II ir 1 HE XI' 1 Jjj VV O. VOL. 10. MOUNT AIRY, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, J807. no. no Seven Months With Fever. wonderful Ksrofrrr ol llralih. Mr. Ilnlrd's ri)ll and nmrvi'lniii iw. ivory rninaiii..raatlt"t..n in In. tinrtnnl wsIkIiL 87U imumU, ten, Biirly tli.iil;r (( f l ho yrni.il.wi, mnuiKili-nlvImt mill Imililliig-un fer, Miles' Restorative Nervine. J. H. I'.Miin. "0intlcnn,n I lh to xprrutn yon my mtltn.i. f..r tlu itreut nim! Hint If. ((' Arrf liria li.i, f.ir tnr 1 ttiken al.'k with ijrih..lil foyer m.d I lulcl In lie.1 for a.isn inmitlir. Afi.r pi-Mlnif Ovtr I h.i n-vsr I tviiatlti.i ncrvon.. iot.1 1 Ircl. Mid ilnl nut ri t.nin my ,.tn uriIi. I tried wvitiiI niirli'tary r,n ,11. .ii , anil flnnlly, aftor linvliiu l-ii sil m.-.l in wsli.lit inl'l) tMmniU, 1 lH'Trtn trying your Am-iti", and at itir. Iunn n Improve. tt ha IImiIIv r.iiowy rtimt, and t.lnv I ran way I ncx-er fni tict ts In nil inv llfi., nn.l ..'.itii 270 ouhU. Thia la in v nnrtxhl w.'t.lil, m I uieaaura t fwtis In.li.a In ln-lk'liu" Bmith n.-ml, Ind. I ll HAIW. Pr. MllsV Ni'rln Ii "ld rn it p-wltlvft ffunniiiNMi thttttli Mrr h.i.t.i n 111 I tt.-lin AllilruuKWioaWI It at (I,a Uit.l.a f'trV. or It will li m'til, .r"tro:l. on riv.'int cf irli- OJ llio lit. Miles Mmiicti Co. i-.hli.iri, lii.L Dr. Miles' Nervine Kc" ..Health r.rr. J. A. MAKTIX, HOTAHV PQBLIG, phonics 20 and 28, Mount Airy, N. C. S. T. Gli AYKS, Attorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIHY, N. C. tir-l'rwWwt In "'! IVOr! Courts. Proirp' allisnlton lucoil-cllon of ("IhIiiik. V. S. XKKDIl AT, Attorney-at-Law, Pilot Mountain, N. C. tWlll pr.ietliHJ In Hie stale rouris. Col lection of claim a acuity. Jn mm GKO. V. SrAHGKK, Attorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIHY, N- C. Will prn'tloe tn bute ftLd Kfrtcral otirta. fieiil alicmlon lo collec lon of claims an! neg-i.tlatli.g louia. . F. CARTER, MOUNT AIRY, N. C J. R. LEWELLYN, OOtMON, M. C. Caktkr & Lkweklyn, AttoFneys-at-Eaw. IJri'ractlc In the Mat! nd Federal court. l'rompt atumtlon su ed to their care. :n to all bu ilncss eutrul- J. H. Blakemore. PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. C- la prepared to make all the New and Artistic Style. la up wlih the times aod will gtte you flrat-clawi work. 0. C. W. BANNER. DENTIST, Mount Airy, N. C. Office over Taylor & Banner' Drug Store. (illice liours 8 a. w. to 5 p. m. ACADEMY 11 COLLEGE. FORnoarlv lW jeartt this !ntmitKn forth ZX'r eduattou of youi.u wo n has .xx-u. ,,.ed u" very front rank, and u never uio.e unieVouXa u-oded ihnn now. It l not only Ilr. Jirtea with a Uieti-k-'rHde college courw Imt Ea rT in all ol It a, tal n-h-l of M usir Art iLToruY" " on.n re,l ..d I r.d.ist rial i.ud-ra ' will " I'lea'd lo-nd ratal.afue aliu.Noruh arollna. "JOS NATIONS, IEAl.eB 1JI Watches, Clods and Jewelry Of all kinda, w in? M'loief. Musical ln.tr..m.-t.&c. W.t.-heK.Cloj-k,. and Jewelry r.'paire-d in t-it p.lile man ner and iatisf action puarantet-d. If you want to fate money pee roe before makiiiR your purclia or liavmg your work done. Burial Robes, Slippers, &c. A full tork f N zs ani qnalitie kept OB band, Bd al rnunaable pili. Mort m. up.tairm ve H. h. ratlr on'aatw. on Wain Hr. lUaidaaca, rat h.mM X.irth i if tin railroad. HTATi: Kormal and lsdcstrial Sctool. r-vEPABTirv r wn i'PP'd Itiwlm I) " reul.r 4 Mit k ( .- prMHW lu tiia ( -.-r - ,,,U,lSLl. ...U.l. MUlt bPTHtoa. la C. ' . . .... . aim am UMII, ini k in Coffins, teteis, They Toiled nd Saved Together, Tliu IllinotM Cfiitral tniin wna linlf h liundri'd mil from (Jliiciiro lit H.Ud for thu tiitv. nnd ht h lnilu BtHtion an ol"! frtriniT cimu ultom-J Ho whb a little wt iizuncl mini, with h noiihitivo mouth, Imlf C'iiiiujhIuiI by rui ir.mgniv I ward. Ilia ill tittiim elnllit'8 Wrrti t viiji'iitiy inn mt'Bi mi coitit'ortxlilu l'Bt. Ik'Blid softly in to a ecat oi'ciipicd by h grave etraiiaer. rcadmura now epapiT. 