VOL. 10. HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure hoei It. tin (ha. 1. I'niht a . Il ktxiwn reil'lon of iN-nx-r, praln.ii till wimli.rfiil reiiieilr, Her ti.imniiy t,h,M,. i-niivliii-f dil 0 til I lin wiirth ir IIih New IIi um I inn nml fdninni IIvh NiTviim tee ii-tier ilnl Hipt.lHIi, lr4, maila mi fill!.,: X4 4.1 1- " Nfa.-W"' 1 ft7 Mns. I Polar. SIT7 IttimtmliH ft. "Tplinlil fi-vi-r li ft mn Willi limi t trmtbla of tin nm-a rdm. tmitin. Sntliltnf tli" ilm-tun. ctivM lutil any iTi't t.. I litnl ir.re pnlii. In III'- ll'-nrl. iii'i I u iiiiulili. in he mm mj .ftliln f if Muni' tlin it tin.-., iitliiiitf. nt rtlinu. My lie irt ni'i-ti -. to tni ln-aw, ami liml atimttierliir mm-i i, In alii.-h t im .1 ri.f liiwilli a.int.l (.. triy hint. We arel ili nlljr n nil HilU'i tUi'iui nt of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure an.l fti'itiirnilvf1 Nervine, nml pui-itiiiiu.il a in it! If uf rn. ti A ?'-r tit kip ir t Iim rvmi'ilii- a wifk, 1 t-r ti til lie llfti'il In n I'lmir nml Ml tip an linur. tonl In it wli-nt tone I utile tn tin llt'l'i li'i'i'-.'W'iH I .ti;0l In rvi-i irutefnl hiTini f-r t -it r no "li rful mi'.ll' Im. Truly Uii mil my I'd' V s cllA I A ffUMT Tr Mlli llxti'l dire 1 'hi on i pmltl-- innrKiiii'ii tmit ilii'tli-it ln.nl" lll 1 -ti ..(I t . All ilrun'ltmHll It n i II (I I ith' fur W nr It Will l)i' wilt. pli'li'll'i nil Iwelhl f prl.i) iftliePr Mile Mi.ill.al t o, Miliar., Ind. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure J. A. MAHTIX, HOTAIS.Y PUBLIC, rilOMtS IM AM) IM, Mount Airy. N. C. S. T. GKAVKS, Mllorney-at-Law, MOUNT AIHY, N. C t"Prartlre in Htntu aid I i ih rnl Omits. I'nvnpt attention M collection of elulina. W.K NKKDIIAM. Attorney-at-Law, f Pilot Mountain, N. C. r'Will prntl'-e in tho Bt.itf doin. "ol lin'tlim of ol.iln, pwlliy. Juiii lvm T. B. McCAliGO. DOTARY PQSLtG. OFFICE 0PP0SlTEKEWS OFFICE, mount ay hotel block. Business Promptly Attended To. GKO. W. irl'AKiJKH, AttoPney-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIRY, N C. I p W ill prai lli'f In Mtt ni.rt Fe'li ml i ourtn. Hpc.-lfl nttPiitlOB to colliv Inn ot rlalms anl rn-LMllntliiK loins. W- t. CARTER, J. R. LEWELLYN, DOMOll, H. C MOUNT Aim, C CAKTKK vSt I.KWKI.I.YN, Attorncys-at-Law. t"lt"'tl'- In theHUtPnd Fi ilirnl Court. Ifompl attention ftvun to all btnltitia entrust ed ui tliclr care. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N, C, i-e-M la prepared to make all the New and Artistic Rtylea. I up with the times and will give you. drat .clan work. DR. C. W. BANNER. DENTIST, Mount Airy, N. C. Oliice over T.ylor & Banner's Drug Ktiirw. Ofliee hours S . m. to 5 p. m. JOS. NATIONS, PHI KR IS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of .11 kinds, Hewing Machines, Musical InsfrtimeiitH.cVe. Valclien, i'liwk and Jewelry repaired in best posnilile ntan fier anil sal isfaetion guaranteed. If yon want to save money see me before making your purchases or having your work done CAB. Wits, Barial Robes, Slippers, &c. A fall at.-v-k of all ie a4 qnalitiei kept oa hand, mni at rwawonahle pric. Stor rwnn, tip-tmr over M. I., r.ttw Ikin'a stor, on Mai a 8trt. KmideBca, Drat boon Koii of th. railroad. NTATi: Korcal and Industrial School. DEPART FfT well en'itpr-" TI t-rlirm. 444 n'C'llsf atinli-li" ttrte prw'ltee ,-hiv-H t r. 'U(h!. aw mmrviii..tw iiih li. niieeln lr. ! nt t he " Me-r-tont- t. . oi"e'i"e f ..m'i", ivhiiii at MVHP I" " lr-llla rw-1e In flrmiiiirt" PT cm ah md m.!e t f'.re Jm a entf ih1 eiar.lail. lo free IK m-ee " attpH'-anw anruiLC- a r .a wN-ime I Mi 't l elen'e 'frt-e fil' Mte 41 ietw-"tiftk' In aormr or e. an. Mlt twi' .itit-rm i .i1-e, . iTetieaUki,K- n et kn. UKwaabors, N.G yiii, nr.i K is SUGAR TRUST AROUSED. ORGANIZING TO FIGHT THE DINGLEY TARIFF BILL IN THE SENATE. Tim Knour Trt irtiiipen Htllvp lv tn nntHinml.i) R li'irlioll of tllO niiHr m'hi iliilt' (F tin- nuw inrilT Mil Tlil'l-0 llH Im'I'II ft CtlliSlllllttinll III' Iwt'i'ii TitHsuri-r Si'urli's mil cuitnin NunalolH w in Art' IfllilliilV d Ins Irili'iilH Tim riMill l tlmt tlicrti will Im till serious I'lf'Ht HIMiItt ill lilt' ll'IIIH) 0 I'llHtllfO till! ft'llfilllll) hs lift HII iiimiiii'i"), tint tlmt In Hit Hi'inito th snjiiir Ink-lefts will iiiHkt" H power Ful Uni t to