0" -TT"" ""HI l i 'i I'M JJJJ t. J t I V Hi III OL. MOUNT AIRY, N. C, TJIUIISDAY, JANUARY 7, 1807. w "" t .4U..0. 3fCN f.:v:.. 1 -AOtlretlva A'. IH. r. of i ... 1 t. V Hon-.-, I. t . V If i .i '"I : ii'iii ii i rU i i t VJrl lilt l,.,t f, I V : u 111 , 'Ive s .it trt f I I.IM, n i H -li.'.- 't flM r. ; l H. IB tl 1 Hi? Oi cut II' I HI r fl I ( ' f i"!!!!''!!!!''!! f A' 'II iliriH'W Wlilin.i C ' I I i -' P" rrtnn tn 1.1 ' i - !? in ii. ii iii.ii ii h r ir T-'iiil. ml ri . il' "'I J t. liUUMlt CO, fclklltlN ILi'Ncrvlns "v:, J. A. ilAKTlN, rnuKM 20 AND CO, "Mount Airy, N. C. S. P. CHAVKS, Attorney-at-Ur v, ' . KOUKT AJUy, N. C trfrm tloi- In Htat ana Federal (Vmr's. (( r. i:-i.n' ion i oaUocUoa l :nKi)irAM, !.c.rncy-at-Ivo t Mountain, N, C. r-HH .ui prat. i In (tie 8tl Cnmin. fii!- GKO. W. ,SPAEaKR, v ' itorncy-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIBY, W. C. .( j- ,. i i- in (!'' and Foddrrtl oui1a. i nn to ooltBotlofl I olalma ana ngiAuia. - ... . .. - , , J. R. lEWtLlVN, i-ji &'IiiWiai,yx,-:-neys-bt-lisiw - a- - 'i . tte snrt Ft'rtcraU'ourU. n ml t.uHliseiMi entruiit- ITliBi ! ed u PHOT V o mousJt AIRY, 1.'. c. IB prepired te ninke &M tlw New und irtliinc Kyi an. e up wit h lhe times so U1 (five you SrM-ClfJW ork. ion, c BNNEH. i-'DENTIST.t 7 T Mouat Airy, N. 0. 1 . Otfioe over Taylor & Banner's Drug Stow. Oliice hours 8 a. m. to B p. m. VI -s ym burs itons ork to do yon wilt ilul j to vour intn;t to J, H. V-illw, ! iil hirnnh lions bat trrt r ..!!. e ' rourh or cut. i'emetery Apr-y-lm JLGAl III AND COLLEGE, riv wo VfHT Hit InBtltiiUin fnrttie f ti s.iii rnu. mil 'w lifter lunrn Ktlun ui voiliiii wouuB uii nrru . O n.l. il limn low. It Ik on! ot iv iih s liiifii-trrMrt ril!i-i.' oiir-w. I. .1 ii ml m II" twiiu wnuoM in iii.; i i. n ttiUini. n ial i't IimiuhoIiiI -ii lll b- pi.-ai.t-4 t" n.n. viHUynb i f n Term Ih-kiho s-pt-ii: r std iin?i Jl.Ol.hrt KLI.. -riwlil. haliiia. Kurlb ..juUu. OS. NATIONS, i.sAi.va i crocks and Jcwelrj ll klr ; rtilrif , . --wiiia Mai'tiine, M'lairnl .t.trtt in bent t' man- . . . i t ...... , t miMiey se me before "g fuut parch or having Jour - ii-. .iii, ,tii ! ' MP W if j l,it.. !" - 111 ! t " i'f. . i . if Wales in America. i i ! - in r.ec'!i?lit!!i "When i of Wales was in Aiuer ' ' 1 4 in the January La-J !.- It .1 'Iituh that on iSep'ember 17. ' , ho entered trio United L'- ." -r the first thus, riding to . -.ii tide fur a farewell f -.'iagara, Thcr, after the "i iimnics at Hamilton, the crossed to Detroit, on Sep- and hcciiflie tho guest people of tins Kepnblio. ..!... ..t w.n. ,i tho Prince, as Baron Kofi- t-houiJ ho received bv the , m ,-t ohioinUy by the Gov : ht, mtl this arrangement was S h i! out dnriue his tuur. It f ah if all tho people, headed i i no uovurnor of Michigan, had ! 'led to welcome him at l)utroit. . o crovds were?y.dt i'co that tho jal party cotj' -l M'rt tt to their w tluonirh aho rttain atrouts. lv'.C-wm a stAilxr crowd at Chi which ?m reached two daja cr. St. fniia, whoro tho I unco ;..,! a fluletulid' reception on the i iiir (in.umh and opened tho AVca kin Atmh-trJ of Arts, and Cinein- tmti. where inotlier treinenaoim cr.i-.vd ii'vaitiJ him, and ho danced nil i,i( hf at another ball, tuado the I'r'nee jrlad to get tho comparative .ii, . t of Waahinton, where ho wa ii rcditer d by Lord Lyona to Prei ,t Ihtehtttian and Miat Harriet I -itie, Villi' Iv hm J a olecantly, but pn- inH ruined at tho White Hoim'i.- iSubceiinentk ho vWtcd htinuid, l'hilttdelphm, -New Yolk, l!itoii, and omo other Ka terncitiia, in nearly all of which he waa niinptuotuly entertained, and wirf the i2;iii t of honor at re ci ptioiit., ballf, dinners, etc. On Or!'. I . r 20 the Prince re ctnharked from I'urtltind, Maine, for England. Ovin ;toa severe storm his ship, "Ifi'ro," hud been driven ouf of her cow rii, was icveial days ver 'i'i, hi d her oflieere and crow wero n h cud toarantaalttaro,.. England - itly planned for the aaf'otv t( the jming Prince and lojoieed when thu "Hero" tinaliy landed l.ini ?!ife on bis native shcra. Saj ht H lived 120 Yean. Uciiben Keith, a nero, who ie ; iiig Ida daughter iu'Urooklyn, 1 . . deelnrt e that ha h the oldest poiBoii ui the unitea Mates, Ho taji he is 120 years old and was bom in Virginia.1 it is tnater vyJp Cut it.