Kv HE JL3L 1J JL JUJ KJ. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY, DKOKMJJKH 2-1, 1800. VOL. 15. NO. 2(1 r VI Suffered Lighted. Years. Pain. I inrte,1 Mwl lerp t'nma. Mr. J.iUn A. r.-nrfn. of ('(ii'ntrlun, Tenn., II'., Ivnltd I iih rli'irt-e of tlel otivtrle IlKlit filtut i t fu.t i-'n.'e. h Imvo a rrcat stiffen". ir sllu.i-iiiti mil r-.m ij cure lire U'fct dc ilhi'd , lit rr i lf, nr Mlmm "K..r f T-M:, I l ff-'ti.l fr..tn lerviillliisl lllIC'ii,0.:M. I !;! .1 i-ieiy H'lii.-nv ri--oiti tn.-ri.; .. ijV f:,,!y frl, ,,,!,, lint cmilil lec-t mi r..- t ut nil. 'I n nrs situ, while U Uii ir.mel l,y tliii-.' Iisrl phy-l-ciniis. !!,. liiiTi, M ii. y ,,,.. rixl, tiny V 3? Gf 1 i, Mim. Ji-i.ia A. Itnows. Infornmil n n Umt 1 In, I Iss-ninn drojofrij. ui.. Hull Hi..r(. n, Imln Iicihj (or inf. I tlii'ii il.i, Mr, I to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nertlae, I n 1ti"ii iiiihIiIp to gi t to leen until HI in i.iw till 1 1 Mill I lft si. I,.. , muni Oavllvlit. anil iliirltit: u II luul a di i. h"avy (mln In mjr ti'M t'( miMiiitJe. inUrt. lint ffti-r Inking nne-lialf tsittloiif tli frrrrme i hi lil lr'i nil iiIl'IiI JuhI on wi ll i.n I hit did. Tim .VnttK ! t only n-ineily that Huv tim any relief wlmn .i r. I am mil oil aid strung, met t Id, ink f.Vnl mit ln of my lift fur Itr. MiUt' Kmint." Mil. J'l.lA A. lltlDWS. Tr. Mill'' NcrTlnd In wiM nn a po-Oilm luaranU'v I In 1 1 he 111 .1 U.nlo will I,, n.-lll. All rtriicirKiH Hi-ll It ai II. 8 tol!lt for f.-,, or tt will Im' mut, ir,)ni. on -1 1 t of iirlin J the Dr. Mllim McUkul Co., 1 lUhiirt, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine R,.,.,?r;:.,h ). A. MARTIN, nOTMJRV PC13LIG, I'llONR 'J AM) 20, Mount Airy, N. C. P. CI It A VMS, 4- Attorney-at-liaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C llr-prartlroa In Stale aril Fo.li'rul ronrla. Prompt attention lo riilleeilun of rlalms. V. S. XKKDIIAM, flttorney-at-Eaw, Pilot Mountain, N. C. tirwill pniotli'P In 1h male conns. Col lectlon of claim a Hixvlalty. Jati-lifra GKO. Y. SI'AUGKH, Attopney-at-Uaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Will praclli-p In stntf and Vcrtornl court. Ppicli)l ait nilou to colli-cilon of rlalms anl nre,illatln( loana. W. F. CARTER, MOUNT A,R , N. C. J. R. LEWELLYN, Cautku & Lkwki.i.v.n, Attorneys-at-Law. rTrai-tl.'" in the Male anil Fi'oVral ivmrta. l'rompt attention givi-n lo all business cnirust to their i-are. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTOQRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. ' Is preparrd to makf- all the New and Artistic fitjies. Is up llh the times ana will trlve you first -class work. DR. C. W. BANNER, fDENTIST.-c Mount Airy, N. C. Oltice over Taylor A Banner's Drug etnre. Office hours R a. m. to 6 p. in. Wben T"n li ive .lone work to do joii will find it to vour interest to we J. II. Walker, lie Will tiirnish none Imt t-'et granite, illier rough or cut. CeineU'ry work a mcialty. Apr-t-liu ACADEMY AND COLLEGE, F)R nearlv 100 years this lnslll nil' for the higher e'rtii -alLm ot oiihk wunifti lla iwu. iiiivl I lie very front ranaranil was never mo.e Lnmerouslj a'lended Mian now. II Is tioi only provided wlih a hiKh-r"'"' ellc((t i 'nurse txn Las exiert!i In all mils sH-elai Imolsoi M,.'-le Art. Elooutl, n. I hiiiiiii r-'lal and Ili'loMrUl M ud'es w e will Iv til,'n.s.-d lo send csiil,.i:ue on iiillcation. Term iM-k-in xepn -inner :ird. JOUN 11. Cl.l.w I I. I.. 1'n , lj. ,1 Sal,-m. North I'urolina. JOS. NATIONS, MtAl.KR IS latcoes, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kinils. Heviinj? Macliines, M'isii-al Instrumeots. c. Watehea.t'lix'ks atid Jewelry repaired In bovt rswsilile man ner and satisfaction guarantee. If you want to save money Sie me before makine your purchases or having your work done. IIIlI, -hi-ai tra li- c Pf!" Burial Robes, Slippers, && A Ml sl.vk of all sb-I !i'.!i!ij irpt va ,o4...t 1 re.aV riees, r, njv.sia.rs erer M, I., raffor S.n's star. " Win Rl- Real !, rst hi North of th. rilrol. Granite Hock Work The Govefnar'l Inaugural. A Kulciul' fifiHl of th lfllli, si.v : I. Kucll virnte iiihiiiiib li. I'lirncll to (Iralt b liill to n in tnidiiccd tlu firi-t Iht of tli" h'fl'i iittivn M-Kcii.