WW'" ll 'H'l TV IT IHE mount Airy News. VOL. 10. A Greatest on earth." I r MUtm ReatoraUva Nervln. Mr. H. T. Caldwell, book-koper In tlie Flint National Hunk of Kjilttm. Ky. "I u completely rin down. My nerrea Uvnnrn m un.tniniy through lrwa of ilap and wiirrjrltiat I fi.lt atiro I would m ruin lielleil tuglvn up my potion I would llr. awukuull nlnlit long, ami U took but little i . Cw.nwaLL. toahnkoma upro Hint I rmill in nnnslbly timid to n.y l-ii'liiwi g.i I Klioiiiil. In c-otini.et.lon with tlila I Imrl rlrw-(riM, hi-nvlnn-i almtit. tho et.-imu-li, rt ml paint In different iiaitm.f u, U.ciy. 1 :i kon h ivdu.'ed In tio.li, T tu peraiuult-d to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. I flrtt profit red a I r In I 1ml tin fmni a Ine.al onii: ii it mid i.xl ri'Miiluiini, dy followed. 1 t'l. liIiro'lile.iail.ilhi'-li.Mlie.niHl hy Ihetlme I Imd ued tills u,i I win n ililTi n-ui man. I araiiiiwoii my third txiltl.i mid ani nhls Ui Ileep soundly and ent n-uuliirly ff.im.lliInK rould nut p..llily do iM'fnro taklint your rrnniie. I am now fully rrrornril, nnd do not hnoltats to prnnoiuirt' lir. Mllm' IteMormlvo Nerrlua tl.a qrtatul fieretiia on earth." Fulton, Ky. K. T CALDWELL. fr. MlW 1 Nsrrlne. In antfl on R ponltly laimnuw thHt. tho find liollle will lieiittflt. A II l riiuulnt h n.-l I It. hi II, a lxittle foi H, or I Inii It will Ix.aetit.. prerwttd. on roeelnt f.f prlee by Uie Dr. Mllu Mudieul Co., Elkhart, lad. Dr. Miles' Nervine SZa J. A. MARTIN, HOTARY PUBLIC, PIIONKR 20 AND 20, Mount Airy, N. C. S. P. GKAVKS, Attorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. I -Practices In Stale aril Federal Court. Vrouipt attention to collection ol claims. V. S. NKKDIIAM. RttoPney-at"Iiaw, Pilot Mountain, N. C. ir-will practice In the State Court. Col lection of clatin a specialty. Jati-I!m GK0. W. SrARGKH, Attopney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIBY, N. C. Will practice In State and Federal '"ourta. Hppcli'l attention to collecMon of claims an! nee -'Mating lo-na. W- f. CARTER, MOUlT AIBY, ft. C J. B. LEWELLYN, DOMOM, M. C. Carter & Lkwkllyx, Attorneys-at-kaw. ta-praett.-e In the State and Federal Courts. 1-rompt attention given to all Du-dneaa entrust ed to their care. J. H. Slakemore. PHOTOQRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N, C, Is prepared to make all the New and A Malic Style, la op with the time and will flue jou Orsm-laaa work. DFt. C. W. BANNER. DENTIST, Mount Airy, N. C. Office over Taylor k Banner's Drug fHorw. tlilioe hours 8 a. m. to 6 p. in. SA1KM ACADEMY AND COLLEGE, FOR nearly li vears thl tnntltutl'.n for the iniruer .lu -aiion of jouug women bat occu lied tlie lery front ran, and ueer uene BumemuHl) a'lenited than now. it not mb pr.oided nl'lit liii;n-irr.ie oliefr- i now l.ut b i -Xpert a In all ot Ui -ll wliooln ot M'l-le Art fcioenm n. oniiin rcial ami liMiumnal Hluj 'eM e will be pleaxed t wnd eatalotriM .oa application. Term beinui. sepiemir aid. ' JUUS U. Ct-l.t KI.L. ITIUClpal. haleui. North . aroitna. JOS. NATIONS, tlEALEB IX lately Clocks and Jeielrj Of all kind, Keyring Maehine. M-iaical IiM.tTUtneiiU.tc. Wat-liea,( l.K ki and Jewelry retired in lxt txim-ilile nian awicandaalfactioii (ruarantd If jou vant to nate m mey ni befurt making your purcluwe or liaviiig your work doi . E.A.HAMAH, -utn.Ka ix- BarialRobss, Slippers, 4c. A fall f of all qul''" kept lianil. mu4 at reiwnal'ie eriee. Macr rm. np-"'r l'"r am'ar. "" Main Street. laidea, rrt It.ia. Ntarfi of tb. rilrod. KTATi: Bormai and l:!cstria! School. nll-AHTwrT W"!l eo 'ta."-4 tTteeea, VUml ltf. Vm a I r-.Ja u.-a -.. . L i,-eiH w '!. c f a iMtf i- .rf rr -1 . w, mi " -w . . ' " - -mi'k u-i wnllM .-arw.1'. 