"V! ATTMT A TP II M H H 1 I -JJL jljljlU VOL. 15. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 81, 1890. NO, 27 ' 1 XJ i: HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Br. Ellus Heart Cure Doc It. Mm. Ohm. ! a Point, a wnll-km.wn rrnldpnt " itiiv.t, tnii-,.-., I l.l.i w.jiiilmtul r..in.ly. Iter t.: mmr v!.uW ...!! viti. -ii .ill a u tlio w.iriri r iiio. w !.-'irli;un' unil UeMont tlvo Iw.-Yiit,. Hit lit..r tilted skiijt. litli. U. rueiha-f.)ll.ntni r&,'i i0 '" .1 Mr. Li Point. 21.17 ITtimbtiliH St. "Typhoid (dvit left tue with hnart trtiuhla of the mjt ai-rtoim unturn. Nothing thr, doctor irnve had any tfl.-t.. I hnd wri-i-a pMln. In tlit. heurt, and u miahln to He on D j left Hi ile fur more limn tlmw rnlmtiiia at ftiniM. My h.'Hrtw.pm.d Ut mtm tiau, and hud m.. thermit m'Ii, hi wlileb II hviumI erery breath would lmjf limi. We accl d.uilly .aw an advert Inrtm'nl of Dr. Wiles' New Heart Cure nil TtwiornttT Nerrl.te, and purchased a liultleof t-n. It. A fti-r IttktnK the rrriMdu a wm k, I n.iinl Im lifted In a chair and mt up an hour, and In a .hurt time I wan alile l.) do lD:hlliiiiwwork. I ahall he evercrnteful to you fir viitir wonderful modlcinoa. 1 ruly Uiuy aan-d my llf. MUX. crtA I.A. POINT. T)r. Mllna TTeart. Otire la wold on a pnaltlra) guarantee that the Hw Imttln will Imti'IIu Alldrutriiloixwll It al II A larttli-a fur 16 or It will lie at-nt, iirojmld tin ret'eijit of prlra bf Iba Ur hlo Motllcal Oo, Kikhart, lutt Dr. Miles' Heart Cure J. A. MARTIX, DOTAHY PUJ3LIG, ritoMca 20 ami 20, Mount Airy, N. C. S. V. CIK AYKS, Attorney-et-Law, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. rIrarMiTs In Htnte aid Fedcml Courta. fruit pt aitintiu to collix'ilon of claim. W. . XKKDIIAM. AttOPney-at-Law, Pilot Mountain, N, C. 6 rr-will practice In the 9tat Court. Col lection of claims a Bpet latty. Jam-Hm GEO. W. SrAKGKR, AttOPney-atLaw, 4- MOUNT AIRY, N. C. HtO-0-4 Will practice In Htate and Ffslcral t onrta. Spocli'l attention to tviiieeuon of claims nai nif'tlatlng lotiiiH. W- F. CARTER, MOUNT A!, k 0. J. R. IEWELLYN, Caktek tSt Lkwkllyx, AttOPneys-at-L.a w. I O 94 ttrprirllceln the 8lat an:l F-dernl ( uurt. ITompt attention given to ail bu sines entrust ed to their care. J. H. Blakemope, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. la prepared to make all the New anl AnMic fltyle. U up with the lluua and will give ou flral-cliuia work. DR. C. W. BANNER. i- DENTIST, 4 Mount Airy, N. C. Office over Taylor & Banner' Drug Str. v Ollice hoi f X "i t' o p. m. When yun li te t"ne work to dn j oti will find it to tour inturent to we J. H. Walker, lie will lurninh none hut l't rruiL, either rough or cut. etueterj work a apwia.ty. Apr-St-lm SALK3I ACADEMY AND COLLEGE. F,K t,,arlr imi yrani tUl IbHtttutl n furtli? b'j-UTfc".lU Kl.luli nf )tfUiihr Wuitn-U liB" (M'cu. tn& titv Vfri Iruiil rHn, Mtl iwvir tu-nr HuiiwrtUHl H iHiid' d itmii Uow. It Ik nut t-tilv Cn.'tiHi Miitt liiKlivtH't ,'llikf '4Mir t.tn h. rxirt tit ii t n('iai ijfxjlfct Mn u Aft., iUo-uU' . ' uiiiii-r'il )'! i ltd tint rm h(U't. He Will Im fun-'-J U. rwud ( rtUI-.Uf oit ii;.ft-',n. Ttriu wiriiiH Mpt'iiitir hrU. JiiHN il I'l.K Kl.l , I rti.ctpfil, feni-Ui. Niii tit v r uttna. JOS. NATIONS, HKAMCK IN Watcbes, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kitid, He in? Marhine, M'mical Intrumti.te.4e. WatrhM,('l-k and Jrtlrv repaired ill U'nt piweilile man nrr and laliefaftion K"f'ileed If you want t ave nmiiey He me bflun; makinp jour iiurchaeee or liavitifr your work dun". E.A.HIII, t'tii ri is- Cils, Caste, - EsrialRcbss, Slippers, &c A fu'l rtnrl .f a'.l ia and qualiti. kept aw haad, and at ivaeoaable pnotw rnore rwura. iiuhipi ww U. I- rtiir ajnii'a eura, on Mam IttreA, iatidewoa, (rat fc liurth of tba raibfoad. Giiionmflit Salvation Army In the South. Colonel Thomas Holland, sec ond in cower in the Salvation Army of the United States, ar rived tin Atlanta, ia, TuckIiv, where lie "is making his future home. With the coming of Lol Holland to At'anta, says the Lon stitution, the Saivaiion Army in the South wil he mven a new impetus. This city will be made Southern headquarters, Colone Holli.nd bting in rommund of the army in al! of the Southern States And not only is the movement to be pushed with greater energy now that the South is