nn M Airy 1T .rvFTivrnp BW MOUNT. AIRY, N. 0.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1807. no. VOL. 10. HE HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' Heart Care Docs It Mr. Cliaa. I.a Point. well-known rwildont of Ix nvrr, iiala thin un.i.rfiil nmwiy, llrr tiifti.tiiiiirty wkirm I.J roiivluco all n lt the worlli of tho Pit'W lliari.Curn anil lttwitora tlv Nttrv'.mi. Hit kautr iluteil Sept. 1IIU, lust, rnuUn aa follows: Uhh. La Point, tlV Humboldt St. "Typbr.i-l furrr lnft ma with IiiT.rt trouble Of tlin miwt mrloin witiirn. ISmhliiK the dtx-uira gave had any o:r.'t. I hail ai-wre piiln. In I 'io hfiirt, and waaiinnMe In llon my k'fi sM for limn- thuii lhrft mlnuu lit filing. My h.iirittffini'J to ml In.hlm. ant had .TiiiiihiTiiiK i'Us In whi.'h II wcnii'd rnry breath would I ni liwi. Wo aoct-di-ntlj k.iw mi aiivurilnt iiH'iitol Dr. Miles New Heart Cure and RawiornllTa Nt-rvlnn. and ntirrhawd a b title el earn. AfitT liiklnn the n-imallt-a a wwk, I could tie llfn d In a cliiilr and lt up an hour, and Inarliurt time I wan alil l do lnilitlinUKrwnrK. 1 ahull !' r-Yi'rfrniOfiil to you lor your wonderful lutxllitiiu. Truly the, -red n,,. rnAs t A poINT T)r. MllwiMWtCurelaaild on a rKialttT guaranto thai tho llit bottlt. will l.eiieBt. All dniitnlBKin'll II at tl lailtli-a for IS or It will unarm, itn-imid on ro-.'liit of price by U Dr. Mill Motlical Co., tlkhart, lad. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure j. a. martin, noTAHV puskie, 'HONES 21) AM '-0, Mount Airy. N. C. H. I. GltAVKS, AttoPneyatJiaw, MOUNT AIBY, N. C. tr-Prai-Ucea In State and Fi'deral Court. Prompt allentlou to collection of claims. V. S. NKKDIIAM, Attopney-'at-liaw, Pilot Mountain, N. C. Hmsi t-Wlll practice in the Slate C'ouru. Col lection ol clalina a apeclalty. Jant-Ura GKO. W. SPARGKR. Attopney-at"Law, MOUNT AIBY, N. C. -o4M Will prarllc In State and Federal Court. Spwlfl attention to eollec'lnn ol claims an! iie Kollatli.K loitia. W. F. CARTER, i. R. LEWELLYN, DOWW, N. C MOUNT AIV, M. C Cautkr & Lkwkllyx, 4 MUopneys-at-ka w. trr-Praetlce in the state and Federal Court. Prompt atu-ntlon given to all bu .tuess entrust ed to their care. J. H. SJakemope, PHOTOQRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N, C. la prepared to make all the Sew and Artistic Stylo, la up with the times and will give you t) nit -i Uhh work. DR. C. W. BANNER, DENTIST, Mount Airy, N. C. Oiliee over Taylor & Banner' Drug; rUore. Otlice hour 8 a. m. to 6 p. ra. SALEM ACADEMY AND COLLEGE, Fun nearly luo years tbla Institution forthe hlk'her elu -aUoti ol young women bus occu l.ied the very Iront rank, and was never inoie iiuiiierously a'U-nd.-d than now. It Is nut only 14-jvidod with a lilfc'h-ttrnue College courw but lias eiiierta In all ot lla speeial :hixiuiuf MiikIi: Art tlot'Ulh n. commercial and Indumrlal htud'ea. e will lie pleased W K-nd naialiigue on anpacalliin. Term beglim Heptemoer rd. on a iui joujj JLCLfjWKLU nnci. baleui. North arollna. JOS. NATIONS, HIALKB IN Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kinds, rVwinK Mai-hine. M'lairal InatrumpiiU.Ac WaU'bea.tMiK k and Jewelry r'P'rttl in lo-at ailile man ner and tatiafaotiiin guaraiiteed If you want to aave money ee me before makitic your purchaae or having your -work done Bnrial Robes, Slippers, 4c A full tk of all le. and qiialitle. kept oa hand, and at rraoaablr prirwa. Star. room, uiumira over M.I- rtter on'. .tor, nn Main HtrtM. Kwideaoa, Srat bona North of tb railroad. HTATi: Horinal and Industrial School. rvrraKTwicT weiiioipp iww. .44 fUHitT ' -- vbnt Ol t PPtl WMiinelala .lac. He T vi,-.unm ,a.n.;n,?!- at eonniy wmt Yuri t. w b i ''! I"" '"J " i u. lb. t.