1W " 1 n i i 1 fJUULiiU Moving a Mountain. A grcnt Hictioii tf ilie m nint-sin (if Sun lltjiiftt overliMniMii' Moruim t H III ntl mo eiiJu WI18 tin n oil this attcrniKiii by 100,000 pounds of powder, liltfU fi'vi't-Hl leet (trmgiit up, and then piiHlicd bodily forward 40 or 50 tot t trembling t ver llio niiirlity c'iir ltlow t he clmn. and tli n tiilliri)? witli ho awful rour 125 It-lit. to ruuiHin licrcitttT lor Hii ti:iio a tlio bulwark of tho great dam bi'iii built to impound water for tha eitv. The dam it 43 niilei e8ht of the city. For two months preparations bad boun mado for the monater blast, in common with another blattt that is m arly ready. The plan was to cut tunnels into tho f ido of the mountain and 1 1 place in these tun nels treat Blurts of black powder, which ignites slower than giant nowdci and has moro pushing pow er and less sha'terinir tllcct. On the surface and in places through tho mountain were placed big do posits of giant powder for the pur pot-e or rlia'tering tlie niabsanu inl ine it ui) According to plans tlie black powder when it exploded would hurl the mass straight tor ward, makine bridge of granite across the gorge and blocking the stream. Danger was constantly feared from ttio great mines of powder, but all went well. A lot of insu lated electric wires, connecting with each deposit of powder and attached to exploders, were gatlierca into one circuit in a tunnel across tho iftiro and alovo the blast, where John Duggan etatijned himself to press the button. At 2:4j ti clock the signal was paxscd that all was rtady. Tho workmen were posted at u pale dis tance. Foreman Duggan closed the switch, and a wondeitul scene instantly followed. The side of the hill quivered, rose from its lied and shot out thousands of little squirm ing tongues of du, that gave the whole hill a peculiar fuzzy appear ance. This was for a fraction of a second. A growl, like the angry diapason of the ocean, sounded deep down the hill, and lajfore the tpjo tators u covered their equilibrium after the earthquake the mafs was falling. An incessant ratilu of recks filled the air like a regiment of musketry. Dust aro.-e in billows and hung over the wrecked hill for an hour. The tailing of email ro;.-k e-onliuncd for almopt us long. When the dust cleared away it was found that (he blast hd dis lodged a mass of rock 40 feet up and down stream, and an aveiage of six'y feet in height, completely bridging the canyon. Tho engin eers estimated that the amount d i t lodged weighed 150,000 tons. The rock was thrown exactly as the en irinoers had j lanaed.-ISan Francisco Chronicle. . Russia's Precautions Against the Plague. A St. Petersburg dispatch of Wed nesday says: The Ku-sian govern uiHiit Iihs forbidden pilgrimages of Moslems to Mecca through Uussiau territory and Jias also forbidden Uussiau Christians to vigit the shrines n the east. These meas ures are taken as a precaution against the bubonic plague and cor dolts of officers have be'n assiiitud to elo.ely watch the UtiSciati fron tiers to p event the introduction of the plague. The c iroiier's jury tint held an ii.qncs over the remains of Stokes IUii-ston, the colored man who was found dead lat Saturday mcruing, near Dennis, tendered a verdict to the etl .ft that the old man's neck whs broken with some kind of a wt upon. There was no evidence as to who c ommitted the crime. Winston Seutinel. At a meiting of UaleL'h Alder men steps were taken as to the re opening ot the street car service. The lUleigh Lltfttic Company wi-ie lio'itied that unlets they re built the plant in sixty da) a they would forfeit their franchise, so probably by the middle of April Uali-ih people m ill le able to ride by electricity. The Nofli Carolina liailroad Company Wednesday paid to the Stale Tfedriuer a ?J per cent semi annual dividend on the 30,000 shares of stock lied by t lie State. The total anion;, t ol this semi-annual dividend is 1i5,0K. It is the lease money iroin the Southern lUil War. Expet it nee prva the merit cf