Mount a 1T ID 17 VOL. 10. MOUNT AIRY, N. C, THURSDAY. APRIL 8, 1897. NO. 11 3 JL tlMj X 4 Heart Troubla Quickly Cored. A (tonvlnrlnc Testimonial. ill )$ MIS I.U.I. KtlKTX. "Vat 19 jrnara I aufTcreil fruiu hnart trou ble. Purine thut time I treated bj tr different plirilclimn. All f them Claimed tlmt I f.i-ll fwt fx curM. I wna greatly trouliliU itllli ulnrlnrki nf lireath, palpitation .nil jmiIii In tlie aids. If I lw Cumo ei-ll. l,ir nxiirted mywlf In Inn leiiHt, the puln In my pli.e tMH'tirtie very wvcre. At tlmea It mi-mi-d n thntiirti tireWI wm thtutt itig thrwuih my idlr. Sonu-Uine In tlin Munth of Noveuilier lint, 1 fotnmf need lulling DR. MILES' HEART CURE nd eluee then I hnvo Imprnrid Mi-inllljr. I rnn now ulit pim ii. jf l.'fl utile, mhiiimIiIiik I had never Ixh'Ii nine In rt.i Nfnm. I ran walk without Mnir futlinieil, ami am In mwh btttrr hmtili Ihnn tvr lnon, I would recommend nil nr?irer f mm In art Inmliln to try Dr. Mdea' InralnaUe rvmrnly li'unit delay " WISH Kl.t.A KIUTZ, Sit Wright XI., Mllmiiikro, Wle. fr. Mllns tl"frt Cnro In M nn ft iwsettve f!iiiirini I Iml I h Ill ' i I, .1 1 til Ih iii lit. All ilru.'nl .1 "i ll it m , a. .,,n. f ir I.V or It will Ih h' tit. tr ItiO-l, nn r. i-lht nf irt,-fl by til. lr. Mil' MisJual l'j , r.lklmiL, Ind Dr. Miles' Heart Cure R"' health nr.. J. A. MARTIN, ROTARY PUBLIC, I'lloM.S 'M AMI l'(J, Mount Airy, N. C. S. I'. GK A VKS, 'Altorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C ir-ITiwtlim In State aid Frdfral Court. Proirpt aiiunilon to collecilun of clalinn. W. S. NKKDII AM, Attorney-at-kaw, Pilot Mountain, N. C, K-C- tr-Wlll prartlce In the Htate Courta. CdI le Hon of i luliuii a pclalty. Ju-Iin T. 1 5. McCAHGO, DOT AH Y PQSIilG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE," MOUNT AIRY HOTEL BLOCK. Business Promptly Attenoeo To. GKO. W.SPAKGKK, Mttorney-at-kaw, MOUNT A1BY, N. C. 111 pra'lle In State and Federal I oiirta. ttpeuui attention to collpcilon of claims aul DUKlLlt'(,' loiiiB. W. F. CARTER, MOUNT hi, H. & J. H. LEWELLYN, OOWIOM, H. 0. Carter & Ikvkllyx, Attorneys-at-lvaw. tr"PiacUee In the MLate and Federal courta. from pi attention t)vn to all business entrust ed to tbelr care. J."H. Slakcmore, PHOTOQRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. la prepared to make all the New and Artistic .Styles, la up with the times and will five you ill rat -class work. DR. C. W. BANNER, DENTIST, Mount Airy, N. C. Office over Taylor & llanner's Drug Ptore. OHice hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. JOS. NATIONS, DKALKB III Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of all kinds, rWinS Machines, M'lsical Instruments. A. Watches, (Jm-ks and Jewelry repaired in let posible man ner and satisfaction guaranteed If you want to save money ae me beforti makliii? your purchases or having your work dune Burial Robes, Slippers, &c. X full stock of all siaea idJ qualltl. kept liiin-l. and at reaMDable pricea. hur mum, upjlaira over M. L. Patler ii'sstr, u Main Htrtet. Iieidc, rat huua North of the raj Iniad. STATE Normal and Industrial School. DEPART KVT wll en'ilpp'l iT learlipra. m rtfitur aeiiitfc bJi.lee prartiee sranH of; i uill. Biiun. ulte iny ita Atieatnff in 1 ' p. ' n- 4 ii,Mniul.e MmtU"a at eouaf sri Aur ii. I till fiw-tmiina ttiijnj it . a put r.i i.a li aid k Imv f.iul Mt to l" ei-xtoalioa. io ,u tu'lliHi ex-! to appOcxnta .lifulng a u be4. t. l.'liTt AiiDB.l ' I Ji'tr. Ml1 ton l'1e i '-nl'mr in 0'irnl'.i. ti.t.ti t.' M'lrt.rtu i. an.'nwa, WHMtm, I.e. UJlifl, DCAI.KB I AMERICAN TOBACCO COM PY SULLENLY WITHDRAWS AND RETIRES WITH "HEAD HUNG." The AmcricHii Tolmcco Company wliich unbrace- h Urge nmjmitjr of tho ciL'nrctco and ti.lmeco lirum in the United Stati last WcdncsdHjr ifsued airoiilur wherein formal ihh ticn is fiven of the abandntnncnt of its factor Berceiiicnf, which for merlv existed between tho comiiHfiy and it efiHtoiner. Tho reaitoiig lor the ehantiu are ft-t forth in a circu lar which was then mailed to the tobacco jobbers in all part of the country, lho circular rea.i aa follow : "In many Stale tho I.cnilatiire have recent I V imsxcd law intciitliHl to make ilkyHl all contract and ar- ruriir.-itifTitH bv winch m inn lactur era mk to coiniily with the tmtural dcniHnd of dealer in their pro- liicta to M'curo to them leifitiiiiHto e peiiHalioii ; ciieb la are calcii luted to keep tho trade in a con slant Ma'o of undcrtainty, and to involve thorn) theie.n in ex enttive litigation. 