IX T t-TTL? 11 1 r u AT NT TRY VOL. 15. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1800. NO. 25 nn TVS A EWS. CURED AT n YEARS. Ir. Miles' New Heart Cure Victorious. NniKhrmr(liclr-cn ahowaueh a rm-ort. limn la a wrlialiln txitrmnh. 7 yxara of aaw, with frolic prnjiiiiie. tinnotii, who iiail ffatrt iiut.ut lb yt.um. n took Hie N llwrl i iiniiml lr now wximl and vnlL. 7J mm Omi I.ahp. Ml-h , fw t. I hhr bn (rrtuhli'il with h-nri h 16 ytnMir fmirtv JMtt i.f thn iiimc I it wi ttftd tl Wha not nt ff dm In ifootil fcl;m. M dtftr? i'IU Wuu lil rntar fuilinf 1 hud Tr piilititntloh, nhitn im'wi of tn'th n millft (h n t hitl rhfttr-il me hitMi. A tl fittytiC.ftl. ilht fnr tim WM in hH-ittif quitiU In Atimirt litut I iNmiiiivtH'4'il tttudtg Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, ml tVfcir hnd flnMirrl th fir-1 Ik n tin fiMinrl tit hirslirlh .l--h.. I Unrm ihiv tiMN four UtitliHi in nil ninl h,ti fr (In entirely Wf II, Mm 7i r-nr of nr- find lift v a ft jrni fti-HinM jirtit nt tiMhrtii( all H'Jf ll fn, but I ill not Allow thin to trrriil Itivlrtff ivy t.llnnny to tlf pn ut rur your valuftlilt ri'nM-iljf tutu wr-Kitrht in tit- I 1o llili to Ik'W my annnx ini.n (,f r VllutV IS. w ll.frt Omv MMI M, u. NT N K, 1. Mile l!rt Cnrv I- wiM on ft pmltire) fumnt4H tiifti the Ur t thiti li will twin itu All (irupifMn w-ll it nt M, 0 .mtUi InrW, or I I will bfM-tit, irMAilt on rt Hit of trSr f tl 1T. MUt MuUlcJ to., Ukiwt, lmi Dr. Miles' Heart Cure KKa. J. A. MAHTIJf, HOTA8-Y PQSLIG. riioNKK SO n i 20, Mount Airy, N. C. S. 1 GKAVKS, AttOPncy-at"Iiaw, MOUNT AIHY, N. C irTrartlcoii In Stale i'd rwlcriil Court. Proirpt .IIODlloa to collocllnn or cUlma. V. S. XKKDIIAM, Attopney-at"Law, 4- Pilot Mountain, N. C. -co-c- tr-Wlll pracllc In the 8tt Cciuo. col lection of clidiua specialty. Jmi-I!tn GKO. W. SrAKGKR. Attorney-at-Uaw, MOUNT AIRY, N C. Will prdfMce In hUl ami Federal i oun. 8peclil atteollon to coilccilon or claims ana DegutlatlTjg luius. W.F. CARTER, MOUNT MRV, IL 0. J. ft. LEWELIYN, DOWOta, N. C Carter & Lkwellyx, Attorneys-at-Iiaw. "Practloe In the Slat and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to their care. J. H. Blakemore, PHOTO QRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Is prepared to make all the Sew and Artistic Style. U up with the tlm s and will give you first-class ork. DR. C. W. BANNER, DENTIST, Mount Airy, N. C Office over Taylor t Banner's Drug Store, (Mice hour 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. When you b-4e .tune work to do you will find it toour internal to ne J. 11. Walker, be will lurnib none lut lt rranite, eillwr rough or cut. Cemetery work a specialty. Apr-a-lu. SALK3I ACADEMY ADD COLLEGE, FJR nearly H year this Institution tor the hik'he.rau 'un of young women tins ckvu Med the very trimt moK. and was never nre Lumen.usH a'teud- .1-flian ni'W. it is not only provided wli u a hitfli-trrade College course i,ul Laa elien In all iI si-lal boois of M usle Art Biut'UUim. ioiniuenial au'l luausinal mud ea we will te pleased to i-nd eatalogue on aupucawon. Term Petrms hepiemis-r rd. baieiu. inorth Carolina. JOS. NATIONS, IiELIE IN latcks, Clods and Jewelrj Of all kind, hewing Machine, Magical Inatrumei.U. c. Wau-hea, ( locki and Jewelry repaired in U-at potieitile man ner ana atif action guaranteed If you want to mM'ey e me Mun makinf your purchase, or Laving your work done. -lit.ixa ! Coins, C, BmilKcbss, Slippers, Li l Un atflrk rfU mmm aai eatliLi. krj mor worn. np-"- wr U. - Tmue. 01 umm, Not Until tha Farmer Prospers. JiiHt after tlio clwtion win n tin: nrinuis wliicli onieJ froo nil vur .wi u i.t.1 in tins ('lection of McKin Ifv wero ri-fitiriin? over ttio rcviva in busint'st, bi'causo eome of tlio inanufictiirors juit choir hand to u,rlt to (ill tlio ordurs that were maoV conditional upon tlio election of Mckinley, and on tlio atrcnfrtli of tine announced that tlio predicted boom had conic, wo editorially re marked that wo thought they wcro somewhat too previous, and wero tulkiiiif ra'her as imrtmans elateu with euccei-a than as cool headei nrvevora of tlio bituttion and of the nroniH'cta ahead. Wo ventured the iisscrlii'ii that there was noth injr to luifco a Imhuii upon and that while a gradual increase in buhincss nu J linnroveiiieiii in me Biiuation iniifht Ihj expected there waa noth hy; in tho cotiditina to foiechadnw a Ikh.iii, or to create any very Uro increaao In bueinefs. 