iiIiIhiii greHier proiei! Imn. (Ilihlnimu Dinnlcy Iihh hH hIhii frtVtiretl A pffillt! tlu'y, with no e(iiifi'li'(l ilillVi'tMitiMl umn to tliu trust, micli HstxisU In tlio pruHtint UrilT w, Tito selietlult) s llxfil In the Diiiolcv lilll iirnt'tii'Hllv L'lvrs percent. hI vhIhiimii mi nenrly hII I n' miunrn t nit nn imiiol teil. 1 liero is no ptint'i'iili'il tlilleicntinl duty Ix'tM ecu rnw auL'itr hihI n liiietl sii- "ur ss cxiittg In tlin Wilson liill, Tlio iliirerentuil duty nt niin rilitli ot a cent a pound is iiiimtiHiHetory to till! Hrtvellieyi'lR TIley WOllld like niii'lihli (if cent nt Kmst nitirt! if tliey could it. Tim cotinti rviiiliiipt duty on su guru impoittd 1mm (icinmiiy hF lords tin! trust sunn! HeHisUnce. Tin! i xisiinn duty n snails fmm coiintiics lliiit jty li.'iinty to t'm prmliiccis is fixed mi tiiic-lciilli nf h cent a pound. Tlio new Ihw ives authority to li e TteiiMiiy to levy upon impiiried Uigurs a tlnty upirtl to tlii I imty. '1 liis is noi iMioiigli ti sitlinfy tins relineis. Tliey will contcrt to tlin liict in tlio Semite for hii inoriiired dllTerentiHl duly. Some nt tho SciiHtors wlio nre Avowedly lioKlile to tlm ntftfrcifA lioiiff of cnpitiil known hs ItiiKts Are pl;ieed in An tiwkwiird ji.n-il i. 'ti . Stiirttor Allen, nf NtlitAekA, miy lnhiiAtcto nntiiiroiii.e tlio lieet su irar niAkeiR, win) uro poweif'iil in his Stute. Senuior t'rtinion, vf I'tali, is interehtod in Asnur fafti ry nonr S.dt I-Hke. There Are ntlu rg it: a similAr eittiHtinn. Two ot the former Ftigir clmtn pi.ms of the StriAtc, (iorniRn Ami Smith, will immune a similar potd tion when the Mnijrjjlo comet. Prico, the third Demoeiiic It Hih r, ie out of tho S. nde, but a suAr in aii lian taken his place. New Yoik World. Oldest Odd Fellow. Tho Weldon correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch snys : I notice that a Winston correspondent claims that Mr. K. A. (iiendi, of Salem, is one (if the oldest Odd Fellows in the State, Imt I believe it remains for Weldon to come for ward with the very oldest member of that order in North Carolina. Mr. W, T. Whitfield, the Agent of the Southern K.vprcM Company at Weldon, was born on the day and year that the order was tirst in troduced into the United State viz., April '26, 1SI0. He became a member of Old Dominion Lidge No. 5, Purtfinouth, YA.,'And took all the decrees in 1841. He was a chatter member of the first lodge ever instituted in this State, Wel don Lodge No. 1, in the tsime year, 1 s4 1 . When this lodo Ptlrrender ed its charter, in 1844, Mr. Whit field reunited himself witli the l'orttnii.uth Linlgo. Ho has been an active and official niemlier of the order ever since. It is reason Able to suppose that he is An older Odd Fellow than Mr. (iiersh. In The Hands of a Receiver. The State Trust Company, of New York, on a bill filed against the Wilmington, Newbern and Nor folk RailwAy Company by John 1). Bellamy, Kq., CAiifcd the said rail way company to le placed in the hands nt a receiver by J ndge Sitnon ton, judge nf the circuit court of the United Sta'es, At Charleston, S. C, Tuesday. The plaintiff is the trustee ot the mortgage lotid holder who all live in the north and are repre sented by Stetson, Tracy, Jennings and Russell, attorncysof New York, And John D. llellamy, nt this city. Mr. H. A. Whiting, ot Wilming ton, was a; pointed receiver. Wc learn that the mortgage d.bt is about $1,."ii,(mm). The receiver is ordered to take charge of the raiiioad and all its property imim diately. Wilming ton MeiscngiT. . Mr. Iiillie All. n, of E k town ship, was drowned A few days Ago, savs the Wilkes'uiro Chronicle. DELICATE n rtAD pie irj -a FEMALE REGULATOR IT IS ft SUPERB TONIG a exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel 11 impurities. HCutJl and Mrcnciii arc guaranteed w result Irorr. Its u.se. Vv wife v SedrH,.,! fnr etriteen Teomha, aM- r iiIiii- HKAl'Hf I.I) - y I VAi.l-, K K4 U ' iA f"K lr lo iwii. l ri-Ti'iif wi'H 4 U JohSMiS. W.ivrra. Arm. atkhn.ia kim utyik .tuvta, 4. tM kr aU Piaaiiaa. allAfi tanta. 1 1 in wlnnu ht rr. ttiaat' i 41 llu. Hulei For Killing Church. 1 1) .n't come. V 42: 4. 'J If yon do come, eomo lute. IV K:k U I f too wet or too di v, too hot or too cold, don't think of coining. IV li 2! 1. 