-n, fixing the il'-i t tl's IhwiLMirHtion.' l'lirni'll chvs it Ih dihinil tlmt not a iliiy ho l"t in jfiitiin into ollhso. Ho drew tho hill Hinl M:iit it to Unwell. The InttiT wrote him tlmt it would Im better to insert in the bill tlmt tint Hiienkcr hIihII declare the reenlt of the election on the day following the iiitilicalioii ot this act Hi;d that tho jrevi'tiioi take the oath and ho iiiHtiillcd in the jircBenee of the two ImiiHes Ht the paino joint eeHHioti iin inediutelj upon the declaration of the remilt, '"l do not think," ho wrote, "that wo tdiuiild have anj inMiijriiral fpeech or any c.cii'inoiiv about it, wivo ha h'mivu indicalea h t us Hive over if."'"' which tlie democrate have thrown away in iihc lers frolic. Whatever the coventor hits to fay lie will tny in his incrHa!-e. Our friends will iih!i jour bill thruiiiih. and, I puenn, paca it the diciind (lay alter they uieet." rniiiell drew tho bill to day. It proviib for counting the votes c:ift lot ollh'i'i-8 of the executive depart ment", and that on the day of tho ratification of ibis act there ahull he a joint ki -scion at 11 o'clock in the morning; that the speaker nba!l open find publirh the vote f"r gov ei nor and other exictitive olliccrs ; that a ciioii hk that in done the governor Hliall take the oath and be iinnied ately inducted into olHce. Tho other otlicerg t-hall, in hood as m iy be, take the oath of cilice. i'limel! gay this bill may bo piifc-od Janimiy H'h. In that ran?, Unwell will he inauuaiated Jan uary 7th. He fecla euro it will not be liter than tl e btb, and pays there is no law fixing the time. A Pathetic Story. II. V. Stone, a yo'intr man who was run over by a train near Do Lund, Fla , died" from bin injntics, one of bis legs being cut olT. Stone, it H-ems, was a sun of a wealthy and prominent family in New York. l'Vr some time he ii is been trying to go en the stuge, but he was op. pi sed by b'-s parents, arid finally in a tit of desperation tin- Voiing mail left his home for this purpose. He tail' d, however, to secure a place wiih a theatrical c itnpany, umi ra'hi'r than humiliate himsclt by re turning to his pareiits, ho. started out as a trump and had walked most of tho way from New York to l)e Lund, and was g"i'ig on South when hit met the accident that c st him bis life. I'.etore, dying the young man told where his parents lived, slid they have been coinimini rated with. Best Family Medicine. Mr. N. Jones, (iiiard, Ala, says, May Kith, "1 was snf feiing from Catarrh in the head and whs cured hv King's Royal (icniictui r. We Veep it all the time, and believe that it is the best familv medicine there is on the im.iki t to day." (iermettier suits all ages in tho home. It is so pleasant to take that all like it. It is so harmless that the tender est babe and most delicate invalids are always safe in using it It cures when all else ftils. New package, large bottle, 1"S doses, $1. For sale by Taylor it banner. Crimes steadily increase among the whites in North Carolina. They seem to be racing with the negroes. One county, Richmond, sends four whiles convicted of mtmlerarid one black in one batch of criminals to the penitentiary. TVrhapg every one of them ought to have been hanged, and would have been prob ably if the crime had been coin mi; led in Kngland where life is held to be sacred and ciiminals tret their deserts. There are twelve mur derers in Richmond county. West Cornish, Vermont, is proud ofan apple tree which ha6 been betirintr fruit for Kfi years and this year bore a crop of forty-one bush els ; but perhaps that is because ap phs are so cheap. A recent article published 'n the New York Journal showsthat Kuro pcmi cities have progressed more rapidly within the last few years than AmeiicHti cities It is asserted that $H0d.OO0 will meet the expense of keeping a pub lic school open in each of tho 7,','' si-lii ol districts four months in each year. "MOTHERS' FRIEND" Phnrteri labor. Us5J mm. d1rr?ni-!ifs tinrr to life of tyth mother arid fhsul ami h "ive, her in cndi lion more lii.-omh e to wptly w- vry " Striwi-r nf'-r than b1rr- cv.P.n -mmM tmy pr -miujil ttiuwife is ibe b-t rorneiy FCIt rdSII.'Q DHEfiST Known nd worth t pr. for that nlfwie. fni-tr-.-.! 