'While it is proliaDie that an such lavt are unconstitutional and in lest, would ' bit declared by the court of final tesort, yet, dur int the pn'reK of the litigation the inanufactiirer and dealer would riilTcr treat loi and expense, for these law bear t)n:tlly on all par tit to the contract or arrangement, "Though tlie law in your State may not bo no eweepinjr as in some others, yet traJe is not bound by any imajiinaiy linen, and lor that reason any arrangement that is not j-eiieial in it application defeat the nsiilt the dealer desired. "In view of these considerations, and that, in the interest of tho trade pen i raily we are ctijrued now in tilting such law in several States, and, becmso of tho delays, annoyance and expense ol lawsuits, we do not feel that we should be exi ectt d to undertake to have ab judicated the law of all the State wliich have pamed them, we have determined that, in the face of all these laws, which so seriously attvef the permanency of any nrrtnge mouthy which tho manufacturer undertaker to benefit the dealer, and winch involve vou as well a ourselves in their inconvenience and penalties, it i proper, in your inter est and our own to terminate all ar n neemente relating to the sale of our products. We therefore re- eiKJcttully notify you of the termi nation, on tins date, ot our contract with you relating to the consign ment of cigarettes, and of the abro gation and withdrawal of all condi tions pertaining to the sale by you of any of our products." Such is Fusion Reform. "Rev." T. W. Ilabb, the new chaplain of the penitentiary, has a ncord spotted like a strip of polka- dot calico. Alter investigating In ncord a conference of Baptist min isters decided that he drink at pub lic bars and ha on several occasion been drunk; that he persistently re I'lioe to pay hi debts; that he Col lected money to build a beltry tor Plymouth church, md refused to pay it over to the church; tie also Collected money for Sunday school supplier for Trawiekchuich Siiudny School tor which he has never ac counted; that he repeated falsehoods; that be had olleiod qui sti'diahle at tention to a young lady which in jured her reputation; that ho had been guiliy ot the grossest linmoial i y. The conference adopted a reso lution "That in view of the facts aii3iain?3 in this investigation, we uraiiimom-ly rcqutst liev. T. W. to reiire from the ministry." This man is to teach convicts troth and purity and righteousness, and is to represent the Christianity of the State. Such is fusion reform Mecklen burg Times. Truth in Nutshell. Impure blood is the natural result of close confinement in house, school room or shop. Ulood is purified by Hood's Smt saparilla, and all the disiigri-eable reeults ot impure blood disappear with the use ot this medicine. If you wish to feel well, keep your blood pure with Hood' Sar eaparilU. Hood's Tills are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Gen tle, reliable, ure, An Oklahoma editor is hiding in the woods, all because he wrote something abont a female bicyclist "losing hei path and wandering in the woods" and the stupid composi tor made him sty siie 4lost her "p ints " He i hiding till her rage subsides. EXPECTANT We Offer Vow a i KKMUlV Which ' I.N.M KfcS SMy I mi Lilt lo MoOmt and iIH. "MOTHERS' FRIEIID" fefet CooTifit unfit of Its Pali, Horror tad Risk. V r wiU oed ' OTHrCS-1 KH t ' birtn of hr lirM rb' 1. sli. did Bt euflnlrou. RlfriKf rlv-wuqunkly i r-itv4i at taveriuimi a.ur ennrrin. r.ut , 11 1 tie aa. a m1 ae mui atwward aad ber ' recovery u ratn BV r juasiovs, E.urauia, Ala. Rem Mail or Frprei. fn rrWnt of irw, l ee tr mmUit. tkxXi -To Motb- . era Ujaiim rn tKiriM BIMVUTni t., attaate, fia. tOLfi IT tu riooonT. Evangelist R. W. George. Eeangelist U.W.tieorgoc nduct ed a union meeting in tho Baptist church at Walnut Cove from March Hth to the SJ.'lrd, preaching twieoa day for ten days, except when ltev C. Miller preached one niiiht. Mr. (Jeorgo doc not claim to bo educated, but he presents the truth of the (iospel i:i a plain, timplo and practical manner. Ho rebuked in in nnmiatHkable terms, calling every evil by it tiamo in euirli lunguagf) that no one could mistake hie mean ing, always proving scripture by scripture. He did nt use euphemistic term in doing this, but used inch word as rascal, scoundrel, rough, dirty dog and devil, and made every wicked mm feel guilty and lost, neither did ho spsro professor. Ho handled