1'ho advance in the price of wheat and com came too late to benefit the farmers as the bulk of the exportable crop of whi'at and a verv considerable quantity of the com had tin n paused out of the hand of tho growcis into the bands ol tho speculators who profited by tho advance in price. Wo contended then and wc contend now that there can Ihj no general or permanent prosperity in this country until tho farmer prof peri. Wilmington Star. --- A Warning Against liliberality. "Not long ago," tays a Philadel phia clergyman, "I made an earnest appeal curing a ouimay morning Kcrviec for contributions, to sup port a certain brauch of the church work Tho iihliers distiibuted blank suWcriotion cards, which weio to be tilled out with promises to pay specilied sums within a year, and returned. Ono of our leiding members tilled out his card for $5, but by the time the ushers collect ed the blanks he had changed bis mind and decided not to givo any thing. He held the paper in his band until the church ten iae was over, and upon leaving the church, tore it up i;i little meets and threw it in tlio street. Providence held an eye on that man, and so did a policeman who stood on the corner. The latter arretted the erring brother for throwing the paper in the st reef, took him to the police stMtion, ami hud him locked up. The next morning he was lined $7.5n for violating a city ordinance. Did You Ever Think About It? Tike another leeeon from Heath endom. How much do the various denominations give to carry the Gospel into heathen lands J How much per capita ( The two largest Christian bodies in North Carolina are in order of numerical strength the Paptistsaud Methodists. How much do their respective member ships contribute to fore'gn missions! The hodis's do not exceed 15 cents each. We believe the I'aptitts give lees. And yet some months ago we read of a heathen people brought uuder the influences of Christianity on an island near ihe African Coant who averaged some CI cents to send the blessed Gospel to other heathen that they too might hear of the Way of Life. People who go to church and behavo decor ously and listen respectfully and give stingily forget that their ancestors were once heathen also, and that but for the missionaries they themselves would be heathen to-day. Put come to think about it there are a great many heathen in this land we love. Wilmington Messenger. Blood is Life. It is the medium which carries to every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre its nourishment and strength. If thebl xd is pure, rich and healthy you will lie well; if impure, disease will soon overtake you. Hood's Sarsapaiilla has power to keep you in health by making your blood rbh and pure. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, bilious ness. ioc. Hon. William J. 1'ryan will make two birthday banquet speeches. This as the compromise arrived at after two delegations one from Omaha, the other from Chicago had labored with the silver champion to induce bun to be the guest of honor at their resjtectivecelebratioris on the eveninf of January b:h. His speech at Chicago will be on the 7th. It is said that unless Spain ends the war in Cuba in January, the United States will interfere. YOUNG S1VES We Offer To-j a atafne4y WnU-a lnaurrs &AFKTY to UKE ml Bulk Mother and Child. 'T.!OTHERS'FRIEI!D'' bobs wmrurr or m rain. Makes CHILD-BIRTH Easy. Tmtmrmr mm rwi . 7 shn rlmmt wri.hw mmd mnmm .k Im. m..S au at.w. mt (whwUtawa mm luiaila n r at.'t ew nf I wot taatto. H - -It "lnltt ami n it f i w. tMiniiHI uiaarf wamtan msnns atzsnxroa co., itueta, o. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS, STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH EREO FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANCES. lien) and personal protierty in North Carolina during the (ant year has declined $ 1),)0V') 1 That i a tremendous slump and ono that cannot bo easily explained. North Carolina is making rjuito a refutation fur crime. Murders aro being committed nearly evory dav soiiio where in the State. A lot of hanging is needed. Stato Treasurer Worth says he expect State olhYcrs to bo inangu rated January 13th. Cy. Thomp son skvs be does not know the date, but thinks Kiiseell will regulate it Wo notice more accounts of the dlaiiil teriug of fiuo porkers, men