'ui 'wrimi.iffid by sih.wirn &nd u Urn ho hyvt ni it iWwmr ot su'wUiuie cd IrrjitstioilS Makes Chlld-EIrth Easy. Seet tT F. r s or mnii Of reefing of p e. tl.aa r-r k-Jlle. B -IS) M,THF K'S" Kalid ff. CxXi twining Toluntanr u l ,rcKx. lml. pRtrriri irnruTox re., irnvri, 6a. mm t4. tfotr. DAC NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS Of IMPORTANCE GATH tm FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Winston shipped over 2"i,OU0 i Hinds of manuliictured tobacco ast week, JoM'ph J. !unli,p,of Wadeshoro, haa tiecn given a patent lor a venti lator for railroad cars. The Letriulatiire is to ho peti tinned to give women the right lo vote on school question". The report of the Commiisioner of Tensions shows that there are 3 it 54 federal soldier p.tisioneiii in North Carolina, and llm amount paid I'leui hist year was IfSI'J.Sm'.'i'J. 1 The postolllei! at Locust, Stanly county, was robbed of a registered letter containing (II and two paek Rirea i f jewelry were also taken. The Concord Standntd say the guilty party will bo found. Two well-iiieaning, but excitable, young men, in trying lo remove a f,3 tid io from a house threatened by the lire the other ni'ht, succeed ed in breaking about $13 worth of dishes Concord Standard. I lining the year the Odd Fellows in this ritate have made considerable gains. uraml Secretary J. 11. ooib'll says the order has fi.iMa) members, and there aie 115 lodges. Seven new lodges have been urban ized and cue re-organized. Wednesday afternoon tho last spike aiis diji en in tho railway con necting Ashchoro, Randolph coun ty, wiJi Aberdeen, Moore county, 'fhis admits of trallie between the lonir lc it pine region and the South, em railroad. Ry .in act of the hist C'ongiess a survey w.is ordered of the Neiise rner ut and below Newborn to find eight feet of water at dead lo v wa ter. 1 be survey haa been made. Li'dit feet at dead low water means eleven bet at any ordinniy tide and twelve feet when there 18 a good tide. New hern Journal. In Lewis Fork township, Wilkes county, !at Sunday, Nathan l'old en and Will Wyatt got into a fight and Wtr.pons were used. During the melee a pit-to! was filed with fatsl t licet. Jordan Wya't, who was striding etT some distance, was the vi 'tim, the ball stiil ing him in the bond. He died that night. Wyatt was a pea -cable men and highly vespceti d. He " as about 50 yeais o:d N. Wiikcsboro Hustler. Ashciille Citizen: Saturday at 8:10 1. M , tl-e Superior Court in the (- of Edward F. Witsell vs. tho West Aeheviilo and Sulphur Springs Railroad company return ed a veidict awarding the plaintiff damageg in the sum of $,i0i for injurii s receivi d ;n an acc:dint on the company's line near the passen ger depot. The suit was tor 25, I 'On. .judge Rryati'r eh rgc in this case is ,-poken of an example of fainn': s. The common school (jne-tion is growing in jiiiblic in t rest, v.c are to see, and we hope by the time t.ie legislature meets, public sentiti.inl will be so trys.falized as to force the lawmakers to give at tention to thechildien of the State, wlieth' r they wish to or not. And let us hope for the bcrt. Ilumnn- iiy (not to mention the Constitution') rtqniies that the public dhools shall li.st at least four months in the ye-.r. Chanty and Children. Stat'v-ville Laudmaik : The Rand maik recently made note of the tact that a Ya lkin comity man boitsted th it he was Co years old and bad never been drunk and never carried a watch .r pistol. W. W. White, Esq , t-f this vicinity can show a la tter record. He is C4 years old, has carried a watch, but never car ried a pistol, although he has own ed one. has not sworn an oath since he cvn recollect and doesn't think he ever swore one, never took a chew of tobacco in his life and nev er smoked a pipe, eigar or cigarette. The Wilkesboro Chronicle says : We have a strange talc to tell. The numhc,- of applicants for the post oflico at this place are gradually de creasing, as the news reaches them. It all happened this way : Word whs p'rt out that the present incum bent bud received orders to marry into the famhy of the succe-sf ui dp plicMiit for the pos?(,(H"e, and that lie WHt ready to comp!v with the orders. As a result, the applicants have ne.de a stampede to withd fcw from li e race. You can hardly find a person in town now willing to accept the grave responsibilities of taking the ollL'C. The Supremo Coii-t at Rale;gh last Tn.'sday ended a very notbie chsc. Almoet s year ago Enrolling Clerk Rrowri, of the Jx-gishitiire, wsstri.'dand convicted ki a c'isrge of frsudi. let. tly permitting to be en rolled h lull f,.i regulate assignments, said bill never bavin p:tss'd any readira in cither branch of the Iifgie'utnre but having leen unfa vora'olv reported and tallied, l.rown appealed to the Supreme Court, which now unanimously reverse the lower court and tint!, there was not tin least evidence of fraud on I'roate part. This Assignment Act, which was enrolled and sin edliy the Spakers ot txitb branches of the legislature, was not discov ered until several dae alter '.be T't'isla'ure