-la... MO iatMM "K fl aiHf.nta wrlt LVJi.T. ui l-cnt. I fcerr- ! HCM L Vn i. ! btrdlns ia luml.nl L laiui !'" n A-ifwaav IjreietaMiara. II . C. umm, HHI.lt IX Col, Mil, A North Carolina King. Two or throe vta'S ai a young Notth Crolinii'in namud IIoIjIr-d went to New York, rc.i'lt'il there BOino titno, met young Imiy with whom he full in lovn, the passion was rtciprocittcd, hik! the twain bo- came etigv0''- IIoMkb' Boiiroo of income wa BomcwhHt prerarions Hiid not wtiat he deemed satisfaetory upon which to commence housekeeping and lie determined to seek his fortune. Af ter vowing eternal constancy ho set bail for Kuropo and in course of time from there brought up in Aus tralia. He thcro procured a position on a local paper and in his profusion dicplayid so much enterprise that his employers in course of time sent him to inves'igate the slave trade in the Indian Ocean. The vessel on which he sailed waa wrecked and everv soul on board except himself whs drowned. He was tound insensible on a corral reef bv a tiiirtv ot cannibal islanders who took him prisoner and he was reserved to bo served at a state din- Der later on. The daughter of the King, a dus ky but comely maiden, sought his liberty at her father'- hands, and used such argiimeuts as Biiccedod. About this time a torimuame re bellion broko out in the dusky King's dominions, and our Carolina bov. with his inherited warrior spirit, advised a plan of campaign to put down tlio rebellion, which being followed whs so eminently successful that the King's foes were almost annihilated and as a reward for his genius and valor Hobbes was made Prime Minister. Tho dusky Prneeea waa very much in love with our hero, and did not fail to let the tact bo known, hut Hobbes eloquently and pathet ically related how he loved his New York sweetheart and could not, therefore, share his love or be un true to his American fiancee. Tho Princess accepted the situation, but she was euro stricken and pined a way and soon died. Her deuth was a severe blow to the King, who grieved intensely and soon utter died. Hobbes had in tho meantime be come so popular with tlnseibland people that he was unnnimonely elected to bo Kins: and is now King XIaleto. The sciine! is as interesting as any part of the story. A few weeks aio Kinu Maleto landed in New York, Bought out his lady love, Imd a royal wedding, and fcfter a few weeks ot civilization de parted for his ielatid kingdom, where, let us hope, he may forever reijrn in pence, the brave and ad venturous, constant, North Carolina King. Pennsylvania's State House Burned. The Pennsylvania State capitol, at Hairicburg, whs entirely destroy ed by tire Tuesday, together with ualiiublo paper and records. The loss on the building is estimated at $l,.r00,00i, while no money value C4in be placed on tho rt cords con sumed by the tires. The tiro ws difcovered about one o'clock, end in an hour nothing but a untesof ruins lemaiued ol the his toric old building, which was erect ed in 1822. The house was in session and tho senate was about to convene, after a lew minutes recess, when tho (lames were discovered. Smoke could be seen in small volumes pour ing from the windows. The mem bers were Dot mindful of it until the clouds rolled by the window. Instantly there was a motion to ad journ and all was consternation. In the seiiHte Setiator J. C. (irady, of Philadelphia, warned the senators and there waa a general hustle to remove effects. The tire depart ment whb slow to arrive, and the bote men about the capital were doing their utmost to check 'he blaze. At lat the fire companies started streams on the senate wing loof, now a sheet ot flames. The water was hardly iorce enough to reitch the blaze. The building was soon a tnat.8 ot smouldeiiiig ruins. Two or three mcmliers of the legislature had ulose calls, comin, veiy near to los'iig their lives. One Rcrator lutt $5,oU0 in cash in the tire. Tho ge:ieial assembly i transact ing business as Usual and in differ ent parts of the city. An iiiinierire new capitol will le erected at once to cwt at least f 2,500,(iU0. Phila delphia would lie glad to rebuild tree of cost to the State in order to net the capitol there. That is not l.kely to happen. No matter how the w inds may blow the Cubans manage to keep it warm for Weyler. DELICATE WJL" FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS A SUPERS TOfiio nd exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel all impurities. flcalUl anfJ rtnn.h are Guaranteed to result trom ru use. My win w !HMa for e!rbia avwiih. a!i. r Bina bKALif 1 1 L.l a Ff MAl.R k.uij JUATVM hut l.oa&nnin t retlib. WeiL i. M. JuufOM, aUivera, Aim. UiNmi trerUTOB ro-. inuri, sa, SaM H ail ftraeram at Si fm Uttto. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Mrs. O. It. Uobmson, mother of Editor J. A. Uobinson, of tho Dur ham Sun, died Tuesday afternoon, at Orange, Va. She was (i'J years old. Tho Monroo Join rial says that Judge Norwood said to a gentleman there that if it were not for Ids family ho would put an end to his life. Mr. Macon Thornton, proprietor of Thornton's prescription drug store, in tliu Arlington Hotel build ing, m.uloan assignment last week. Chai lotto News. Last year in a wreck on the Wes tern North Carolina railway at Old Fort, Enifineer James and Fireman Howard were killed. The widows of each sues tho Southern railway lor $30,000. Elder W. J. Shipley .accompanied by another elder, arrived in Kinstcn Saturday. They are "Latter-day Saints," or Mormons, and propose to work in this section. We believe they aro tho first Mormons to come to Kington since this writer has lcen here. Kinston Free Press. An old darkey by tho name of Isham Outlaw, claiming to be f0 years of age, and living on the lands of Mr. J. K. Rhodes in Indian Springs township, fainted and toll in tho fire Sunday, a week ago yesterday, and was burned so badly that he died last Saturday morning. Goldsboro Argus. Notwithstanding the large num ber of new buildings erected in Elizabeth City, there is a demand for more houses to rent. More new houses are under way, and still more will be needod. Our population is continually increasing. We believe that a correct census would show it to be over 7,000. Elizabeth City Carolinian. An incident occurred at the home of Henry Wood, colored, in Greens boro, which is probably without a parallel, S;iys the Ueoord. Henry's wife died of pheumonia Saturday night and several neighbors came in to sit up with the corpse. During the night the floor gave way and the head piece of the bed on which the coipso was lying broke. When those who had ai-sc tuhled to spend the nitrht looked around they were it t - horror stricken to observe the corpse standing upon her head with her feet emerging through the covering and in the air. The corpse was soon replaced to its natural posi tion. Lart Friday Claude Fesperman, who lives in the vicinity ot Truut matiV, met Shirley King, a colored boy, beyond the depot. Fesperman was carrying a kiiii and the boy was carrying a rabbit. F-.-sperman ask ed permission to shoot the rabbit but the boy told him it was alieady dead. Notwithstanding this answer Fes perm.iii bla.ed away. Whelhtrhe iiit the ulready dead cotton tail wa not in evidence but he put a loud of shot in King's leg. The wound is not considered serious but is a pain ful one. Fesperman was drinking when tho shooting occurred. He was arrested and given a hearing before Justice Lewis, who sent him to jail in default ot $100 bail. Sutcsville Landmark. Hightly understood, the university is the head of tho public school sys tem of the state, and as such it merits the cordial and unstinted support of all the people. The distinguiahed geuth.'inan who has been called to preside over the affairs of the uni versity is a son of North Carolina, an alumnus of the nuiversity, and a teacher who has known no other occupation. The first dollar ho ever earned was as a public school teach er ; the lirst speech he ever made was in behalf of public education, and although he hue oftiu spoken in public, he has seldom dwelt upon any other theme. With a promising