tinned in our exchanges this year, than ever liefore. Iho avciage weiuht of those rcportud is about ."2.") Ik unds. The I'avettevillo Observer tells alaiut Ml tie Plancho Lancaster who whs playing under a shed at Park ton, a few days ago, when sudden ly the roof full in killing the litt.'e gnl almost instantly. The stirring old town of Sails bury ill ask tho legislature to al low tho town tho privilege of voting on the i neet ion ol issuing flOO.OIMj in bonus to buy water works and put in an eloctrie liicht plant. The Wilkesboro Chronicle reports number of incendiary hrcs, entail ing serious losses upon eome of tho bist citizens in likes. During the past fe weeks four or fivo houses and barns Iirvc been burned, and so far no rrests have been made The crop of tobacco grown this year in Surry, Stokes and adjoining counties is or a much liner oiiality than that of 1S!5. and prices have averaged up pretty well with the weed. The result is having a won derful effect on the farmers purses. A stiecial from Aslievillo to the Charlotte Observer says : Utv. J. J. Glt-nwood, a Paptist minister, entered his barn near Candler, Sat urday morning, to teed his stock, when he was caught and flushed y a cow, receiving internal inju ries trout which he died Tuesday. The Wadesboro Mesen;rer says Miss Dolly Newton, of Lilesville township, Anson county, was walk ing with a can of concentrated lye in her hand when she stumbled and ell and the cn burst, a part of it contet ts flying in her eyes and ears. t is feared that she will lose both her sit'iit and hearing. The Attorney General sas the niacist rates elected by the people do not qualify until the first Mon day in next August, lie also ssya the failure of officers elected in counties to file a statement of ex penses forfeits the office and the lerk must nil the vacancies attcr Augm-t 1st in case of magistrates. The North Carolina Hoard of Ag riculture reporta the foil jwing mills in the State: Cotton spinning or weavi".i mills, 174; Hosiery mills, 15 ; Knittirg milis making under wear, nets and coids, 10; Calico mills, 1 ; Silk mills, 1 ; Woolen miils Several new mil's of sim ilar character are now under con struction. Governor Carr has ordered a spe cial tern of Forsyth Superior Court to be Ir.dd lor the trial of civil cases Judge Hoke is to preside. Court be gins or: the second Monday in Jan uary. The architect and contrac tors are confident that the court house will be completed in time to hold the special term in the new temple of justice. Ilev. J. C. Ilartsell, a snpernuat ed minister tit the North Carolina Conference, M. E. Church, South, died at his home in Shelby last Wed nesday. He bad been in tailing health for several venrs. He was the preacher at Elkin some years aco. The writer first met him at Elkin and afterward at a protracted meeting at North Wilkesboro. The Charlotte News says : Lead is coming into more general use iu North Carolina, it we may judge by the cumlierof bullets flying around lately. Was there ever so much pistol shooting heard of in the State i Tr Heels are getting en tirely too careless with their gtins The Charlotte psper might have added that "lead is killing too many people for North. Carolina to lie real healthy. The Winston Daily SetitiDel is authority for the following: ' Mr. Ilanetiu Sink, ol Sjuth Fork town ship, is wearing a pi ir if pants which he bought at Wapskoneta, Ohio, in the fall of 1804. They were made by a tail n and cost f 11. The t rst button broke off last week. Mr. Sink has a vest which he taught at the same time. Like the pants, there is not a hole in it and it looks like it might lat several years yet." Mr. Syd Tiuer lies at his home on Sutli Tryon street scriouely w iuu.j(.d. Last night ktaut seven o'cloci Mr. Tj iier heaid so;;ie olc in his yard, among the chicken coop, lie dieoovered a negro try ing to crry off Kme tf 4iis poultry. He xi:ld not stop the thiol but ful lowed him to what ir known as "TTMer's How." Just then the Degro turned, pulled out hi pistol and sh A Mr. Tyzier. The ball took effect n the right che.k. nd the bullet iodpwj in the rct k, jat be hind x'.m kit mr. The woaud is quite serious, CLailotte News. Bryan on Silver. Willit in Jennings I'ryan, in the Decemlnr t umber of the INorth American Review, discusses the ef fect of the election upon the silver question. The issue upon which the