M.C'Lk Kl.l.. rnnelpalr Saleut. NrtU c aruUna. JOS. NATIONS, fllALKR IN Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of a.11 kind, fVvwn;! Ma-hiiif, M'luioal Instrtimetita.io. Watohpa.Cha ks and Jewelry repaired in lx'at (xihsihle man ner nnd aatixfaotion guaranteed If you want to fave money ee me before making your purchmtes or linving your -work done. Burial Robes, Slippers, &c A full f H 4 l1 tr. on Main haide, Granite MM. iriiAS, niii.ua m Collins, Caste, After Thirty Years. Thirty yoaro ho KicliHid Junlitn, Mien h 1ml ol toiirtet'ii, rju.irrttHfii with liis fathor, "WilliHiu Jonioii, and nfhtr u. few liitt(,T Wordi". the imv strntit! from tho latter' huiim; in (!t:iitru Orovo, cryiii( m.k, n ho Rwuiiiraroun J Ht tho p.t'.' : "Father, I'll nuvcr enter vour Iiouho hlmiii. His father thought that this ihrtat una inerely n tiflrtnino; tit of Hiier and knelled t tlio boy. Uut wiien the buy liJ not return tlmt niht lie hcgiiii to grow anxious. The diiyB )HH8fl away nnd yet Richard did not return. The most Benrchinjr inquiries failed to hring to liifht (iny clew of hi where- sboutH. The days lengtlicncd into week, the weeks into months and months Into venr, and Ht lant even the hoio Iiichanl's iareiit had enti rtaiiKd that lie would one day return to them vaninhed from their minds and they mourned thoir noil as dead. Thirty years rolled !y, during which William Jordan and his who had grown to ho hunt ami gray. .Mrs Jordan at latit took to her bed, it is aid. from the ilTeets of grief and uncertainty, ovci tho fate of her BOll. I.ant Friday morning V ilham Jordan, now old and feeble, was Dt rforminiJ Homo outdoor work near the Iiouho when he was Hroached iy a middle aged man of lino ap it arance, who stated that he was onking for a farm to purchase. Ho soon directed the conversation to inquiries concerning the Jordan family. "My ton, Richard, left mo about .'5i years iig , said the old man, sad I y. "Would von know him if you should see him again f" asked the stranger. "I don't know," was' the reply. "It has been such a long time that I'm hI'i aid ho is dead." "Father," suddenly exclaimed tho stranger, going up to the old man and putting Ins arms around his neck, "I am Richard." Old William Jordau'LiiM into tears of joy. Embracing his long lost son alTeetiotiately, lie conducted him to the bci'side of his mother, who WKfi so surprised and happy to see her son aiivu and well that she arose from her sick bid and sobbed j out her joy upon his shoulders. ! Since then she has been about tho house as spry and cheerful as she was 20 years ago. Richard Jot dan says that after leaving his lather's house ho first went west, but rot meeting with success, he returned to Mew York and took pat-sago fur Kngland. There ho found work and liually engaged in business for himselt. He married, and, having saved considerable money, came back to this country to pass the rest of his days in the company of his rged parents, it they could be foLnd. Ho now has his wife with him at his lather's house and is looking lur a farm upon which to settle down. -New oik Journal. The Drift to the Cities. The Atlanta Journal Bays: "The unfortunate rush of population from the rural districts to the cities is commanding; increasing attention. Dr. Reynolds, of Chicago, in a recent address before the conference of charities and corrections at Springfield urged that efforts should be made to stop this drift of popu lation. We all agree that this ought to be done and he who will proposo 6ome way in which it can bo ac complished must be considered a benefactor ot his race. Dr. Rey nolds did not oiler any practical remedy for the evil. His only suggestion was that statesmen and sociologists should seek to promote 'those economic features that best foster (he profit of the larm' and make a dollar as easy to obtain in the country as it is in the city. Jut-t how this is to 1)0 done Dr. Reynolds does not attempt to thow. The doctor's intentions are good, but his address embodies nothing in the direction of practical reform. In spito of the experience ol so many young men and older ones who leave farms to iniiko their fortunes in town and accomplish nothing but lutstiable failure ; in spite of the overcrowded condition of every profession, trade and calling in nearly all our cities the trend ol population from the larms to the great centres ot population continues and there is at present little prospect that it will cease. Bitter experiences may at last have its due effect upon this movement, but it is not probable that it will be cheeked by any teacher less severe." Congress is now in session. The Spaniards had betterthrow np their arms and submit to the inevitable. Thousands ol Women! 