1 wo, thrt'O tinu'8 thu old man turned liin fuco toward the brown, flying land- rpio. Tho utrancr waa struck with the trouhlcd expression an clanpcd wiatfiilly at hia companion Tho latter gooko at lant, with a Birancu tiiikini'Ba ill hi voiiio, "I am troinj? to tli" ity '" Bi'cuid timo in my life, he emu, half Btarth'd at his own wordB "Vt8 ?" "Thirty vcara R20 1 wont there lor a wt'ddinc Bint, and I am goin hack tln ro to day tor a coiiin and (hroud for tho lntlo woman that married mo. "Yon don't know what it ia,ni inter, to live and work 'loniiMde a wotnaii for 80 veal day in and day out, to ti rid her always patient anil willing and wjtkitiL'. ami then leave tier hiiiit dead and eold, with her worn- out liandH rroKHe.l on her lueant. It waa jiial a little alter the turn of thu nihf, ami noliodv hut mo wag wntehnijr, when Mar'uio kinder woke up. "David' aav bho. 'ii'a rertful bo reBtfiil and 1 am so tired.' And bobIio went to sleep aain and w aked tip tn eternity. 1 oil k now Bl ranker, iheBO words ot her have e t me to thinking. lor, tired soul, I never knew how much tho net (led rei-t. Wo never thought of it w iiile we I were woikin Hnd tkimpni' and Btvin;;, tryinjf to lay up soinethimr for tlio children. tho netiT hal any jileai-nre; she never took any holidays or vintcd the other women. liO raiai d the childn n. a nl loppinl mo nntl nii.ke l the c "is, n I churned, and cooked loi harvcB' handt. I never knew or tholiolit iiow the did it all with those poor ertht.td Ii iihIb o! hi r.;. "uie fciiks 8 iv It vv n't lo any tHjtl, u. inter, hut I am oiii to to that b!io is put a:y in Kointthintl rich. We wam't t-U in. t i tr and giving for 30 year for thin, Imt I'm soiiiL' to havo ihe het-t iiioi.i y e in buy. Side's f-ainet if, (ti.il knows.'' SSt. Louia Uepubli Fearful Statement. The Chicago Tribune makes a ppe cialty of keeping tab on the mur ders and suicides in this Country and presents its reports at the end ot each year. It ligures up for lM'rt, 10,(i52 murders, apniiibt 10,500 tor 1M5. Thoie has been an annual increase since lS'JO, when ihe total was 4,200, the number. being more than doubled in the meantime. The causes assigned aie as follows : Qiiarrcls, 5 Hi known, 3 Jealousy, Lienor,; l?y highwaymen, Intatiticida, Resisting arrest, II ighwaymeii killed, Insanity, Self defense, Strike?, Outrages, '. Riots, ,530 ,201 401 450 2oU 300 52 It Ml 253 48 in 28 lo The suicides show even a greater increase. In 1S0O they numltered 2."'4o ; in '91, 3,531 ; in '02, 3,Mio ; u 03. 4.430 ; in '94, 4,012 ; in "05. 5.759 ; in '96, C.52", with a start for ls07 which protuis: s toeclipse this. Here we have not lar from a three told increase of suicides inix years, and about half as many suicides as murders in the snme time. The principal reason given lor the sui cides is despondency; insanity, ill health, domestic inteliei'y, liquor, business losses and disspp lintment in love figuiing mure or its-. The fact that despondency wasthemttin ctiise in these suie.des shows ln.w public policies stTert rmt only the piople as a whole, nt the ptopleas individuals, and totke tht mseives felt in all the walks of lite. The despondency aa ca tired by indus trial and liusiiiess depression, due mainly to public poii.-ita, which made the 6t"iii.'g!c for biead too severe and liio a burden to too many. It wiil la; a surprise to many to learn that the celebrated evangelist, Dwight L. MiKidv, is opposed to prohibition. In 11 -ston a lew ds ago Mr. Moody declared lhat he was opposed to prohibition because he was cotivincfd that it wi.uld not prohibit. Mr. Moody is for local option, bnt for just what reason i iii-t clear. ETliousands ol Women! SUFFER LVTOLO MI5CKIE5. ;BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. ACTS At A SPECIFIC Bj Af aatiag ti Hsilthj hstm all bar Orjxtt ) It ctum health (o Llnoro. nd yy to tviga throng-bout tli frame . U Mcvcr Falls lo Rcculaic- I I t' caa, a.,.. . fl w.t -n " ' KaVTIEL ,! UNa 19 Alia Ma. te. BitHs kiftfmrrm. Ala. So M rwvtM i tl a par mim. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WISE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Tho town ot AVaxhaw, in Union county, will auk' tho LeiHlaturo for authority to establish a diBpunaary, mid Monroe may ank for tho eutiio privilege. Col. John F. Mcrphew, a well known luwvcr, died at his homo in Marion Friday. Ilia reinaina were taken to hia old homo in Ashe coun ty for burial. Tho Charlotte Olworvoi hm dia- tiovored that its loaa ny tlio recent lire ia riot fully covered by insurance. It estimates that tho net loca in if 800 to $1,000 abovo liiBtirauco and salvago. Mii-s Sallio Miller diid at the homo of F. M. Alley, noar'Catawbs, IN. C, at. tho advanced ntco of K0 years. Mio Had never Had uho lor a doctor, and had cut her third set f teeth. Mie was tho oldest person in tho county. Mr. 10 1 i Henderson, of Mint Hill, iS. C, had a Btrango experience recently, bomo negroos stoio a lot of cotton from him, then returned slid sold him hia ow n cotton they had stolen. Thev escaped before to found out tho theft. Looking into tho religion of the Nate Senators the Kaleiifh News ami Observer finds there are 15 Methodists, 12 U. lists, 7 Presby terians, 1 Kpiscopalian. 2 Lutherans, Primitive lupttst, 1 Disciple, 2 tholics, and the b,il mco have no religion. Mr. J.ts. Allison, one of the oldest ml lust known eiti.ftisol ),t idsoti, lied Friday morniiu;. Death was lip! to ticiira'ui" of the bowels. Hit nets was brief. Mr. Allison was the father ol Rev. T. !. M iron, s reshytcrirtu nunirti r v 1 1 furmerl lived in tins county. 1 he Mi'M'iwtt sivs Mmeiva KvaiH. an a.'od colon tl woman, WHf found tiead hing in ti e lire pl see ai her K' in Wilnii gton Thuisdav It is nipit-til that she v. -1 Jfotii an up pU'ctiesUoke while 'btiil.lifiir her fir.'. Her body w-ir only slightly burned. Ti e Sun teils of n remarkabh stutc of allaira in Durhsui coiiti'y. Itsis tho county school fund is siillicient to run a 0 tie nths' tchool in every sehool district, white and black, in Durham county. Foitnnatc Durham ! We did not think a dim ly in the State was so well provided with school funds. A company bus Ir'cii organizd to buy the narrow gunge Chester A: Lenoir Hai r, ad in the wi stern patt ot the State. New st ck will be issued, and the new company has arranged to sell 150,imio worth of itoiuls w ith w hich to settle all claims against the :ld corporation stid build and equip the musing link be tween Newton and Hickory, Xewton has the champion ester. He went into a restaurant a few da) s ago and ordered a pint and a half ot oysters stewed, which he ate with plenty ot ciackem. He then ordered a box ef sardines and soon got on the outside of them. Then upon a wager he swallowed a full half gallon of raw oysters to keep the stewed oysters and surdities company. Newton Enterprise. Last Friday J. W. Ramsey, of Charlotte, endeavored to arrest Jerry Willoiighby, coloted, and the latter resisted, attacking Runsey w ith an axe. The iiegro contiutied the attack and Ramsey con'i'uicd to shoL't, planting five balls in Wil loughby tirst and last. It was firet thought that tho negro would die and Rmiocy was t)iit in jail, but bt is now expected to recover and Riinsey has !een released on J 1,000 bail. The negro wus wanted for larceny. In strange form indeed does death Come when life goes out in laughter, but in sue i manner death came to Dan SitTord. He was at the store of Mr. William Thompson, on Stan ley erect-, North Carolina. Of a social disjKisition he was o' j 'V in conversation and companionship with fiiends and neighbors who were piesent. He threw his head back in laughter at some jest or re mark that amused him, when it was noticed that he kept on backward and fell over dead. Some week ago the store o! Davis A: Sons, at Fo:k Church, Davie county, in which the Fork Church p.it-tollice is located, whs broken in to and robbed of about $30 worth of clothing, (15 in cash and $5 worth if postage stamps. The parties who committed the rob!ery were A. L. Prooks, Eugene Putntr and Eugene C raver. Iwooks was shortly afterward arrested anJ lodged in Davie jail. Saturday evening ISutncr and Crave-r were captured in a cornfield, in Catawba county, win re they bad gne into camp for night. Allie Peiifield, li'lle son of Mr. Iws 15c fi :ld, who lives ner New Mirling, in Shilol. township, was in s'atitly killed I stTtiaisday rnortiing by a tree falling on him. The boy was only eight years oid. With two older brothers be went to the forest o