election turned he describes as "the greatest .versnbmitted to tho Amer ican people in time of peace." Tho declaration of tho Chicago Con ven tlon in favor of tho lree coinngefof silver forced upon the people of this country a study of the money ques tion in geneial; and within the past four mouths more people have been simultaneously engaged in its con sideration th in over before in the history of tho world. Tho result of this study Mr. Pryan declares to lie "temporary defeat, but permanent gain for tho cause of bi-metallism." in his opinion tho canso of bi-metal- Iisin mai'e more rapid progress than any other cause in such a short time. Mr. I'ryan expresses his assur anco that the election can be by no means regarded as a conclusive set tlement of tho question. Tho ad vocates f free coinage sro con vinced, bo says, that they aro lalxir ing iu behalf of a largo majority of tho inn pie, not only hero, but throughout tho world, ar 1 they pro pose to contiiiuo their Ci utest, con fident that four more yctrs of ex- iicnence will convince many who have tin. a far resisted argument. Mr. Pryan councils the successful party to remember that thousands of Uepi'blicr.ns have been held to their paity this year by tho pledgo that tiiey will try to securo inter national bimetallism. In regard to tho gold standard Democrats, Mr. ISryan is assured they cannot do as much in lltOOas they have done this year. 1 hey havo declared their affection for Democratic principles, while tin y snared noellort to securo tho success of tho opKing ticket, "They c.mnot," he says, "disguise themselves again." Would We Whip Spain? Of coi rso we all think so. China thonirht she would whip Japan roundly; Spain thought sho could whip Cuba in six months; in tact both sides usually go into battle counting on victory. Ono of the leading papers of f ranee announced the oiuei day that war with Spain will mean war with Europe. Put no one o er l.ere iiclieves mat and hero is indeed little ground for the statement. Spain could certainly not oveicomj the United State; but she might give her a strong con test on tl o sea, and she nndoiibted- y would injure our commerce for s time and do little damngo to our seaports. All the running would not lie on Spain's side, nor all tho oss. Pit lit us hope that there will be ii ) hostilities. Indeed, it is tho duty ,f Christian people every where to pray to tho Oou ot nations that the right may prevail, and that there nmy be no oppression nor war upon tho earth. Piblical lie coi der. . Brjan to Hit Correspondents. Hon. WillliHin J. Pryan hasgiven out the following statement : "I ho, io that those who havo written 1 io siuce the election will not ta impatient it they do not ru ceive answers promptly. I have four persons assisting with my cor respondence, but we are consider ably behind. The mail txceed'd 500 let'ers per day for a while after tht election, and even now I could not answer the letters as fast as they s rive if J could spend every hour of the day ut woik. Other work prevents me from giving my whole time to correspondence. 1 shall do the best I can to answer all letters a- soon as possible after re ceipt, a id luqie my triende will pardon tielay." One day last week a boy named Cox, about 13 or 14 years old, was caught in a belt about tho lapper room at "he Attain thaw cotton mill, and so 6i verily injured that he died a day or two later without gaining con6ciou ness. He was found on the floor, and the belt, a large leather one, was broken, and as no one saw the accie'ent, it is not known how it came about. Burlington News. - An interesting bit of information as to the policy that will be pursued by the i: cming administration is thestattnien? Irom a reliable lie pub lican source that the two Criminal Circuit Courts one in the East and .he other in the West will be abolisbei!. The Kentucky Court of Appeals has affirmed the sentence of death pronounced sgainst Scutt Jackson, t Covi- gton, for the uiurdtr of Pearl Pryan. A pit 'uinnt physician is quoted as s.yiu,' that children will have no diphtber a, scarlet fever or worms it they eat treely ot onions every day, Soiwt-lblaig' I Drp! Oa. Mr. James Jonen, of tbe drug firm til Jone A Son, O-wden. 111., in pea'kif.g of lr. Kit'g'a New Dia covery, trial lasl wmfer to vr fe w as at ut kcJ w ith La Gripp -, and her a-e grew so Senium tnal pbjaieiais t