had adj-n-ned. It is tb tirst rise ot the kind on record in North Carolina. Onions In Sickness. Few eop'e seem to realize what a good family friend may be foiimj In the ot ion. It may ofieu bo made the outit o of prevention as well a the poll ml of euro. Cut across the grain, h ilf uu onion placed in slecpiriir room at night, especially if it mint be closed, will absorb tho for I air to a remarkablee degree. During the wr, a young soldier died in i g Kiy in a few hours from eating with his breakfast, half an onion which had stood all night near sc eral sleeping men. I ho doctor said ! "Roys, nevor eat an onion that hag been cut and exposed to the air for awhile, for it absorbs poison ai a sponge does water. In fever mid contagious diseases ther are invaluable whin properly used. Once, during a ncoiirago of yellow fever in a Southern city, a young g rl was the onlv person In three sq iares who kept up. and she ministered not only to her own family, but to all neighbors within reach, Hitting from homo to home, like an angel of mercy. Tho phy sicians became interested to know tho seciet of her continued en durance, and finally inquired what she lived on. She replied : "Rread and onions. I have ro time to cook for myself, and, as I am fotnl of raw onions, with salt or vinegar thm has been my main living for weeks." Then tho dix tors said : Onions, onions, that's the secret; we will see what they will do for the whole ci:y," whereupon thev issued or.lcts that every one, both sick and will, should tat all the onions, raw and cooked, that were possible, and that they should be sliced o i pl ttes, and set In the houses throughout the city. In a few bonis aficr placing, they were found to have turned to a grass green, when they wero burned or lined 1" the ground, and the plates ajrain tilled with fresh ones. This was done twice a day, and in one week's tune the plague was stayed. An oil couple we knew wero both stri ken with typhoid fever about the same time and placed in separate rooms. The abiert child ren wcte siKin summoned home to see then uic. I 'no daughter, the iirst eveii'iigof her arrival, set plates of sliced inious in both the sick and and adjoining rooms. Ry daylight the next Homing they were thrown, reen an 1 foul, into the hre, and fresh onti put in the plates. This was dene movning and evening, and in a few lays a marked and snrprfs ing impi ivei lent was apparent in both patients. In the wriier's family there was a had car j ot diptlieria, and onions need in t lis way were thought to have pre ont ;d the spread of the disease. At another time, in a caso of malarial fever, with strong symptoms of typhoid, the onions were use 1 th ? same way for two weeks. At first they Would turn very grei n in a tew bonis, but less and less so toward the last, until they showed no change of color at all. Tiny should always be cut across tho grcin when used for this purpose.--M,s. l.ida Hunter in Chrietiar. Ob ervcr. Cub and Her Friends. It is r. w 'bought that not loss than l,0i 0 nn ii will start from New Orleans in a few days f"r Cuba to fight the Spanish. A bunt eighty-five strong, intelli gent mec we 1 up in ndl tary drill ing, left !?tislon a few dsys ago for Cuba i hey were in command of 1O iis M"rsh!l, w ho his experience. A mcL'ting nils held at Home stead, I'll , to form a military com pany to i to Cub to Hs-ift the pa trio's in 'heir t-truggle f -r liberty. Tnirty fic young men were enroll ed. Coi 'isp .ndei ci wid be open ed at on'-e with the Junta at New York. A company of three hundred men, wii i cannon and other arms, willTcav Denver, Colorado, in a few days to cant their fate with the Cuban insurgents. The men will Is? under the leadership of Dr. II. L. Darin 11, who has a brother in the Cuba. i Junta in New Yoik. Indignation of Cubans of Jack sonville and American friends of Cuba over the reported cowardly assassina ion of (ten. Antonio Ma ccotindti a flag of truce, whs ex pressed by a torchlight procession and mas meeting at JaoksoM ille Fla. Sj ceh.'s denunciatory f the Spanish 'iovernment and Ocfieral Wcyler .vere made by prominent citizens. The Oxford O.'phan Asylum is an old and meritorious public ebaritabl institution that deserves to ba wt 1 fostered by a merciful fciid synr. athetic public. Dr. Kli gj 4rw Dieorry for Const) m pi ln. This i the best meilicino in the world ' all forma of coughn and '.oldi on-' for consumption Every Itotlle is guaranteed. Il will cure nnil not l isappoint. Ii haa nvceuul tor w