rsr 1 11 i m j Airy I HE lOUNT VOL. 10. MOUNT AIRY, N. G.. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1807. NO, 42 EWS. Seven Months With Fever. Woaaerfal iwi(t of Health. , ' r ana marrrlnua rmvirrry from a imra krlrtoii to hi normal wrlirtiL t P..UN.U. aitrrlv the uWrtMMl f rJ,',"t lfiiKtli-Klvi.K mill building-up Dr. Wiles' Restorative Nervine. " - iiiuuuivu, liniiitilj J. II. Baird. flrntlnmrn I wlh tn prrsato jroti my Irauuiiln r tlir rtrat that i(r. Idei' Arrritu hH. don. for tnr. 1 waa takt.n si. k with lyphiilil fnvrr mid I laid In lx-d fur ai-von month. Aflir cnln ovrr I h fprrr I waatliln ncrroii. and tired, mid did not rmaln my lot utraiinih. I irli-d srrrral iri.irlftrjr madM-lura. and Snail, artrrharln brn noliii-nd In welnht lo IW pound. I Ix-iran trylna jnmr Knrtne, and at on- hrcan to ItnpniTO. Waa Anally rnHrtly twat, and torlaip I can nay I nrrrr frit hct Jyr In all my lifn. and wciluh 270 piiuncli. Tlila I my normal wi'lit-hl, aa 1 immure I foot S Incbu. In hulKliL." South Ilond, Ind. J. IT. BAIKD. Dr. Mill".' Ncrrlne I. sold on a pnnltlv. fuaranu- that the flml bottle will Ix-ik tit. All druitk'lHtuwll It at II, bottli- fnrlA.or It will IwiMMit. prpmld, in rtx-i'ttit of prlra bj lue L)r. Mllua Medical Co.. Elkhart, IwL Dr. Miles' Nervine RT.,SSt. J. A. MARTIN, DOTAHV PULSLIG, 20 axi) 26, Mount Airy, N. C. S. P. GRAYKS, Attorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIBY, N. C. I a" Practices In State aid Federal Court. I'rcmpt attention to collection of claims. Y. S. NKKDIIAM, Attorney-at-Law, Pilot Mountain, N. C. laT-will practice In the State court. Col IrcUun of claims a specialty. Jant-ltm T. R. McCARGO, nOTAHV PUBklG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL LOCK. Business Promptly Attended To. GKO. Y. SPARGKR, Attorncy-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIBY, N. C. will practice tn State at,d Federal ( ourta. Bpectrl attention to collec Ion of claims and Di-iroUatli t loans. . f. CARTER, KXMT AJMV, M. C . R.LEWELLYN, OOMON, a, e. Caktkk & Rkwkllvx, Attopneys-at-Iiaw. I r-l'iactk In the Bute and Federal ( 'ourta. from pi attention given lo all business entrust ed to their care. J. H. Slakemope, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. - Is prepared to make all the New and Artistic Style. Is up with the Uines and will fctve you Orat-claas work. DR. C. W. BANNER. DENTIST, Mount Airy, N. C. Otiice over Taylor A Banner's Drug Otiice hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. JOS. NATIONS, DEALK 1 Watches, Clocks and Jewelrj Of all kinda, Pewing Machines, M-i.ictl InstrumeiiU. Ac. Watcuee.tJlocks and Jewelry rppairfd in tt possible man ner and satiaf action guaraiitd. If you want to save money ae Die belon making your purcliaaes or having your work done Burial Robes, Slippers,;&c. A fall stock of all ! asxt qualitlw kept M hand, aud at rea.natl prior. bur. rami, upstairs .r H. L. TaUer oa'satara, uo Main Ktrt. Kasidoa, I rat bmim NurUf tb. railroad. KTATi: Hsrmal asd lndEStrial ScbooL 4 ryutar U'Vi' hMt4 prariww ftf ru)Mt P-m fltAtrv-tthiUsfl tiw tn efiMtttf Hi im. tMrVtiWM- i4Hu(uu riamlKvuo aft mMt) mmmt AarwH I fl l frwr-sjuttbta ili l Mruil"rvsi Appl 6ui Mi at4 hm mmO t alUlf tMts 4 U ltMU., trm Ui tum of fi'M-twto mguif ft t-V lo rvtm i--tani j fafrrt..iVIt-. t4. tHmnltftff tb M( WMIt ." C, p Msf rm na,"o IllII, DKAl-CI I Cts, MA, Harrison Elected CHICAGO'S CITY COUNCIL IS DEMO CRATIC BY BIG MAJORITIES. THE FULL VOTE IN DETAIL. Chioaoo. April 7. Carter IUrn son in eleotctl Mayor of CliieHiro y 2.222 over all com pet i tor His plurality over Harlan tlio Rfpulili can rioiniuee is 77,750, which is the largest ever given to any candidate for otlieo in the hintory ot Cuicago 1 lure has never been a more ex citing campaiuti, and the battle wa fought by the republicans along their linet and on their iMtuca. -Not only ia Harrison elected, but the rent of the deuiociatic city ticket by pluralities ranting from twenty eielit thouoand live hundred and filtv to tifty-eiifht thousand four bundled and twenty aix. The fol lowing ia the ollicial vote for mayor (Jarter JlHrrieon,dciiii.cratic, U4, 828. J. M. llarlau, republican, 07, 972. N. C. Sears, 57,500. Wash' Hewing-Uusineei ad in in is tration. 