Hood's Sarsaparilia. It cures all forms ot blood dietaats, tones the stomach, build up the nerves. The Aurora bear that 7 tuuu-ft were reeeirlj Vdd in Shelby for $3. Vm. km Gap, wife cf Ei Deputy U. S. Vmli, Colnmbas, Ccil. si js I I arai delivered of TWINS i leaa than Su imn te aod with acsLrody any aio aftr tatiii( oo!y tare bottle of - liiinTifrnfM ttr?r f..u ntny h- FEiEliD" DID HOT MVTTT AITZlWAiD, ra hf r Tu aalulai- FXiMlIXa BJlCIUTOB tm, STUfTk, CaV aoLK mi all irciT. MOUNT NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., of fin- ham, has bought the Burlington News and will conduct it hereafter. The Wilmington Messenger has just paid .'500 in settlement of the daniHgn suit, brought against that paper by pai tics accused of being implicated in tho Uoseboro express robbery. If it takes seven yeais for tho to bacco business to become lirolitable again in North Caroli.ia, the period to end January 1st, lSitlt, it will be too late for some of those engaged in that industry. The Afihevillo Cszotte says that Express Messenger Moore, of the Western Noith Carolina railroad, fell from his car near Hot Springs last Friday aftemioon and received serious, perhaps fatal, injuries. The newspapers of the State have all along managed to keep up and avoid making assignments. There are so few people that will credit a newfpaoer man that he finds it an impossibility to get hold of enough property to justify him in making h decent assignment. On last Monday Mr. James Hipp, living at Lanraglenn Mills became somewhat deranged over tho con dittou of his little son, who was hurt in the mill last week and at tempted to take his life by cutting his throat. He made a wound that may prove fatal. Shelby Aurora. The bill, which has passed the house, to give quick trials in capi tal cases, by allowing the governor to convene special ccurU instantly, is an excellent one. While in tho past two or three years there have been few lynching in the 6tate, there has been much provocation. Mr. W. P.. Gentry, a well-known merchant of Siokesdale and Madi son, aligned last Tuesday to At torney C. (). Michael, of Madison. His assets amount to $4,400, wirli liabilities estimated at about $3,000. Slow collections are icsponsible lor the alignment. (ireeusboro Pa triot. The Rev. Samuel Jennings, ol Mulberry, died the firs', of last week, trom grip and pneumonia. Ho was some 45 years old and was a Haptist minister and a good citizen. He had been suffering from rheumatism sometime before the grip attacked tinu. His death is very much re gretted. "Wilkeeb.'ro Chronicle. The Eist Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association will hold their tenth annual lair in Newtiern, commencing Monday, February 2"Jnd, ind ending Satur day, February 27:h. This will lie one of the biggest tairs ever held in North Carolina. The first fair held by this association was November loth, 1SS7 W. C, Coleman, of Concord, N. C, one ot the wealthiest negroes in the country, is now promoting an enterprise from which he ex pects prolitsble results for iiiinself and his race. He proposes to build and eq.iip a mill tor "the double object of teaching and giving eui ploymeut to negroes as coitoii-mill oifratives." He has disposid ot nearly all the $50,00' worth ol fctofk. Calvin Manguin, who was in jail at Ox'ord, under beiitet.ee to t-e hange-d for the murder of Nathan Wileon, cheats the gallons by dy ing He wHsconvieted jointly with two negroes named Tanrer and two of Wileoii's daughters of murdering Wilson and burying his body iu the front vard of tiieii house and mak ing a flower bed ot er it. The crime would never have fiec n discovered but f.-r Wilm.n's little son. One ot the most ridi'.