hoopin ; cough, as'hnia, by fever, p'letiiiionia. bronchitis, la grippe, cold in the head and lor con sumption. Il ie sttfc lor all age, pleusHitl lo lake, and, nhove all, a iro cure, li is always well lo lake Dr. Kind's New Life Pills in con iioc-iion svilh Or. Kite's New Dis covery, s a they regulate and tons tbe atom .eh ami bowels. We guar antee pe foct walisfuetion or return ntejupv. Pre trini !oit!e at Taylor k Baim. i ' Drug Store. i;ofcul..r is 50 eeitta and tl.OO. FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH, THE FOLLOWING IS SAID TO BE A TRUE STORY OF AN OLD SLAVE'S FIDELITY, When a man has been dead lorty six years it is rather late to w rite a tribute to Ins memory, nut tins is an instance where a conjunction i f circumstance crowded out the lacts, and the good which tho man did was almost interred with his hones. The writer recently nude journey Into t lie country near liar risoiiville, Mo., Ih county scat of Lass, tho county adjoining that m which Kansas City is situated. A low miles from the iioiinly sent two graves were seen from the high 'ray. They were cotispicioiis more from tieghct than otherwise The limn who was acting as guide said, in a matter-of-fact mani t r, asluicoaxtd the team : "One is the grave of the mistress, the other that of her l iilhfnl Negro man. lie was buried beside her, ss you sec, ut her request" "Ihey were victims of the cbol a," continued the guide, "when that awful scourge swept over the country. It almost depopulate! Ilarrisoin ille. Every doctor in the town was stricken down, an J then the only men in the town w ho sold drugs or knew anything about medicine dropped dead in tlnir work. After tliat those who weie left died in their turn, it teemed, and without any asiistatiee. Two of the latter lot wero those who were buried in the graves we just passed. The woman was the wife ot the oldest and best doctor in tbe town, John McRevnohU. " hen the California gold fever struck tho whole country Dr. Me- Reynolds caught it, and he i 'intd that long procession which whitened the plains and crossed the moun tains. He took with him bis faith ful body servant, an old Negro who had been his property frem inlancy. Ho had attended his master so lotto; that the master regarded him as necessary to bis welfare. The old servant often accompanied his mas ter in the calls of the latter en his patients. " hen the doctor reached the gold country be gave up his pro fession and hi came a miner, and the old servant was his assistant in that, as he had lieen in other things in the States. They itcresneeisstul. At the end of a year the old doctor bad $10,00') in gold, and that was a toitnne then. Rut in the mi'ht of his luck he was taken sick and died. His nurse, attendant, and under taker was his faithful servant, Asa. Ihey did not wasie much time on funerals out in that countiy in ti.ifo days. After Asa hid buried his master he owned himself. II ? was in a country where there was no slavery, and had the entire p' sses sions ol his ma-ter in his own bunds. No legal steps that might have leeii ! taken in Missouri could have reached him. He wis a rich man. "I have been told, but 1 do not remember the particulars, that some ot the people in the mines, wiio 1 lieved that Dr. McReynoids li ft a fortune, undertook in various ways to get it. Rut the old servant thwarted them all and succeeded in getting out of the cmutry. His journey back across tbe plains was an eventful one. lie wis followed and tracked and often forced to re Sort to strategy to evade his pur enrers. Once lie buiied the f. r,ui:c of his master in the sand oi the pert when he was hard pressed, and in escaping from a bard ot desperadoes he found himself a captive of indian?. What his fate might have been, you can guess, it bo bad not bad a bit of good lucK aikiut that time. Some sort of epi demic had broken out in the tril3 where he whs held, and as Asa was sort of a doctor from observation, he experimented on the sick reds with such success that they regard ed him as a special dispensation for their benefit from tne hands of the Great Spirit In this way he re gained his freedom, returned to the pl.ice where be had buried the fortune of his master, resurrected it and ri sinned his journey without ftirtbtr moles ation. 'He reached Independence. Mo., and called upon a man who had bei n a patient and friend ot his mister. This fiierid ccompnniod him to H-rrisonv ille, and w as the im.