6UFFER IVTOLO MISERIES. ;DRADFIELD'S REGULATOR, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC i Br Aroi'sinf ts Hei'ftr AcSoi til bar Orpni. 5 It eauat-a health to bloom, od Joy to rr'tga throughout tl frame. - ft Never falls to Rcculalf; . r m r, - iion . run av HI owu NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS Of IMPORTANCE GATH- EI1E0 FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. The Old North Stato is wailing with open arms for Miss 1 roe peri ty Let hungry Ii. D. Stanford have room at the pio-coiiurpr ai ijuick as p.wiole. (ireensboro will not bo bothered with lire-works this Christmas so tho Record says. The hotels and boarding houses will have a feast in Raleigh during January and tebrutry. (ieorgo W. Caldwell, a mechanic who lives in Charlotto, gathered straw berries from his garden on 1 hanksgiving dny. Tho Wilmington Dispatch en dorse tho idea of a reformatory lor voum.' criminals, and wants it lo cated in Wilmington, In Tyrrell county a few days ago Annie Holmes, aged eighteen years, was engaged in laundry work w hen her ch'thing caught lire. She was to badly burned that slid died. One of the preachers or dele gates to tho Western North Caro lina Confereneo at Salisbury, "blew out the gas" at the hotel. That brothi r isn't familiar with city life. The Shelby Star says a colored woina.i is teaching a colored public school in Cleveland county, ior which die is paid $25 per iiioihIi, and sl.e has only four pupils out side of her own family. The Monroe Journal and State6- villo Landmark are pressing Farm er R. itmey's claims for Senator I ntchard s place. No use monkey- inir wi h Ramsey, "Windy J'illy" Ilcndciaoi) ain't gone nowhere yet. The Legis'uture ought to enact a law prohibiting tho sale of fire works in North Carolina. This paper hag a poor opinion of totnm candln, fire-crackers and sky rock ets. T hey are dangerous to lite and property. At tho meeting of tho North Carolina Synod in Newborn, Meck lenburg I'lCi-bylcry was divided, and eleven counties west of the Jlluo Ridge were set oil in a separate I rcsbytcry, known as loo I resby tery of Aslievillc. The receipts of the State Agri cultural Department from the sale of fertilizer laxes aro usually $2S,. 000 annually, but this year approx im.tte if 40,(1110, as there is an in crease of 25 to 30 per ei nt. in the amount of fertilizer sold. An old tanner by tho name of Donham, who had lanm in Wilming ton shopping a few days ago, wan dered down to the river, fell over board and was drowned, lie had been missing three or four days when his body was found. There are 111) insurance compa nies doing business in North Caro lina ; 2'' life, 10 accident, 11 co opcr ative l..o, 4 guarantee, fidelity and trust companies, tho others tiro or marine. There are only 6 of these North Carolina companies. The Rlade says the spirit of pro gress and improvement is abroad in Carthse, and there aro visions of new hotels, cotton foetories, water works, tire engines, electric lights, street ears, mounted p dice, Ac, and add: "We already have a road machine." It is stated that many counties in North Carolina will ask tho Legis lature at its approaching sef-sion to give them a dispensary law, similar to the one for the pat two years in eflect it Haywood county. It is a slight modification of the South Carolina law. Mr. Sol. Woolard whiie crossing the bri Igo which leads into Rayside had a shoit stem pipe shot from be tween bis li. To say he was very much ri:rpnscd is to put it mildly. Alter his fright he searched the woods, but found no one. Wash ington 1'rogrcss. Mr. O. O. Kidson will go out of ofhee next Monday. He has been Deputy Sheriff for this township lor eleven years. Ha has been an accommodating and efficient officer ami our people part with his ser vices with regret. Ho will Ihj suc ceeded bv Mr. James M. EldriJge. Elkin times. As Miss Mary Spencer McCull, of Mclunis's Rridge, Iiobetion coun ty, was standing by the stove at tending to parching coffee, her cloth ing caught tire and she ran out in tho yard all ablaze. Her father suc ceeded in smothering the liamea, but she must have inhal.