hypocrite with glove off All Ins discourse were of that character to build up christian and mako them more energetic and T. alou ot good work, and to con vinco sinner of their wiekedncfs and rebellion against Uod and of their lost condition and cause them to cry for mercy. At every meet ing a largn number stood up for prayer. Some of the result of the meeting are that person who had been unfriendly for year laid aaido all pHst difference and met each other with forgiving spirit and agreed to live in friendly relations ijie remainder of their day. Twen ly-seven while professed coliver sioti ami will unite with (iniercut denominations, Methodists, ap list-, i'n sbyterian and Episcopa lian. lie preached two sermons to tho colored people and ei'lif ot llicni professed conversion, tin the last night of tho meeting. March iiord, ho preached from Romans', 13:11, "Now it 1 high tune to wake out of sleep." IIu showed from scrip ture seven point of despair to the sinner: io (Sod. no Christ, no life, no hope, no peace, no excuse, no escape. Mr. (teorge managed all these point well, proving each by Bimo (notation from the l'ible. lleiaid in tho course of his remaiks. "Why will a man go to hell when God is trying t save him''' "It a man has biiv Sense he cannot bo an in fidel." At the close of the sermon many stood up for prayer and the converted came forward and he gave them tho hand of affection. Alto gether Mr. George ha done a great w ork in almit Cove. I ho town i reaping tho benefit of all hi sermons and he has made an impres sion that is imperishable. I. It, Wind and fire. Guthrie. Okla., March 31. A dispatch received hero at 1 o'clock this morning from Chandler stated that nineteen dead bodies had been taken from the ruin. Tho wrecked building were on fire and burning fiercely. Many of tho injured un doubtedly met death by tire, w hile pinned fast under tho debris. In one building five injured people were burned to death and at another place the bodi. s of three young children have been taken out. Another telephone message received at 2:30 o'clock this morning asked for help, and rescue parties immedi ately started lrom Guthrie and nearby town. 1 he message said that the entire business portion of the little town burned after tajing wrecked by the wind. Tho scene was described as terrible and almost beyond description. Several of the injured became temporarily insane and rushed up and down the sireets, in a state of delirium. The main atnet of the town is a mas of dead and injured people and teams and wagons, buggies, trees and debris from tho buildings. Every build ing but ono on the main stieet was wrecked and burned, including the court house, postoflice, News and Democrat eflices, Lincoln county bank, New York store and several hotels. James Wood yard and wife, of Eldorado, Kas , visiting at Chand ler, wer.e instantly killed; their little daughter was fatally crushed and son badly hurt. John Dawson, of Lincoln, Xeb , a lawyer, was burned to death. Chief Justice Dale, who was holding court, ran with hi w ife fo a hollow and held her behind a largo bowlder, and both were un hurt. Mormons in Watauga. Wo are informed that the Mor mon elder are holding meetings on Meat Camp almost daily, and that some few have espoused their doc trine. On last Sunday the Rev. J. L. Deaton preached a eermou on Mormoiiism at the Lutliern church on Meat Camp, and we hear that he expi fed Mormoiiism in it true light, a he was among them for a number of years in Washington and other of the Western State, and is thorouhly up on their doctrine. Boone Democrat. Biicklett'a Aralca Salvo. The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts, liruiaea, Sorea, Ulcer, Suit Klicuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbapjw ed llanda, Chilbluinea, Corn, and all Skin Eruption, and positively cure I'iloK, or no pay required It i guaranteed to give perfect satis tuition or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. For sale by Tay lor 4 Ba (trier. neo pay your subscription, Dow, won't you! Tlei WliSialc. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. The heavy frost of last night do stroyed what was left of tho truck, bud and blooms. Goldsboro Argue. The Record say Mr. R. R. King, of Greensboro, bought hi little ann an axo and, before he allowed the boy to handle it, ho decided to show him how tho axo should ho used, bo there would be no danger of hi on cutting hinmelf. But when the lesson of instruction In-gan tno very first pas the old man mado he cut off a portion of his own toe. Tho North Carolina Building and Loan Association, of Charlotte, ha gone into tho hand of receiver. It ha made no money since the 0 tier cent, interest law went into client and the step was taken to wind up it affairs. It ia thought that the stockholder will come out whole. Tho association had a number of branch oflice and a these were an expensive feature they hastened the collapse. Tho experiment farm at this place is well under way. Trees m J ahrnba have already been set out and now tho ground ia being put in readincs for tho other crop that are to bo planted. Fruit of all kiud are to bo raised and other things not usually found in thi section. Tho Se board Air Line never doe things by halve and soon we expect to see I hem realize the truita of tiieir labor. Hamlet Enter pi ise. Morehead City ha been selecttd for the next meeting of tho State Teacher's Assembly. The Assembly will convene Juno 10th and con tinue until J lino 20th. Among tomo ot the names on tne pro gramme are: I'rofessor Claxton, Dr. hben Alexander, 1 resident Al derman, l'rolessor Ernest Mangum, nd l'rofesor Logan Howell. Dr. Kilgo will preach tho sermon. I'ro feasor l'oteat, I'rofessor Toms, Su- crintendent Mebano and secretary 'arker constitute thcexecntive com mittee A cyclono passed over this placo from southwest to northeast Friday evening about 7 o clock, it wa high up in the air, lor which all may feel devoutly thankful. It sped along with terrific velocity. ts coming wa heralded with a great roaring noise. V bile it was tar up in the air.yet the atmosphere was greatly disturled and two or three hundred yards from it path louse were caused to crack and shiver. We have heard no account of any damage from it. Alamance leaner. About ten day ago the skeleton ut a negro man wa found in the wood near est End. The cor- cner, Dr. G. McLcod, wa notified and went to the place and held an inquest over the remain. It prov ed to b the body of Frank Scur- lock, who bad been missing since 1st of December, and when last seen was drunk and going in the direction of the woods where the skeleton was found. There wa no evidence of foul play. In the man's pocket was found an empty pint bottle and a quart bottle nearly full of whiskey. Carthago Blade. Tho Oid Fort correspondent ot Tho Morganton Ileraid write: "During the late rainy spell what might have been a most hoirible oc currence w a averted by the vigilant watchfulness of a Southern luilwiy cmployte. Horse Shoe Fill, half rtiiic wist ot the famed and vexatious M ud Cut," is one of the highest on the road, and one night of last week as Mr. J. Gilkev Curtis, a track Walker, came to it in the midst of a drenching r.tin, he found that for tho space ot about ninety feet tho earth lad sunk four feet or so fiom the ek. Ii was nearly time for the t night train, westa-jiiud, but, hurrying back, he "flagged it" (wi;h us lantern) and bv So ding pre vented what might have beeu a horrible catastrophe. It l very true that Mr. Curii did ouly his duty, but the passengers on that tiain are to bo congratulated that tho Southern has iu its employ such men as he. A c clone destroyed the town of Chandler.forty miles east ot G uthrie, Oklahoma, at 6 o'clock last night. A dozen or more persons were killed and probably one hundrid and fifty badly injured. That tired feeling i duo to im- peverishtd blood. Enrich the blood with Hoods tarsaparilla and I strong and vigorous. asy to Take Lzz3asy to Operate Are feature peculiar to floods PHIa. Binall In aue, Utt. x i. t-mcletti, ttswourh. Al one iaa aaid: Voaarmknmr fne bave taken a pin till H u all Pills r " Be. C. 1. Hmi A Co., Pinprteaara. I-nwi-TI. V The ualf iUs to take wna liaud't HanaowUla- axa 1-ula Immb -t-itu- i hrr rnil Ljtm." He Hears and Helps. A young accountant in New York city got h s account entangled. He know ho was honest, and yet he could not mako it is account right, and he toileu at them day arid night until ho was nearly frenzied. It seemed by theso books that some thing had been misappropriated and be know before Uod lie was honest. Tho last day camo. Ho knew if he could not that day make his accounts come out right he would go into disgrace and go into banishment from tho business cs tabliahment. Ho went over there verv earlv. before there wa anv body in the place, and knelt down at the desK and said: "U Ijom Thou knowest I