-sen-per who tave Mrs. McReynoMe ti e first information concerning tie death ot in r husband. Then toe friend t. Id l.er about her fi.ithfm servant, Asa, and this was followed by calling in the old servant from the Negro quarters, and he render ed to bis mistress an account of bis stewardship, with the larger am 'Unt of his master's fort one. "I have been toid by some of the very old timers that Asa was the first c J ired man whoever received anything hkeanovatiouin Missouri. When Uarrisonville heard t-f tie old Negro's return he was invited to the homes of I he people, and find greater glory than any white man who has ever lived there sinco His mistress gave him his trc do'm and some ot tbe money; 1 don't know bow much. Rut lie re maincd her faithful servant. He refused to accept h:s freedom as long as h's mistrens lived. Tlse cholera came, as I have snid, nd one of the victims was tbe mistress of Asa. He cared d r her and was her attendant until be was st ;'ck " b'fi !r. Wf.fc, J e fniW to rv.'ps.i.U lo ti'-T cite thes-Usf--eLd the reason, and then it was told her that he was dead. She knew her time had come, and she hardly Jmi time to request thai his remains be placed hi side l.'ers, n-id it was ilone And these are theii giaves Only a few people living know even the mimi.M of tho ili'Hd, and riot inatiy know the story I ha e told you. If I were a rich man I would put monument over the rave ot that colored man, and I w.r-tld just have a lew woros on it, r ter nis name something like this : Faithful unto Death. Sun. The Stats Aid Question, Tho Caucasian Is not no1" taking tip this matter as a party to the controversy on cither side, It Is question, however, which is tip for settlement and siigk cstioiis may bo in order. 'As to the principle In vol veil, wo think tbe denominations have finite a strop easo J but a uiiicipleis worthless unless it nan o made effectually operative. It is manifestly unjust fora State to pro vide high education facilities that can be taken advantage of by only a lew of its people, and fail to provide acuities lur, at b ast the rudiments of education, which may bo taken advantage of by many. Rut while this would bo urjusl, it would bo simply folly to take away what tho lew have and at the same time pro vide nothing for the many. riio twenty thousand dollars now annually given to the L'uiversity iocs am perhaps aa many as two hundred or say one hundred young men to procure a higher edu cation w ho would not otherwise get Certainly therefore some good done. Now take tho twenty thousand dollars from the Fni versit v and give it to the pub. ic school fund, and what is the result ? Let's see. There are T"7 school districts in N'oith Carolina. If the twenty thousand dollars now given the 1'iti versity should be divided among these districts, each one would re ceive 2.5'i. Ibis amount alone would not result in toy increase of practical lamelit in each district, and the general result would be this: The opportunity now given one or two hundred young Men for secur- a higher education would be taken away, and no prietical good would air u re to the lioo.ooo child ren of school ace in the various school districts. -The Caucasian. Congressman Woodman Means Business. Representative W. odmn,of Illi nois, has intridueed , joint resolu tion in Congress directing the Pres ident to intervene in Cuban afl'airs. 1 he n solution after reciting (icn- eial Maeeo's assassins ion and Span ish cruellies in Cuba, says that the 'resident has failed to carry out the wishes of the pe. pie; that the honor of the I'nite.i States is at stike and that history gives no pre cedent on which to bv-e a hoc that pani.-h operators ill change to comjliance with civi'ized warfare. The 1'rcsiJent is directed to express severe condemnation ot tne Span ish mi thods of war! rc especially the murder of Mace, to recogn'ze the independence of Cuba and to demand of Spain tl e withdrawal of all troops trotn Cuban soil. He is also directed to ts3 proper stej to see that this demand is carried out. The Whole Story i Of the great sales attained and great cures accomplished by Hood's Sar siparilla is qnicUv, ndd. It puri ties and enriches tbe blood, tones the stomach and gives ttrcngth and vigor. Disease cam.ot enter the system fortified by the rich, red blood w hich comes by taking lloou's Sarraparilla. Hood's Dills cure nansea, sick headache, indigestion, billiousness. All drnggists. 