Cowden and Par.a could do ;io Ling for Ler. It emed to deveh p ir lo hasty eot..urojtion. llavn S lr. Kind's New Discovery m atorc, ,fid frcilii. ; lots of it. La lox.k a bottle home, and to tbe surprise of all l te-ao to pet Uiter irom first dosf, and halt de-sen tij.Ur b -t le. turvd tier wound and well. Dr. Kind's Stm Inat.erjr for coo sumpu.'f . eoupb and coids it guar-iifoe-.J ts dg tb' good ok. Try it Fre trial tallies at T J lot 4 Banoer s Drug Sure. THE SITUATION IN CUBA. EXTRACTS FROM THAT PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRE TARY Or STATE RELATING TO THIS SUBJECT. Following are extracts from the report of tho secretary of state under the head of Spain : "The situation in tho island of Cuba bus largely engrossed tho at tention ot the department of etate during the past .year. Its efforts to obtain trustworthy information and to insnre duo protoetion to citizens of the United States and their property and interests within tho theatre of disturbance have been ably seconded by tho consular rej resentatives in that island." "Ai regards the character and scope ot the hostile operations whi now affect tho greater part of Cuba, tho reports ot our consuls are prop erly confidential and whilo prccino as to tho several districts touching which reports havo been received, tho nature and sources of tho infor mation obtained are such as to mako detailed publication impracticable, so that tho department is cot in a position to do more at present than stato its general deductions as to tho position of the contending parties. "iSo prominent seaport lias been attacked by tho Insurgents or even menaced beyond occasional raids upon tho outskirts. A largo part of the twenty two hundred miles of tlio irregular coastliuo of Cuba, comprising the comparatively un settled stretches of its western ex tremity and tho inhospitable moun tain shores of its eastern port, is practically in tho hands of therevo utionists. Tho character of these shores, filled to tho westward with shallow indentations inaccessible to any but light vessels of small ton nage, and to the eastward with rocky locks dangerous to approach by night and affording insecure anchor ago for larger craft, lends itself peculiarly to the guerilla warfare of the interior, so that tho insurgi nfs, being relieved of the need of main taining and garrisoning points upon the coast, are effectively able to utilize a considerable part of it as occasion offers to communicate with the outside world and to receive clandestine supplies of men, arms and ammunition. The situation in that quarter as regards the ease of surreptitious access and the difficulty ot repressing illicit traffic, finds a not unapt parallel in that of the Cornish and Welsh coasts of Eng land or tbe Scottish highlands in the last century, where a few a i ven turers were able to smuggle supplies and land rebel emissaries or forces, baffling the watch ol maritime forces much greater thsn those maintained by Spain along the diversified shores, of Cuba. "While thus in tact controlling the greater part of the internal area of the whole island of Cuba, from Caie San Antonio to Capo Maysi and enjoying piactically unlimited use of an equally largo part of the coast tho revolutionary torces are scattered, being no where united for any length of time to form an army capable to attack or 6iegu and tit to take the defensive in a pitched battle. Assembling suddenly at a given point, often in a single nihf, they make unexpected sillies or carry devastation to the tobacco ami cane he Ids of Cuba, and at the first sign of pursuit or organized assault, they disperse only to reassemb.e in like manner at some other spot." "So far as our iufor ination shows, there is not only no effective locul government by the insurgents in the territories they overrun, but there is uot even a tangible preteniM to istubUshed administration any w here. Their organization, c it. fined to the shifting exigencies of the military operations of the hour, is nomadic, without definite centres, lacking the most elementary feature of municipal government. There no where appears the nucleus ot statehood. The machinery for exer cising the legitim ite rights and ow ers ot sovereignty and responding e obligations which de facto sovereignty entails in the lace of equal rights of other states, is con spicuously lacking. It is