-d the tire, and after terrible suffering died. The mangled remains of Mr. Liz lie llonds, whose terrible death oc curred on the railroad Satuidty at noon, v etc buried at the I'resbyteri an cemeteiy at 5 o'clock on that day. The unfortunate woman', relatives turned the corpse over to MisrN Dry A: Witdsworth, the undertakers, who conducted the burial without CJremi'tiy. Concord Standard. The S' ate Superintendent of Pub lic Iiis'iuitioo will say iu Lis re port that there are w3.",rili0 children ol sol: 1 ace in North Carolina, 9i ter ce itot these depending on pub lic schools; that there are 7,171 public school-, on which $:!5 each is ami' al'y expended, and that in IC di-'rics theie are no vh -ols at all. The- total amount expended coring the year iu $ ISokmi. NEWS ITEMS. A hill was introduced in tho Oeortriii ICirislaturo Tuesday pro hibitmir tho plavini of foot ball in tho State j a too prohibiting the sale of cigarette, or cigarette-paper. After four moniha shutdown, tho Pembeitoti Mills, Lawrenco, Mass., Btarted im. irivniir employment to 500 of the W)0 hands. They will run 40 hours a week for the present, Tho schooner City of 1'hil delphia, Irom Charleston to Phila delphia, with a crew ot seven, strand cd nunday night eight miles below Viririniii Iloach. Va." Tho crew was saved. The issue of standard silver dol lars from tho mints and Treasury ofhees for the week ended Novem ber 2-Sth was $75'.),474, and for the corresponding period last year 51)2,!)H. Mr. John W. Starke, of Rich mond, Va., claims to havo recruiied there some live hundnd men to fight foi Cuba as soon as the Cubans aio recognized by the Lni cu States as belligt'ients. Tho Navv DcDRrtmont has lacn notified of the arrival ol tho Indiana at Tompkinsville, tho sailing of tho Philadelphia from San Francisco for Calfa ), and tho departure of tho Machius from Ningpo for Wen- chow. Rishop Keane, toio rector of the Catholic University in Washington, I). C, w ill sail for Koine on Satur day in rceponso to tho commands ol tho Pope to eoino to that city and perform such duties as may be there assigned him. The safe in the otlieo of the Standard Oil Company nt Augusta, Via., wile blown open sometime Sun day night and about $11)0 iu cash stolen. It is said that th t company has been robbed in a similar manlier at Spartanburg and Columbia, S. C. The Jiissonri National Rank one of tho Lrgost banking institutions in Kansia City, passed Into tho hands of tho Comptroller ot tho Currency Saturday. Tho failure is duo to the money on hand run ning below the reserve required under tl.o banking, and paper among th 3 assets being given a much lower value by tho bank examiner than by t lie bunk oflicials. 200 Miles an Hour. David L. fiarnes, the electrical ex pert of the Raid win A Wet tinghoueo concern, has ventured to make some remarkable predictions for the elec tric locomotive recently built by his comp.tny. Iho hfiomotive will make 150 miles just as easy as 10 when the track is b dtable, said Mr. I'arnes to New l ork Journal man. The power is all snthoient trom the central st .tion, and the apparatus is adapted for any speed up to 200 miles an I jur. For higher speed we uso slight y larger wheels, leas wire on the in itors and differont gear ratio. Th j weight of tho locomotive is 150,ooo pounds; in length it is 37 feet over .he pilots Inside ol the ocomoti e a small space is taken up by a controller at either end, the e introller IxMPg operateJ from both ends' if tlu locomotive. It will be some time before theelectric locomo tive will Lave a chance to perforin its work ot revolution in tiausporta tioii. The Roosters Crowed. At the Methodist Trotestant Con ference in Rui lington laet week an address o! welujuio was delivered by Rev. Mr. Thompson, of the M. L. Church, which was responded to by Rev. V . r. lve.nnett, of tho con ference. Whi'e the latter gentle man was picng his address with sundry re 'erences to the proverbial fondness of Method's! preachers lor tried chicken, a rxwter of jmmense vocal pow-v, and who seemed to have plac 'd himself at some point nearby where he couid le heard distinctly by tho audience, crowed with all I s might. At this first blast thei dncidenee great !y amused tho audience; but this wh not the end, for .iii old rooster of equal power answered the first with notes quite as irill and distinct. At this point the audience almost lost con trol ot itself and thi re was a general laugh thi iu'lt the honse. T tie per formance was one not do ami on-the program. . Last spring the United States geologic! survey