25c. The twenty-first annual State Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association will meet at Winston Salem February 10-22. The fight on the question of state aid to public school is becoming hot, but in a month will be hotter. m " 1 Tutt's Pills Cure AH Liver Ills, Perfect Hcaltli. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Tills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. Tor sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipat ion and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTTS Liver PILLS Tteiiia Fail fir S I is nr.t of ttss lvst c-w farm ia Vir ginia foraalj.. It ftnnrti. -rf thw hnrxlrwl m. Tin linmpf-a sal rwtBtT-fi a-m craml ana in i;n,iM, ; ep buinlr4 f it ,,Trl eotiom toil rnta tie tnimlrod bay 'aek evtry mr. The iMipnwN'nH'iit ooa m il a dwelling two ok na roI r"oo.. wnl nni, pri' li'.n. fori, aoww, f sanry. Mark ami. if ale.. to pomt barm, acn iMsai. b.isey hi aed four fal.ins 1t mitr. I li a harpain In tl'is fmi 'ivtinss Ix'twse iliia and Xmaa. t or f inMr iiifnrma'tna -it in i, A . BAI F.N, Snak Cmm, Crr.n Cmit. V . rr-srfa. pyp t ?u ti '.r y r. Ilighesl of all in leaenig W".'alwa,fc. Ii Vw.f VWU I W His Lost Wife Is Found. "Walter 8. Covington and wife, Lenoir, H. V was written on the register ol tho I'ark Hotel, Raleigh, yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Uovlngloh break f ;istcd in Raleigh and left at once for their homo in Inolf , About three weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Covington wero married at iVlnteville. She was a Miss 1 tittle, the daughter ol Rev. J. F. Tuttle. of Whitevillo. After being in Lenoir ten days she disappeared, and no one knew w here she was. Her husband has been hunting for her dsy and night, and at last ha found her. Tho case Treated a good deal of excitement in U'tioir, and grave apprehension was txpiessed by the ady s mends. Mr. ami Mrs, Covington arrived here from tho North yesterday morning, and spent a few hours in the city. lhc Hickory limes last week said: "Tho people of Lenoir are excit ed over the strange actions ol Mrs. Walter Covington. Mrs. (Coving ton was matriod only two week ago. She had been in Lenoir ten days Tuesday she B' ked her litis-1 hand for money and was given IIS. With this she boarded the train for Hickory, telling tho eon ductor she was etily going to that toint. At Hickory she asked the station agent almut the prieo of a ticket to Raltimore, and how many hanges she would have to make to get there. She then bought a tick- t tor Salisbury and boarded the Western train. She was on the train when it passed Statesville, ut bevond that there is no news of her. "Her husband knew nothing of her leaving until he went to sup-J lcr luesdav night. A telegram was sent to Mrs. Covington's father, Cev. J. F. Tuttle, at Uhiteville, but a reply stated that she had rot reached there Wednesday.; M r. Cov ington ptssed through Hickory ednesday m scutch, of his wife. No cause can be assigned for the woman's strange liehavior." A special f'-om Washington, 1). C, says: '.Mrs. Covington, of Lenoir, was oiind demented in a Raltimore hos pital and taken home." News and Observer. . - .. Mr. William Smith, of Davie county, died last Saturday of a con gestive chill. Oh, How They Hurt. Neuralgic pains are often so acate, that the rsTorsuncrf becomes, almost, frenzied w ith the intensity of the pain. Salvation Oil will instantly relieve ami effectually cure neuralgia, so there Is ao reason why a moment's pain should be endured. Mr. Jacob Klein, 1036 Main St., Evansville, Ind., writes: My wife suffered from neuralgia for seven years and since she used Salva tion Oil, she has not had a spell.. I think It is the best liniment I have ever tried, and I would not be without a bottle of it in the house. I had the rheumatism for five years and had tried a great many liniments, and must say that Salvation OH did me more good than any outer remedy."' Salvation Oil is sold everywhere for 25 cents. M r I W. H. SIMPSON, j AGENT i For Fes BMep area avaiiTTaixa a IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. T.'nmSf1risr Wai-li , Bun iain him W iieel Os'ura. Buni'iiir lirsltiw. inief lllrii: Klaemii'm. tll K " "f i in, Cli k m H'lie. 4 if- lllli'.TH "0- 2 la. l'fvfcet r-iiteeton cmlw.-(irs' ewm' p T-tiioB rais. lliirKl rtnnrt liie tnrlnl sm. PriiitHiir hotels. Suimis. Ceiina Cen i ll Mhiiii-i, Kunrr I'.I Imt.'fa, Kulr 'iw, Kin.rr s;jip fwis. Hiit,r Mtrn' r, ''ia. m-o-rlis hism ii lBk.fo-a.