cut wo-jd. They cuct small tree and when it fel: it caugLt little Allie, crushing biro to the earth and kill ing him instantly. The other Uya were too small to reuo.e ihe trie from their brother' deii bojy, 'iJ went heipii t ontil their father was cummnned to their assistance. Statetville landmark Whit Sometimes CriifehM Men, For the manufacturer to produce Block ho cannot boII, means lie tunat borrow money to curry euch sbajk, and when it become clear that thcr is no market for audi stock, Hnd that it is depreciating in valuofrotn day to day, it becomes more and more dilllcult to borrow upon it. So tho manufacturer who 'mated ia preelection promises finds himself, unlets possessed of largo capital, oil tho brink of disaster, Over tho precipico of bankruptcy liotnuet bu forced whenever hia creditor, usu ally his hank, refines to renew a loan on audi stock. Buch refusal forces him to throw his goods on tho market at forced sale, whero they bring much Icbs than cost, and a repetition of such lofsea rapidly leads to tho inevitable failure. What is more, such forced salo, depressing, I of necoBsitv. the value of tho stocks j of other nunufacturcra, alleiits their I credit very injuriously, leads to the banks pressing tiiom lor payment, and so one lailuro leads on. to an other. Philadelphia American. A man h is just died in New York from the habit of carrying paper money in his mouth, which caused blood poisoning. This man made as pour use ot Ins mouth aa some members ol Con.Tess do. A'disisfnnis collision occurred on thojSantu Fe Railroad, near Fort Worth, Texus, Two freight trains came together completely demolish ing both engines and killing en gineer llaggerty and hcadorakeman Matshill. Joyce Block, Mount Airy, N.C. - - .. $99 iijj .'.- - v " , i i-.-.-? J -: - i - i xttm a .jt aie R. T. JOYCE, Dealer in Hardware of Every Kind. Letter from Hardbank. The writer is pained to have to relate a very startling and sad occur rence that happened in this vicinity. While at a chopping recently, at Mr. Geo. Smith's, the lap ot a tree while falling hit Mr. Wash Lawson, fracturing liia skull, breaking a leg and rendering him unconscious. lie was carried to his home in this c m- dition. He lingered until atHiut one o'clock p. m. when he di.-d. lie leaves a wife and several children to mourn their h-ss. The accident occurred a little before sundown. A doctor was called in and remained all night, but could do him no good. Whatever else may 1h3 said, Mr. Lawson, though a poor man, was perfectly honest and . . ,. ii- i .i. a hard wor king man ana ins ueam and the sadness of it causes all his neighbors much forrow. The apportionment ot public school f umls was made by the brd of education last Tuesday, giving each pupil in the county 05 cents. Register of Deeds Gordon has is sued 35 marriage license since be inc inducted into his office The biggest bog we have heard of la-ing killed in the c tinty was killed bv Mr. Matt Overby, of' Quaker Gap, tipping the beam at i 572 ponrids. j Ihu public school which has la?cii conducted by the writer at this place for several months closed on the 0th inst. The term has !a'en cry successful for which "ye scribe'' returns heartfelt thanks for gener ous praise. Another public school will bo commenced in tha Camp bell po-totlice neiuhborhood next week by the same one, proi ieiice permuting. 3Ps. Hardbank, N.C, Jar. 18th, IsOtl. . -a- - The hearing Sitnrday before the Wavs and Means Committee of the House w as devoted to iron and lead ores, metals and msnutictures there of. Representative DrajM-r, of Mas sachusetts, on behalf of the manu facturers of rnaciiiuery in New England, presented, wi'.hout com ment, 'iieir request for a restoration of the McKTnley rates of duty on their prol ucti. The True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tik;iwas 111 , ' Ci.u l," suy : ' We won't keep hou-.c without Dr. King' New Pi eovery tor consumption, coughs and c olds. Experimented with many other, bul never got the true remedy until we lined Pr. King's New I)m covcry. No other remedy can t:ike it plat in our home, a in it wt have a certain and sore cure lur