career before him in any profession he might have chosen, he decided to devote his time and talent to training the mind and broadening the intellect of the youth of the state, licginniug his prufeesiotial lite as a public school teacher, he has rii-en, in the short space of tour teen years, to the highest position ot honor and trust in the line of his profession within the gift ot his iibiive state. lUleigh Tribune. Catarrh in the Head Is a dangerous dieens. It may lead directly to eotieui.jp' iin. Catarrh is caused by impure blood, tt:nl the true way to cute it is by purit)ing the blood. Hood's Saisaparilia cures catarrh bt cause it removes the cause f it by purifying the blood. Thousands tistify th.il they Lave been cured by IIooU's Sars-iparilla, Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not pure, pain or gripe. II druggists. 2"c. Much in Little I. especially true of Hood' Pili. I. im m. ', eiue ever contained so great eirat.e r :i o amaU .iao. Tbry ar a lle i:Mui c u n dTs cheat, alwava readr. al wajra Ararat, always aaV-tslartia-yi art wot a euM ar te.er, ear all Urn Ula. Pilhi M-s beadarh. buindice. eMtit oa. etr. sr. Tbr aadj tiOt ao take with II. ud MrupanUa. Tha New Secretary's Views on Finance. Since Tianker Lyman J. Gage, of Chicago, is to bo Maj. McKiuley's Secretary of the Treasury, his views on finance become itnportant, as his policy will affect tho country in a marked degree. In an authorized interview he says : "Our whole monetary fystem is the resultant of makeshift legisla tion and unscientific compromises. It is titno that reform began. "In my own opinion the green backs should bo pcrtnanontiy retir ed. The silver purchased under the Sherman act should be gradual ly sold and tho Treasury notes re deemed and cancelled. Borne well guarded system of bank noto circu lation, broader and more elastic than the present national bank act pro vides, should bo inaugurated. . "Such bank notes should be re deemable at a central place and be ledeemablo in gold only. "Silver certificates, which form nearly one-filth of tho circulating medium ot the United States, are uangerous. Fy their nse a volume t f inferior money has found an ab normal use. They aro the most per- Uncle plexing feature in tho inueh-iuvolv-ed problem of our national finances "There is no reason why the Government should act as ware houseman for either gold or silver. Such a function is outside its prop er limit of action. "Put we are faced by a condition. The enormous amount of $500,000, 000 ol silver, represented by $338, 000,000 in silver certificates, ndded to the $150,000,000 purchased by tho Government under the Sher man act, constitutes a standing men ace to every business interest. "To 6Utn up, tiie defects of our present currency system are : 1. "Confusing htterogenity which needs simplification. 2. "The greenback controverts the principle of paper money, viz: that every note injected into the commercial system should represent an existing commercial value. 3. "The Treasury note is a stand ing evidence of a foolish operation tho creation of a debt for the purchase on a falling market of a commodity for which tho purchaser has no use ; it lies open to the just charge of being both idiotic and im moral. 4. "The national bank note near ly conforms to the true principle of paper tnoney but the unreasonable requirements for security paralyze its efficiency and operate to destroy its elasticity. 