-U rnisi en. sie.,i Msinr. siwH u'! mil FH'uri'n. swir Inking Mtn!" ("isnip sriMKii-a n.tr,j. Surd lrk-ns Bella uil T' r- WrlirS'ipt.iiH. '7'liert- Is smiiiiis oefl tn ar nffls we ciiwl 'p"i . i'l i tl. ter) ;osm ,rt,. jvwit,is twllfln1', i--vts hriim, Wsroiin' Jmrmrai-iiiss-. ana .11 pn'f-s.f inni iiib ui rto e(i t t-el m prir fo!fr.rt bv1ltg fri-ewlierf.. our iu.ir(ii's Is t"ll.'Heil. . i.-Cy. l'r"inrt .'n-nti, nw, tonii ftcien,. tim-'c in Jo','. bn"k. r Swan rw s'." rit-ii'-iinna fr.iMiiH? i ven airtrt UMtA Airy, . C. UX-k B. a.t. -Correspon tie nee Bollclted ri'KPITAXT to powrs vcsrd in rn in B-'sipnmf n enwuUii t'J tbe owner. 1 will -ll at public loction U tlie l.iH et liidder for eash. at 2 o cluck V M on .tannary 16th, 1?, in Mount Airy, V Cm in fnmt of this Company's d '. the f,'l!oinK Vrt i firt of Kock in tbe lirnnite t'tty l.ai'd arttl rcr. mfH fiimtn' T . OftiticaW Mnet'rt U, 2i si, 22. 2S, 1, 8"-' t. U, Ss and x: : ahio pursiiBfit to t "..!.'! ion p-.i ! y Ui I)ineti:ir f this Comfiat.y f8 Js -nary 13rh, ISS3, 1 will f-'il at th ". tim and plaee.anij in tlem' iwnrw OrtttH-at aumbtira Jo, n. 47. 4S. 4a. lb l and M, rpprswDtisc k in (Viiripany ; all of hi. fi re to aa''y nof ami clai" t r-sr T ' ars'nst the bnliiff ct atrnl I ""' ' (4 f"t-k f r hniirK of ''r-i t t he rP'ial ' k of 4 '-(' ' r : U t .;. , a i A 1 " : Ie. !'' 'i. I'm. pa. Kllaaf tWa l"Bls0 M a fWr.Lafeit U, S. Go't Hepoit i r n 1 v I L ' N r li -i ' f 1 li V F - T 7 A Pig Will Humtn fUn.J and lvt, Laura Calloway, a tolurud wo man who resides on J'uii.tlj an J Dawson strteis, in thus city, is the owner ij a sow with a I.ttfr of ; pigs, 'there is nothing singular in that fact, but the extraordinary part d it is that one uf the Ign has tho pet fl i-are of a child, 1. a human lisnd on the right side, and sits met like a child. It move, back. ward all the tin island of forward. It alo has a full net of teeth snj long tusks likf a griirtii lu g. Tho jifg's face Is also pr!ly human and it has to b,. .., r ,,,, B bottle. Wil niingtoii Messenger. - . As an iiltMraimn of franking prlvihy" abu low the !'l Post- mnslef (teiieial Wih.m t ile the fact that out of the ait?'isttM tw.un, of second cla"s tnaitt r that went ss mail Inst year 6LVHS,nui punnj, were carried free. Voil can't bo well if Vour blood is impure, but you may h ivo pure blood and good health by taking Hood's Sarsapaiillii. Governor Carr olTera ilny re- ward for Edward I'trlmr who, No vember 25th. in Rowan c unity, hrnlally murdered Robett Jones. CALL AT - EYE RETT'S TIN SHOP. IIlvADyUAUTlCItS Tin and Htol Konnng, (icttcring Hjiouting, Valley Tinall widths Niimdo Mrips, Ae.,Art., Ac. Water and'Hteam fr iuints of all kinds kept on hand. Tha Old Reliable Jcrikin tilotie .V trheck Vavlea, Herman Ir.'eotors, Pc tnit Luhricstors art a few of th many reliaWs snrpii'Hi in stock. Guns, Pistols, r-ewiri? Nlachines, an i IiicyelPi repaired hy the b tt (killed workmen at short notice. We fcepp txwl Old Kai-hion Coffee Pots, lhsh Pans, and in fact everything in the T nware line. T. M. Kvcrclt &. Co. 1 OTHER T5k There 5s a ib'ffennr between medi-cinf-8 and meiiirine. Thewe to-day, as a mi 3it?er from th. of the past in nany r-fwcts. KbIIv a R-reat is the uifTw-nce be-twi-en l)r. King "s ROYAL GEtTr'ETUER an J the rr3'marj" mc. kirns of to-iHy. It ia tinlike them In THESSFIVETHIKCS: 1. It does not taste likeamedt elne. It is as pleasmt to taka as lomon&de ami nie's.-fc a nv-t r freshing drink. 2. It never nauseates the eost deJicate tt mach. 3. It ?i pot grrfln eff One di esirse for nt ber. lidoesnotattip one form of disease in trVr t-3 rtotve another ai i so often the cs. 4 It contains no nieohol or ofilum in any form anl is iklwaya harmtes even when fiwn a Wl one duf tii A. &. It does not natch &5mr4y, it OHres. H reaches aa nothing els doe ta the l.i.i.lcn si.crcf-s of aimmm hi the l.lood and ri'inmii t nut. It diwi this wiih an pb?w and tk-wpt that tiace incfer heftt ej iih.cl r.'r ft'l fVMl!- ,Hf ttl 1' -W.'i f ".!.,,. -'-. v. i- i, - -'' KiT 'w- s.... I.tr Si., t,- um ol lil thl'l Il(si li imuia JirCl!iilKi iihoi.t a or a js.;.r. tfe-Ma H-dri!Wft reltr tesff IM, lOi, X'-o. Oim. Zfcu.itr. a kjiulfcc.uri on.? I y THE UTtMTA CK:ril CD, tVMlK tk un for m-fti.x soc siu nxx. Soldlykylorl K? MM iCiDLi, CO-E D U CA YI C N A L. luuu libit u-.tl.nJ IjV.d -Q' t Lf n a, f..r T. h-ae, f v Burt?ra. tisi&i ?v.i'-s. p. Ikw,l, t t ft ' ff nwiUi, tirt 1 tn y. f - -r r. ' I. . Wrii f.if pun i. ;i!xrs, R. C. CJ;VI.:'. rri..'l Fnpiisli ipar.ri ' nr-4, Sl w I h tptftjii (- f"-.m ' " . r"!1 ''. i.i. a-- -i tm til nn l.k-B,r- r I 1 1 .- a A 7 . '..,. i" ( ' J f3vi : '