- Jim Pavne, an .American eai .1 11" . il...t I. .!.. 1... Soulier in mo u aroi uie j vevuunioii. Vipt V.i, no owed a plantation in J?oik Hill county on the Itaptmhan uock Kiver, and there Keith was born in slavery. Keith's wife, who Ii 80 yews old, was also a slave, sod was married when sha was 16. She cime North nine years ago, and Keit.ii followed five years later. He has sines lived at FUniftold, JS. J., with ono of hi daughters. His wife makes hir , home in Biooklyn. Keitli walks without atsistanco, but when ho goes from Plainlield to J!f,..,k)yn bis daughter pins a wa '" - coat, and tho railroad id (orrymen aid hiuiwto' . deotiiinf His fght is lie i. ?trtialH deaf, .'i h. -slaviys 1 has never used i iMtceuy .jnH has; only rarely used oxicatiniJors. A lank President. Mr. W. ' Nelson, prei-ident of tho Seeo. -National Pnk, of Jack . fc. .t.'. t. son, lciy ,sayB; ror iiiuipcuiioo andNcr onble, 1 would rather give up V.WU -if any remedy I ever ied than i. g s 10) ai uerin etaer. As a .' .vo tranquilizer, it is all that o desired. It is not a narcotiek any ecnae, but prv (Slices the nappipt tueeis upon mo disordered nerviraa system. 1 con sider it an invaWable remedy, and have for years recommending it to my friebda.' Nw package, laryo Ix.tlle. 108 djfaes. 1. For sale, by Taylor & JjSiner. Evangelist Pearson's Mf eting. llev. Dr. R. tl.' Peason's last scries o meetings V'ld in tho Second Pr-byte. 4 tftrch of Memphis, Ten 11. $ rcftlring to the evangelist's wj k there, the Scimitar aavp: "Jll tinkK havo not only been fruitfijt of exelien results but thevhave heel) fi some respects uiobt onnsutil.f ut only have the coeKresatt iS Wbtdi have listened ta Mr. PoaFj-un becmiex cetilionaliV urce. in many instaVes largo numbers having been tur way from tlie dour, utterly ULahle to gutn auuition. - i II. W. Ikht, wlto w S'cre fary of Statu f i'orth Carolina soon after tho war, died in Washington I k. Ilia remains were taken t j R-'uigh- for burial. - 1 ... - 3. l"-3 m wifa cf Ei- Cfiuijf Di St fti4rSiihlf - of TWINS to leu than I uUa and with f- K-arccIy any pain v . t a fur aging oulj ttvo bottles of - VFr.ZQ" 'ID .' T fc- a Arri-tffAiD. l. ' ' 1 , ."'l mIh' 1 , iri r-Ti, i. i.ti iK & 3. i i. I'l l NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH EREO FROM OUR MANY WIDE. AWAKE EXCHANGES. ' In view of war with Spain. Editor Ijoumov, of lhe iMpnroc Journal lins already rolnntevred as a jnem bcr of the hsmo gnard. J. A Jones, of Salisbury, aged 4.1. was found dead in Led Wednes day morning, lie had boon in do Ciim" MW Ior Cttr I The home! Sir. J. J Laiiirliinir houso, a prominent citfzen of Pitt coiimy, whs destroyed by an acci dentttl lire 0110 tusrht last week. The Wilmington Light Infan'ry offered to eceort (lov. liussoll to Kaieiirh on thooct-aelon of his in aii,55uration but lip declined the offer. Air. Danief 8 fiord dropped dea Satiuday morning In Abtunathy'i store, at btttfiley Uroek, lie waa about 00 yv'ara old: (Jharlotte Ob- wsrver. v Mr. John k. 1m1 bai betm forced by failing he':'i to eever hU con nection with If Lenoir Topic, Ills partner, Mr. II, ' L'lair, aaaumlnjr entire control of the paiwr. We trust his afilicttoos are of a tem porary naturo. On Wednesdiiv niorninu: ftlKuf 10 o'clock Mr. J. ph Jetton was niisaiitir from ho .e, and npon umry nun iuvcpiilijIKjII ,o Waelolll n . . . . i ; .' t in his barn dead. He-waa a hour 16 r cat a-old, lie died of hear difea'c. Lincoln Dem emocrat. AVill IIoneyeUtt,otCa barms, dieJ 'rin injuries nfteivod while in conf pany with.am Hood and (ie6. HailhcoxMlaithcoX says Hood hit Hone ventt on the head with a stick. Hood li:hies Ha'thcoxV statement but he is' in jail awaiting Trial for killing lloncycutt. The Morganton Herald says the arbor at Is'ebo camp ground, in Mc Dowell county, together with sever al thotiMind feet of lumber for the new Methodist church at that point, was burned a lew days ago. The suppou'd eanao of the conflagration was from sparks blown from tire which the carpenters had while at woik on tho church. A young colored, boy in Greens boro couldn't wake (lis f riend eauily, so he t r.