given the second man in power, but new lines of work are lo be inaugur ated. Beginning right here in Atlanta a negro corps will be or ganized to be run entirely sepa rate from the white army just as nccro and white churches are conducted. It has long been thought by leading men in the army in the North thut there was a great work to be done among the ne irroes in the Southern cities. The officers of tho army have discu-sed tho idea of putting men in the Id to organize necro corps in the large cities of the South, and this will be a part of Colonel 1 lol and s work lho negro arnn will have nothing whatever to do viih the white armies. Ihcy will have their own leadens bands and uniforms, and their solo relation to the regular white armies will be that their work will be carried along on the same lines, tho ne gro corps working iimor.g the lowly of the negro race. Ihere has been much conjee furc us to whether a negro army could be organized and main taincd Coloi.el Holland will get to work shortly after he estab lishes heiidquartcrs here and see what can be done on that line. If he is successful he will go to other Southern cities and organ ize armies among the negroes The Salvation Army is to be advamed in the South on every line of work. Colonel Holland takes up Southern headquarters with the purpose in iew to m.ke the Southern armies compare favorably with the Northern ar mies. He will inaugurate new lines of work for the Southern armies, work that is being done in the large Northern cities. For inhtance, he will establish food and shelter houses in the large ISouthern cities. With the exception of Louisville, there is very little of this k.nd of work done by Southern Armies. The rescue work will be pushed more than ever before and more corps are to be organized in cities in every Southern State. Corps will be organized in Ma con, Augusta, Savannah and oth er (ieorgi.i cities. There are now only two corps in this'State At lanta and Columbus. In other States corps will be organized under the supervision" of Colonel Holland, who will travel all over the South. Christmas of Childhooo Days. 'My f rst thought of Christmas," says Lil lie Devereux Blake, is of the great playroom at my grand mother s. where we children gath ered tor our evening fro!it; of the fun we had in the warmth and light, while sleet struck its icy fingers acrcss the windows or the hoar frost covered the ".lass with fantastic lines of beauty; of the faced of thore gathered there, so young then, that are growing old now or have faded from this world forever. Then there comes a wi.ier vision of the Christmas of the world, of the j iy bells ringing in many lands for the feast of love and good w ill, of the henrti made happy by the gifts, the kindlinei-s, the good cheer that brings light to tbe humblest hom.-, so that there i hardly any bnng so for lorn that some ray of brightness does not reach him Then yet again, and deeper, is the reflec tion of what the festival meitns. It is the celebration of the eternal miracle a materi ity, the wonder of birth into the activities ot thi world, that has been in all ages and by al' peoples observed at some period as an occasion for gladness ; the welcome those al ready h;re give the new born soul to the brief, passionate years of human happiness and human despair that we call life." The American JVjeislioi) of bur Convention, nt 'ineinnati, en dred a loycit on ti e go;dt of the Atiieriein Tohaero Trnnt. DELICATE wj!B FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS A SUFtRB T0NIG exerts a wonderful hifhience in strengthening her system by driving through the pmptr chan nel all impurities. HCSllfl 2nd strwJi are Guaranteed to rcsui; Jrcra Its use Vr wIV w Hv.iTi,, flff wim-M. all r y.ityr HI t't iM.U l t I.M41.K Kl.U iA'i l i IJf I " TV''' ' O J H Jw'u -.... r. itinnt stfciUTot iru'Ti, wl m all im-. at 11 pm Mk. I. HOm PmlBrnia. uwa Matoa NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Eviii)j;olint Fife held n mooting at Louifcburg ldet week. Maria Williaiiieon died a fow days a'o in CaBW.ill ccunfy, at the advanced ago of 108 years. Thruo new eompanieeof tho State Ouarl at Scotland Neck, Concord and Jlonroo have been formed. It in said by Homo tint Judge Walter Clark's lutino may be very utrong'y preeented for tho United 8tatot Senate. tia i J new sg to the crops of email grain comes from all p-trtti of the stato. There is an inei jafo in acre ago over last year. Thu fi no collection of portraits in tho sta:o libr.iry, ovor loO in num ber, if being rearranged on tho lofty walls in a very attractive way, Tho eolleciiou grows tpiito ctoadily. The an ir.iil report ot tho Soldiers' II inn was made Thursday (o the Sta'o li oird of Public Chanties. It shows iliat during the year Si-5 now inmate were received, and eleven died. Thero aro now 7) proent and 3'.' mi furlough. Mr. 