15.110. John (tlenibcck, socialibt-labor 1,220. 11. L. larmier-, prohibitionist, 885. J. A. IVarce, 078. F. II. 11. Colyier, independent, 880. TotBl vote CHst, 287,434. Harrison's majority over all, 2, 222. The citv council by this election is changed from an overwlielmiu . y ... ly republican body to a democratic one. Uepublican candidates wero heavily acfeated in many wards where the republican party leaders have confidently claimed election of their men by larijo miriliot. Tho new council will Iks composed as follows: Hold over democrat, 15. Democrat elected, 23. Hold over republicans, 10. Itepublicans elected, 0. Hold ov. r independents, 3. Independent elected, 5. Democratic majority over ali, 8 The Naked Truth. It i about to be discovered by the honest yeomanry of North Carolina that those who made the most noise and were the most persistent in their demands for reform are a set of wolves in sheep's clothing. They hiive demonotrated that they were veritable seekers after those things which go to replenish one' own pocket and not after the good of those upon whoso shoulders they have ridden into remunerative posi tions. Just as soon as the latter-day n tormer gets an office just that soon doe he feel sure that he liaa accom plished the great end lor which he has labored. Hence it is that a re former is a man who wants otiice, and the greatest reformer is a man who has the greatest and most uu- quenchable thirst for a good, fat place. lxxinton Uispaicti. They All Praite It. lie v. C. S. Owens, pas' or M. E. Church, Greenville, Ga., says: "I take very great pleasure in recom mending to the public King' Iloyal Germctuer. I have been Uiing it at times for three years for Dyspep sia and Nervousness with the most gratifying results. I think it is due this wondertnl medicine to say mat 1 have known a number of ministers and others w ho have taken it, and so far as I now reuiemler they all speak of its curative and strength ening effects with unstinted praise. No one who buys it and uses as directed for the trouble for which it is recomniendid will exchange it for any other medicine." New package, large'e, 108 doses, M. For sale by Taylor it Banner Twenty years ago it was often true that a young man who drank beer or wine, or even whisky in moderation, might be advanced to places of greater trust and rcponti hility. It is now scarcely porsible. The habit is simply fatal to success. do not believe there is a single reputable house in Chicago where an employee who drinks intoxicants of any kind has anything like an even chance for promotion. The taking of a single L'la-s of beer may, and often d-e, mean losing the chance ot a life time. Brainy hoys and young men teetotaler from principle are plenty enough to till all the place in the line of promo tion. Chicago InUrior. Thousands 01 Women MJPFE IMTOU) U&EBIE5. DRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC . rnlk h Httltbt Actio it r Orp. It causea health to bloom, and 7 to rrigo throughout th f ram - R Never falls to Repulaig Mfwif S Miitprlwlwll A lI.I (.,! 1 tliU mm tokarsw. H a ShI A Hm .Ala. si saw MMttdr NainM b tw. MUaaf rate ma, TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. Next Session to be Held at Morehead City The next session of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly, which meets at Morehead City, Juno 15th bids fafr to surpass any occasion of tho kind ever held in North Caro lina. The work of the session has been planned on a different aystem and will be conducted differently from that of any session yet held. The most important innovation is in the introduction of departrnonta work. Half ot each day will be devoted to the stud y of the subject taught in our public schools and academics, special emphasis being given to methods of teaching these subjects roost successfully. Kach subject will be bandied by a teacher of distinguished ability and expert en jo. There will be informal dis cussions, and the opinions and ex periericea of all can bo heard and discussed. There will also beclasse in Elocution. Vocal Music and Drawing; and led lire on Schoo Law and Civil Government. All of them departments will lie pro sided over by teacher from this and other Southern btate who are in thorough sympathy with our Southern people, and who fully