-vw'" tow'tngger close fnliis ctmrado earv Somehow the gun slipped, and inttead of waking up the boy put him to tleep. It is to be hopfa that this method of awakening Bleepers will not become tho .fashion, as it is bit n.icoiriforlablo for the sleeper. The Dnrham'Sun's matrimonial editor remarks :n tho account of a runaway nutch : "Wheie two loving hearts arc bent upon embark ing upon the sea ot matiimony, it is not hard for a way to be found to -overcome all obstacles letioing 10 block tho Drotrrcfs towards a con- 8!tirmiHUon-tf 'r(oiidet-t heart's . . l rr.. . -lL- 1 . J." pyifiUtii. ihfi niatniiit'iuai eouor OllglH IO KIIUW. f Ijcnui'l Sullivao, a proeperbutf farmer of Wilson c nit ty, had been to town luesdav and was on Ins way homo when he s'ruck his horse whieli was very fiery, whereupon sho began to fniioiisly kick. Mr. Sullivan was kncked tiom his vehicle, and lay senseless until found by sotno neighbors a short time afterwards. He died in a few bours. Oxford Ledger. The Salisbury World says John It. Craw ford and M. S. Relk, two of the Sou .hern's force at Spencer, had a narro-v escape from death. They stood between two tracks and did not obi-i rve an approaching freight from at' opposite direction. As tho train passed them a boxcar lurched tootiesido and knocked both Messrs. Crawford and Ikdk to tho ground. In some way they were caught by the car and dragged about twelve feet. Their escape from death was miraculous. The Stalesville Landmark in the following; fays something that ap plies to uil newspapers: "Tho land mark is a business enterprise and makes newspapers for sale junt as the eoUoii mill makes cloth fur sale. Copies t f tho paper ure s dd by the year, q 1 uter-year, month or week ; or they are sold single copies, ha ah dozen, dozen, hundred or amoiMir anu w'iMr Price furniMied app.iWTToti. This is.iitfCnows nost peoplo arra 1 don t mean to otb ud thoMjjWho know, it by thiustingit b-fore their faces. Rat the statdrTfen'j is made foijtlie bene fit ot tf4e ho. think the paper is printed for fretdistribution. There are nowlrrictyli ilonnon elders (or missionaries) t work in this st.i'e. They are widely scatter ed. All are in charge of Elder A. C. Hui bard, who is known as the presiding clJcr He also travels, as do the others. The Mormons have what they ca'l a conference ii! this state, suit it meets annually. The elJ is KPjert that they do not advise on "'thwr c 'i.verto to g to L'lah, b it to 1 JoT remaiu where they are are' he.', ms "leaven" to make others. Mit of the titers are yoiu g, some almost boyis'i, iind d not appear to be of an ediieut d eUs. Ihey my that their el nreh do' snot advt,!ieB noney for give it to persons wh msn-t on goi-igto l. tan, nut sy me eider so'iieiiin.-s advance it thene'via. The Mornions ritlieule the "Siticti hcatioi.'KU tr "Hoiiti ole and regard .heir bein I sg i pi t itii-rnl. llieeKi-rs myf oik in vuniik teanse tlirVy sy thediipk:di ( so. , Aoout Good Roads. The Star contends that the best nno to v hieh Stato convicts cinii le put is. in makincr new and improv. mg the, old highways, a fact that no ette hm yet, as far as we know, caught onto, been a good aiinon'Mi mere nas ..lit.. i .1 deal of talk on that lino in a number of our State Leg Ulalnref. Under the iaw in this State counties complying with the conditions which wish to avail them selves ( t tho privilege, can work their s'lort-time convicta on the county roads. Several counties havo tiken advantage of this. among them Mecklonbarg, Wake and Forsyth, in each of which the roads have been very much improv - ed. Wake connty employs about thirty-five bonds, under the super intendeico of Mr. W. C Wo. Mackin, supervisor of county roads. In speaking of. the advantage ta the farmer and others, but especial- ' to the tanner, witu a repreaent. veof Hie