'V. I!. Drewry, of Ilingwood, Halifax county, lot his largo prize barn by firo Friday. Ho had 12,000 pound i iif tobacco, 1,000 hnt-hels of otton h ed, and 15 bands of Corn in it. The Iohs foots up over fl,- ooii, on which there was a small in suranco. Thii-ve.H Friday nigh broke into (1. II. Hsle's etore at llalilax, and made a haul of a lan;o lot of L'oodtt. l'hey were tracked seven miles from town, and a shoe, which they drop led, WASfoirid. I hey aro ciipixihed to bo c.niviets just direhargel from the Sure firm, near thut place. In addition to t'i.o mentioned ui-t week the W ilkeiLiro Chron icle len ns that various ' .her people in Wilkes have recently eold brandy and taken Confederate bills in pay ment. It says from f 1 Otto to $2,- 00') of thi money hv been put off on people in Soniers and New Cts- t iv. rn-hipi. Dr. lienbow, of Greensboro, has been a!-i'iit fr(in the city for some davs, Ptvs the lieeord: Ho is in Ja'-kseiiville, Fla, and has j net con- eiiniatcd a leax; of the Everett, the largest hotel in tho place ami will open t ut once. Mrs. l.rdwtora ana Mifs Liilie, the DiKiturs daughters, will jo-ln him s ign. The unnu d report of the peniten tiary v-iil bo one of the Ix'ft it has ever m i le. Considerini; tho many drawbacks this year, the showing madeie really wonderful The fact is that 'he use of cuvie's on farms appear- to be the mot profitable, next after railway co!isru"tion. The latter almost ceased five years; ago. I In the United State Court a few davs ag i Judire Dick as called! opoti to paes cen'eiice a pun i wo man ii'ooiit-liiner. Her name i Elizalc'h Thrift, arid the from Clwela.'d county. She was charged with rclling moout-hine, and was convic ed. Judire Dick fiuetl her tlDO ard further sentenced her to three months' ii'iprioiiinent in Meeklchhurg county jiil. Char lotte Observer. The Wilmiiikvtoii Di.-pa'eh fays that Mr. (Jib-on Janie, uicmlr elect ti the Lt?iislature from Fen der coifnu , has in his possession tho riilii used by his great grandfather at the hu!o of Moure's eretk. and one of t he pe ter bullets used at that tine. He hlsj ha.- a ca'ulle sti.k i.H'd by his auctritr to hold a liht while these pewter bullets were beitii; moulded. These anti quated reiio of a dead past w 'll le t'luced in tho Sta-c iiiUHeuin at 1 Weigh. Itepieseii'aliee Lint.ey, of North Carolina, and Chairman A. E. il ni ton, of tho U publicHii State com mittee, appeared bt-fure the House commi'tee on public hui!ding, and suee-eeJ in having a favorb.e re port ii ado for the erection of a pulilie building at Wii.stun. The bill whs prepared bv Mr. Linney, and a, pMpnates t.5,0' 1 purpta-c. Mr. Linney wa: to make there port. It is : thi t th'j entile Ntr;h Cai iration, reL'Hrdliol poli:i. r the ted i od Jele t les, w ill ut-.te with Mr. Linney in . j ing the bi'.i paired, as the thrivinr city of Winston i very much in need of a suitab'e public building. One niht last February a police man at EJentot. attempted to arrest a negro who was charged with rob binjr store. The ncg-o resided and the policeman called lol aid from two citizens. They finally arretted him. ( Hher uecrn- bt-came enrsged and a riot was itiiirnneut. A divirii n ot naval re -rves from El'taWth City was sent to Edcnton and kept order. Tne n. gr . was put on trial, but his tse wis not jxt mitted by Judge Tiuibr!ake t go to the jury, hut was distios,ed. Then the defendant be" me pr.e eutor, u'lj the oflkvis wi re recently put on trial for awmuit, were cm. vieted. and stjteic4'd t, jail for fromtix to twelve ruontha. Tbe matter was laid before i rerni r . i .i . . irr, wno gave im m lull pardon uii.iu 1. .iiineit; ri'j"'jT ;ua- xnev mpiete eld!'e ad no- Ui ..ndu. fortv m a.,t. . , f ofm , nJ Q ing