understand the conditions and n- cus of our schools and teachers. Special department are lieing organized for the County hxaminers and other school officer, college presidentsand professoia,city rjhool superintendent and teachers, scad my and high school principals and teachers, primary teachers. Each department will be in cbargo of a committee appointed especially to prepare a program that will interest and instruct those engaged in that particular work. The Convention feature will be managed differently, and is expected to be more interesting and profitable than it Iihs been possible to make it ljuestion will ho dis cussed ijiat will interest all classes of teachers and intelligent citizens i'lie speakers will include leading educators and others among them, some of the leading business and professional men and editors of the State. So that the question of edu cation and its influence and effect upon the professions and business intertsts will be discursed Irom every standpoint. 1 he evening, or ' (Jnltnre, lec tures will be of such a nature aa to instruct and entertain everybody i'lnl pleasure feature will be looked alter with greatest care, and the musical part of the program will bo complete. Hotel rates same aa heretofore, and railroad rates will be less than ever before offered. Official Bulletin, containing com plete program and full information, will bo issued about the 15th of April. All the friends of education are invited to attend. W. H. l'ayne, Chancellor of the Jniversity of Nashville, and I'resi- eiit of the l eabody Normal Col lege, of Nashville, lenn , will be at the Teachers' Asaembly this year. 'resident l'ayne is the leading edu cator of teachers in the South, if not Ann rica. He waa for several years President of the Normal De partment of the Luiveisity of Michigan. He made such a reputa tion in that capacity that, in 1887, the Board of Trustees of he IVa- body Education Fund, composed of such men as I'reeideut Cleveland, I'ierpont Morgan, Dr. J. L. M. Curry, Chief Jnstice Fuller, I'resi dent Gillam of John Hopkins Jniversity, and Governor I'orUrof ennessee, sent a committee to see 'resided l'ayne, with instructiona to secure his acceptance of the posi tion offered at any salary he might name. Under his administration the at tendance has increased from about one hundred and -eighty to nearly eight hundred. All the Southern Slates, and a number of the North em feistes, have contributed to this number. I'rosidciit l'ayne is author. editor and translator of numerous works on tbo Science. History. 1 1 cory and Art of Education. lie is in full sympathy with the South ern people, and hilly understands the conditions that confront us. Tbo 1'eabody Normal has exer cised a wondertnl influence in edu cational circle in North Carolina. he State has nineteen scholarshii at this College, each worth ll0 cash and traveling expenses to and from the College annually, for two years, with free tuition and book. This is about sufficient to dclray the student' expense. Many of the leading teacher ot the State were educated there. A North Carolina branch of the I'eabody Alumni A iciatin will be organized at the next Assembly, and the Secretary request that all the graduate and students ot the lValody Normal end him their name at once. The object of the organization will be to extend to their dittirguihed Presi dent and visitor such reception as the occasion demands. Buckle'! Ansicai ftalr. The Uext Salve in the world lor Cuta, Bruiaea, Sore. Ulcera, Sail R'teem, Fever Sore, Teller, Chapp ed Hands, Chilblains, Coma, and all Skin Eruption, and poaitively cure Pile, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect aatia faction or money refunded. Price f5 eeni er box. For sale t j Taj lor A Ilabner. Ileaaa pay your now, won't yon f suWription, h hi la c STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. A train of 20 car loaded with cloth made in South Carolina mills, passed through Charlotte Thursday the cloth waadestined forShanghai China, and was shipped by rail to Taeoma, Washington. Tho cargo was valued at 1 1 00,000. Tho Dunn Union aays that June Mason, a white man of Harnett county, while on a spree, gave hi 4 year-old son a bottle containing some whiskey and told him to drink it. Tho child