5. "The silver certificate encour ages the use ot silver to a largerex tent than is consistent with the safe preservation of that metal on a par i y wfth gold." "Would national commission help to promote reform I" "There is reason to hope that it would be of great service in that direction. Such a commission if rightly elected would throw a flood 01 light upon these involved ques tions. The information it might gather would be of immense value to our people, and would guide us to wise legislation. "Emotion and sentiment are not safe guides in matters ot science. A eleur apprehension of true principles will lead to correct actiou. "Reaction will be siow, but it is coining, aud it will be of long dura tion." - Ijist Friday Mr. J. I Torrence butchered one of the big hogs lie has been feeding with more or lees attention for some time. He weighed it in the presence of a num ber of neighbors and found that Lis favorite porker tipd the beam at C'.'3 pounds, net. Gastorii Gazette. Mat ai the Head. Aug. J. IJogel, the h ading Jrutrfjiai ot Stiievt-porl La., any a: "ir. King's Xew Jiiaeovery ia the only ibing thai cure my rough, and it ia the beat teller 1 have" J. F. L'amihvll, merchant of .SjtToid, Aria., write. "Or. Ktnjj'a Near Iicoery i all that i claimed fur it; it never faila, and ia sure cure fur cor sumption, cough and cold. I cannot say enough for it merits." lr. King'e New Ii-cvery for consumption, oouijlia and colli ia not an expert mrnt. l tiaa been tried lor a qnar t r ol a eei.lurv, and today stand a', the heail H nevi r liaiHiini. Free trial bollloa at Taylor 4 Ban ner's Drug Store. THE STATE LEGISLATURE. ItaLKMH, N. C, February 2. Hills and resolutions wete iutrodncd as follows : Py Senator Grant, to stimulate local taxation in rural districts. I5y Senator Ilardison, to protect the peoplo ol the state from diseases in second hand clothing ; also to pro hibit the sale of liijiior under police supervision. I5y Senator Ilardison, to increase the public school fund in tho state. l!y Senator Poison, to increaso the public school fund from foes in the secretary of Rtate's oftioT). I3y Senator Clark, to authorize iriayors in towns and cities to solem nize marriage ceremonies. Among bil's introduced in the house were tho following : By Mr. Sut;on, to provide that the existence ef a life estate in any land shall nor be a bar to eale for partition of such land. Tho bill to amend tho law as to tho regibtratio i of pharmacists was taken up. I. provides that tho word "registered" bo stricken out and. tho word "licensed" take its Sam begins to rnnke preparations Inauguration, Hcrcli 4th, '97. place. Mr. Hansci- Hsked leave to have the senate's f eo silver instruction resolutions pi iced on the calendar. There was in. tant protest by repub licans. He made a motion to his pend the rules. The democrats voted ayo and the republics:. s no. The motion to siiepend was lost. Mr. McCr.iry's bill to reguUte assignments ciino up with an un favorable report. He offered an amendment as follows: "That till conditional 6ales, assignments, mortgages, di:eds in trust or confes 6ions ol judgment executed, made or given by any debtor in favor of a creditor, either upon account or Other obligati !), which are executed, made or give 1 to secure or have the effect of secii'ing any debt, obliga tion, note or bond which gives preference to any creditor or maker shall be abso utely void as to pre existing ered tors." Mr. McCrary defied any or-.i to prove the bill as thus amende'! was not absolutely honest. lied clared the assignment act of 1815 was meritorious and hence he and Blackburn had voted againet repea'ing it. Mr. Sutton, of Cumberland, asked to submit a q'lerli in why people of North Carolina should be pi t on different footing from those of other states. Ho said theie were pre ference laws hi other states; that tho assignment act of 1815 caused widespread dismay in the state and that there was great dissatisfaction at its repeal. He moved to table the amendment. Tho motion prevailed, tbu-, of course, carrying the bill with it. McCrary I -dgi d a motion to re consider this vote. Kalkioii, N. C, February 3. Bill and r solutiutiS wire intro duced as follows : By Senator Alexander, to pro vide for the en eti in of a building for the deaf and dumb at Moigau ton. By S'.-nator lYrso 1 (colored), to prevent d'scnmiiiati ri in passenger aceiiiiiinodaroris ; hUo to ngulate ollicial bonds of Elgi combe county. By Senator Maxwell, to provide tor divorces i:i ceaUiri ca.