tl., lugto, t.,.,, nndtr -tuh lU .. ..j. h rT,r .,,,,,,;,. great proiatioi. and that l.e was' prcw lr, Ih,.. Bl x,j tor A Jtait not injured. neT; i)rlj, .Store. Animal Preferences. A scientist riporfa th d sparrows show a occK ed dtsliko to tho colors blue and ourple. It will bo com paratively cany to verify such a fact, if fact ii bo. Those who have ob served cits must have diseovend that they display a marked pro- ferenco tor rtrtaiu flowers in a gar- den. Whether their selection be by aolor, pe.lumo or general eou- tour remains m m proveu. vjais also ovii.ee a dislike of strong per fume. In tl is they are not unliko uol'h, who will olten rliow tneir teeth, cnrling tho lips viciously if perfumci otiocts be held close o ihem. A singular exception has been noticed by the writer, for a little taiby cat evidently takes pioasuro in smelling a tieep yenow nasturtium. Such observa' ions may never loud to practical result, but then thcyiold pleasure to a lovor of. annuals, ;md cioeo observation may son etimes throw light upon certain traits which other minds may be t bio to turn to account. It haa beeu said that no obtervation is unimportant, if tho humblest ia borer coi Id only tell jut how tho simplest objects with wl.iou lie is surround -d appear to him and what niey sni; ;est, if no could only ten i;s some ittl bit of wisdom which t e lias g. ;an. d Iroin Ins experience, tho worl would lie tho better for it. iiroi kiyn r.agie. Plain Talk from Bishop Wilson, Bishop Wilspn, who presided over tho recent session of the North Carolina Conference, gave hat body some plain talk just before a- nounc.ng the list o ap pointme its. The Raleigh News and Obs Tver thus quotes him : "He raid he hardly felt himself responsible for this list of appoint- ments. I have had two difTicul- tics: t. Some have told things that ought not to have been told. 2. The preachers and laymen have pressed upon us more than ever. The laymen Lave expressed their la k of confidence in the pppointing power. I am speaking frankly. I have let the laymen have their way as far as I could, and I think they will find that they have not done so well as usual. There are too many men who want to j o 01 a station and think they arc cut out for station Tracy, (it neral Stewart L. Wo ,d preacheri. This feeling injures ford, Bokrt Binner, Bradford the work. I wish 'some of you Merrill, Thus. L. James, General stronger men would take a notion to take care ot the circuit. I wouldn't give a circuit for a good . . . .i fti-.K nation piaec. ito .ucmouist i preacher will fail to make a living on a arc .it, and that nail a Metb odist pre ichtr ought to expect. "I don t like to see a Methodist preacher getting rich. It unfits t.im for I is ordination vows. The time has come for laymen to sub rait to th : powers that be. I will never gi e way again under pres mre wit. in or without the Con ference. Laymen and preachers may lear i to submit. Your pre siding e ders have been pains taking and laborious. Sonve men have bloeked their way by carina lor their or. interests more than the inter sts of the Church. Oth ers have 'x-ee unprogressive, and failed to measure up to their high duties. Railro.d Bjildlng in the South. The Manufacturers' Record pub lishes te.'OrU showing the aggre mill 4m- ,n y.l lrsxA K, ,,l,t.nM I mucs, against oy mues in 1595. While l is shows a decrease of 102 miles, it is believed that the proportionate decrease tnrough- out the country has been very mucn larger, and that the South has this year buiit a larger per- centage Jt the t tal mileage of 5". o".e Jin w. luuuau uunui.ig oiuuso me seniiiiicnis ana to st cure in the Sc ith during the past year, to Cuba by all legal means, the in the total for 'hat lime being 590 alienable rights of self government, the country than ever before. Gen. Bradley T. Johnson eriti The deti..ls show the mileage by cised the attitude ot President c..... ri! . - States as. follows : Maryland, 17 mih s; West Vir ginia, li ; North Carolina, 27 ; South C. rolina, 9; Georgia, 67 ; Florida, So; Alabama, 26; Mis sissippi, 06 ; Louisiana, 87 ; Tex as. 77 5 t rkansas, 91 ; Tennessee, 4 ; Kentucky, 17. At Nea port, Ii. L, Elizn, Martha nu s-i H.