sent out a special expedition for the pnrtose of ex ploring the mineral resources of Alaska. The disclosures ofthis expedition, as contained rn a recent reHrt tilt d in Washington, justify the statement that Alaska will evi dently fa-come ope of the most important gold producing sections of the country. The True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Ti-Uilwa, III , ' Ch'u t," eay : " We won't keep l.oue winout I)r. King'a New li eovery fi eoiiMimption, coughs nnd edils. j'xperimerited with ninny oi hers, btr tier i-r got tho true romedy until we t.Hed Dr. King's New Dis covery. So fiber remedy can lake ii place n our borne, as in it we Lave a e riain and sure cars tor coughs, c; ld, w hooping eougb, cle." ll in idia to experiment i b other remcUi". cvc.i if ihey r urcJ on you jt at as good a Dr. King's New Dis -overy. They are not good, twuuso tbia remedy has a record of cure ai.d boaid. is guar a i lee J. !l lever fnil lo sniffy. Trial lol .it tre al Tsylor t Ban uw'a Dru Siore. BOARDS OP TRADE MEET IN INDIANAPOLIS TO SOLVE THE MONEY QUESTION. What Mr. Adams said nt tho meeting in Indianapolis hmt week: "The Indianapolis Roard of Trade, in common with the business in terests of Ihi lotintry, believe that the result of the recent election was an earnest protest against the defeat of our money system as well as a positivo declaration in favor of sound, stable and unfluctuating cur roncy. In furtherance of thcro views this board issued a call to the boards of trade and commercial bodies of what is known as the Central West, inviting them to send delegates to a preliminary eon ferenee which convenes to day. "This conference will consider the advi. ability of issuing a more extended call for a largo convention of the commercial bodies ot the principal cities to discuss the ques tion what ought to bo done, t j cure tho radical defects in our monetary system, and if deemed practicable and lor tho best interests ot all to creato a non-partisan commission, composed of able, experienced and fair minded business men, whoso duty shall bo to formulate a phm which will removo existing weak spot in our present cumbersome and defective system, place tho finances of tho nation on a sound and ade quate basis and prevent thoposoibili ty of frequent monetary disturb ances. "Permit mo to say, gentlemen, that behind this call, in answer to which you have convened to-dy, thcro lurks no plan, no scheme or possibility behind which it fa pro posed to alter orchaiigeonr present system on any particular pfan or any special line. Within the last thirty days tho people of this country havo shown that they are unalterably opposed to cheap and fluctuating dollars of an uncertain value. "We must not take this expression of tho people as a final and complete settlement of the issues involved, nor as an acceptance of our pres ent monetary system, but rather as protest against a step back ward. Retween the lines of the returns ol the recent election there is shown a pronounced public sentiment favor ing currency re for in with an evident purpose on the part of conservative and reflective uen to examine our national finances and remove with tho least possible delay whatever weakness or delects may appear. ' Different views are entertained as to methods of procedure and do tails of pfans in the matter of cur rency revision, but after grievous and costly experience we are forced to the Conclusion that tho time has now arrived when the government must cither discontinue the banking business, with its expensive and complicated system, or go into it on a broader, better defined and more comprehensive scale. The game is not worth the candle. I lie burden is too heavy to be safely borne and no individual, corporation or gov ernment can conduct business on a safe and sound basis who has de mand notes calling for millions of dollars in existence and circulation, which notes are liable in a pciiod of stringency and panic to be brought to the counter for redemp tion, and when so redeemed are re issued, thus acting as a standing menace to the government reserve and continued threat to the trade and business of the country, causing disturbance and unsettled values of every character. " I he cause of onr trouble is not difficult to locate, to determine tho best course to pursue and apply remedial legislation that will provide the great nation w i th a sound, uni form and elastic currency, whether it be gold, 6ilver or paper. "It