Raleigh Press-Visitor he calls attention to some of the prae ncal btmeiita dertvea Irom good roads. liotoi ring to railroad freights he shows that it costs tho farmer more to haul fits produco to the railroed stations, aa average dis taticceayji bf twelve miles, than it doe to carry tho same amount of Iretght fmr hundred miles bv rail. and yet much fault is founfl with o railroads for what is considered aome tho high charges for trana- .......... lt'Li j i i. luimiiuii. nil goou nuru roaus ie maintains that tne trarwporta'ion f to the etntious whieli over bad roads coots the farmer thirty cents a ton could witfj good road be done with ono fourth of that, without takinir into consideration tho lightening ot work on men and draft animals and tho wear and tear on wagous There are other advantages reaped uotu by country and town, to which Mr. McMackm calls attention, and nthera to which lie docs not alludo, one of which is the enhanced value given' to Jand along thcao roads. lie showi alao that with tho labor laving? ii achinery now available, the cost i f macadamizing roads has !eeu reduced from $rt 000 and lM0, tiuO to f I.Ot'i) a in i In, and where diTivict h.bor is employed to jf 750. With t h i - Blnwing of ct, tbere is :io good ice-on why any iiuty which rati command convict r, or any St ite, should not have roads.- W iltiiingtou Star. Quiet Lynching. t tt lW)ljr nniet I vucliing occurred reason thu fact, has not heretofore been madj public. The man who was lynched was J im Green, colored, who resided t n Air. Eli GiUon's place, one mil i from Gibson station. Jlc was a new-comer i( tlie neigh borhood 1 nd was employed in the e.itton seid oi; mill at Gibson sta tion. N tiling was ktiowu-ij him txcept th it ho was a fellow oTdtad reputatiou and had served a term in tho pel itentiary. 4 On Christt;ias night about l! o'clock a lumber of white men on horse bat k snrrounded Green's house and male him go with them a half mila down the road, where theyvlrew their revolvers and rid died hjaJi vim bullets Tho lynchers were not TtttbJgd ami were strangers in the nei. hb-lood. It is supposed iliat they c amJlrom South Carolina, t ud that iheyXfouud out Greek's place ot r- sidenco and came over ia to this Bta'e to'ynch him for soure crime committed in South Carolina. Green wa a utyrricd man. The lyi chersere, white men. Wilmingl jn Messenger. Grihm Station Burned. At 1 o'eloek Sutiii.y morning the passenger d.-jHit ofo N. and W. railroad a' Graham, jjVa., was de atroyed by tiro. ThWre is sup posed to i.ave origiulfed fronj somo defectivciu,yir-reding from the fupiiie e, which waa located in lhe basoti,e.rdj The building was erected in l&Tt a cost of $25,000, and was cif -)t the handsomest on the road. ftwas constructed of nativo su datof and finished in nat ursl w -od' "ost of tie contontrf were iitWeOV The insu.atiee will I'latt about nan ne cx( 01 me budding. Spain V ill Accept No Inteivention. The Irnparcial publishtiS a report of fn isitc view with Senor Canovas, prime mir isttr, in whtth br declares tiiat the povcrnment-will not accept any ititervont'on on tho art of tho United States in Colia. The premier also feays iliat t!ie lume governmentlj will not ins'i'ine any retorms in Cuba nnt 1 ihi revolt in that Island. is limited to the eastern provinces, t ut reforms will tw undertaken in ti e islano of shoitlv. Porjo li:co very Tli Orandrsr' Ketnsdjr. Mr. ft. R. tiruv-vc, merchant, vt Cliilhowi'. '-, certifies"" that ho had e .nsunipt n, wns give"h ep to die, a tuht !' nmlieal irealiqvnl that n onoy coiJd piwiirc, trio-ratbcVagh r medio I c-u!d hear of, but i?ot n relief; rpeni many nigh's ettting o iin'a el airj was. induced lo Itp Pr. King's Xetv Itiseorery, ft"d vrm e uol by. ne of two Ix.itles. For1 pn-l lhre yea -s hs been utteniSjr.g t. busim", tnd says !.. King's New liae very i lhe gran.Ust rem eily ever Bii,t as it has done so much f.r 'dm and !o for others in t i eonim mil v. Dr. King's New Piseoverj is guarai-tel lor concha, r,,.!a urn! hi tmption. It iion"l fail. Trml boi'.H S Irou at TJ lor & Ilati- Bfr'a