-iotre vvntKiur, aged re f pt ctivel I'H, Sfi ud h3 jeais, were burned to death at their home on : pring I'treet. After the firemen i ad xtii ruished tbe Ann s and re moved tl o U.J us from tie house a servaut ttrl was J'.iund asleep in the M tic nut . moke. en. usly hflecUd by the Jet us 1 what w 't isiti'. ,.s how t I Gt iiric riot only to show us hoi.ld be but also to make t for us 'o be and to teac'i be that which we should U-esme man that man might bt 0111.' di .'ine. h nm. j Aug. J Boeel.tlitltadin-diOL'giKt el Miicvt iiot l L.a suvb: 'lr. hi.'e New Dituvery ia th rily tloii ' tiut eur rn i-ougb, 'ri it ia the est sitlf. 1 1 ave " J. F. t'amj hei,, lerchanl of Safford, Ara., writ's: ' lr. Kli i'a .ti Diwcovery ii-all -list i el i.m.l far it; it never fail, mid i a ttrte cure for rn aumptioe, enugha 1 nd cold. I c nnm aav enough f -r il- inert a" Ir Kinga New lJi eviM fur eoiisuiription. 1 roughs a .J c 'Ida 1 not aa expert- ,.., . i, i, , ,r CUBA LIBRE. TWO GREAT DEMONSTRATIONS IN NEW YORK CITY TUESDAY NIGHT-STREET PARADE AND MASS MEETING OF SYMPATHIZERS. A .New Yroik r-pecial of Tut .eday hays: Two creat demoi.sf rations in favor ot struggling Cuba took place in this city Tuesday nighf. One was a street parudo of tho ortraniza tion called the Friends of Cuba. -The other was a mans meeting at Uooper Lnion ca led bv tho Cuban league of the United States. Scv- eral thousand men took oart in the street parade and many thousand more lined the sidewalks and cheered enthusiastically Mloug tho lino of marcu. ihe column was duided intn ten battalions. An American flag was carried at the head of each battalion with two Cuban soldiers as escort. A lariro number of trans parencits carried illustrated Spanish massacres. One showing the death of Maceo bore the title, "Spiin's latest triumph In murdering under tho flag of trueo." Other iuHcrip- tions were: ''Let Congress act, the to'ple will uphold ContrM-ss. "Americans for libeity and fnith." "luimember a?hini7tou ami L Fayette ;" "Uphold tho M innaj Uoctnne ; "Another Star in the Constellation of Kepnblice "For God's snko stop the murder in Cu tia : "We die, but no surrender; "Viva Cuba Libre;" "Join tho American I-nends of Cuba: "Our object is to aesist down trodden Cu- liHIIfl Olid l.e.l.il.i. Vt.tiiti truir. -,,;,,:. '.L,r c0,.. r Union was packed to the d(or4 wu.n the iccti of thu Vu. ,an i, W(48 calu.j U) (irjt.r ,,v ju prcbideuf. Ethan Allen, a lineal dwu-ttidmit ..f tl, (..ornl ..f il. Ba10 name, of Revolutionary tame, Tho following list of vice-presi- dents was read and approved : Levi 1'. Motion, Frank S. Black, .loh-i Jacob Astor, Senator David B. Hill, Chas. A. Dana, Andrew H. Green, Daniel Butterlield, Koswell I'. Floer,.Andrew Carnegie, William Rockefeller, W. Ii. Hears, Jamea Gordon Bennett. Chatincev M. Depew, Dr. W. Seward ebb, Aloiizo B. Conneil, Franklin Edson, Hugh J. Grant. William C. Whit ney, il'-are.. i. Kvarts. llimnu G. Piatt, William W. Webb, Iius. sell Saire, B. F. Tracy. General Martin l. McMahon, Cornelius N. ins, Darwin K. James, rredenck I- Cohdett, (Jeorge Hoadlev, Cow- i I '. .,. i.i. ..I. ...... f',.. .ii " "i, imudi nisiav vroMiieii, Kev. Jw. McArthur, Jos. Jeffer son, kiehard Manstii d. Edivard Lauterbacli, A in. II. Crane, Ter ence V. Powderly, Samuel io!ni ... ii i ii , ,i. erB, jonn juniioiiana. H inner Miller, Judge Morgan, J O'Brien, W. Bunrke Cockran, Ashbert P. Fitch, Fied. D. Grant. Bravton ives, tnos. r. tmrov, Itieodore lKevtlt, i-rank 1.. Carpenter, Walter S. Ligan, Paul Dana, An son G. Couk. John F. Dillon, Gen. Wagner Swaiue, John ananiaktr, Chaa. Stewart Smith. Horatio P. Harper, Noah Davis, Iloliert G, Ingersoll, Mur-it Halstead. Timothv L Woodruff, (ieneral Jos. Hayes, General C. T. Chmtcnsen, Colonel L. 11. l.iier, and General Lopez de Querait. A long preamble and resolutions were adopted. The concluding res olution is as f ..1 lows : lieeolved, That the"Cuban lHirue of the United States," organized to J ! ,T , . will laimr on nutil its mission is ac coinu isied. And i t fiirthorHiu of its objects we ask that a coi'v of these rejiniutmn?, as expressive ot the sense of this meetinsr, be for- warded to the reprwtntativesof the people in Congress and in the other branches of the Government. iicvciaiivj. m 1.... j At t'.e conclusion of (ten. John- Son's s) eeeh, Secretary Dr. lt-S,y. a- read I- tiers from re .atora Henry Cabot L..ke. John T. Mo.ir.n. Wnkiust.n Call, II. Q. Mills, .V M. Cullotii, Ihonias Dixon. Jr.. and John Morton. All regretted their 1rii.lit.llr ti lu r.riu.T.t ut..l l.j.L- fur Cuha's cause. In m.t Patt the le'Urs roundly condemned tt.e butchery being eondueted bv the Spanish soldiers under Weyh 'r. reerethrv Ue t-ayas read a niitt:- Icr f let 'ers f.