-uliius things that has happened iu the capital city in many a day was the action of Senator MeCaekie and Lieuten ant Governor Uevnoldw yesterday when ihe governor's nnsmge was read. As soon as a motion wa made to print 20 or 5u copies, Mr. M"Carkie made the point that it was the duty tf the senate to go into executive mi ion. Mr. IUv rj t ask whence this new pi icy when the lieutenant governor ruled that a motion to go into executive si'erioii was not deba'ab e, ordered the galleries ch-aied, and upon a uiotio'i the seoatj went into execu tive sbrioti. After the people de parted, not a solidary thing was d me except to order the printing of 5'Mi copies of the tm-M-aife which could hsve been d.""e a well in regular session. Raleij.li N'-s and OU-rver. Tutt's Pills Cure AH Liver Ills. Save Your Money. ( ne box of Tutt's Pills will savt? many' dollars in doctors' bill? Theywillsurely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless insertion 1 or sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TLTTTS Liver PILLS AIRY, N. C THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1807. One Mile a Week. When tho Western North Caro lina Railroad was pushed through the Uluo Ridge mountains twenty years ago, the construction was car ried on at both ends, from Old Fort, N. C, westward upon tho eastern side, and between the Swan nanoagap and Ashevillo upon the western sido. As tho work pro gressed an engine upon tho western sido became a necessity, and the line upon tho eastern side had only reached Henry's, a small station at the top of the pap. To suspend the work meant a long delay. An en gine must go out and the problem arose how to get it there over tho mountains. One of the light est en gines on tho lino was sent in us far as Henry's. From there to the rails on the other side of the gap it was three and a half miles, ana all the way up hill, 500 feet to tho milo. The track to tiio top was but rough ly graded. There wore bridges and culverts to build. It was decided to utilize the turnpike road. Uy means of short sections ot track, the sections being taken up after the en gine had passed them and carried . -:, i ' . -.-' - - forward to be replaced for further progress, it was regarded as possible to effect the aecent, As it was manifestly impossible for any friction-wheeled engine to carry itself up such a sharp grade, it would have to be dragged up by other means. A long line of oxen was tried, but the plan failed through the inability to obtain a uniform pull from the team. Theie whs plenty of power, but it could not be made to harmonize. Final ly the large crew of convicts, by whom the road was being built, was set to work. Ropes were run tor ward upon which some 200 men in strijied clothe-s were 6et to pulling. O'hers worked at the wheels with pinchbars, while others stood ready with blocks of wood to serve as wtdges behind the wheels, to hold eveiy inch of ground that was gain ed. Almost inch by iuch, "with a long puil, and a strong pull, aud a pull altogether,' this forty tons of dead engine was dragged up the mountain at the rate of a mile a week. Trains have been 6iiowed in, broken down and delayed so that the progress was slow, but it is doubtful if a complete engine was ever kept in motion day after day for three weeks at a slower rale t.f movement than one-sixth of a mile per day. Yorkville (S. C) En quirer. The Graaateat KeaMCaly. Mr. li. It. liieeve, merchant, of Chilliowie, Va., eeilifiea that ho had cm. sumption, wa given up to die, H"Ught ul! medical treatment that moric) could procure, tried all cougli remedies ho eoulJ Lear of, but got no relief; spent many nigols sitting up in a ctiuir; wua induced to try llr. King' New Discovery, and was eureJ by u-o of two buttles. For pal thr.e years li.ia been unending to liuaines", nd says llr. King's New Discovery it the gran Jest rem eily ever made, as it lias done so in in h for tiim and also for others in hia coininuiiiiy. Dr. King's New Discovery is guarantied for coughs, eohls