did so and died of spasms a short time afterward. The case of C. H. Norton v. the North Carolina railway company was decided Friday night by tho jury allowing Mr. Norton 20,000 damage tor the injuries he received while crossing the alwve named road last spring. Durham Herald Joe Phillips, an employe of the Alpine Cotton Mills, wlulo clean ing machinery in the factory last friday, got Ins right hand caught la the gearing ot a maciiino in mo tion and all of the finger on this hand wero torn off". Morganton Herald. The law concerning tbo collection of taxes should bo changed. It should compel sheriffs lo collect the taxes in the tall season. The spring season is the most unfortunate of the year for paying taxes. In tho fall everybody has a little something they could pay with. Wilkesboro Chronicle. In Asheville Iiidav afternoon Jas. Led better, a shiftless negro, entered a colored restaurant while under the influence of liquor and tiegan to act in a boisterous manner Eugene Boyd, colored, who had the restaurant in charge, knocked Led- lietter down with a goblet. Ledbe!- ter died early Saturday morning. 5oyd ia in jail. Dr. John C. Terrell, who died in 'hiladclphia last Suuday, after a long illness, was a native ol Person county, N.C. His will directs that over f40,000 shall go to the public schools of Person county, N. C, and he also direct sufficient funds in addition to be used in building an academy in each of the 20 school districts of the county. Col. John S. Cunningham of Person county ia named in the will as executor of )r. Terrell's estate. Mr. Allen, widow of tho late William Allen, of Elk township. dropped dead at her home on Wednesday morning of last week. She waa engaged in her house work aa usual, and seemingly in her usual good health, when she fell over dead. A short while ago, her hus band wa found dead in the creek near tho house, an account of which pjieared in the Chronicle t the tune. There are three dauichters left In-hind at the old homestead. Wilkeaboro Chronicle. The Argus man was informed recently bv Superintendent Smith of Goldaboro Cotton Mill that he is now aliipping cloth from this mill to New York, Fall i River and 'hiladeipliia in car lad lot. Who would have thought that Goldsboro would ever ship , manufactured good to Fall Hirer? Bat this is an age of progress, and Uoldsboio is well up near the bead of the pro cession, the success of this mill has been troly phenomenal, and it order are accumulating to such an extent that it capacity must be increased tr another mill built in the tnture. The entire establish- 1 moot is now running night and day, giving employment to .nearly Ion men and women. Goldsboro Argua. The Dunn Union relate that in Sampson county recently E. P. Wil son, a farmer, was cleaning nut a ditch, dug ome 40 years ago, when suddenly the water became blue. Excavating at that point he present ly brought to light the remains of an old Blue Back, the ancient Web ster' spoiler ot (be vintage of which our forefathers drank deeply and with aucii rcmaiLaUe j-eali half tviUury arid more ago. This i ebeuring uow fur the Charlotte OlservtT, which ha (or some time been Lri!irig that the old Blue Bck wa at the fonndation of things in this country, arid oojtht to be brought forward to be the eautone of our mooVm civilization. To be ante, a ditch is not ninth. Jut that the old Blue Back held thu bottom of it up ahttw that it may be relied on in ail Liida ot euiegeiH;ie Asheville Ciliaun. . Free Itllav. Send your addrra to II. K. Jlut k lo'i A Co., Chit-nrf". ainl gut free ample lux. of lr. JCutg'a (Sew L fv P.ll. A trial will eonnrici' foa of On ir u.-rlia. Tt-at ftl are eay in a-nion aad are arueal.