-otn pr.'minertt j-ei-ple giving financial aid to the eau-e. Among them was one from W. E. h. Sroki-s donating I1,0) When this was snnonnced the eruwd call- ed loudly for Stokee. Finally Mr. Stokes responded : "1 am convinced that unrepre sentative jri n abingt(in, Secri ta'y Olney, it doing what every Amer ican citizen k'.ows to tie w;oug. Here is a nation koockin? at our dot and askimr for liliertv and freo. dorn. Shall we help themf I say in ana n, fmu .,,. .;, w we do it. It is a great and r-raud cause tL' theee Cuban patrii is are fighting for and they deserve tie help of the greatest of all civ lized iiaiioua, ihe United Stat." Jet-us tultilied the law of G,-d and emb-Klied it io a Lnman life. that thenceforth it might be a la of life and iocrettamg libertv; m l a law of constrairt ending in death. m Two Client go men y they have !'C v. r-! pr.KWhs y which l.a- Uiau 0-...a y. i) Ik; I lulled into stoue. Harman on Trusts. Attorney-General Harmon in his annual report goes t some length iuto the subject of dusts. He says amendments to tho existing anti trust law are neeepsary. Ilesides thi", the f'lndsirt fhedis poaal of the Atiorrn y General are insiitljclent to meet i lie expense of preparing and prosecuting- suits. He fuithor says: "Many com. plaint have been nitido by private citizens and other of combinations in restiaint ol trade and commerce ami of alleged monopolies. I have t.uiHcd to be lnveetigtted, as well as tho nutans and fore; at my com mand permitted, suoii of them as seemed likely to cone within the scope of Federal authority over interstate trade and commerco, to wtiicli alone this law extends. l ne only case, however, in which evidence was discovered to justify K'tion was that of the joint traflic HiKOcitnon oi toe irunK line ran- ways, a ainst which a bill was filed ly tho United States January 9, yt, in tho Circuit Court for the sojourn in Florida, to their Ashe Southern District of New York. villo home on urgent business and Although the case was ablv ore- !r -aa ,n tl. id trvn that lia norfrti't. pared afid presented by Mr. Wallace Maclarlane, United Mates attorney tor that district, nmUr my snjer- vision, tho court, Judge Wheeler I- l ill ll I ll presiding, aisiniM-ea tue oiu, noid- ing thut tho articles o1 agreement of the dfsooiation wcro t-ot in violation of the law. The caso is now pend- ing in ine circuit court oi appeals and will soon bo arirued." He cites other chmw. especially thut fif t)itk lrmin Mii.inri Tratrin Aka.iafi..n which Irnvn ,nn a.riii.Bt thi. United Statea o. t,ehnicliHefl howin.r thn infld....n rf h present law. " - 1 J Favorable comment is tnado on the abolition of fee system in his department. A saving of over $40, OOi is noted in marshals' fee alone. Mr. Harmon advot ites tho pas- fcHLro nf t Im l'aeitit rmtu-av fnnHin.7 bill and urges that the United States maintain its present attitude and refrain if possible from going into court in the foreclosn e case. He doubts the ability of the United States to preset ve this situation much longer. Important eOggeS' tions are mado regiri'ing the revis. ion of criminal statu: s and simpli fying the same. A Prominent Minister, Kev. T. K Kendal', pastor Grace M. E. Church, Atlan a, Ga., says : "I take pleasure in testifying to the great virtue of King's Iloyal Germ- fctucr in relieving nijjit sweats re-1 suiting trotn the u. iilitating in tlucnee of malaria. In a severe or leal through which my family passed from this oppressive atllict- ion, I found Germetner to be an immediate specific. Have also found it a sjfedy tonic to the digestion, a most gratctnl t.nd refreshing , ,11. , . remedy in the heated season when 6iilIerii!g.from relaxa'ion and gen eral debility." New package, large b-.ttle, los'doscs, $1. For sale by Taylor tfc Banner. Permanent Census Service. In accordance with the provisions of a joint resolution, the Commis sioner of Labor has submitted to Congress a plan for a permanent census service. A permanent force of Irmn 2'0 to 300 persons would be necessary, which would Iks aug mented temporarily each ten years. The cost of such an ollice, he thinks j should be less than th. t of the elev enth census, about .000,000. A proportion of the expense, however, would be borne ty other depart ments. - - -' Tho best wav to cure disease is to drive it from the system by puri fy ing tho b!otd with Hood's Sar sitpsrilla. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know this? Tutt's Liver Pills nre an abso lute cure for sick hendache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles. jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Yinisia Farm for M ! I kjvf o f the test r us farma ia Vir ginia for aalr. It ooimil. of ttirac kandrwd a.-rri. Two bund ri ami iwiny-fiw arrwa ri.-rl and in ehmw; tor bundmi of it lcrrl Hi4'idi aad rut aim linutlrM hajr atak. mvtrj mr. Tb ii. iroemeiiU ia i if a dwrliitij: houae lib trwa f "d ro..a, wowd rtiMl, afiring .. .um, en. k., f'Mjy. Mark aoiith li... two EKd IwriM, w mg'Hi alMl, I.uny at-l aaa tour aiia f r ipi.l'tn. I will aell t barnin in hu f.i-rw at vtim. hrtwwa thia arid X-naa. f r furtU-r luf'jrmi'i' a w-ii in i. W. IU11.LS, flnab Crork, Carr-dl Cuut j, Va. WantEd-iln Idea Ss y. awu T 'T WmT 11 y m waji dacicj; Highest of ail in Leivening a. w. ..r m r a m. i w t Death of E. T. Ciemmont. Mr. Edwin T. Clemmons. after a brief iilDess, died at the homo of his sister in-law, Miss Sophia But - nor. Jlain street, bslom, at h:45 A M- Monday. IIiH ago was 70 years 2 montus and A tUys. Mr. and Mrs. Clemmons came to Salem three we.-o from I hi'a- delnhia and fcTSA ih he was quite inf rm. his death was not expected until during tho last few days. They were expecting to spend the winter in r loriutt. I In the serine? of this vcar Mr. and Mrs. Clemmons were called from a ed tho cold which developed into a catarrhal affection, that caused his death. Winston Sentinel Many of our citizens remember I ' a Mr. C emmons in tho day of s at-e coaches when she mail arrived at Monnt Airv on the old-fashioned stage every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. What the Trocha It 1 ho word trocha ocenrs so otten M" to acconnts of Macco's death "ny persons are curious to i i . i . . m I miuw junt nun n i.iuaeip. iiliw word is pronounced "trotsha," with the accent on the first syllable, Originally it denoted a footpath or a "short cut. Nneo the insurrec tion began in Cuba the Spanish authorities constructed a fortified r""" lful"! Jm" Kwu part of tho island. It was in at tempting to cross this road, or after being lured to a pretended con ference near it, that Maceo lost his life Atlanta Journal. Catarrh in the Head Is a dangerous difease. It may lead directly to co(Tmr'tion. Catarrh is caused by impure blooJ, and the true way to cure it is by puriymj the tilotxl. llo-xl s barsapanlla cures catarrh beceiiee it removes the cause of it by purifying the tlood Thousands testify that they Lave been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe, All druggists. 52oe. Statisticians say that of ten men who go into business, nine fail and only one succeeds. The causes of , , , . . failure or success are of interest to us all, and the opinions of men who have studied the question are of interest. The Enemy Is Ours I The grippe usually leaves the suf ferer in a very feeble condition, with a persistent cough and ether premoni tory symptoms of pulmonary affection. Dr. Hull's Cough Srup promptly administered at the beginning of an attack of grippe, will forestall that dan gerous enemy to life consumption, Mrs. JUggie Tulga, Ironton, Ohio, says : "It affords me much pleasure to bear testimony to the merits of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. I had been a sufferer from the grippe for a week, I tried a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and after taking it, was completely cured of the dreadful cough and disease. I cheerfully recommend It to all suT erers." Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup ia sold everywhere for 25 cents. W. H. SIMPSON, AGENT I Fir Fine Rett Stamps aim craammta j IH OFFICE SUPPLIES. J AJm KkSnra. Rank hruua, ( atv-el!t&2 MarLlii. CUe i pfwU-ctor. (ubUiav um' futri)t, H tr punktiob Ncaift, band band !ira. So Tpm vnlrr. Hut'tar Tpe, Ku(ir h'np l-mlav Kutf(r Wwj Ink. -o-rijt.hif-n.