coughs, colds, h.K.ping cough, etc." ll is idle to experiment with oiber remedies, even if they are urged on you tn jul ag good a lr. Kii:g' New DiacoVcrj. They are i.ol as good, liiH-uue this remedy La record o! curtr- and bi lr i guar ai teeJ. It never fails lo alify. Trial toiile free at Teylor k Ban ner 'a Drug Store. THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Uaxkigh, N, C, January 12. Tho senate 'was opmied with prayer by Senator McNeal. J!ill were In troduced to prohibit the commis sioner of Jlladon from collecting special school tax in Hollow town ship; to eBtabliHliJi reformatory lor young criminalh; a lull to prevent delay in trial of criminal actions. I5y Mr. LSutler to amend act to pro vide for general superviion of rail roads, etc. T! j following were added to the standing committee: Kenator 15aik er to tho insane asylum; Patterson to the agricultural; Henderson to education; lcrson to raiirond; Venger to corporations; Moye to printing; Mt-.xwcll to education; W hod bee to corporations. When tlMasonale met immediate ly alter Tiiihstll's inaugural address Senator Sita;hcrs presented Lieu tenant wovcrnor ucyrtouis. non tenant (iovernor Doiighton then re linquished tho chair ami Lieutenant Governor Reynolds took it and made a brief speech. Si tiatorSm.it heist hen introduced tho following resolution: Resolved, That the si imtu extend to Lieutenant Governor Doiighton a vote of tha-ika for his impartial ruliiiir a presiding nlliecr of tho senate and extend to him the hist wisheH of this body. This was adop'ed unanimously by a rising vo'e. The sonata adjourned till I0:3o o'clock ti) morrow. Tho following resolutions and Lc bills were introduced in the house: Py Mr. Sutton, of Cumberland, to repeal that part of the acts of 1S95 which al'ow s judges upon jc tition to appoint two additional commissioners and which requires all candidates for office to file a sworn statement of their expenses incurred during the election. Py Mr. Hit user, to provide the meats of changing persons' name, requiring ninety days pos'td notice, reason for cha ,gc, etc. Py Mr. Suf.in, to fund Cumber land's bonded debt. Py Mr. Pefrce, to allow the reg ister of deeds to 8pH)i it a deputy register. P) Mr. Sutton, to require rail wavs incorporated under the hws of North Carolina, which desire to carry on business here, to file a copy of their charter and such cuij ii iiiUat b' reco dcil in vaiious coun'iea i'l which the- do busbies j and r-uch charters must 1c- riot iri violation of the laws of North Car olina, the penalty for viu!itin be ing f ."'Mi a day. A resolution was adopted order ing V0 copies of Governor Can's messsge to be printed. ll.ui.ii.ii, N. C, Janmry 13. T.l.'tl I'tlntit (it v.'i ...ir I. o ti. .M- . pre- 6j j, ,, Tie folio ir.g Li's ; .1 o;u- lions were introduced in t. '." house-: Py Senator C'iark, to provide lor rcasovable rat-s on raiiroads, tele grpi: and le ephone lines m.d to e-sta'cish unifijui slnndilil f Tine ill Ni rth Caro ilia. P Senator 1'ers in, to iuc.-rp.ii ate Tar Rivir bat k at Ii ckv M . int. li Senator M -Neill, t the S.le of coin-ea'ii W(;. ti pretext Tin following ah!i int.. w ere in-ide to st inding e mii.i:ti et: Sina'ots Lyon and tied Jy to the insane fisy lums, Dixon o pi.blic roads and Shari to edrlc tiuti. The following bills were intro diic".l: Py Mr. Dix n, ..f Cleveland, to establis tho North Carolina reform School. Py Mr. Sutton, of Cnmlierlurid, to require for ign corp. .rations do ing business in this state to take out license; to rep al the sLaA law for certain purrs of Cuu.'ierland By Mr. Petree, to make guard iaus, administrators and executors who misappropriate lunds liable lor emtieix'cmcnr. Py Mr. llanooek, to corpora the Mutual Aid Banking Company of Newbern; to inxrp..rte trand lodge No. 1, Knights of Pythias ot North Carolina. Py Mr. Dct kery, to incorporate the town of Hamlet. By Mr. Ct-rrie, tia.'lo Robe son county to levy a special tax; to tire out the chain gang and to abah-h the ct minal court ol R bo son. By Mr. Cunningham, to a need The Cod fey- allow ;g j .inj'.rin actiona fur wage, n mm w I . 