-.rly tSo lira an ll e ure d onfc.iimpltnn aod auk hradaehe. Y r Malaria and .iver lroulUlir hm lawn pro od ikraJuiaiifu. fky are ffiiaraneod le be jMf.ily free ftm every delul. orioua siiUuatiee eid to be purely ciaMi. Tbij do not taken by their anion, toi by g ting lone to um 31b and boel. grrnily invigor ate I he )Mcm. 1,1-gular ais 45c u-r boa. hold by Taylor Banner, lruj:;iat. How to be Happy. Yesterday a young friend visited a lady pant eighty five year of age. Muchood talk they enjoyed to gulher, and when the time came for saying good-by the aged friend said "My dear, if yon would bo happy make yourself useful as the day go by ; a lite of usefulness ia the key' note to happiness 1" Dear girls, pause a little to con sider this thought a lifo of useful ness is the keynote of happiner t A lady was once asked the object of her little girl s Jito in the world to herself meaning the child. "Oh, to be happy," she answered; then quickly added, "and to be use ful." Wise mother! the second clause includes the first, for I believe no ono is happy unless useful. In a rural village of my acquaint ance a city family make their sum mer home. Early in the season they como, and busy workei they are, esecially the daughter of the household methodical and thrifty are her way. A neighbor a daughter, somewhat inclined to idleness and indolence, noticed the cheerful face and bright activity of hercity friend. It seemed to her that every minute was turned to account. The outcome was a new influence in her own life. A she sought to be useful brighter days dawned. Her friends noticed the change, and the city girl, hi r example and in fluence, waa the impetus that started the stagnant current. So do wo build better than we know, and help or hinder those about n. And there are many ways at work ing, avenue oinming on all sides, if one is looking for tbem. The church with its Sabbath-school and societies will give mission work in abund ance, lietting outeido ot oneself, and working for others is a good thing even for those who have regular work and a livelihood to eain. '(iive. Give! () give," said tho little streamlet, and every thing in nature answers this call m itb like request, "(iive, give! 0 give and the supply never ccaees because the work never ceases. So, my dear girls ; with tho aged lady let mo urge, "Give of your selves, and give yourselves to use 1 11 1 iit-srt, so shall you bless and be blessed. Habit formed in early yens are those that cling. A life dedicated to uselulnes will bring lasting satis faction and blessing. A life with worthv nurtiose will bring a glow to the cluck and lustre to tho eye that time does not efface. Selected. Purpose of Heart. Any one, who would be a true Christian, must cleave unto (rod with f nil purpose of heart Other wise ho will lie driven with the wind and tossed to and fro, and will, stKoer or liter, end a moral wreck. But with steady purpose, with hope which ia a an anchor lxth sure and steadfast, and faith which is the un seen power that moves to self denial nd constant toil, like a bo it moving against wind and tide, he may strug gle against the internal tide of his own sinful nature which bear him downward, and the external wind sinful influences and adverse environments that press hard upon :nm, but lie is sure to reach tne haven ot eternal peace. St. Paul was a man of single purpose, "For me to live is Christ." "None ot these things move me." He was not only "steadfast, but "im movable." And be took the crown iu the end. The Christian ought to be encouraged in the struggle. A similar crown is held out to every one that love the Lord Jesus and is faithful unto death. Christian Herald. Near Plainneld, N. J., Tuesday fternoon, two carpenter were building a fence near a barn in which a lot ot dynamite wa stored. he barn door was oin and a nail which one of the carpenters at tempted to drive glanced off and struck a can of dynamite, causing it to explode. One carpenter was instantly killed and the other fatally injured. . The Governor of theyuung State of Washington is dip'MMd to put on style and has vetoed a bill appro priating f 500,000 for the erection of a State Capitol, on the ground that such a Cheap John hoinw would be too shabby a struct urn for a S'ate with such au impocing name. High Point is growing ;n reel ion. ill di- Human Ingenuity. Certainly, for the mechanic, human Ingenuity ha never produced a better liniment than Salvation Oil,whkb oow stands unexcelled tor curing hi sprains and bruise caused by a fall ; or cut and wound the result of an accident with hi tool or saw. Salvation Oil al ways kill pain. "Becently, I fell about twenty feet and wa very moth bruised oa nay leg and aide, but alter bathing them with Salvation Oil the bruise soon disappeared. I think Sal vation Oil I just the thing for sores and bruise.' A. Jacob Bice, B20 