4 Don't imagine tho front scuta lire Intended fur you, people might think you cotiei lied. Ti Come bound to find fault. IV I on : 4. (I -Don't, lor tlio vorld, ever think of pi'ityl'ig for your pistor or the church. 2 Tins. .'If 1. 7 Don't sing. 1 Cor. H: 15. K -Don't Attend priiyer-uienllng, And If ymi should, don't tako aii active pait. Ai ls .') ! 1. II- Don't I'lieourago the pastor, but tell his faults to others, (lid. (I: I. If his sermon hchs you, don't let 1) S in know it, might imiko him vain. I" -11 ymi sen a s'rnner In the Aiiilienee, don t oiler tosnake namts or Invito him to coino aiiiiin, peo ple might think ymi bold, II eh. I.')! '2. 1 1 Nevt r try to bring anyone to I'hurcli with you. John 1:41. 1 'J Don't believe in missions. Matt. IN; lit. Ill Don't give much to benevo once, I Cor. Kl : '2. 1 1 l,et the piistordo all tho work. Isa 41 : (1 7. IS See that his salary Is always behind. 1 Cor. l : II. lit II he doesn't visit as often as you think he should, treat him very ooley. He has nothing particular to do stii) could come nltelier. 17 - Don't take your denomina tional paper. IS 1 ry to t un the church. .Mark in: 41 4.V lit---It ymi see anyone willing to tako hold and help carry on any ol the church work, to be sure to find fault and aivu-o them of being bold ami lorwani. im t v : 20 - Never speak to aunt In r About Christ, your pastor should do all that kind o! work. Jas. 5: io, Dan. 12: 21 Don't come to Sabbath school, it looks childish. Matt. IS: 4. 2- Don't be particular about how (tod's house looks inside or out, but kicp your own homes looking nice. 1 Kings G : 21-22. 2.'i Insist on your views being adopted on ail questions brought up tietore the church, and don t give in for tho majority. Matt. 2.'! : 12. 24 Don t join any ot the ehurcli societies. Mai. d : lt. 25 When lick, don't send your pastor word, he is suppled to find out bimslf. lintt-11 aII the neigh bors how he neglected yon during your illness. John 11:3. 2i If ymi think everything is working harmoniously, try to stir tip something to engender strife. James .1 : 14 It?. Rev. W. T. Alan in The Preachers Helper. A Dastardly Deed. Allert Ray, a guard t the chain gang, was robbed And then cut by a negro tramp this morning. It was about 1 1 :.'?) o'clock while Mr Ray, who guaids at night, was sleeping in the tent near the South ern shops, tint a colored man stole stealthily into the tent and picked up Mr. Ray'6 watch, lying uH)t) the table, lie went from the table to Mr. Ray and legan searching his person. This awakened him And as he looked up he discovered that the nigro was not, as he liAd sup posed, a trusty, but a strango negro. He ran his hand into his hip pocket and as he did so the negro drew a knife from bis pocket. It was but the work of a moment for him to draw the knife across Mr. Ray's face inflicting two ugly wounds, one about three inches long i.ndet the left eye and another across the r.ose. Then he ainud at Rsy's heart and a cut three inch es long just over the heart was the result. Having Accomplished this much the negro ran through the tent door with Mr. Ray, who had now risen from his conch, following bim pistol in hand. Ho discharged five shots at the fleeing figure, but the blood had blinded his eyes arid his aim was untrue. Riy, now weak from the loss of Mood, was taken to the tent where Drs. Me Kenzie and l!rown attended to his wounds. Hisinjniios, Dr. McKen zie tills us, aie quite scrimis. lie w ill be brought to town to morrow. As soon as Sheriff Monroe was notified of the affair he summoned his dcp.ities and formed two osses, who at 3 o'clock, are scouring the woods for the i.egro. Salisbury World. The most populous States are : New York, Pennsylvania Illinois, and Ohio. The two former have more than S,Xmi,uOO, and the two latter more than 3,tHM,0li0 inhabi tants respectively. Man Nt lh Head. Aug. J. Bogel.the leading druggist ot Sbreveporl. Ia., says: "llr. King's New Discovery i the only thing that euros my cough, and it is the best seller I have" J. F. Cmr bell, merchant of SafTord, Aris., writes: "lr. King's New Ti-eovery is all tht is claimed for il, il never fails, and is a sure cure lor eorwtimption, coughs and colds. I Cannot nay enough for it menta." Pr. King's New recovery for consumption, coughs and colds i not an experi ment, it has been tried tor a quar ter of a eet.turv, and today stands at the head. U never disappoints. Free trial bolilea at Taylor A Kan Rer'a Irug Su.ro. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH EREO FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. (ireetisbom la to have another to biieeo factory. Tho Christian Church at Win stoti is preparing to erect A lino brick linuto of worship, Mrs. J. S, Moore, of (ireenshoto. a gooil Christian lady, died on tlin 15th fust., Alter A lingering illness. Lightning struck Mrs. A h ford's house at Kinston, tearing it to pieces and shocking and scorching the In mates, Miss Annld Strupe, nf Salem, la to sail Saturday morning for Hast ings, Kngland, to spend a year with relatives. Fx President Cleveland, who has been hunting Mini lishing in North Carolina for two weeks, has gone to Princeton, N, J. Judge Waller (Mark is Announced to make tho aihiiiaI Address beforo the University Medical College, ol Richmond, '"a , April 2'.Hh. The bill to Amend tho charter of North Wilkesbt.io passed tho Sen ale, but the Legislature Adjourned before it got through the House. (iranite headstones ate being pre pared at Raleigh to be placed at the graves of the North Carolina sol diers buried At Winchester, Ya. Mr. KvAtis proposes to fiitnisli six arc And seventy incandescent lights to burn all night and every night in' the year for about (2,100. Salisbury Sun. Concord will hold an election on April I'.Mh to decide whether to issue $10,000 of bonds to purchase and impiove water works And im prove the streets. Theevperiment station Annex will bo completed by April 1st. Tho wotk is being done by tho North Carolina Car Company and will cost about nine thousand dollats. The Coventor Iihs commissioned D. II. Abbott Railroad Commis sioner. His commission to Thos, Sutton as J ndgc of the eastern crim ina! circuit is effective April 1, Jo Caldwell's s.tntcr is cutting a caper in the Roaring River section. Rob Deal, of tho Wilkeslioro Chronicle, makes out like it's eat ing up all the csts in tho neighbor hood. (iov. Russell has Accepted an in vitation to press the button and start the machinery at the Tennessee Oen tenniAl Fxposition. Tho invitAtion was extended him because North Carolina is the "mother" ot Tennes see. Governor Russell has pardoned K. L. Thorn, who was serving a year's sentence on the roads at Ashe villo, for carrying a concealed weap on. Among those who asked tor his pardon was the governor of Pennsylvania. (ireen Scales, a young colored man, was killed by a train at Riifiin last Saturday night. Ho will he rememlcied ae the man who shot At another darkey on the street here a year or two ago, tho load missing him and hitting a bystander. Wtbster'e Weekly. The plan to raise $1,000 for the city hospital at Winston, proposed by the Sentinel, is a simple one and ought to work like a charm. It seems to us that it would lv an easy matter to find loo men and women in Winston willing to contribute so small an amount tor a pnrose like that. Governor Russell informed Judge Simonton that by and with the con sent of Counsel of State he had re moved the State proxy and tho 8 mcmlers of the lord of directors of the North Carolina Railroad and that any assent made by them or either of them would te unauthor ized. The students nf the University of North Carolina and the University ot Georgia will meet in joint debate at Athens, Ga , in May. At the same time the baseball teams of the two institutions meet to play a match game. The young orators will de!"ftte the initiative and refer endum, while the athletes will play plain baseball. A farmer livii.g mar lx.'isviile tells The Sentinel that the wind storm a few nights xgo played havoc wi:h a log honse, occupied by two aged maids, nmiu d Hmwii, near that village. The chimney, s airway and tiiAntle-boaid were torn down. The latter was removed several feet. Strange to say, the women knw nothing about the wind or damage to their house until they awoke the next morning A big yooeg fellow with a jag tried to get alward the northboui.d train as it started from the Southern depot yesterday mmn, but trraped the wrong rods and swung Mween the ears A eKred porter saved his life by nactrngdown and shov