tTu ntore. A DASTARDLY DEED." ATTEMPT TO WRECK THE VESTIBULE r TRAIN ON THE 8. A. L. Kaletgh, N. U, Dee 3(). IVob- I .11.. a. i , ,i . . oiy use meat u-uitardir-detd ever attempted in this State was tne ef fort tj wreck the Heaboard's At lanta and Washington vtetibule, southbound, at a point ono mile weet of the pity laet night at 1:00 o'clock. Tra in-wroc.king seems td nave ieeume en demie in tho South Had the vestibule not been u hour late the train, composed of seven ears and tilled with people, would J have been precipitated down a steep 1 embankment, thirty Icet hijrh. As I was, atrnght train running on the veatinule a chedule, left the track. tTJio engine and ten cars went downhe embankment, being imipletely THHdkvtl, 'luo nremiiti. John Ovorby, ajolord man. foil under thaeiiginuV ill. body, whieli was terribly manded.: fiavlug ImW ourned andscaldedwas nf n eun-,1 until 8 o'clock thi" ' engineer John loif,... . , hi down with the wreck, but jumped from under the flying cars. I ll is injuries were three broken rii.?.. Air. Jiobinaon walked to ILIehli. and brought the no-vsof tho wreek. Spikes had been drawn from fl.o rail, which was left open The; Work was that of vandals, who ev i dontly intended to wreck and r(.h the vestibule. Four tramps Veie put on ino man train vesterdav near mo point ot the wr. ck. It thought they did tho work. Will Not Chrg Piracy. Wasuinoto.-, Dec. 23. I tin durstand that it is not the intention of the Spanish legation to press the State Department for the trial i f the alleged filibustering steamer "Threo Friends'Voh the chare of piracy. According fi ltiformatioii received the stories ab tiit tho vessel's cncouDter" Spanish shiis arc greatly exaggerated, and tho lega tion does not regard the recent pisodo (u in any way chaniing tho status of tho vessel. Tho legatioo will exiect tho ad- ministration authorities to try the vessel for violation of the neutrality laws, and it is expected that she will not bo released under bond, as was done lotno months sgo. Should sho get away, however. with another expedition aid reach Cuban" waters, every t Hot t w.it bo made to capture her, and if suceesa- fttt Ue will bo treated as a nuiuiei- of the dor. 22 dr in ,lle UrtW For fear of complications wiTrTTIiC United States, it ts not expected that any a' tempt will bo mada by Spanish vessels to take the "1 hree Friends" on tho high seas, n'dess the pursuit should be . in in Cuban waters. In this event tho United States Ci-iiid not interfere. Attorney General Harmon left last night on a shooting trip, and Assistant Attorney Whitney, who has charge of the Cuban matters, under his general supervision, told rue that it had been decided to al loVr the district attorney at Jack sonville to prosecute the "Three Friends" w ithout additional instruc tion from tho department. f Begging Letters. TbTate Jay GonM used to say that never a daydfti!ed that lie didn throw away ft bushel of beg ging'lettere, asking for everything from a yacht to his antograph. j-lletty Green, the richest wi man in America, says she was worried t death just before Christmas by nt tn begging her for presents. She said t a reporter: " The nnmber of letters I had asking for Christmas presents was simply amusing. People I never heard" of wrote and ask,ti& for tho most ridjSswua things, but one woman just made me laugh. She told mejiow poor they had become atui how all their luxuries had been fsfcen from them, and couldn't I give her a home or a horse that she Could give to her husband for bis Cl.rittmafcf Well, now, it it' had jten a note I wotdd have Iati;;!al HtirfViouglit it a Joke, but u was J tour pag letter anil told me all ber - fioi'i liit'oir The crop of lette) writing la-ggars ncvef ends. Som write out of mis guided enthusiasm for a worthy cans, some for urp o?s td bhick- tnBii, but ttio largo majority from pure lack ol sense, Th Bett Wjjr To Curs Disease is to establish health. Pure, rich blood mess good htaltb. Flood's Sarsaparilia is the One True Rlood Purifier. It tones up tho u hole system, gtSes apH-tite ei d s'reiigh and Citus weakners, r.er veusnev? aad pain , to Jit-ap," ar. No other inedieiiie ; has such a record f wondctful enres as Hood's Sarsapsrilla. Hood's Piils are t lie best after dinner pi!!; assist digestion, prevent constipation. 