have tried to bo honest, but I cannot mako theso thinizs coma out right! Help mo to-day help mo this morning Tho young man arose and, hardly knowing why ho did so, opened a book that lay on tho desk, and there was a leaf containing a lino of fig- urea which exnlaineii evervthinu In other word, he cast hi burden tipou tho Lord, and tho Lord sua taincd him. Young man, do you hear that! (), yes, God has a syrn nathv with anvbodr that is in anv Kind ot toilL lie knows how heavy is tho hod of brick that tho work man cirries up the ladder of tho wall; Ho hear tho pickax of the miner down in tho coal shaft; Ho knows how strong tho tempest Btrikes tho sailor at tho masthead; lie sees tho factory girl among the spindles, and kuows how her arm ache; Ho see the sewing woman in the fourth etory, and know how- few pence she get for making a garment; and louder than all the din and roar of tho city come the voice of a sympathetic God, "Cast thy burden upon the lrd, and He shall sustain thee. lalmago. The Basis of Decency. Public opinion pretty generally rights itself in the long run, no mat ter how far wrong it may go. There is now noticeable in the country a marked reaction against what has como to bo known a "yellow jour nalism" journalism of the lltsh va riety ; journalism which revels in crime and appeals to the most de graded sentiment of the human heart. Tho New York World ha for years been the principal exemplar of this stylo ot journalism, and latterly it has had a lierce rival in tho same field in tho New York Journal. Now, a a contemporary puts if, "many conservative business men decline to allow their advertise ment to apear iu those unclean sheets, and score of public libraries have refused them places in their reading rooms, while tho press generally i applauding every effort mado to purge journalism of these heartless offenders." It is well. The public will be the better off, and these journals themselves will feel better for being disciplined and brought down to tho basis of every day decency. Statesvilllo Land mark. To Do Our Own Insurance. A Southern Insurance convention is to bo held at Southern Fines April 28th and 29th. The Gov ernors of the various Southern State have been asked to appoint twenty delegates each to the meeting. The call tor the meeting states that its purpose is to devise somo plan for keeping in tho South the immense amounts of money paid to northern companies annually for life and fire insurance. The object of the convention is to start a co-operative movement lor the South to do ita own insurance, and keep at home tho million of dollar that arc sent north annually for this purpose. Mecklenburg Times. As a financial centre Greater New York will be great, indeed. Count ing both sides of tho East river, it will have 114 National and State banks, with an aggregate capital of abont 70,0(H,0iMi and a surplus of about $50,000,000. It is a fact that certifies to the frugality ot great multitudes of the city's working people that more than one fourth of the total amount on deposit in the saving banks of the United State ia credited to tho savings bank depiteitorsvf Greater Gotham, whoso combined deposit amount to nearly 1 500,000,000, distributed among 1,165,031 account. Detail of the recent massacre of Armenians at Takat, in Asia Minor, received yesterday at the Patriarch ate, in Constantinople, show that the number of victims was abont "00. The Colorado Legislature Iins passed a bill abolishing oapi'al pun ishment and it now awaits the Gov emor's signature to become law. There la !Voilnng So (.oocl. There is nothing just a good a Dr. King's New Discovery tor con sumption, cough and cold, ao de mand it and do not permit lho dealer to sell you some substitute. lie will not claim there ia anything better, but in order lo make more piofit he may claim something cli to be jim! a good. Yrm warl lr. King' New Discovery becaime you kn..w it to be aafo and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For coughs, cold, consumption and for all afTiK-tiohs of throat, host at.d lunga, there i nothing o good as is Dr. King' New Iieovi-ry. Trial bottle free al Taylor A Hunner's I'rng Store. Kegular site SO cent and 11.00. THE SAN JOSE SCALE, WILMINGTON INFESTED WITH THE DE structive pest. the discovery was made by professor McCarthy. Professor Gerald McCarthy, of Raleigh, state boafanist and ento mologist, was in Wilmington yester day. In view of tho discovery that the "ban Jose Scale ' has mado its ap pearand) in North Carolina, tho general assembly at its recent session passed an act creating "a commission for the extermination of noxious in sect, fungus diseases and weed which are affecting many cro s." 1 ho act names tho etato commis sioner of griculturo, tho director of tho North Carolina agricultural experiment station, and tho pres idont of tho North Carolina state Horticultural Society as the com mission. Thecommission appointed Professor McCarthy it agent to examine- tho several nurseries in tho state, as well a all fruit trees and other tree growing in the state or in transit in tho hand of common carriers or elsewhere, and he traveling through the state to carry out the purposes of the commission. In conversation with a Messengdr representative at The Orton yester day, Professor McCarthy stated that ho visited a great many premises in v iimington ana mat in every yam where fiuit tiees were growing he found the destructive "San Jose scale." He also says ho found it in tho nurseries and orchards up tho Wilmington and V eldon railroad and generally tne a ii 1 . . eastern part of the state. For that matter, lie informs us that tho blight is found throughout the state, and that it is a gtavo menace to the future of orchard culture in the state. It is not only found in small communities but ia wide spread all over tho 6tate. It has already de stroyed several valuable orchards in the central pirt of the state and has ravaged several nurseries in tho eastern section. From Professor McCarthy we learn that tho "San Jose scale" is of recent introduction into North Caro lina, having been discovered in some sections of tho stae about a year ago. It is an insect or parasite and it is deadly to fruit trees, attacking them generally in this order : Pear trees, plum trees, peach trees, applo trees, cherry trees, rose bushes, etc. It will totally destroy a tree in from three to four years and will make fruit culture impossible in North Carolina, if it is not stamped out. It l for this reason that the com iiiifsion wa established by the general assembly. Professor McCarthy advises that no fruit trees whatever be planted until tho pest ia stamped out of existence. The parasite or insect is carried from one tree to another by the wind, by the feet of birds, and bv other insects. H6 says radical measures should be taken at once in Wilmington and suggest that the most decisive action should be promptly taken by our city author ities. "The San Jose scale" was first dis covered in the nurseries ot Mr. James Lick, at San Jose, Cal., hence ita name. It is supposed to have been introduced iroin Chili. It attacks the limbs and bodies of the trees and is certain destruction it not eradicated. The ' parasite adhere to a limb and multiplies so prodig- ously that the limb soon assume a scaly apperance. Tho male and female when young pass tho winter beneath a waxy scale. About the time the peach buds begin to swell they come out and resume their growth, which is soon completed. The female gives birth to its young instead of laying eggs and each pro duces at the rate of two dozen young a day. Starting with a single female in the spring we may have at the end of the fourth biood 3,000,000,- 000 insects. Professor McCarthy says tho "ecale" is not dangerous to human ife but it makes a clean sweep ot fruit treets. The remedy can be ascertained upon application to Pro fessor McCarthy, at lmltigh. ii mington Messenger. The year 1897 hardly promises to le a favorable to tho interests ot the trusts or industrials, as they are more euphoniously called, as their friends would have ue believe In fact, it looks as though the trust had dilli cult sledding ahead of them in spite ot the favoring legislation which they expect from the present con gress iu the shape of a tariff more protective to t heir interests. Boston Post. President McKinley will review the parade and deliver an address at the deification of the Grant mono ment in New York city April 27th. Did Vou Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your trouble T If not. pet a bottle now and gel relief. Tbia medicine ha been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure ot all Female Complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organ. If you have Los of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Sp'lg, or are Nervooa, Steeple, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled wilb Dim;.