ing him clear of the tram to the de pot platform, bystanders grabbing him before be cmitd roll under the wheels. He was ,lx.red consld. r ab!y by tXjH.neiiv'4.. Gr horo Patrio. Died on the Train . There was a death bed scm o en Acted At tho Southern depot yestcr day inornifiir that brought tears to strong men's eyes And ituido women weep, it was hut thu passing into the great beyond ot A poor Coil sumptivo who had battled bravely against the ravAgen ot tho drcadei disease, Hut the circumstances that surrounded the dying mini was what tiniilo tho scene so touching. Chits. Clafl'cy left his homo in Philadelphia iiiiiiu months ago for . I L . I . ' .1 . . I I t tun noiifii Hoping imn ine eiiange oi climate would bring him relief. He went lit first to Florida hut the balmy I ireer.es of that Southern cliino brought bim no relief. Ilu then went to thu mountain of Alii baina but there ho could not find thu much sought relict. Ho finally gave up in despair and decide 1 to tako the train for homo to die Among lelattves And friends Ho was very weak when ho boarded tho train at Atlanta Ami Capt, Cannon seeing that ho was Hearing the end tidviaci him to telegraph his peoplo to mccl him in Washington. This was done W hen tho train reached Jainsville, On., Claffey was so much weaker that Capt. Cannon ad isi d him to let Ins brother meet him in Danville. His reply to this request was that ho thought ho could live until the train readied Washington, All during thu night tho dying man lay on the long seat in the rear of the first elass coach, The pas sengers that were getting on and off noticed his extreme pallor and many went to Imn Asking it they could assist him. An decisional drink ot W'ater he woii'd Ask for, but beyond this ho lelt that there was nothing that human hands could do. hen the train reached Gastonia one nf tho passengers notioul tint the poor Icllow s lips were moving as it in silent prajcr. I he gentle men diew nearer to him and heard the dying man's appeal to his Maker asking f r a btief respite that he might live to reach home an mother. t i a j- His prayer was not answered, for just us the train reached Charlotte the faint spark of lilf had vanished, and death had claimed him. The body was taken off the ttain and oorne to the undei ti'king estab lishment nf J. M. ll.nry iV Co., where it was prepared for burial. The railroad pe iple communi cated with his relatives, and this morning the remains were slupiad to his brother, Mr. Permird Claffey, of Philadelphia. Chailotte News. A Sample of What a Trust Can Do. Persona who read the published arraignments nf trns's may wonder sometime just what those cmnbina tiotis of capital do to bring upon them universal condemnation. There lias recently been made public an instance that will serve to re move this wonder. Anoil re tining company in Oie'.e- land, Ohio, riccived on one day six letters countermanding orders for oil, in all a large quantity. Asking an explanation ot their customers, one w rote that lie had leen notifb d by the Standard Oil company that if l.e continued to buy nf the com peting company, the Standard would step in and sell oi! lor five cents a gallon. Ilenee the customer Countermanded his order, as d;d live others. Of course there is no other combi nation of capital that can compete with the Standard, and therefore the Cleveland retining compAny must go to tho wall. Competition is thus stified, and llie people are denied the loncflt of possibly lower pruv s And la tter oil. Moreover, a company that would employ men and expend money on wages and ma'eiial is driven out of the field. There is of course no special wick edness shown in this by the Stan dard Oii company. It ixhibits, on a mamnioin scHle,theeiiishnesstliat humanity is prone to all over tho earth. The Rockefeller method of adding to millions already acquired, largely by the ruination ot smaller oil companies, is practiced on a smaller scale by hundreds of other companies and individuals on a smader scale, and will tie until the millennium. Int it is nevertheli ss incumbent on legislating and govern ment officers to detest this spiiit of intolerance and monopoly wherever it cn lie legally arraigned. Ashe vil'e Citizen. Fanners w ill lie glad to learn that eon stalks, which were formerly humid, are probably destined to lie ot greater value than the corn, at least at the prices which have been obtained the last two or three year-s. From ripened cornstalks are now obtained cellulos , smokeless gun powder, licquer, celluloid. Tooting cloth, and a su!