25 c. The steamer Peru biings news to Ban Frnnei&co that in additioa to the small pus epidemic at Japanese ports ebolera hns revived in Hong I Kong and though there are cot ytt jnsny deaths, tho piiigne is jncresr ing and eri(tis results are expee'ed. Tt.e dite hi made ler. h .!. d wsy In many Chinese ci'. s.' d t n th.- inU'-d of For'n-1 .la;, -r - DjiU ; .- c dicir.d a o ;art against a' cholera inf. freight Trains Tied Up. ' The SalUburjr WurfJ of Tt.esday lart MV8 ; - . "A ruilrcad man tolJ a World re porter, this morning, that there are now thirty freight trains tied tip in nd around Salicbory. lt,is growing mofe evident evcrv day that the Southern's present' trak facilities between Ureen.bor.. and Charlotte are inadequate to lis needs and the trouble cn only bo remedied by laying a donble ,trne' between these points., We ars a, -re4 by a rail rond-pfllclul that eu. ii a track will bo put dowrf by t,ot later than epring,'' ; A railroad rnantt-lls an Observer i reporter thai 'one d,y recently 400 ireignt cars stood tn tho ra road jard fit SiiliHhury in a condition of part iaj bU'k '(. It ia no nnnoio nm fifing Mr thr'harlotteyard to bft bWcksVv-J. -&'ms dava ao thn 'f '(.btiiin fof ifjaiosviile, duo to lilvjt.....h j. T J'I , of tUjard nntil liyfioa to the liloek. lhe Southern i sing an immense business ac l at!"ti track between Charlotte siid (In j.t. ln.ro '"iin 'vui i a. 111..PC11U not trnt ttnt would seem to bo one of lie absolute- iivci'smih's oi tiie verrarljr firf-Nj. The Jjirge Pinnei's Point bniti I men ino lino Hits omit up fncrtAHu, " necessity. Chanotto Obr - er. An fmPorta(t Pexi.ioS. . Rerne, Dec. 3o.-The Swiss ftd cral council to-day rendered a'. de cisiotLin the. matfef of Jho arbitm turn of the claims .of tho French merchant and shipowner, M. Fabi ani, agahiBt the republic of Yen. ineia under tho administration of Hie former president. Rlanco. ' Vuhi. ni asserted that Rlanco had ruined" him and his claims tor Jmlpno-it. were submitted to thn tho Swiss confederation for arbitm: t! . . ! inns rf . . iiou 111 10'Jl. 1 lie federal in-1833, directetl Professor Virgin Kossel, of the University of Rerne to examine the case and give a Wal opinion of the action of the Vene zuelan execulivo-. toward the com plainant who demanded 5S,000,000" francs indemnity, lhe aAvard pro mulg ited by tho federal council to Jay simply recognizes the fact that justice waa deuied to rabiani, and fixes the indemnity to 1 paid to lim by the republic of Venezuela at 1,311,030 francs. Tho decision sl Ives a great many points affecting the rights of nations, private and internal ional rights and civil rights. and grves exhaustive explanations fhtreon. The document- it is cx- 'eted, will be of the bight St order of internationa1 - ' , . fir .f' . .iHv1very good e izon wants is gootl government.. iJewanrs pros perity. Political par'ics aro lsrT'' up jn the desire for the grcatefit!y08 sible degree ot prosperity, jfhey are bound to be 11101 or leefTcon sis'ent in their efforts 0 thatnd 111 order to win or destrvo political support. The masses ot the AnaVri- can js-opie are uonm; mey yY&t excruciating riwra ifec:nati,m. oitenaisoaemaea. 1 -ey taae steps fa-quently 111 the dart, and euller tho incidental casnsltiea thereby engendered. Parties often allow themselves to fall into bad hands. , Rev. Dr. McAfee, pastor of the Grove Presbyterisn Church, Dan ville, Pa., in a stirring. prelude to his sermon Sunday morning a week age, made an apcal for peace and noii-inte'i vention in Cuban af fairs at prcsujlif1 Affin informal meeting or tne cong of the congregation held at the close of the service a resolWr -QiJ is sold eTerywhcro for 5 cents, tion was adopted unanimously in-lA7ifin ilt:aWs oflcr a substitute be- doreing the pastor's view and calling j npon Congress, and ef-pecially