is the intelligent purpose and paramount qnetion which will claim the best thought and best judgment of the conference which you are about to consider the propriety of calling. "Politicians are proverbially timid, even to tho verge of cowar dice, but when sentiment is cr)stal ized and given definite shape by the commercial bodies and business men of the nation, it locomes a mora! force and n cognized power which our law makers will not ignore or refuse to heed. "The attention ot tho country is centered en this gatheiing, and well it may be, for no movement of re c nt years has embodied so much thought, cariiestnetS of purpose and exalted aim and the given promise of such fruitful results as the action you are about to take." Yes! Yon fellows havo no au thority for saying this country is not now ready for a change in our financial system. The present system is the result of the scheming mil lionaires ot our nation the present system makes the rich richer and the poor p.orer. (io home and stay there and eep your nasty noses out of the financial mattes of this country and the common peo ple will get together and regulate matters in such a way that eurv man will have an equal showing ! Seneca Times. News from St. Paul, Minnesota, show tint the storm was gr-vhter than was at first f at poxed. Rail roads are badly handicapped. In undation due to ice jams uas caused women and thildren to flee for their lives in their pigfit-n-l-e in fie b't ter C"id li fie -n 'iv-e a e ki . ' t; to bar 3 Iseen lost throughout tLe storm section. Defenceless Prisoners Shot Down by Spanish Soldiers. ('liable to crush the insurgent armies, Captain (Jeneral Weyler has, according to Cuban advices, renewed his war on non-combatants with savaj;o energy. It is at a ted (tint no some wneks ago issued a secret order to his commanders in the various provinces to clear tho country of uon combatants. This order has. been interpreted by tho Spanish commanders as an edict to massacre old men, women and children, and tho result is an ap palling libt of butcheries. Colonel Slruch, who has been operating in Pinar del Rio at tho head of a thousand men, seems to have been most active in carrying mo if e.j iui n b:ivhi;o court. vo November IStii ho and his com mand started on a tajd. They vis ited Rio Hondo, Palacios, Paso Real nnd other small towns in tho southern portion of Pinar del Rio. At every place Colonel Strticli gave his troops lieerii-o to loot, bum and murder, and the result was that every hamlet visited w is destroyed. During tho raid the Spanish troops made prisoners of over 300 Cubans tho great majority of whom were women and young girls. These unfortunates were forced to follow the troopers. On tho night of Novemlicr 23, Colonel Strueli and his men drank heavily, and then hollowed ono of tho most horrible occurrences of tho war. Inflamed by drink, the Span ish sol.lieis rushed upon the help less prisoners, tore off their clothing and subjected them to horrible treat ment. Finally, Colonel Struch sii'iiin- cantly told his men that it was no uso to bo longer bothered by the Uibau cattle.' Iho soldiers took the hint And immediately began tiring on the old men, women and girls. Volley after volley of lead was lireJ at the cowering and shrieking creatures, until not one was left alive. The bodies of the victims were left for the vultures, and Colonel Struch marched his command hack to headquarters and reported to Captain-! icneral Weyler thatsevei al insurgent camps had been "raided and over ."on rebels k.lled." Colonel Struch and many of his :'ers received furloughs in con sideration of their services and re turned to Havana. Since going to Havana Colonel Struch has, it is said, openly boasted of tho awful slaughter of innocents. From other provinces come stories of massacres of innocents, but none so well authenticated as tho one re lated above. Weykr's edict offer ing pardon to thoso who surrender is proving ro be simply a device to lure Cubans to death. Spain Getting Ready. A Madrid correspondent ol tho New York World says: (Jreat ac tivity continues in all Spanish ports, particularly in Cartageiins, where the full available strength is now employed in fitting out six ironclads and three cruisers, which, with the Glasgow torpedo boat destroyers, will makes powerful flying squad ron. I hear that the Spanish Govern ment has accepted specifications and has given an KIsvick firm an ordr tor a powerful battle ship and a cruiser. Rut