atid connunipliori. It don't fail. Trial bottles free al Taylor & IJan-in-r'e Drug Store. "With characteristic enterprise Mr. John A. Young, the Greensboro misery man, has secured the services of an exja rt entomologist to see that his trees are free from disease. He makes a thorough examination of the stock -very six months. Reids ville Weekly. An Express Agent. Mr. J. E. Mitchell, Agent South em Expret Vak, Grifti-i, (it, Mar 8th, lK'5: "1 lave used King Roval Geriy-tuer ia nij family, a- J eoti-ider it the tLt medicine I have ever us d. It has nlicvcd n e of MuK-ular Ulienii.atisni. I aieo know dt several other caeot rht li ma' ixm and catarrh that have ln-en cured bv its ui " Write to The Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga , for 43 pa.r; book, giving full iufur matbn, free. New ym kie, large tortile, 10S do--s, $1. For sale by Tlr fc Rat ncr. S-Vi-" w..tk has Ut-u i-.(nd. d at tlie Uloid orp .anage :i account of sickness am m the childrea. km , THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Ralkioh, N. C, February 8. Tho senate met at 4 o'clock, Rills and resolutions wero intro duced as follows : Py Senator McCaskey, concern ing tho agricultural department and tho college- of agriculture and mechanic arts. The important part of this is to t iko the department of agriculture and College out of tho present hands and give it to the populists or republicans. Ily Senator McCaskey, to repeal all laws allow ing grace on notes and drafts. Ry Senator Clark, to rcgnlatethe transportation of bicycles. By Senator Grant, a resolution in favor of the arbitration treaty now pending in the U nitcd States senate. I'y suspension of the rules it was taken up and adopted.- I'y Senator Duller, (by request) a memorial from the president of tho North Carolina railroad and directors emphatically denying the truth of the statement of President Hoffman in his letter to Governor Russell in re ard to tho lease of tho - ' 0 A CONFIDCNCG GAflE North Carolina railroad. The mem orial is signed by S. R. Alexander, lee S. Overman, J no. Allison. J. J. ratification ot the treaty of arbitra Young, W. C. Maxwell, C. W. tion was adopted. jonnson, li. J', uoke, 11. . i'nes and V. E. Turner and tlie request is made that a j unt committee be sp pointed with power to summons witnesses to investigate the whole matter. I tic joint resolution to appoint such committee was adopt- ed. The bill to require scats to be pro - vided for feu ale clerkg was tabled, Rills passed as follows: For tlie be'ter protection of the traveling public from baggage smashers and other employes. At the uight session tlie senate bills were takeu up to provide for general supervision of railroads, steamboat and express Companies d need a bill to prevent minors trom doing business in the state, provid- entering barrooms and billiard ing that fare on railroads lie for rooms. first-class 2 cents a mile, second class Ralkioh, N. C, February 9. 1J cents and crresponding low rate The senate met at noon. on freight. " Rills and resolutions were intro A substitute was t ffered making dnced as follows: the rate 2J a: d 2 cents per mile. Ry Senator Clark, to regulate the On motion of Senator Smathers sale of animal food, the whole matter was re-reterred to Ry Senator Walker, to improve the committee on corporations. the public schools of ihe state. Riils pnshbii as follows: By Senator Person, to prevent To require the sak under chattel hiring of convicts in competition mortgage after ten das' notice, ibis with Tree labor ; also to pension all not lo apply to perishable goods. ex-slaves who did service in the To allow an agent (o make sale of confederacy, land under mortgage, but not to Ry Senator Ernhardt, to regulate make a deed. fees of sheriffs and regis'ers of To allow ex confederates pensions deeds; also to regnlate the practice even if