-tace jnI to papier ni: che. St. Louis Advocate. A Prominent Minister. Ymcv. T. R. Kendall, pastor Grar-e M. E. Chnrch, Atlanta, Ga., says: "I take pleasure in testifying to the great virtue of Kinc' Royal Germ etuer in relieving night sweats re sulting fr.-m the debilitating it.ff i enee of malaria. Ina severe ordt a! through which my family p-scd from this oppressive affliction, I found (titiiii tuer to I an lmnicji ate specific. Have also found it a peedy ti-nie to tl? digestion, and a mt grateful and ! freshing rem dy in the heated m-ason when suf fering fr.m rdsxaikm and ge-ierl d-tiioty." Ntw ckge, iar e bottle, 1'8 di-MA, f!. For sae by Taylor Ilanner. TROOP TRAIN BLOWN UP. NEARLY ?50 SPANISH SOLDIERS KILLED OR INJURED IN PINAR DEL RIO. A dispatch o Tuesday from !! vutiM, says: Through Cubitus here it is learned that a tram earning Spanish troi pa was blown up by (Iwmiinte while passing overa dee goig.t smith of Pmidchtira, Piiutf del li'o Province, and that, near two hundred and lilty soldiers weto killed or injured. M n y of tho victims were blown to fragments. 1 ho locomotive And six cars were demolished. Tho tragedy occurred About tho loth Inst. The Spanish (Jen. Arial had learned ol a projected insurgent attack, supposedly on Sun Christo- bel, And ho sent off Son trooiai in armored ears to reinlorco tho gar rison there. About ten mile from San Christohel tho road crosses a lecp gorgo on a veiy high briilgo about live hundred feet long. I ho insurgents, leirnmg of tho cpartiiru of the train, lined tho bridge At both ends and tho centre with heavy charge of dynamite, connecting the explosive by wins with a Iml'erv in tho woods some . . . r distance off. Three bundled insur gents lay in ambush nearby. It is understood that the Miniz l'rothers went in command, and that ("apt. John I.ynn, tho young American cctrieai engineer, who has mado himself famous in Cuba tor his work on the dynamite gun, contrived tho affair. The train approached the briilgo about II o'clock in tho morning. When ttilly on it all three charges were exploded by tho wires. Tho ngine and cars flew into the air ike so many chips, and fell into the deep gorge below, crushing dead and injured alike. There tho wreck age caught tire. As soon as the eph sion occurred the insurgents dashed from their ambuscade w Mi wild criis and be- in a massKCio. Put for the timely misting ot a white flag of a white flag by Co Mores, who was in command of tho Spanish forces, exerv man would have linen maehctteil. As it was, o Cubans secured 300 prisoners, including ten olheers. 1 ho private soldiers, atcr being divested of most nt their uniforms, were rcbas- 1 and sent to San Christobel; the iflicers were retained as hostages for twenty live insurgents, whoaro held at Artcmesia And threatened with death. The Spaniards hero Admit the dynamiting of the train, but claim that the details arc exaggerated. Gen. Araiignren raided twotowns in the southwestern part of Havana 'rovinoe triday and Saturday, and looted the stores and destroyed one panish block fort. In both cases the gtrrisotis retreated to safer arters, hardly firing a round. Word comes from Santa Clara of two fierce engagements on Thurs day and Friday, in which the Span iards hst heavily. Five battalions f troops were sent there yesterday. How He Helped His Father. Some years ago, a boy whose name was Webster, living at P.ridge port, Ct., then neatly four years old, was taken from his own home to that of his grandps, where he re mained several weeks. His grand pa was a Christian man, and always sked God s messings uixin the food lieforc eating, and read a chapter and prayed in the morning when the breakfast was finished. When little Welter was taken home, the first time he sat at his father's tsbie in his high chair, he said. In-fore he began to eat, "Papa, by don't you talk to God before on eat, as grandpa does ! And ic father said, "O, Grandpa isa good man. "l.ut, papa, said Webster, "ain't you a good man ! Why don't you talk to God as grand- pa ''' And the good mother, sitting on ie other side of the table, said, Father, that is God' voice to you." And it was; for then for the lirst time, the father, as the head of his wn house, and mother and child, .owed their heads, while a blesaing was brokenly asked on the loou. hat was the k'gmhitv. After the ireakfast the father read and praved. and continued the practice as long he lived. Congregatioiiahst. There are three railways in ks:inc, one from Jaffa to Jcrusa in, tifty-tour mi'es long, and two t hers centering at Damascus, one f these leii'g int c impieted, and nneeting Damascus with Pevroiit. Two others are in contemplation, so to centre at Damascus. hen mp'ete-d, four d.ffcrent railway im s win radiate imm the oldest eitv in the r"ist. Damascus promises aj:aiii to bccoiiie one of the leading cities of the woild. A proof of this the Jews are buying alt the land they can secure about this ancient eitv. Exchange. lYluch in Little U wpeoukity true ol tl.xxil I ao I -.h cine erer contaitwit rret eurafvr i-r . an uaail apaoe. Tbry are a U.4r a e Jo ehtt. alwars reartt al nn rrnt, atw wU Hfaimrj -, pn-rent a eM h-er. ewe a? fTer I!!. .efc ae!"- teiift-: v e l The m: I-.ISj b taAe W'U. !: ; KrMr iwed SMnlfH. O T PTaf Pills Flood Sufleruri. Mernphia, Term., March IS. Tho work of rescuing tho people in tho flooded district is Iwing carried on night and day, and this morning half a dozen steamer brought to Memphis over 1,000 refugm?s. Tho steamboat men tell some harrowing storie of suffering and death. One woman who was rescued from n Indian mound, lilteen miles west of here held, in her arms b dead infant that bail perished from cold and hunger. Another family ot tour, when rescued, related that two small children were drowned in sight of their helpless parents. Islands Nos. 40, ;S7, Hi! and .'14 in tho Mississippi river Are completely submerged, And thu inhabitants to tho number of floi) liavo abandoned their homes. Rain begau to fall hero yesterday afternoon and at noon to day there had been no cessation of tho down pour. The river now marks .'bi.!. I'ho levee are standing the strain much better than was expected, but a break la liable to occur at any moment. Th Colored Cotton Mill. Tho directors of tlio new cotton mill at Concord, to bo managed and operated by colored people, will ion advertise for bids for the con struction of tho factory. At tho meeting of tho directors Monday it was announced that Washington Duke, of Durham, IiaiI ubscrilied fl.oih). Tho totAl subscription Amount to f VHM. So fAr, only if.'l.Soo has been collected, but aii assessment of ten per cent, on sub scriptions has la-en made, and this will Iw collected at once. I he sec retary and treasurer, Warren Cole man, has furnished af lo.OoO bond. The new building will coft about $ 15,000. 4 The N. & W. Cutting Off Employees. The Norfolk And Western Rail road Company is said to be making seeping cut in the number ot employees all Along tho line, which cut, rumor says, is President Fink's fust move towards reducing expen sis one thin!, in order to enable tho road to carry out a big protect of purchasing tlio Marietta and North Georgia road, and building a lite from P.nstol t ) lvnoxville, thus en abling them to have a line through tioin Noitolk to Atlanta, Ga. One of the illuxrs says the cut was simply mado to reduce exjcnses and that if business improves the men will tc taken back. Lock the Door Pefore tho horse is stolen. Purify, enrich and vitalize your blood and build up your physical system be fore disease attacks y.iu and serious sickness comes. Hood's Sarsapa rilla will make yon strong and vig orous and will expo! from your blond all impurities and germs of disease. Tako Hood's Sarsaparilla now. Hood's Pills are the favorite family cathartic Easy to take, gentle, mild. 25 cents. - - A great many people say they cannot endorse all that Sam Jones says, and in so saying they say no more than he does himself. He says that he doci not endorse all that he himself says when he conies to look at it written and printed, but down in his heart he i6 seeking to do good and to help the people to a better life. The Senate Committee on For eign Relations ordered a favorable report to be