- s ot females und- r IS v.. irs i f ;tge. Tho follo'.ing bill 1 pas t.d : Fixing the time lor the qualifica tion of justi's of the eace, pro j viding the term ol otlice rhall iiegin I as soon as th y qualify. 10 make iuardiai s, adminietr tors and ex cutois indictable for miappropri..tiou of funds. To pay registers ol deeds 10 cents for each copy sheet of 10i) words tor record in election return. To provide that any note, bood, bill, inort.'ai'e or any nrivaio ohli gat ion may be paid aud discharged in any Kino 01 money at its luce value at the time of maturity. Senator Wakefield, who sopptrt ed ibis bill, f tid he was s true popu list, notwithstanding the fact that tie newspapers Lad stated he had voted for M.Kinley. He declared he voted for Bryan, and when he came to thntlate ticket he had voted it fusion do n to constable. He siid he ha-i voted fur Senator Prilchard I Muse he thought that waa carrying out cooperation. Bills were introduced in the house as follows : Py Mr. Price, to amend the law as to election of county superinten dents of education to as to restore the same. liy Mr. Hare, to prevent destruc tion of live trees by lumbermen ;to protect owners of timber trees. 1'y Mr. Cunningham, to amend tectio'is of the codo so that whete issues of fact Arise in an action of which tho courts ot equity of the state had jurisdiction prior to the constitution of 1803, or in a com mon law action upon equitable rights, involving equitable relief, compiilsoiy references shall not de prive either partpr of his constitu tional right to trial ot issues of tact arising in the pleadings. I5y Mr. Dixon, of Cleveland, to repeal tho 110 annual license tax on physicians. The assignment bill, which was tabled yesterday, was recommitted to the judiciary committee, which will C3nsider it, and if it is not in accord with the supreme court's de cision, will make it so. The bill ot Mr. Sutton, of Cum btrland, to prevent lynching, by empowering the governor to con for the vene special courts instanter in ex Inordinary cases of emergency, was recommitted to the judiciary com mittee. It "jives the governorpower to convene supreme court, when not in fession, in his judgment, and this court shall give precedence to all such cases upon the governor's sng gestion, and the attorney genera shall prosecute all such cases. Tho bill to allow the governor to appoint female notaries public, winch was favorably reported, failed to pass 44 to 55. The following very important bill passed. Section 1. That it shall lie unlaw ful for any railroad company to purchase or lease any line of com peting rail way or to enter into any contract with a competing line of railway calculated to defeat or lessen comjietition in tins state, or to enter iiito any contract, combine, pool or association organized in or out f the state, operating directly or in directly, by lease or otherwise, anv competing lino cf railway calculated to defeat or lessen competition in this state, and in railway chartered by this state or operating, by lease or contract or otherwise, any line of railway, steamboat or other trans portation company in this state shall purchase, own or control, either di rectly or indirectly, any stock of any railway company operating a com peting line in this state, and any person or corporation violating the provisions ot this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than $500 or more than $1, 0(10 for each day's violation of the same, in discretion of the court Sec. 2. That any citizen of js'orth Carolina who will provide for secur ing costs as prescribed in other civil actions shall be authorized, on be half ot himself and other taxpayers, to institute action to have declared null and void any agreements entered into by any railway com panics in violation of the forcgoine sec'ion, or when the state is intorest