they have proerty wonh of medicine in the state, over $5i0. Ry Senator Scales, to incorporate The house iiiel at lti o'clock. Only the Grand Lodge, Knights of P)th seventy two in. mbcr.' were resent, ias, of the domain of North Caro- Among the bills intioduc-.d were lina. the f-dlowii-g: The resolution requesting the Ry Mr. Sutton, ot Cumberland, treasurer to lurnish information to declare b cchs to be Lat'gage whether the jieuitentiary is self sus (accoinpanieii by a petition signed taming was adopted, by bicyclist). The bill to regulate the procaring , I'y Mr. 1'urgnson, to ninke it a and distribution of dead bodies for mis demeanor to give or sell ii.toxi- promotion t.f medical science caused eating liquors to any habitual drunk- a debate. ard. Senator Person, colored, offered Ry Mr. Pool, to allow acjimty to the follow ing amendment : "Pro ado; t as its own an agricu''ur .1 t ided this shall only apply to bodies socety formed in another county. having no claimants and to j rieomrs The following bills passed : in the penitentiary." Regarding the givirg of guar- Seuator Alexander favored the diai.'e, aJiiiin.r'ta . r'e b nda in bill. security cfiipai.e, allow big them Seuator Rollins said he intro to ii elude iii their charges against duced the bill at the request of e-statcs the exchanges, amounting to professor at the university. This Lot over one halt of one per cent. stte was woefully behind other for giving of such bonds. etates and if something was not done , To m amend the law that iu ease- to furnish medical colleges with where a trustee rtf-ses to act the subjects for direction they ould clerk may appoint one. Lave to close. Mr. SuttoL biUeinpvwerit.gthe Eenatr McCaskey off-red" the governor in extraordinary cases to amendment: "Strike out all that convene special courts for the trial appht, to cunr.ty hoima, Loepiuls of capita cases at d o also convene Bf the supreme court to hear .pf ale (n wlAioa t.e wjJt(ie m.tter wer t iu such cases Was taken up. li wee over until tomorrow. o amended at to provide tLat e urta The h. u.- met at 10 o'clock. shall be cvvened only at the request Among the bi.ls introduced were of tLe ahtritl aud chairman of ll e the following: ciunty couiiiiitsioners of thec.ui.ty Ry Mr. W hite, to repeal the act in which au.-h court ia to be cu- to establish a true meridian in ti e rened. The bill then pned as sta'e for correct rttraarg of snr amended. veys. A rtwolutien was ad -pted request- Ry Mr. Eddinet , to require ded ing oar swnaiors and memlrs of in trua and mortgage to be can cot gre to use all pe.ilj'e eff .ru to c ed bv record wubin ten dT secure the rjl of the tax on fruit brandy. Ry lesate a U.I i introduce! t j Mr. Fcrrell to enlarge the jorisdic- tion of magistrates. It provides that the punishment for nil anstults. assaults and butteries and affrays where no deadly weapon is used or , serious damage is done and where ' j .1 . . . a . i aeauiy weapon is attetnpieu 10 ie used or is nacd but no permanent injury is infiicttd, shall, be a fine of not exceeding $50 or imprison me;;t tor thirty days. It fnrthf provides that whenever any person -i iii - . . v - snail oe convicted ot carrying cou cealcd weapons before any jiiotice of tho peace it shall be the latter duty ti lino the defendant not load than $10 or imprisonment not more than thirty days if lie cannot pay it and tho justice ot the peaco shal not have authority to suspend the judgment ot imprisonment and on appeal to suprior court it thcro be conviction judgment shall not te any less than that of tho justice of the peace. 