as no money what ever has come to hand in Newcastle, nothing has yet been done toward their construction. In case ot need the cruiser could be ready in a year, nt it would take twice as long to finish the iron clad. I understand the cruiser is designed for exceptional speed, and that it would be able to coal for 5,000 knots at twenty-three knots hourly. Dyspepsia Twenty-Five Years. Mr. A. Y. Sheats, Kingston, Ga,, says, May 3 1st, 1S;'5: "I was troubled with Dyspept-ia for twenty five years, and could get no per manent relief from any treatment or medicine until I liegan the use of King's Ryal Uerinetucr, some live years ago. It gave me great relief, and after the lapse of five years, I ca.n recommend it as the Ijest medicine I know of for Indi gestion and Dyspepsia." This case is but one out ol thousands which prove that lor Indigestion, Dyspep sin, and all stomach troubles, Germ etner cures when all else fsils. New package, Urge bjttle, 10S doses, f 1. For sale by 'l ay lor & Raoner. The p p-a'iyihing-for-office LC. Caldwell, mayor of Sratesville, is a candidate f ir the U. i. Senate. Tutfs' Pills Cure AH Liver Ills. To those living in malarial districts Tutt's PiUs are indispensible.'lbey keep the system ir perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Dr. HUM Tain TUla : frwfw tspr4 la minute Yj 1. ai 1.41a 1'u. v a ifcJM,- Highest of all in Leavening Tower. "Utrst U. S. Gov't Rejort 435oa.UTC2r puns The Glendon k Gulf Railroad. The (ilendon and Gulf Railroad is a short line that now runs through Chatham and Moore counties. Charlotte is to be the Southern terminus of the road and Durham tho Northern end of tho line. Tho Chatham Record says that work is being actively pushed on the Glendon & Gulf railroad. The new bridge over Deei river has boon completed, to take the place of tho ono that was destroyed some time ago, and the trains aro now running for a distance of two miles beyond Deep river to a point where a new depot building has been erect ed. Another locomotive has re cently been purchased and is now used on tho road. About, fifty la borers aro employed in grading tho extension of tiie road towards Char lotte, which progressive city is to loo tho southern terminus while Durham is to bo its northern. The president and largest tockholder in this company is Mr. John It. Len ning, of Philadelphia, who has re cently visited and inspected tho company's property in this and Moore county, and is much pleased with tho outlook. Independence for Cuba. United States Senator A. O. Ua- con, of Georgia, says : " 1. nless opiuion has changed very materially, and I do not believe that it has, there is an undoubted majority in the present IIouso and Senate in favor of what some might call radical action, that is, tho inde pendence of tho republic of Cuba being recognized by tho American Congress. I am not a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, and do not know whether the Re publican majority will prevent ac- tkn until McKinley is inaugurated, but 1 am in favor of the independ ence of Cuba, will so vote, and be lieve that a majority will do like wise if the opportunity is present ed."' Lot Congress act quickly. You Can Be Well When your blood is pure, rich and nourishing for nerves and muscles. Tho blood is the vital fluid, and when it is poor, thin and impure you must either suffer from some distressing disease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes ex posure, or overwork. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sareaparilla and be well. Hood's Pills are the best after dinner pill; assist digestion, cure headache. 25c. An Angel of Mercy. Truly, the miraculous cures of rheu matism made by Salvation Oil, justly earned for it the title : an angel of mercy ; for many bed-confined rheu matics have experienced the great, cur ative properties of this modem lini ment. "I used Salvation Oil for rheu matism and found it a sure cure. I used three bottles and am now perfect ly well, and I would feel myself a bene factor if I could Induce every person afflicted with rheumatism to try Salva tion Oil." James U. Bryant, Pebruhls, N. C. oalvation Oil is sold everywhere for 25 cents, but some dealers may say, "we are out of It," hoping to sell a cheap substitute instead. Insist on getting Salvation Oil, or go to some other dealer who will sell it to you. W. H. SIMPSON, AGENT Fir Fins Hirer Stujs AND ITtaTTaiB IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. Alax KiimlxirtDr MacAines, BDk 9 atanipa, Brasa uel Imuwh, Burning E brands. Cau'rlUiiK Mii-i: !.