1 , 14 i. i i ; i- I5y Mr. Dixon, of Greono, to re peal tho l w foi bidding remarriage of divorc.d persons, actions tor divorce under this act riot to be brought later than March 31st next. Mr. Dixon's bill in regard to a reform tcbool provides for tho dis cipline, training ami education of youthful criminals; if provides for a 10,000 appropriation for each raco for tha lirst two years and for tho purchase ot from 300 to COO acres of laud for farm purposes. It was ordered each Monday should be tho day for enrollment of bills, but tho presiJing olliccra of each branch ( f the legislature ratify any bill at any time mi , . . . . ino retoiiition to pay tlio ex pense of iho Arlington cominitto- eamo tip w i t ti an unfavorable report u.wl ...I.I...I :.. i.. tn nnu nns i nneu uoniiimoiiHiy, Alio resolution to nav T. li. Purnill "100 for attorney's and clerk's salary was also tbjed. A resolution was adopted raising a joint c. unnitleo to consider tho reduction ot salaries to conform to tho decKi 0 in prices of farm pro ducts. Mr. Sntlu'i, of New Hanover, offered a resolution to print 10,000 copies ot iiovernor KibcH b inau gural. A livclv debate ensued and the resolution was referred totho finance committee The lim se decided to adjourn at looeimk raturday morning until 4 o clock . m. Monday, in order to o .. . . a. low linn, lor the thorough clean i"g of the hall. It was stated that twenty members are sick and that tho hall el the In louse is a "gripjH) laboratory The Natii nal Monetary Convention. ThetNai'ona! Monetary Con veil- lion, wine i h.is been m session m Ii diaiiapiVis, Ind., two days, ado id a decl.o dion of what legislation In its o'.iit.-on ti i.ee-ded uiwn the m Hietary nbjict by a practically mammon- vote. I his declaration included i. demand for tho main tenance of the gold st mdard, and the retiree "lit d the obligations ot the Government. Accompanying this was a pro,M)fition for tho a.p- poiiitment ot a commir-sion to in vt 'tigate s :d r. port bv bill, or oth erwise, tip. n th.j evils and remedies f the cnrieney system. This w.ts the nnanii .ous conclusion of the ci.tniiii te on resolutions, a resu It ll.at ws ixpcc'ed by the delegates and iho recommendations ot the committee were affirmed by the suU'atitiai'y unanimous vote of the Convention 1 his was not seemed. However, v ithont much opposition. and an exeeiini'lv animated de- bate, with shoit controversies be tween ConLTefsman Fowler. ot Jicw Jersey, and State Assemblyman Koois. ot Indiana, arid Congress man Walker, of Massachusetts, and John 11. u.ioades, of New 1 ork. Tho following is an extract from Lieutenant Governor lieynolds' speech in Raleigh on Tuesday. It sounds better than Got. Russell's speech: ''Iet ns forget all party lines and n .nember that we are sons of North t'arolina. If wsj do this wc can gh such a feeling of secu rity to all i ind i of investmeiits, such hope and encouragement to labor, suc'i an lmjiettis to new enterprises that will his.nrethe opening of mince, the development of our water pow ers, the in provement of our public roads, the building of railroads ar turmvkes, .nd in tact will secure every kinn nnd characti-r of develop ment that :s possible In our Mate. Blessed as we are by heaven with 6t:ch KssiLlitic8 it is your province and I feel it will be your pleasure to make North Carolina a most inviting ne-id to capital and the Paradise of the worku gmati. ...... , . . ji 'i o clock Minuay morning the clerk, h. K House, ot A. P. Dewson'e store at Jasper, awuke a;id fiitin.i bis sleeping guarccrs were hllei with smoke. Hastily dressing hi nself ho felt his way out into the r. .m above the store w'hich w as also fi ed with smoke, he found that the bt .idieg wtis t .ii tire and the flatnes ivhioihad oiiginated em the floor b' 'ow near the f.il tank had reached a ove and wrro lyytid control. I'avi'.g made an attempt to descend ' y thestairw sy and being hadiy bun si iliout t!:-j head and hands, Mr. Hoi.se jumped from 'the w mdow a 1 thus escajH d U ing cre mated. Nothing was saved e xce'pt ingone6u.tot ce-thea which Mr. House wots. Newbern Journal. 