1 hocomnion law imsde meanor of forcible trespass shall hereafter lie punished by fine not exceeding $50 or thirty days lm prisonrnent : that larceny aud re ceiving where the value ol the goods docs not exceed $10 shall be mis demeanor. Costs are to bo includ ed in all cafes. The resolutioD rciiiiestine the North Carolino senators to nrge the A bill passed requiring that no j persons, company or corporation being non-residents of this state Uhail catch fish by scints, nets, etc., : without taking out license for which they sLall pay $2,500, Mr. Elliott said it was to reach foreigners who came to this state 1 and used great seines and who ein- ployed natives who made the pre tense that thtv were the owners of the property, Ry leave Mr. Murphy introduced a bill allowing physicians who were practicing prior to act of 1S9. to continue without examination Mr. Parker, of Wayne, intro- afu r ft ey have been paid. 't Mf. McCrary, to proidi Tilv to collect arrears of . I bi t ale shall cease two years and thrut months frorr March 2,1803. By Mr. Hancock, to amend chap ter 111, sectioti 701, of The Code, by "providing that nothing in tin chapter shall authorize or empow corporations organized under this chapter to lease, run, manage or control any railway built or which may be constructed hereafter, fly Mr. Pool, to appropriate $2 000 annually to the colored normal school at Lhzahtttu City. Tho bill to make it indictable to interrupt a public speaker came up and caused a lively debate. The text of the bill was : "Any person who shall will ui ly interrupt or dis tnrb any political meeting, lawfully assembled, shall be guilty ot a mis demeanor aud upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding $50 or im prisonrnent not more than thiity days." Mr. Cook's amendment, adoptc two weeks ago, was that the act shall also apply to all public speakers and stage actors. Mr. Ransom's amendment, adopt ed at the same time, was by making it a misdemeanor for political speakers to use any profane or v ulgar language in any public tpeccli. The bill was referred to tho judi ciary committee, winch, January aci'in, recommcnucu mai uie ongi nal bill without amendments do pass. Air. RIackburn made a motion to striko out all tho amot'dtnenta. He called tho previous question. The vote on Mr. Rlackburn's amend ment was yeas, 54 ; nays, 3'.h Mr. rerrell, populist, said that as a reiormer lie inciineu 10 rciorm political sneakers and lielieving that most ot the trouble at speakings was due to the speakeis he voted no. 1 !1'J a The bill passed its third reading, democrats voting solid and Waid, brown and Abernathy, popul's's voting with them. Ralkkhi, N. C, rebruary 10. A resolution was introduced by Senator Alexander that a joint com mittee of seven visit Charlotte and examine tho public roads in Meck lenburg county, so as to improve tho public road laws of North Caro lina. Pills were introduced as follows : lly Senator Rutlor, to revise and improve the public school system (500 cipies ordered printed). I.y Senator Ashburn, to regiiiate the sale of fertilizer. Ry Senator Person, to corni! employers and corporations to pay employes every week, where they hire them with the understanding to pay weekly. Ry Senator luy, to protect crcdi tors and innocent persons where property is mortgaged in other4 states. Ry Senator Henderson, to enlarge the powers of the railroad commis sion. The house met at lo o'clock. Among the bills introduced were the following : Ly Air. llartness, to provide that in case of suit for damages brought against a person resident of another state who has property in this state it can be attached where there are unliquidated damages. Ry Mr. McCrary, to create a short form of agricultural liens in North Carolina, allowing a creditor to sell enough of property at public auction atter twenty daya notice to cover debt and interest. A report from the special com mittee ou bill regarding lease of the North Carolina railway was made, offering a substitute for the original bill, asking thst it be adopted as the bill and that it be printed and be made the special order for next r