not pos sible to discern a homogenous jolit lcil entirety, possessing and exer cising the Ii: fictions ot administra tion and capable, if left to itself, of maintaining orderly government in its own territory and subtaiuing normal relations with the external family of governments." "In opposition to the nomadic control of the interior and the on defended coast by the insurgeuts, the Spanish authority continues in the capital cities and the se-Hj.orts. Its garni ona sre tl ere established. Fiom th ni its naval opera ions are directed and executed. Most of its fouctiofis proceed as in time of peace. Its cuttoms and municipal revenues are regularly collecttd, and w ith the exception of the temporary restraints, alleged to be due to the admitted existence of a slate of hostilities, foreign commerce with the Ulatd is kept up, although la-ge'y dimin:shed by the natural contraction of the Cuban market e,f supply and demand. As to thoce parts of the ialand with which this country and its citizens maintain legitimately normal intercourse, the Spanish power is supreme, akhotgh often exercised in a Texatior.s and arbitrary way, calling for just Ai.L .u,L s'-itiaii of tWn mili tary strength are att&irabie with difficulty and are not always trust worthy when obtained, enough is certainly known to show that the revolutionists in the field greatly exceed iu number any organization herotofora attempted ; that with largo accessions from the central and western districts of tho island a tatter military discipline is added to increaed strength ; that" instead of mainly drawinsr, as heretofore, upon tlio comparatively primitive population of eastern Cuba, the in surgent armies fairly represent the intelligent aspirations of a large proportion of the peoplo of the whole island, and th.it they purpose to wage this contest, on tatter grounds of vantage, to the end to make the present struggle a supreme test of the capacity of tho Cuban people to win for themselves and their children the heritage of self government." "A notable feature of tho actual situation is the tactical skill dis played by its leadeis. When the disparity of numbers and the com paratively indefensible character of tho central and wesb rn v ega coun try aro considered, the passage of a considerable force into 1 inar de liio followed by its successful main tcnanco thcro for many months must be regarded as a military sue cess ot a pronounced character. "Jr rom every accessible indication it is clear that tho present rebellion is on a far moro formidable scale as to nn in hers, intelligence and re pre sentative features than any of the preceding revolts of this century. and that, despite the constant influx of fresh armies and material ol war from tho metropolis, the rebellion, after nearly two years of successful resistance, appcais to day to be in condition to indefinitely prolong the contest on its present lines. "Iho only apparent aim on either sido is to cripple the adversary by indiscriminate destruction of all that by any chance may benefit iim." "From whatever point ot view we regard the matter, it is impossible not to discern that a stato ot things exists at our doors alike dangerous to good relations, destructive of egitiuiate commerce, fatal to the internal resources of Cuba and most vexatious and trying because entailing upon this government ex cessivo burdens iu its domestic ad ministration and its outward ro tations. This situation cannot inde finitely coutintio wii.iout growing still worse, and tho tune may not be tar distant when tho United States must seriously consider whether its rights and interest aj well as its international duties in view of its pcculiai relations wilh the islands do not call for some decided change in the policy hitherto pursued. Hit the Wrong Man. On Friday afternoon the Rev. Jacob Schoonmaker, of Susquehan na, l a., went by invitation to at tciid a special service in an adjoin ing hamlet. He was invited to tea ,v one of the elders. It was nearly dark when they arrived at the home of the elder and as ic was raininc bard and the minister's clothing was wet, the elder took his guest upstairs and provided him with a dressing gown to wear down to tea. The minister, having put on tho gown, went down the stairs into the hall and was met by tho elder's wile, who had a Pible in her hand. Rais ing it aloft she hit the preacher