(, Climk jf I'roifi'iors, eouuuftorn Puaclii-a. '..r- C portuou twala. Hand Band liatera, No- P Una! Be la, ITtnuiig W aorla. l-w Kst k stamps, l-pnaud l'.!l ul ili'l Kulita-r Tpe Oatrra. Knborr Tpa, hut.t-r - Maaro Ha-la. Kubi Stai"P Ink. Mru jf ens. Strn. il Ink. Slriull Itirwima, Slrel a siiii, sirrl Ltllrr, and Utrurra. M l w lufciiitf atainpa, biaap kktitioiia. sLanip I h-M ts, tuga Muter. Wx brala and 9 Tvp Wnirrsuppura. k Thrre la aoHiuitf asr4 tti a offli-a w f car. ant auppiy.aud a I ice wry kiwaas - pin ponaiuir. tor flral-cijiaa foods. 9 iteakrra. MKrrhauia. MuftuiacOtnrg - Sod aU prorrvai imal Hra ut do rlt u 9 gnt mjr prttiat tietors nio u.g bsr. I lour patms- la aolMU-il. ps.-iiilly. a l-rompi atirntion irtwa to ail cruera. a 0!lu m Juj. e lu. n. t h-.d ot jP rvtit-ijanrt aitin. Iruiinug on M.itn k bisect, atuuul AUJ. X- Lack boi Hi. f -CoiTeBpondenc Lit Holicitel. MOUNT AIRY ACADEHY, CO-EDUCATIONAL. Fall Session Opens Aug. ID, '3. rw ar f, Oolh-ga, for Twfcinj, f nr Barioeaa. Ppwaal rouraaa in PtWf-aj liir. Tj-p-wnting, M:c and Normal Lritiii.f. Itaard, pi no fin f Bioata. Tui tion, kl ."i to $:t t0 i iwi.ili. Writ l particular. R. C. t JUVE5. Pr-Wir!- 17;rH. fn H" rrr prv rr - " i .L, r- t it v. vx li " ' The Editor Quote Scripture. If you are down with the blues, read the twenty-seventh J'alm. If thero is a chilly sensation about the heart, read the third thap'.er of Revelation. It you don't know w here to look for tho month's rent that is now due, read tho thirty-seventh Psalm. ' If tho stovepipe has fallen down and the cook gone oil in a pout, put op tho pipe, wash your hands and then read the third chapter of James. If yon find yourself losing con fidence in iri'm, read the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians. If people pelt ymi hard with words, read the fifteenth chapter ot John. If you are getting dir.e.mraged about your business, read tho ono hundred and twenty-sixth Psalm and the fourth chapter ot U.! latians, verses 7 to it. If you are all out of sorts, rend tho twelfth chapter of Hebrews. If you find yourself losing cotj fidcuco iu your Christian profes sion, read tho fifty-third chapter of Isaiah.-Green Cave Spring Hustler. Aching Joints Announce the presence ot rheuma tism which causes untold suffering. Rheumatism is.due to lactic acid m the blood. It cannot be cured by liniments or other outward applica tions. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, removes tho causa ot rheumatism and permanently cures this disease. This is the testimony of thousands of people who once siiHered the pains of rheumatism but who have actually been cured by taking Hood's Sareaparilla. Iu great power to act upon the blood and remove every impoiity is tho secret of tho wonderful cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Orrin Rryant, a RufLiio machin ist, has j n ven ted a machine which will, he and several capitalists be lieve, do f or tho cast iron industry what the linotype has dono for printing. It not only turns out molds of intricate form ail ready to receive the molten metal, produc ing them much faster tinwu they can be made by hand, but u does tho work better aa regards both accura cy and finish. -CALL AT- EVERETT'S TEST SHOP. fit r HEADQUARTERS FOR Tin and Steel Roofing, Guttering FpouUnjf, Valley Tin all widths fchinglts Strips, Ae.,ie., to. Water and r-team Fitting of all kinds kept on hand. Th Old Reliable Jenkins Globe & Check Vavles, therm an Injectors, De troit Lubricators are a few of tht many reliable supplies in stock. Gun, Pistols, Sewing Machines, a 1 Bicycles repaired by the best skilled workmen at short notice. "We kef p Good Old Fashion Coffe Pots, Dish Pan, and in fact everything in ths Tinware line. T. M Everett & Co. THE. ON Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. . Do cot give them aauseus doses. You can overcome their troubles wiih Dr. King's Royal GerfiiGliior. They a" l.ke to take it became it does not taste like a medicine, but lie a lemonade. It cnrci colic in youcg children, cvrrcciacs H bowel troub! gives good d.ev.ion, end q'tict, beal.bfal sleep. Ai a t. u'.c for weik e'.i' Jiea and as a rcmeJIr f-.f use ia ti-e;b.ig, ii i tLe greatest iu tine wor!A ttPScU t-y tn-c-ri', mw fariit. Isrfft taut. l'"" tk. 0.t lot'iwr. WrH 4 fl. ;-J tf T ' 1a E - j . -

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