rulay. Mr. JJlackburn protested this was too short a time. Mr. Cook then moved that the bill be made the special order for noon next Tuesday and it was so ordered. Mr. Crumpler introduced a bill to revise the public school system. t crea'cs a state board of education out of the g ivernor, presidents of the university and state normal and industrial school and three profes sional teachers to be elected bitu- neally by all the members of the board, the boaid to recommend the course of study in the public schools and the course of .reading, a proles siona! study for teachers, to grant tHet grade certificates. Ibe otiice of count v examiner is abolished Iter the first Monday iuuext July. County commissioners, eleik and register shall biennially elect three men of good business qualiticalit ns as a county board ot education and the Utter bieimialiy elect couuty suif ryisors of schools, also district ooaros ol rive u apportion me school fund, and t j establish schools. ie third gradt teachers certin cates are to be abolu-iied and the cot tit y eopcrv'sor is to be paid tot over $3 for each Jay actually at work. LiverOSis LBt biUounasaa. 4r1V- beadx-bc. enortj saukm, aour skana. U todia-eaoua an ftrniUy ev fc' bf Boat 1111. Ttasy s Utrkr urk saallf as4 tsomicMT. Brat afw alraaaw aalla. nenrta. An draavaals. ill s rrpar4 kfCl Hemt A Cs, Umri, Maaa. To sell rui to talu witk Bso a aaraajau-.Us. g- mm i cas NO. ill W y--fca.aMj!.i- v y ' Mm Absolutely Pure Celetiraie-l Mr ll pr-ai l..v, nlnir n iiittli iii. I beaiilifniiieaa. A.-uir.-a Ilie f..n.i , hIiikI ai'im ami a'l I'.rina ul artiill miii.h e.ui.iiiirii KMiie . i.hp braudu V.li A I, IIAkl.V! I'ovt lfcu (O., NKWldlih. CALL AT EVERETT'S TIjST shop. -f- y V. IIUAllQUAIlTliIlS KOIt Tin nd Ht'-el I'oofln, liutlerinn Spoutiiitf, Valley Tin all tidtl, Miincie icle r-t rip. Ac, Ac, Water an a rt team Httinp of all kind kept Pt o;t liaml. Tli Old Keliahle Jeiiki'-s (,lobe A Check Vavle, hlieroian Injectors, IU troit l.iitirieatxir trv a few of tl many reliable nt.nlie in stock. Gun, Tiftols, rcwiiig Nlachii e. an I r.ieyrleti repaired by the best skilled worku. en at sdi.rf notne. U e keep i i.M.i! did 1 an!, ion Cuffi-e 1'ots, I'irli I'ui n, and in fart everythicx In ll.e 1 ni are line. T. 31. ICvirtU Ct;. THE LITTLE Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all cure to keep the little ones ia health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles wiih Rr. King's Royal Gorrrieliier. They all like to take it because it does not tate like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, rives food dicestion. and quiet, healthful s'eeu. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for uss in teething, it is the greatest in the world. ty Sold by Druggist, tew paekae, larpe bottle, 103 Dobes, One Dollar. Manufactured onlr by Hie ItiaSti Ciiesical Co., Atknta, Ga. Vrifa tot aS-Faf Bk, Ball h. Sold by Taylor L Banner, Druggists. W. H. SIMPSON, AOET Fcr Fins RcfiSsr SIebps AMI SriKYTlfl I OFFICE SUPPLIES. 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . i-r lUuti 9 larlitl tv E Mhtflipft, I tcT u0 I f.i-U' .iil.il-, Utst-f nu r. J.uCiiwT "i f . luuim r ftp luL- .- y I ri'ft M-ti i Jlik. tx-ll rfiM -.. hU-t-i hlH'IiJ, Mr-l !-!( rt a.. y ik '.i' (,. -U ltit Uiij MnJjip- htf; jt ti.''Ltb lmUi 1 vi r nvr i f ..! t' f -r ti'MC 4 iJfl UAl lT ft-.- fit. t Ui L . 'J fat " rli ;o gr mf h-Kw i-' .. tt - .- n (.rr. iwttr p.!.,...., t rr It t7i-- -1 !!. f Ah jt. i ,f-n .e 4. c 4.rti-riv OHtf. Iu : .. e Ik. ,f h-J 4,1 lf. rtt,-i(-h im1 t..-. I:. . .Mp ui. .b -CorrejMrdrjee Holicited .rrl I. THE SUN. TLe first of Anie: icau' Ne sptjK-rn, CuAl.t: A. I'a.na. R-j.ior. The Amcr e:in (' nflitu1 ion, ibo A mi-riei. ll 1 Jen, ttis; A merit a Sp M. Tbee first, is-i, aiil ill lime. forever. lit. 4fi i KU nkh'.i The Sunday Sun a tb rreici .-iinoav ji,. in tha ! i.