upon , Pennsylvania's Senat rs and Rep resentatives, to abstain from anv , action tending to embroil country in hostilities with Spain The State of Virginia makes 30,- 000 a year by the labor ot her rtivj tentiitty convicts, nut the complaint is made that they aro crowded like ... . . i. o . ... . e .1 cattle in mi ir ecus, cowe gi me papers are justly scerinHhe au thorities for this, and cohsd that if the State tcl 's the !?oduct8 of the labor of the oonvkfs at such profit she should cull thiVonrijts more like human beings t!i: like cattle. L - hn Mills, theyom g srtite man of Mareville township, arrested sometime ago tor wiiting vulgarity on the outside of an envelope aud sending it through the mail, was tried by the federal court at Char lotte lust week and "ontenced to thrte months imprUoi.ment and fined $100. MoprtHj' Journal. Tutt's Pills Cure AH Liver Ills, . Prevention better than cure. Tutt's Liver Pills nill not only cure, but if taken in time viU prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaumTce, torpid liver and kindred diseases, ' ' TUTTS Liver 1'ILLS (-.1 " " Mif v r t .1 ft v. iv i'"fi.i S- I Highest cf all In "Uavening - J isir f ifi i ei ' Another Alatwma Wreck. ' ; ; !. : : . .Tl, Tt.a SM'. - ' A special from Louisville, ''Ala.,1 aya: A tern Wo wreck occurred on tho Eufanla & O.ark roi,J Wcd hcoday morning in which Engineer f'liarlea E. Hiin'tns was killed tmU rigtii and the fireman, Atr. Woods, received very psinful injuries In bis desperate leap L,r ljfo. The wreck was caused by the axle on tho fr..nt true; of tbffl tngme breaking. The pseigers on loard- were pof in J tired.-.' ... - . . - f ho most serious wH-idcut rejairt ed daring OhrlHtmas waa tho- one that befell Willio Clavton: ll, is. year old son of Mrs. 8. 8. Clayton, of Rclew's Creek street, Salum. It . .. -, ...v oecurred uhnstmss eve and a cfcn. mn cracker did it. Wkb somo other bova Williu u u. . - f fga-liear the court house sonaro. in K ,i" t i t .' T?T th - - Mu)-v4 m ma rtgniiiana. his tmiriira fi.... r,.,.!.,.-.- ..:i. r " r. . r" rfv m mreo places, besides a portion ' f t f.l nra..bi. ........ I m. 'i . . 5 , , ,'tu wuni luroug mepaim vio iinuu. trinsipn ceDtluel. j w ... Poy. W. J. Stone.. riY M . 'v ' .-win i fill fl 1 a tn i?n 1 h fnt V luorwh. Nrca sa'ld o horsA Ia lt.,. SoM.'.Ne' 'as a'.niirirtln to- ..i' Jt-vmi Tho o.,:...i !. ' ,jlor. andliaa ben -.vernvr.- saddle horsa foi s-'inon:hs.'' Ilrt'-'iilf,f, : Hentnky.witli Hbotit a yar ago. - .. ' ri... V jTt ' s - witiiA ir niiiL'iKUA & i r.Ay lirnrmiir I i'i) ni TTTi i ia ci . is - no- , c the only jhiinnent ofhe kid ever made aVoau from ottr 'gi1', but it will te but (he keiffniiingc'f niany. " ' ' M r. Cucolia 1 1 aiVis. ged latly, was bu-ned to death while sitting in her rlnom ftt her home in Ashe boro otoruinK mi weeK. TyJ impVi ties in the Wood hieh ions eri)ntloi.s are trn cause it-""'":- , , , n,r- - j A . .rrTiftiiw .aiR.ii'TSiri E."!. Cox, near Lowell, weighs foil r teefi and a halt pounds, clear of tops. In a wreck on the Southern rail way near Old Fort Monday night a fireman was dangerously injured. Some People's FcHy. Wlif some pers W w.U s ifTer with ytfien they can be so ey eured by . j . vpftn x that greatest of pa;niires, Salvation Oil, is past human ' comprehension. Vfiliat Salvatlou Oil does cure rheunia- liitn is evidenced bv Mr. O. F. 8clira- dci, Pierce, Neb., who says : 1 liave used Skyatiou Oil and think there Is oo lif-wnton earth like it. I had the rhf ' n.'tistu for several mouths and coidi) gtt no relief until I used Bai ts lion Oil, two bottlesof which effected a cure, and I feel as well as ever. "No T. home should be without V Salvation war, you'll bo victimized. Insist on jiS'- ng Uioljest, Salvation Oil. XtT VT CTMUCfYW Fir Fm Mte Hm j axn irrarnnaja I IN OFFICE SUPPLIES; 4 i AJ Mnmherlnii MsblBC. Bask tumps, hnutn w ul lMtni. Burning Houiils. t'aUlit Maehlwa, Cliw I rro:..uirs. eoiKJueUirs'. PuaCtea. for-piH-atloa trtla, Hand Uttil Imtsrs, No l.tniU Brala, ITluiiDy Whtl. I'ostwt Stiup, ivn aud Pei.aiSiaiiitw, Rui'tr Tiw 0tr, Kabur T.pe, Uubhtr Sinitp fa.1. Kutoiiar Star-p Ii.k. Stsn ril. sisoi-u Int. SteneU Bnish. Siwl SHuuiin, ntwl Letter aud Ft.surcs. i-ll lnkiujc siajp". Svsr'P SIMhiM. siunp hiu kti, S!k'B Mnirm, wax aeula ana Tpa WnirrSuppaaa. Tiu-rv ta boiutnf tuS la aa office we eattoot aupiily.ana at ttie r lt-t in.