a resounding whack on the side of his head, cxcla ming: "There, take that, you old idiot, for asking that preacher to stay here." When the lady of the house dis covered who was inside of that dressing gown it is said that she collapsed. New Voik Sun. An Old Man's Countel. Mr. Monroe Davidson, of Green ville, Ga,, says, May 21st, 1815": "I have used lioyal Germetuer for Kidney Troubles fiom which I have suffered from boyhood. It gave me relief in a few days, and is the only medicine that has ever given me any ermanent relief. I take pleasure in recommendinij it to any ;ne suffering irom any kind ot Kidney trouble. I believe it is the best thing that old people can ure for debility an J nervousness." New package, large tattle, 108 doses, $1. For sale by Taylor k Banner. - Foot ball is a harmless sort of a game for ople who do not en gtgo in it Tutt's Pills -Cure AH Liver Ills, A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease Ly Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso lutecure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. -The Fly Wheel cf Life" Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Puis are the fly-wheel oflifc I shall ever le grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I fed as if I had a new lease of life, f. Fairfeigh, Platte Cannon. Col Tutt's Liver Pills Highest of all in laveaiiijj as -Mlaia. Important From Cubs. A special dispatch to the Citizen from Key West says : The steamer Whitney brought Havana news in relation to Maceo and Weyler. Passengers state that Weylor Is now encamped ten miles from At tcmisa and his army is scattered along the trocha and through tbe Pinar del Rio district When Maceo retreated from Weyler in the first campaign, his plan was to surprise Weyler at the first opportunity. Now Maceo baa his army on each side of Weyler and they are having daily skirmishes. Weylor is completely hemmed in. and if ho attempts to move ho will bo compelled to go to Artemiss. Small bands have crossed the trocha into Havana district, and are attack ing the outposts and villages of that province. Insurgents numbering 7,000 are encamped in Havana province, twenty miles from Havana, and will go to Maceo's assistance when need ed. Spies in Havana are keeping the insurgents posted as to tbe movements ot tho Spanish troops. A movement is on foot to capture Weyler if ho attempts to go to Havana by rail. Firemen and vol unteers in Havana are being sent to Weyler's relief. Heretofore these troops have been used in the de fense of the city. Since Tuesday's raid on Guana bacoa the city has been attacked almost every night, and Thursday night 250 Cuban cavalry rode for two hours through it. The damage done amounts to thirty-six houses burned, and a largo quantity of supplies and ammunition seized. imports received from all parts of Pinar del Rio indicate that a great mortality follows the recent epi demics, which are spreading throughout that section. Of all tho diseases epidemic in nature cholera seems to be the only ono which has not visited that section. A. L. Bradsher, a young merchant of Pushy Iork, Person county, on Wednesday evening, accidentally hot and killed Uardy Bradsher, an old colored roan. Mr. Pradsher had been hunting. The old colored man went to the store for some salt just s bout tho time Mr. Bradsher returned. V hJo entering the store the hammers of tbe gun struck against the side of the door, causing it to go off. The entire contents ot both barrels entered tbe old man's head, killing him instantly. Dur ham Sun. Chicago is one of the great food- distributing centeis of this country, and yet it is reported that there are bUO families in that city on the verge of starvation. m -m- Rheumatism is caused by lactic acid in tbe blood. Hood's Sarsapa rilla neutralizes the acid and cures rheumatism. Jim Davis, a negro, who on Satur day last killed a 13-year old boy and seriously wounded another aged 11, son of Jos. Williams, his employer, was lynched near .Memphis, lenn. Avoid An Early Grave. How often do we hear, that the ave nue to an early grave was opened by neglecting a slight cough and cold. Profit by this truth, and provide your self with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which instantly cures all throat and lung affec tion. Mr. W. II. Mahoney, Lowell, Mass., writes "I was taken sick with a bad cold. Tbe doctors did not seem to help me, and everybody said I was getting consumption, when a relative recommended Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. I got a bottle and It helped me, and after taking two bottles I was cured, to the surprise of everybody. I shall always recommend It to my friends, as I know It to be a sure curt." Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is sold everywhere for 25 cents. Don't accept a auU titut. W. H. SIMPSON, AGET For Fins BaSr Stamss k. aw trawrraiaw j IN OFFICE SUPPLIES, j A)M aranbenrif VirlM Back rau !, braa W !, (fuming liraiMM, I an -l!ln- )farlt!i-, k Iryci-ctura, ( i0 u. urv l ui. . i f puralKia Brwia. ttasd Said lau-rm. No tarial braia. Pni:tlt. W intlt, f'jrjBl Statu pa. Cra aii 4 1-fri.elJ i a urn. tiuM., T)i l-aw-ra. hin-r fcuw- p pal v flx Mai. Ira. to nm. xtttr II 11. siacU liriaiww. S'iiblis, l!-! IMraas4 Ffc wr, Swif r.Llljg MaUif. tolp It i&t-ka. fcUutip Haraa, S'.a Mafk-ra, teatf aj.4 1m ruf aui-p.ia. Tuft la nuij.u.if aaofl la aa T'W wa rti& am'!r,ai.4 iiu ter; lwea rkw ra.ljis. Si B'Ul-CiMW f!. IWfckwa. a.iiarol t, ii.a; :srw a&4 an wrnfht.aa4 aia w ui ot wm u f-t a k fcrlyf. fctt.: Htjf rm &rw. SHU (alr. ..at'- la W-U. t4vl. ... 1-n.mH ...uli'l fit Ut aa r. -rfi. 1. JJVr- t. - . WS4 X PM'!. rVt.l-&r a4. int;t Mml, awitsl ir j. je fc k. t, 1.4. 2 Correpon denct HoHeltwtl. an-ka.t.U f -.'mSmrh . f l. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report n . e" f i- I rtwv f .1.1 v V w aafiaf "Mnwyw f tiWtiMtiat Madrid Newspaper?. Tha Madrid, Spain, newspapers are greatly excited ever tho refer ences to Cuba and Spain contained in President Cleveland's message to the United States Congress and de clare that intervention of the United State in Cuba would bo unbearably humiliating to Spain. El Cwrresuondencia Militar says that Spain 1ms forces moro than sufficient to punish any interference on the pact of tho United States in the affairs of Sp:iin. The general opinion here is that the reference to Cubn and Spain contained in President Cleveland's message to Congrcps shows that it is the intention of the United States to conform m ire and more to tho Monroe doctrine every timo a caso arises to which the principle is ap plicable. Iho Cabinet, alter donating tlio text of the message, will form tome definite judgment, which it is be lieved will result in a modification of the relations of Spain with tho United States. The Heraldo says tho President's message foreshadows tho inter vention of tho United States in Cuba in March next, but adds that Spain will rcind the arrogance of tho American Government. A Boston man, who was in tho habit of dining at a restaurant, dis covered after tipping his favorite waiter for several years that tho waiter owned several houses in the city and had a bank account that made him a bloated plutocrat, com pared with tho gentleman who had been tipping him. The tipping has ceased. Evangelist Fifo began a meeting at Louiiburg Tuesday. - CALL AT - EYE RETT'S TJLjST shop. headquarters FOR Tin and Steel Roofing, Guttering fpoutinu, Valley Tin all widths t-iiirielH Strip. Ac, Ac, Ao. Water and Steam Fittinfr of all kind kept on hand. Th Old Reliable Jenkins Olobe & Chock Vavle, tberman Injectors, De troit Lubricator are a few of the many reliable suppliet in stock. Gun, i'i.tols, Hewing Machines, an 1 Bicycle repaired by the bet skilled workmen at short notice. We keep Good Old Faaliion Coffee Pots, Dish l'ans, and In fact everything in the Tinware line. T. SI. Everett & Co. DR. KING'S ROYAL GERMETUER TTii pleasant and perfect remedy, to delightful to take, so refrewliing and exhilarating, aUmla in higheat favor with all who know it Wat, as Oi great est jt all medical reait'diea fur both eie, of H Bgi and in all condition. WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU ItlfrijosAPftTITL lt3 'ii ci roJ nfriihlrj lliLt. bra ita.Vj fosr C1SLST1SX. Rail! retteri jm IHWOUS LWlZl ttiiS f A jiJt ZXr la ptrfttt srisr. rtiJftulfjpaf .vL It tl clung, few Hibtss lets STEEXSTfL B m Mr jos sst f tlUsta it'j KLUTl ITXW t ICaidE. LAbt.K bOTTLSS, 10 DOSES OS K POULAK. OLD IT ALL DRUCC1STS. aaaera Tt aao oal.T IT warn rot r.ei . uau rus. Sold by Taylor i. Banner, Dryggists. IIODKT AIRY iGlDEUY. CO-EDUCATIONAL. Fill ScaCj-zsAcjlO. 5 0. lt TmcLiks. fir i. .,i ;. v t " S"' ''' U''. Ii ' f- t. .. V f t t I J! . . f . Tiil"