3urned to Death. A colored girl, a daughter of Louis Harder, was burned to death mar Advance, Davie county, on Monday c this week. It ia sup posed her I. "tiling caught fire w hile cooking. She was soon running from the house with her clothes abhz?, crj'ng for help, but before aseistance could reash her she fell dead in her tracks. So we are in formed by a gentleman who lives at Advance. -Winston Sentiuel. The c.ust defence convention, which wil' meet at Tampt January 2'th, now promise to be important and infill, utial. An unexjwtcd iu'erest has developed in all parts i t the cor ntry, and roost ef the State wil. be strong!? represented. The pron "itera of liio tuorement n jwUlie - that the c h, ver ti -n will al le t" .10 a.ui h to concentrate public at!; ntit.ii on the rie-cr-iy of berrying forwaid e..t utliii.ee work. Highest of all in Leavening Wooed Death by a Fart Expreti Train. A lato Ilollmore (N. Y.) special says a few daya ago two men tried hard to commit murder by throw ing tliemaelvea in front of tho Am agansett express train at this pluco. Tho train passes through hero with out stopping, at 0:50 o'clock. It goea through at a torrilic speed, and tho men would Iiavo succeeded in ending their lives had it not been lor Charles Miller, a section fore- "mri 'O employ of tho Long ivauroau. luuier anu agang ot men wcro maki-ig some repairs to tho track when ho noticed the strange actions of tho men. When tho train was about hi lf a mile away Miller saw the men lay down on tho track. He ran to the place where the men w ere, and, with the assistance of ono of his fftnur. siYccecded in getting tho two men trom the tracks. A few seconds later the train shot by. After the men had been taken from the tracks they attacked Miller. 1 he latter ia big and strong, and tho two men picked up atones and other missiles and hurled them at him. Several ot these cut Miller. and he summoned assistance from his gang. The hitter went to the aid of Miller, and, after a thort struggle, overpowered the two iron, tenner woiiiu leu inn iminu, nor would they tell why they tried tc :iid tlicir lives. I hey evidently had made an agreement to die to- gi ther. 1 oliceman Wilson plard the men ufidc r arrest. Tl cy are hatged with attempting t k;il themselves kiid with .usaulting Foreman Miller. i lie pris. tiers are apjiarently with out means. They All Praise It. Rev. C. S. Owctis, pastor M. E. Church, Greenville, (ia., says: "I take very great pleasure in rec in mendiigtothe public King's !! val (iermetuer. I have been using it attunes for three years for Dys pepsia and Xervousncss with the most gratifying results. I think i' is duo this wonderful medicine to say that I have knowc a number ot ministers and others who have taken if. and so tar as I now rcmemoer hey all speak of its curative and strengthening effects with unstinted praise. No one who buys it and uses as directed for the troubles for which it is recommended will ex change it for any other medicine." New package, large bottle, 108 doses, $1. For sale by Taylor cV U.eriner. The Dominion Cabinet has passed an order in council adopting the agreement which was entered into by Sydney iisher and the authori ties at Washington on tho question of quarantine. As a result of this agreement international quarantine will be alK)lished between Canada avjd the United States and rig'd in spection put in force by each country. Others have found health, vigor and vitality in Hood's Sarsanarilla, and it snrely has power to help you also. W by not try Hi Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Tried Friends Best. Forthirty years Tutt's Pills have proven ablessln to the invalid. Are truly the sick man's friend. A Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria,constipa tion and all kindred diseases. TUTTS Liver PILLS AN ABSOLUTE CURE. W. H. SIMPSON, AGENT fiDDsr sialics a. Aim imrrutHS M IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. s AKx XnmtiertOa' X.t-h'rira, Back atau.i, Hrm w utel :tra. Bur&n. ftruaua. e'ais-slnrif Marhim-a. On- 1 l'rU-i.iriy . itij wijm I'uik-i,.