-v pnvibiv. Ir Bnaa gtw. - tuuktir. Wsrt'banla. tttimattuppra ana ail prft-iuloQl uteD a IS Uu wt-u f, ntj prt- tHtttire liiiyihessewhiTH, our itrotiirs t anlK-tO-a. ei lBlly. l'rtiiiit aiiui!"e giiM l ail nrdra. imi. Id Jovo bio. k, atf.a4 ol at 4.4. rttfiil-li"'l ai.ls. (rociliir na Main suet-1. Muunt Alrj. H. t. tock tlox Ii. -Cun-pondnce i i i i Marrh ,". PCKSUANT to pors vet4 in me in wignmenttexeeufd hj thetm fitr, 1 will ell at public m.1" lion to ttie lirh tt.t bidder for casli 2o,el.ick 1. M., on January ICth, 1.. " Wount Airj, N C-, in trout ot tm vxrnipunv on..-.., th. following t'ertirates of fit"t;"' the t.ramte City J.i ami '-.', 11, JO, SI, A'fl...:., nti,w1 1, .isonrsuara vo lf un Ul o pursuant JTf un Ju". y 131!., ISA If ' ; t-(nn,r me nary ion .-. 1 a,. r aul 51. rvt-' " 11 i. to ... , M 1! it' notes nu cii"i aaainst th ti" (4 Htof k for t tt epitl t'.- 1. Ii. M t l.'tl t'..i t'w l i t-i J " I Ic. ltUh, V .1 a.. Sf if, i T Towers - Lat est V. '. Ml th IiJshrgentsjii iL,;;r pffto-. i Var id by iy vi rs, p.ii-J (I.n .-. p, ! 8 i-f me.ii,a tfrec ;th jj fruit t f tlory t:en, fiodotn, turn to f.j,hii S ,lf -.... Ii. u a company Ti. eftoK tibsalfw w,-kaji 4-t-f"g with atrertgth n uruilio.J j BVfsrnng. Tint ightjr.r K.. -..shiJ,r.l,;(,:.;;,?jlrrt'(); hat ij i)lti;0 J'i,r (it, rovineo dU!y'-;,!l t,U; ,ro f , fighting travt-ly. (,.., , , Honda's share, to t.y"' t',;, .-,.ry , f (heir eud. . . If they tnlis'iitJ fT.lnw. ..rn tlmyeao martyrs t,.,.,tt ,.,,; worthy of tbo rtt-r t' ... j 1 j. -2-- 11 their bghfW wa- I r'.'ff1' ... i .14- ' T", Ptth lod only to IW- grave. CALL Atr.. 11' - . -ton ki.ini' Strum. .Xt'..ie., oru. Water nail Steam Kit t iik r all kimlg kPl't on tised. lb Old Kelialite Jer.kir.s -.ln' A l h,' Vaytes. Ktwrman Ir.jj niany ri-t',' yclllnM 1 'MT,tb best kilW"f'Arn,,n ht lhin , saiuer . . ... glMt.ina c,frN. m r a - p - - ----- . ... I... I t... l IM ,.. 1 (A-ffii'i-i K 111 UiC Aiiirttirj unci. livcrt'tl Co. i- IK. . m - Year;'. Rouincl ; Soma Medicines belooa to on -season and scm to another. CR. KING'S ROYAL tlZ'lVCZX IS IM 5EASON ALL Tr!E Vt(R ROUND. IN THE SPHiQ It pnrifies the Mood, remorrn 1 .rs.-"i.r and depresr.inn, invigoratea and exhila rates the whole tybim. IN THE SUMMEll It oren-omes therelasaf Xon art " .ti-hilit r' caused by hot weather an l eoirect bowel tronblea that are - pivruh-nk then. t"(.ili'S, it muke ( jn.t light ful and refrvshimr 4 IN THE FALL When malaria "ridi-ston rrtv va.siii j breec," it iathe preat r . - 1 . i "-V1-IU ive ami iud uiiiutting uurt) ttl T faig from that cau&e. s' rvKult- IN THE It is atill nedel iploW, Cnp, d the Cl that Uttarrb, KIh---:iu, an. belong to coi-ns. ,- . It doc thci thlBK", not in feabla and tinea r.io wy;-w with aaurl Kiep li p f 8 IVf.l t Ail Tirr : . rr-So! tf 1Wiett. m-w j U. -tut, lii Ioava. 000 Villar. Mature turn iiy t-j-' " ' , THE friAKTA CHESiCAL CD.,ATIASTA, I Write fVv S Paf Book, HatMl fn. Sofd fey IsyUr L Banner, flru. Fall Sessions a. Ij, -"TFit'tri f.r'('oll.-Ke, fo, Ttathlua. f. Uieiinnui. v ' t PiKsrliJ eo..Ha in Stvnngrv.), r Tte wriiit.f.. .!.-e i Norma! i.e.Vi,'n, ll..r.t. it..ia to lti 01 psr montlj.fc' Tui tion, l..Vi 10 3 isi jK.r nionili. Writ fir farlii tinrs. . li, Cl KAVK.V. I riailpai. Knc!Lh tvi'i f iiiimnit rVeneveaalJ Hard. ..ft or fai!,:; Lump, and bifttiii tii- r.-om ii.trae. t im i n,.,;,.. t, .'I'llUU, fl..lPf, KlH-.J .,; rnl., ao , oit-ri .At-mtm, etc. .- if it v.urw nrr anown, Tavinti A rUxxait r-o.d 5'U,.-,,S.o mm ui x. c. Ill !: mu. f., i J ft Tuf.ion Per itonth: ' '""' 'it, I!.- . f r is .i-v -. t. . " t , i 1.1. : e-ll.Vf r-jinn 1 1 -ti:;.', j Cough bout. s ful H!" L - " i '-! IAfAV hi.Uk .' If j a ujf ! ''r try ' all

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