ed as stoi kho'der in either of the corporations which are patties to such agreement, whether heretofore mide or hereafter to be made. either any citizen who will provide ior aecuiitig cue bat siorcsaio, or tue governor stiiitl be authorized to prosecute on behalf of the nucule any actiou for tho purptise ol having such agreement declared void, and the governor is hereby authorized to pay out ot any money uot other wise cxprtBoly appropriated, costs incurred in the prosecution on be half of the state of any such action. The bill passed providing that in case a person who makes a deed re fuses to acknowledge its validity, witnesses may le subpoenaed to prove the grantor's handwriting. The house met at 7:30 p. ru. A resolution waa adopted, urging our senators and representative io congress to secure the repeal of the civil service law. The bill to rrdncc the salary of the state librarian from l,(oO to $S0O eante up with favorable report. Mr. Currie was the author. Mr. Lusk moved to table, and on thia Mr. McKonre demanded the yeas atid nay. The vote wai yeas, 45 ; nays, 44. The bill to repeal chapter 490, public laws of lb'J3, was supported by Mr. Chapin, who saiti the pur pose waa to make a land grant color ot title. Mr. Lusk said there was a hot discussion on tho bill in the judici ary committee, which reported it favorably. Ho opposed tho bill, saying it was unfair. Mr. Sutton, of Cumberland, said it was far reaching, and moved to recommit to the judiciary commit tee, which course was taken. The bill passed providing for graded schools at Whitcvillo. Your Present Need Is pure, rich blood, and a strong and healthy body, because with the approach of spring and tho begin ning of warmer weather your physical system will undergo radicul changes. All the impurities which have accumulated during colder weather must now bo expelled or serious consequences will result. The ono truo blood purifier promi nently in the public eye to day ia Hood's Sarsararilla. Its record of cures ia unequalled. Its sales are the largest in tho world. A few bottles of Hood's Sarssparilla will prepare you for spiing by purifying and enriching your blood and toning and invigorating your whole system. Mr. Junius M. Lee died Sunday night at his home in Providence township. Two weeks ago Mr. Leo fell into the fire while asleep in a chair, and was very badly burned. His injuries, although painful, were not considered dangerous at first ; in fact ho was improviug, when by imprudence he had a relapse, aud lockjaw sot in. He was conscious at the time of his.dcath. Charlotte Observer. It Cured Them All. Mr. Henry Shira, Girard, Ala., says : "Two years ago I had & severe case of Grippe and could not re cover from its effects. About a year ago I tried King's Royal Germetuer and was soon well. It also cured me of bowel trouble, which I had lor four yeare, and I find it to be a quick cure for headache. It cured my wife of Grippe also, and she says it is the best thing she can get for Asthma and Vertigo. I heartily recommend it as a good family medicine." New package, large bottle, 108 doses, $1. For salo by Taylor ic Banner. J. L. Wilkins, a Montgomery county man, tells the World that while on his way to Salisbury, Fri day night, ho camped in a deserted barn, and during tho night two negroes came to his camp and re lieved him of his money about $20. Don't dally with rheumatism. Purify your blood and enre it at once by taking a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla.. - HOW TO FIND OUT. Fili a bottle or common water glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; asendimentor settling indicates a diseased con dition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Boot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every w ish in reliev ing pain in tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the uriuary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realiz ed. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medi cine you should have the best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, mention The Mount Aikv Xkws and send yaur full post-otlice ad dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hauiton, N. 1 . 1 he proprietors ot this paper guarantee the genuine ness of this oiler. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills, A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a "me appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use of Tutt's Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. -tt's Liver Pills Hm4. w.wW ta nl.atM tf tar. aita' k aim I'ti i umcm ewat a evfe" f"" It Ifwe4 Rwernanrw eat '4 UAWtib) be. aUM. Nwve t iaataa Ml pii.tf; i POVMB Absolutely Pure Cel. hrnti 1 i..r jt i nen'nif arrer.trth arid t" r 0 ii.. M. Amiire ihl I'kmI ntilMM uiinn n, , ,f, nr ailiillTitl.. ci hi. in 111 to t tit. 1 1, in hr.i i.li III J VI. Iiai.Im, i on 1'Kil CO.. NBW lOHK. CALL AT EVERETT'S tiist shop. UK ADQ U AliTliRS IOR Tin and Reel Rooflnj?, (nitterinp Ppouting, Valley Tin ail width Hiincle r-tripa. &.,., Ac, 10. Vt ater ana hteaui r it tiny or all kind kept on hand. Th Old Keliah'e Jerjkin (ilube A Check Vavles, Kbermnn Injiotor, De troit Lubricator are a few of tha many reliable aupplica in stock. Gun, Pistol. Hewing .Machin-', an 1 liicycle repaired by the l st skilieJ. "rkmen at (hurt notice. We keep C1 Old Fashion Gotten l'ot. Dish Panf, mwj IfV fact everything in the Turn areX"- A. J.1M, CVtTCU The Year Round Some Medicines bt-lonj to one season ond some to oncther. DR. KING'S ROYL GEF.f 'ETHER IS If: SEASON ALL TljEYEf! ROUND. IN TMIZ rRIIG It pui ifies thfl blond, r. moves lanfraor ana tti-preKsion, invijvn.us un.l exhila rate i he w huic Bj st-ui. IN THE SUMMER It overcomes the ri l.viition nml debility cnuwd by l:i it teen; her and corrects Vowel troubles that are so prevalent then. Iiestik-s. it nip.kes the most de lightful aud refreshing drink. IN THE FALL When malaria, " ride on every paisi:! breezi-," it is the (freat preventive atvi the uofaiiiriff cure of troubles result ing fi jm that, cauw:. IN THE WINTER It is s'ill needed f,ir ctirinp CVA1. Cr:i, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and the ills tl at iR-lonjr to cold seaMjna. It does these thine, not la a feet la and unoertain way, but with aaaui eJ and triumphant power. K.ip It In th. Ko.ts at AD Tin-.:. tSoM by DniKirl'ts. new pad.-air, ! n e boule. lflS Ckh.', One DoUu. Munu.'uti.n.l ODiy by THE ATLANTA CMWAL CO., ATLANTA, SA. writ. fat' -ta-l'atfr B, Mailed Fmi. Sold by Taylor L Banner, Druggists. r W. H. SIMPSON, AC.KNT For Fina Rr Slip .ND IVTTI IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. AUx Numtrtnir Mrwb'ne, B.mk .' p4, Hriuu Wittl lia.fr, iiurtilijji: Hr- i'atv't-iiintr Via lhwh, Che k Pro 'ecuirn, i uit. 4 -tut FutH-n-, o.r poritioH vaIm. Itautl bnu.l lu.' jr No iHr .aJ st'm rntttiiiijf u i.t it, feft fA;llJf, I t-it t-iid '(m,i ilMntfafm, Kwl te-f T)' int-n. huuiwr i i, hui-: r hnt:p 1 'tK Ituit rr tr p ji.k, M. n rli. htfu U Uit, M-uoil iir'i-is--. hi"( lbklitfc' htai'4. ;!ip VthlxM.. Mmp Ijj W rt -rtn. it j. T if rt It iifitMi.ii u!4' l 1 ndTlr Cmifurt mif-'jitv . hi.o al l.iti . t) loe-fe jn- fMRHttif , I'M uriu-4 rtiiNiM. li tuKf r. Vft rhHiiiJi ajiultw:i artr no Mil ir f'-)ni tn.-ii uo t u ui tffl Oiy pile.;-. t- ? i i, ,if r.rwiwHi.-ff-. r-iu jl uiu i.'i-.n j rf. i,, .i.f r,i,,,H, i ,t 111 Jim I ta,'. k t(t h 4-1 tit skpt, r!v 'iHi tnti !- . n : , if U i,n Corre is g n tic nee Solicited THE SUN. The liint of Amv:i'un ewhpajera, Cii.tni k A. P.tx.t. llj-ior. Th ) AnurK'-ni CVriktitijiion, t! 9 Anit riran idea, tL.' Amoct sii S"r I. TbO:0 firt. I:i"l, Bu i 1.11 tlie to; e forever. luir, niUL. - . itkui tilLT A&5Ulr, tl JAIL, UlU.l The Sunday Sun is the greatest Surulay Xarrfcr ir, ihc wnrlj. mci k a nn. H ML J i 1, 1

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