- Electric letters U the modi- tineyiiu need. Health and Strength ar guar inti-.-d ty ii u-e. Fifty cenia and 11.00 al Taylor & Hanner's Drug Store. Market's feverish Tone. The week opened with a continu ance of tho downward movement of price which lias been in since last Tuesday when the decision in the trans-Missouri case first in fluenced tho trading on the ex change. The samo influcnco vas still powerfully at work and the appreticnsioris of security holder regarding its effects were intensified by tho new of rate reduction by the Missouri Pacific and St. Paul af ter their withdrawal from the Traf fic Associations. Tho exceedingly uncertain tenure of confidence mam festcd in tho prico on tho London exchange was also reflected here, and especially at tho opening, and tho trading opened with a veritable rush downward of price. The low level was quickly reached, Inviting cover ing and prices recovered somewhat. but were soon tending uownwart again. Stop orders were uncovered by the constant falling in values and very large holding of many stocks were thrown over. 1 ho lowest oint was reached in tho morning tour and afternoon aa the ragging improvement set in which resulted In partial recovery in many stocks, The dav's transactions were larL'O, especially on tho morning declines, and thero were heavy dealings for professional account, but largo amounts of long Btock also camo out. The bond market participated in the depression which was apparent in the depression which wa apparent in tho sharo market and value of tho more prominent eculativc issues yielded Ml J per cent, on iberal offerings. Kates for foreign account were ijuito a feature and in cluded most ol tho active inter national line. Tho market showed somo steadiness toward the clime. A ghastly taio ot the sea was irought into New York by a coast ing schooner on the 1 8th. A r rench steamer, " V illo do St. Nazitire, from New York to tho West Indies, sprang a leak during a storm. Ihe passengers and crew, numbering eighty persons in all, embarked iu boats getting away from the ship without water or supplies. Of the eighty, scventy.ix perished ot starvation and exposure, a number becoming inanc before death came to their relief. For daya, tho boats with their horrible! rcight lay almost in sight of tho North Carolina coas, but had it not been for an accidental glimpse of the lucklets crafts by tho Captain ot the coaster, not ono survivor would have been left to tell the tale. Afflicted for Years. Mr. R. B. Goodman, Marietta, Ga., says: "I was troubled with rheumatism, which the doctors called sciatica, for a number of years, doc toring with everything I could hear of, without benefit, until I com menced with Dr. King's Royal Germotuer, which cured me sound and well. I wa at times, for sev eral months, so I could not walk at all. I have now been thoroughly well of it for four years, and think there ia no medicine that can equal ermetuer. ' nto to lho Atlan ta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga,-. for 4S page book, free. New package, argo bottle, 108 doses, fl. ior ealoby Taylor A: Ranner. The statebient of receipts and ex penditnrta for the month of March, issued by the Treasury Department riday, will 6how a decrease in the national deficiency for the first time, with, tho exception of one month, in a year. L p to to-day tho excess f receipts over expenditures for March amounted to $$,743,723, and as there were no large payments to offset the revenue received to-day $l,000,0u0 muro will probably bo fded to this favorable showing, 'his largo increase in revenue is due o the charges for the withdrawal of goods in bond and the duties ol articles received from abroad naturally reirulting frvm the Ding ley bill. C..II. Bigby, who has his home at Boyd, Ark., ha entered tho in ventor's field for fame. Mr. Bigby ha patented an alarm, w hich goes off at any given timo it may be set, and at the same time it will lilt the chimney from a lamp and light it, replacing the chimney and adjusting the flames. The contrivance is ail done by clockwork, and i ingen iously constructed. Theyonngman says that the machine can lie made and sold for about $2. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Doctors'Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts an: invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great "driving heel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the w hole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure fill Liver Troubles. P e e -w IT-? Swtninr, wlw-ed In UJU 1 if POWDER Absolutely Puro e.'