-U (bit. Kw&ft. tHrusUt. k pul f tal t Mi r I; a i'" 2 Way. hkfU MHKfrs. Wsvt ao4a4S VUU jt ''I iif-r t bfrt4aukf u4 tu m ofTine we - tuUtHrna. Prn us utJ Munuim turrri Tirt ii prafimftnKJ dub U' do wni to - vnt in prttis liefwr luyiug eiNwbcrtt, lour p.trug in HetUHt m i i y . Ffttjpi iu-ttffi rttf-n io aif orxlni, im I a 0uyT! pii t-. w Hnwj w fo-'1, MJct, ktuuut Airy. . lock Bos -Correspondence Solicited Mmr 1, la. tf PVRSTv powers t sated ia tne In a.tigtimt'v M-outsl bj thu ownera. I will aril at publie auction to th lutrh sit bidder for eah, rt 'i o.elork I. on January 16th. 17, in Mount Airj, N. C, in front of thin tonipany"i orfu-f , the fallowing irt.heatr tn sto k in the l.ranjta City I -and and Irnpiivi ment t'.-nipan j : CVrtififat rtiim!-r 11. 30. Kl, 2.', 2a, I. iJ, 8. W, 3t and : . also ptiruat.t kaoiution iBd bj Um I'lre-Uirw ot thmi Cin pany on Jan uary Uih, l-i.v3, 1 w .11 tll at tbe kfii-tiin- and plae,ard ia thpami manner Crtir)ral DiinituT tX d, 7. 4 48. M and M, ri-"fntitig atuck in tfa CiB-rafljr ad uf wtiHb ia to aagy 6')ti- and elajma thu l'orrpary bi.ii ajrainat thw ho! lira of Ce.d t-rrt .Pt. of ftnrk for bi uf it'r: iiutn l tbraj 'tal tm-k of .! t m,pry T. h. M. C'aort ne j a'l I rr , l.raoitt itj 1 a: J A Iir t D. 15ih, l&W!. rower. Latt U. S. C.ov't F-Jport ' 19 - 'Mi;, ' ,. I Superstitions of Christmas, The Superstitions of Christmas aro more numerous even than tho observances which owe their origin to heafiienish rites. .A none: certain European peasants the bohef still prevails that on Chrirtinns morning oxen always spend a portion of tho time n their knees. This they do, according to the peasants, in imita tion of the ox and tho a4 which, a legend states, were present at tho marifier and knelt when Christ was born. - In certain, counties of Kjrglanil the idea prevails that slp walk in procession on Christmas Eve, in commemoration .ot theglnd tidings first anuouuceJ to shepherds. Bees are also said to sing in their hives on tho night before Christmas, and bread baked at that time never be comes mouldy at least s boeo thought many Englioh hotir-ewivca. - CALL AT - EVERETT'S TEST SHOP. '1, V IIIiADQUAIlTiaiS FOR Tin and Ptcl Roofhir;, fluttering tP'Ki'injr. Valley Tin alt widtbs Hn'nple i-trip. Ae.,A' ,& Water and hteam Fitting . f all kinds kept on hand. 1 ho Old Keliahle Jenkins (ilol A C heck Vavlt-s, Klierman Injt-etors, De troit J.ulirieators are a ft w of tha many reliahle supplii s in stock. Guns, Pistol, stewinR .Machines, an 1 l!i.7cle renaired Iit the bmst kiii'"i workmen at short notice. Vp keep Hood Old Fashion Coff 4 rotK JUu-. J'Mia, 'JL in. !t everjtlu'ne in the Tinwartl "ne. T. 31. Everett & Tired and broken down women will find that C3. MSG'S EOUL GERKuTUER is a priceless Ixton and blessing lo them. It gives appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestion, tones the nerves, builds up tlie strength and pin's disease and pain to flight. For FfUALE TROUBLES Including all men?uuafd womb difficuliies, it has no superior u both locally and infernally. It is emphatically WOLUUrS FiliEliQ. Pleasant to fake as lemonade, and harmless at all times. New package, large bottle, 10S Doses, One Dollar. Sold by druisfs. Manufactured only by THE ATUXTA CHEMICAL CO., KlzX tl tun rox tt-raoi iocx kutlxs rxtx. Sold by Taylor & Banner, Druggists. AIRY AGADEilY, CO-EDUCATIONAL. Fall Session Opens Aif. 10, '. PreiOT. fir Collet, r,,r TiaiLinr f.r fC!al ii.!ris in Stfiii:'r-,p., Trt. wriliiif, Mut.c atij Nimiutl i.i-ii: lioar.1, S.i.11,1 tl0 ijj, t, BI, Tui tion, H..V) lo t'i W tft lii'Hitti. Wril fr partirulsm. H. C. f RAVES, I'riocip!. Euiflikh huaviti f..' Hard, K. .ft or t allouwd I.jmpa and blembt-a rora lrM-a. J:1.mk1 f-:.rtra Curt, hi'.inla, efw-w(iry, Ki-.sf.ikn-, Mine, hii-aiiia. ail h. !n 'liimmta. Concha, . af by e of ow bottle. W arranSfd the L-r'wt ud.r- ful" lijemtfh t'ijr rtr kinwn. Hold by Ttl iti vu A.rr. C I rrtrt i ) ' i Mount Airv, li. C. T'.JS TkLL TI-IiK V, IM. O' F.N C."-V-w rr, I M. W V Rftt f Tuitiwn Ter aXcnth Ptistry I j mf ment, I nlrT'-.'-v! ii- Advaii'-f-d t i . !., Ooi.t. t,.-t-ut I--. j t m! v. i.;-. I ,. . t 't i- ... J, r t : - i:. A. iLvi I! r. A. 2

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