Church SU, Eailon, Tn. Salvation Oil as ay be bought anywhere fur 23 cent. 8ubtltate offered by dealer nay coat ) ; tienra, do lea. Salvation Oil, however, never d'iipoinU the WnfT 9m4 have pWratrta, Or fw "V mim iio bsa itnijnra lajjiwa ismt awn Trafc Subterfuge RAILWAYS WILL TRY THEIR SNEAK EVA SI0N fURTHER. OLD AGREE MENTS BEING RENEWED. The general passenger agent of the Western roads did not adopt an agreement for the Western 1 assen ger Association. I ho committee that has had the agreement under consideration for the laHt ten day prewmtetl it roiiorf, and contrary to the general expectation, it was not aa acceptable as it wa expected that it would be. It was found that the proixiecd agreement did not cover as much ground as the majority of the line desired, and it waa thought that an agreement could be framed that would include some things which the committee had not recommended, and which yet would be entirely within the cope of the decision of the Supreme Oouit. In order to prevent any scries of references back and forth between the attorneys of tho rail roads and the general passenger agents it was decided that a com mittee of the passenger men should go over the agreement in company with the attorney, and that they should endeavor to get as much of tho old agreement into the new agreement a is possible, and at tho same time keep within the scope of the court a decision. 1 he combined committee of passenger agents and attorneys will report to tho general meeting, f reight tianic officials ot the Western roads and those en gaged in transcontinental business as well, are feeling none too confi dent over the prospect of keeping up rates. As soon aa any road en deavors to work any sharp game npon its competitors, it will bo dragged without ceremony before the Interstate Commerce Commis sion, if there is anything in its con duct that will make such proceed ings possible, but just now this is not having the terrifying effect that it waa thought it would exer cise Several of tho roads are be coming restive overthe largeamount of business that is going away from them and to the standard lines, and they have intimated very plainly that tliov will not endure the con ditions much longer, and if some measure is not Uken for their relict, tbey will go after the business as best they know how If this pro gramme ia once begun, there is no telling where the demoralization will stop, as none of the roads is making so much on its freight traffic at the present lime that it can afford to let any of it get away. m 1 . 1 ue estern roads are not so confident of their success in keep ing rates from being demoralized as they were some time back. There is only a small amount of business moving and all of the roads are af ter it keenly. There is a growing disiHieition to get the business even if some sacrifices have to be made iu order to obtain it, and unless the situation clears up within a short time it is almost certain that some ot the roads will be cutting rates and that a fight will bo 011 all along tne line. A room situated to iLs! it does not get any direct sunlight, but only nfltcted light, may be made more chcertul if the walls are covered with a paper that ha a background of some delicate yellow shade. The painted woodwork should be of a creamy lint, and with yellow India silk or muslin draperies at the win dows, one can almost imagine one' sett in a room with a southern ex posure. The outlook for fruit is reported as fair in Illinois, good in Maryland, 1 ennsylvania, New Jersev, Arkan sas and Alabama, and excellent in Missouri. Peaches have been badly injured 111 northern lieorgia and Alabama, and fronts have caused in jury to Iruit in Worth Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, New Mexico aud Arizona. The term of office of the pust- mabter at Augusta, (ft., expired March 20. but so far onlv one appli cation, that of E. L Fullerton, is on tile. Colonel Buck controls the appointment which will be an nounced in a few days. Another uian, Smytl e, has been talked of but ha filed no paper. Twenty persons were killed and many other injured by an explo sion at Likhoti in a firework fac tory. Th True Remedy, w. m. ru 'pine, editor Tiakitwa III , ' Ctiiel," -ay : hVV won't kern houae without Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughe and OolJ. Experimented with many 01 hem, but never got the true remedy until we uaed l'r. King .Nt lm- covery. .n other remedy can take lU place in our home, in 11 we hate a certain and eure core lor cough, colds, w h'Nipiog cough, etc" It 1 idle to caperimriil i b oiber remedied, even if ihcy are brged on you as jut a good Dr. King' cw DiacoTcrr. They are not at good, because Ibi remedy Las record ol cure al.d lieniJea is guar ' lee-l. It t'cver fuila lo saliafy. Trial tallica true at T) lor & Ul ner'e Dreg Store. No Good. A school teacher has turned np in Ohio who was evidently constructed without a soul. Here is the evi a en co. lie wa a bashful young man, only twenty, and was teaching a country aclrol. He had among hi. Jura - I.,.-- .1 t It n itvj j ii I.IIIICIO daughters, who booed that their charm might make tome impression npon the bashful young pedagogue. Finding that thero wa no respon sive chord in hi callous heart they waylaid him one day and held him until each one in turn had kissed him. The booby, when released, fled panic stricken and left the neighborhood for good. Ol courso he is no good aod the patrons of the school do well to be rid of his services. Had he been so overcome by the lavish dispensation of rural sweetness that it would have been impossible for him to proceed with his daily duties without first taking a vacation for the pur pose of recuperation, it would not nave been strange ; but a fellow who would run off from such a punish ment La no more idea of what constitute superlative blis than a cast iron monkey. For such a man we have not sufficient risect to print hi name. Knoxvillo Jour nal. Selfishness. It is singular that men. in the pursuit of happiness, will so often do that which shuts happiness out from them. A trmn, to please him self, will do that which makes others unhappy, not considering that his action will keep them from being his friends. In the gratifica tion of tho moment, he forfeit tho goDdwill which would incline them to do bun many acta of kindness in the future. Man's happiness de pends not alone upon what ono can do for one' self, but he is dependent in great measure, upon others lor his happiness. It is necessary to every man's happiness that his lei lowmen should feel kindly toward iim, and their friendship can only oe secured by treating them kindly eelhahnes8 overreaches itself, and in the eager pursuit of its object, thonghtlnsly puts its foot continu ally upon trap which hold it back and prevent it from gaining the object desired. The plane ot sel fishness is a low one, and men should be stimulated by brotherly love, but even selfishness should teach men to treat each other in such a manner aa to bring a return of good deeds. and to cultivate friendships for tbo time of need. The city of New York wished to get some property for the approach to the new bridge across the East liver. The city owns the property, but the only way that it could bo obtained lor this purpose was for the city to sue itself in condemnation proceedings. This was duly do- cided, the Supreme Court has affirmed it and the city of New York now pays twenty-nine thousand dollars to itself for the land. Under the prospective Dingley tariff the great Sugar Trust has taken from the consumer of sugar $625,000 in one month. From March 4th to April 2nd the price of grannlated sugar has advanced from 4 J to 41 cents on the pound. Tho commencement exercises of the State Normal aud Industrial College, of Greensboro, will bo held on the 17th, 18th and 19ih of May. Walter If. Page, well known in the State, will bo the orator of tho 00 caaion. Messrs. B. N. aud J. B. Duke have receutly given f 10,000 to erect a Science Hall and And torinm at Guilford College. These gentle men with their sister were formerly students in the college. Mr. Geo. Campbell, proprietor of the Central Hotel, Charlotte, is building a new and up-to-date hotel at Ocean View Beach, Wilmington. He expect to have it open for guests by June 1st. Benjamin Franklin left $5,000 aa a loan lund lor apprentices at five per cent. It now amount to $300,000 and the one hundred years are out Ex. Mr. J. S. Millikan, the new Unit ed State Miii-hal for this disttict. was sworn in Wednesday. - . W. W. Ilollin ha been appoint ed postmaster at Asheville. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Tried Friends Best For thirty years Tutt's Tills have proven a blessing to the invalid. Are truly the sick man's friend. A Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria,constipa- tion and all kindred diseases. TUTTS Liver PILLS A3 ABSOLUTE CUHL worsen. I wave aw wm.m an . sa tS. rt-4 lara taw.ird tt- (a a4 W a.. 4, sr K W WaMw ui a aa ya tr yMWtalf laikB iMfwliiia mi lOVrlJ P0170E0 Absolutely Pure Celetirnd t'r Its (rri Icfirertng ' renvoi ami lM'alilifu!n.-mt. Aaiur.n 1 lie r kkI afcttirrat alum arm a I tirirm of ariiiiternMnn f'fmumi loihe hranii" HoY, ItAKINii I'OH I, LK CO., NsW VOKK. HOW TO fINO OUT, Fill a bottle or common water glawi with nrine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sendiment or settling indicates a diseased con dition of the kidneys. When urino stains linen it ia positive evidence of kidney trouble. J.00 frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, ia also convincing proof that the k idney s and bladder are out ol order. WHAT TO lx. There is com fort in the knowledge o often cxprcfscl,tliai Dr. Kilmer' Swamp Boot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every winh in reliev ing pain in the buck, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrccs inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bud effects following use of liquor, wine or f.ecr, and overcomes that nnplcarant necessity of being compelled to get up many time during the night to urinate. The mild ami the extraordinary effect of Swamp Boot is soon realiz ed. It htands the highest for its wonderful cures of the moht dis tressing cases. 1 f you need a medi cine you should have tho best. Sold by drnggihts price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamphlet, Ixith sent fiee by mail, mention Tiik Moost Airy Nkws and send y:ur full po."t-otlieo ad dress to Dr. Kilmer A; Co., Bing haniton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuinc iiets ot this offer. Tired and broken down women will find that OR. KING'S ROYAL 6ERMETUER is a priceless boon and blessing to them. It gives appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestion, tones the nerves, builds up the strength and puts disease and pain to flight. For FEMALE TROUBLES Including all menstrual and womb difficulties, it has no superior used both locally and internally. It is emphatically WOMAN'S FRIEND. Pleasant to take as lemonade, and harmless at all times. New package, large bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Sold by druggists. Manufactured only by THE ATLANTA CKEVIiCAL CO., Atlanta, 61 warn roa ts-paoi book: arun ran, Sold by Taylor & Banner, Druggists. W. H. SIMPSON, A OK NT For Fim Riter Stamps axo murrain. IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. A Jm 'umhtnrif Mfti'htaeo, Bank mutiiim, ltrikw W Ittfl Itoivtrft, liuruli.rf It mi) on, au-fifirtr mfume, in k Ffwfir. 'oti'l 14 ifT")' Vutn Ut-n, prf(ia , liund Hand I mm, Nr LrtrlRl rv-aur, Priiiilftg bwla. I'orkt-t htmpft, tvn ail lri It Mnrht, hiit-cff T) J lr!n, KWT T;. Jw. Hublw r r T;. Jw. Hublw r lr p It,k, Mawft. U Hri.!-. C t.1 Kifc-t.rf. rv if J i kihtawija. Mfiip m Wat brnli u.4 2 Clifi. MtJlti u ILK. Mf bcti lUMtttf M-iaBaplt. MkVl Til rticf HUlp.teaV I 'iir-rr 1 rn-ttiiurf uvl it, an oftw fafttiirt ipiily, ainl ii uo t-rj to weal prtH poaja4tt iir Brat-cu- pm-vta. Haiisf-ni, M-r- t.aiti ilnura.tprt trul au pftt-fHrn.i ft ni Hi to pe-l Hi? ffrt"J-m tfff t li ii.i trtiTW. iT'-mr an. ni -a tfi! to ail int ra. (tflM-w in Jo-. ha4 iH ' fa. rH'iit bm1 a'f. it'-fiMi f on Mai bun-el. U mul AIT. S. C. i A lt Ho 4. Correspondence LVarrt . 1. t H.!ialtMl English fperfn I.lnimrnt remoapa ell Hard, iHfft or I Ulouard l.un p aod blt-mulir from rwra-. Mood .aTj.iB Curb, H.linta. hr,-nr, r Mot.r, HUflra, l-firaina. all l-aiilu-o 'lb roa la. Couch, rt. have S' bj ue of or.e foot t if. W arraritpj il.e ttf-t wonl-r-ful hlrmiah Cor ve li,n. Hvi4 by' Ttuaii Fui JJt. Airy.S.C Vii'rrn Arrii.i.ri.d.,.rr-Mi- II 111 1 1.. Riatl 4j tliaUiln.1 aamtira aM make a hHir riniu f.r our VeTtat! tmirt rntat-a. Ho to T5 inwiM raaiijr madr. Atidr.-. (..f! A hr4. M2 to r.' Auatin Avrtiu, t,"ta eugn, I U. TIRED UOEMI