.'liril.-.l ,,r ll tr.-Ht li-avenliig ii' uiMh ami b.nliiiniiii'H, AhMur Ihe fiuui aLuliii.1 n ! 'i in ni,,) ail ii.rma lit H'lnll.-r hm ci ,i, nn. n hit he . -lump l(oy. iiamNu l owiittt CO., MBW VOHh. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fili a bottle or common water glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hour; a sendiinent or settling indicates a disessed con dition of the kidiieyp. When urino Btains linen it is nositiveevideiico of kidney trouble. IVo frequent de-iro to urinate or pain iu the buck, i also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder arc out ol order. WHAT TO Is). There is com fort in the ktiowledgo so of ten expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in reliev ing pitm in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It correct inability to hold urine and scalding paii) in passing it, or bad ellccts following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get tip many tiuiea during the niU to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realiz ed. It stands the highest for it wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases, if you need a medi cine you should have the best. Said by druggists price fittv cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent fieo by mail, mention Tiik Morsr Aiuv Nkws and send your full post-oflice ad dress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Ring hamton, N. Y. The proprietor ot this paper guarantee the genuine ness ot this oiler. W1 Lit; TH There Is a di .Terence Vetween medi cines anil medicines. Those of to-day. as a rule, diner from those of the p.i-t iu many respect.'. Fully as preat is tho'diiTerence be tween Dr. King's ROYAL GER'iETUER and the ordinary medieinei, of to-day. It i unlil.e them iu THESE FIVETHINCS: 1. It docs not tasto tike a medi cine. It is a plea.sant to take as lemonade and makes a most refreshing drink . 2. It never nauseates the most delicate stomach. 3. It does not swan off one dis ease for anot her. It does not set up ono form of disease in order to relieve another a is so ofteu the case. 4. It contains no alcohol or opium in any form and hi always harmless even when pi en to a babe one day old. 5. It does not patch simply. It Cures. It refi' lies as nothing else dues to the hidden Boiiri t-s of disease in the Wood and removes the cause. It d.ies this with an ease and power that have never been equaled. Fir all tfon' rf thf B!x-4. Sinrnerh. Ttnmi'lV h'Ulit-M' it''-' .V.-r.'-.f.'i'l tiTnil torn, of 111. IKItl. CHIMIN it Ckiuu. )ir;f BUlienl riiuoui a rival or a jxt-r. Ip-S-d.i by dni(rs-:it nw mm httf. larva bot. tW, tOu Du. On. Xx,;inr. KunulMurddoolr br THE ATlAaTA CHEMICAL CO., ATLANTA, CA. wjoti roa as rACi iook. ailxo nxs, Sold by Taylor L Banner, Druggists. W. H. SIMPSON, J AOE.NT For Fin Risr stamps j D IVIHYTBLNU IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. ftil!. ft. rWuj li.-c !Hi. ro llhttnfijf Iif;hdrt, ! I Ui .if W 1.Ui'"i, tin ii I'rMt-fi"n t nhiit.. u r liih ;. ,"r liuf.a liflt.U lljtt.'fX, So- hfI. liuf.a l!tt.'f-K, 0- Jl Mums. I'fti inl IVi rllh'.tit (fl, h'li'tw r j '. n n, i-ui'it-r 'l v'. Hum r Maun (Oil T T fti'' l' I'A, '-n- rtiv Mr-fit tt t f j It. M-rH-U Iir':-ti- s frt raini, l I i't ' r-r ntl t U urt-, If IiieNiiiif Miuiip-, !;jiii. fc'iit-vti-v mihi Kuka, Vh, t-l-Aift eaied 1 p r.i-r "l h.-rt ii Utaii u.-f. It: SB ofTjif w CHI) EH hUpi-': V , III tin t'f Hil trV pfKMt.i'. for flfM-ci iftJrv hriiiM-rx. !Mt ft iiMft i .Mnu; t tifn fcfMi nil tn.fw-.ii '.-! -n 'm to - n to my pr'.i-i twMi.p' i vi !i i ti'Tv lt'ur jwir.ifMu.' I itUv. iT iII '( fctie-titl-'l. lit-f! -:( tifi r. i tv iu Jo i-t fc. at ffiid "I r.i-. rvhi-Iit' 1 i" fr.t' ih' "1. 4 iin -5i C r re w n ti c n c c Solicited. i IS English Spavin Liniment removes all flard, Kift or I a I loused Lump and Bleniishe from h'-rsea, l'.lood -aTirrs Curl, r-diiita. -rwriej, I.'.r.c lkue, Stiliea, t-(rir,, all hoiieU ilinat. Conch, etc. rare SoC lj te if one botun. WerTei ;--i nit wonder ful Klenv.ah "i-r eer M:nwn. fold b Ti i o A IIavme J!t.Airj,X. O llf lETrn A r-iia!-lelsdj i.ff.Mls. HAaltU. nianlod -..- ;s an.l and make a him ! -te.i , mm iw fer our Yep-etehie T .i ' f - s, f to tlh amount ee-. j n-ac-. Aw .r- lr fts A keed. Mi tu ,S,"iU Auttin Avrnoe, Cti. eaf o, 1 ih WW I KOea Pa rii "O"