-. ifir- r-.rii.a sala. Hand band Isura. N rtmi s-ia. Pnuiiiiif w twla. HorAft Sinn. pa I raaa4 IVtiellstttjniia, Kti..e-r T.ti ttat-ra, bnw-T T.ipo, ant r siajip l-ada. Rulir staj"p Ink. si su ch, sto,- I lak. tusaru hr un-i bu-l StaOiiai. su 1 l-tua aDi Ktk'ur-a, ,-if Inkiuij stau p. Ktaiiip attXiuaa. slb p ka-a. s;.-a Afa'livra, Wx Kmia ab4 Tp WrtL.rSi.s-ii.sm. "twips at mUH. uc4 la ar r.fr, . cafcai hi,-ij , i.J at im is liiwsM irsv t . ' . f I'x nrmn ,-a .m. baliksra. HsTi-aaal K-uula lursra a&a a-1 Druf- aaiuBal a-sa mm a,, w r- b.5 fv- J . O, jf .asvi.srs. i.iir tyirAitv la a!.:iwd. r-fcr. S- i ul a, !-t.O" ai"a wail "fort. !. M j J ' m . j , rti,-iit-bD4 ani. fi.Miiibi oti W -a-Corrrctponclen Holiclt-i Warsb e If A S Aft nsriaT"ilv-l aiAwt U-t.J .Wl.aal ira,, la an T r. ao mi a a.ia. i k AIM riua, "Vat ml n.mm' Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't llejxt P0 BtiSim.'js in 1h3G. R. O. Dunn k Cn's review of. trado given out last Saturday, has in u iood lor tno thoughtful. During the p ist year there wcro 15.2M! coinnierciiil and hanking failures, with liabilities of 1270, 815,719. Tim banking 'fail-in a aiiiountcd to 5O,71S,0l.1, and wcro 145 per cent, larger than in 1 -.95. Co mmerciul failures amounted to r22b.99i;3l. a little over fl.ooo,. 000 havillL' been a I I ! bv tho laht day f tho yi ar, but ba average of liabil. ties. ?1 1,902, was smaller than in soino years of grcut prosperity. The failure of br ker.ige and "other" coin' io; etdl criceriis aver aged $58,-Jl.s cn-h. inTeflhing l:r per e lit. over Ml,',, w biles maniifan turiug failii'i aver, ; eil j.-i.sos each, and incrca-d ''l per cent, and trading failmcs ii.-r "'! riot 18 per cent. and avert : ! only $:i,i!i,i5 each. - Cm l V. Yo II When your bio. I i notir inline f. r per-. ire, rich and .'.ml muscles. I fluid, and and impure s (miii S'imo u will c-tsily 'hinges, ex Keep Vntir altaparilia ; best af ter es' ion, euro j The bhxvd i t' e ! when it is poor, t I you must ei ne. si . ! distrnsinar d j fall a victim , - Mid ' er eo ' 1H0 postire or C blood pure vr and be well. Hood's Pi thiitr pill; Headache, g J uri Ssi.-t ( 1 f lite EYE RETT'S TUN SHOP. n r-rr - IIliADOUAIlTKUS FOR Tin and Mee! Eoo'inp.Gftlerirg poutinfr. Valley I in all width Shingle !trip. .v.c., Ac., Ac. Water and teHtn f i'rir v of all kinds kept or. hand. Th Old Keliable Jenkins Globe A t tiee-k Vavles, iitx-ririan Injectors, ie troit Ltilirictors are a few of the many reliable sun', lies in stock. Guns, Pistols, Scwinp ''aohines, an I Bicycle rejia;reil by the best. ' skilled workmen at short notice. We keep 'iood Oid Fashion Coffee Tota, l3,b Para, and in fact everythi.-.g in the Tinware lira. T. 31. ICverctl & Co. DR, KING'S ROYAL 6ERUETUER WlfV This pleasant aad reroedy, so delightful to take, t : frealiing and exhilarating, stands in highest favor with iU who I'iot- it t.. as the great est of all mi licr 1 irc -oies for both aexes, of all at a and in nil conditions. WBAT IT MYl DC FOR YOU. ttilll jouAT Tilt llaill t jou rBti'jl i Jrttiiii g SLEEP. It ES s'Jrr.aiate ..r rSEVFiUl ' Itaill rntofi jot: MEHVC'IJ 3 -.ERST. It will put tour HI iEtS It. pt bot nit. Itun purtfj jour It :n ibra .tnt-s i .3 SITISSTit fl till Lrlrtf joa o.! af t.uia;: Inls HIAITH. nw packai i:, uror bottle, 10a iKrs E IIOILiK. Ol O BY ALL DRJCOIST. atayrra Trasn oLT it The Itlssta Ciicicil Co., lilssta, Cl xti roa tld aonx. xahxj raxx. Sold fcy Taylor L Eanrcr, Druggists. ITI:l'ANT to rr v H.teij n,e in Bs-.nmeni e ri-i-i: ; ! y 1 1, ev r.era, I il! tsti at pi.lilir au -t on to ll,s lnyh- est liiddrr for rai-h. at i rt.r-1 k 1'. M, on January lull, ;:i Mi.tn t Airy, N. l- in front u! I is ern,ai, omee, tlie foliominc triiti t- of Mr k in the e.raime Ci;y Land and JmnTO?... merit tVmmari : (Vrt.fi.at n.itni.rf 11. 3.1. 1, 2a. :H, l. S.'. fc.ia.3. ar.J g;: alto pursuant I.. I.e..iu" .n J as-d by the Itwu.r ( ti n e iir rai y o Ja.-i-uary 13lh. InK., luiin ,i at r!, anM tin ;.a jilaw-f at 0 in I f; m mir.f-r rrtiti-as B..n.t-T S4. 4T, 4 . Nl and tl, rt rse:it.t.p aliat in tompcy; al nf I. i rt ra'.-'r c,t" im! riaiu a H ip e w l,i.lu aca .,-t f l, I ,.e' 4.' ' -rt :', -ata ffM k fir I Ihe f - f.t. at i?-t ' l, ! I !- . Lb W t - it.. K- i t.ra i.It- e 'i l' t'u A It ix. iQttt '