made on the nomina tions ot John Hay to l ambassador to (treat Britain, Horace Porter, to le ambassador to France and Mr. White, present secretary at Ixmdon, to le secretary of tlic Embassy at Iondon, Frank Dalzell, a farmer of Gene see, Wis.,isdiggmg potatoes. This is his second crop this winter, and is considered rood, even for Wis consin. These winter tuliers are Ix'ing shipped. The city of Savannah suffered a fire Friday amouuting to probably $25,000. Fifteen different firm's were sufferers, some of whom were but e'iphtlv insured and others un insured. Humors, pimples, boils, are very annoying. They quickly disapjear when the b'ood is purified by Hind's Sor.-aparilla. Tutf s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret ofheahh is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food This can never be doneuhen the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know this? Tutt's liver Tills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sourstsjpuch, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutf s Liver Pills j Om fits 4rm"fiwr-m4-mi- I eaxa,lii AwV it. ansa, laoa t'i a a Mil Absolutely Furp C. I. l.mte l r.irltn vr i l, v, iiii,k' Stn infill Ntiil liriilOiruiiii'Mi,. Axoiir. 4 tile fi..nl afci'llml iiIiiiii Hint a ll. I mi, ilf uillllliir.il lull . -I mi In. in In I l.e f-np lirmi.li ItoV ti, liAKINi. l'o ns.it ( o.. MKVV loliK. HOW TO riND OUT. Fill a Imttlo or common water ghtr with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sendiment or settling indicate a diseased con dition of the kidneys. When nrino stains linen it is nositivecvidetieo of kidney trouble. Too frequent desiro to urinate or pain in the bnck, is also convincing proof that tlio kidneys and bladder are out ol order. WHAT TO I m. There is comfort in tho k towledgo so id ten exploded, that Dr. K i liner' Swamp Root, tlio great kidney remedy fullilhi every w ish in reliev ing pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bhidderand every partnf the urinary passages. It c.irreeis inability to hold urine and 8 .-aiding pain in pissing it, or bud dice's following use nf liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity flsing coiiqiiilid to gi t up many time during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realiz ed. It stw.ih ti e highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medi cine ymi should Pave tl.encit. Sold by druggists pn.te tii'ty cents and one dollar, r or a sample not tie and pamphlet, both sent fioe by mail, mention Tiik Moi nt Aikv Nkws and send y.uir full p 'st-off'.fo ad dress to Dr. Kilmer A: Co., Ping lamtoti, N. Y. The proprietors of tins paper gu.nrantce the genuine I'Css nt this i tier. HE LITTLE ONES Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use a'.l caro to keep the little ones in health. Do- not give them nauseous dones. You can overcome their troubles wiih Dr. King's Royal Germetiier. They all like to take it because it does not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. tyisoij Vy rinijrrists, new package, larp-e hot tie, lo-. One Dollar. Manufactured only l.y Tie AtliEta denial Co., Itknta, Ga. Write f.c 4-Pmfr Bask, Ballet Frea. Sold by Taylor 1 Banner, Druggists. W.H. SIMPSON, ACiENT For Fins Filter Steps k. AVP rVKRTTJIt IS OFFICE SUPPLIES. U'-iafi.'K. (fctr HlT.iT ! I'1 tl'-K fi't. tut u -n-' I'liiK'hi r- r ii ra!H. H it (i ItriT i Ittttrr. Mafiiptt. if (1 iil I'l.rilVMiiui. ViH'twf M.p I-:-. ib t-f fl" J Irk t r- MH:m, Mi I f ' ''f ru'tiri'v w-s lltavUia,' M-OJi-- p h:U.;-v- MfclliJ lv kl. Myli Vhfker, fci4 T W f. ft Mi' ! Irr. 'l " rv tttt siMuT . 4 IE ir rflwf wt? rv tiirt ia-.j : 1 MI:- -r tcrfi hi ah p. .f.-s...- ! t m tb wiii ct Bi irtc t 'i - . it ret. njr im'Fi fc'Ii P"- r vvuily. lr.u.r u ! --nV S"ii ontrii, (Hlu-v :ti J- - T fe- English f prin l.iiiift !1 Rani, ?Ntt or t ;Kn.J Uiir p and Bmth from h"T i Ucd pTn Curt, rhrit, hweney. Umr-Bott, Hi.iif, ljrin, aM ilB 1 t:Tr-!a, Curtia,ic. $ Jl lI r,lp ttli M arrnUd the Rt wtsndr ful Kittisfa urt- rvtt non. Kl4 few TulA biavcs t. Airy, .X.C islam. A r-Ua'i'.e lufj or irfTif Io nian toe T. In;! fcafcirie-a and mail' a Soti-e--mu-'.' r ' ''r oar epil 7 .- to l5 aanoura a- J n Ai--rr e r- .a i A heed. M.' lv swi Aut n Avenue, CU- I Mrf Pata PBK"Ooa